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Air photo interpretation and field survey were used to examine rates and patterns of planform change over the last 40 years on an 80 km reach of the Luangwa River, Zambia. The river, a tributary of the Zambezi, is a 100–200 m wide, medium sinuosity sand‐bed river (sinuosity index 1·84). High rates of channel migration (<33 m a−1) and cutoffs on meandering sections are frequent. Some meandering reaches, however, have remained relatively stable. A form of anastomosing with anabranches up to 14 km in length is also a characteristic. Patterns of meander development vary between bends but all can be described in relation to traditional geomorphic models; change occurs by translation, rotation, double‐heading, concave bank bench formation and cutoff causing river realignment. At the local scale spatial variability in bank resistance, induced by floodplain sedimentology, controls rate of bank erosion, and valley‐side channel ‘deflection’ is also apparent. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplains are depositional features of riverine landscapes that display complex sedimentation patterns that are amenable to multi‐scale approaches. We examined sedimentation in the Lower Balonne floodplain, Queensland, Australia, at three different spatial scales: the channel (103 km), floodplain process zone (10 km) and geomorphic unit (102 m) scales, and compared scale‐related patterns evident from stratigraphy with those evident from quantitative multivariate analysis. Three stratigraphic sequences were found in the Lower Balonne floodplain: generally fining upward, episodic fining upward, and mud‐dominated. Stratigraphical analysis revealed the detailed character of sedimentary sequences embedded within the scale patterns derived from multivariate analysis. Multivariate statistical analyses of a range of textural and geochemical data revealed different patterns of floodplain sedimentation at each scale. At the channel scale, sediment texture and geochemistry were more heterogeneous in the Culgoa River than in Briarie Creek. At the floodplain process zone scale clear patterns of sediment texture and geochemistry were observed along the upper, mid and lower floodplain process zones of Briarie Creek, but not along the Culgoa River. At the geomorphic unit scale, clear patterns of sediment texture and geochemistry were observed among the bank, buried channel and flat floodplain units of the Culgoa River, but were not as clear in Briarie Creek. Recognition of rivers as hierarchically organized systems is an emerging paradigm in river science. Our study supports this paradigm by demonstrating that different sedimentation patterns occur at different scales to reveal a hierarchically organized floodplain environment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Active meandering rivers are capable of reworking and removing large quantities of valuable land. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of meandering rivers and predicting future meander behaviour can be of great value for local authorities. In this study, we apply a topographic steering meander model to the Geul River (southern Netherlands), using field data to calibrate the model. The present channel characteristics of the Geul River were mapped in the field. Cut‐banks were classified as erosive, unstable or stable. The model outcomes were compared with these field data. Several model runs were carried out, using different sets of parameter values. After studying the results and using the field data, we introduced the concept of a variable channel width in the simulation model. In reality, the river has different channel widths varying from 8 to more than 15 m. These widths are a linear function of local curvature. The model runs using a variable channel width show that the model is capable of predicting locations of lateral migration in conformity with observed active lateral migration and erosive banks. With both models, the sediment reworking time of the floodplain can be calculated. Floodplain reworking times of 200–300 years were calculated. In combination with the lateral migration rate, this reworking time is an important element in catchment sediment budget calculations. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulated rivers generally incise below dams that cut off sediment supply, but how that happens and what the consequences are at different spatial scales is poorly understood. Modern topographic mapping at meter‐scale resolution now enables investigation of the details of spatial processes. In this study, spatial segregation was applied to a meter‐scale raster map of topographic change from 1999 to 2008 on the gravel‐cobble, regulated lower Yuba River in California to answer specific scientific questions about how a decadal hydrograph that included a flood peak of 22 times bankfull discharge affected the river at segment, reach, and morphological unit scales. The results show that the river preferentially eroded sediment from floodplains compared to the channel, and this not only promoted valley‐wide sediment evacuation, but also facilitated the renewal and differentiation of morphological units, especially in the channel. At the reach scale, area of fill and mean net rate of elevational change were directly correlated with better connectivity between the channel and floodplain, while the mean rate of scour in scour areas was influenced by the ratio of slope to bankfull Froude number, a ratio indicative of lateral migration versus vertical downcutting. Hierarchical segregation of topographic change rasters proved useful for understanding multi‐scalar geomorphic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anabranching rivers evolve in various geomorphic settings and various river planforms are present within these multi‐channel systems. In some cases, anabranches develop meandering patterns. Such river courses existed in Europe prior to intensive hydro‐technical works carried out during the last 250 years. Proglacial stream valleys, inherited from the last glaciation, provided a suitable environment for the development of anabranching rivers (wide valleys floors with abundant sand deposits). The main objective of the present study is to reconstruct the formation of an anabranching river planform characterized by meandering anabranches. Based on geophysical and geological data obtained from field research and a reconstruction of palaeodischarges, a model of the evolution of an anabranching river formed in a sandy floodplain is proposed. It is demonstrated that such a river system evolves from a meandering to an anabranching planform in periods of high flows that contribute to the formation of crevasse splays. The splay channels evolve then into new meandering flow paths that form ‘second‐order’ crevasses, avulsions and cutoffs. The efficiency of the flow is maintained by the formation of cutoffs and avulsions preventing the development of high sinuosity channels, and redirecting the flow to newly formed channels during maximum flow events. A comparison with other anabranching systems revealed that increased discharges and sediment loads are capable of forming anabranching planforms both in dryland and temperate climate zones. The sediment type available for transport, often inherited from older sedimentary environments, is an important variable determining whether the channel planform is anabranching, with actively migrating channels, or anastomosing, with stable, straight or sinuous branches. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple analytic model is presented relating local sediment transport capacity to variance in the transverse shear stress distribution in a stream channel. The model is used to develop a physically based conceptual model for the initiation of meandering in straight, bedload‐dominated streams as a result of a feedback mechanism. The feedback maximizes the cross‐sectional shear stress variance and – in order to achieve stability – ultimately minimizes the energy slope at repeated locations along the channel, subject to steady‐state mass flux and the stability of the channel boundary. These locations develop into pools in a fully developed meandering channel; they represent attractor states wherein sediment continuity is satisfied using the least possible energy expenditure per unit length of channel. However, since the cross‐sectional geometry of a pool (and the adjacent bar) is asymmetric, these attractor states are only conditionally stable, requiring strong, curvature‐induced secondary circulation to maintain their asymmetry. Between two successive pools, a stream occupies a metastable, higher energy state (corresponding to a riffle) that requires greater energy expenditure per unit length of channel to transport the same volume of sediment. The model we present links processes at the scale of a channel width to adjustments of the channel sinuosity and slope at the scale of a channel reach. We argue that the reach‐scale extremal hypotheses employed by rational regime models are mathematical formalisms that permit a one‐dimensional theory to describe the three‐dimensional dynamics producing stream morphology. Our model is consistent with the results from stream table experiments, with respect to both the rate of development of meandering and the characteristics of the equilibrium channel morphology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of channelization on river floodplains plays an essential role in regulating river sinuosity and creating river avulsions. Most channelization occurs within the channel belt (e.g. chute channels), but growing evidence suggests some channels originate outside of the channel‐belt in the floodplain. To understand the occurrence and prevalence of these floodplain channels we mapped 3064 km2 of floodplain in Indiana, USA using 1.5 m resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) derived from airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. We find the following range of channelization types on floodplains in Indiana: 6.8% of floodplain area has no evidence of channelization, 55.9% of floodplains show evidence (e.g. oxbow lakes) of chute‐channel activity in the channel belt, and 37.3% of floodplains contain floodplain channels that form long, coherent down‐valley pathways with bifurcations and confluences, and they are active only during overbank discharge. Whereas the first two types of floodplains are relatively well studied, only a few studies have recognized the existence of floodplain channels. To understand why floodplain channels occur, we compared the presence of channelization types with measured floodplain width, floodplain slope, river width, river meander rate, sinuosity, flooding frequency, soil composition, and land cover. Results show floodplain channels occur when the fluvial systems are characterized by large floodplain‐to‐river widths, relatively higher meandering rates, and are dominantly used for agriculture. More detailed reach‐scale mapping reveals that up to 75% of channel reaches within floodplain channels are likely paleo‐meander cutoffs. The meander cutoffs are connected by secondary channels to form floodplain channels. We suggest that secondary channels within floodplains form by differential erosion across the floodplain, linking together pre‐existing topographic lows, such as meander cutoffs. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When studying the evolution of landscape, it is difficult to discriminate the influence of anthropogenic from natural causes, or recognise changes caused by different sources of human action. This is especially challenging when the influence of certain sources is overprinted. For instance, although dam closure is the most common method of altering river courses, dam construction is often preceded by hydro‐technical works such as channel straightening, embankment construction or sediment mining. Both dam construction and the hydro‐technical works that precede dam closure can result in changes in the balance between sediment supply and transport capacity, and often, changes in river planform. The main objective of this study was to verify whether the works preceding dam closure are an important driver of river planform changes on the lower Drava River (Hungary). The case study is based on geological and geophysical surveys, as well as the analysis of historical maps covering an anabranching, 23 km long valley section. We show that channel straightening conducted prior to dam closure resulted in a transition from a meandering to sinuous planform with channel bars. Dam construction itself then caused enhanced incision, exposure of bar surfaces, vegetation encroachment and the formation of an anabranching planform. Based on this study, we developed models of alluvial island and channel planform evolution downstream of dams. Dam construction enhances channel incision, narrowing, and the reduction of flow caused by earlier hydro‐technical works. Many rivers downstream of dams experience episodes of anabranching or wandering, with a multi‐thread pattern replacing sinuous, braided and meandering courses. When incision continues, river patterns evolve from anabranching to sinuous via the attachment of alluvial islands to floodplains. However, the timing and sequence of these changes depend on hydrological and sediment supply regimes, geomorphic settings and anthropogenic actions accompanying dam construction. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artificially straight river channels tend to be unstable, and ultimately develop into river meanders through bank erosion and point‐bar deposition. In this paper account is taken of the effects of riparian and floodplain vegetation on bank strength, floodplain flow resistance, shear stress partitioning, and bedload transport. This is incorporated into an existing 2D hydrodynamic‐morphological model. By applying the new model to an initially straight and single‐threaded channel, the way that its planform and cross‐sectional geometry evolve for different hydraulic and floodplain vegetation conditions is demonstrated. The results show the formation and upstream migration of gravel bars, confluence scouring and the development of meandering and braiding channel patterns. In cases where the channel becomes unstable, the instability grows out of bar formation. The resulting braiding patterns are similar to analytical results. The formation of a transition configuration requires a strong influence from vegetation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drastic channel adjustments have affected the main alluvial rivers of Tuscany (central Italy) during the 20th century. Bed‐level adjustments were identified both by comparing available topographic longitudinal profiles of different years and through field observations. Changes in channel width were investigated by comparing available aerial photographs (1954 and 1993–98). Bed incision represents the dominant type of vertical adjustment, and is generalized along all the fluvial systems investigated. The Arno River system is the most affected by bed‐level lowering (up to 9 m), whereas lower incision (generally less than 2 m) is observed along the rivers of the southern part of the region. Human disturbances appear to be the dominant factors of adjustments: the main phase of vertical change occurred during the period 1945–80, in concomitance with the phase of maximum sediment mining activity at the regional scale. The second dominant type of adjustment that involved most of the rivers in the region consists of a narrowing of the active channel. Based on measurements of channel width conducted on aerial photographs, 38% of the reaches analysed experienced a narrowing greater than 50% of the initial channel width. The largest values of channel narrowing were observed along initially braided or sinuous with alternate bars morphologies in the southern portion of the region. A regional scheme of channel adjustments is derived, based on initial channel morphology and on the amounts of incision and narrowing. Different styles of channel adjustments are described. Rivers that were originally sinuous with alternate bars to braided generally became adjusted by a moderate incision and a moderate to intense narrowing; in contrast, sinuous‐meandering channels mainly adjusted vertically, with a minor amount of narrowing. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphology interacts with surface‐ and ground‐water hydrology across multiple spatial scales. Nonetheless, hydrologic and hydrogeologic models are most commonly implemented at a single spatial scale. Using an existing hydrogeologic computer model, we implemented a simple hierarchical approach to modeling surface‐ and ground‐water hydrology in a complex geomorphic setting. We parameterized the model to simulate ground‐ and surface‐water ?ow patterns through a hierarchical, three‐dimensional, quantitative representation of an anabranched montane alluvial ?ood plain (the Nyack Flood Plain, Middle Fork Flathead River, Montana, USA). Comparison of model results to ?eld data showed that the model provided reasonable representations of spatial patterns of aquifer recharge and discharge, temporal patterns of ?ood‐water storage on the ?ood plain, and rates of ground‐water movement from the main river channel into a large lateral spring channel on the ?ood plain, and water table elevation in the alluvial aquifer. These results suggest that a hierarchical approach to modeling ground‐ and surface‐water hydrology can reproduce realistic patterns of surface‐ and ground‐water ?ux on alluvial ?ood plains, and therefore should provide an excellent ‘quantitative laboratory’ for studying complex interactions between geomorphology and hydrology at and across multiple spatial scales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies of alluvial rivers have shown that channel patterns form a continuum controlled by interactions among factors such as gradient, discharge, sediment size, and bank strength. Data from channels in the permanent wetlands of the Okavango Delta add to these ?ndings by focusing on pattern transitions in channels with banks formed by sedges and grasses that are rooted in peat and underlain by unconsolidated sediment. Channels are well de?ned, and transport ?ne–medium sand as bedload between the vertical, vegetation‐lined banks. Water depths, velocities, grain sizes, and bankline vegetation do not vary signi?cantly or systematically downstream, but the permeable banks allow water to leak from the channels, contributing to an overall downstream decrease in discharge and width. In addition, as the Okavango River ?ows from the <12 km wide ‘Panhandle’ and splits into distributaries in the broader ‘Fan’, valley gradient steepens by c. 60 per cent. These downstream changes result in channel pattern adjustments. In the Panhandle, the Okavango River is a relatively wide (c. 30–100 m), actively meandering, sinuous channel (P > 2·0), but further downstream in the Fan, the narrower (<40 m) distributaries follow laterally stable, less sinuous (‘straight’) courses (P < 1·75). Some channel pattern discrimination diagrams based on simple indices of gradient, discharge, sediment size or stream power are inadequate for analysing the meandering–straight transition in the Okavango but Parker's (1976) approach, based on ratios of depth–width and slope–Froude number, accurately characterizes the transition. Our ?eld observations, combined with the results from previous experimental studies, suggest that in relatively wide channels (w/d > 10), thalweg meandering results in scour of the unconsolidated sediment at the bank base, leading to undermining and collapse of the vegetation, and to slow meander migration. However, as channels narrow downstream (w/d < 10) with discharge losses, proportionally increasing sidewall drag exerted by bankline vegetation suppresses thalweg meandering and bank scour, and channels follow stable, less sinuous courses. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyzed variation of channel–floodplain suspended sediment exchange along a 140 km reach of the lower Amazon River for two decades (1995–2014). Daily sediment fluxes were determined by combining measured and estimated surface sediment concentrations with river–floodplain water exchanges computed with a two‐dimensional hydraulic model. The average annual inflow to the floodplain was 4088 ± 2017 Gg yr?1 and the outflow was 2251 ± 471 Gg yr?1, respectively. Prediction of average sediment accretion rate was twice the estimate from a previous study of this same reach and more than an order of magnitude lower than an estimate from an earlier regional scale study. The amount of water routed through the floodplain, which is sensitive to levee topography and increases exponentially with river discharge, was the main factor controlling the variation in total annual sediment inflow. Besides floodplain routing, the total annual sediment export depended on the increase in sediment concentration in lakes during floodplain drainage. The recent increasing amplitude of the Amazon River annual flood over two decades has caused a substantial shift in water and sediment river–floodplain exchanges. In the second decade (2005–2014), as the frequency of extreme floods increased, annual sediment inflow increased by 81% and net storage increased by 317% in relation to the previous decade (1995–2004). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of overbank sedimentation rates over the past decades gives insight into floodplain dynamics, and thereby provides a basis for efficient and sustainable floodplain management. We compared the results of four independent reconstruction methods – optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, caesium‐137 (137Cs) dating, heavy metal analysis, and flood bed interpretation – applied at three embanked floodplain sites along lower Rhine River distributaries in the Netherlands. All methods indicate significant sedimentation rates on the floodplains, varying between 2–7 mm/a in the distal zones and 3–9 mm/a in the proximal zones. On a rapidly developing sand bar along a natural levee sedimentation rates of 9 to 25 mm/a were found. Except for some minor inconsistencies in 137Cs dating results, all methods show decreasing sedimentation rates with increasing distance from the river channel. Intercomparison of the results of the different dating methods revealed the potential errors associated with each method, particularly where disagreement among the results were found. Uncertainties may arise due to (1) grain‐size dependent downward migration of 137Cs, (2) smoothing of the vertical heavy metal and 137Cs profiles, (3) delayed sediment‐associated input of 137Cs in addition to direct atmospheric fall‐out, (4) overestimation of the burial age in OSL dating due to incomplete resetting of the OSL signal, or (5) non‐linear relationships between sediment deposition and flood magnitude in the count‐from‐the‐top correlation between sediment lamination and past observed flood records. Still, taking the uncertainties associated with each method into account, the results are generally in good agreement. Using the results we indicate the optimal spatial range of application of each method, depending on sediment texture and sedimentation rate. The optimal spatial and temporal ranges differ for each method, but show significant overlap. A combination of the methods will thus provide maximum information for accurate estimation of sedimentation rates on a decadal time scale. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the Holocene valley floor of the River Lippe, Germany, are atypical for a river in central Europe. The valley floor consists of three terrace levels, which are not always clearly separated from each other. Analysis of the sediments making up the terraces indicates that they accumulated during the course of the entire Holocene, although there is insufficient information available to allow detailed determination of phases of fluvial change and stability responsible for terrace formation. Two of the terraces exist only in the lower reaches of the valley, where they converge and diverge with the third. The lowest terrace consists only of a narrow strip, running parallel to the river channel. The configuration of the valley floor may be explained by a series of anthropogenic influences. The earliest human impact probably occurred about 2000 years ago when, during their campaign against German tribes, the Romans built a towpath and may have changed the channel planform from its natural, anabranching pattern to a meandering form by building small dams on local distributary forks. Implementation of artificial meander cut‐offs to improve navigation on the river began in medieval times. The morphological response to these human interventions was primarily degradational. In the 19th century, artificial lateral fill was used to narrow the channel and the towpath was renewed several times. The trace of the most recent towpath is still discernible as a narrow strip parallel to the river channel, and it constitutes the lowest terrace level. Comparison between the bankfull discharge of a 4000‐year‐old abandoned channel and the formative flow for the modern channel supports the premise that, prior to anthropomorphic influence, the natural planform was anabranched. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The middle Amazon River, between the confluences of the Negro and Madeira Rivers in Brazil, shows an anastomosing morphology with relatively stable, multiple interconnected channels that locally enclose floodbasins. Additionally, this system is characterized by sinuous secondary channels with meander development, discontinuous natural levees concentrated on the concave banks and extensively distributed scroll bars mainly in the islands, related to subrecent and present‐day migration of mainly secondary channels. This distinguishes the Amazon from many other anastomosing rivers that have laterally stable, non‐meandering channels. We analyzed sedimentary processes using field data, morphology and channel changes trough a temporal analysis using remote sensing data and obtained optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to understand the genesis of this large anastomosing river and the development of its meandering secondary channels. Scroll bars have developed in a multichannel river system at least since 7.5 ± 0.85 ka. Avulsion is inferred to have played a minor role in the formation of this anastomosing system, with only one documented case while mid‐channel bar formation and chute cut‐offs of the main and secondary channels are the main formative mechanisms of anastomosis in this system. Differences in resistance to erosion control the relatively straight main channel and allow secondary channels to develop a meandering platform. Vegetation contributes to the relative stability of islands and the floodplain. Low gradient and high average aggradation rate (1.1 mm yr?1) are conditions which favor the development of anastomosis. Additionally, stable external conditions, low abandonment rate of older channels and independence from high avulsion frequency suggest a long‐lived, semi‐static type of anastomosing river in this reach of the Amazon. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The middle reaches of the Tsangpo River consist of alternating sections of wide valleys and gorges. The wide valley sections have braided and anastomosing channels, gentle hydraulic gradients, thick alluvial deposits and low terraces. In contrast, the gorge sections exhibit single, straight and deeply entrenched meandering channels with steep hydraulic gradients, bare rock river beds and higher terraces. Several hypotheses have been used to explain these unusual fluvial landforms, but geological, landform and sedimentary analyses along with dating information, suggest that the key could be the active faults across the river valley. All gorge sections are located on the upthrown side of active faults, which mainly occurred in or after the Pliocene, whilst the wide valley sections appear on the downthrown side. The faulting blocked the river and caused the formation of palaeolakes, with thick deposits laid down behind the faults. Therefore, depositional wide valleys were formed and old terraces were buried. On these downthrown sides of the faults, braided and anastomosing channels have developed. On the upthrown sides, strong incision of the river occurred because of the changes of the local base levels and river gradients. As a result, deep gorges and deeply entrenched meandering channels formed in various lithologies. The terraces on the gorge slope indicate different stages of river incision and the related knick points appeared close to the local active faults. Rock resistance is only a minor influence on the alternation of valley forms and river gradients in this area. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The changing form of developing alluvial river bars has rarely been studied in the field, especially in the context of the fixed, compound, mainly alternate gravel bars that are the major morphological feature of the wandering style. Century scale patterns of three‐dimensional growth and development, and the consequent scaling relations of such bars, are examined along the gravel‐bed reach of lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. A retrospective view based on maps and aerial photographs obtained through the twentieth century shows that individual bars have a life history of about 100 years, except in certain, protected positions. A newly formed gravel bar quickly assumes its ultimate thickness and relatively quickly approaches its equilibrium length. Growth continues mainly by lateral accretion of unit bars, consistent with the lateral style of instability of the river. Bar growth is therefore allometric. Mature bars approach equilibrium dimensions and volume that scale with the overall size of the channel. Accordingly, the bars conform with several published criteria for the ultimate dimensions of alternate barforms. Sand bars, observed farther downstream, have notably different morphology. Fraser River presents a typical wandering channel planform, exhibiting elements of both meandered and low‐order braided channels. Hydraulic criteria to which the Fraser bars conform illustrate why this planform develops and persists. The modest rate of bed material transfer along the channel – typical of the wandering type – determines a century‐length time scale for bar development. This time scale is consistent with estimates that have been made for change of the macroform elements that determine the overall geometry of alluvial channels. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Meandering river sinuosity increases until the channel erodes into itself (neck cutoff) or forms a new channel over the floodplain (chute cutoff) and sinuosity is reduced. Unlike neck cutoff, which can be measured or modelled without considering overbank processes, chute cutoff must be at least partially controlled by channel-forming processes on the floodplain. Even though chute cutoff controls meandering river form, the processes that cause chute cutoff are not well understood. This study analyses the morphology of two incipient chute cutoffs along the East Fork White River, Indiana, USA, using high temporal and spatial resolution UAS-based LiDAR and aerial photography. LiDAR and aerial imagery obtained between 1998 and 2019 reveals that large scour holes formed in the centre of both chutes sometime after chute channel initiation. A larger analysis within the study watershed reveals that scour holes within incipient chutes can be stable or unstable, and tend to stabilize when the chute is colonized by native vegetation and forest. When the scour holes form in farmed floodplain, they enlarge rapidly after initial formation and contribute to complete chute cutoff. In addition, this study shows that the formation of scour holes can occur in response to common, relatively low-magnitude floods and that the amount of incipient chute erosion does not depend on peak flood magnitude. The role of scour holes in enlarging chute channels could be an important mechanism for chute channel evolution in meandering rivers. This study also confirms that understanding the relationships among flow, land cover, and cutoff morphology is substantially improved with on-demand remote sensing techniques like integrated UAS and LiDAR. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior to European settlement, the Upper Hunter River near Muswellbrook, New South Wales, was a passively meandering gravel‐bed river of moderate sinuosity and relatively uniform channel width. Analyses of floodplain sedimentology, archival records, parish maps and aerial photographs document marked spatial variability in the pattern of channel change since European settlement in the 1820s. Different types, rates and extents of change are reported for seven zones of adjustment along an 8 km study reach. This variable adjustment reflects imposed antecedent controls (buried terrace material and bedrock), which have significantly influenced local variability in river sensitivity to change, as well as contemporary morphodynamics and geomorphic complexity. Local variability in system responses to disturbance has important implications for future river management and rehabilitation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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