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The interaction between drumlins and overriding glacier ice is not well studied, largely due to the difficulty of identifying and accessing suitable active subglacial environments. The surge-type glacier Múlajökull, in central Iceland, overlies a known field of actively forming drumlins and therefore provides a rare opportunity to investigate the englacial structures that have developed in association with ice flow over the subglacial drumlins. In this study detailed ground-penetrating radar surveys are combined with field observations to identify clear sets of up-glacier and down-glacier dipping fractures at Múlajökull's margin. These are interpreted as conjugate shear planes or P- and R-type Reidel shears that developed and filled with saturated sediment derived from the glacier bed, during a previous surge. The fracture sets exhibit focused spatial distributions that are influenced by the subglacial topography. In particular, down-glacier dipping fractures are strongly focused over drumlin stoss slopes. These fractures, although well developed at depth, were mostly unable to transmit basal water and sediment up to the glacier surface during the surge cycle. In contrast, up-glacier dipping fractures formed over drumlin lee sides and in more gently sloping swales, and more frequently connected to the glacier surface, providing a pathway for the evacuation of basal water and water-saturated sediment. The study suggests that the subglacial drumlins under Múlajökull's margin have influenced the nature and distribution of englacial fractures, which could potentially contribute to spatial variations in basal water pressure during a surge. BGS © UKRI 2018  相似文献   

Drumlins are landforms essential to understanding of ice sheet movement over soft beds, sediment transport along the ice/bed interface, and the formation of a wide range of glacial deposits. Although investigated more than any other glacial landform, the origin of drumlins remains contentious. Using high-resolution LiDAR imagery and field data, we investigate the geomorphology and internal composition of one of the biggest drumlin fields in the North European Lowland. The Stargard drumlin field consists of over 1300 drumlins and related streamlined subglacial bedforms in a terminal part of a major Weichselian palaeo-ice stream of the southern Scandinavian Ice Sheet. The drumlins are typically 600-800 m long, 200-250 m wide, 3-6 m high and have axial elongation ratios ~2 but in some cases exceeding 15. Several subzones inferred from drumlin morphometry exist reflecting different ice flow dynamics. The most elongated drumlins occur in areas where ice moved down-slope and where thick fine-grained deposits of low hydraulic conductivity occur in the substratum. The largest portion of land occupied by drumlins and the greatest frequency density of drumlins occur where the ice moved up-slope. Stargard drumlins are composed of a wide variety of glacial deposits including various types of tills and meltwater sediments, which range from undisturbed to heavily deformed. There is no correlation between the deposits in the drumlins and the drumlin forms indicating that the deposits pre-date the drumlinizing process. It is suggested that the drumlin field was generated by a combination of direct glacial erosion and subglacial meltwater erosion by removing antecedent material from the inter-drumlin areas and streamlining the resultant bumps. Our data support the search for a unifying theory of drumlin formation and suggest erosion as the most plausible single mechanism generating drumlin landscapes. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interpretation of subglacial processes and environments can be usefully informed by the stratigraphy and structures of sediments preserved within drumlins, and the down‐ice variability of these sediments. Drumlins in Clew Bay, western Ireland, were formed by westward late Pleistocene ice flow onto the Atlantic shelf, but the depositional processes and environments of these sediments remain uncertain. This study describes and interprets the drumlin stratigraphy and sediment properties and structures from two drumlins on the south side of Clew Bay. Drumlin sediments are dominated by massive to stratified diamicton deposited subglacially by deformation of flows of varying rheology. Folds, shears and clastic dikes within the sediments suggest active subglacial water flow related to variations in ice flow and ice‐bed coupling. The distal ends of the drumlins are dominated by stratified diamicton and gravel units with sandy interbeds. These sediments reflect deposition in a leeside subglacial cavity formed coevally with bedform development. A model is proposed that can account for sediment stratigraphic patterns and drumlin formation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drumlins are subglacial bedforms streamlined in the direction of ice flow. Common in deglaciated landscapes, they have been widely studied providing rich information on their internal geology, size, shape, and spacing. In contrast with bedform investigations elsewhere in geomorphology (aeolian and fluvial dunes and ripples for example) most drumlin studies derive observations from relict, and thus static features. This has made it difficult to gain information and insights about their evolution over time, which likely hampers our understanding of the process(es) of drumlin formation. Here we take a morphological approach, studying drumlin size and spacing metrics. Unlike previous studies which have focussed on databases derived from entire ice sheet beds, we adopt a space‐for‐time substitution approach using individual drumlin flow‐sets distributed in space as proxies for different development times/periods. Framed and assisted by insights from aeolian and fluvial geomorphology, we use our metric data to explore possible scenarios of drumlin growth, evolution and interaction. We study the metrics of the size and spacing of 36 222 drumlins, distributed amongst 71 flow‐sets, left behind by the former British‐Irish Ice Sheet, and ask whether behaviour common to other bedform phenomena can be derived through statistical analysis. Through characterizing and analysing the shape of the probability distribution functions of size and spacing metrics for each flow‐set we argue that drumlins grow, and potentially migrate, as they evolve leading to pattern coarsening. Furthermore, our findings add support to the notion that no upper limit to drumlin size exists, and to the idea that perpetual coarsening could occur if given sufficient time. We propose that the framework of process and patterning commonly applied to non‐glacial bedforms is potentially powerful for understanding drumlin formation and for deciphering glacial landscapes. © 2017 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Drumlin shape has been hypothesized to correlate with ice-flow duration and slip speed, but modern-day analogues and the Coulomb nature of till render the basis of these correlations in question. The evolution of flow-parallel subglacial landforms is of importance for ice flow because the form drag they provide may be a dominant factor in regulating glacier slip speeds. Here we examine the relationship between drumlin shape and cumulative slip displacement (i.e. time-integrated slip speed) as a dominant glaciological control on drumlin shape. First, a new method is developed that allows slip speed to be estimated for deformable bedded glaciers along a flow line from an ice surface profile. Then, reconstructed surface profiles for ice margin chronologies of the Green Bay Lobe (GBL) are used to construct and estimate the spatially varying cumulative slip displacement for use in comparison with drumlin elongation ratios. We focus on a sector of the GBL near the central flow line where the geology is simple and glaciological controls are likely to dominate bedform development. Using Bayesian statistical analysis, a positive and statistically robust relationship between cumulative slip displacement and drumlin elongation ratio is found. Our analysis indicates that drumlin shape could be used to infer palaeo glacier slip speeds if time under the ice can be well constrained and geologic influences are minimal. These findings also suggest that drumlin-supplied drag could decrease with increased cumulative slip displacement in the absence of rigid geologic features that fix drumlin positions.  相似文献   

Spindle- and parabolic-shaped drumlins examined at fifty-five localities in northern Ireland possess stratification sequences on their lee-side flanks. These forms lack the distinctive steep stoss- and tapering lee-ends of classical drumlins and tend to occur in linear zones transverse to late Pleistocene ice-flow. In most cases (90 per cent) the stratified deposits infill embayments excavated in the lee-side of barkhanoid forms and, in the remainder (10 per cent), they are superimposed on the lee-side of whaleback forms. The stratification sequences developed as a result of sedimentation in interconnected subglacial water-filled cavities and are unlike remanie proglacial sediments moulded by ice into drumlin form. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that the lee-side sequences developed during drumlin streamlining, which supports the view that subglacial hydraulic processes played an important role in drumlin formation.  相似文献   

The orientation of several landforms, e.g. drumlins, flutes, crag-and-tails, and mega-scale glacial lineations, records the direction of the overlying ice flow that created them. Populations of such features are used routinely to infer former ice-flow patterns, which serve as the building blocks of reconstructions of palaeo ice-sheet evolution. Currently, the conceptualisation of flow patterns from these flow-direction records is done manually and qualitatively, so the extractable glaciological information is limited. We describe a kriging method (with Matlab code implementation) that calculates continuous fields of ice-flow direction, convergence, and curvature from the flow-direction records, and which yields quantitative results with uncertainty estimates. We test the method by application to the subglacial bedforms of the Tweed Valley Basin, UK. The results quantify the convergent flow pattern of the Tweed Palaeo-Ice Stream in detail and pinpoint its former lateral shear margins and where ice flowed around basal bumps. Ice-flow parameters retrieved by this method can enrich ice-sheet reconstructions and investigations of subglacial till processes and bedform genesis. © 2018 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The Athabasca Glacier, resting on a rigid bed, provides an excellent example of subglacial ice and till erosion. The presence of a thin mobile till layer is shown by the presence of flutes, saturated till layer, push moraines and ploughed boulders. Cross‐cutting striations, v‐shaped striations and reversed stoss‐and‐lee clasts are indicative of clasts rotating within this layer. As the till moves it erodes the bedrock and clasts within it. A combination of erosion by ice and till produces stoss‐and‐lee‐clasts and generates striations on flutes and embedded clasts, as well as eroding the bedrock into a continuum of smoothed, rounded and streamlined forms. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Megagrooves are kilometre‐scale linear topographic lows carved in bedrock, separated by ridges, typically in areas of largely devoid of till. They have been reported from several areas covered by Pleistocene glaciations, such as Canadian Northwest (NW) Territories, Michigan and NW Scotland. Here we report two previously undocumented megagroove fields from Ungava, Canada, and northern England, and present new analyses of the megagrooves from NW Scotland. This paper seeks to determine the nature of the lithological and structural controls on the occurrence and formation of megagrooves. Analysis of both geomorphological and bedrock properties shows that megagrooves are generally:
  1. confined to well stratified or layered bedrock, such as (meta)sedimentary rocks with closely spaced joints, and tend not to occur on massive rocks such as gneiss or granite, or thick‐bedded sedimentary rocks;
  2. subparallel to palaeo‐ice flow and the strike of the strata; and tend not to occur where palaeo‐ice flow is at high angles to the strike of strata;
  3. produced by significant glacial erosion by sustained unidirectional ice flow.
Detailed analysis of megagrooves in NW Scotland shows that neither glacio‐fluvial erosion, nor differential abrasion was the dominant mechanism of formation. A mechanism, here termed ‘lateral plucking’, is suggested that involves block plucking on rock steps parallel to ice flow. Removal of joint‐bounded blocks from such rock steps involves a component of rotation along a vertical axis. Block removal may be enhanced by a direct component of shear stress onto the vertical stoss sides. The lateral plucking mechanism results in horizontal erosion at right angles to the ice flow, and enhances the groove/ridge topography. Megagrooves are potentially useful as palaeo‐ice flow indicators in areas devoid of till, and can thus complement the palaeo‐ice stream datasets which are presently largely based on soft‐sediment landform studies. British Geological Survey © NERC 2011  相似文献   

As with most dune fields, the White Sands Dune Field in New Mexico forms in a wind regime that is not unimodal. In this study, crescentic dune shape change (deformation) with migration at White Sands was explored in a time series of five LiDAR‐derived digital elevation models (DEMs) and compared to a record of wind direction and speed during the same period. For the study period of June 2007 to June 2010, 244 sand‐transporting wind events occurred and define a dominant wind mode from the SW and lesser modes from the NNW and SSE. Based upon difference maps and tracing of dune brinklines, overall dune behavior consists of crest‐normal migration to the NE, but also along‐crest migration of dune sinuosity and stoss superimposed dunes to the SE. The SW winds are transverse to dune orientations and cause most forward migration. The NNW winds cause along‐crest migration of dune sinuosity and stoss bedforms, as well as SE migration of NE‐trending dune terminations. The SSE winds cause ephemeral dune deformation, especially crestal slipface reversals. The dunes deform with migration because of differences in dune‐segment size, and differences in the lee‐face deposition rate as a function of the incidence angle between the wind direction and the local brinkline orientation. Each wind event deforms dune shape, this new shape then serves as the boundary condition for the next wind event. Shared incidence‐angle control on dune deformation and lee‐face stratification types allows for an idealized model for White Sands dunes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite significant advances over the past decades, our understanding of drumlin formation and associated ice‐bed processes is still incomplete. In this paper, we present the integrated use of geomorphological, sedimentological and geophysical techniques as a powerful means to force a breakthrough towards solving the drumlin enigma. We report on investigations of the anatomy of the Pigeon Point drumlin, Clew Bay, Ireland. We found that the bulk of the landform, which displays a classical drumlin shape, consists of silty‐clayey diamicton showing evidence of deformation, hydrofracturing and comminution. The unit is interpreted as a sub‐glacial traction till/comminution till. The thin unit overlying this basal till consists of silty‐sandy diamicton, and is interpreted as a para‐glacially modified melt‐out till. The partly cemented third unit consists of stratified, massive to graded sands and gravels. Its contact with the sub‐glacial traction till consists of a series of concave shapes, which suggests that it was deposited in meltwater channels that flowed in sub‐glacial cavities and that cut laterally into the drumlin. We propose that highs in the undulating rockhead relief, as shown in the seismic profile, have provided nuclei which initiated drumlin formation. This idea is supported by the observation of local detached bedrock slabs that grade upwards into a comminution till. In the long profile, very high normalized induced polarization (IP) values form a wedge‐shape, which is interpreted as a set of conjugate thrusts, or a ‘pop‐up’ structure. The structure is positioned directly above one of the undulations in the bedrock, suggesting a direct relationship. The high values are thought to reflect the presence of pre‐existing clays, which were sheared into the till, thus forming linings in the thrust features. It is concluded that glacitectonic processes, notably differential bedrock weathering and thrusting, have played a key role in the formation of this drumlin. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The longitudinal dunes of the Simpson Desert, in the vicinity of Birdsville, have been reworked largely during the Holocene from dunes deposited up to 80000 years ago or earlier. The widespread asymmetry of these roughly northward-trending dunes, with steeper eastern faces and more gentle western faces, supports wind-rose data showing sand-transporting winds from the southwest obliquely intersecting the dunes. While this suggests a change in the wind pattern since the dune field was oriented, it does not indicate that the dunes are necessarily shifting leeward (eastward) as a consequence. It is hypothesized that the direction of migration is controlled by the extent to which the dunes are vegetated. Relatively well-vegetated dunes can accrete sand on their gentle stoss slopes and erode on their lee slopes causing them to shift westward and hence obliquely into the wind, a condition that probably prevails in wetter regions and during episodes of relatively humid climate. In contrast, in very dry areas or during arid phases, sand can move unimpeded up a sparsely vegetated stoss face and over the crest to form an avalanche or slip face on the lee side, thereby causing the dunes to shift eastward. Despite evidence that longitudinal dune crests can shift laterally to some extent, the dunes in the western part of the Simpson Desert have not migrated, either westward or eastward, more than 100m or so from their Pleistocene cores. Aeolian transport and partial or complete removal of iron cutans from around quartz grains results in dunes of widely varying colour yet of similar age.  相似文献   

Forecasts of water level during river floods require accurate predictions of the evolution of river dune dimensions, because the hydraulic roughness of the main channel is largely determined by the bed morphology. River dune dimensions are controlled by processes like merging and splitting of dunes. Particularly the process of dune splitting is still poorly understood and – as a result – not yet included in operational dune evolution models. In the current paper, the process of dune splitting is investigated by carrying out laboratory experiments and by means of a sensitivity analysis using a numerical dune evolution model. In the numerical model, we introduced superimposed TRIAS ripples (i.e. triangular asymmetric stoss side‐ripples) on the stoss sides of underlying dunes as soon as these stoss sides exceed a certain critical length. Simulations with the model including dune splitting showed that predictions of equilibrium dune characteristics were significantly improved compared to the model without dune splitting. As dune splitting is implemented in a parameterized way, the computational cost remains low which means that dune evolution can be calculated on the timescale of a flood wave. Subsequently, we used this model to study the mechanism of dune splitting. Literature showed that the initiation of a strong flow separation zone behind a superimposed bedform is one of the main mechanisms behind dune splitting. The flume experiments indicated that besides its height also the lee side slope of the superimposed bedform is an important factor to determine the strength of the flow separation zone and therefore is an important aspect in dune splitting. The sensitivity analysis of the dune evolution model showed that a minimum stoss side length was required to develop a strong flow separation zone. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the turbulent flow structure over the ripples at the bed of open channel was investigated experimentally. An analysis of bursting process was used to recognize the susceptible regions for sediment entrainment and deposition over the ripples. Two artificial ripples were built according to the ripples, formed by nature. Three different configurations of ripples were used by changing the wavelength. According to analysis of bursting event it was found that at the stoss side of ripples, quadrants (II) and (IV) were dominant to the quadrants (I) and (III) and at the lee side of the ripple it was vice versa. Also the transition probabilities of the bursting events were determined. The results showed that stable organizations of each class of the events had highest transition probabilities whereas cross organizations had lowest transition probabilities. Additionally, an effort was made to find the average inclination angle of the bursting events in quadrants (II) and (IV). The results showed that the mean angle of events in quadrants (II) and (IV) increases at the downstream of stoss side to the crest in each experimental test. Also, at the lee side where the sediment particles were deposited, the inclination angles had the highest values.  相似文献   

The turbulence field of airflow in the lee of a dune has significant impacts on dune dynamics and related processes. We used particle image velocimetry in a wind tunnel simulation to obtain detailed velocity measurements in the lee of two‐dimensional transverse dune models, then used the results to analyse their turbulence fields. The dune models used in this study had a single lee angle of 30°, and a total of six stoss angles: 3°, 5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25°. We used vorticity, turbulence intensity, Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy to characterize the turbulence fields. These parameters were functions of stoss angle, wind velocity, distance from the dune crest and height above the ground surface. The stoss angles could generally be divided into two groups based on the profiles of mean velocity, turbulence and Reynolds stress. Stoss angles of 3° and 5° usually had similar profiles, and angles of 15°, 20° and 25° formed a second group with similar profiles. The profiles for the stoss angle of 10° were usually transitional and were intermediate between the two groups. Vorticity, Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy increased monotonically with increasing free‐stream wind velocity, but their variations with respect to the stoss angle were complex. The stoss angles of 15° and 20° had the maximum values of these three parameters, thus these angles may have special significance in dune development given the characteristics of the mean velocity fields and turbulence fields they produce within the lee airflow. It is the streamwise velocity component and its turbulence that determine the surface shear stress. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glacial bedform height (H) and volume (V) likely preserve important information about the behaviour of former ice sheets. However, large systematic errors exist in the measurement of H and V. Three semi‐automated methods to isolate drumlins from other components of the landscape (e.g. trees, hills) as portrayed by NEXTMap have recently been devised; however, it is unclear which is most accurate. This paper undertakes the first quantitative comparison of such readily implementable methods, illustrating the use of statistically representative ‘synthetic landscapes’ as a diagnostic tool. From this analysis, guidelines for quantifying the 3D attributes of drumlins are proposed. Specifically, to avoid obtaining incorrect estimates caused by substantial systematic biases, interpreters should currently take three steps: declutter the digital elevation model for estimating H but not V; remove height data within the drumlin; then interpolate across the resultant hole to estimate a basal surface using Delaunay triangulation. Results are demonstrated through analysis of drumlins in an area in western central Scotland. The guidance arguably represents the best current advice for subglacial bedforms in general, highlighting the need for more studies into the quality of mapped data using synthetic landscapes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bed of estuaries is often characterized by ripples and dunes of varying size. Whereas smaller bedforms adapt their morphological shape to the oscillating tidal currents, large compound dunes (here: asymmetric tidal dunes) remain stable for periods longer than a tidal cycle. Bedforms constitute a form roughness, that is, hydraulic flow resistance, which has a large-scale effect on tidal asymmetry and, hence, on hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and morphodynamics of estuaries and coastal seas. Flow separation behind the dune crest and recirculation on the steep downstream side result in turbulence and energy loss. Since the energy dissipation can be related to the dune lee slope angle, asymmetric dune shapes induce variable flow resistance during ebb and flood phases. Here, a noncalibrated numerical model has been applied to analyze the large-scale effect of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes on estuarine tidal asymmetry evaluated by residual bed load sediment transport at the Weser estuary, Germany. Scenario simulations were performed with parameterized bed roughness of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes and without dune roughness. The spatiotemporal interaction of distinct dune shapes with the main drivers of estuarine sediment and morphodynamics, that is, river discharge and tidal energy, is shown to be complex but substantial. The contrasting effects of flood- and ebb-oriented asymmetric dunes on residual bed load transport rates and directions are estimated to be of a similar importance as the controls of seasonal changes of discharge on these net sediment fluxes at the Lower Weser estuary. This corroborates the need to consider dune-induced directional bed roughness in numerical models of estuarine and tidal environments.  相似文献   

Mega‐scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) are a characteristic landform on ice stream beds. Solving the puzzle of their formation is key to understanding how ice interacts with its bed and how this, in turn, influences the dynamics of ice streams. However, a comprehensive and detailed characterization of this landform's size, shape and spatial arrangement, which might serve to test and refine formational theories, is largely lacking. This paper presents a detailed morphometric analysis and comparison of 4043 MSGLs from eight palaeo‐ice stream settings: three offshore (Norway and Antarctica), four onshore (Canada), and one from under a modern ice stream in West Antarctica. The length of MSGLs is lower than previously suggested (mode 1000–2000 m; median 2892 m), and they initiate and terminate at various locations on an ice stream bed. Their spatial arrangement reveals a pattern that is characterized by an exceptional parallel conformity (80% of all mapped MSGLs have an azimuth within 5° from the mean values), and a fairly constant lateral spacing (mode 200–300 m; median 330 m), which we interpret as an indication that MSGLs are a spatially self‐organized phenomenon. Results show that size, shape and spatial arrangement of MSGLs are consistent both within and also generally between different ice stream beds. We suggest this results from a common mechanism of formation, which is largely insensitive to local factors. Although the elongation of MSGLs (mode 6–8; median 12.2) is typically higher than features described as drumlins, these values and those of their width (mode 100–200 m; median 268 m) overlap, which suggests the two landforms are part of a morphological continuum and may share a similar origin. We compare their morphometry with explicit predictions made by the groove‐ploughing and rilling instability theories of MSGL formation. Although the latter was most compatible, neither is fully supported by observations. © 2014 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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