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Experimental evidence supporting the fact that results from quasi‐static (QS) test of low‐rise reinforced concrete walls may be safely assumed as a lower limit of strength and displacement, and energy dissipation capacities are still scarce. The aim of this paper is to compare the seismic performance of 12 reinforced concrete walls for low‐rise housing: six prototype walls tested under QS‐cyclic loading and six models tested under shaking table excitations. Variables studied were wall geometry, type of concrete, web steel ratio, type of web reinforcement and testing method. Comparison of results from dynamic and QS‐cyclic tests indicated that stiffness and strength properties were dependent on the loading rate, the strength mechanisms associated with the failure mode, the low‐cycle fatigue, and the cumulative parameters, such as displacement demand and energy dissipated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A seismic design procedure that does not take into account the maximum and cumulative plastic deformation demands that a structure is likely to undergo during severe ground motion could lead to unsatisfactory performance. In spite of this, current design procedures do not take into account explicitly the effect of low‐cycle fatigue. Based on the high correlation that exists between the strength reduction factor and the energy demand in earthquake‐resistant structures, simple procedures can be formulated to estimate the cumulative plastic deformation demands for design purposes. Several issues should be addressed during the use of plastic energy within a practical performance‐based seismic design methodology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Energy dissipation characteristics of structural members which exhibit both strength and stiffness deterioration under imposed displacement reversals are investigated. In the experimental part, 17 reinforced concrete beam specimens were tested under constant and variable amplitude inelastic displacement cycles. The constant‐amplitude tests were employed to determine the low‐cycle fatigue behaviour of specimens where the imposed displacement amplitude was the major variable. A two‐parameter fatigue model was developed in order to express the variation of dissipated energy with the number of displacement cycles. This model was then used to predict the energy dissipation of test specimens subjected to variable‐amplitude displacement cycles simulating severe seismic excitations. It has been demonstrated that the remaining energy dissipation capacity in a forthcoming displacement cycle is dependent on the energy dissipated along the completed displacement path. Moreover, it is observed that total energy dissipation is dependent on the length of the displacement path. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The low‐cycle fatigue model presented in the companion paper is employed for developing hysteresis and damage models for deteriorating systems. The hysteresis model performs strength reduction at a current displacement cycle by evaluating the loss in the energy dissipation capacity along the completed displacement path. Hence it is completely memory dependent. Pinching is accounted for implicitly by a reduced energy dissipation capacity in a displacement cycle. The model predicts the experimental results obtained from variable‐amplitude tests reasonably well. Response analysis under earthquake excitations reveals that both the maximum displacements and the number of large‐amplitude displacement response cycles increase significantly with the reduction in energy dissipation capacity, resulting in higher damage. Damage is defined as the deterioration in the effective stiffness of a displacement cycle, which is in turn related to the reduction in the energy dissipation capacity. A simple damage function is developed accordingly, consisting of displacement and fatigue components. It is observed that the fatigue component of damage is more significant than the displacement component for deteriorating systems under ground motions with significant effective durations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The estimation of cyclic deformation demand resulting from earthquake loads is crucial to the core objective of performance‐based design if the damage and residual capacity of the system following a seismic event needs to be evaluated. A simplified procedure to develop the cyclic demand spectrum for use in preliminary seismic evaluation and design is proposed in this paper. The methodology is based on estimating the number of equivalent cycles at a specified ductility. The cyclic demand spectrum is then determined using well‐established relationships between seismic input energy and dissipated hysteretic energy. An interesting feature of the proposed procedure is the incorporation of a design spectrum into the proposed procedure. It is demonstrated that the force–deformation characteristics of the system, the ductility‐based force‐reduction factor Rμ, and the ground motion characteristics play a significant role in the cyclic demand imposed on a structure during severe earthquakes. Current design philosophy which is primarily based on peak response amplitude considers cyclic degradation only in an implicit manner through detailing requirements based on observed experimental testing. Findings from this study indicate that cumulative effects are important for certain structures, classified in this study by the initial fundamental period, and should be incorporated into the design process. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Bridge design should take into account not only safety and functionality, but also the cost effectiveness of investments throughout a bridge life‐cycle. This paper presents a probabilistic approach to compute the life‐cycle cost (LCC) of corroding reinforced concrete (RC) bridges in earthquake‐prone regions. The approach is developed by combining cumulative seismic damage and damage associated with corrosion due to environmental conditions. Cumulative seismic damage is obtained from a low‐cycle fatigue analysis. Chloride‐induced corrosion of steel reinforcement is computed based on Fick's second law of diffusion. The proposed methodology accounts for the uncertainties in the ground motion parameters, the distance from the source, the seismic demand on the bridge, and the corrosion initiation time. The statistics of the accumulated damage and the cost of repairs throughout the bridge life‐cycle are obtained by Monte‐Carlo simulation. As an illustration of the proposed approach, the effects of design parameters on the LCC of an example RC bridge are studied. The results are valuable in better estimating the condition of existing bridges and, therefore, can help to schedule inspection and maintenance programs. In addition, by taking into consideration the two deterioration processes over a bridge life‐cycle, it is possible to estimate the optimal design parameters by minimizing, for example, the expected cost throughout the life of the structure. A comparison between the effects of the two deterioration processes shows that, in seismic regions, the cumulative seismic damage affects the reliability of bridges over time more than the corrosion even for corrosive environments. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Yu Jiao Shoichi Kishiki Satoshi Yamada Diana Ene Yoshinao Konishi Yuuma Hoashi Masao Terashima 《地震工程与结构动力学》2015,44(10):1523-1538
Energy dissipation devices are necessary for base‐isolated buildings to control the deformation in the isolation system and to dissipate the earthquake‐induced energy. U‐shaped steel dampers (also known as U‐dampers) dissipate energy through plastic deformation of specially designed U‐shaped steel elements. This type of device can be installed at several locations in the isolation system. U‐dampers have been widely used in Japan for different types of isolated structures, such as hospitals, plants and residential buildings, since the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. Previous research has used static tests to estimate the performance of U‐dampers. However, the ultimate plastic deformation capacities and hysteretic behaviors of full‐scale U‐dampers under dynamic excitations still remain unclear. In addition, it is unclear whether the initial temperature has an effect on the hysteretic behavior and plastic deformation capacity of U‐dampers. In this paper, two series of dynamic loading tests of U‐dampers were conducted to evaluate the issues described earlier. The major findings of the study are (i) the loading speed has little effect on the plastic deformation capacity of U‐dampers; (ii) method to evaluate the ultimate plastic deformation capacities of U‐shaped steel dampers of different sizes is established using a Manson–Coffin relation‐based equation that is based on the peak‐to‐peak horizontal shear angle γt, which is defined as the lateral deformation amplitude (peak‐to‐peak amplitude) divided by the height of the dampers; (iii) the loading rate and the initial temperature have a minimal effect on the hysteretic behavior of the U‐dampers; and (iv) a bilinear model is proposed to simulate the force‐deformation relationships of the U‐dampers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Yu-Che Ling;Srinivas Mogili;Shyh-Jiann Hwang;Matías Rojas-León;John W. Wallace; 《地震工程与结构动力学》2024,53(1):392-413
Reinforced concrete structural walls are major vertical lateral load-resisting members in reinforced concrete structures located in seismic regions. It is important to understand and evaluate the hysteresis behavior of these members for an efficient earthquake-resistant design. Among the various models available for estimating this hysteretic behavior, the Pivot hysteresis model, which models hysteretic behavior through parameters α and β, respectively, representing the unloading stiffness and pinching behavior, has been effective and efficient for use with columns. In this paper, an effort is made to extend the application of the Pivot hysteresis model to reinforced concrete walls. Key variabratiosuch as axial load ratio, wall height-to-length ratio, web reinforcement indices, boundary element reinforcement indices, and length-to-effective thickness ratio were considered to derive expressions for α and β suitable for walls. Equations for α and β were calibrated through the hysteretic test data of 108 wall specimens subjected to cyclic loading and exhibiting different failure modes. The calibration is based on the optimization of energy dissipation for specimens from the collated database—a numerically complex task achieved through a superior optimization technique known as Simulated Annealing. The proposed formulations showed reasonably good accuracy in predicting complex hysteretic responses when verified against an extensive database of wall test specimens with flexural and shear modes of failure. 相似文献
Estimation of structural damage from a known increase in the fundamental period of a structure after an earthquake or prediction of degradation of stiffness and strength for a known damage requires reliable correlations between these response functionals. This study proposes a modified Clough–Johnston single‐degree‐of‐freedom oscillator to establish these correlations in the case of a simple elasto‐plastic oscillator. It is assumed that the proposed oscillator closely models the response of a given multi‐degree‐of‐freedom system in its fundamental mode throughout the duration of the excitation. The proposed model considers the yield displacement level and ductility supply ratio‐related parameter as two input parameters which must be estimated over a narrow range of ductility supply ratio from a frequency degradation curve. This curve is to be identified from a set of recorded excitation and response time‐histories. Useful correlations of strength and stiffness degradation with damage have been obtained wherein a simple damage index based on maximum and yield displacements and ductility supply ratio has been considered. As an application, the proposed model has been used to demonstrate that ignoring the effects of aftershocks in the case of impulsive ground motions may lead to unsafe designs. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A new plastic-damage constitutive model for cyclic loading of concrete has been developed for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate-independent model consistently includes the effects of strain softening, represented by separate damage variables for tension and compression. A simple scalar degradation model simulates the effects of damage on the elastic stiffness and the recovery of stiffness after cracks close. To simulate large crack opening displacements, the evolution of inelastic strain is stopped beyond a critical value for the tensile damage variable. Subsequent deformation can be recovered upon crack closing. The rate-independent plastic-damage model forms the backbone model for a rate-dependent viscoplastic extension. The rate-dependent regularization is necessary to obtain a unique and mesh objective numerical solution. Damping is represented as a linear viscoelastic behaviour proportional to the elastic stiffness including the degradation damage. The plastic-damage constitutive model is used to evaluate the response of Koyna dam in the 1967 Koyna earthquake. The analysis shows two localized cracks forming and then joining at the change in geometry of the upper part of the dam. The upper portion of the dam vibrates essentially as rigid-body rocking motion after the upper cracks form, but the dam remains stable. The vertical component of ground motion influences the post-cracking response. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Alfredo Camara Roberto Cristantielli Miguel A. Astiz Christian Málaga‐Chuquitaype 《地震工程与结构动力学》2017,46(11):1811-1833
Cable‐stayed bridges require a careful consideration of the lateral force exerted by the deck on the towers under strong earthquakes. This work explores the seismic response of cable‐stayed bridges with yielding metallic dampers composed of triangular plates that connect the deck with the supports in the transverse direction. A design method based on an equivalent single‐degree of freedom approximation is proposed. This is proved valid for conventional cable‐stayed bridges with 200‐ and 400‐m main spans, but not 600 m. The height of the plates is chosen to (1) achieve a yielding capacity that limits the maximum force transmitted from the deck to the towers, and to (2) control the hysteretic energy that the dampers dissipate by defining their design ductility. In order to select the optimal ductility and the damper configuration, a multi‐objective response factor that accounts for the energy dissipation, peak damper displacement and low‐cycle fatigue is introduced. The design method is applied to cable‐stayed bridges with different spans and deck–support connections. The results show that the dissipation by plastic deformation in the dampers prevents significant damage in the towers of the short‐to‐medium‐span bridges under the extreme seismic actions. However, the transverse response of the towers in the bridge with a 600‐m main span is less sensitive to the dampers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Frequent aftershocks often follow a strong mainshock. They can significantly increase cumulative damage to a structure. A model of a five-story reinforced concrete frame structure was designed and a nonlinear mathematical model of the structure was developed to investigate the damage states resulting from different mainshock-aftershock sequences. Mainshock-aftershock sequences consisting of one of three recorded mainshocks combined with one of five recorded aftershocks were created for input to the mathematical model. Inelastic energy dissipation and the Park-Ang damage index were used as measures of cumulative damage to the structure. The results demonstrate that consideration of only the single mainshock ground motion in seismic building design can result in the design and construction of unsafe buildings. Total cumulative damage to a structure is caused by the combination of damage states resulting from the mainshock and the aftershock(s). 相似文献
Acceptance limits of the structural response of walls for low‐rise concrete housing were developed. Proposed values are applicable within a performance‐based seismic design framework. Acceptance limits are based on performance indicators of structural response–allowable story drift ratios, width of residual cracks and residual damage index, and expected damage of walls. Cracking limits were defined from parameters obtained at the unloading stage of walls (i.e., residual cracking stage). The residual cracking stage may be used for structural damage evaluation and cost estimation of structural rehabilitation after an earthquake has occurred. The performance indicators proposed herein were derived from test observations and measured response of 39 RC walls' specimens during shaking table and quasistatic testing, as well as from limiting values and results of previous studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
附加或不附加粘滞阻尼墙的RC框架试验与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文阐述了附加或不附加粘滞阻尼墙的2个相同的RC框架模型振动台试验和理论分析的情况.这2个钢筋混凝土框架模型为3层1跨两开间,几何相似关系大致为1:2.将阻尼墙附加到一个RC框架模型当中,先后对附加或不附加阻尼墙的2个相同的RC框架模型进行振动台试验.试验结果表明,阻尼墙有效减小了框架模型的地震反应.对耗能框架模型和普通框架模型进行了弹性和弹塑性时程分析,计算结果和试验结果吻合良好.改变阻尼墙的参数进行分析,结果表明选取合适的阻尼墙参数,才能达到最好的耗能减振效果;适当减小层间位移较小处的阻尼墙参数,对减振效果影响很小而又能节省投资. 相似文献
Length, maximum width, and residual width of cracks are key indicators of structural damage. However, pattern and propagation of cracks on the affected structural component should be also considered. In addition, damage evaluation based on visual inspection is a subjective and capricious procedure because the damage assessment relies on the expertise and judgment of the inspector engineer. In order to assess a rapid and reliable evaluation approach of seismic damage, pattern and propagation of cracks observed in thin and lightly reinforced concrete walls for low‐rise housing subjected to seismic demands are evaluated in this study by means of fractal dimension of cracking pattern. The proposed parameters are based on the results of an experimental program that comprised 39 low‐rise RC wall specimens having typical variables of this type of housing, such as low compressive strengths of concrete, thin walls, low axial loads, low reinforcement ratios, and web shear reinforcement made of deformed bars and welded‐wire meshes. A statistical analysis is carried out for computing values of fractal dimension associated to cracking patterns at key damage conditions. Recommendations of this study can help the inspector in estimating the current limit state or performance level of the wall and the story‐drift ratio experienced by the wall during shaking. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
地震损伤模型能够定量表征墙体破坏的全过程,也是研究墙体刚度退化及延性衰变的科学依据.基于既有地震损伤模型,依据短肢剪力墙1∶2比例模型低周反复试验结果,深入分析墙体加载至破坏各阶段的破坏现象及受力性能,给出短肢剪力墙基于延性及刚度、双参数地震损伤曲线,分析了损伤指数的增长规律.依据短肢剪力墙试验破坏的规律,引入基于刚度与能量的双参数地震损伤模型,并给出模型参数.结果表明,该模型能够定量描述短肢剪力墙损伤破坏的全过程,明确低周反复荷载作用下短肢剪力墙构件各阶段累积损伤的发展规律,揭示其地震损伤本质,为进-步明确其抗震性能及其损伤评估奠定基础. 相似文献
Seismic tests have been conducted on two 3‐storey structures protected with pressurized fluid‐viscous spring damper devices. One of the structures was a reinforced concrete frame with clay elements in the slabs, while the other one was a steel frame with steel/concrete composite slabs. The spring dampers were installed through K bracing in between the floors. The tests were performed by means of the pseudodynamic method, which allowed the use of large and full‐size specimens, and by implementing a specific compensation strategy for the strain‐rate effect at the devices. The test results allowed the verification of the adequacy of the attachment system as well as the comparison of the behaviour of the unprotected buildings with several protected configurations, showing the benefits of the application of the devices and the characteristics of their performance. The response of the protected structures was always safer than that of the unprotected ones mainly due to a significant increase of equivalent damping. The increase in the damping ratio depends on the level of deformation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
一种新型耗能剪力墙的滞回曲线计算分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了验证一种新型耗能剪力墙的抗震控制效果,本文进行了这种剪力墙模型的低周反复荷载试验,利用多垂直杆元模型建立了耗能剪力墙的力学计算模型,并利用该模型建立了计算耗能剪力墙荷载-位移骨架曲线和滞回曲线的计算方法,编制了相应的计算程序,利用该程序对试验进行了分析.计算曲线与试验曲线比较一致,表明本文采用的计算模型是正确的. 相似文献
为了研究高宽比对配筋砌块砌体剪力墙耗能能力的影响,确定墙体的耗能参数。利用6片高宽比H/h为1.57、1.14和0.71的足尺全灌芯配筋砌块砌体剪力墙拟静力试验,通过计算墙体的耗散能(累积和单圈)、等效粘滞阻尼比ζeq、能量耗散系数ψ和功比指数Iw四个参数,来分析发生剪切型破坏模式墙体的耗能能力。研究结果表明:H/h对墙体的耗能能力影响较大,随着墙体变形的增大,H/h越小墙体的耗散能增长越迅速,墙体的延性越差;当H/h=1.14时,能量耗散系数ψ较低,等效粘滞阻尼比ζeq较小,约为7%~10%,墙体的耗能能力较差;当H/h=0.71时,ψ较高,ζeq较大,约为14%~15%,墙体的耗能能力较好;随着位移的增大,功比指数Iw逐渐增大,当位移较小时Iw几乎呈线性增长,当位移较大时Iw呈非线性增长,H/h=1.14墙体的Iw增长相对缓慢。可见:对于发生剪切型破坏模式的配筋砌块砌体剪力墙,H/h接近1时耗能能力较差,在工程中尽量避免采用。 相似文献