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One of the critical technological parameter in operation of aerated submerged fixed‐bed biofilm reactor (ASFBBR) is the control over process of biofilm detachment. Both, an excessive growth of biomass with its accumulation in the bioreactor and an exceeded biofilm detachment rate, cause serious operational and technological problems. The studies presented in this paper demonstrate that in an ASFBBR reactor with a PVC bed carrier media, an effective way to maintain a proper shear stress acting on the biofilm and causing its detachment could be an internal recirculation of wastewater instead of backwashing with wastewater or air flushing. In case of polishing of oil‐refinery wastewater with average COD loading rate equal to 9 g COD/(m2 day), the minimum value of the hydraulic loading rate in such reactor is 1.9 m3/(m2 h), at which there was no excessive growth of biofilms. Despite a significant decrease of the biofilms thickness and amount of biomass in the reactor, there was no significant decline in the efficiency of pollutant removal from oil‐refinery wastewater, which made it possible to obtain the quality of effluent at the outlet of the bioreactor significantly below the water permits and standards.  相似文献   

Limestone defluoridation by fixed bed reactor has been studied with water pre‐acidified with edible organic acids, viz. acetic acid (AA) and citric acid (CA). The study has been carried out by varying acid concentration, contact time (t), number of repeated use of the same limestone bed (n), and chip size of the crushed limestone using fixed fluoride concentration of 10 mg/L in distilled water and groundwater amended to that concentration of fluoride. The presence of both the acids considerably improved the fluoride removal and the removal increased with increase in the acid concentration. Fluoride removal to less than 0.5 and 1.0 mg/L from initial 5 and 10 mg/L, respectively, have been achieved by the method on treatment with single reactor. The mechanism of fluoride removal in the process thought to be the increase in Ca2+ activity by dissolution of limestone, which precipitates as CaF2. XPS analysis reveals that adsorption also contribute to the fluoride removal along with precipitation. The final pH of water remained within acceptable range for drinking water. Initial concentration of fluoride, effects the removal ability of the limestone particles only to some extent. The influence of other anions on fluoride removal process has a little influence which follows the order phosphate > sulfate > bromide > chloride > nitrate.  相似文献   

The feasibility of pilot‐scale mineralization of organic pollutants in wastewaters using the Electro‐Fenton® process is demonstrated. The treatment was applied in a continuous‐flow reactor, to solutions of nitrobenzene, 2,4‐D and benzoic acid and to actual wastewaters from a fine chemicals company along with a pulp and paper company. The results showed mineralization yields from 60 to 84% by simply applying the Electro‐Fenton® process. When a subsequent exposure to sunlight was carried out (Helielectro‐Fenton method), this mineralization almost went to completion, except for the effluent from the fine chemicals industry.  相似文献   

A previously published mixing length (ML) model for evaluating the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor for a large‐scale roughness condition (depth to sediment height ratio ranging from 1 to 4) is brie?y reviewed and modi?ed (MML). Then the MML model and a modi?ed drag (MD) model are experimentally tested using laboratory measurements carried out for gravel‐bed channels and large‐scale roughness condition. This analysis showed that the MML gives accurate estimates of the Darcy–Weisbach coef?cient and for Froude number values greater than 0·5 the MML model coincides with the ML one. Testing of the MD model shows limited accuracy in estimating ?ow resistance. Finally, the MML and MD models are compared with the performance of a quasi‐theoretical (QT) model deduced applying the P‐theorem of the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self‐similarity condition for the depth/sediment ratio and the Froude number. Using the experimental gravel‐bed data to calibrate the QT model, a constant value of the exponent of the Froude number is determined while two relationships are proposed for estimating the scale factor and the exponent of the depth/sediment ratio. This indirect estimate procedure of the coef?cients (b0, b1 and b2) of the QT model can produce a negligible overestimation or underestimation of the friction factor. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Much attention has recently been devoted to the fate and effects of pharmaceuticals in the water cycle. Removal of antibiotics in effluents by photo‐treatment or biodegradation is a topic currently under discussion. Degradation and removal efficiencies of sulfisomidine (SUI) by photodegradation and aerobic biodegradability were studied. SUI behavior was monitored during photolysis and photocatalysis (catalyst titanium dioxide) using 150‐W medium‐pressure Hg lamp. Also an aerobic bacterial degradation test from the OECD series (closed bottle test (CBT, OECD 301 D)) was performed. The primary elimination of SUI was monitored. Structures of photo‐degradation products were assessed by chromatographic separation on a C18 column with ultraviolet detection at 270 nm and ion trap MS. The results demonstrate that SUI is not readily biodegradable in CBT. Photo catalysis was more is effective than photolysis. SUI underwent photodegradation and several SUI photoproducts were identified. Accordingly, the photodegradation pathway of SUI was postulated. When reaching the aquatic environment, SUI and its photo products can constitute a risk to the environment.  相似文献   

While clay and silt matrices of gravel‐bed rivers have received attention from ecologists concerned variously with the deteriorating environments of benthic and hyporheic organisms, their impact on sediment entrainment and transport has been explored less. A recent increase of such a matrix in the bed of Nahal Eshtemoa, an ephemeral river of the northern Negev, has more than doubled the boundary shear stress needed to initiate bedload, from 7 N m‐2* = 0.027) during the flash floods of 1991–2001 to 15 N m‐2* = 0.059) during those of 2008–2009. The relation between bedload flux and boundary shear stress continues to be well‐defined, but it is displaced. The matrix now contains a significant amount of silt and clay size material. The reasons for the increased entrainment threshold of bedload are explored. Large‐scale laser scanning of the dry bed reveals a reduction in grain‐scale morphological roughness, while artificial in situ tests of matrix integrity indicate considerable cohesion. The implications for adopting bed material sampling strategies that account for matrix development are assessed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study reports the performance of a combined anaerobic–aerobic packed‐bed reactor that can be used to treat domestic sewage. Initially, a bench‐scale reactor was operated in three experimental phases. In the first phase, the anaerobic reactor was operated with an average organic matter removal efficiency of 77% for a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 h. In the second phase, the reactor was operated with an anaerobic stage followed by an aerobic zone, resulting in a mean value of 91% efficiency. In the third and final phase, the anaerobic–aerobic reactor was operated with recirculation of the effluent of the reactor through the anaerobic zone. The system yielded mean total nitrogen removal percentages of 65 and 75% for recycle ratios (r) of 0.5 and 1.5, respectively, and the chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were higher than 90%. When the pilot‐scale reactor was operated with an HRT of 12 h and r values of 1.5 and 3.0, its performance was similar to that observed in the bench‐scale unit (92% COD removal for r = 3.0). However, the nitrogen removal was lower (55% N removal for r = 3.0) due to problems with the hydrodynamics in the aerobic zone. The anaerobic–aerobic fixed‐bed reactor with recirculation of the liquid phase allows for concomitant carbon and nitrogen removal without adding an exogenous source of electron donors and without requiring any additional alkalinity supplementation.  相似文献   

Riffle‐pool sequences are a common feature of gravel‐bed rivers. However, mechanisms of their generation and maintenance are still not fully understood. In this study a monitoring approach is employed that focuses on analysing cross‐sectional and longitudinal channel geometry of a large floodplain river (Vereinigte Mulde, Sachsen‐Anhalt, Germany) with a high temporal and spatial resolution, in order to conclude from stage‐dependant morphometric changes to riffle and pool maintaining processes. In accordance with previous authors, pool cross‐sections of the Mulde River are narrow and riffle cross‐sections are wide suggesting that they should rather be addressed as two general types of channel cross‐sections than solely as bedforms. At high flows, riffles and pools in the study reaches changed in length and height but not in position. Pools were scoured and riffles aggraded, a development which was reversed during receding flows below the threshold of 0·4Qbf (40% bankfull discharge). An index for the longitudinal amplitude of riffle‐pool sequences, the bed undulation intensity or bedform amplitude, is introduced and proved to be highly significant as a form parameter, its first derivative as a process parameter. The process of pool scour and riffle fill is addressed as bedform maintenance or bedform accentuation. It is indicated by increasing longitudinal bed amplitudes. According to the observed dynamics of bed amplitudes, maintenance of riffle‐pool sequences lags behind discharge peaks. Maximum bed amplitudes may be reached with a delay of several days after peak discharges. Increasing bed undulation intensity is interpreted to indicate bed mobility. Post‐flood decrease of the bed undulation intensity indicates a retrograde phase when transport from pools to riffles has ceased and bed mobility is restricted to riffle tails and heads of pools. This type of transport behaviour is referred to as disconnected mobility. The comparison of two river reaches, one with undisturbed sediment supply, the other with sediment deficit, suggests that high bed undulation intensity values at low flows indicate sediment deficit and potentially channel degrading conditions. It is more generally hypothesized that channel bed undulations constitute a major component of form roughness and that increased bed amplitudes are an important feature of channel bed adjustment to sediment deficit be it temporally during late floods or permanently due to a supply limitation of bedload. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of check dams on the bed stability of torrential channels have been analysed in several tributary basins of the Segura and Guadalentín rivers (South‐East Spain). In order to illustrate the large variability in channel bed‐forms and bed sediment sizes along the stream, 52 reaches of 150 m in length were surveyed. This variability is due to the behaviour of check dams, which depends on bedrock control, bed slope, channel roughness, lateral sediment input and a highly variable sediment transport capacity. Though the purpose of check dams is to diminish the boundary shear stress, reducing the longitudinal slope, and to stabilize the channel bed, downstream they reduce the volume of channel‐stored material, favouring local scour processes, and upstream they can destabilize the sidewalls. The results enable us to evaluate the impact of every check dam on the bed morphology, distinguishing the structures installed in limy marl areas (e.g. catchment of the Cárcavo rambla, Cieza) and in schist and slate terrains (e.g. catchment of the Torrecilla rambla, close to Lorca). In the first type, bedrock and moderately thick granular beds predominate downstream from the check dams, so that the length of bedrock reaches and increase of roughness due to scour processes are the best indicators to verify its geomorphological effectiveness. On the other hand, the metamorphic areas drained by ramblas and gullies produce great quantities of gravel that are retained by check dams, creating more uniform and permeable beds, where the balance between sedimentation and scouring, and the ratio τc84/τ0 (RBS), appear to be the parameters most frequently adopted to estimate the bed stability. Analysis of slope adjustments and the application of other indices to estimate the bed substrate stability (LRBS, SRI) and the structural influence of the dams (SIBS) corroborate the differences in bed stability found in the corrected reaches in each catchment. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key problem in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of gravel‐bed rivers is the representation of multi‐scale roughness, which spans the range from grain size, through bedforms, to channel topography. These different elements of roughness do not clearly map onto a model mesh and use of simple grain‐scale roughness parameters may create numerical problems. This paper presents CFD simulations for three cases: a plane bed of fine gravel, a plane bed of fine gravel including large, widely‐spaced pebble clusters, and a plane gravel bed with smaller, more frequent, protruding elements. The plane bed of fine gravel is modelled using the conventional wall function approach. The plane bed of fine gravel including large, widely‐spaced pebble clusters is modelled using the wall function coupled with an explicit high‐resolution topographic representation of the pebble clusters. In these cases, the three‐dimensional Reynolds‐averaged continuity and Navier–Stokes equations are solved using the standard k ? ε turbulence model, and model performance is assessed by comparing predicted results with experimental data. For gravel‐bed rivers in the field, it is generally impractical to map the bed topography in sufficient detail to enable the use of an explicit high‐resolution topography. Accordingly, an alternative model based on double‐averaging is developed. Here, the flow calculations are performed by solving the three‐dimensional double‐averaged continuity and Navier‐Stokes equations with the spatially‐averaged 〈k ? ε〉 turbulence model. For the plane bed of fine gravel including large, widely‐spaced pebble clusters, the model performance is assessed by comparing the spatially‐averaged velocity with the experimental data. The case of a plane gravel bed with smaller, more frequent, protruding elements is represented by a series of idealized hypothetical cases. Here, the spatially‐averaged velocity and eddy viscosity are used to investigate the applicability of the model, compared with using the explicit high‐resolution topography. The results show the ability of the model to capture the spatially‐averaged flow field and, thus, illustrate its potential for representing flow processes in natural gravel‐bed rivers. Finally, practical data requirements for implementing such a model for a field example are given. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the hydraulic geometry of sand‐ and gravel‐bed rivers, based on data from alluvial rivers around the world. The results indicate a signi?cant difference in hydraulic geometry among sand‐ and gravel‐bed rivers with different channel patterns. On this basis, some diagrams for discrimination of meandering and braided channel patterns have been established. The relationships between channel width and water discharge, between channel depth and water discharge, between width–depth ratio and water discharge and between channel slope and water discharge can all be used for channel pattern discrimination. The relationship between channel width and channel depth can also be used for channel pattern discrimination. However, the accuracy of these relationships for channel pattern discrimination varies, and the depth–discharge relationship is a better discriminator of pattern type than the classic slope–discharge function. The cause for this difference has been explained qualitatively. To predict the development of channel patterns under different natural conditions, the pattern discriminator should be searched on the basis of independent or at least semi‐independent variables. The relationship between stream power and bed material grain size can be used to discriminate channel patterns, which shows a better result than the discriminator using the slope–discharge relationship. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present work focuses on the performance of Fenton, sono‐Fenton, and sono‐photo‐Fenton processes for the oxidation of phenol present in aqueous solution. The effects of H2O2 concentration, Fe2+ concentration, pH, and initial phenol concentration on the oxidation of phenol were studied. The optimum Fe2+ and H2O2 concentrations for the Fenton process were 45 and 800 mg/L, respectively. For the sono‐Fenton process, the optimum Fe2+ and H2O2 concentrations were 30 and 800 mg/L, respectively. The optimal conditions for the sono‐photo‐Fenton process were found to be 20 mg/L of Fe2+ and 700 mg/L of H2O2. The optimum pH was found to be 3 for the processes investigated in the present study. The analysis of results showed that the sono‐photo‐Fenton method reduced the Fe2+ concentration by 30–50% and the H2O2 concentration by 12.5%. It was found that the sono‐photo‐Fenton technique showed better performance than the Fenton and sono‐Fenton processes for the oxidation of phenol. A lumped kinetic model was used to predict the chemical oxygen demand reduction and the model was found to fit the data.  相似文献   

The operational time distribution (OTD) defines the time for bed‐load sediment spent in motion, which is needed to characterize the random nature of sediment transport. This study explores the influence of bed clusters and size gradation on OTD for non‐uniform bed‐loads. First, both static and mobile bed armouring experiments were conducted in laboratorial flumes to monitor the transport of mixed sand/gravel sediments. Only in the mobile armouring experiment did apparent bed clusters develop, because of stable feeding and a longer transport period. Second, a generalized subordinated advection (GSA) model was applied to quantify the observed dynamics of tracer particles. Results show that for the static armour layer (without sediment feed), the best‐fit OTD assigns more weight to the large displacement of small particles, likely because of the size‐selective entrainment process. The capacity coefficient in the GSA model, which affects the width of the OTD, is space dependent only for small particles whose dynamics can be significantly affected by larger particles and whose distribution is more likely to be space dependent in a mixed sand and gravel system. However, the OTD for the mobile armour layer (with sediment recirculation) exhibited longer tails for larger particles. This is because the trailing edge of larger particles is more resistant to erosion, and their leading front may not be easily trapped by self‐organized bed clusters. The strong interaction between particle–bed may cause the capacity coefficient to be space‐dependent for bed‐load transport along mobile armour layers. Therefore, the combined laboratory experiments and stochastic model analysis show that the OTD may be affected more by particle–bed interactions (such as clusters) than by particle–particle interactions (e.g. hiding and exposing), and that the GSA model can quantify mixed‐size sand/gravel transport along river beds within either static or mobile armour layers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Freeze‐coring and bulk sampling are routine methods used to sample subsurface spawning gravel under shallow water. Both methods have limitations. Freeze‐coring is not believed to representatively sample coarse grain sizes and the sample volumes are relatively small. Conversely, when bulk sampling, even within an enclosure, some fine sediment is suspended and washed away from the sample. This paper assesses the biases in sampling performance between the two methods and determines whether the loss of fines that occurs when bulk sampling could be predicted and thus corrected for. At six riffles the spawning substrate was sampled under approximately 50 cm of water with a bulk sample and three adjacent freeze‐cores. For each riffle, data from the two samples were combined using the method of Fripp and Diplas (1993) and the resultant composite sample was compared with the original freeze‐core and bulk samples to assess the relative precision and biases of the two techniques. On average, the D50 of the bulk samples was 4 mm larger and a one‐third loss of the <2 mm fraction occurred compared with the composite samples. In contrast, freeze‐core samples contain on average 32% more sediment >16 mm compared with composite samples. Based on six samples, taken from six riffles, the amount of sediment finer than 0·5 mm lost using our bulk sampling technique with an enclosure appears to be predictable and correctable. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sulfate‐reduction data from various anaerobic reactor configurations, e. g., upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBR), completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR), and batch reactor (BR) with synthetic wastewaters, having glucose and acetate as the substrates and different levels of sulfate, were evaluated to determine the level of sulfate‐reducing activity by sulfate‐reducing bacteria coupled to organic matter removal. Anaerobic reactors were observed for the degree of competition between sulfate‐reducing sulfidogens and methane producing bacteria during the degradation of glucose and acetate. Low sulfate‐reducing activity was obtained with a maximum of 20% of organic matter degradation with glucose‐fed upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactors (UASBRs), while a minimum of 2% was observed with acetate‐fed batch reactors. The highest sulfate removal performance (72–89%) was obtained from glucose fed‐UASB reactors, with the best results observed with increasing COD/SO4 ratios. UASB reactors produced the highest level of sulfidogenic activity, with the highest sulfate removal and without a performance loss. Hence, this was shown to be the optimum reactor configuration. Dissolved sulfide produced as a result of sulfate reduction reached 325 mg/L and 390 mg/L in CST and UASB reactors, respectively, and these levels were tolerated. The sulfate removal rate was higher at lower COD/SO4 ratios, but the degree of sulfate removal improved with increasing COD/SO4 ratios.  相似文献   

More frequent extreme flood events are likely to occur in many areas in the twenty‐first century due to climate change. The impacts of these changes on sediment transport are examined at the event scale using a 1D morphodynamic model (SEDROUT4‐M) for three tributaries of the Saint‐Lawrence River (Québec, Canada) using daily discharge series generated with a hydrological model (HSAMI) from three global climate models (GCMs). For all tributaries, larger flood events occur in all future scenarios, leading to increases in bed‐material transport rates, number of transport events and number of days in the year where sediment transport occurs. The effective and half‐load discharges increase under all GCM simulations. Differences in flood timing within the tributaries, with a shift of peak annual discharge from the spring towards the winter, compared to the hydrograph of the Saint‐Lawrence River, generate higher sediment transport rates because of increased water surface slope and stream power. Previous research had shown that channel erosion is expected under all GCMs' discharge scenarios. This study shows that, despite lower bed elevations, flood risk is likely to increase as a result of higher flood magnitude, even with falling base level in the Saint‐Lawrence River. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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