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Tafoni are pits formed by non‐uniform weathering in otherwise uniform rock. Two equations have been proposed for the rate of development of tafoni, both based on 2000‐year‐old outcrops from the coast of Japan. We have taken tafoni measurements from the Meteor Crater, Arizona, and vicinity that extend the equations back at least 50 000 years. As reported in earlier studies, we found pit depth to be the best tafone parameter to measure. The size of the pit decreases significantly with increasing inclination of the rock surface; however, the size of the pit can vary greatly for other reasons. In some cases the measurements are statistically significantly different between two stations taken from contiguous areas of similar inclination and aspect in an apparently homogeneous bed. It is clear, however, that over tens of thousands of years tafoni enlarge significantly. Our data are generally log‐normal and all are markedly heteroscedastic. The 1991 equation proposed by Matsukura and Matsuoka does not fit our data. The 1996 equation proposed by Sunamura provides a better fit. We propose a sigmoidal equation D = b1 + e(b2+(b3/t)) where D is the depth, t is the age, and b1, b2 and b3 vary with lithology. This new equation fits our data far better than the earlier published equations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cavernous tafoni‐type weathering is a common and conspicuous global feature, creating artistic sculptures, which may be relevant for geochemical budgets. Weathering processes and rates are still a matter of discussion. Field evidence in the type locality Corsica revealed no trend of size variability from the coast to subalpine elevations and the aspect of tafoni seems to be governed primarily by the directions of local fault systems and cleavage, and only subordinately by wind directions or the aspect of insulation. REM analysis of fresh tafone chips confirmed mechanical weathering by the crystallization of salts, as conchoidal fracturing of quartz is observed. The salts are only subordinately provided by sea spray, as calcium and sodium sulfates rather than halite dominate even close to the coast. Characteristic element ratios compare well with aerosols from mixed African and European air masses. Sulfates are largely derived from Sahara dust, indicated by their sulfur isotopic composition. Salt crystals form by capillary rise within the rock and subsequent crystallization in micro‐cracks and at grain boundaries inside rain‐protected overhangs. Siderophile bacteria identified by raster electron microscopy (REM) analysis of tafone debris contribute to accelerated weathering of biotite and tiny sulfide ore minerals. By applying 10Be‐exposure dating, weathering rates of large mature tafone structures were found to be about an order of magnitude higher than those on the exposed top of the affected granite blocks. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite numerous investigations and theoretical models, tafoni weathering is still not fully understood largely because of limited data available on temperature, moisture and salt regimes. We investigated tafoni developed in granite in the Tafraoute region, Morocco, through an exploratory, two‐week multi‐method field campaign. Temperatures were measured with iButtons and by means of infrared thermography; moisture distribution and progress were captured with handheld moisture sensors and with drilled‐in iButtons. Salts were analysed in drill dust samples from different positions and rock depths. The results derived from very different techniques mutually support one another. Salts and moisture are concentrated near the base of the investigated tafoni, probably due to a saturated pore water body around the base of rock tors. Salts are accumulated close to the rock surface in tafoni, but not on the surrounding rock surfaces. A clear correlation was found between moisture and salt contents. Within a tafone, areas of higher humidity also display increased salt concentration near the surface. The temperature/humidity records allied with ionic analyses suggest that sodium sulfate dominates and is likely to undergo frequent phase changes from thenardite to mirabilite and vice versa. Two pathways of salt transport in and around tafoni are assumed based on the data: infiltration with rainfall on the top and around tors and boulders, and capillary rise from saturated pore water bodies to the surface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quantification of debris‐flow hazard requires estimates of debris‐flow frequency and magnitude. Several methods have been proposed to determine the probable volume of future debris flows from a given basin, but most have neglected to account for debris recharge rates over time, which may lead to underestimation of debris‐flow volumes in basins with rare debris flows. This paper deals with the determination of debris recharge rates in debris‐flow channels based on knowledge of debris storage and the elapsed time since the last debris flow. Data are obtained from coastal British Columbia and a relation is obtained across a sample of basins with similar terrain and climatic conditions. For Rennell Sound on the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands, the power‐law relation for area‐normalized recharge rate, Rt, versus elapsed time, te was Rt = 0·23te?0·58 with an explained variance of 75 per cent. A difference in recharge rates may exist between creeks in logged and unlogged forested terrain. The power function for undisturbed terrain was Rt = 0·20te?0·49, while the function for logged areas was Rt = 0·30te?0·77. This result suggests that for the same elapsed time since the last debris flow, clearcut gullies tend to recharge at a slower rate than creeks in old growth forest. This finding requires verification, particularly for longer elapsed times since debris flow, but would have important implications for forest resource management in steep coastal terrain. This study demonstrates that commonly used encounter probability equations are inappropriate for recharge‐limited debris flow channels. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The groundwater variations in unconfined aquifers are governed by the nonlinear Boussinesq's equation. Analytical solution for groundwater fluctuations in coastal aquifers under tidal forcing can be solved using perturbation methods. However, the perturbation parameters should be properly selected and predefined for traditional perturbation methods. In this study, a new dimensional, higher‐order analytical solution for groundwater fluctuations is proposed by using the homotopy perturbation method with a virtual perturbation parameter. Parameter‐expansion method is used to remove the secular terms generated during the solution process. The solution does not require any predefined perturbation parameter and valid for higher values of amplitude parameter A/D, where A is the amplitude of the tide and D is the aquifer thickness.  相似文献   

A control strategy is proposed for variable damping elements (VDEs) used together with auxiliary stiffness elements (ASEs) that compose a time‐varying non‐linear Maxwell (NMW) element, considering near‐future excitation influence. The strategy first composes a state equation for the structural dynamics and the mechanical balance in the NMW elements. Next, it establishes a cost function for estimating future responses by the weighted quadratic norms of the state vector, the controlled force and the VDEs' damping coefficients. Then, the Euler equations for the optimum values are introduced, and also approximated by the first‐order terms under the autoregressive (AR) model of excitation information. Thus, at each moment tk, the strategy conducts the following steps: (1) identify the obtained seismic excitation information to an AR model, and convert it to a state equation; and (2) determine VDEs' damping coefficients under the initial conditions at tk and the final state at tk+L, using the first‐order approximation of the Euler equations. The control effects are examined by numerical experiments. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tafoni are a type of cavernous weathering widespread around the world. Despite the extensive distribution of the tafoni, their genesis is not clear and is still a matter of debate, also because they occur in such different climatic conditions and on so many different types of substrate. Geomorphological characterization of more than 60 tafoni in three different Antarctic sites (two coastal and one inland) between 74 and 76° S with sampling of weathering products and salt occurrences are described together with thermal data (on different surfaces) and wind speed recorded in different periods of the year in a selected tafone close to the Italian Antarctic station. The aim of this present study is to provide further information to help understand the processes involved in the growth of tafoni in a cryotic environment, and the relationship of these processes to climate, with particular attention to the thermal regime and the role of wind. The new data presented in this paper suggest that there is no single key factor that drives the tafoni development, although thermal stress seems the most efficient process, particularly if we consider the short‐term fluctuations. The data also confirm that other thermal processes, such as freezing–thawing cycles and thermal shock, are not really effective for the development of tafoni in this area. The wind speed measured within the tafoni is half that recorded outside, thus favouring snow accumulation within the tafoni and therefore promoting salt crystallization. On the other hand, the wind effect on the thermal regime within the tafoni seems negligible. While both salt weathering and thermal stress appear active in this cryotic environment, these are azonal processes and are therefore active in other climatic areas where tafoni are widespread (such as the Mediterranean region). Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In some present‐day coastal areas, recent inactive deposits now outside the reach of sea agents can be observed. These deposits, although formed under different climatic and sea level conditions, often show similar facies to current littoral deposits. They are frequently interpreted as old dunes and beach ridges, or as abandoned spit bars, representative of previous dynamic stages. Nevertheless, in coastal areas which have been subjected to highly‐energetic events similar deposits can also be found. When a dynamic event acts on several adjacent environments, the transported and re‐deposited sediments can create homogeneous deposits with similar facies, that are easily confused. In this work, shelly layers interbedded in relict littoral sands located in the La Algaida pinewood, on the edge of the Rio San Pedro tidal channel, in Cadiz Bay (south‐west Spain) have been studied. The main constituents of the shelly beds are Glycimeris valves, organisms which are no longer found as live specimens in the present‐day sea bed of Cadiz Bay. From their appearance, the origin of these shelly beds could be related to sea washovers generated by tidal or storm action, but their disposition and height over the present sea level implies that even higher energy agents were involved in their formation, such as major storms or tsunami waves. The most significant process was the mobilization of the sub‐tidal and littoral sediments and their dispersal and re‐sedimentation, both lengthways and widthways of the coast, giving way to homogeneous sandy deposits in all littoral environments some of which are now outside the reach of current sea agents. The exception is the present‐day shore of the San Pedro tidal channel, where the sediments are being reworked by tidal and small wave action. If the proximity of the study zone to the limit of the African and Iberian plates is considered, where several historical earthquakes and tsunamis have taken place, it is possible to think that these deposits could be a consequence of sporadic and successive washovers, generated by tsunamis occurring between ad 800 and ad 1200. Sedimentological and historical data indicate an increase in seismic and tsunami activity during this period of time, while the shelly layers would be the consequence of the most intense pulses occurring during these high‐energy events. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many tafoni occur on the faces of marine cliffs on three uplifted shore platforms with different altitudes and with known ages of emergence. The mean value of the ten largest depths of tafoni, D (cm), was obtained and the period of their formation, t (years), was estimated. The relationship between the two variables was found to be D = 20·3 × (1?e?0.005t).  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model that describes temporal variations of earthquakes. This model is represented as $$dn(t)/dt = n(t)\left[ {\alpha - \beta n(t) - \int_{ - \infty }^t {n(s)h(t - s)ds} } \right].$$ Heren(t) shows the numberof earthquakes per unit time in a certain region. α and β are constants. The functionh(t) denotes the hysteresis effect of the earthquake occurrences and can take the following forms depending on the physical conditions of the crusts; (A)h(t)=0: the equation represents a logistic type increase or decrease and approaches a stationary state asymptotically. This describes aftershock series of large earthquakes and earthquake swarms of large scale such as the Wakayama and Matsushiro swarms in Japan; (B)h(t)=constant (β=0): frequencyn(t) increases initially and then decreases gradually and shows some kind of volcanic swarms; (C)h(t) = κ · {exp(?γ1 t) ? exp(γ2 t)}, (γ2 > γ1): this denotes time delay effects and the model shows periodic patterns of bursts or “rhythms” of earthquakes, which are observed in earthquake swarms. When external effects are taken into consideration, the model is further generalized and can describe various seismic patterns. These effects represent various influences of the circumstances like the earth tide and fluctuations of plate motions, etc. Whenh(t) takes type (A) and the external effect is random, the equation displays repetitive random patterns with bursts. Particularly interesting cases may be those whenh(t) is type (C) and the external force is periodic like the earth tide. Various nonperiodic as well as periodic patterns of earthquakes appear. These are the phenomena of “chaos” and “entrainment”, etc. and can be commonly observed. Varieties of actual earthquake patterns seem to be, at least partly, explained by the nonlinear coupling between the tidal forces and autonomous rhythms of earthquakes.  相似文献   

Tidal water table fluctuations in a coastal aquifer are driven by tides on a moving boundary that varies with the beach slope. One-dimensional models based on the Boussinesq equation are often used to analyse tidal signals in coastal aquifers. The moving boundary condition hinders analytical solutions to even the linearised Boussinesq equation. This paper presents a new perturbation approach to the problem that maintains the simplicity of the linearised one-dimensional Boussinesq model. Our method involves transforming the Boussinesq equation to an ADE (advection–diffusion equation) with an oscillating velocity. The perturbation method is applied to the propagation of spring–neap tides (a bichromatic tidal system with the fundamental frequencies ω1andω2) in the aquifer. The results demonstrate analytically, for the first time, that the moving boundary induces interactions between the two primary tidal oscillations, generating a slowly damped water table fluctuation of frequency ω1−ω2, i.e., the spring–neap tidal water table fluctuation. The analytical predictions are found to be consistent with recently published field observations.  相似文献   

Using a combination of field, laboratory and micromorphological evidence, this study examines tafoni (singular, tafone) in the El Chorro area of Andalucia, southern Spain, and makes inferences concerning the processes responsible for their formation. Twenty-five tafoni were randomly selected for field examination. The morphology of these cavernous rock domes is characterized by a helmet-shaped outer roof and an arched-shaped cavern, often with a partially overhanging visor; measurements of height, width and depth of the caverns revealed marked variations in size. The presence or absence of lichen cover, surface varnish, overhanging visor, cavern backwall stripes, rock flaking, weathering pits and cavern floor sediments was also noted. Surface hardness values, obtained using a Schmidt hammer, are relatively low but significantly higher on the outer roof of the tafoni than on the inner cavern walls. Analysis of sediment samples collected from the cavern backwalls and floors indicates predominantly sandy textures, alkaline pH values and some base cation enrichment. Micromorphological analysis of thin sections, prepared from undisturbed blocks, reveals large quantities of pore-filling cement, consisting mainly of calcite, mineral grains affected by weathering and pseudomorphic replacement, and dark, rounded nodules with a metallic appearance. In terms of their formation, different processes appear to act on different parts of the landform. On the outer roof surfaces, case hardening, resulting from near-surface cementation and surface varnish development, is dominant. On the inner cavern surfaces, however, core softening, resulting from granular disintegration and flaking, dominates. Exfoliation weathering, running water and wind deflation also appear to play an important role in tafone formation. A phased model of tafone evolution is proposed whereby the features pass through four phases of development–initiation, enlargement, amalgamation and degradation; in the study area there are examples of tafoni in each of these phases. Much of the evidence suggests that the tafoni are actively developing under current environmental conditions. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The potential for trichloroethene (TCE) biodegradation in a fractured dolomite aquifer at a former chemical disposal site in Smithville, Ontario, Canada, is assessed using chemical analysis and TCE and cis‐DCE compound‐specific isotope analysis of carbon and chlorine collected over a 16‐month period. Groundwater redox conditions change from suboxic to much more reducing environments within and around the plume, indicating that oxidation of organic contaminants and degradation products is occurring at the study site. TCE and cis‐DCE were observed in 13 of 14 wells sampled. VC, ethene, and/or ethane were also observed in ten wells, indicating that partial/full dechlorination has occurred. Chlorine isotopic values (δ37Cl) range between 1.39 to 4.69‰ SMOC for TCE, and 3.57 to 13.86‰ SMOC for cis‐DCE. Carbon isotopic values range between ?28.9 and ?20.7‰ VPDB for TCE, and ?26.5 and ?11.8‰ VPDB for cis‐DCE. In most wells, isotopic values remained steady over the 15‐month study. Isotopic enrichment from TCE to cis‐DCE varied between 0 and 13‰ for carbon and 1 and 4‰ for chlorine. Calculated chlorine‐carbon isotopic enrichment ratios (?Cl/?C) were 0.18 for TCE and 0.69 for cis‐DCE. Combined, isotopic and chemical data indicate very little dechlorination is occurring near the source zone, but suggest bacterially mediated degradation is occurring closer to the edges of the plume.  相似文献   

Tidal flats, which are important reserved land resources, have a vital role in climate change. To evaluate the contribution of coastal saline soils to carbon sequestration, field tests were performed over a 3 year period at the Dafeng Wanggang Experimental Station in Jiangsu Province, China. Six artificial agro‐ecosystems, including wasteland (WL), freshwater fish culture (FC), Sesbania culture (SC), barley culture (BC), mixed culture of fish and Sesbania (MCFS) and mixed culture of fish and barley (MCFB), were established according to developmental processes of coastal saline soils. At the initial stage of tidal flat reclamation, the soil organic carbon (SOC) increased by 59.4 t ha?1 in the FC system during 3 years, which was much higher than that of the WL system (40.7 t ha?1). When the tidal flats evolved into high saline soils, the MCFS system sequestered SOC more effectively than the FC or SC systems with increases of 53.1, 16.9 and 8.3 t ha?1, respectively. Subsequently, in the low saline soils, the maximum soil carbon sequestration was obtained in the MCFB system (35.8 t ha?1) followed by the BC (17.5 t ha?1) and FC (13.5 t ha?1) systems. Therefore, proper development of tidal flats to farmland and the subsequent establishment of optimised artificial agro‐ecosystems make an important contribution to carbon sequestration and climate changes in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Data from flume studies are used to develop a model for predicting bed‐load transport rates in rough turbulent two‐dimensional open‐channel flows moving well sorted non‐cohesive sediments over plane mobile beds. The object is not to predict transport rates in natural channel flows but rather to provide a standard against which measured bed‐load transport rates influenced by factors such as bed forms, bed armouring, or limited sediment availability may be compared in order to assess the impact of these factors on bed‐load transport rates. The model is based on a revised version of Bagnold's basic energy equation ibsb = ebω, where ib is the immersed bed‐load transport rate, ω is flow power per unit area, eb is the efficiency coefficient, and sb is the stress coefficient defined as the ratio of the tangential bed shear stress caused by grain collisions and fluid drag to the immersed weight of the bed load. Expressions are developed for sb and eb in terms of G, a normalized measure of sediment transport stage, and these expressions are substituted into the revised energy equation to obtain the bed‐load transport equation ib = ω G 3·4. This equation applies regardless of the mode of bed‐load transport (i.e. saltation or sheet flow) and reduces to ib = ω where G approaches 1 in the sheet‐flow regime. That ib = ω does not mean that all the available power is dissipated in transporting the bed load. Rather, it reflects the fact that ib is a transport rate that must be multiplied by sb to become a work rate before it can be compared with ω. It follows that the proportion of ω that is dissipated in the transport of bed load is ibsb/ω, which is approximately 0·6 when ib = ω. It is suggested that this remarkably high transport efficiency is achieved in sheet flow (1) because the ratio of grain‐to‐grain to grain‐to‐bed collisions increases with bed shear stress, and (2) because on average much more momentum is lost in a grain‐to‐bed collision than in a grain‐to‐grain one. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Holocene evolution of the Canning Coast of Western Australia has largely been overlooked so far mainly due to its remoteness and low population density. We report on new data from a sequence of foredunes inside the macro‐tidal Admiral Bay, 110 km southwest of Broome. Based on sediment cores, differential global positioning system (dGPS)‐based elevation transects, and stratigraphical analyses on outcrops of the relict foredunes, we aim at reconstructing Holocene coastal changes and relative sea levels (RSLs), as well as identifying and dating imprints of extreme‐wave events. Sedimentary analyses comprise the documentation of bedding structures, foraminiferal content and macrofaunal remains, grain size distribution, and organic matter. The chronological framework is based on 26 carbon‐14 accelerator mass spectrometry (14C‐AMS) datings. Marine flooding of the pre‐Holocene surface landward of the 2.5 km‐wide foredune barriers occurred 7400–7200 cal bp , when mangroves colonized the area. After only 200–400 years, a high‐energy inter‐tidal environment established and prevailed until c. 4000 cal bp , before turning into the present supralittoral mudflat. During that time, coastal regression led to beach progradation and the formation of aligned foredunes. Drivers of progradation were a stable RSL or gradual RSL fall after the mid‐Holocene and a positive sand budget. The foredunes overlie upper beach deposits located up to >2 m above the present upper beach level and provide evidence for a higher mid‐Holocene RSL. Discontinuous layers of coarse shells and sand are intercalated in the foredunes, indicating massive coastal flooding events. One such layer was traced over three dune ridges and dated to c. 1700–1550 cal bp . However, it seems that most tropical cyclones induce net erosion rather than deposition at aligned foredunes and thus, they are only suitable for reconstructing temporal variability if erosional features or sedimentation reliably tied to these events can be identified and dated accurately. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Post‐wildfire runoff was investigated by combining field measurements and modelling of infiltration into fire‐affected soils to predict time‐to‐start of runoff and peak runoff rate at the plot scale (1 m2). Time series of soil‐water content, rainfall and runoff were measured on a hillslope burned by the 2010 Fourmile Canyon Fire west of Boulder, Colorado during cyclonic and convective rainstorms in the spring and summer of 2011. Some of the field measurements and measured soil physical properties were used to calibrate a one‐dimensional post‐wildfire numerical model, which was then used as a ‘virtual instrument’ to provide estimates of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and high‐resolution (1 mm) estimates of the soil‐water profile and water fluxes within the unsaturated zone. Field and model estimates of the wetting‐front depth indicated that post‐wildfire infiltration was on average confined to shallow depths less than 30 mm. Model estimates of the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, near the soil surface ranged from 0.1 to 5.2 mm h?1. Because of the relatively small values of Ks, the time‐to‐start of runoff (measured from the start of rainfall), tp, was found to depend only on the initial soil‐water saturation deficit (predicted by the model) and a measured characteristic of the rainfall profile (referred to as the average rainfall acceleration, equal to the initial rate of change in rainfall intensity). An analytical model was developed from the combined results and explained 92–97% of the variance of tp, and the numerical infiltration model explained 74–91% of the variance of the peak runoff rates. These results are from one burned site, but they strongly suggest that tp in fire‐affected soils (which often have low values of Ks) is probably controlled more by the storm profile and the initial soil‐water saturation deficit than by soil hydraulic properties. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, compositional and geochemical determinations were carried out on 54 desert and coastal dune sand samples to study the provenance of desert and coastal dunes of the Altar Desert, Sonora, Mexico. Grain size distributions of the desert dune sands are influenced by the Colorado River Delta sediment supply and wind selectiveness. The desert dune sands are derived mainly from the quartz‐rich Colorado River Delta sediments and sedimentary lithics. The dune height does not exert a control over the grain size distributions of the desert dune sands. The quartz enrichment of the desert dune sands may be due to wind sorting, which concentrates more quartz grains, and to the aeolian activity, which has depleted the feldspar grains through subaerial collisions. The desert dune sands suffer from little chemical weathering and they are chemically homogeneous, with chemical alteration indices similar to those found in other deserts of the world. The desert sands have been more influenced by sedimentary and granitic sources. This is supported by the fact that Ba and Sr concentration values of the desert sands are within the range of the Ba and Sr concentration values of the Colorado River quartz‐rich sediments. The Sr values are also linked to the presence of Ca‐bearing minerals. The Zr values are linked to the sedimentary sources and heavy mineral content in the desert dunes. The Golfo de Santa Clara and Puerto Peñasco coastal dune sands are influenced by long shore drift, tidal and aeolian processes. Coarse grains are found on the flanks whereas fine grains are on the crest of the dunes. High tidal regimens, long shore drift and supply from Colorado Delta River sediments produce quartz‐rich sands on the beach that are subsequently transported into the coastal dunes. Outcrops of Quaternary sedimentary rocks and granitic sources increase the sedimentary and plutonic lithic content of the coastal dune sands. The chemical index of alteration (CIA) values for the desert and coastal dune sands indicate that both dune types are chemically homogeneous. The trace element values for the coastal dune sands are similar to those found for the desert dune sands. However, an increase in Sr content in the coastal dune sands may be due to more CaCO3 of biogenic origin as compared to the desert dune sands. Correlations between the studied parameters show that the dune sands are controlled by sedimentary sources (e.g. Colorado River Delta sediments), since heavy minerals are present in low percentages in the dune sands, probably due to little heavy mineral content from the source sediment; grain sizes in the dune sands are coarser than those in which heavy minerals are found and/or the wind speed might not exert a potential entrainment effect on the heavy mineral fractions to be transported into the dune. A cluster analysis shows that the El Pinacate group is significantly different from the rest of the dune sands in terms of the grain‐size parameters due to longer transport of the sands and the long distance from the source sediment, whereas the Puerto Peñasco coastal dune sands are different from the rest of the groups in terms of their geochemistry, probably caused by their high CaCO3 content and slight decrease in the CIA value. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To improve quantitative understanding of mixed‐land‐use impacts on nutrient yields, a nested‐scale experimental watershed study design (n = 5) was applied in a 303(d), clean water act impaired urbanizing watershed of the lower Missouri River Basin, USA. From 2010 to 2013, water samples (n = 858 sample days per site) were analysed for total inorganic nitrogen (TIN‐N), nitrite (NO2–N) nitrate (NO3–N), ammonia (NH3–N), and total phosphorus (TP‐P). Annual, seasonal, and monthly flow‐weighted concentrations (FWCs) and nutrient yields were estimated. Mean nutrient concentrations were highest where agricultural land use comprised 58% of the drainage area (NH3 = 0.111 mg/l; NO2 = 0.045 mg/l; NO3 = 0.684 mg/l, TIN = 0.840 mg/l; TP = 0.127 mg/l). Average TP‐P increased by 15% with 20% increased urban land use area. Highly variable annual precipitation was observed during the study with highest nutrient yields during 2010 (record setting wet year) and lowest nutrient yields during 2012 (extreme drought year). Annual TIN‐N and TP‐P yields exceeded 10.3 and 2.04 kg ha?1 yr?1 from the agricultural dominated headwaters. Mean annual NH3–N, NO2–N, NO3–N, TIN‐N, and TP‐P yields were 0.742, 0.400, 4.24, 5.38, and 0.979 kg ha?1 yr?1, respectively near the watershed outlet. Precipitation accounted for the majority of the explained variance in nutrient yields (R2 values from 0.68 to 0.85). Nutrient yields were also dependent on annual precipitation of the preceding year (R2 values from 0.87 to 0.91) thus enforcing the great complexity of variable mixed‐land‐use mediated source‐sink nutrient yield relationships. Study results better inform land managers and best management practices designed to mitigate nutrient pollution issues in mixed‐land‐use freshwater ecosystems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we proposed a new approach for linking event sediment sources to downstream sediment transport in a watershed in central New York. This approach is based on a new concept of spatial scale, sub‐watershed area (SWA), defined as a sub‐watershed within which all eroded soils are transported out without deposition during a hydrological event. Using (rainfall) event data collected between July and November, 2007 from several SWAs of the studied watershed, we developed an empirical equation that has one independent variable, mean SWA slope. This equation was then used to determine event‐averaged unit soil erosion rate, QS/A, (in kg/km2/hr) for all SWAs in the studied watershed and calculate event‐averaged gross erosion Eea (in kg/hr). The event gross erosion Et (in kilograms) was subsequently computed as the product of Eea and the mean event duration, T (in hours) determined using event hydrographs at the outlet of the studied watershed. Next, we developed two linear sediment rating curves (SRCs) for small and big events based on the event data obtained at the watershed outlet. These SRCs, together with T, allowed us to determine event sediment yield SYe (in kilograms) for all events during the study period. By comparing Et with SYe, developing empirical equations (i) between Et and SYe and (ii) for event sediment delivery ratio, respectively, we revealed the event dynamic processes connecting sediment sources and downstream sediment transport. During small events, sediment transport in streams was at capacity and dominated by the deposition process, whereas during big events, it was below capacity and controlled by the erosion process. The key of applying this approach to other watersheds is establishing their empirical equations for QS/A and appropriately determining their numbers of SWAs. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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