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Reef islands are low‐lying accumulations of unconsolidated sediment formed from the skeletal remains of carbonate‐producing reef organisms and are therefore perceived as highly vulnerable to environmental change. However, basic elements of island composition are not well described and given their high inter‐ and intra‐basinal variability a better understanding of reef and island sedimentary environments (and the connections between them) are needed to predict future morphological response. Here, we use detailed ecological and sedimentological datasets to delineate key sediment production zones and biosedimentary depositional facies across the surface of Vabbinfaru platform, Maldives. Field measurements of platform hydrodynamics are applied to sedimentary deposits to determine the potential mobility of grains and identify transport pathways. Carbonate production was dominated by coral framework (mean: 52%) within a narrow zone on the outer reef rim (22% of platform area) resulting in coral‐rich detrital sediments (reef: 51%, island: 64%) that closely resemble living assemblages. The net transfer of sediment occurred lagoonward by wave‐driven processes leading to a decrease in grain size towards the island (R2 = 0.502) which acts as a major control on depositional facies development within the lagoon. Island sediments were distinct from reefal deposits, comprising a restricted suite of durable sands (mean: 1.34?) throughout long‐term development. Our findings suggest that the production, breakdown and redistribution of coral‐derived sediment by platform currents is fundamental to future island stability at Vabbinfaru, and although alterations away from current ecological states may reduce sediment supply, the timescales over which island morphological response will occur depends upon phase lags between initial coral mortality and the conversion of this material into island‐grade sand. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prevailing ideas and calculations of coastal response to sea level rise (SLR) are often based on the Bruun model (Bruun P., Sea‐level rise as a cause of shore erosion, Journal Waterways Harbors Division, ASCE 88 : 117–130, 1962) that predicts upward and landward transfer of an equilibrium profile during SLR through offshore sediment transport on the shoreface. The model is based on a number of assumptions of questionable validity as well as outdated concepts on how sediment is transported across the shoreface. This contribution takes a numerical modelling approach that is based on first‐order processes contributing to the movement of sediment across the shoreface. Using a wave transformation model that predicts hydrodynamic processes driving cross‐shore sediment transport and an energetics‐based model for the coupling between hydrodynamics and sediment transport, we show that cross‐shore sediment transport is mainly onshore directed at the boundary between the lower and the upper shoreface, in agreement with the model proposed by Davidson‐Arnott (Conceptual model of the effects of sea level rise on sandy coasts, Journal of Coastal Research 21 : 1166–1172, 2005). The transition from onshore to offshore directed transport is located well within the surf zone and with a rising sea level this transition point becomes displaced landward and upward. Tests also show that substrate slope is of fundamental importance to the manner in which beaches react to rising sea level. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change and sea‐level rise will have severe impacts on coastal water resources around the world. However, whereas the influence of marine inundation is well documented in the literature, the impact of groundwater inundation on coastal communities is not well known. Here, core analysis, groundwater monitoring, and ground penetrating radar are utilized to assess the groundwater regime of the surficial aquifer on Bogue Banks Barrier Island (USA). Then, geospatial techniques are used to assess the relative roles and extents of groundwater and marine inundation on the dune‐dominated barrier island under sea‐level rise scenarios of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 m above current conditions by 2100. Additionally, the effects of rising water tables on onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS) are modelled using the projected sea‐level rise scenarios. The results indicate that the surficial aquifer comprising fine to medium sands responds quickly to precipitation. Water‐level measurements reveal varying thicknesses of the vadose zone (>3 to 0 m) and several groundwater mounds with radial flow patterns. Results from projected sea‐level rise scenarios suggest that owing to aquifer properties and morphology of the island, groundwater inundation may occur at the same rate as marine inundation. Furthermore, the area inundated by groundwater may be as significant as that affected by marine inundation. The results also show that the proportion of land in the study area where OWTS may be perpetually compromised by rising water tables under worst case scenarios may range from ~43 to ~54% over an 86‐year‐period. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reserves of fresh groundwater on atoll islands are extremely fragile due to climatic and anthropogenic stresses. Of major concern is the quantity of water to be available in the coming decades under the influence of variable rainfall patterns, rising sea level, environmental conditions, and expected population growth that depends on groundwater resources. In this study, a 3‐dimensional numerical modelling approach using the SEAWAT modelling code is used to estimate freshwater lens volume fluctuation for 4 representative islands in the Republic of Maldives in response to long‐term changes in rainfall, sea‐level rise (SLR), and anthropogenic stresses such as groundwater pumping and short‐term impacts from tsunami‐induced marine overwash events. This work is divided into 2 papers. This first paper presents numerical model set‐up and calibration, and the effect of future rainfall patterns and SLR on fresh groundwater reserves. The second paper focuses on marine overwash events. The results of simulated future freshwater lens volume presented in the first study contribute to efficient groundwater resources planning and management for the Maldives in the upcoming decades. Freshwater lenses in small atoll islands (area < 0.6 km2) are shown to have a strong variability trends in the upcoming decades with expected reduction in lens volume between 11% and 36% due to SLR. In contrast, freshwater lenses in larger atoll islands (area > 1.0 km2) are shown to have less variability to changing patterns with expected reduction in lens volume between 8% and 26% due to SLR. Study results can provide water resource managers with valuable findings for consideration in water security measures.  相似文献   

This paper provides for the first time an experimental study where the impact of sea‐level fluctuations and inland boundary head‐level variations on freshwater–saltwater interface toe motion and transition zone dynamics was quantitatively analysed under transient conditions. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory flow tank where various (inland and coastal) head changes were imposed to the system and the response of the key seawater intrusion parameters was analysed with high spatial and temporal resolution. Two homogeneous aquifer systems of different grain size were tested. The numerical code SEAWAT was used for the validation. The results show that in cases of sea‐level variations, the intruding wedge required up to twice longer time to reach a new steady‐state condition than the receding wedge, which thereby extend the theory of timescale asymmetry between saltwater intrusion and retreat processes in scenarios involving sea‐level fluctuations. The intruding and receding rates of the saltwater wedge were respectively similar in the scenario involving sea‐level and the freshwater‐level changes, despite change in transmissivity. The results show that, during the intrusion phase, the transition zone remains relatively insensitive, regardless of where the boundary head change occurs (i.e., freshwater drop or sea‐level rise) or its magnitude. By contrast, a substantial widening of the transition zone was observed during the receding phase, with almost similar amplitude in the scenario involving a rise of the freshwater level compared with that caused by a drop of the saltwater level, provided that an equivalent absolute head change magnitude was used. This transition zone widening (occurring during saltwater retreat) was greater and extended over longer period in the low hydraulic conductivity aquifer, for both freshwater‐level rise and sea‐level drop scenarios. The concentration maps revealed that the widening mechanism was also enhanced by the presence of some freshwater sliding and into the wedge during saltwater retreat, which was thereafter sucked upward towards the interface because of density difference effects.  相似文献   

Knowledge and understanding of shore platform erosion and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics relies mainly on short‐term studies conducted on recently deposited carbonate rocks, predominantly Holocene and Quaternary reef limestones and aeolianites. This paper presents erosion rates, measured over a 10 year period on notches and platforms developed on the Permian, Ratburi limestone at Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. In so doing it contributes to informing a particular knowledge gap in our understanding of the erosion dynamics of shore platform and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics – notch erosion rates on relatively hard, ancient limestones measured directly on the rock surface using a micro‐erosion meter (MEM) over time periods of a decade or more. The average intertidal erosion rate of 0.231 mm/yr is lower than erosion rates measured over 2–3 years on recent, weaker carbonate rocks. Average erosion rates at Phang Nga vary according to location and site and are, in rank order from highest to lowest: Mid‐platform (0.324 mm/yr) > Notch floor (0.289 mm/yr) > Rear notch wall (0.228 mm/yr) > Lower platform (0.140 mm/yr) > Notch roof (0.107 mm/yr) and Supratidal (0.095 mm/yr). The micro‐relief of the eroding rock surfaces in each of these positions exhibits marked differences that are seemingly associated with differences in dominant physical and bio‐erosion processes. The results begin to help inform knowledge of longer term shore platform erosion dynamics, models of marine notch development and have implications for the use of marine notches as indicators of changes in sea level and the duration of past sea levels. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of the transgressive dunefield barrier extending from Itapeva to Tramandai along the northern littoral of Rio Grande do Sul, is examined and an attempt is presented to link morphological changes across the barrier to Holocene sea level changes. The 4·5 km wide Holocene barrier displays two typical morphologies: an inner part dominated by large‐scale, continuous alongshore, overlapping dunefield phases comprising sand sheets, dunes, deflation plains and precipitation ridges; and an outer part dominated by discontinuous, medium‐ to small‐scale, triangular to lobate transgressive dunefield phases, cut by both active and relict (palaeo‐) creeks or washouts. Holocene sea level in the region rose to c. +1 to +3 m above present reaching a maximum around 5100 years bp and then progressively fell to the present level. We argue that the effect on barrier development was to suppress the development of a drainage system during the rising and maximum stages, and encourage the development of an organized drainage system in the form of regularly spaced washouts during the falling period, and that this change in sea level from rising to falling therefore produced the large‐scale differences in barrier morphology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrological and meteorological data recorded for the northern and southern headstreams of the Tarim River over the last 50 years, this paper analyses the variation characteristics of high‐flow and low‐flow indexes of annual runoff, air temperature and precipitation using a non‐parametric test. Additionally, this paper also studies the correlations between these three time series on multiple time scales for both northern and southern headstreams employing wavelet analysis. The results show the following: (i) the annual runoff and air temperature had significant increasing trends, whereas precipitation had a non‐significant increasing trend for the northern and southern headstreams. (ii) Abrupt changes appeared in precipitation in the north and south in 1990 and 1986, as well as in high‐flow and low‐flow indexes of annual runoff in 1993 and in air temperature in 1996. (iii) In the case of the northern headstreams, there was significant periodicity of 6 years in both high‐flow and low‐flow indexes and air temperature and of 3 and 8 years in precipitation. In the case of the southern headstreams, there was significant periodicity of 3 and 9 years in high‐flow and low‐flow indexes, 5 years in air temperature, and 5 and 8 years in precipitation. (iv) The high‐flow and low‐flow indexes in the headstreams of the Tarim River are closely related to the air temperature and precipitation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Southern Central America is a Late Mesozoic/Cenozoic island arc that evolved in response to the subduction of the Farallón Plate beneath the Caribbean Plate in the Late Cretaceous and, from the Oligocene, the Cocos and Nazca Plates. Southern Central America is one of the best studied convergent margins in the world. The aim of this paper is to review the sedimentary and structural evolution of arc‐related sedimentary basins in southern Central America, and to show how the arc developed from a pre‐extensional intra‐oceanic island arc into a doubly‐vergent, subduction orogen. The Cenozoic sedimentary history of southern Central America is placed into the plate tectonic context of existing Caribbean Plate models. From regional basin analysis, the evolution of the southern Central American island arc is subdivided into three phases: (i) non‐extensional stage during the Campanian; (ii) extensional phase during the Maastrichtian‐Oligocene with rapid basin subsidence and deposition of arc‐related, clastic sediments; and (iii) doubly‐vergent, compressional arc phase along the 280 km long southern Costa Rican arc segment related to either oblique subduction of the Nazca plate, west‐to‐east passage of the Nazca–Cocos–Caribbean triple junction, or the subduction of rough oceanic crust of the Cocos Plate. The Pleistocene subduction of the Cocos Ridge contributed to the contraction but was not the primary driver. The architecture of the arc‐related sedimentary basin‐fills has been controlled by four factors: (i) subsidence caused by tectonic mechanisms, linked to the angle and morphology of the incoming plate, as shown by the fact that subduction of aseismic ridges and slab segments with rough crust were important drivers for subduction erosion, controlling the shape of forearc and trench‐slope basins, the lifespan of sedimentary basins, and the subsidence and uplift patterns; (ii) subsidence caused by slab rollback and resulting trench retreat; (iii) eustatic sea‐level changes; and (iv) sediment dispersal systems.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) is an ecosystem whose ecological features are recognized internationally. There is a need to evaluate the impacts of historical and contemporary changes in land use on the GBRMP. This paper quantifies pesticide inputs in the Herbert River catchment of North Queensland in the context of changes in land use over the last 100 years. We show that three major phases of rural land use and land cover change have occurred, with large areas of native vegetation converted to agricultural production. The increase in agricultural land has seen a corresponding increase in the area receiving pesticides. We present data showing application histories for organochlorine, organophosphate, phenoxy, triazine, urea, mercurial and azole group pesticides. While the fate of these pesticides in aquatic and marine systems is largely unknown, these trends pose a significant challenge for agricultural industries in complying with the principles of ecologically sustainable development (ESD).  相似文献   

In order to investigate the response of structures to near‐fault seismic excitations, the ground motion input should be properly characterized and parameterized in terms of simple, yet accurate and reliable, mathematical models whose input parameters have a clear physical interpretation and scale, to the extent possible, with earthquake magnitude. Such a mathematical model for the representation of the coherent (long‐period) ground motion components has been proposed by the authors in a previous study and is being exploited in this article for the investigation of the elastic and inelastic response of the single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) system to near‐fault seismic excitations. A parametric analysis of the dynamic response of the SDOF system as a function of the input parameters of the mathematical model is performed to gain insight regarding the near‐fault ground motion characteristics that significantly affect the elastic and inelastic structural performance. A parameter of the mathematical representation of near‐fault motions, referred to as ‘pulse duration’ (TP), emerges as a key parameter of the problem under investigation. Specifically, TP is employed to normalize the elastic and inelastic response spectra of actual near‐fault strong ground motion records. Such normalization makes feasible the specification of design spectra and reduction factors appropriate for near‐fault ground motions. The ‘pulse duration’ (TP) is related to an important parameter of the rupture process referred to as ‘rise time’ (τ) which is controlled by the dimension of the sub‐events that compose the mainshock. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate and land‐use changes could strongly affect wind erosion and in turn cause a series of environmental problems. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess potential wind erosion rate (PWER) response to climate and land‐use changes in the watershed of the Ningxia–Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River (NIMRYR), China. The watershed of NIMRYR suffers from serious wind erosion hazards, and over recent decades, wind erosion intensity and distribution has changed, following climate and land‐use changes. To understand these processes in the NIMRYR watershed, the Integrated Wind Erosion Modelling System (IWEMS) and the Revised Wind Erosion Equation (RWEQ) were used to calculate the PWER under different climate conditions and land‐use scenarios, and to assess the influences of climate and land‐use changes on the PWER. The results show the PWER in the whole watershed had a significant declining trend from 1986 to 2013. The results of the relationship among PWER, climate change, and land‐use changes showed that climate change was the dominant control on the PWER change in this watershed. Compared to the period 1986–1995, the average PWER decreased 23.32% and 64.98% as a result of climate change in the periods 1996–2005 and 2006–2013, respectively. In contrast with climate change, the effects of land‐use changes on the average PWER were much lower, and represented a change in PWER of less than 3.3% across the whole watershed. The study method we used could provide some valuable reference for wind erosion modelling, and the research results should help climate and land‐use researchers to develop strategies to reduce wind erosion. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Roads have been widely studied as sources of runoff and sediment and identified as pollutant production sources to receiving waters. Despite the wealth of research on logging roads in forested, upland settings, little work has been conducted to examine the role of extensive networks of rural, low‐volume, unpaved roads on water quality degradation at the catchment scale. We studied a network of municipal unpaved roads in the northeastern US to identify the type and spatial extent of ‘hydro‐geomorphic impairments’ to water quality. We mapped erosional and depositional features on roads to develop an estimate of pollutant production. We also mapped the type and location of design interventions or best management practices (BMPs) used to improve road drainage and mitigate water quality impairment. We used statistical analyses to identify key controls on the frequency and magnitude of erosional features on the road network, and GIS to scale up from the survey results to the catchment scale to identify the likely importance of unpaved roads as a pollutant source in this setting. An average of 21 hydro‐geomorphic impairments were mapped per kilometer of road, averaging 0.3 m3 in volume. Road gradient and slope position were key controls on the occurrence of these features. The presence of BMPs effectively reduced erosion frequency. Scaled up to the watershed and using a conservative estimate of road–stream connectivity, our results for the Winooski River watershed in the northeastern US suggest that roughly 16% and 6% of the average annual sediment and phosphorus flux, respectively, of the Winooski River may be derived from unpaved roads. Our study identifies an under‐appreciated source of water quality degradation in rural watersheds, provides insights into identifying ‘hot spots’ of pollutant production associated with these networks, and points to effectiveness of design interventions in mitigating these adverse impacts on water quality. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although unpaved roads are well‐recognized as important sources of Hortonian overland flow and sediment in forested areas, their role in agriculturally‐active rural settings still lacks adequate documentation. In this study, we assessed the effect of micro‐catchment size, slope, and ground cover on runoff and sediment generation from graveled roadbeds servicing a rural area in southern Brazil. Fifteen replications based on 30‐min‐long simulated rainfall experiments were performed at constant rainfall intensities of 22–58 mm h?1 on roadbeds with varying characteristics including ~3–7 m2 micro‐catchment areas, 2–11° slopes, 2–9.7‐m‐long shallow rill features, and 30–100% gravel cover. The contributions of micro‐catchment size and rill length were the most important physical characteristics affecting runoff response and sediment production; both the size of the micro‐catchment and the length of the rills were inversely related to sediment loss and this contradicts most of the rill erosion literature. The effect of micro‐catchment size on runoff and sediment response suggests a potentially problematic spatial‐scale subjectivity of experimental plot results. The inverse relationship between rill length and sediment generation is interpreted here as related to the predominance of coarse fragments within rills, the inability of the shallow flows generated during the simulations to erode this sediment, and their role as zones of net sediment storage. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The response of the semi‐alluvial clay‐bed Watts Creek is assessed subject to climate change. Climate impacts are expected to have regional variability, and few studies have assessed the impacts of future climate in a small urban watershed. The 21‐km2 watershed located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, is highly urbanized (68%) and agricultural (20%) with limited forest cover (12%). Continuous simulations were performed using the SWMHYMO lumped hydrologic modelling platform for the open water year, excluding spring freshet (April 1 to October 31). A shear stress exceedance and stream power erosion routine was added to the platform to calculate erosion potential. To account for uncertainty in the collected data, 9 different field datasets were used to calibrate the model, each leading to a distinct set of calibrated parameter values. The difference between the datasets lies in the choice of the rating curves and calibration period. The 2041–2080 precipitation outputs of the 4th version of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CanRCM4) ran under representative concentration pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 at the MacDonald Cartier International Airport were downscaled using quantile matching and then used as input to the continuous hydrologic model. For each set of calibrated parameters, a cumulative effective work index based on the reach‐averaged shear stress was calculated for Watts Creek using both the historic (1967–2007) and projected future (2041–2080) flows, using a bed material critical shear stress for entrainment of 3.7 Pa. These results suggest an increase of 75% (respectively 139%) under RCP4.5 (respectively RCP8.5) in cumulative effective work index compared with historic conditions for the average measured bed strength. The work index increase is driven by an increased occurrence of above‐threshold events and, more importantly, by the increased frequency of large events. The predicted flow regime under climate change would significantly alter the erosion potential and stability of Watts Creek.  相似文献   

Rivers respond to environmental changes such as climate shifts, land use changes and the construction of hydro‐power dams in a variety of ways. Often there are multiple potential responses to any given change. Traditionally, potential stream channel response has been assessed using simple, qualitative frameworks based largely on professional judgement and field experience, or using some form of regime theory. Regime theory represents an attempt to use a physically based approach to predict the configuration of stable channels that can transport the imposed sediment supply with the available discharge. We review the development of regime theory, and then present a specific regime model that we have created as a stand‐alone computer program, called the UBC Regime Model (UBCRM). UBCRM differs from other regime models in that it constrains its predictions using a bank stability criterion, as well as a pattern stability criterion; it predicts both the stable channel cross‐sectional dimensions as well as the number of anabranches that the stream must have in order to establish a stable channel pattern. UBCRM also differs from other models in that it can be used in a stochastic modelling mode that translates uncertainty in the input variables into uncertainty in the predicted channel characteristics. However, since regime models are fundamentally based on the concept of grade, there are circumstances in which the model does not perform well. We explore the strengths and weaknesses of the UBCRM in this paper, and we attempt to illustrate how the UBCRM can be used to augment the existing qualitative frameworks, and to help guide professionals in their assessments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many studies have analysed the nonstationarity in single hydrological variables due to changing environments. Yet, few researches have been done to investigate how the dependence structure between different individual hydrological variables is affected by changing environments. To investigate how the reservoirs have altered the dependence structure between river flows at different locations on the Hanjiang River, a time‐varying copula model, which takes the nonstationarity in the marginal distribution and/or the time variation in dependence structure between different hydrological series into consideration, is presented in this paper to perform a bivariate frequency analysis for the low‐flow series from two neighbouring hydrological gauges. The time‐varying moments model with either time or reservoir index as explanatory variables is applied to build the time‐varying marginal distributions of the two low‐flow series. It's found that both marginal distributions are nonstationary, and the reservoir index yields better performance than the time index in describing the nonstationarities in the marginal distributions. Then, the copula with the dependence parameter expressed as a function of either time or reservoir index is applied to model the variable dependence between the two low‐flow series. The copula with reservoir index as the explanatory variable of the dependence parameter has a better fitting performance than the copula with the constant or the time‐trend dependence parameter. Finally, the effect of the time variation in the joint distribution on three different types of joint return periods (i.e. AND, OR and Kendall) of low flows at two neighbouring hydrological gauges is presented. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose to identify morphological and hydraulic characteristics related to overbank flows in the water level time‐series available at many gauged stations. The results obtained at 13 river stations (the catchment sizes vary from 10 to 1700 km2 with contrasted geology, land use and rainfalls regime) show that overflow mechanisms at the river‐reach scale can be systematically identified in the water level frequency distribution estimated with the peaks‐over‐threshold (POT) method. A first level (Lts1) was in the range of the incipient flooding onto the floodplain. Even if the definition of this level is variable in terms of flooded area at the reach scale, this method can be useful in providing a first estimation of the bankfull level for many gauged stations, without complex and costly field surveys. A second level (Lts2) was systematically detected on average 38 cm above the topographic flat floodplain elevation. The Lts2 inflection in the water‐level frequency distribution is assumed to reflect a composite effect of catchment hydrology and local hydraulics and channel geometry, without possibility to make a clear distinction between both processes at the moment. The local or reach scale effect would probably play an essential role in the frequency distribution as flood attenuation at catchment scale may explain the inflection Lts2 at only three sites. In light of the knowledge acquired in laboratory flumes with compound channels, most of the time Lts2 level would correspond to the level of resumption of flow both in the main channel and the floodplain. Once this method is validated in various physiographic contexts, it should apply to many hydrometric stations for both synchronic (e.g. regional analysis) and diachronic analysis (e.g. evolution over time of the bankfull discharge) to evaluate anthropic impacts on river morphology. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea has been continuously dropping 0·4–1·0 m yr?1 since the middle of the 20th century and thus provides a unique field laboratory for studying in real time the response of drainage systems to a non‐tectonic base‐level fall. The aim of this work is to study the short‐term ongoing erosive response to a rapid base‐level drop in a small, steep‐fronted, erodible fan‐delta setting. The work explores the controls of the steep Qedem fan‐delta, guided by its clinoform structure, on its incision. Longitudinal profiles of the fan‐delta and of its entrenched channel were measured in the field. Sedimentary facies changes – fluviatile, shallow lacustrine and beach – were followed along exposures. The existence of large boulders provided an opportunity to examine the uncertain role of armouring and boulder flux on incision. The field study was combined with digital elevation models (DEMs) that were extracted from pairs of overlapping aerial photos. Maps of erosion and deposition were prepared using a change detection algorithm. The longitudinal profile of the entrenched channel was found to be steep and linear. The outlet temporarily ‘hangs’ elevated and ungraded above the retreating lake level, indicating years without incision flow events, which cause lags in response to the rapid lake level drop. In spite of the large boulders, the small drainage basin and precipitation volume over the basin of the Qedem, the recorded vertical incision rates in the unconsolidated sediments are as high as 0·8 m yr?1, i.e. similar to those of the largest wadis draining to the Dead Sea. The steep front of the fan‐delta is suggested to be a main factor controlling the efficient incision. A unique transport mechanism of rolling boulders, following undercutting, contributed to the entrenchment efficiency. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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