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Jean‐Baptiste Bosson Philip Deline Xavier Bodin Philippe Schoeneich Ludovic Baron Marie Gardent Christophe Lambiel 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2015,40(5):666-680
Holocene glaciers have contributed to an abundance of unstable sediments in mountainous environments. In permafrost environments, these sediments can contain ground ice and are subject to rapid geomorphic activity and evolution under condition of a warming climate. To understand the influence of ground ice distribution on this activity since the Little Ice Age (LIA), we have investigated the Pierre Ronde and Rognes proglacial areas, two cirque glacier systems located in the periglacial belt of the Mont Blanc massif. For the first time, electrical resistivity tomography, temperature data loggers and differential global positioning systems (dGPS) are combined with historical documents and glaciological data analysis to produce a complete study of evolution in time and space of these small landsystems since the LIA. This approach allows to explain spatial heterogeneity of current internal structure and dynamics. The studied sites are a complex assemblage of debris‐covered glacier, ice‐rich frozen debris and unfrozen debris. Ground ice distribution is related to former glacier thermal regime, isolating effect of debris cover, water supply to specific zones, and topography. In relation with this internal structure, present dynamics are dominated by rapid ice melt in the debris‐covered upper slopes, slow creep processes in marginal glacigenic rock glaciers, and weak, superficial reworking in deglaciated moraines. Since the LIA, geomorphic activity is mainly spatially restricted within the proglacial areas. Sediment exportation has occurred in a limited part of the former Rognes Glacier and through water pocket outburst flood and debris flows in Pierre Ronde. Both sites contributed little sediment supply to the downslope geomorphic system, rather by episodic events than by constant supply. In that way, during Holocene and even in a paraglacial context as the recent deglaciation, proglacial areas of cirque glaciers act mostly as sediment sinks, when active geomorphic processes are unable to evacuate sediment downslope, especially because of the slope angle weakness. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The active rock glacier “Innere Ölgrube” and its catchment area (Ötztal Alps, Austria) are assessed using various hydro(geo)logical tools to provide a thorough catchment characterization and to quantify temporal variations in recharge and discharge components. During the period from June 2014 to July 2018, an average contribution derived from snowmelt, ice melt and rainfall of 35.8%, 27.6% and 36.6%, respectively, is modelled for the catchment using a rainfall-runoff model. Discharge components of the rock glacier springs are distinguished using isotopic data as well as other natural and artificial tracer data, when considering the potential sources rainfall, snowmelt, ice melt and longer stored groundwater. Seasonal as well as diurnal variations in runoff are quantified and the importance of shallow groundwater within this rock glacier-influenced catchment is emphasized. Water derived from ice melt is suggested to be provided mainly by melting of two small cirque glaciers within the catchment and subordinately by melting of permafrost ice of the rock glacier. The active rock glacier is characterized by a layered internal structure with an unfrozen base layer responsible for groundwater storage and retarded runoff, a main permafrost body contributing little to the discharge (at the moment) by permafrost thaw and an active layer responsible for fast lateral flow on top of the permafrost body. Snowmelt contributes at least 1/3rd of the annual recharge. During droughts, meltwater derived from two cirque glaciers provides runoff with diurnal runoff variations; however, this discharge pattern will change as these cirque glaciers will ultimately disappear in the future. The storage-discharge characteristics of the investigated active rock glacier catchment are an example of a shallow groundwater aquifer in alpine catchments that ought to be considered when analysing (future) river runoff characteristics in alpine catchments as these provide retarded runoff during periods with little or no recharge. 相似文献
T. Matthews R. Hodgkins R. L. Wilby S. Guðmundsson F. Pálsson H. Björnsson S. Carr 《水文研究》2015,29(6):1027-1045
Temperature‐index models are widely favoured as a pragmatic means of simulating glacier melt because of their generally good performance, computational simplicity and limited demands for in situ data. However, their coefficients are normally treated as temporally stationary, unrealistically assuming a constancy of the prevailing weather. We address this simplification by prescribing model coefficients as a function of synoptic weather type, in a procedure that utilizes reanalysis data and preserves the minimal data requirements of temperature‐index models. Using a cross‐validation procedure at Vestari Hagafellsjökull, Iceland, and Storglaciären, Sweden, we demonstrate that applying transient model coefficients, for three temperature‐index models, results in statistically significant increases in the skill with which melt is modelled: Median simulation improvements in the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of 7.3 and 23.6% are achieved when hourly and daily melt totals are evaluated respectively. Our weather‐type modelling approach also yields insight to processes driving parameter variability, revealing dependence that is consistent with a priori considerations of the surface energy balance. We conclude that incorporating weather types into temperature‐index models holds promise for improving their performance, as well as enhancing understanding variability in coefficient values. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Nicola Colombo Luigi Sambuelli Cesare Comina Chiara Colombero Marco Giardino Stephan Gruber Gaetano Viviano Livia Vittori Antisari Franco Salerno 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2018,43(2):417-431
Rock glaciers are slowly flowing mixtures of debris and ice occurring in mountains. They can represent a reservoir of water, and melting ice inside them can affect surface water hydrochemistry. Investigating the interactions between rock glaciers and water bodies is therefore necessary to better understand these mechanisms. With this goal, we elucidate the hydrology and structural setting of a rock glacier–marginal pond system, providing new insights into the mechanisms linking active rock glaciers and impounded surface waters. This was achieved through the integration of waterborne geophysical techniques (ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity tomography and self‐potentials) and heat tracing. Results of these surveys showed that rock glacier advance has progressively filled the valley depression where the pond is located, creating a dam that could have modified the level of impounded water. A sub‐surface hydrological window connecting the rock glacier to the pond was also detected, where an inflow of cold and mineralised underground waters from the rock glacier was observed. Here, greater water contribution from the rock glacier occurred following intense precipitation events during the ice‐free season, with concomitant increasing electrical conductivity values. The outflowing dynamic of the pond is dominated by a sub‐surface seepage where a minor fault zone in bedrock was found, characterised by altered and highly‐fractured rocks. The applied approach is evaluated here as a suitable technique for investigating logistically‐complex hydrological settings which could be possibly transferred to wider scales of investigation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Glacier forefields are landscapes in transition from glacial to non‐glacial conditions; this implies intense geomorphic, hydrological and ecological dynamics with important on‐ and off‐site effects. This special issue collects 13 papers covering recent research in both (sub‐)polar and alpine pro‐glacial environments that focus on (i) pro‐glacial sediment sources, (ii) pro‐glacial rivers, (iii) pro‐glacial lakes, (iv) ground water and ice, and (v) the development of soil and vegetation in its interplay with morphodynamics. Advances in mapping, surveying and geophysical techniques form the basis for research perspectives related to the historical evolution of pro‐glacial areas, the understanding of complex interactions of multiple processes, and the effects of continued glacier recession. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Geomorphological observations, geoelectrical soundings and photogrammetric measurements of surface movement on the Muragl glacier forefield were used to obtain an integrative analysis of a highly complex glacial and periglacial landform consisting of a push moraine, creeping permafrost and permafrost‐free glacial till in close proximity. Electrical resistivity tomography is considered as an important multifunctional geophysical method for research in periglacial permafrost related environments. Joint application with measurements of surface displacements offers a promising tool for investigating periglacial landforms related to ice‐rich permafrost for a more comprehensive characterization of permafrost characteristics and geomorphological interpretation of periglacial morphodynamics. The patchy permafrost distribution pattern described in this paper is determined by several factors, including the sediment characteristics, the snow cover distribution and duration, the aspect and the former glacier distribution and thermal regime. Recent and modern permafrost dynamics within the glacier forefield comprise aggradation, degradation and permafrost creep. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Fabian Fleischer Jan-Christoph Otto Robert R. Junker Daniel Hölbling 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(9):1673-1691
Debris cover on glaciers is an important component of glacial systems as it influences climate–glacier dynamics and thus the lifespan of glaciers. Increasing air temperatures, permafrost thaw and rock faces freshly exposed by glacier downwasting in accumulation zones result in increased rockfall activity and debris input. In the ablation zone, negative mass balances result in an enhanced melt-out of englacial debris. Glacier debris cover thus represents a clear signal of climate warming in mountain areas. To assess the temporal development of debris on glaciers of the Eastern Alps, Austria, we mapped debris cover on 255 glaciers using Landsat data at three time steps. We applied a ratio-based threshold classification technique and analysed glacier catchment characteristics to understand debris sources better. Across the Austrian Alps, debris cover increased by more than 10% between 1996 and 2015 while glaciers retreated in response to climate warming. Debris cover distribution shows significant regional variability, with some mountain ranges being characterised by mean debris cover on glaciers of up to 75%. We also observed a general rise of the mean elevation of debris cover on glaciers in Austria. The debris cover distribution and dynamics are highly variable due to topographic, lithological and structural settings that determine the amount of debris delivered to and stored in the glacier system. Despite strong variation in debris cover, all glaciers investigated melted at increasing rates. We conclude that the retarding effects of debris cover on the mass balance and melt rate of Austrian glaciers is strongly subdued compared with other mountain areas. The study indicates that, if this trend continues, many glaciers in Austria may become fully debris covered. However, since debris cover seems to have little impact on melt rates, this would not lead to prolonged existence of debris-covered ice compared with clean ice glaciers. 相似文献
Christian Wirsig Susan Ivy‐Ochs Jürgen M. Reitner Marcus Christl Christof Vockenhuber Mathias Bichler Martin Reindl 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2017,42(7):1119-1131
We report concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 36Cl used to determine erosion depths in the recently deglaciated bedrock at Goldbergkees in the Eastern Alps. The glacier covered the sampling sites during the Little Ice Age (LIA) until c. 1940. The youngest ages calculated from these concentrations match the known exposure time after the post‐LIA exposure of <100 years. The apparent age (no cover, no erosion) of most samples, however, is significantly older. We show that the measured nuclide concentrations represent subglacial erosion depths, rather than exposure times. In particular, erosion depths calculated using 10Be and 36Cl concentrations of individual samples match well, whereas apparent 36Cl ages are consistently older than 10Be ages. The bedrock at the ‘youngest’ surfaces was deeply eroded (≥ 297 cm) by the Goldbergkees during the late Holocene. In contrast, bedrock at the margin of the LIA ice extent was eroded ≤35 cm. These values convert to subglacial erosion rates on the order of 0.1 mm/a to >5 mm/a. While modeled erosion rates depend on the duration of glacial cover and erosion intrinsic to the different exposure scenarios used for calculation (700–3300 years), modeled total erosion depths are insensitive (5–20% change). Analysis of erosion depths on the transverse valley profile shows a general trend of greatest erosion part way up the valley side and less erosion under thin ice at the lateral margin. A second profile along the valley axis indicates depth of erosion is greatest where the ice abuts the foot of the investigated bedrock riegel and at its lee side just beyond the crest. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Roberto Seppi Luca Carturan Alberto Carton Thomas Zanoner Matteo Zumiani Federico Cazorzi Aldo Bertone Carlo Baroni Maria Cristina Salvatore 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2019,44(13):2703-2719
An overall acceleration of rock glacier displacement rates in the Alps has been observed in recent decades, with several cases of destabilization leading to potential geomorphological hazards. This behaviour has been attributed to the rising permafrost temperature, induced by atmospheric warming and regulated by thermo-hydrological processes. Landforms derived from the interaction of glacier remnants and permafrost are widespread in mountain areas, but are less studied and monitored than talus rock glaciers. This work presents a comparative study of a talus rock glacier and a glacial-permafrost composite landform (GPCL) in the Eastern Italian Alps. The two landforms are only 10 km apart, but have rather different elevation ranges and main slope aspects. The kinematics and ground thermal conditions were monitored from 2001 to 2015 along with geomorphological surveys, analyses of historical maps and remote sensing data. The dynamic behaviour of the rock glacier was similar to the majority of monitored rock glaciers in the Alps, with an acceleration after 2008 and a velocity peak in 2015. In contrast, the GPCL had a nearly unchanged displacement rate during the observation period. Statistical analyses of kinematic vs. nivo-meteorological variables revealed a dynamic decoupling of the two landforms after 2008 that corresponds with increased winter snow accumulation. Although the kinematics of both landforms respond to ground surface temperature variations, the collected evidence suggests a different reaction of ground surface temperature to variations in the precipitation regime. This different reaction is likely due to local topo-climatic conditions that affect snow redistribution by wind. The different reactions of the two systems to the same climatic forcing is likely a legacy of their different origins. GPCL dynamics result from interaction of permafrost and residual glacial dynamics that are associated with possible peculiarities in the internal/basal meltwater circulation, whose future response is uncertain and requires improved understanding. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Stefano Brighenti Monica Tolotti Maria Cristina Bruno Michael Engel Geraldene Wharton Leonardo Cerasino Volkmar Mair Walter Bertoldi 《水文研究》2019,33(21):2804-2823
Human‐accelerated climate change is quickly leading to glacier‐free mountains, with consequences for the ecology and hydrology of alpine river systems. Water origin (i.e., glacier, snowmelt, precipitation, and groundwater) is a key control on multiple facets of alpine stream ecosystems, because it drives the physico‐chemical template of the habitat in which ecological communities reside and interact and ecosystem processes occur. Accordingly, distinct alpine stream types and associated communities have been identified. However, unlike streams fed by glaciers (i.e., kryal), groundwater (i.e., krenal), and snowmelt/precipitation (i.e., rhithral), those fed by rock glaciers are still poorly documented. We characterized the physical and chemical features of these streams and investigated the influence of rock glaciers on the habitat template of alpine river networks. We analysed two subcatchments in a deglaciating area of the Central European Alps, where rock glacier‐fed, groundwater‐fed, and glacier‐fed streams are all present. We monitored the spatial, seasonal, and diel variability of physical conditions (i.e., water temperature, turbidity, channel stability, and discharge) and chemical variables (electrical conductivity, major ions, and trace element concentrations) during the snowmelt, glacier ablation, and flow recession periods of two consecutive years. We observed distinct physical and chemical conditions and seasonal responses for the different stream types. Rock glacial streams were characterized by very low and constant water temperatures, stable channels, clear waters, and high concentrations of ions and trace elements that increased as summer progressed. Furthermore, one rock glacier strongly influenced the habitat template of downstream waters due to high solute export, especially in late summer under increased permafrost thaw. Given their unique set of environmental conditions, we suggest that streams fed by thawing rock glaciers are distinct river habitats that differ from those normally classified for alpine streams. Rock glaciers may become increasingly important in shaping the hydroecology of alpine river systems under continued deglaciation. 相似文献
In this paper, we develop a mechanical model that relates the destabilization of thawing permafrost rock slopes to temperature‐related effects on both, rock‐ and ice‐mechanics; and laboratory testing of key assumptions is performed. Degrading permafrost is considered to be an important factor for rock–slope failures in alpine and arctic environments, but the mechanics are poorly understood. The destabilization is commonly attributed to changes in ice‐mechanical properties while bedrock friction and fracture propagation have not been considered yet. However, fracture toughness, compressive and tensile strength decrease by up to 50% and more when intact water‐saturated rock thaws. Based on literature and experiments, we develop a modified Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion for ice‐filled rock fractures that incorporates fracturing of rock bridges, friction of rough fracture surfaces, ductile creep of ice and detachment mechanisms along rock–ice interfaces. Novel laboratory setups were developed to assess the temperature dependency of the friction of ice‐free rock–rock interfaces and the shear detachment of rock–ice interfaces. In degrading permafrost, rock‐mechanical properties may control early stages of destabilization and become more important for higher normal stress, i.e. higher magnitudes of rock–slope failure. Ice‐mechanical properties outbalance the importance of rock‐mechanical components after the deformation accelerates and are more relevant for smaller magnitudes. The model explains why all magnitudes of rock–slope failures can be prepared and triggered by permafrost degradation and is capable of conditioning long para‐glacial response times. Here, we present a synoptic rock‐ and ice‐mechanical model that explains the mechanical destabilization processes operating in warming permafrost rocks. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Outburst floods from glacier‐dammed lakes are major events associated with glacier thinning and volume reduction. This paper investigates jökulhlaups emanating from the glacier‐dammed lake Øvre Messingmalmvatn at Rundvassbreen, an outlet glacier of the Blåmannsisen ice cap in northern Norway. Since 2001, the lake has several times been observed to drain suddenly, causing jökulhlaup outbursts into the pro‐glacial lake Rundvatnet. Varve analysis and lead‐210 (210Pb) dating were used to date sediment cores taken from Rundvatnet. It was found that sedimentation from jökulhlaups is recognizable in the lake as distinct sand layers embedded in the varved silt‐clay sequence which represents the normal lake sedimentation. Sand fractions were carried in suspension because of the extreme hydraulic conditions of jökulhlaups. The thickest sand layer was deposited during the 2001 jökulhlaup which lasted three days and had a total volume of 40 ×106 m3. Jökulhlaups were also recorded in 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2010; they each resulted in a sand layer. Annual sediment accumulation in Rundvatnet increased up to 10‐fold during the years with jökulhlaup outburst floods, from a normal value of 1–2 mm yr?1 to 8–10 mm yr?1. Five other jökulhlaups were identified from the 1910–1930 sedimentation interval, in addition to those observed in 2001–2010; there appear to have been none for 70 years during 1931–2000. Each jökulhlaup was preceded by a period when the glacier thinned to a critical volume and could no longer withstand the hydrostatic pressure of Øvre Messingmalmvatn; consequently a tunnel developed beneath the glacier, leading to a jökulhlaup. Statistical analyses of the correlations between the pro‐glacial sedimentation rate and temperature and precipitation suggested that although climate conditions are expected to influence sedimentation in the pro‐glacial catchment, a host of other interacting factors moderate the availability and delivery of sediment to the pro‐glacial system, making the processes responsible for changes in pro‐glacial sedimentation to remain uncertain. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Cristian Scapozza Christophe Lambiel Claudio Bozzini Stefano Mari Marco Conedera 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2014,39(15):2056-2069
Surface temperature increases since the 1990s have often been associated with an increase in the speed of rock glaciers. Evidence of similar links on the centennial to millennial scale are, however, still lacking due to less focus to date on the medium‐ and long‐term kinematics of these landforms. In order to assess (palaeo)climatic variations in rock glacier kinematics, we analysed the movements of the Stabbio di Largario rock glacier in the southern Swiss Alps using three different timescales. The Schmidt hammer exposure‐age dating (SHD) was applied to study long‐term kinematics in order to extrapolate the minimal age of the formation of the rock glacier, which may have started its development after the Mid‐Holocene climate optimum, and to detect possible accelerations of the horizontal surface velocity during the Medieval Warm Period. Georeferentiation and orthorectification of six historical photographs of the rock glacier taken between ad 1910 and today were analysed using monoplotting to detect the rock glacier displacement on the decennial scale from the end of the Little Ice Age. Finally, differential global positioning system (dGPS) monitoring data available since ad 2009 were used to assess annual and seasonal creep rates of the rock glacier at present. Our results show a link between the periods of increase in mean air temperature on different timescales and variations in rock glacier kinematics and provide important new insights into rock glacier development and evolution on the long‐term scale. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Glacier recessions caused by climate change may uncover pro‐glacial lakes that form important sedimentation basins regulating the downstream sediment delivery. The impact of modern pro‐glacial lakes on fluvial sediment transport from three different Norwegian glaciers: Nigardsbreen, Engabreen and Tunsbergdalsbreen, and their long‐term development has been studied. All of these lakes developed in modern times in overdeepened bedrock basins. The recession of Nigardsbreen uncovered a 1.8 km long and on average 15 m deep pro‐glacial lake basin during 1937 to 1968. Since then the glacier front has been situated entirely on land, and the sediment input and output of the lake has been measured. The suspended sediment transport into and out of the lake averaged 11 730 t yr?1 and 2340 t yr?1 respectively. Thus, 20% remained in suspension at the outlet. The measured mean annual bedload supplied to the lake was 11 800 t yr?1, giving a total transport of 23 530 t yr?1 which corresponds to a specific sediment yield of 561 t km?2 yr?1. A 1.9 km long and up to 90 m deep pro‐glacial lake basin downstream from Engabreen glacier was uncovered during 1890 to 1944. The average suspended sediment load delivered from the glacier during the years 1970–1981 amounted to 12 375 t yr?1and the transport out of the lake was 2021 t yr?1, giving an average of 16% remaining in suspension. The mean annual bedload was 8000 t yr?1, thus the total transport was 20 375 t yr?1, giving a specific sediment yield of 566 t km?2 yr?1. For Tunsbergdalsbreen glacier, measurements in the early 1970s indicated that the suspended sediment transport was on average 44 000 t yr?1. From 1987 to 1993 the recession of the glacier uncovered a small pro‐glacial lake, 0.3 km long and around 9 m deep. Downstream from this, the suspended sediment load measured in 2009 was 28 000 t yr?1, indicating that as much as 64% remained in suspension. Flow velocity, grain size of sediment, and morphology of the lake are important factors controlling the sedimentation rate in the pro‐glacial lakes. A survey of the sub‐glacial morphology of Tunsbergdalsbreen revealed that there are several overdeepened basins beneath the glacier. The largest is 4 km long and 100 m deep. When the glacier melts back they will become lakes and act as sedimentation basins. Despite an expected increase in sediment yield from the glacier, little sediment will pass these lakes and downstream sediment delivery will be reduced markedly. Beneath Nigardsbreen there was only a small depression that may form a lake and the sediment delivery will not be significantly affected. © 2014 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 相似文献
Glaciological controls on debris cover formation are investigated from the perspective of primary dispersal of supraglacial debris across a melting ice surface. This involves the migration of angled debris septa outcrops across a melting, thinning glacier ablation zone. Three measures of a glacier's ability to evacuate supraglacial debris are outlined: (1) a concentration factor describing the focusing of englacial debris into specific supraglacial mass loads; (2) the rate of migration of a septum outcrop relative to the local ice surface; and (3) a downstream velocity differential between a slower septum outcrop and the faster ice surface velocity. Measures (1) and (2) are inversely related, while measure (3) increases down‐glacier to explain why slow‐moving, thinning ice rapidly becomes debris covered. Data from Glacier d'Estelette (Italian Alps) are used to illustrate these processes, and to explore the potential for debris cover formation and growth in different glaciological environments. The transition from a ‘clean’, transport‐dominated to a debris‐covered ablation‐dominated glacier is explained by the melting out of more closely‐spaced debris septa, in combination with the geometric interactions of angled septa and ice surface in a field of reducing flow and increasing ablation. The growth and shrinkage of debris covers are most sensitive to glaciological changes at glaciers with gently‐dipping debris‐bearing foliation, but less sensitive at high‐compression glaciers whose termini are constrained by moraine dams and other forms of obstruction. These findings show that a variety of debris‐covered glacier types will show a spectrum of response characteristics to negative mass balance. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Glacier and permafrost hazards such as glacial‐lake outburst floods and rock–ice avalanches cause significant socio‐economic damages worldwide, and these processes may increase in frequency and magnitude if the atmospheric temperature rises. In the extratropical Andes nearly 200 human deaths were linked to these processes during the twentieth century. We analysed bibliographical sources and satellite images to document the glacier and permafrost dynamics that have caused socio‐economic damages in this region in historic time (including glacial lake outburst floods, ice and rock–ice avalanches and lahars) to unravel their causes and geomorphological impacts. In the extratropical Andes, at least 15 ice‐dammed lakes and 16 moraine‐dammed lakes have failed since the eighteenth century, causing dozens of floods. Some floods rank amongst the largest events ever recorded (5000 × 106 m3 and 229 × 106 m3, respectively). Outburst flood frequency has increased in the last three decades, partially as a consequence of long‐term (decades to centuries) climatic changes, glaciers shrinkage, and lake growth. Short‐term (days to weeks) meteorological conditions (i.e. intense and/or prolonged rainfall and high temperature that increased meltwater production) have also triggered outburst floods and mass movements. Enormous mass failures of glaciers and permafrost (> 10 × 106 m3) have impacted lakes, glaciers, and snow‐covered valleys, initiating chain reactions that have ultimately resulted in lake tsunamis and far‐reaching (> 50 km) flows. The eruption of ice‐covered volcanoes has also caused dozens of damaging lahars with volumes up to 45 × 106 m3. Despite the importance of these events, basic information about their occurrence (e.g. date, causes, and geomorphological impact), which is well established in other mountain ranges, is absent in the extratropical Andes. A better knowledge of the processes involved can help to forecast and mitigate these events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Soils in pro‐glacial areas are often approached from a chronosequence viewpoint. In the chronosequence approach, the objective is to derive rates of soil formation from differences in properties between soils of different age. For this reason, in chronosequence studies, soils are sampled in locations that are assumed geomorphically stable and that have different age. As a result, these studies do not necessarily yield a complete view of soil variability in pro‐glacial areas, and may miss important relations between geomorphology and soil development. In this contribution, we present new soil observations from three closely related pro‐glacial areas in Switzerland. These observations were intended to get closer to a complete view of soil variability, and to assess impacts from factors other than time on soil development. About 40 soils were visited in each pro‐glacial valley in a combined design‐convenience sampling scheme and described in the field. Linear modelling was used to assess effects of time and topographic factors on soil properties. The time since glacial retreat turned out to rarely explain more than half of the variation in soil properties, and a linear model combining effects of time and topographic variables explained typically about half of the variation in each pro‐glacial valley. Models differed and were not transferable between valleys. Apparently, time and the present‐day shape of the landscape combined are insufficient information to accurately predict soil properties. Field evidence points to the importance of the geomorphic history and regime of the valleys as a reason for this. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Michael S. Leggat Philip N. Owens Tim A. Stott Barry J. Forrester Stephen J. Déry Brian Menounos 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2015,40(11):1542-1559
Glaciers are major agents of erosion that increase sediment load to the downstream fluvial system. The Castle Creek Glacier, British Columbia, Canada, has retreated ~1.0 km in the past 70 years. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and streamflow (Q) were monitored independently at five sites within its pro‐glacial zone over a 60 day period from July to September 2011, representing part of the ablation season. Meteorological data were collected from two automatic weather stations proximal to the glacier. The time‐series were divided into hydrologic days and the shape and magnitude of the SSC response to hydro‐meteorological conditions (‘cold and wet’, ‘hot and dry’, ‘warm and damp’, and ‘storm’) were categorized using principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). Suspended sediment load (SSL) was computed and summarized for the categories. The distribution of monitoring sites and results of the multivariate statistical analyses describe the temporal and spatial variability of suspended sediment flux and the relative importance of glacial and para‐glacial sediment sources in the pro‐glacial zone. During the 2011 study period, ~ 60% of the total SSL was derived from the glacial stream and sediment deposits proximal to the terminus of the glacier; during ‘storm’ events, that contribution dropped to ~40% as the contribution from diffuse and point sources of sediment throughout the pro‐glacial zone and within the meltwater channels increased. While ‘storm’ events accounted for just 3% of the study period, SSL was ~600% higher than the average over the monitoring period, and ~20% of the total SSL was generated in that time. Determining how hydro‐meteorological conditions and sediment sources control sediment fluxes will assist attempts to predict how pro‐glacial zones respond to future climate changes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Yan Hu Lin Liu Xiaowen Wang Lin Zhao Tonghua Wu Jialun Cai Xiaofan Zhu Junming Hao 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(2):465-477
Mechanical processes operating on the slope surface or at depth control the dynamics of alpine landforms and hold critical information of their geomorphological characteristics, yet they often lack systematic quantification and in-depth interpretation. This study aims to address a long-standing issue concerning geomorphological classification from a kinematic perspective. A group of periglacial landforms consisting of several lobes were discovered in the East Kunlun Mountains of China 30 years ago but were ambiguously classified as rock glaciers and later as gelifluction deposits. Here, we use satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar to quantitatively characterize the spatial and temporal changes of the surface movement of these landforms. We observe that: (1) its 17 lobes show a pattern of landform-scale and uniform surface movement, especially during May to October; (2) the lobes move at a spatial mean downslope velocity of 10 to 60 cm/yr and a maximum velocity as high as 100 cm/yr in summer; (3) the landforms are nearly inactive from winter to late spring. Based on these observations, we postulate that the movement of the lobes are driven by deep-seated permafrost creep which typically occurs in rock glaciers. The debris of Lobe No.4 is composed of both boulders and pebbles supported by fine-grained matrix generated from the in situ weathering process. It develops a talus-like oversteepened front around 40° and a convex transverse profile perpendicular to the creep direction, which are also characteristic features of a rock glacier. Piecing these observations together, we identify Lobe No.4 as a debris-mantled-slope-connected rock glacier, with the gelifluction process occurring on the surface as small-scale and discrete events. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献