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F. Worrall  J. K. Adamson 《水文研究》2008,22(14):2531-2541
This study considers the impact of managed rotational burning of vegetation and sheep grazing upon the composition of soil waters within an upland peat soil. The study has considered soil water compositions from a complete factorial design of treatment plots where three different burning treatments were considered in replication with grazing and no grazing. All plots were sampled across a complete year with three dipwells in each plot. The study included aluminium (Al), iron, calcium, sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium, sulphate, chloride (Cl?), bromide, fluoride, phosphate (PO )and nitrate; and in order to clarify the nature of the results, the pH, conductivity and dissolved organic carbon were also considered, but the major results for these are reported elsewhere. The study finds: (1) Ca, Na, Mg and PO concentrations are significantly lower on all burnt plots, with only Al concentration being significantly higher on burnt plots. (2) Only Cl? showed any significant changes (a decrease) with the presence of sheep grazing, and then only when plots were also burnt. (3) A principal component analysis shows that the composition of most soil waters can be described by rainwater and soil water components, but in unburnt plots a base‐rich, high ionic strength water is sometimes present. The study suggests that burning, but not grazing, caused significant changes in soil water composition leading to increased interaction between incoming rainwaters and the peat soil but led to loss of interaction with deeper waters. However, no evidence was found for structural change in the soils even after long term (50 years) grazing and burning management. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floods play a critical role in geomorphic change, but whether peak magnitude, duration, volume, or frequency determines the resulting magnitude of erosion and deposition is a question often proposed in geomorphic effectiveness studies. This study investigated that question using digital elevation model differencing to compare and contrast three hydrologically distinct epochs of topographic change spanning 18 years in the 37-km gravel–cobble lower Yuba River in northern California, USA. Scour and fill were analysed by volume at segment and geomorphic reach scales. Each epoch's hydrology was characterized using 15-min and daily averaged flow to obtain distinct peak and recurrence, duration, and volume metrics. Epochs 1 (1999–2008) and 3 (2014–2017) were wetter than average with large floods reaching 3206 and 2466 m3/s, respectively, though of different flood durations. Epoch 2 (2008–2014) was a drought period with only four brief moderate floods (peak of 1245 m3/s). Total volumetric changes showed that major geomorphic response occurred primarily during large flood events; however, total scour and net export of sediment varied greatly, with 20 times more export in epoch 3 compared to epoch 1. The key finding was that greater peak discharge was not correlated with greater net and total erosion; differences were better explained by duration and volume above floodway-filling stage. This finding highlights the importance of considering flood duration and volume, along with peak, to assess flood magnitude in the context of flood management, frequency analysis, and resulting geomorphic changes.  相似文献   

The joint occurrence of extreme hydroclimatic events, such as simultaneous precipitation deficit and high temperature, results in the so-called compound events, and has a serious impact on risk assessment and mitigation strategies. Multivariate frequency analysis (MFA) allows a probabilistic quantitative assessment of this risk under uncertainty. Analyzing precipitation and temperature records in the contiguous United States (CONUS), and focusing on the assessment of the degree of rarity of the 2014 California drought, we highlight some critical aspects of MFA that are often overlooked and should be carefully taken into account for a correct interpretation of the results. In particular, we show that an informative exploratory data analysis (EDA) devised to check the basic hypotheses of MFA, a suitable assessment of the sampling uncertainty, and a better understanding of probabilistic concepts can help to avoid misinterpretation of univariate and multivariate return periods, and incoherent conclusions concerning the risk of compound extreme hydroclimatic events. Empirical results show that the dependence between precipitation deficit and temperature across the CONUS can be positive, negative or not significant and does not exhibit significant changes in the last three decades. Focusing on the 2014 California drought as a compound event and based on the data used, the probability of occurrence strongly depends on the selected variables and how they are combined, and is affected by large uncertainty, thus preventing definite conclusions about the actual degree of rarity of this event.  相似文献   

The two main contributors to streamflow predictability at subseasonal to seasonal timescales in tropical regions are: (i) the predictability of meteorologic (particularly precipitation) anomalies, and (ii) the land surface soil moisture state at the start of the forecast period. Meteorological predictions at subseasonal timescale are usually fraught with error and may not be dependable. The accurate initialization of soil moisture, as obtained through real-time land data analysis, may provide skill in subseasonal to seasonal streamflow prediction, even when the prediction skill for rainfall is small.  相似文献   

The Adige River drains 12 200 km2 of the Eastern Alps and flows for 213 km within this mountain range. Similar to other large rivers in Central Europe, the Adige River was subject to massive channelization works during the 19th century. Thanks to the availability of several historical maps, this river represents a very valuable case study to document the extent to which the morphology of the river changed due to channelization and to understand how much is left of its original morphodynamics. The study was based on the analysis of seven sets of historical maps dating from 1803–1805 to 1915–1927, on geomorphological analysis, on the application of mathematical morphodynamic theories and on the application of bar and channel pattern prediction models. The study concerns 115 km of the main stem and 29 km of its tributaries. In the pre‐channelization conditions, the Adige River presented a prevalence of single‐thread channel planforms. Multi‐thread patterns developed only immediately downstream of the main confluences. During the 19th century, the Adige underwent considerable channel adjustment, consisting of channel narrowing, straightening, and reduction of bars and islands. Multi‐thread and single‐thread reaches evolved through different evolutionary trajectories, considering both the channel width and the bar/vegetation interaction. Bar and channel pattern predictors showed good correspondence with the observed patterns, including the development of multi‐thread morphologies downstream of the confluences. Application of the free‐bar predictor helped to interpret the strong reduction – almost complete loss – of exposed sediment bars after the channelization works, quantifying the riverbed inclination to form alternate bars. This morphological evolution can be observed in other Alpine rivers of similar size and similar massive channelization, therefore, a simplified conceptual model for large rivers subjected to channelization is proposed, showing that a relatively small difference in the engineered channel width may have a strong impact on the river dynamics, specifically on bar formation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A closed-form analytical solution is presented for the dynamic response of a SDOF oscillator, supported by a flexible composite foundation embedded in an elastic half-space, and excited by plane SH waves. The solution is obtained by the wave function expansion method. The solution is verified for the two limiting cases of a rigid–flexible composite foundation and a homogeneous flexible foundation by comparison with published results. The model is used to investigate the effect of the foundation flexibility variation on the system response. The results show that the effect is significant for both foundation response and structural relative response. For a system with larger foundation flexibility variation, the peak of the foundation effective input motion is smaller, while the amplitude of structural relative response less changes. When foundation flexibility variation decreases, system frequency will shift to lower frequency, and the shift value is also highly dependent on the foundation flexibility variation.  相似文献   

This opinion paper summarizes the results of an online survey on the role of experimental work in the hydrological sciences. The 20 survey questions covered various topics, such as advancements, needs, potentials and challenges in the hydrological sciences, and also touched on the issue of data sharing and data publication. A total of 336 hydrologists with both modelling and experimental backgrounds participated.  相似文献   

We study the reduction of peak velocity on the ground surface of a soil valley caused by loss of wave energy by large nonlinear strains and strain localization inside the valley, for excitation by a half-sine P-wave pulse. This study is a follow up to our previous study of out of plane response for excitation by an SH-pulse. In this paper, we consider the inplane response, and assume that the soil material does not support tension, but the normal stress at a point in the soil can be compression(negative) or zero. A point in the soil with zero stress behaves as a stress-free point, it does not transmit normal stress and appears as a crack point. Because of this, along with the nonlinear response associated with compression and shear, the in-plane response in this study is more complex than that of the out-of-plane SH response. We study the interplay of two opposing effects:(i) jump in impedance from a higher value(half-space) to a lower value(valley), which amplifies the linear motions at the free surface of the valley, and(ii) the occurrence of nonlinear zones in the valley, which reduce the motion at the valley surface.  相似文献   

The role of phosphorus in phytoplankton growth was studied in Lake Vesijärvi, a large previously eutrophic body of water with a history of flourishing fishery. The study combined different approaches: long-term algal enrichment experiments with natural phytoplankton assemblages were carried out together with observations on nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations, elemental ratios (N:P, C:P, C:N) of particulate matter, and analysis of P uptake using [33P]. None of the approaches revealed periods of P limitation, but some growth experiments as well as elemental ratios indicated slight deficiency in early summer. Concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), which were usually 20–30 g l–1, also indicated luxurious P resources. Thermal stratification was weak and the lake mixed twice during the study period; this was reflected in the phytoplankton biomass that increased up to 4-fold. Results of elemental ratios usually suggested the occurrence of nitrogen limitation, and in general these ratios were low for a lake. All size fractions >0.22 m in the experiments with [33P] showed P uptake. In August most of the P was taken up by picoplankton, but when the lake turned over in September, the uptake of P by this fraction was absent. Thus, there was always a plentiful supply of P for phytoplankton, but the shortage of inorganic N may have affected those algae not capable of fixing N2. These conditions should have favoured the growth of heterocystous cyanobacteria, but these prokaryotes never attained high abundances. This may have been due to the weak stability of the water column, or the growth of cyanobacteria may have been limited by trace elements such as molybdenum or iron.  相似文献   

The energy transmitting boundary used in programs such as FLUSH and ALUSH is a very accurate and useful technique for the earthquake response analysis of soil–structure interaction systems. However, it is applicable only to linear analyses or equivalent linear analyses, because it can be calculated only in the frequency domain. The author has proposed methods for transforming frequency-dependent impedance into the time domain. In this paper, an earthquake response analysis method for a soil–structure interaction system, using the energy transmitting boundary in the time domain, is proposed. First, the transform of the transmitting boundary matrices to the time domain using the methods proposed by the author is studied. Then, linear and nonlinear time history earthquake response analyses using the boundary are performed. Through these studies, the validity and efficiency of the proposed methods are confirmed.  相似文献   

Groundwater levels in steep headwater catchments typically respond quickly to rainfall, but the timing of the response may vary spatially across the catchment. In this study, we investigated the topographic controls and the effects of rainfall and antecedent conditions on the groundwater response timing for 51 groundwater monitoring sites in a 20‐ha pre‐alpine catchment with low permeability soils. The median time to rise and median duration of recession for the 133 rainfall events were highly correlated to the topographic characteristics of the site and its upslope contributing area. The median time to rise depended more on the topographic characteristics than on the rainfall characteristics or antecedent soil wetness conditions. The median time to rise decreased with Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) for sites with TWI < 6 and was almost constant for sites with a higher TWI. The slope of this relation was a function of rainfall intensity. The rainfall threshold for groundwater initiation was also a function of TWI and allowed extrapolation of point measurements to the catchment scale. The median lag time between the rainfall centroid and the groundwater peak was 75 min. The groundwater level peaked before peak streamflow at the catchment outlet for half of the groundwater monitoring sites, but only by 15 to 25 min. The stronger correlations between topographic indices and groundwater response timing in this study compared to previous studies suggest that surface topography affects the groundwater response timing in catchments with low permeability soils more than in catchments with more transmissive soils. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approximate solution of the classical eigenvalue problem governing the vibrations of a relatively stiff structure on a soft elastic soil is derived through the application of a perturbation analysis. The full solution is obtained as the sum of the solution for an unconstrained elastic structure and small perturbing terms related to the ratio of the stiffness of the soil to that of the superstructure. The procedure leads to approximate analytical expressions for the system frequencies, modal damping ratios and participation factors for all system modes that generalize those presented earlier for the case of stiff soils. The resulting approximate expressions for the system modal properties are validated by comparison with the corresponding quantities obtained by numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem for a nine-story building. The accuracy of the proposed approach and of the classical normal mode approach is assessed through comparison with the exact frequency response of the test structure.  相似文献   

Increased sediment flux to the coastal ocean due to coastal development is considered a major threat to the viability of coral reefs. A change in the nature of sediment supply and storage has been identified in a variety of coastal settings, particularly in response to European colonization, but sedimentation around reefs has received less attention. This research examines the sedimentary record adjacent to a coastal village that has experienced considerable land-use change over the last few decades. Sediment cores were analyzed to characterize composition and sediment accumulation rates. Sedimentation rates decreased seaward across the shelf from 0.85 cm y(-1) in a nearshore bay to 0.19 cm y(-1) in a fore-reef setting. Data reflected a significant (up to 2x) increase over the last approximately 80 years in terrestrial sediment accumulating in the back-reef setting, suggesting greater terrestrial sediment flux to the area. Reef health has declined, and increased turbidity is believed to be an important impact, particularly when combined with additional stressors.  相似文献   

Srinivasan et al. provide an interesting overview of the challenges for long-term socio-hydrological predictions. Although agreeing with most of the statements made, we argue for the need to take socio-hydrological analysis a step further and add some fundamental considerations, especially concerning the crucial importance of many (conscious and unconscious) assumptions made upfront of the modelling exercise. Eventual assumptions of technological determinism need correction: Models are not “value-free”, but uncertain, subjective and a product of the society in which they were shaped. It is important to acknowledge this uncertainty and bias when making decisions based on socio-hydrological models, considering also that these models are “social and political actors” in and by themselves. Furthermore, socio-hydrological models require a transdisciplinary approach, since physical water availability is only one of the boundary conditions for society. Last but not least, interaction with stakeholders remains important to enable understanding of what the variable of interest is.  相似文献   

To evaluate climate and atmospheric deposition induced physical and water chemical changes and their effects on phytoplankton communities, we used complete time series (14 years, monthly measurements during the growing season) of 18 physical and chemical variables and phytoplankton data from 13 nutrient-poor Swedish reference lakes along a latitudinal gradient. We found numerous strong significant changes over time that were most coherent among lakes for sulfate concentrations, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, water color, surface water temperature and the intensity of thermal stratification. Despite these pronounced coherent physical and water chemical changes over Sweden, the phytoplankton biomass and species richness of six phytoplankton groups, measured at the same time as the water chemical variables, showed only few and weak significant changes over time. The only coherent significant change over Sweden, occurring in seven lakes, was observed in the species richness of chlorophytes. The number of chlorophyte taxa significantly declined over Sweden. Using a partial least square model for each lake, we attributed the decline primarily to an increase in water temperatures and water color, which were among the most important variables for the model performance of each lake. All other taxonomic groups were driven primarily by non-coherent changes in nutrient concentrations, pH and probably also non-coherent grazing pressure. We concluded that coherent phytoplankton responses can only be achieved for taxonomic groups that are driven primarily by coherent physical/chemical changes. According to our study, chlorophytes belong to such a group, making them possible global change indicators. Our findings give new insights into global change effects on different phytoplankton taxonomic groups in nutrient-poor lakes.  相似文献   

In this study, two different historical structures built in Trabzon have been processed by ambient vibrations and seismic refraction measurements. One of the investigated historical structures is the Atatürk Pavilion built in the nineteenth century, and the other one is Hagia Sophia which was built in the thirteenth century. These two buildings are among the most important historical buildings in Trabzon and are very important for the tourism of the city. In order to determine peak/s frequency and amplitude from the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSRs), we have performed several measurements of ambient vibrations both inside (at different floors) and outside (on the ground) of structures. We have also conducted seismic prospecting to evaluate the vertical 1D and 2D profile of longitudinal and shear seismic waves, Vp and Vs, respectively. To this purpose, we have performed seismic refraction tomography and MASW. Ambient vibrations and seismic measurements were compared with each other. The results show that average predominant frequencies and HVSR amplitudes of inside and outside of Atatürk Pavilion are 4.0 Hz, 7.8 Hz and 2.6, 2.3, respectively. The Vp values vary from 300 to 2070 m/s, and the Vs for maximum effective depth is up to 790 m/s in Atatürk Pavilion. On the other hand, average predominant frequencies and HVSR amplitudes of inside and outside of Hagia Sophia and its tower are 4.7, 4.4 and 2.4 Hz and 1.6, 1.8 and 6.9, respectively. Vp values range from 450 to 2200 m/s, and Vs for maximum effective depth is also up to 1000 m/s in Hagia Sophia. The frequency values (F0?=?Vs/4 h) calculated from the velocities up to the maximum effective depth for Atatürk Pavilion are in good agreement with the predominant frequency values determined from ambient vibrations. Atatürk Pavilion and Hagia Sophia soils have been classed according to Eurocode 8 by using VS30 values. The class was defined as “B.” Moreover, the bedrock in studied area is basalt. The high Vp and Vs values are also compatible with the lithology. The HVSR curves measured at the Hagia Sophia show the presence of clear peaks when compared to the Atatürk Pavilion. At the same time, there are marked velocity changes in the Vs sections calculated in both areas. As a result, in both areas there are significant impedance contrasts in the subsoil. However, this impedance contrast is more evident in Hagia Sophia. This could be also compatible with a lithological transition. The possible soil–structure interaction was investigated by using all the results and evaluated in terms of resonance risk. It is thought that the probability of resonance risk at Atatürk Pavilion is low according to the ambient vibrations measurements. However, resonance risk should be taken into consideration at Hagia Sophia site since the predominant frequency values are very close to each other. Finally, this site should be investigated in detail and necessary precautions should be taken against the risk of resonance.  相似文献   

Our understanding of how groundwater mediates evapotranspiration/streamflow partitioning is still fragmented and catchment studies under changing vegetation conditions can provide a useful frame for integration. We explored this partition in a flat sedimentary dry catchment in central Argentina in which the replacement of native vegetation with rainfed crops was accompanied by the abrupt formation of groundwater-fed streams by subsurface erosion (i.e., sapping) episodes. Historical records indicated widespread water table rises (~0.3 m y−1 on average). Groundwater level and stream baseflow fluctuated seasonally with minima in the warm rainy season, indicating that evaporative discharge rather than rainfall shapes saturated flows. Diurnal groundwater level fluctuations showed that plant uptake was widespread where water tables are shallow (<3 m) but restricted to deep-rooted Prosopis forests where they are deep (7–10 m). MODIS and LANDSAT NDVI revealed a long-term greening for native vegetation, new wetlands included, but not for croplands, suggesting more limited evapotranspiration-groundwater level regulation under agriculture. Close to the deepest (20 m) and most active incisions, groundwater level and greenness declined and stream baseflow showed no seasonal fluctuations, hinting decoupling from evapotranspiration. Intense ecological and geomorphological transformations in this catchment exposed the interplay of five mechanisms governing evapotranspiration/streamflow partition including (a) unsaturated uptake and both (b) riparian and (c) distributed uptake from the saturated zone by plants, as well as (d) deepening incisions and (e) sediment deposits over riparian zones by streams. Acknowledging the complex interplay of these mechanisms with groundwater is crucial to predict and manage future hydrological changes in the dry plains of South America.  相似文献   

A spatial data base of 1609 landslides was analysed using a geographic information system to determine landslide frequency in relation to highways. A 126 km long transportation network in a 201 km2 area of humid-tropical, mountainous, forested terrain in Puerto Rico was used in conjunction with a series of 20 buffer (disturbance) zones varying from 5 to 400 m in length, measured perpendicular to the highways. Average landslide frequency in the study area at distances greater than 85 m from roads was about six landslides per square kilometre. At distances of 85 m or less on either side of a highway, landslide frequency was about 30 landslides per square kilometre. On average, this elevated disturbance rate affected 330 m2 km−2 a−1 within the 170 m swath. The mass-wasting rate outside of the disturbance zone affected 40 m2 km−2 a−1. These results indicate that the rate of mass-wasting disturbance is increased from five to eight times in a 170 m wide swath along road corridors. The lateral extent of the environmental impact of roads in the study area is greater than is commonly perceived. The approach described herein demonstrates a simple method to assess the spatial association of mass-wasting with highways. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rapid development and widespread use of ZnO nanoparticles(nZnO) in various industries have raised concerns about their potential environmental impact.Therefore,understanding the fate and role of nZnO in the natural environment is crucial for mitigating their hazardous effects on the environment and human safety.The purpose of the present study was to provide scientific support for understanding and eliminating the joint risk of nanoparticle and heavy metal pollution in the soil environment b...  相似文献   

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