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The diurnal pattern of blowing sand results from a complex process that involves an interaction between solar heating, thermal instability, atmospheric turbulence, wind strength, and surface threshold conditions. During the day, solar heating produces thermal instability, which enhances the convective mixing of high momentum winds from the upper levels of the atmosphere to the surface layer. The sun also dries the sand surface so that the critical threshold is as low as possible. Thus, in the afternoon, the combination of strong turbulent winds and a low surface threshold increases the likelihood that winds may intermittently exceed the critical threshold of the surface to produce bursts of blowing sand. Here an attempt has been made to explore this dynamic aeolian process using a new method for monitoring the diurnal pattern of blowing sand. This technique involves detecting blowing sand with a piezoelectric saltation sensor to determine the relative proportion of time that blowing sand is detected for a given ‘time of day’. Measurements taken over a seven‐month period on the high plains of the Llano Estacado of West Texas and eastern New Mexico suggest that sand movement tends to occur more frequently during daylight hours with a peak in aeolian activity occurring in the afternoon between 14:00 and 15:00 Local Standard Time (LST). Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coupled groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) models are capable of simulating complex hydrological systems when used at fine resolutions. However, properly characterizing bulk GW–SW fluxes for either coarsely resolved integrated models or basin‐discretized surface water models remains a challenge. Loss of subgrid detail, while beneficially decreasing computational cost, leads to a decrease in model accuracy as scale effects become important. Ideally, coarse low‐resolution models should be informed by expected subgrid behaviour, reducing the impact of scale effects. Determining how to best represent these fine‐scale details in lower‐resolution models is important for improving the accuracy and appropriateness of these models. To investigate some of these scale effects, we here explore the relationships between area‐averaged hydraulic head and bulk GW–SW exchange fluxes (e.g. evapotranspiration and discharge), all of which are presumed to be controlled predominantly by subgrid topographic effects. These relationships may be useful for simply upscaling models without the complete loss of crucial fine‐resolution subgrid details. Using finely resolved simulation output from Modflow for a fine‐resolution simulation and post‐processed results generated to represent coarser resolutions, upscaled flux relationships (UFRs) are generated for multiple terrains; these UFRs define the relationships that exist between average hydraulic head and average fluxes in unconfined aquifer systems. It is found that, for steady‐flow regimes, similar one‐to‐one power law relationships consistently exist between area‐averaged hydraulic heads, exchange fluxes and saturated area for a variety of terrains. Additionally, when the averaged values are properly normalized, the generated steady‐state UFRs for a single terrain are independent of hydraulic conductivity and potential evapotranspiration rates and apparently insensitive to the presence of mild heterogeneity. While some hysteresis is apparent in the relationships under transient conditions, transient artefacts are shown to be minor under some circumstances, indicating that UFRs may be applied to both steady‐state and transient scenarios. Simpler tests performed under saturated and variably saturated conditions in a cross‐sectional model show similar trends, suggesting that the UFR representation is extendable to systems where the vadose zone plays a significant role. It is suggested that relatively simple UFRs such as these may find use as an alternative to direct point upscaling or multi‐resolution models for estimating GW–SW exchange fluxes in coarse‐scale models. They also appear to justify the functional form of some classical models of baseflow and evapotranspiration used in conceptual surface water models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation plays an important role in shaping the morphology of aeolian dune landscapes in coastal and semi‐arid environments, where ecogeomorphic interactions are complex and not well quantified. We present a Discrete ECogeomorphic Aeolian Landscape model (DECAL) capable of simulating realistic looking vegetated dune forms, permitting exploration of relationships between ecological and morphological processes at different temporal and spatial scales. The cellular automaton algorithm applies three simple rules that lead to self‐organization of complex dune environments, including nebkhas with distinctive deposition tails that form in association with mesquite‐type shrubs, and hairpin (long‐walled) parabolic dunes with trailing ridges that evolve from blowouts in association with vegetation succession. Changing the conditions of simulations produces differing landscapes that conform qualitatively to observations of real‐world dunes. The model mimics the response of the morphology to changes in sediment supply, vegetation distribution, density and growth characteristics, as well as initial disturbances. The introduction of vegetation into the model links spatial and temporal scales, previously dimensionless in bare‐sand cellular automata. Grid resolutions coarser than the representative size of the modelled vegetation elements yield similar morphologies, but when cell size is reduced to much smaller dimensions, the resultant landscape evolution is dramatically different. The model furthermore demonstrates that the relative response characteristics of the multiple vegetation types and their mutual feedback with geomorphological processes impart a significant influence on landscape equilibria, suggesting that vegetation induces a characteristic length scale in aeolian environments. This simple vegetated dune model illustrates the power and versatility of a cellular automaton approach for exploring the effects of interactions between ecology and geomorphology in complex earth surface systems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In previous work, we presented a method for estimation and correction of non-linear mathematical model structures, within a Bayesian framework, by merging uncertain knowledge about process physics with uncertain and incomplete observations of dynamical input-state-output behavior. The resulting uncertainty in the model input-state-output mapping is expressed as a weighted combination of an uncertain conceptual model prior and a data-derived probability density function, with weights depending on the conditional data density. Our algorithm is based on the use of iterative data assimilation to update a conceptual model prior using observed system data, and thereby construct a posterior estimate of the model structure (the mathematical form of the equation itself, not just its parameters) that is consistent with both physically based prior knowledge and with the information in the data. An important aspect of the approach is that it facilitates a clear differentiation between the influences of different types of uncertainties (initial condition, input, and mapping structure) on the model prediction. Further, if some prior assumptions regarding the structural (mathematical) forms of the model equations exist, the procedure can help reveal errors in those forms and how they should be corrected. This paper examines the properties of the approach by investigating two case studies in considerable detail. The results show how, and to what degree, the structure of a dynamical hydrological model can be estimated without little or no prior knowledge (or under conditions of incorrect prior information) regarding the functional forms of the storage–streamflow and storage–evapotranspiration relationships. The importance and implications of careful specification of the model prior are illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

In arid zones, many active aeolian dunes terminate at ephemeral and perennial desert rivers. The desert rivers show very high rates of sediment transport that cause deleterious downstream effects on the river system and ecology. High sediment loading has been attributed to severe water erosion of sparsely covered watersheds during infrequent but heavy rainfall. Although aeolian erosion is known to lead to high rates of wind‐blown sand transport, direct confirmation of whether the aeolian processes accelerate or inhibit fluvial sediment loss is lacking. Here, we show that an aeolian‐fluvial cycling process is responsible for the high rate of suspended sediment transport in a Sudalaer ephemeral desert channel in the Ordos Plateau of China. Frequent aeolian processes, but low frequency (once every 3 years on average) flooding, occur in this region. Wind‐blown saltating grains appeared to be unable to cross the desert channel because of interruption of channel‐induced recirculating air flow, and therefore tended to settle in the channel during the windy seasons, leading to channel narrowing. During flooding, this narrowed channel was found to yield a threefold increase in suspended sediment loading and a 3.4‐fold increase in the weight percentage of the 0.08–0.2 mm sediment fraction on 18 July 2012. Loss of stored aeolian sand due to channel erosion accounted for about half of the total sediment yield in this watershed. These findings show that aeolian processes play an essential role in accelerating the sediment yield from a watershed characterized by aeolian‐fluvial interplay and also suggest that the drier the region and the greater the aeolian process, the more the aeolian process contributes to fluvial sediment yield. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowledge of surface moisture on beaches is vital for aeolian process studies because moisture increases transport thresholds and limits mass flux. A number of beach surface moisture measurement techniques have been employed in the field, including sample extraction, commercial soil moisture sensors, and remote sensing techniques. Each method has significant limitations in the context of aeolian process studies. This study was designed to test infrared optic techniques for measuring beach surface moisture. A simple infrared sensor (narrow‐band radiometer) was developed to measure beach surface moisture content. The accuracy and practical usability of the narrow‐band radiometer were assessed in comparison to a commercial handheld spectroradiometer. Field calibrations conducted at Cape San Blas, Florida and Padre Island, Texas indicated that the narrow‐band radiometer performed quite well. The R2 values exceeded 0·98 in each case, and the standard error averaged about 1% moisture content compared with gravimetric moisture contents determined from 1·5 mm deep surface scrapes. The performance of the two instruments was found to be comparable, with the narrow‐band radiometer slightly outperforming the spectroradiometer. In practical applications, the narrow‐band radiometer also has logistical advantages and is better suited to measure large numbers of points. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The action of organisms in shaping landforms is increasingly recognized; the field of biogeomorphology and the conceptual framework of ecosystem engineering have arisen in response to the need for integrated studies of the interactions between biotic and abiotic components of landscapes. Pathways by which organisms influence landscape development may be complex. For example, primary change initiated by one biotic element may initiate a cascade of other changes that eventually produce a significant landscape modification. Mound‐like landforms in North America and southern Africa are widely cited examples of biogenic structures, yet there is considerable controversy regarding the processes responsible for their formation. Heuweltjies (Afrikaans for little hills) are circular mounds ranging from 10–30 m diameter and 0.5–2 m height and are widespread in western South Africa. Colonies of the termite (Microhodotermes viator) are typically associated with heuweltjies and some investigators have attributed heuweltjie formation to the direct action of termites in redistributing earthen materials. However, rather than being directly responsible in this way, termites simply create nutrient‐rich islands, which support denser vegetation, thereby inducing the localized accretion of aeolian sediments and upward growth of mounds. Contrasting soil features in heuweltjies in one locale indicate these processes have occurred throughout the late Quaternary. Geographic variation in sizes of mounds is explained in part by the local availability of sediments that can be mobilized and redistributed by the wind. Recognition of the operation of aeolian processes in the formation of heuweltjies has important implications for conservation. Any land use that diminishes the sediment‐trapping effect of vegetation on heuweltjies truncates the very process by which new aeolian materials can accrue and may promote irreversible erosion and landscape degradation. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vahid Nourani  Akira Mano 《水文研究》2007,21(23):3173-3180
Rainfall–runoff modelling, as a surface hydrological process, on large‐scale data‐poor basins is currently a major topic of investigation that requires the model parameters be identified by using basin physical characteristics rather than calibration. This paper describes the application of the TOPMODEL framework accompanied by a kinematic wave model to the Karun River sub‐basins in southwestern Iran with just one conceptual parameter for calibration. ISLSCP1, HYDRO1K and Reynolds data sets are presented in a geographical information system and used as data sources for meteorological information, hydrological features and soil characteristics of the study area respectively. The results show that although the model developed can adequately predict flood runoff in the catchment with only one calibrated parameter, it is suggested that the effect of surface reservoirs be considered in the proposed model. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Early‐stage aeolian bedforms, or protodunes, are elemental in the continuum of dune development and act as essential precursors to mature dunes. Despite this, we know very little about the processes and feedback mechanisms that shape these nascent bedforms. Whilst theory and conceptual models have offered some explanation for protodune existence and development, until now, we have lacked the technical capability to measure such small bedforms in aeolian settings. Here, we employ terrestrial laser scanning to measure morphological change at the high frequency and spatial resolution required to gain new insights into protodune behaviour. On a 0.06 m high protodune, we observe vertical growth of the crest by 0.005 m in two hours. Our direct measurements of sand transport on the protodune account for such growth, with a reduction in time‐averaged sediment flux of 18% observed over the crestal region. Detailed measurements of form also establish key points of morphological change on the protodune. The position on the stoss slope where erosion switches to deposition is found at a point 0.07 m upwind of the crest. This finding supports recent models that explain vertical dune growth through an upwind shift of this switching point. Observations also show characteristic changes in the asymmetric cross‐section of the protodune. Flow‐form feedbacks result in a steepening of the lee slope and a decline in lower stoss slope steepness (by 3°), constituting a reshaping of protodune form towards more mature dune morphology. The approaches and findings applied here, (a) demonstrate an ability to quantify processes at requisite spatial and temporal scales for monitoring early‐stage dune evolution, (b) highlight the crucial role of form‐flow feedbacks in enabling early‐stage bedform growth, alluding to a fluctuation in feedbacks that require better representation in dune models, and (c) provide a new stimulus for advancing understanding of aeolian bedforms. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In aeolian sand sheets the interaction between aeolian and subaqueous processes is considered one of the principal factors that controls this depositional environment. To examine the role played by the subaqueous processes on the construction and accumulation of sand sheets, surface deposits and subsurface sedimentary sections of a currently active aeolian sand sheet, located in the Upper Tulum Valley (Argentina), have been examined. On the sand sheet surface, airflows enable the construction of nabkhas, wind‐rippled mantles (flattened accumulations of sand forming wind ripples), megaripples, and small transverse dunes. Subaqueous deposits consist of sandy current ripples covered by muddy laminae. The latter are generated by annual widespread but low‐energy floods that emanate from the nearby mountains in the aftermath of episodes of heavy precipitations. Deposits of subaqueous origin constitute 5% of the accumulated sand sheet thickness. The construction of the sand sheet is controlled by meteorological seasonal changes: the source area, the San Juan river alluvial fan, receives sediment by thaw‐waters in spring–summer; in fall–winter, when the water table lowers in the alluvial fan, the sediment is available for aeolian transport and construction of the sand sheet area. The flood events play an important role in enabling sand sheet accumulation: the muddy laminae serve to protect the underlying deposits from aeolian winnowing. Incipient cement of gypsum on the sand and vegetation cover acts as an additional stabilizing agent that promotes accumulation. Episodic and alternating events of erosion and sedimentation are considered the main reason for the absence of soils and palaeosols. Results from this study have enabled the development of a generic model with which to account for: (i) the influence of contemporaneous subaqueous processes on the construction and accumulation in recent and ancient sand sheets; and (ii) the absence of developed soils in this unstable topographic surface. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Hulunbuir dune field (HLB) is situated near the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and vulnerable to climate change. The aeolian sand–paleosol sequences of this region are crucial for understanding the past landform processes in response to climate change, but not yet understood well due to chronological controversies. Here, we presented 20 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from five aeolian sand–paleosol profiles in the HLB, and reconstructed the aeolian landform processes since 18 ka. The findings of this study suggested that the HLB was probably dominated by mobile dunes before 18 ka, as 10 out of 11 aeolian samples were dated to 18–12 ka. Two strong sandy paleosol layers were found and dated to ∼9 ka and 5–0.5 ka, indicating that strong in situ pedogenic process on the accumulative sand could occur during the Holocene. The OSL ages of samples near the top of three profiles were >9.5 ka, indicating two possible surface processes. First, the land surface was stable since 9.5 ka after stabilization, with no accumulation or erosion. Alternatively, the surface could have been erosive with the eroded sediments feeding downwind active dunes. The latter explanation is consistent with the current local landforms, which has widespread blowout pits, indicators of strong wind erosion. We emphasized that the OSL age of a sand layer sample in fossil dunes implied the onset of mobile dune stabilization, not the age of dune activity, as previously stated.  相似文献   

An association between salt pans or dry lake beds and distinctive crescentic lake-floor sand mounds (1–10 m high, tens to hundreds of metres wide) is commonplace in desert systems. In the Makgadikgadi Basin of northern Botswana, a debate about the formative processes of these landforms has persisted despite numerous morphometric, sedimentary and geochronological analyses, with mound landforms variously inferred to be aeolian dunes, subaqueous dunes, spring mounds or shoreline remnants. We propose a new formative mechanism which draws on the interaction between uneven moisture distribution on the pan surface and mobile aeolian sediments. We use a numerical model (ViSTA), which couples vegetation and aeolian sand transport dynamics, together with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of a mound in the Makgadikgadi Basin to investigate the feasibility of this ‘sticky mound hypothesis’. We find that under a range of modelled environmental conditions, uneven moisture distribution on the pan surface can lead to the development and stabilization of crescentic aeolian dunes, with these dunes growing upwind from the point of initial deposition, corresponding with the chronological data gained from OSL dating of a mound feature. On removal of this moisture, the modelled dunes erode and dissipate. These findings suggest that the formative mechanism of the mounds could be dependent on the interaction between differential drying of the pan surface and the competence of the aeolian sediment transport system across the pan floor.  相似文献   

Peatlands globally are at risk of degradation through increased susceptibility to erosion as a result of climate change. Quantification of peat erosion and an understanding of the processes responsible for their degradation is required if eroded peatlands are to be protected and restored. Owing to the unique material properties of peat, fine‐scale microtopographic expressions of surface processes are especially pronounced and present a potentially rich source of geomorphological information, providing valuable insights into the stability and dominant surface process regimes. We present a new process‐form conceptual framework to rigorously describe bare peat microtopography and use Structure‐from‐Motion (SfM) surveys to quantify roughness for different peat surfaces. Through the first geomorphological application of a survey‐grade structured‐light hand‐held 3D imager (HhI), which can represent sub‐millimetre topographic variability in field conditions, we demonstrate that SfM identifies roughness signatures reliably over bare peat plots (<1 m2), although some smoothing is observed. Across 55 plots, the roughness of microtopographic types is quantified using a suite of roughness metrics and an objective classification system derived from decision tree analysis with 98% success. This objective classification requires just five roughness metrics, each of which quantifies a different aspect of the surface morphology. We show that through a combination of roughness metrics, microtopographic types can be identified objectively from high resolution survey data, providing a much‐needed geomorphological process‐perspective to observations of eroded peat volumes and earth surface change. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We suggest a critical look at the epistemic foundations of the porous media upscaling problem that focuses on conceptual processes at work and not merely on form manipulations. We explore the way in which critical aspects of scientific methodology make their appearance in the upscaling context, thus generating useful effective parameters in practice. The fons et origo of our approach is a conceptual blending of knowledge states that requires the revision of the traditional method of scientific argument underlying most upscaling techniques. By contrast to previous techniques, the scientific reasoning of the proposed upscaling approach is based on a stochastic model that involves teleologic solutions and stochastic logic integration principles. The syllogistic form of the approach has important advantages over the traditional reasoning scheme of porous media upscaling, such as: it allows the rigorous derivation of the joint probability distributions of hydraulic gradients and conductivities across space; it imposes no restriction on the functional form of the effective parameters or the shape of the probability laws governing the random media (non-Gaussian distributions, multiple-point statistics and non-linear models are automatically incorporated); it relies on sound methodological principles rather than being ad hoc; and it offers the rational means for integrating the multifarious core knowledge bases and uncertain site-specific information sources about the subsurface system. Previous upscaling results are derived as special cases of the proposed upscaling approach under limited conditions of porous media flow, a fact that further demonstrates the generalization power of the approach. Our hope is that looking at the upscaling problem in this novel way will direct further attention to the methodological exploration of the problem at the length and the detail that it deserves.I would like to thank Drs. A. Kolovos and D.T. Hristopulos for their valuable comments. The work was supported by grants from the Army Research Office (Grant no. DAAG55–98–1-0289) and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P42-ES05948 & P30-ES10126).  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a conceptual‐numerical model that can be deduced from a calibrated finite difference groundwater‐flow model, which provides a parsimonious approach to simulate and analyze hydraulic heads and surface water body–aquifer interaction for linear aquifers (linear response of head to stresses). The solution of linear groundwater‐flow problems using eigenvalue techniques can be formulated with a simple explicit state equation whose structure shows that the surface water body–aquifer interaction phenomenon can be approached as the drainage of a number of independent linear reservoirs. The hydraulic head field could be also approached by the summation of the head fields, estimated for those reservoirs, defined over the same domain set by the aquifer limits, where the hydraulic head field in each reservoir is proportional to a specific surface (an eigenfunction of an eigenproblem, or an eigenvector in discrete cases). All the parameters and initial conditions of each linear reservoir can be mathematically defined in a univocal way from the calibrated finite difference model, preserving its characteristics (geometry, boundary conditions, hydrodynamic parameters (heterogeneity), and spatial distribution of the stresses). We also demonstrated that, in practical cases, an accurate solution can be obtained with a reduced number of linear reservoirs. The reduced computational cost of these solutions can help to integrate the groundwater component within conjunctive use management models. Conceptual approximation also facilitates understanding of the physical phenomenon and analysis of the factors that influence it. A simple synthetic aquifer has been employed to show how the conceptual model can be built for different spatial discretizations, the parameters required, and their influence on the simulation of hydraulic head fields and stream–aquifer flow exchange variables. A real‐world case was also solved to test the accuracy of the proposed approaches, by comparing its solution with that obtained using finite‐difference MODFLOW code. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Simple stability relationships are practically useful to provide a rapid assessment of coastal and estuarine landforms in response to human interventions and long‐term climate change. In this contribution, we review a variety of simple stability relationships which are based on the analysis of tidal asymmetry (TA). Most of the existing TA‐based stability relationships are derived using the one‐dimensional tidal flow equations assuming a certain regular shape of the tidal channel cross‐sections. To facilitate analytical solutions, specific assumptions inevitably need to be made, for example by linearizing the friction term and dropping some negligible terms in the tidal flow equations. We find that three major types of TA‐based stability relationships have been proposed between three non‐dimensional channel geometric ratios (represented by the ratio of channel widths, ratio of wet surface areas and ratio of storage volumes) and the tide‐related parameter a/h (i.e. the ratio between tidal amplitude and mean water depth). Based on established geometric relations, we use these non‐dimensional ratios to restate the existing relationships so that they are directly comparable. Available datasets are further extended to examine the utility of these TA‐based relationships. Although a certain agreement is shown for these relationships, we also observe a large scatter of data points which are collected in different types of landscape, hydrodynamic and sedimentological settings over the world. We discuss in detail the potential reasons for this large scatter and subsequently elaborate on the limited applicability of the various TA‐based stability relationships for practical use. We highlight the need to delve further into what constitutes equilibrium and what is needed to develop more robust measures to determine the morphological state of these systems. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An improved seismic hazard model for use in performance‐based earthquake engineering is presented. The model is an improved approximation from the so‐called ‘power law’ model, which is linear in log–log space. The mathematics of the model and uncertainty incorporation is briefly discussed. Various means of fitting the approximation to hazard data derived from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis are discussed, including the limitations of the model. Based on these ‘exact’ hazard data for major centres in New Zealand, the parameters for the proposed model are calibrated. To illustrate the significance of the proposed model, a performance‐based assessment is conducted on a typical bridge, via probabilistic seismic demand analysis. The new hazard model is compared to the current power law relationship to illustrate its effects on the risk assessment. The propagation of epistemic uncertainty in the seismic hazard is also considered. To allow further use of the model in conceptual calculations, a semi‐analytical method is proposed to calculate the demand hazard in closed form. For the case study shown, the resulting semi‐analytical closed form solution is shown to be significantly more accurate than the analytical closed‐form solution using the power law hazard model, capturing the ‘exact’ numerical integration solution to within 7% accuracy over the entire range of exceedance rate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

C. Soulsby  C. Birkel  D. Tetzlaff 《水文研究》2016,30(14):2482-2497
The importance of conceptualizing the dynamics of storage‐driven saturation area connectivity in runoff generation has been central to the development of TOPMODEL and similar low parameterized rainfall–runoff models. In this contribution, we show how we developed a 40‐year hydrometric data base to simulate storage–discharge relationships in the Girnock catchment in the Scottish Highlands using a simple conceptual model. The catchment is a unique fisheries reference site where Atlantic salmon populations have been monitored since 1966. The modelling allowed us to track storage dynamics in hillslopes, the riparian zone and groundwater, and explicitly link non‐linear changes of streamflows to landscape storage and connectivity dynamics. This provides a fundamental basis for understanding how the landscape and riverscape are hydrologically connected and how this regulates in‐stream hydraulic conditions that directly influence salmonids. We use the model to simulate storage and discharge dynamics over the 40‐year period of fisheries records. The modelled storage‐driven connectivity provides an ecohydological context for understanding the dynamics in stream flow generation which determine habitat hydraulics for different life stages of salmon population. This new, long‐term modelling now sets this variability in the riverscape in a more fundamental context of the inter‐relationships between storage in the landscape and stream flow generation. This provides a simple, robust framework for future ecohydrological modelling at this site, which is an alternative to more increasingly popular but highly parameterized and uncertain commercial ecohydrological models. It also provides a wider, novel context that is a prerequisite for any model‐based scenario assessment of likely impacts resulting from climate or land use change. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Copyright © 2016 The Authors Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The aeolian sand transport model SAFE and the air flow model HILL were applied to evaluate cross‐shore changes at two nourished beaches and adjacent dunes and to identify the response of aeolian sand transport and morphology to several nourishment design parameters and fill characteristics. The main input of the model consisted of data on the sediment, tide and meteorological conditions, and of half‐yearly measured characteristics of topography, vegetation and sand fences. The cross‐shore profiles generated by SAFE–HILL were compared to measured cross‐shore profiles. The patterns of erosion and deposition, and the morphological development corresponded. In general, the rates of aeolian sand transport were overestimated. The impact of parameters that are related to beach nourishment (namely grain size, adaptation length and beach topography) on profile development was evaluated. Grain size affected the aeolian sand transport rate to the foredunes, and therefore the morphology. Adaptation length, which is a measure of the distance over which sediment transport adapts to a new equilibrium condition, affected the topography of the beach in particular. The topography of a beach nourishment had limited impact on both aeolian sand transport rate and morphology. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Process dynamics in fluvial‐based dryland environments are highly complex with fluvial, aeolian, and alluvial processes all contributing to landscape change. When anthropogenic activities such as dam‐building affect fluvial processes, the complexity in local response can be further increased by flood‐ and sediment‐limiting flows. Understanding these complexities is key to predicting landscape behavior in drylands and has important scientific and management implications, including for studies related to paleoclimatology, landscape ecology evolution, and archaeological site context and preservation. Here we use multi‐temporal LiDAR surveys, local weather data, and geomorphological observations to identify trends in site change throughout the 446‐km‐long semi‐arid Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, where archaeological site degradation related to the effects of upstream dam operation is a concern. Using several site case studies, we show the range of landscape responses that might be expected from concomitant occurrence of dam‐controlled fluvial sand bar deposition, aeolian sand transport, and rainfall‐induced erosion. Empirical rainfall‐erosion threshold analyses coupled with a numerical rainfall–runoff–soil erosion model indicate that infiltration‐excess overland flow and gullying govern large‐scale (centimeter‐ to decimeter‐scale) landscape changes, but that aeolian deposition can in some cases mitigate gully erosion. Whereas threshold analyses identify the normalized rainfall intensity (defined as the ratio of rainfall intensity to hydraulic conductivity) as the primary factor governing hydrologic‐driven erosion, assessment of false positives and false negatives in the dataset highlight topographic slope as the next most important parameter governing site response. Analysis of 4+ years of high resolution (four‐minute) weather data and 75+ years of low resolution (daily) climate records indicates that dryland erosion is dependent on short‐term, storm‐driven rainfall intensity rather than cumulative rainfall, and that erosion can occur outside of wet seasons and even wet years. These results can apply to other similar semi‐arid landscapes where process complexity may not be fully understood. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

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