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Artificially straight river channels tend to be unstable, and ultimately develop into river meanders through bank erosion and point‐bar deposition. In this paper account is taken of the effects of riparian and floodplain vegetation on bank strength, floodplain flow resistance, shear stress partitioning, and bedload transport. This is incorporated into an existing 2D hydrodynamic‐morphological model. By applying the new model to an initially straight and single‐threaded channel, the way that its planform and cross‐sectional geometry evolve for different hydraulic and floodplain vegetation conditions is demonstrated. The results show the formation and upstream migration of gravel bars, confluence scouring and the development of meandering and braiding channel patterns. In cases where the channel becomes unstable, the instability grows out of bar formation. The resulting braiding patterns are similar to analytical results. The formation of a transition configuration requires a strong influence from vegetation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydraulic interactions between rivers and floodplains produce off‐channel chutes, the presence of which influences the routing of water and sediment and thus the planform evolution of meandering rivers. Detailed studies of the hydrologic exchanges between channels and floodplains are usually conducted in laboratory facilities, and studies documenting chute development are generally limited to qualitative observations. In this study, we use a reconstructed, gravel‐bedded, meandering river as a field laboratory for studying these mechanisms at a realistic scale. Using an integrated field and modeling approach, we quantified the flow exchanges between the river channel and its floodplain during an overbank flood, and identified locations where flow had the capacity to erode floodplain chutes. Hydraulic measurements and modeling indicated high rates of flow exchange between the channel and floodplain, with flow rapidly decelerating as water was decanted from the channel onto the floodplain due to the frictional drag provided by substrate and vegetation. Peak shear stresses were greatest downstream of the maxima in bend curvature, along the concave bank, where terrestrial LiDAR scans indicate initial floodplain chute formation. A second chute has developed across the convex bank of a meander bend, in a location where sediment accretion, point bar development and plant colonization have created divergent flow paths between the main channel and floodplain. In both cases, the off‐channel chutes are evolving slowly during infrequent floods due to the coarse nature of the floodplain, though rapid chute formation would be more likely in finer‐grained floodplains. The controls on chute formation at these locations include the flood magnitude, river curvature, floodplain gradient, erodibility of the floodplain sediment, and the flow resistance provided by riparian vegetation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers are natural systems whose planform pattern in alluvial reaches reflects a balance between three fundamental ingredients: flow energy, sediment calibre and supply, and vegetation. Whilst early research on river channel classification emphasised flow (stream power) and sediment controls, the impact of vegetation is now recognised in increasingly detailed classification schemes. Different planform patterns are more or less sensitive to changes in these three fundamental ingredients, which in the absence of human interventions all respond to changes in climate, allowing different morphological configurations to evolve and in some cases shift from one planform style to another. Multi-thread, braided and transitional river channel styles are common in European regions where conditions for the development of these planform styles, notably high bed material supply and steep channel gradients, exist. However, widespread, intense human impacts on European river systems, particularly over recent centuries, have caused major changes in river styles. Human activities impact on all three major controls on channel pattern: flow regime, sediment regime, vegetation (both riparian and catchment-wide). Whilst the mix of human activities may vary greatly between catchments, research from across Europe on the historical evolution of river systems has identified consistent trends in channel pattern change, particularly within rivers draining the Alps. These trends involve periods of narrowing and widening, and also switching between multi-thread and single-thread styles. Although flow regulation is often the key focus of explanations for human-induced channel change, our review suggests that human manipulation of sediment supply is a major, possibly the dominant, causal factor. We also suggest that “engineering” by riparian trees can accelerate transitions in pattern induced by flow and sediment change and can also shift transition thresholds, offering a new perspective for interpretation of channel change in addition to the focus on flow and sediment regime within existing models. Whilst the development of planform classifications of increasing complexity have been crucial in developing terminology and highlighting the main factors that control channel styles, additional approaches are needed to understand, predict and manage European Alpine river systems. A combination of field, laboratory and numerical modeling approaches are needed to advance the process understanding that is necessary to anticipate river landscape, particularly planform, changes and thus to make ecologically sound management choices.  相似文献   

With riverine flooding set to be more frequent in many parts of the world as a result of climate change, the interactions between fluvial morphodynamics and riparian vegetation may depend in part on the sequence of flood events. This paper describes a laboratory study of the geomorphic adjustment of a braided river to sequences of floods across five different strengths of braidplain vegetation. By using alfalfa as a proxy for braidplain vegetation, the differing plant life stages were used to represent the varying strengths of biogeomorphic feedbacks across the floods. Boundary conditions were constrained by sets of experimental runs with both equilibrium sediment loads and deficit loads. Changes in bed topography were monitored and assessed using a detailed digital elevation model, digital imagery and continuous monitoring of the transported sediment. Results demonstrate that in absence of plant colonization, vegetation placed the rivers in a non-equilibrium condition, in which riparian vegetation encouraged the development of new channels, increased the system channel width and enhanced topographic irregularity, these effects being more noticeable during the low-flow periods. The morphodynamics was found to be less sensitive to variations in flood discharges as the vegetation influence (strength) increased from minimum to maximum, until vegetation began to die back and the impacts of flood sequences became yet again evident. Although the overall sediment transport rate was reduced under full-grown vegetation conditions, the presence of the mature plants across the braid bars resulted in the greatest channel scour depths. Results are considered in light of expected changes in flood frequency with climate and likely morphodynamic responses of river systems as a result.  相似文献   

Plants as river system engineers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Plants growing within river corridors both affect and respond to fluvial processes. Their above‐ground biomass modifies the flow field and retains sediment, whereas their below‐ground biomass affects the hydraulic and mechanical properties of the substrate and consequently the moisture regime and erosion susceptibility of the land surface. This paper reviews research that dates back to the 1950s on the geomorphological influence of vegetation within fluvial systems. During the late twentieth century this research was largely pursued through field observations, but during the early years of the twenty‐first century, complementary field, flume and theoretical/modelling investigations have contributed to major advances in understanding the influence of plants on fluvial systems. Flume experiments have demonstrated the fundamental role of vegetation in determining river planform, particularly transitions from multi‐ to single‐thread forms, and have provided insights into flow–vegetation–sediment feedbacks and landform building, including processes such as channel blockage and avulsion. At the same time, modellers have incorporated factors such as moisture‐dependent plant growth, canopy and root architecture and their influence on flow resistance and sediment/bank reinforcement into morphodynamic models. Meanwhile, field investigations have revealed that vegetation has a far more important and complex influence on fluvial systems than previously realized. It is now apparent that the influence of plants on river systems is significant across space scales from individual plants to entire forested river corridors. Small plant‐scale phenomena structure patch‐scale geomorphological forms and processes, and interactions between patches are almost certainly crucial to larger‐scale and longer‐term geomorphological phenomena. The influence of plants also varies continuously through time as above‐ and below‐ground biomass change within the annual growth cycle, over longer‐term growth trajectories, and in response to external drivers of change such as climatic, hydrological and fluvial fluctuations and extremes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that riparian vegetation leads to channel transformation from a multi-bar to a single-thread channel planform. However, it still remains unclear how the presence of pioneer and mature vegetation affects the morphodynamics of single-thread meandering rivers. In this study, we therefore investigated the effects of vegetation strength on the morphodynamic evolution of an experimental meandering channel. Three physical laboratory experiments were conducted using alfalfa sprouts in different life stages – no vegetation, immature vegetation, and mature vegetation – to simulate different floodplain vegetation strengths. Our results demonstrate that vegetation plays a key role in mediating bank erosion and point-bar accretion, and that this is reflected in both the evolution of the channel bed as well as the sediment flux. The presence of mature vegetation maintained a deep, single-thread channel by reducing bank erosion, thereby limiting both channel widening and sediment storage capacity. Conversely, an unvegetated floodplain led to channel widening and high sediment storage capacity. Channel evolution in the unvegetated scenario showed that the active sediment supply from outer bank erosion led to slightly delayed point-bar accretion on the inner banks due to helical flow, deflecting the surface flow toward the outer banks and causing further erosion. In contrast, in the immature vegetation scenario, the outer banks were also initially eroded, but point-bar accretion did not clearly progress. This led to a greater width-to-depth ratio, resulting in a transition from a single- to a multi-thread channel with minor flow paths on the floodplain. The experimental results suggest that the eco-morphodynamic effects of young (low-strength) and mature (high-strength) vegetation are different. Notably, low-strength, early-stage vegetation increases channel complexity by accelerating both channel widening and branching, and therefore might promote the coexistence of multi-bars and pioneer vegetation.  相似文献   

When studying the evolution of landscape, it is difficult to discriminate the influence of anthropogenic from natural causes, or recognise changes caused by different sources of human action. This is especially challenging when the influence of certain sources is overprinted. For instance, although dam closure is the most common method of altering river courses, dam construction is often preceded by hydro‐technical works such as channel straightening, embankment construction or sediment mining. Both dam construction and the hydro‐technical works that precede dam closure can result in changes in the balance between sediment supply and transport capacity, and often, changes in river planform. The main objective of this study was to verify whether the works preceding dam closure are an important driver of river planform changes on the lower Drava River (Hungary). The case study is based on geological and geophysical surveys, as well as the analysis of historical maps covering an anabranching, 23 km long valley section. We show that channel straightening conducted prior to dam closure resulted in a transition from a meandering to sinuous planform with channel bars. Dam construction itself then caused enhanced incision, exposure of bar surfaces, vegetation encroachment and the formation of an anabranching planform. Based on this study, we developed models of alluvial island and channel planform evolution downstream of dams. Dam construction enhances channel incision, narrowing, and the reduction of flow caused by earlier hydro‐technical works. Many rivers downstream of dams experience episodes of anabranching or wandering, with a multi‐thread pattern replacing sinuous, braided and meandering courses. When incision continues, river patterns evolve from anabranching to sinuous via the attachment of alluvial islands to floodplains. However, the timing and sequence of these changes depend on hydrological and sediment supply regimes, geomorphic settings and anthropogenic actions accompanying dam construction. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation can have an important role in controlling channel planform, through its effects on channel roughness, and root‐reinforcement of bank and bar materials. Along the Platte River in central Nebraska, USA, The Platte River Recovery Implementation Program (PRRIP) has been tasked with managing the planform of the river to benefit endangered species. To investigate the potential use of planned short duration high flow (SDHF) events to manage bar vegetation, this study combined several approaches to determine whether flows of up to 227 m3s?1 through the central Platte River, could remove cottonwood, Phragmites and reed canarygrass stands of various ages and densities from in‐channel bars. First, fieldwork was carried out to measure the uprooting resistance, and resistance to bending for each species. Second, a set of flume experiments was carried out to measure the forces exerted on the three species of interest under different flow conditions. Finally, a numerical study comparing drag forces (driving) measured in the flume study, with uprooting forces (resisting) measured in the field, was carried out for each species to determine the likelihood of plant removal by SDHF events. Results showed that plants with more than a year of root growth, likely cannot be removed through drag and local scour alone, even at the 100‐year recurrence interval discharge. At most, a few cottonwood seedlings could be removed from bars through drag, scour and undercutting, where rooting depths are still small. The results presented here help us further understand the positive feedbacks that lead to the creation of permanent, vegetated bars rather than mobile braided channels. As such, the findings could help inform management decisions for other braided rivers, and the combined field, flume and modeling techniques used in this study could be applied to other fluvial systems where vegetation and planform dynamics are of interest. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of bidirectional flow on tidal channel planforms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt marsh tidal channels are highly sinuous. For this project, ?eld surveys and aerial photographs were used to characterize the planform of tidal channels at China Camp Marsh in the San Francisco Bay, California. To model the planform evolution, we assume that the topographic curvature of the channel centreline is a key element driving meander migration. Extraction of curvature data from a planimetric survey, however, presents certain problems because simple calculations based on equally distanced points on the channel axis produce numerical noise that pollutes the ?nal curvature data. We found that a spline interpolation and a polynomial ?t to the survey data provided us with a robust means of calculating channel curvature. The curvature calculations, combined with data from numerous cross‐sections along the tidal channel, were used to parameterize a computer model. With this model, based on recent theoretical work, the relationship between planform shape and meander migration as well as the consequences of bidirectional ?ow on planform evolution have been investigated. Bank failure in vegetated salt marsh channels is characterized by slump blocks that persist in the channel for several years. It is therefore possible to identify reaches of active bank erosion and test model predictions. Our results suggest that the geometry and evolution of meanders at China Camp Marsh, California, re?ect the ebb‐dominated regime. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In analytical and numerical models of river meandering, initiation of meandering typically occurs uniformly along the streamwise coordinate in the channel. Based on a historical analysis of the Nierskanaal, here we show how and under which circumstances meandering has initiated in isolated sections of a channel. The Nierskanaal was constructed by the end of the 18th century, as a straight channel between the river Niers and the river Meuse. The purpose of this measure was to reduce flood risk in the downstream reaches of the river Niers. The banks on the Dutch part of the channel were left unprotected and developed into a morphodynamically active channel, featuring a meandering planform and valley incision. The planform development and incision process is analysed using topographic maps and airborne LiDAR data. Meandering initiated in three sections of the channel, where the channel sinuosity developed asynchronously. Sedimentary successions in the study area show layers of iron oxide, indicating groundwater seepage from aeolian river dunes and river deposits located nearby. Only at the spots where meandering has initiated iron oxide is found close to the surface level. This provides a clue that seepage triggered bank erosion by increasing moisture content of the banks. The isolated meandering sections expanded in the longitudinal direction. Valley incision has developed in the first decades after the construction of the channel, and diminished after a gravel layer was reached. Gravel was deposited in the downstream half of the channel bed, acting as an armouring layer. The spatial variation in meandering behaviour, as observed in the Nierskanaal, justifies efforts to implement the influence of floodplain heterogeneity and the effect of seepage on bank erosion in meander models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Various parameters such as bed and bank materials, shape and irregularity of the section, vegetation, river meanders, plan of the river path etc. affect the flow hydraulic resistance. In open channel hydraulics the effects of all these parameters are generally considered as the roughness coefficient. The Manning’s equation is one of the most practical equations to flow resistance analysis, in which the surface roughness is defined by Manning coefficient. Since many parameters are effective on the value of this coefficient, in this research study it was tried to define the roughness coefficient somehow that it be able to dynamically change with different river and hydraulic conditions. The collected data in Karun River (Iran) for two periods were used as the case study. It is shown that the accuracy of model predictions for water surface elevations were improved more than 13% in error estimation in comparison with the corresponding results obtained for a constant roughness coefficient. The roughness coefficient (n) for Karun River was also estimated using the empirical method proposed by Cowan for two different dry and wet periods. These values were then successfully compared with the average corresponding roughness coefficients calculated by the numerical model for those periods.  相似文献   

Dynamic interaction between river morphodynamics and vegetation affects river channel patterns and populations of riparian species. A range of numerical models exists to investigate the interaction between vegetation and morphodynamics. However, many of these models oversimplify either the morphodynamics or the vegetation dynamics, which hampers the development of predictive models for river management. We have developed a model coupling advanced morphodynamics and dynamic vegetation, which is innovative because it includes dynamic ecological processes and progressing vegetation characteristics as opposed to commonly used static vegetation without growth and mortality. Our objective is to understand and quantify the effects of vegetation‐type dependent settling, growth and mortality on the river pattern and morphodynamics of a meandering river. We compared several dynamic vegetation scenarios with different functional trait sets to reference scenarios without vegetation and with static vegetation without growth and mortality. We find distinct differences in morphodynamics and river morphology. The default dynamic vegetation scenario, based on two Salicaceae species, shows an active meandering behaviour, while the static vegetation scenario develops into a static, vegetation‐dominated state. The diverse vegetation patterns in the dynamic scenario reduce lateral migration, increase meander migration rate and create a smoother floodplain compared to the static scenario. Dynamic vegetation results in typical vegetation patterns, vegetation age distribution and river patterns as observed in the field. We show a quantitative interaction between vegetation and morphodynamics, where increasing vegetation cover decreases sediment transport rates. Furthermore, differences in vegetation colonization, density and survival create distinct patterns in river morphology, showing that vegetation properties and dynamics drive the formation of different river morphologies. Our model demonstrates the high sensitivity of channel morphodynamics to various species traits, an understanding which is required for floodplain and stream restoration and more realistic modelling of long‐term river development. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of wastewater flow on the channel bed morphology was evaluated in four ephemeral streams in Israel and the Palestinian Territories: Nahal Og, Nahal Kidron, Nahal Qeult and Nahal Hebron. Channel changes before, during and after the halting of wastewater flow were monitored. The wastewater flow causes a shift from a dry ephemeral channel with intermittent floods to a continuous flow pattern similar to that of humid areas. Within a few months, nutrient‐rich wastewater flow leads to rapid development of vegetation along channel and bars. The colonization of part of the active channel by vegetation increases flow resistance as well as bank and bed stability, and limits sediment availability from bars and other sediment stores along the channels. In some cases the established vegetation covers the entire channel width and halts the transport of bed material along the channel. During low and medium size flood events, bars remain stable and the vegetation intact. Extreme events destroy the vegetation and activate the bars. The wastewater flow results in the development of new small bars, which are usually destroyed by flood flows. Due to the vegetation establishment, the active channel width decreases by up to 700 per cent. The deposition of fine sediment and organic material changed the sediment texture within the stable bar surface and the whole bed surface texture in Nahal Hebron. The recovery of Nahal Og after the halting of the wastewater flow was relatively fast; within two flood seasons the channel almost returned to pre‐wastewater characteristics. The results of the study could be used to indicate what would happen if wastewater flows were introduced along natural desert streams. Also, the results could be used to predict the consequences of vegetation removal as a result of human intervention within the active channel of humid streams. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying incipient sediment motion in vegetated open channel flow is pivotal for estimating bed load transport and the aquatic ecological environment in rivers.A new formula is developed to predict the critical flow velocity for incipient sediment motion in the presence of emergent vegetation,by incorporating the influence of vegetation drag that characterizes the effects of mean flow and turbulence on sediment movement.The proposed formula is shown to agree with existing experimental data.Mo...  相似文献   

Studies on emergent flow over vegetative channel bed with downward seepage   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Experimental observations in a tilting flume having a bed covered with rice plants (Oryza sativa) are used to analyse the flow characteristics of flexible emergent vegetation with downward seepage. The flow velocity for no-seepage and with seepage is reduced by, on average, 52% and 33%, respectively, as the flow reaches the downstream end with vegetation. Higher Reynolds stress occurs at the start of the vegetation zone; hence, bed material transport occurs in this region. The results indicate that the bed is no longer the primary source of turbulence generation in vegetated flow; rather it is dominated by turbulence generated by the vegetation stems. The local effect of the presence of vegetation causes variations in the hydrodynamic characteristics along the vegetated portion of the channel, which leads to erosion and deposition in the vegetation zone. The experiments show that vegetation can provide considerable stability to channels by reducing channel erosion even with downward seepage.  相似文献   

Geomorphic river design strives for natural resilience by encouraging geomorphic form complexity and morphological processes linked to greater habitat diversity. Increasing availability of high-resolution topographic data and spatial feature mapping methods provide advantages for morphological analysis and river restoration planning. We propose and evaluate an approach to quantifying topographic variability of geomorphic form and pixel-level surface roughness resulting from channel planform geometry differences using spatially continuous variety computation applied to component metrics including flow direction, aspect and planform curvature. We define this as the geomorphic form variation (GFV) approach and found it scalable, repeatable and a multi-stage analytical metric for quantifying physical aspects of river-bed topographic variability. GFV may complement process-based morphological feature mapping applications, hydraulic assessment indices and spatial habitat heterogeneity metrics commonly used for ecological quality evaluation and river restoration. The GFV was tested on controlled synthetic channels derived from River Builder software and quasi-controlled sinuous planform flume experiment channels. Component variety metrics respond independently to specific geometric surface changes and are sensitive to multi-scaled morphology change, including coarser-grained sediment distributions of pixel-level surface roughness. GFV showed systematic patterns of change related to the effects of channel geometry, vertical bed feature (pool-bar) frequency and amplitude, and bar size, shape and orientation. Hotspot analysis found that bar margins were major components of topographic complexity, whereas grain-scale variety class maps further supported the multi-stage analytical capability and scalability of the GFV approach. The GFV can provide an overall variety value that may support river restoration decision-making and planning, particularly when geomorphic complexity enhancement is a design objective. Analysing metric variety values with statistically significant hotspot cluster maps and complementary process-based software and mapping applications allows variety correspondence to systematic feature changes to be assessed, providing an analytical approach for river morphology change comparison, channel design and geomorphic process restoration.  相似文献   

Many urban rivers receive significant inputs of metal‐contaminated sediments from their catchments. Restoration of urban rivers often creates increased slack water areas and in‐channel vegetation growth where these metal‐contaminated sediments may accumulate. Quantifying the accumulation and retention of these sediments by in‐channel vegetation in urban rivers is of importance in terms of the planning and management of urban river restoration schemes and compliance with the Water Framework Directive. This paper investigates sediment properties at four sites across three rivers within Greater London to assess the degree to which contaminated sediments are being retained. Within paired restored and unrestored reaches at each site, four different bed sediment patch types (exposed unvegetated gravel, sand, and silt/clay (termed ‘fine’) sediments, and in‐channel vegetated sediments) were sampled and analysed for a range of metals and sediment characteristics. Many samples were found to exceed Environment Agency guidelines for copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) and Dutch Intervention Values for Cu and Zn. At all sites, sediments accumulating around in‐channel vegetation were similar in calibre and composition to exposed unvegetated fine sediments. Both bed sediment types contained high concentrations of pseudo‐total and acetic acid extractable metal concentrations, potentially due to elevated organic matter and silt/clay content, as these are important sorbtion phases for metals. This implies that the changed sediment supply and hydraulic conditions associated with river restoration may lead to enhanced retention of contaminated fine sediments, particularly around emergent plants, frequently leading to the development of submerged and emergent landforms and potential river channel adjustments. High pseudo‐total metal concentrations were also found in gravel bed sediments, probably associated with iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxyhydroxides and discrete anthropogenic metal‐rich particles. These results highlight the importance of understanding the potential effects of urban river restoration upon sediment availability and channel hydraulics and consequent impacts upon sediment contaminant dynamics and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Anabranching rivers evolve in various geomorphic settings and various river planforms are present within these multi‐channel systems. In some cases, anabranches develop meandering patterns. Such river courses existed in Europe prior to intensive hydro‐technical works carried out during the last 250 years. Proglacial stream valleys, inherited from the last glaciation, provided a suitable environment for the development of anabranching rivers (wide valleys floors with abundant sand deposits). The main objective of the present study is to reconstruct the formation of an anabranching river planform characterized by meandering anabranches. Based on geophysical and geological data obtained from field research and a reconstruction of palaeodischarges, a model of the evolution of an anabranching river formed in a sandy floodplain is proposed. It is demonstrated that such a river system evolves from a meandering to an anabranching planform in periods of high flows that contribute to the formation of crevasse splays. The splay channels evolve then into new meandering flow paths that form ‘second‐order’ crevasses, avulsions and cutoffs. The efficiency of the flow is maintained by the formation of cutoffs and avulsions preventing the development of high sinuosity channels, and redirecting the flow to newly formed channels during maximum flow events. A comparison with other anabranching systems revealed that increased discharges and sediment loads are capable of forming anabranching planforms both in dryland and temperate climate zones. The sediment type available for transport, often inherited from older sedimentary environments, is an important variable determining whether the channel planform is anabranching, with actively migrating channels, or anastomosing, with stable, straight or sinuous branches. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small river channels within the Humber Basin of Southern Ontario exhibit irregular meandering patterns; however, contemporary river hydrology appears capable of controlling the scale of regular waveform development. Recent changes in river planform are assessed through a bi‐temporal comparison of channel planform using orthorectified aerial photography and statistical analysis of curvature series based on autocorrelation and spectral analysis. Calculated meander wavelengths are acceptable given traditional relationships between wavelength and mean annual flood discharge. It is also evident that changes in stream power are highly correlated with changes in the dominant wavelengths between channel reaches in this study. Gradual development of small scale waveforms following a rare hydrological and geomorphological event in 1954 further confirms that these forms can be attributed to the typical discharge regime. This paper argues that the scaling of wavelengths with discharge can be considered a strong factor controlling planform evolution on some small meandering river systems, despite manifest irregular planforms. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Meandering river sinuosity increases until the channel erodes into itself (neck cutoff) or forms a new channel over the floodplain (chute cutoff) and sinuosity is reduced. Unlike neck cutoff, which can be measured or modelled without considering overbank processes, chute cutoff must be at least partially controlled by channel-forming processes on the floodplain. Even though chute cutoff controls meandering river form, the processes that cause chute cutoff are not well understood. This study analyses the morphology of two incipient chute cutoffs along the East Fork White River, Indiana, USA, using high temporal and spatial resolution UAS-based LiDAR and aerial photography. LiDAR and aerial imagery obtained between 1998 and 2019 reveals that large scour holes formed in the centre of both chutes sometime after chute channel initiation. A larger analysis within the study watershed reveals that scour holes within incipient chutes can be stable or unstable, and tend to stabilize when the chute is colonized by native vegetation and forest. When the scour holes form in farmed floodplain, they enlarge rapidly after initial formation and contribute to complete chute cutoff. In addition, this study shows that the formation of scour holes can occur in response to common, relatively low-magnitude floods and that the amount of incipient chute erosion does not depend on peak flood magnitude. The role of scour holes in enlarging chute channels could be an important mechanism for chute channel evolution in meandering rivers. This study also confirms that understanding the relationships among flow, land cover, and cutoff morphology is substantially improved with on-demand remote sensing techniques like integrated UAS and LiDAR. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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