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A two‐dimensional numerical model of the saltation process was developed on a parallel computer in order to investigate the temporal behaviour of transport rate as well as its downwind distribution. Results show that the effects of unsteady flow on the transportation of particulates (sediment) have to be considered in two spatial dimensions (x, y). Transport rate Q(x, t) appears in the transport equation for mass M(x, t): where A = ΔxW denotes unit area composed of unit streamwise length Δx and width W. S(x, t) (units kg m−2 s−1) stands for the balance over the splash process. A transport equation for transport rate itself is suggested with U c (x, t) a mean particle velocity at location x as the characteristic velocity of the grain cloud. For a steadily blowing wind over a 50 m long sediment bed it was found that downwind changes in Q cease after roughly 10–40 m, depending on the strength of the wind. The onset of stationarity (∂/∂t=0) was found to be a function of the friction velocity and location. The local equilibrium between transport rate and wind was obtained at different times for different downstream locations. Two time scales were found. One fast response (in the order of 1) to incipient wind and a longer time for equilibrium to be reached throughout the simulation length. Transport rate also has different equilibrium values at different locations. A series of numerical experiments was conducted to determine a propagation speed of the grain cloud. It was found that this velocity relates linearly to friction velocity. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sand flux and wind profiles in the saltation layer above a rounded dune top   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The near-bed airflow and the movement of sand dune sediments by wind are fundamental dune geomorphological processes.This research measured the wind profiles and sand mass flux on the rounded top of a transverse dune at the southern edge of the Tengger Desert to examine how to best predict the vertical profile of sand flux.This work also tested the accuracy of previously developed models in predicting the apparent roughness length during saltation.Results show that mass flux vertical distribution over the dune top is underestimated by an exponential function,overestimated by a power function,but closely matches the predictions made using the LgstcDoseRsp function.Given suitable values ofα,βandγaccording to the grain size composition,S?rensen equation with the peaked shape of the mass transport curve will well predict the dimensionless mass flux qg/ρu*3against dimensionless shear velocity u*/u*t.The modified Charnock model works best of the previously published models tested,with an R2of 0.783 in predicting the enhanced roughness over the moving sand surface,as opposed to an R2of0.758 for the Owen model and an R2of 0.547 for the Raupach model.For the rounded dune top in this study,C m=0.446±0.016.  相似文献   

Aeolian mass transport was investigated in a desert field experiment where the wind speeds were near the saltation threshold. Bed transport was observed during 45 min runs even though the calculated values of bed shear stress using conventional laboratory equations for mass transport predicted that there should be no transport. We therefore investigated the possibility of predicting mass transport using quasi-instantaneous wind speeds, i.e. values derived at a time scale similar to that of the saltation process. Quasi-instantaneous wind speeds are able to predict mass transport associated with the stronger gusts. Predicted mass transport values compare fairly well with observation, but the accuracy of the prediction is very sensitive to correct estimation of the surface roughness and the saltation threshold for the particular sand bed. When these values differ by only 10 percent from the values that optimize the estimation, predicted mass transport can differ by up to ±50 per cent. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of a step change in macro‐roughness on the saltation process under sediment supply limited conditions was examined in the atmospheric boundary layer. For an array of roughness elements of roughness density λ = 0.045 (λ = total element frontal area/total surface area of the array) the horizontal saltation flux was reduced by 90% (±7%) at a distance of ≈150 roughness element heights into the array. This matches the value predicted using an empirical design model and provides confidence that it can be effectively used to engineer roughness arrays to meet sand flux reduction targets. Measurements of the saltation flux characteristics in the vertical dimension, including: saltation layer decay (e‐folding) height and particle size, revealed that with increasing distance into the array, the rate of mass flux change with increasing height decreased notably, and (geometric) mean particle diameter decreased. The distribution of the saltation mass flux in the vertical remains exponential in form with increasing distance into the roughness array, and the e‐folding height increases as well as increasing at a greater rate as particle diameter diminishes. The increase in e‐folding height suggests the height of saltating particles is increasing along with their mean speed. This apparent increase in mean speed is likely due to the preferential removal, or sequestration, of the slower moving particles across the size spectrum, as they travel through the roughness array. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental study of aeolian sand ripples in a wind tunnel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The topographic parameters and propagation velocity of aeolian sand ripples reflect complex erosion, transport, and deposition processes of sand on the land surface. In this study, three Nikon cameras located in the windward (0–1 m), middle (4.5–5.5 m), and downwind (9–10 m) zones of a 10 m long sand bed are used to continuously record changes in sand ripples. Based on the data extracted from these images, this study reaches the following conclusions. (1) The initial formation and full development times of sand ripples over a flatbed decrease with wind velocity. (2) The wavelengths of full development sand ripples are approximately twice the wavelengths of initially formed sand ripples. Both wavelengths increase linearly with friction velocity. During the developing stage of sand ripples, the wavelength increases linearly with time. (3) The propagation velocity of full development sand ripples is approximately 0.6 times that of the initially formed sand ripples. The propagation velocity of both initial and full development of sand ripples increase as power functions with respect to friction velocity. During the developing stage of sand ripples, the propagation velocity decreases with time following a power law. These results provide new information for understanding the formation and evolution of aeolian sand ripples and help improve numerical simulations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of particle saltation and movement over the beds of fixed roughness from flume experiments. A series of experiments are carried out to study the saltation of individual sand particles of different sizes over rough beds under different flow conditions. A 3‐D acoustic Doppler velocimeter is used to record the fluid velocity components; subsequently, under different flow conditions, the images of released sand particles are recorded using high‐speed video imaging technique. Systematic analysis is made with regard to the forces acting on the grains and the variation of their magnitudes along the saltation trajectories of the grains. Relations between the saltation parameters, flow intensity and bed roughness are developed. The distributions of the angle of orientations during a single saltation follows almost a Gaussian distribution. The shape of the Gaussian distribution depends on the particle size and bed roughness. Particle collisions with rough beds and the resulting coefficients of restitution are also discussed. A theoretical framework is developed to compute the mean particle velocity considering the spin in the energy balance equation. Results of the detailed analysis using the imaging technique are much better than in previously reported studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In extreme tidal environment, occurrences of saltating pebbles have been observed. The ambition to instal hydrokinetic turbines in such environment requires knowledge on the presence of pebbles in saltation in the water column because they can damage the structures. An experimental study is realized in a free-surface flume with no slope and different bed roughnesses as in marine environment. With fast camera the trajectories of hundreds of spherical particles are analysed. Our study deals with saltation in the inertial regime (i.e., large Stokes number) over fixed beds with various roughnesses. In inertial regime, the bed roughness has more influence on the collision process and the trajectory of the particles than for non-inertial motion where viscous forces play a key role. Jump height and length increase with bed roughness, with height increasing quicker than length leading to a more vertical trajectory for higher bed roughness. The vertical restitution coefficient is shown to increase with bed roughness leading to higher jumps. The initiation of the motion is shown to depend on the bed roughness as well. Power laws of the excess shear stress are proposed for jump height and length, taking into account the bed roughness. The dataset and analysis proposed in this study is a key ingredient for developing quantitative models for particle transport.  相似文献   

Particle–turbulence interaction has been a research focus in the field of pneumatic transport, especially in aeolian environments. However, knowledge regarding the effect of saltating particles on the turbulence characteristics is very limited. In this article, a process of sand-laden flow from forming sand streamers to stability is investigated via a coupled mathematical model of wind-blown sand that includes the spatiotemporal development. The variations in the turbulence characteristics, such as the mean velocity and turbulence intensity in clean air or sand-laden flow field, are analyzed. The results show that the splash process of sand grains near the wall decrease the wind speed in the saltation layer and destroy the low-speed streaks. Moreover, the profiles of streamwise turbulence intensity exhibit a transition from ‘decreasing’ to ‘increasing’ and approximately intersect at an ‘intensity focus’, which is presented for the first time. Furthermore, it was found that saltating particles could enhance the Reynolds stress. Meanwhile, it was also noticed that the shear stress at the wall surface is greater than the impact threshold and that there is a tendency towards the impact threshold. Therefore, saltation makes the particle Reynolds number of sand-laden flow higher than that under non-saltation conditions, thus changing the particles’ effect on the turbulence intensity. Gravity-dominated saltation is probably the most essential difference between wind-blown sand and other traditional two-phase flows. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effect of turbulent flow structures on saltation sand transport was studied during two convective storms in Niger, West Africa. Continuous, synchronous measurements of saltation fluxes and turbulent velocity fluctuations were made with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz. The shear stress production was determined from the vertical and streamwise velocity fluctuations. The greatest stress-bearing events were classified as turbulent structures, with sweep, ejection, inward interaction, and outward interaction described according to the quadrant technique. The classified turbulent structures accounted for 63·5 per cent of the average shear stress during the first storm, and 56·0 per cent during the second storm. The percentage of active time was only 20·6 per cent and 15·8 per cent, respectively. High saltation fluxes were associated with sweeps and outward interactions. These two structures contribute positively (sweeps) and negatively (outward interactions) to the shear stress, but have in common that the streamwise velocity component is higher than average. Therefore, the horizontal drag force seems primarily responsible for saltation sand transport, and not the shear stress. This was also reflected by the low correlation coefficients (r) between shear stress and saltation flux (0·12 and 0·14, respectively), while the correlation coefficients between the streamwise velocity component and saltation flux were much higher (0·65 and 0·57, respectively). © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the material transported by the wind under field conditions is essential for the study and control of wind erosion. A critical step of this calculation is the integration of the curve that relates the variation of the amount of the material carried by the wind with height. Several mathematical procedures have been proposed for this calculation, but results are scarce and controversial. One objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of three mathematical models (a rational, an exponential, and a simplified Gaussian function) for the calculation of the mass transport, as compared to the linear spline interpolation. Another objective of this study was to compare the mass transport calculated from field measurements obtained from a minimum of three discrete sampling heights with measurements of nine sampling heights. With this purpose, wind erosion was measured under low surface roughness conditions on an Entic Haplustoll during 25 events. The rational function was found to be mathematically limited for the estimation of wind eroded sediment mass flux. The simplified Gaussian model did not fit to the vertical mass flux profile data. Linear spline interpolation generally produced higher mass transport estimates than the exponential equation, and it proved to be a very flexible and robust method. Using different sampling arrangements and different mass flux models can produce differences of more than 45% in mass transport estimates, even under similar field conditions. Under the conditions of this study, at least three points between the soil surface and 1·5 m high, including one point as closest as possible to the surface, should be sampled in order to obtain accurate mass transport estimates. Additionally, the linear spline interpolation and the non‐linear regression using an exponential model, proved to be mathematically reliable methods for calculating the mass transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study concerns sand deposition within a regular array of vertical cylinders placed in the path of a sand-laden wind. Twelve wind tunnel experiments using three preselected shear velocities (28·78, 32·86 and 45·1 cm s−1), with associated rates of sand feed (0·3, 2·0 and 3·8 g cm−1 s−1), and four roughness element concentrations (λ = 0·046, 0·092, 0·184 and 0·369) were carried out to evaluate the factors that affect sand deposition and sand flux in the presence of immobile rough elements. The measurements showed that as the concentration of non-erodible elements increased, the percentage reduction in the initial sand flux increased and a particularly sharp reduction occurred when λ ≥ 0·18. The pattern of reduction was found to be qred = qeq (d/H) [Δy/(Δyd)](0·68 −3·5λ) when λ ≤ 0·18, and qred = qeq(d/H)[Δy/(Δyd)](0·025) when λ > 0·18, where qeq is the equilibrium rate of sand transport arriving at the best bed, d is the diameter of the cylinder, H is the height of the cylinder, and Δy is the width of unit area associated with a cylinder. The experimenal results also showed that the sand flux downstream of the array started to increase immediately upon the commencement of burial of the array's cylinders. Thus the sand deposition and sand flux along an array consisting of regularly distributed, non-erodible elements were shown to be neither uniform nor steady. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Snow drift transport may cause avalanches on the roads during the periods of snowfall and strong wind. To better understand the factors influencing transport we have developed a theoretical model. This model is based on the boundary layer theory, where the particle mass conservation is considered. Assuming that the saturation is reached, the concentration profile can be represented by a negative exponential law. By means of this analysis, the influence of particle characteristics is explored through the roles of threshold friction velocity and fall velocity. Using fluid mechanics laws, an analysis of the concentration profile resulting from the effect of the wind on a particle bed was also developed. For several velocities of flow and for different kinds of particles an experimental determination of the concentration profile was achieved. We used a laser visualisation and image processing technique to carry out these experiments. The obtained results fit with the values predicted by the theoretical model.  相似文献   

A wind tunnel study examined the effect of distributions of saltating particles on sediment surfaces which were characterized by distributions of their tensile strength. The sediments consisted of varying proportions of large sand‐sized particles with a fine particle cement. The energies of the impacting particles and the surface strengths were compared with the mass of material lost from the surface. It is important to consider distributions of parameters rather than mean values only, since abrasion and erosion may occur from surfaces not predicted from average strength and saltation velocities. At the impact velocities used in this study (mean velocity 4·4 m s?1, with standard deviation of 0·51), surfaces containing less than 12 per cent fine material were easily eroded, but insignificant erosion occurred when the fine particle content exceeded 60 per cent. Small amounts of cementing material were easily ruptured, allowing the large sand grains to be moved (largely in creep) by the bombarding particles. A significant amount of energy was lost to the bed. As the percentage of fine material increased, the surface became more difficult to break up and less energy was lost to the bed. The probability that erosion will occur for known energy distributions of impacting particles and surface strength can be calculated and the mass loss increases exponentially with a decrease in the percentage of fine cementing particles. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The erosion of sediment by wind and the resulting mass flux density profile is thought to be described by a mathematical function that bears information on the mechanisms responsible for the movement of individual particles by the wind, and such functions have been studied extensively. In this study several functions are evaluated that have been proposed to describe the variation in mass flux density with height of wind‐blown sediment, with the flux containing a mixture of particles in suspension and saltation, based on detailed field data at four land types in the Minqin area of north‐western China, where severe wind erosion occurs. High‐resolution mass flux density measurements at 50 heights, collected at 20 mm intervals to a height of 1 m above the surface, were obtained using vertically segmented samplers. Three kinds of functions fit the measured flux density profiles reasonably well, but a three‐parameter modified exponential function is preferred because it contains fewer coefficients to be defined and provides a reasonably good fit to the measured mass flux density profiles. This and previous conclusions suggest that the decay with height of mass flux density of sediments dominated by saltation particles as in the present study tends to follow a modified exponential function law, but a modified power function law replaces the modified exponential function law when the height extends to a level high enough to be dominated by suspension particles. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind erosion modelling efforts, both ?eld and wind tunnel studies, have traditionally focused on saltation‐based processes for estimating dust emissions from high wind events. This approach gives generally good results when saltation‐sized particles, 90 µm to 2 mm mean diameter, are prevalent on the exposed soil surface. The Columbia Plateau, located in north‐central Oregon and south‐central Washington, is a region with extensive loess deposits where up to 90 per cent of sieved particles (by mass) are less than 100 µm mean diameter. During high‐wind events, large amounts of soil and ?ne particulate matter are suspended. However, ?eld surfaces typically show little evidence of surface scouring or saltation, e.g. soil drifts or covered furrows. Velocity pro?le analysis of two high‐wind events and additional data from a third event show evidence of direct suspension process where saltation is not a major mechanism for eroding soil or generating dust emissions. Surface roughness heights are less than saltation roughness height estimates during peak wind speeds. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A portable field wind tunnel was used to assess the sediment flux rates of loam and sand textured soils in the Mallee region of southeastern Australia. Three levels of crust disturbance (nil, moderate and severe) simulating stock trampling were investigated. The results demonstrated the importance of cryptogamic crusts in binding the soil surface and providing roughness after the soil was moderately disturbed. On the loamy soil, the crust helped maintain sediment flux rates below the erosion control target to 5 g m−1 s−1 for a 65 km h−1 wind measured at 10 m height. Once the crust was severely disturbed, sediment fluxes increased to 1·6 times the erosion target. On the sandy soil, even with no crust disturbance the sediment flux was 1·6 times the erosion control target. Disturbing the crust increased sediment fluxes to a maximum of 6·7 times the erosion control target. Removal of the crust also decreased the threshold wind velocity that resulted in an increase to the risk of erosion from <5 per cent to 20 per cent. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamic responses of the Tsing Ma suspension bridge and the running behaviors of trains on the bridge under turbulent wind actions are analyzed by a three-dimensional wind-train-bridge interaction model. This model consists of a spatial finite element bridge model, a train model composed of eight 4-axle identical coaches of 27 degrees-of-freedom, and a turbulent wind model. The fluctuating wind forces, including the buffeting forces and the self-excited forces, act on the bridge only, since the train runs inside the bridge deck. The dynamic responses of the bridge are calculated and some results are compared with data measured from Typhoon York. The runnability of the train passing through the Tsing Ma suspension bridge at different speeds is researched under turbulent winds with different wind velocities. Then, the threshold curve of wind velocity for ensuring the running safety of the train in the bridge deck is proposed, from which the allowable train speed at different wind velocities can be determined. The numerical results show that rail traffic on the Tsing Ma suspension bridge should be closed as the mean wind velocity reaches 30 m/s.  相似文献   

热水条件下黑云母断层泥的摩擦强度与稳定性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
路珍  何昌荣 《地球物理学报》2014,57(4):1123-1132
黑云母是自然界常见的层状硅酸盐矿物,其摩擦系数不高且化学稳定性好,对其摩擦性质的关注可能会对弱断层的研究有所帮助.本次工作选取的实验温度条件对应于典型地壳强度模型中脆塑性转化带的范围,为300 ℃和400 ℃.有效正应力为200 MPa,孔隙水压包括10 MPa和30 MPa,在此条件下对黑云母模拟断层泥进行摩擦实验研究.实验得出黑云母的摩擦系数平均在0.36左右.速度依赖性随温度升高速度弱化的程度增强,表现为300 ℃为十分微弱的速度弱化,而在400 ℃出现了黏滑行为,代表了更强的速度弱化.显微结构中同时出现了脆性剪切变形和塑性扭折变形,但决定宏观力学性质的显然是脆性剪切变形.在黑云母存在的情况下,本研究的实验结果有助于理解大陆地壳脆塑性转化带中地震的可能性和弱断层深部的变形机制、宏观力学行为以及地震活动.  相似文献   

Severe dust storms in the Southern Aral Sea Basin have become common with the desiccation of the sea. The high incidence of dust in the area has had severe ecological consequences. Within the framework of efforts to reduce this phenomenon, deflatability as well as deflatability‐related characteristics of some prominent soils/sediment surfaces in the Southern Aral Sea Basin were examined. The materials included a salt crust from a developed Solonchak, a Takyr crust and a Takyr‐like soil, and salt crusts from undeveloped Solonchaks formed on the exposed bottom of the Aral Sea. Characteristics determined were particle size distribution, dry aggregate size distribution and salt, carbonate and organic carbon contents. Deflatability was examined using a suction type wind tunnel with a SENSIT‐type sensor to detect airborne unconsolidated material, on materials treated to different moisture levels and with a chemical stabilizer, and on restored crusts created from the unconsolidated materials. Fine sand dominates in the materials, and in the Takyr crust and Takyr‐like soils is accompanied by significant amounts of silt and clay. All materials contain moderate amounts of carbonate and are low in organic matter. All soils/sediments contain salts, but in the salt crusts of the Solonchaks the salt fraction dominates. They all have more than 50 per cent PM850 (particles with diameter <850 µm), indicating a relatively high deflatability potential. The materials from the Takyr crusts and Takyr‐like soil with a high proportion of fine aggregates had the lowest threshold friction velocities, while the salt crusts of the Solonchaks with a high proportion of coarse aggregates had the highest. This suggests that Takyrs and Takyr‐like soils are the most deflatable and Solonchak soils the least deflatable. These differences are attributed to the presence of salts that create stable, large aggregates in the Solonchak crusts. Wetting of the materials to three moisture levels considerably increased threshold friction velocity. The increase was most prominent in the salt‐rich materials, and was attributed to the rapid formation of surface films by drying in the course of the wind tunnel determinations. Applications of chemical stabilizers at two levels also considerably increased threshold friction velocity. On the restored crusts, threshold friction velocity dramatically increased, occasionally to non‐recordable values. This increase was monitored with both the salt crusts characteristic for the Solonchak soils and the fine‐grained crusts characteristic for the Takyr soils. The stability was attributed to the tightly packed salt particles in the salt crusts, and to the cohesive properties of the fine‐grained materials in the Takyr crusts. Once the crusts were ruptured, however, strong deflation commenced. These results suggest that by maintaining moisture in the soils/sediments (for example, by maintaining a high water table in the Amu‐Darya river flood plain) deflation can be reduced. By the same means, deflation can be reduced by creating new crusts or by preserving existing crusts. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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