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Empirical mode decomposition aims to decompose the input signal into a small number of components named intrinsic mode functions with slowly varying amplitudes and frequencies. In spite of its simplicity and usefulness, however, empirical mode decomposition lacks solid mathematical foundation. In this paper, we describe a method to extract the intrinsic mode functions of the input signal using non‐stationary Prony method. The proposed method captures the philosophy of the empirical mode decomposition but uses a different method to compute the intrinsic mode functions. Having the intrinsic mode functions obtained, we then compute the spectrum of the input signal using Hilbert transform. Synthetic and field data validate that the proposed method can correctly compute the spectrum of the input signal and could be used in seismic data analysis to facilitate interpretation.  相似文献   

The non‐stationary rocking response of liquid storage tanks under seismic base excitations including soil interaction has been developed based on the wavelet domain random vibration theory. The ground motion has been characterized through statistical functionals of wavelet coefficients of the ground acceleration history. The tank–liquid–foundation system is modelled as a multi‐degree‐of‐freedom (MDOF) system with both lateral and rocking motions of vibration of the foundation. The impulsive and convective modes of vibration of the liquid in the tank have been considered. The wavelet domain coupled dynamic equations are formulated and then solved to get the expressions of instantaneous power spectral density function (PSDF) in terms of functionals of input wavelet coefficients. The moments of the instantaneous PSDF are used to obtain the stochastic responses of the tank in the form of coefficients of hydrodynamic pressure, base shear and overturning base moment for the largest expected peak responses. Parametric variations are carried out to study the effects of various governing parameters like height of liquid in the tank, height–radius ratio of the tank, ratio of total liquid mass to mass of foundation, and shear wave velocity in the soil medium, on the responses of the tank. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Markov method of analysis is presented for obtaining the seismic response of cable‐stayed bridges to non‐stationary random ground motion. A uniformly modulated non‐stationary model of the random ground motion is assumed which is specified by the evolutionary r.m.s. ground acceleration. Both vertical and horizontal components of the motion are considered to act simultaneously at the bridge supports. The analysis duly takes into account the angle of incidence of the earthquake, the spatial correlation of ground motion and the quasi‐static excitation. A cable‐stayed bridge is analysed under a set of parametric variations in order to study the non‐stationary response of the bridge. The results of the numerical study indicate that (i) frequency domain spectral analysis with peak r.m.s. acceleration as input could provide more r.m.s. response than the peak r.m.s. response obtained by the non‐stationary analysis; (ii) the longitudinal component of the ground motion significantly influences the vertical vibration of the bridge; and (iii) the angle of incidence of the earthquake has considerable influence on the deck response. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper aims at clarifying the role of dynamic soil–structure interaction in the seismic assessment of structure and foundation, when the non‐linear coupling of both subsystems is accounted for. For this purpose, the seismic assessment of an ideal set of bridge piers on shallow foundations is considered. After an initial standard assessment, based on capacity design principles, the evaluation of the seismic response of the piers is carried out by dynamic simulations, where both the non‐linear responses of the superstructure and of the foundation are accounted for, in the latter case through the macro‐element modeling of the soil–foundation system. The results of the dynamic simulations point out the beneficial effects of the non‐linear response of the foundation, which provides a substantial contribution to the overall energy dissipation during seismic excitation, thus allowing the structural ductility demand to decrease significantly with respect to a standard fixed‐base or linear‐elastic base assessment. Permanent deformations at the foundation level, such as rotation and settlement, turn out to be of limited amount. Therefore, an advanced assessment approach of the integrated non‐linear system, consisting of the interacting foundation and superstructure, is expected to provide more rationale and economic results than the standard uncoupled approach, which, neglecting any energy dissipation at the foundation level, generally overestimates the ductility demand on the superstructure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method concerning the evaluation, in a very compact form, of the non‐stationary modal cross‐correlation coefficients of MDOF structural systems subjected to seismic excitations is presented. It is available both in the case when the excitation is considered as a white‐noise process and when it is considered as a filtered process. The evaluation of these coefficients is required when a transient seismic analysis is performed by the use of the modal response spectrum approach. This is necessary when the strong‐motion phase of the earthquake is significantly short with respect to the fundamental period of the structure. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthquake excitation is often modelled by non‐stationary random process (i.e. uniformly modulated broad‐band excitation) for analysis of structural safety subjected to seismic hazards. In this paper, the non‐stationary response of a single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) system to non‐stationary earthquake motion is investigated for different shapes of modulating functions. The evolutionary power‐spectral density function (PSDF) of the displacement of the SDOF system is obtained using the time‐varying frequency response function and the PSDF of the earthquake excitation. The close form expressions for time‐varying frequency response function are derived for different shapes of the modulating functions. In order to study the effects of the shape of the modulating function, a comparison of the non‐stationary earthquake response of the SDOF system is also made for different modulating functions having the same energy content. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between subsurface impedance models derived from different deterministic and geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies applied to a challenging synthetic dataset. Geostatistical seismic inversion methodologies nowadays are common place in both industry and academia, contrasting with traditional deterministic seismic inversion methodologies that are becoming less used as part of the geo‐modelling workflow. While the first set of techniques allows the simultaneous inference of the best‐fit inverse model along with the spatial uncertainty of the subsurface elastic property of interest, the second family of inverse methodology has proven results in correctly predicting the subsurface elastic properties of interest with comparatively less computational cost. We present herein the results of a benchmark study performed over a realistic three‐dimensional non‐stationary synthetic dataset in order to assess the performance and convergence of different deterministic and geostatistical seismic inverse methodologies. We also compare and discuss the impact of the inversion parameterisation over the exploration of the model parameter space. The results show that the chosen seismic inversion methodology should always be dependent on the type and quantity of the available data, both seismic and well‐log, and the complexity of the geological environment versus the assumptions behind each inversion technique. The assessment of the model parameter space shows that the initial guess of traditional deterministic seismic inversion methodologies is of high importance since it will determine the location of the best‐fit inverse solution.  相似文献   

This paper compares the seismic demands obtained from an intensity‐based assessment, as conventionally considered in seismic design guidelines, with the seismic demand hazard. Intensity‐based assessments utilize the distribution of seismic demand from ground motions that have a specific value of some conditioning intensity measure, and the mean of this distribution is conventionally used in design verification. The seismic demand hazard provides the rate of exceedance of various seismic demand values and is obtained by integrating the distribution of seismic demand at multiple intensity levels with the seismic hazard curve. The seismic demand hazard is a more robust metric for quantifying seismic performance, because seismic demands from an intensity‐based assessment: (i) are not unique, with different values obtained using different conditioning intensity measures; and (ii) do not consider the possibility that demand values could be exceeded from different intensity ground motions. Empirical results, for a bridge‐foundation‐soil system, illustrate that the mean seismic demand from an intensity‐based assessment almost always underestimates the demand hazard value for the exceedance rate considered, on average by 17% and with a large variability. Furthermore, modification factors based on approximate theory are found to be unreliable. Adopting the maximum of the mean values from multiple intensity‐based assessments, with different conditional intensity measures, provides a less biased prediction of the seismic demand hazard value, but with still a large variability, and a proportional increase the required number of analyses. For an equivalent number of analyses, direct computation of the seismic demand hazard is a more logical choice and provides additional performance insight. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geostatistical seismic inversion methods are routinely used in reservoir characterisation studies because of their potential to infer the spatial distribution of the petro‐elastic properties of interest (e.g., density, elastic, and acoustic impedance) along with the associated spatial uncertainty. Within the geostatistical seismic inversion framework, the retrieved inverse elastic models are conditioned by a global probability distribution function and a global spatial continuity model as estimated from the available well‐log data for the entire inversion grid. However, the spatial distribution of the real subsurface elastic properties is complex, heterogeneous, and, in many cases, non‐stationary since they directly depend on the subsurface geology, i.e., the spatial distribution of the facies of interest. In these complex geological settings, the application of a single distribution function and a spatial continuity model is not enough to properly model the natural variability of the elastic properties of interest. In this study, we propose a three‐dimensional geostatistical inversion technique that is able to incorporate the reservoir's heterogeneities. This method uses a traditional geostatistical seismic inversion conditioned by local multi‐distribution functions and spatial continuity models under non‐stationary conditions. The procedure of the proposed methodology is based on a zonation criterion along the vertical direction of the reservoir grid. Each zone can be defined by conventional seismic interpretation, with the identification of the main seismic units and significant variations of seismic amplitudes. The proposed method was applied to a highly non‐stationary synthetic seismic dataset with different levels of noise. The results of this work clearly show the advantages of the proposed method against conventional geostatistical seismic inversion procedures. It is important to highlight the impact of this technique in terms of higher convergence between real and inverted reflection seismic data and the more realistic approximation towards the real subsurface geology comparing with traditional techniques.  相似文献   

Buildings are continually subject to dynamic loads, such as wind load, seismic ground motion, and even the load from internal utility machines. The recent trend of constructing more flexible high‐rise buildings underscores the importance of including viscoelastic dampers in building designs. Viscoelastic dampers are used to control the dynamic response of a building. If the seismic design is based only on the linear response spectrum, considerable error may occur when calculating the seismic response of a building; rubber viscoelastic dampers show non‐linear hysteretic damping that is quite different from viscous damping. This study generated a non‐linear response spectrum using a non‐linear oscillator model to simulate a building with viscoelastic dampers installed. The parameters used in the non‐linear damper model were obtained experimentally from dynamic loading tests. The results show that viscoelastic dampers effectively reduce the seismic displacement response of a structure, but transmit more seismic force to the structure, which essentially increases its seismic acceleration response. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of identification of the modal parameters for a structural system using measured non‐stationary response time histories only. A Bayesian time‐domain approach is presented which is based on an approximation of the probability distribution of the response to a non‐stationary stochastic excitation. It allows one to obtain not only the most probable values of the updated modal parameters and stochastic excitation parameters but also their associated uncertainties using only one set of response data. It is found that the updated probability distribution can be well approximated by a Gaussian distribution centred at the most probable values of the parameters. Examples using simulated data are presented to illustrate the proposed method. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Alternative non‐linear dynamic analysis procedures, using real ground motion records, can be used to make probability‐based seismic assessments. These procedures can be used both to obtain parameter estimates for specific probabilistic assessment criteria such as demand and capacity factored design and also to make direct probabilistic performance assessments using numerical methods. Multiple‐stripe analysis is a non‐linear dynamic analysis method that can be used for performance‐based assessments for a wide range of ground motion intensities and multiple performance objectives from onset of damage through global collapse. Alternatively, the amount of analysis effort needed in the performance assessments can be reduced by performing the structural analyses and estimating the main parameters in the region of ground motion intensity levels of interest. In particular, single‐stripe and double‐stripe analysis can provide local probabilistic demand assessments using minimal number of structural analyses (around 20 to 40). As a case study, the displacement‐based seismic performance of an older reinforced concrete frame structure, which is known to have suffered shear failure in its columns during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, is evaluated. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The seismic design of an eight‐story reinforced concrete space frame building is undertaken using a yield frequency spectra (YFS) performance‐based approach. YFS offer a visual representation of the entire range of a system's performance in terms of the mean annual frequency (MAF) of exceeding arbitrary global ductility or displacement levels versus the base shear strength. As such, the YFS framework can establish the required base shear and corresponding first‐mode period to satisfy arbitrary performance objectives for any structure that may be approximated by a single‐degree‐of‐freedom system with given yield displacement and capacity curve shape. For the eight‐story case study building, deformation checking is the governing limit state. A conventional code‐based design was performed using seismic intensities tied to the desired MAF for safety checking. Then, the YFS‐based approach was employed to redesign the resulting structure working backwards from the desired MAF of response (rather than intensity) to estimate an appropriate value of seismic intensity for use within a typical engineering design process. For this high‐seismicity and high‐importance midrise building, a stiffer system with higher base shear strength was thus derived. Moreover, performance assessment via incremental dynamic analysis showed that while the code‐design did not meet the required performance objective, the YFS‐based redesign needed only pushover analysis results to offer a near‐optimal design outcome. The rapid convergence of the method in a single design/analysis iteration emphasized its efficiency and practicability as a design aid for practical application. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The time–frequency and the time‐scale analysis methods are used in this paper to identify the dynamic characteristics of non‐linear seismic response of structural systems with single degree of freedom (SDOF) and multiple degrees of freedom (MDOF). Based on the floor acceleration response time histories of bi‐linear SDOF and MDOF structures, the current study compares the results of system identification using the short‐time Fourier transform (STFT), continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) methods. The aim is to identify the frequency variations and the time at on‐set of yielding and unloading of a bi‐linear structural system during seismic response. The results demonstrate that the CWT method is better than the STFT method in both time and frequency resolutions, and that the DWT method is the best at detecting the time at on‐set of yielding and unloading. Combining the results of CWT and DWT methods therefore provides accurate information of both frequency variations and yielding time in non‐linear seismic response. To alleviate the problems associated with noise‐contaminated signals, e.g. seismic response data recorded on site, the study suggests that low‐pass filtering be carried out before applying the DWT method to decompose the signals into multiple levels of details. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of dynamic wheel–rail interactions, a dynamic model of coupled train–bridge system subjected to earthquakes is established, in which the non‐uniform characteristics of the seismic wave input from different foundations are considered. The bridge model is based on the modal comprehension analysis technique. Each vehicle is modelled with 31 degrees of freedom. The seismic loads are imposed on the bridge by using the influence matrix and exerted on the vehicles through the dynamic wheel–rail interaction relationships. The normal wheel–rail interaction is tackled by using the Hertzian contact theory, and the tangent wheel–rail interaction by the Kalker linear theory and the Shen–Hedrick–Elkins theory. A computer code is developed. A case study is performed to a continuous bridge on the planned Beijing–Shanghai high‐speed railway in China. Through input of typical seismic waves with different propagation velocities to the train–bridge system, the histories of the train running through the bridge are simulated and the dynamic responses of the bridge and the vehicles are calculated. The influences of train speed and seismic wave propagation velocity on the dynamic responses of the bridge–vehicle system are studied. The critical train speeds are proposed for running safety on high‐speed railway bridges under earthquakes of various intensities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The influence of the structural pounding on the ductility requirements and the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete structures designed to EC2 and EC8 with non‐equal heights is investigated. Special purpose elements of distributed plasticity are employed for the study of the columns. Two distinct types of the problem are identified: Type A, where collisions may occur only between storey masses; and Type B, where the slabs of the first structure hit the columns of the other (72 Type A and 36 Type B pounding cases are examined). Type A cases yielded critical ductility requirements for the columns in the pounding area mainly for the cases where the structures were in contact from the beginning of the excitation. In both pounding types the ductility requirements of the columns of the taller building are substantially increased for the floors above the highest contact storey level probably due to a whiplash behaviour. The most important issue in the pounding type B is the local response of the column of the tall structure that suffers the hit of the upper floor slab of the adjacent shorter structure. In all the examined cases this column was in a critical condition due to shear action and in the cases where the structures were in contact from the beginning of the excitation, this column was also critical due to high ductility demands. It can be summarized that in situations of potential pounding, neglecting its possible effects leads to non‐conservative building design or evaluation that may become critical in some cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lateral force, response spectrum and step‐by‐step pushover analyses are performed and compared with the post‐earthquake survey of two Dieh‐Dou buildings seriously affected in the 1999 Chi‐Chi earthquake in Taiwan. The results show that the proposed FE model with finite translational and rotational stiffness can successfully be employed to assess the vulnerability of the frames. The fundamental period of Dieh‐Dou structures is about 1.0 s higher than that calculated by the simplified approach of the codes for regular frames; a modal analysis is, therefore, essential for this typology of structure. The elastic analysis, either lateral force or response spectrum, is shown to be reliable to assess Dieh‐Dou frames when quick results are desired. However, a non‐linear step‐by‐step pushover analysis has the advantage of greater accuracy, as it allows mapping the failure trend and indicating the critical elements. The lateral drifts are compared with the actual observed damage pattern and when the damage level is related to the peak ground acceleration on a vulnerability curve plot, it is shown that the joint failure combined with the lateral drift gives an indication of the global structural behaviour of this historic construction typology. Owing to the unique construction features of the Dieh‐Dou, the joint failure represents also a critical criterion in terms of maximum retention for conservation. Based on a damage level approach, an assessment methodology is suggested that would allow optimizing a strengthening strategy, for protection of these precious structures from future earthquakes while avoiding unnecessary interventions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Italy, as in other high seismic risk countries, many bridges, nowadays deemed ‘strategic’ for civil protection interventions after an earthquake, were built without antiseismic criteria, and therefore their seismic assessment is mandatory. Accordingly, the development of a seismic assessment procedure that gives reliable results and, at the same time, is sufficiently simple to be applied on a large population of bridges in a short time is very useful. In this paper, a displacement‐based procedure for the assessment of multi‐span RC bridges, satisfying these requirements and called direct displacement‐based assessment (DDBA), is proposed. Based on the direct displacement‐based design previously developed by Priestley et al., DDBA idealizes the multi DOF bridge structure as an equivalent SDOF system and hence defines a safety factor in terms of displacement. DDBA was applied to hypothetical bridge configurations. The same structures were analyzed also using standard force‐based approach. The reliability of the two methods was checked performing IDA with response spectrum compatible accelerograms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fundamental issue in the framework of seismic probabilistic risk analysis is the choice of ground motion intensity measures (IMs). Based on the floor response spectrum method, the present contribution focuses on the ability of IMs to predict non‐structural components (NSCs) horizontal acceleration demand. A large panel of IMs is examined and a new IM, namely equipment relative average spectral acceleration (E‐ASAR), is proposed for the purpose of NSCs acceleration demand prediction. The IMs efficiency and sufficiency comparisons are based on (i) the use of a large dataset of recorded earthquake ground motions; (ii) numerical analyses performed on three‐dimensional numerical models, representing actual structural wall and frame buildings; and (iii) systematic statistical analysis of the results. From the comparative study, the herein introduced E‐ASAR shows high efficiency with respect to the estimation of maximum floor response spectra ordinates. Such efficiency is particularly remarkable in the case of structural wall buildings. Besides, the sufficiency and the simple formulation allowing the use of existing ground motion prediction models make the E‐ASAR a promising IMs for seismic probabilistic risk assessment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Site effects characterize the filtering mechanisms within the soil sedimentary layers overlying bedrock. In regions of high seismicity such as California where strong motion records are relatively abundant, site coefficients can be developed by regression of recorded ground shaking parameters. In regions of low‐to‐moderate seismicity or of high seismicity but with a paucity of recorded strong motion data, such empirical models cannot be obtained in the same way. This study describes the theoretical development of a simple, rational manual procedure to calculate site coefficients, based on a single period approximation (SPA), and to construct displacement response spectra (RSD) for soil sites. The proposed simplified model, which takes into account the non‐linear behaviour of soil that is dependent on the level of shaking, impedance contrast at the soil–bedrock interface and the plasticity of soil material, has been verified by comparison with results obtained from non‐linear shear wave analyses and data recorded during the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The proposed model is believed to be a convenient tool for calculating non‐linear site responses and constructing site‐specific response spectra, which has the potential of being incorporated into code provisions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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