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据《黑龙江省志》记载,黑龙江省因本省最大河流黑龙江得名。黑龙江古称黑水,满语称“萨哈连乌拉”。“萨哈连”是“黑”的意思,“乌拉”是“江”的意思。清建国初期定名为黑龙江。  相似文献   

翻开装帧精美的《黑龙江风情书丛》(其中包括《黑龙江冰雪风情》、《黑龙江少数民族风情》、《黑龙江城市风情》),就像打开了一幅多姿多彩的生活画卷,让我们真真切切地了解了黑龙江这块肥沃、广袤黑土地的秀美景色和风物人情。全书以风情为纽带,将冰雪、少数民族、城市三颗璀璨的珍珠紧密地串连在一起,浑然一体,  相似文献   

中华民族文明源远流长,博大精深,灿烂辉煌,著称于世。中华民族文明是由民族大家庭中各个不同民族共同创造的,因此,既具有统一的民族性特质,还呈现出各自鲜明的个性化存在。  相似文献   

黑龙江冰雪文化以其丰富的内涵和多彩的展现令世人瞩目。经过千百年来的积累和升华。如今的冰雪文化更具特色,也更加趋于成熟,并已经与黑龙江各族人民的生活融合在一起了。这种升华与融合是经历了千百年的磨砺与洗练,在悠远、漫长的历史进程中逐渐形成的,它体现了时代的进步与发展,昭示了黑龙江大地的与时俱进和走向辉煌。如今,这片土地更加富饶,更加绮丽。有人说她山川秀美,有人说她江河神秘,有人说她粗犷豪放,有人说她悠然飘逸。历史的真实永远是印刻和隐匿在自己的江河湖泊、土地森林之中的,的确,这就是令世人称奇的黑龙江大地。  相似文献   

黑龙江地区地域辽阔,资源丰富,是一个美丽富饶的地方。多少年来,黑龙江地区各族人民在这块广袤而古老的沃土上含辛茹苦,游牧拓荒,打鱼围猎,繁衍生息,他们不但具有与大自然勇敢搏斗的性格和勤劳朴实的美德,更具有与外来侵略者英勇斗争的精神。他们用自己辛勤的汗水滋润着黑龙江大地,用勤劳的双手书写着黑龙江的历史。千百年来,黑龙江地区的各族人民承前启后,  相似文献   

黑龙江冰雪文化有着与众不同的风格与韵律,黑龙江辽阔的地域、寒冷的气候、壮美的风光和悠久的历史是其形成的基础,而她的发展有着自然的孕育,人文的基础和社会的动力。浓郁的冰雪风情为多姿多彩的冰雪文化活动注入了生机与灵魂,使其更具动人,心魄的魅力。黑龙江冰雪风情以其丰厚的文化内涵令世人瞩目。经过长时间的积累和升华,冰雪文化已逐渐趋于成熟,并已经与黑龙江人民的生活融合在一起了。  相似文献   

冬春之交的三月,龙江大地依然被白雪覆盖,最低气温仍在零下二十摄氏度以下。 3月7日,由国土资源部规划院院长郑凌志为组长,部财务司副巡视员宋静波、地勘中心总经济师杜清坤、规划院副总工邹晓云、规划院高要徐晓黎为成员的部百人基层大调研组一行5人,来到祖国最北的省份一黑龙江,开展了紧张而有序的调研活动。在短短的5天里,他们不顾天气寒冷,行程近千公里,  相似文献   

2008年1月中下旬至2月上旬,我国南方地区出现了大范围、长时间的强降雪及冰冻灾害。这次冰冻雨雪灾害,不仅对广大人民群众的生活和社会经济运行造成了极大破坏,而且对当地生态环境也产生了深刻影响。本文以湖南省资兴市为例,运用遥感技术和地面野外调查相结合的方法,监测了本次冰雪过程对当地生态环境的影响。监测发现:本次冰雪过程对植被覆盖破坏显著,植被指数呈较大范围降低趋势,降低区域的总面积占资兴市土地总面积的54.12%;森林生态系统受损严重,除灌木林外302.2万亩森林全部受灾,其中,针叶林比阔叶林严重,幼龄林比成熟林严重,外来种比乡土树种严重,人工林比天然林严重;冰雪过程后土壤含水量增加、边坡失稳,地质灾害危险程度明显增高,工程建设区和林缘陡坡地带以滑坡(崩塌)为主的地质灾害频频发生。  相似文献   

地质遗迹是地球46亿年演化过程中遗留下来的历史记录和自然遗产。地质遗迹是大自然中一个鲜活的生命实体,也会像人一样受伤、枯弱、毁灭……1991年,来自世界30多个国家的百余位学者在《国际地球记录保护宣言》中呼吁:“地球的过去,其重要性绝不亚于人类自身的历史,现在是保护我们地质遗迹的时候了”。——献给第35个世界地球日。  相似文献   

通过对江西省井冈-吉泰-于山样带,在2008年初冰雪冻害中,森林损毁的调查,获得调查样点563个,以及每个样点的NDVI。依据各样点林分起源、林龄、树种和林地折损程度信息,对NDVI进行分类,发现林地NDVI均值与折损程度呈显著的线性相关关系。天然林在无折损程度下,NDVI均值比人工林和次生林高,但随着折损程度增加天然林NDVI均值下降幅度相对较大,人工林NDVI均值下降幅度较小。幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林在无折损程度下NDVI均值差距不大,随着折损程度增加,幼龄林NDVI均值下降幅度最大,其次,为中龄林、成熟林NDVI均值下降幅度最小。针阔混交林、杉木、竹林和湿地松,在无折损时NDVI均值较高,马尾松最低。随着折损程度增加,阔叶林NDVI均值下降速率最快,马尾松、湿地松、杉木和针阔混交林NDVI均值下降速率较快,竹林NDVI均值下降速率较慢,针叶混合林NDVI均值下降速率最慢。  相似文献   

Three seabed-mounted TD/CTD chains and two upward-looking acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) in the southwest of Zhangzi Island are used and a simultaneous cruise observation in the northern North Yellow Sea(NYS) is conducted to study temperature variation in the bottom thermal front zone of the NYS Cold Water Mass(NYSCWM) during the summer of 2009. In the flood-ebb tidal cycles, the bottom temperature decreases(increases) during flood(ebb) tides, which are dominated by the tidal-current induced horizontal advection. The ebb tide-induced temperature increase is larger than the flood tide-induced temperature decrease due to seasonal warming. In the spring-neap tidal cycles, the temperature and the vertical temperature structure show notable fortnightly variation from 16 July to 25 August. The bottom temperature increases from neap to spring tides and decreases from spring to neap. The Richardson number demonstrates strengthened vertical mixing during spring tides but enhanced stratification during neap tides. The spring-neap variation in vertical shear caused by tidal current is the dominant factor that induces the fortnightly variation in vertical mixing and thus bottom temperature.  相似文献   

The relationship of the interannual variability of the transport and bifurcation latitude of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) to the El Ni o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is investigated. This is done through composite analysis of sea surface height (SSH) observed by satellite altimeter during October 1992-July 2009, and correspondingly derived sea surface geostrophic currents. During El Nio/La Ni a years, the SSH in the tropical North Pacific Ocean falls/rises, with maximum changes in the region 0-15°N, 130°E-160°E. The decrease/increase in SSH induces a cyclonic/anticyclonic anomaly in the western tropical gyre. The cyclonic/anticyclonic anomaly in the gyre results in an increase/decrease of NEC transport, and a northward/southward shift of the NEC bifurcation latitude near the Philippine coast. The variations are mainly in response to anomalous wind forcing in the west-central tropical North Pacific Ocean, related to ENSO events.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Temperature data collected in the sections of 34°N, 35°N and 36°N in August from 1975 through 2003 were analyzed using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) to investigate interannual variability of the southern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM). The first mode (EOF1) reveals variations of basin-wide thermocline depth, which is mainly caused by surface heating. The second mode (EOF2) presents fluctuations of vertical circulation, resulting mainly from interannual variability of cold front intensity. In addition, it is found that the upward extent of upwelling in the cold front is basically determined by wind stress curl and the zonal position of the warm water center in the southern Yellow Sea is correlated with spatial difference of net heat flux.  相似文献   

北美地区大湖水位的变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在数十年来大湖水位变化历史记录背景下,考察了近年来大湖处于低水位的问题,并且比较了下游湖区水位最近的回升与上游湖区持续的低水位状况.探讨了气候变化对大湖水位的潜在影响。  相似文献   

采用野外观察描述和室内分析相结合的方法,以桌子山剖面奥陶系沉积相研究为基础,识别出了典型的碳酸盐等深流沉积.首次采用Fischer图解法, 求取了碳酸盐等深流沉积其可容空间变化曲线.参照野外的样品化学分析数据,得出深水等深岩的生烃能力较好,故对等深岩的研究具有潜在的矿产意义.在未来研究上,应运用地震波识别、遥感等现代科技调查手段,进行多学科综合研究,尽快建立一套完善的识别标志,以促使其逐渐成为沉积学中一个更为完善的研究领域.  相似文献   

A 1.5-layer reduced-gravity model forced by wind stress is used to study the bifurcations of the North Equatorial Current(NEC).The authors found that after removing the Ekman drift,the modelled circulations can serve well as a proxy of the SODA circulations on the σθ=25.0 kg m~-3 potential density surface based on available long-term reanalysis wind stress data.The modelled results show that the location of the western boundary bifurcation of the NEC depends on both zonal averaged and local zero wind stress curl latitude.The effects of the anomalous wind stress curl added in different areas are also investigated and it is found that they can change the strength of the Mindanao Eddy(ME),and then influence the interior pathway.  相似文献   

Research on the diffusion characteristics of swells contributes positively to wave energy forecasting, swell monitoring, and early warning. In this work, the South Indian Ocean westerly index(SIWI) and Indian Ocean swell diffusion effect index(IOSDEI) are defined on the basis of the 45-year(September 1957–August 2002) ERA-40 wave reanalysis data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) to analyze the impact of the South Indian Ocean westerlies on the propagation of swell acreage. The following results were obtained: 1) The South Indian Ocean swell mainly propagates from southwest to northeast. The swell also spreads to the Arabian Sea upon reaching low-latitude waters. The 2.0-meter contour of the swell can reach northward to Sri Lankan waters. 2) The size of the IOSDEI is determined by the SIWI strength. The IOSDEI requires approximately 2–3.5 days to fully respond to the SIWI. The correlations between SIWI and IOSDEI show obvious seasonal differences, with the highest correlations found in December–January–February(DJF) and the lowest correlations observed in June–July–August(JJA). 3) The SIWI and IOSDEI have a common period of approximately 1 week in JJA and DJF. The SIWI leads by approximately 2–3 days in this common period.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the interannual variability of the Northern Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(NYSCWM) and the factors that influence it,based on survey data from the 1976–2006 national standard section and the Korea Oceanographic Data Center,monthly E-P flux data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,and meridional wind speed data from the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set. The results show that:1) the mean salinity of the NYSCWM center has a slightly decreasing trend,which is not consistent with the high salinity center; 2) both the southern salinity front and the halocline of the NYSCWM display a weakening trend,which indicates that the difference between the NYSCWM and coastal water decreases; 3) the Yellow Sea Warm Current intrusion,the E-P flux of the northern Yellow Sea,and the strength of the winter monsoon will affect the NYSCWM salinity during the following summer.  相似文献   

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