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Peak amplitudes of surface strains during strong earthquake ground motion can be approximated by ε = Aνmax1, where νmax is the corresponding peak particle velocity, β1 is the velocity of shear waves in the surface layer, and A is a site specific scaling function. In a 50 m thick layer with shear wave velocity β1 300 m/s, A 0·4 for the radial strain εrr, A 0·2 for the tangential strain εrθ, and A 1·0 for the vertical strain, εz. These results are site specific and representative of strike slip faulting and of soil in Westmoreland, in Imperial Valley, California. Similar equations can be derived for other sites with known shear wave velocity profile versus depth.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic hazard, we simulated the strong ground mo-tion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure, finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities and rupture directivity; the other is along the north-western margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity of fault rupture and the ampli-fication in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering, resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard as-sessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest, Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008.  相似文献   

基于假设检验的地震动强度(烈度)速报方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地震发生后数分钟内,快速、可靠地判别出地震动强度(烈度)的空间分布,用以估计不同地区的受灾程度,可以为政府开展应急救援并合理分配救援力量提供决策依据,保证救援人员及时、准确地到达极震区并展开搜救,以减少生命财产损失。本文基于统计学中的假设检验方法,对历史震害资料进行统计,提出了一种利用强地震动参数判别地震动强度(烈度)的方法。比较结果表明,本方法所确定的地震动强度(烈度)与实际震害烈度对应较好,能较真实地反映实际震害情况。  相似文献   

The Wenchuan Earthquake with a magnitude of Ms 8.0 struck the Sichuan province of China on May 12, 2008, where it mainly affected the area along the Longmenshan fault. In total, 420 three-component acceleration records were obtained by the China Strong Motion Networks Centre during this seismic event, among which over 50 records exceeded 100 gal. In the present study, we collected 48 near-fault acceleration records to derive strong ground motion parameters in terms of the peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, peak spectrum acceleration (5% of the damping ratio) and spectrum intensity (5% of damping ratio). We determined the building collapse ratios (CRs) for 20 targeted districts based on data acquired from both the China Earthquake Administration and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, where the CRs combined the data for all building types. Fragility curves were established between the CRs and the corresponding ground motion parameters, based on which the damage criteria were proposed. In particular, we derived the fragility curves for brick-concrete structures and frame-structures. These curves indicate how different structural types can determine the damage sustained. In addition, we developed a method for estimating building damage classifications. If we assume that buildings are built according to the improved Seismic Fortification Criterion in the revised “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings”, the predicted CRs for the 20 targeted districts would be significantly lower compared with the actual damage they sustained, which illustrates the validity of both the method and the revised code.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008 is the most destructive earthquake in China in the past 30 years in terms of property damage and human losses. In order to understand the earthquake process and the geo-morphological factors affecting the seismic hazard, we simulated the strong ground motion caused by the earthquake, incorporating three-dimensional (3D) earth structure, finite-fault rupture, and realistic surface topography. The simulated ground motions reveal that the fault rupture and basin structure control the overall pattern of the peak ground shaking. Large peak ground velocity (PGV) is distributed in two narrow areas: one with the largest PGV values is above the hanging wall of the fault and attributed to the locations of fault asperities and rupture directivity; the other is along the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin and caused by both the directivity of fault rupture and the amplification in the thick sediment basin. Rough topography above the rupture fault causes wave scattering, resulting in significantly larger peak ground motion on the apex of topographic relief than in the valley. Topography and scattering also reduce the wave energy in the forward direction of fault rupture but increase the PGV in other parts of the basin. These results suggest the need for a localized hazard assessment in places of rough topography that takes the topographic effects into account. Finally, had the earthquake started at the northeast end of the fault zone and ruptured to the southwest, Chengdu would have suffered a much stronger shaking than it experienced on 12 May, 2008. Supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. EAR 0738779 and OCE 0727919), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2004CB418404), and partially by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40521002)  相似文献   

本文根据保定市及周围地区的地震地质环境,在地震危险性分析的基础上,采用等效线性一维波动方程进行土层的地震反应分析。给出50年超越概率63%、10%、2%基岩和地面的水平向峰值加速度、反应谱(场址基本烈度Ⅶ度)和地震影响系数最大值。该结果为抗震设计提供了可靠依据,具有应用价值。  相似文献   

Column shear‐axial failure is a complex response, which lends itself to physical experimentation. Reinforced concrete structures built prior to the mid‐1970s are particularly susceptible to such failure. Shear‐axial column failure has been examined and studied at the element level, but current rehabilitation practice equates such a column failure with structural collapse, neglecting the collapse resistance of the full structural system following column failure. This system‐level response can prevent a column failure from leading to progressive collapse of the entire structure. In this study, a hybrid simulation was conducted on a representative pre‐1970s reinforced concrete frame structure under severe seismic ground motion, in which three full‐scale reinforced concrete columns were tested at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. The analytical portion of the model was represented in the computer program OpenSees. Failure occurred in multiple physical specimens as a result of the ground motion, and the hybrid nature of the test allowed for observation of the system‐level response of the tested columns and the remaining structural system. The behavior of the system accounting for multiple column shear‐axial failure is discussed and characterized. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2014年2月12日新疆自治区于田县发生了MS7.3级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了于田地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为7度,距离震中最近的于田县城烈度约为5度,断层西北侧地面震动略强于断层东南侧.另外模拟结果还显示地震动在山脊处具有较大的幅度.该地震本身主要能量释放区域在中地壳,主要滑动未及地表,因此对地表造成的破坏有限,这与目前尚无人员伤亡报告的情况相符合.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生了Ms6.5级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了鲁甸地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为Ⅶ度,破坏主要集中在鲁甸县以及巧家县、会泽县靠近鲁甸县的边界.另外,模拟结果还显示地震动在山峰、山脊处具有较大的幅度.计算表明断层东北侧的低速沉积盆地的波动放大效应加强了该地区的地震灾害.  相似文献   

南京河西地区设计地震动研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文根据南京及周围地区的地震环境,采用概率法对南京河西地区某高层公寓工程场址进行了地震危险性分析,采用等效线性化模型考虑场地土的非线性特性的影响,并用一维波动模型进行了场址土层地震反应和场地地震动效应分析,给出了50年超越概率63%,10%和3%的场址基岩和地表的水平向加速度反应谱值加速度。  相似文献   

Soil effects on peak ground acceleration, velocity and elastic response spectra (5% damping) are expressed by simple approximate relations in terms of five key parameters: (a) the fundamental vibration period of the non‐linear soil, TS, (b) the period of a bedrock site of equal thickness, Tb, (c) the predominant excitation period, Te, (d) the peak seismic acceleration at outcropping bedrock, a, and (e) the number of significant excitation cycles, n. Furthermore, another relation is proposed for the estimation of TS in terms of the soil thickness H, the average shear wave velocity of the soil V?S,o and a. The aforementioned parameters were first identified through a simplified analytical simulation of the site excitation. The multivariable approximate relations were then formulated via a statistical analysis of relevant data from more than 700 one‐dimensional equivalent‐linear seismic ground response analyses, for actual seismic excitations and natural soil conditions. Use of these relations to back‐calculate the numerical results in the database gives an estimate of their error margin, which is found to be relatively small and unbiased. The proposed relations are also independently verified through a detailed comparison with strong motion recordings from seven well‐documented case studies: (a) two sites in the San Fernando valley during the Northridge earthquake, and (b) five different seismic events recorded at the SMART‐1 accelerometer array in Taiwan. It is deduced that the accuracy of the relations is comparable to that of the equivalent‐linear method. Hence, they can be readily used as a quick alternative for routine applications, as well as for spreadsheet computations (e.g. GIS‐aided seismic microzonation studies) where numerical methods are cumbersome to implement. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic hazard assessment based on urban active faults can provide scientific bases for city planning and projectconstruction,while numerical simulation of strong ground motion is an important method for seismic hazard pre-diction and assessment.A 3-D physical model in conformity with real strata configuration of(mainly)the Quater-nary is a prerequisite to ensure the reliability of the simulation results.In this paper,we give a detailed account ofthe technical scheme and process for creating a 3-D physical model in Kunming basin.The data used are synthe-sized from seismogeological data,borehole data,topographic data,digital elevation mode(DEM)data,seismicexploration results and wave velocity measurements.Stratigraphic division is based mainly on shear wave velocity,with strata sequence taken into consideration.The model construction is finally accomplished with ArcGIS andmany relevant programming techniques via layer-by-layer stacking(in depth direction)of the adjacent mediuminterfaces(meshes).Meanwhile,a database of 3-D physical models is set up,which provides model data and pa-rameters for strong ground motion simulation.Some processing methods and significant issues are also addressedin the paper in accordance with different types of exploration and experimental data.  相似文献   

2010年4月4日墨西哥Baja地区发生MW7.2地震,2人遇难; 同年4月14日中国青海省南部玉树地区发生MW6.9地震,截至2010年4月25日,已造成2 220人遇难.有报道指出,玉树地震矩震级小于Baja地震,人员伤亡却远大于后者,主要原因在于玉树地区抗震设防标准低、建筑物抗震性能差.地震造成破坏程度的大小并非仅仅取决于矩震级的大小,而同时与其释放的地震波辐射能及发震后造成的强地面运动的大小有关. 玉树地震释放的地震波辐射能约相当于Baja地震的10倍,目前玉树地震尚无实测的强震记录.针对玉树地震和Baja地震建立动态复合震源模型,分别模拟基岩上及浅层速度结构(V30,地下30 m平均剪切波速)下近断层区域的强地面运动.结果表明,基岩上及V30下玉树地震近断层区域强地面运动整体约相当于Baja地震的2倍.因此,玉树地震造成发震区域内建筑物损毁程度及人员伤亡情况均严重于Baja地震,重要原因之一在于其地震波辐射能大,且强地面运动较强.本文中所应用的动态复合震源模型,在地震矩守恒和地震波辐射能守恒的条件约束下,可以作为地震发生后补充强地面运动数据的有效手段之一。  相似文献   

The 2008 MS8 Wenchuan earthquake occurs on a high angle listric thrust fault. It is the first time that the near and far field strong ground motion was observed for such special type thrust earthquake. This paper jointly interprets the distribution of peak acceleration of ground motion data with seismogenic structure and slip propagating process to investigate how high angle listric thrust fault controls the pattern of strong ground motion. We found that the distribution of peak acceleration of strong ground motion during the Wenchuan earthquake has four distinctive features: 1)The peak acceleration of ground motion inside the Longmenshan fault zone is large, that is, nearly twice as strong as that outside the fault zone; 2)This earthquake produces significant vertical ground motion, prevailing against horizontal components in the near field; 3)The far field records show that the peak acceleration is generally higher and attenuates slower versus station-fault distance in the hanging wall. It is doubtful that the attenuation of horizontal components also has the hanging wall effect since no evidence yet proving that the unexpected high value at long distance need be omitted; 4)As to the attenuation in directions parallel to the source fault(Yingxiu-Beichuan Fault), the far field records also exhibit azimuthal heterogeneity that the peak acceleration of horizontal components decreases slower in the north-northeastern direction in which the co-seismic slip propagates than that in the backward way. However, the attenuation of vertical component displays very weak heterogeneity of this kind. Synthetically considered with shallow dislocation, high dip angle, and prevailing vertical deformation during co-seismic process of the Wenchuan earthquake, our near and far field ground motion records reflect the truth that the magnitude of ground motion is principally determined by slip type of earthquake and actual distance between the slipping source patches and stations. As a further interpretation, the uniqueness of high angle listric thrust results in that the ground motion effects of the Wenchuan earthquake are similar to that due to a common thrust earthquake in some components while differ in the others.  相似文献   

估计和比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评述   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
如何估计和比较地震动对结构的破坏作用,一直是国内外抗震研究中的一个至关重要的问题。本主要篇幅用于介绍这一领域迄今所取得的成果并作了简单的评述,并在此基础上,提出了一种可用来比较地震动潜在破坏势的综合评估法,提出该方法的目的并不在意去确定什么量更能代表地震动在潜在破坏势,而只是在考察现有的各种被认为能代表地震动的潜在破坏势的各种参数基础上,考虑采用什么方法才能更合理地判定和比较地震动的破坏势,为此本将通常作为地震动潜在破坏势的地震动参数分成两类:一类为直接由地震动本身得到的参数,另一类为地震动通过结构反应得到的参数,并分别对此进行了讨论和分析,在此基础上得出了一种在目前可认为是研究地震动潜在破坏势押送为合理的方法-地震动潜在破坏势综合评价法。  相似文献   

Using the ground motion attenuation relation, we calculated and compared the effective peak acceleration (EPA) generated by main shocks and their strong aftershocks of 21 earthquake sequences with MS≥7 occurred in Chinese mainland and offing of China during 1966~2002. The result shows that EPA of strong aftershocks usually exceed that of main shock for 76.2% earthquake sequences and EPA of more than 50% strong aftershocks are greatly lar-ger than that of main shocks in large area, which suggests that it is necessary to take damage produced by strong aftershock into account in the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and the seismic design.  相似文献   




For the seismic design of a structure, horizontal ground shaking is usually considered in two perpendicular directions, even though real horizontal ground motions are complex two‐dimensional phenomena that impose different demands at different orientations. While the issue of ground motion dependence on the orientation of the recording devices has been the focus of many significant developments during the last decade, the effects of directionality on the characteristics of the structure have received less attention. This work presents a proposal to calculate the probability of exceedance of elastic spectral displacements accounting for structural typology and illustrates its relevance by means of its application to two case‐study buildings. In order to ease its implementation in seismic design codes, a simplification is developed by means of a detailed statistical analysis of the results obtained using four sets of real hazard curves. The framework presented herein is considered to represent an important contribution to the field of performance‐based earthquake engineering, permitting improved treatment of directionality effects within seismic risk design and assessment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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