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To describe temporal change in tafone development, an S‐shaped curve equation is proposed: Z = Zc [1 ? (n + 1) exp (? β t ) + n exp (? (1 + 1/n) β t )] , where Z is observed tafone depth, Zc is ultimate tafone depth, t is time, and n and β are constants. The applicability of this model is examined using tafone data selected from seven sites, which are categorized into three different salt‐weathering environments: a spray/splash‐dominant (occasionally wave‐affected) supra‐tidal zone, aerosol‐affected coastal regions, and inland desert areas. The results indicate that the equation can well describe tafone development in each of these environments. An investigation based on the values of n and β, determined through a best fit of the equation to the data, suggests that n characterizes site‐specific environmental conditions and β reflects the magnitude of factors controlling the recession mechanism of tafone surfaces. It is found that (1) the maximum rate of tafone growth dramatically decreases from supra‐tidal, through coastal, to desert environments, and (2) the growing mode of tafoni is different depending on the environmental settings. The erosional force to facilitate the development of tafoni at supra‐tidal sites is estimated to be about 400 times greater than that in the general coastal area. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite numerous investigations and theoretical models, tafoni weathering is still not fully understood largely because of limited data available on temperature, moisture and salt regimes. We investigated tafoni developed in granite in the Tafraoute region, Morocco, through an exploratory, two‐week multi‐method field campaign. Temperatures were measured with iButtons and by means of infrared thermography; moisture distribution and progress were captured with handheld moisture sensors and with drilled‐in iButtons. Salts were analysed in drill dust samples from different positions and rock depths. The results derived from very different techniques mutually support one another. Salts and moisture are concentrated near the base of the investigated tafoni, probably due to a saturated pore water body around the base of rock tors. Salts are accumulated close to the rock surface in tafoni, but not on the surrounding rock surfaces. A clear correlation was found between moisture and salt contents. Within a tafone, areas of higher humidity also display increased salt concentration near the surface. The temperature/humidity records allied with ionic analyses suggest that sodium sulfate dominates and is likely to undergo frequent phase changes from thenardite to mirabilite and vice versa. Two pathways of salt transport in and around tafoni are assumed based on the data: infiltration with rainfall on the top and around tors and boulders, and capillary rise from saturated pore water bodies to the surface. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Determining the rates of rock weathering is difficult because, firstly, the weathering rate of rocks is usually so slow that it is difficult to measure; secondly, it is also difficult to determine the start time and duration of weathering. The Shanxi River Valley in Fujian, China dried up after a reservoir was built upstream in 1959, and became a stone quarry site. Quarrying ceased in 1977, so a large amount of quarry wastes with artificially excavated surfaces were left in the valley. The concave-upward curved rocky surface, broken by manual excavation, easily contains rainwater in its central part, which was easily weathered into a more concave surface. Plaster mould casting was performed in situ on such a concave surface of an excavated stone rock in the valley and scanned with a high-precision 3D scanner to obtain 3D data of the concave-upward rock surface and its more concave middle part, which was considered as an initial weathering pit. The 3D model provided an in-depth understanding of the initial formation process of weathering pits, indicating that: (1) the average weathering rate of a weathering pit is 10.8 ± 0.49 cm ka−1; (2) weathering pits are generally formed by standing water in depressions on a flat near-horizontal rock surface due to weathering actions involving water; (3) the deepening rate of a weathering pit is about four times greater than that of the surrounding area; (4) the growth of a weathering pit can begin in some small concavities on the flat rock surface without pre-existing depressions and gradually expands; (5) a weathering pit is generally wider than deep or with a flat bottom due to expansion with a lateral weathering rate that is greater than that of the vertical, and the lamination of the host rock is not necessary for the formation of flat-floored weathering pits. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A laboratory simulation of salt weathering was used to ascertain the effects of sodium sulphate and sodium carbonate under ‘Negev’ conditions using a single immersion technique. Three main points were addressed: what are the grain size and textural characteristics of the debris liberated from limestones and a sandstone, what do scanning electron microscope observations of the weathered samples tell us about the decay processes involved, and how does the rate of debris liberation change during the course of 100 cycles? The grain size characteristics of the liberated debris tended to be multimodal and were related to the original petrological characteristics of the rock. Large amounts of fines were produced which are believed to be analogous to the ‘rock flour’ of arid areas. Blistering was also observed. Scanning electron microscope analysis revealed differences in the style of attack for different rock types and salt treatments, and revealed the pattern of salt crystallization in pores and the nature of cracking. The rate of debris liberation tended to decline or remain constant through time. The reasons for this remain obscure, but it is evident that diurnal cycles of temperature and humidity change can cause continuing rock weathering long after the initial input of salt to the rock has taken place.  相似文献   

Soil movement rates from fluted gully sides in New South Wales were measured over three years by erosion pins and survey. Erosion rates varied considerably over short distances from 0 to 53 mm yr?1 with an average removal rate of 19-8 mm yr?1.  相似文献   

Tafone‐like depressions have developed on the Aoshima sandstone blocks used for a masonry bridge pier in the coastal spray zone. A thin layer of partial granular disintegration was found on the surface in depressions. To evaluate quantitatively the strength of the thin weathered layer, the hardness was measured at the surface of the sandstone blocks using both an Equotip hardness tester and an L‐type Schmidt hammer. Comparison of the two testing results indicates that the Equotip hardness value is more sensitive in evaluating the strength of a thin layer of weathered surface rock than the Schmidt hardness value. By applying two methods, i.e. both the repeated impact method and the single impact method, the Equotip tester can evaluate the strengths of fresh internal and weathered surficial portions of rocks having a thin weathering layer. Comparison of the two strengths enables evaluation of strength reduction due to weathering. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Micromorphology has important application in earth surface process and landform studies particularly in alluvial settings such as the Indo‐Gangetic Plains (IGP) with different geomorphic surfaces to identify climatic changes and neotectonic events and their influence on pedogenesis. The soils of the IGP extending from arid upland in the west to per humid deltaic plains in the east developed on five geomorphic surfaces namely QIG1 to QIG5 originating during the last 13.5 ka. Four soil‐geomorphic systems across the entire IGP are identified as: (i) the western Yamuna Plains/Uplands, (ii) the Yamuna‐Ganga Interfluve, (iii) the Ganga‐Ghaghara Interfluve, and (iv) the Deltaic Plains. Thin section analysis of the soils across the four soil‐geomorphic systems provides a record of provenance, mineral weathering, pedogenic processes and polygenesis in IGP. The soils over major parts of the IGP dominantly contain muscovite and quartz and small fraction of highly altered feldspar derived from the Himalayas. However, soils in the western and eastern parts of the IGP contain large volumes of fresh to weakly altered plagioclase and smectitic clay derived from the Indian craton. The soils in western Yamuna Plains/Uplands dominated by QIG2–QIG3 geomorphic surfaces and pedogenic carbonate developed in semi‐arid climate prior to 5 ka. However, soils of the central part of the IGP in the Yamuna‐Ganga Interfluve and Ganga‐Ghaghara Interfluve regions with dominance of QIG4–QIG5 surfaces are polygenetic due to climate change over the last 13.5 ka. The clay pedofeatures formed during earlier wet phase (13.5–11 ka) show degradation, loss of preferred orientation, speckled appearance in contrast with the later phase of wet climate (6.5–4 ka). The soils over the deltaic plains with dominance of vertic features along with clay pedofeatures suggest that illuviation of fine clay is an important pedogenic process even in soils with shrink‐swell characteristics. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional model for predicting redox controlled, multi‐species reactive transport processes in groundwater systems is presented. The model equations were fully integrated within a MODFLOW‐family reactive transport code, RT3D. The model can simulate organic compound biodegradation coupled to different terminal electron acceptor processes. A computational approach, which uses the spatial and temporal distribution of the rates of different redox reactions, is proposed to map redox zones. The method allows one to quantify and visualize the biological degradation reactions occurring in three distinct patterns involving fringe, pseudo‐core and core processes. The capabilities of the numerical model are demonstrated using two hypothetical examples: a batch problem and a simplified two‐dimensional reactive transport problem. The model is then applied to an unconfined aquifer underlying a leaking landfill located near the city of Turin, in Piedmont (Italy). At this site, high organic load from the landfill leachate activates different biogeochemical processes, including aerobic degradation, denitrification, manganese reduction, iron reduction, sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. The model was able to describe and quantify these complex biogeochemical processes. The proposed model offers a rational framework for simulating coupled reactive transport processes occurring beneath a landfill site. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have measured 238U–206Pb, 235U–207Pb, and 232Th–208Pb ages on Quaternary zircons by laser ablation, single-collector, magnetic sector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). To obtain reliable ages for Quaternary zircons, corrections for initial disequilibrium associated with deficits and excesses of both 230Th and 231Pa relative to secular equilibrium resulting from differential partitioning during zircon crystallization or source melting must be made. In contrast, the 232Th–208Pb decay system is clearly advantageous for samples affected by disequilibrium because the 232Th decay system lacks long-lived intermediate daughter isotopes. Conventionally, the initial disequilibrium for the 238U and 235U decay series has been determined by the distribution ratio between the melt and zircon (i.e., ƒTh/U = (Th/U)Zircon/(Th/U)Melt and ƒPa/U = (Pa/U)Zircon/(Pa/U)Melt). In our study, these correction factors were determined from comparison of the measured 238U–206Pb and 235U–207Pb ages with 232Th–208Pb ages obtained for three zircons of known eruption and, in some cases, zircon crystallization ages (Kirigamine Rhyolite, Bishop Tuff, and Toga Pumice). The resulting correction factors are ƒTh/U = 0.19 ± 0.14 and ƒPa/U = 3.66 ± 0.89 (Kirigamine Rhyolite), ƒTh/U = 0.24 ± 0.20 and ƒPa/U = 3.1 ± 1.2 (Bishop Tuff), and ƒTh/U = 0.28 ± 0.17 and ƒPa/U = 3.04 ± 0.99 (Toga Pumice). Although the uncertainties of these f values are relatively large, our results support the adequacy of the conventional approach for correction of initial disequilibrium. A recent study published results that apparently show zircon crystallization ages are younger than the eruption age of Bishop Tuff. It seems to be difficult to eliminate these discrepancies, even if the Th/U partitioning and disequilibrium generated during partial melting are taken into account for recalculation of its zircon age. However, magma chamber process and history of Bishop Tuff are too complex to obtain accurate zircon ages by U–Pb method. To overcome this, therefore, the Th–Pb zircon dating method is a key technique for understanding complex, pre-eruptive magma processes, and further efforts to improve its precision and accuracy are desirable.  相似文献   

The process basis of existing soil‐erosion models is shown to be ill‐founded. The existing literature builds directly or indirectly on Bennett's (1974) paper, which provided a blueprint for integrated catchment‐scale erosion modelling. Whereas Bennett recognized the inherent assumptions of the approach suggested, subsequent readings of the paper have led to a less critical approach. Most notably, the assumption that sediment movement could be approximated by a continuity equation that related to transport in suspension has produced a series of submodels that assume that all movement occurs in suspension. For commonly occurring conditions on hillslopes, this case is demonstrably untrue both on theoretical grounds and from empirical observations. Elsewhere in the catchment system, it is only partially true, and the extent to which the assumption is reasonable varies both spatially and temporally. A second ground‐breaking paper – that of Foster and Meyer (1972) – was responsible for subsequent uncritical application of a first‐order approximation to deposition based on steady‐state analysis and again a weak empirical basis. We describe in this paper an alternative model (Mahleran – Model for Assessing Hillslope‐Landscape Erosion, Runoff And Nutrients) based upon particle‐travel distance that overcomes existing limitations by incorporating parameterizations of the different detachment and transport mechanisms that occur in water erosion in hillslopes and small catchments. In the second paper in the series, we consider the sensitivity and general behaviour of Mahleran , and test it in relation to data from a large rainfall‐simulation experiment. The third paper of the sequence evaluates the model using data from plots of different sizes in monitored rainfall events. From this evaluation, we consider the scaling characteristics of the current form of Mahleran and suggest that integrated modelling, laboratory and field approaches are required in order to advance the state of the art in soil‐erosion modelling. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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