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Introduction Lg wave is usually considered as one of the most prominent phases recorded by short-period or broadband seismometers in the continental area. Therefore, it is often used to determine the magnitude of regional earthquakes, the yield of nuclear explosions (Nuttli, 1986) and the horizon-tal variations of crustal attenuation. A theoretical ray approach shows that Lg is the superposition of higher-mode surface waves propagating in the continental crust (Knopoff et al, 1973; Panza and…  相似文献   

In continent Lg is usually one of the predominant phases recorded by short-period or broad-band seismometers. A ray-theoretical approach shows that Lg wave is the superposition of higher-mode surface waves propagating in the continental crust[1—4]. The g…  相似文献   

We have collected 432 vertical component records from 45 stations of new CENC (China Earthquake Network Center) in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. These records were used to calculate Q0 (Q at 1Hz) and η values of Lg coda from each station by the stack spectral ratio (SSR) method. Then the tomography method was applied to obtaining lateral variation of Q0 and η values in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. The result indicates that Q0 value varies between 150 and 600 in the studied areas. Yunnan, southwest Sichuan, and northwest Myanmar show the lowest Q0 value (Q0〈240) and the crust of these regions is characterized by complicated crack and strong hydrothermal activity. The highest Q0 value (Qo〉510) exists in the border of southern Mongolia, Alxa and Ordos block. The η value varies between 0.45 and 0.75 in Chinese mainland and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

A multi-event and multi-station inverse method is presented in the paper to simultaneously estimate the seismic moments (M 0) and source corner frequencies (f c) of several Jiashi (Xinjiang, China) earthquakes, as well as the apparent Lg Q models for the paths from Jiashi to eight seismic stations (WMQ, AAK, TLG, MAKZ, KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK) in Central Asia. The resultant seismic moments correlate well with the M 0 values obtained by Harvard University using the centroid moment tensor (CMT) inversion and the surface-wave magnitudes as well. After the correction by a typical value of average radiation coefficient for regional SV waves, the M 0 values from Lg spectral inversion are still close to the corresponding values obtained from CMT inversion. The obtained apparent Q 0Lg values (Lg Q at 1 Hz) are consistent with the tectonic features of corresponding propagation paths. The Q 0Lg values are 351±87, 349±86 and 300±27 for the paths from Jiashi to AAK, TLG and MAKZ, respectively. They are smaller than Q 0Lg values for the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK, which are 553±72, 569±58, 550±57 and 603±65, respectively. These results agree with the condition that the paths to AAK, TLG and MAKZ mainly propagate through the mountainous Tianshan area where relatively strong seismic activities and large variations of topography are exhibited, while the paths to KUR, VOS, ZRN and CHK mainly propagate through the stable area of Kazak platform. The Q 0Lg value for the path to WMQ is 462±56. This is also in agreement with the condition that the path to WMQ is basically along the border area between Tianshan Mountain and Tarim Basin, and along this path the variations of topography and crustal thickness are moderate in comparison with that along the path to MAKZ. Foundation item: Foundation of Verification Researches for Army Control Technology (413290102).  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯块体Lg尾波衰减及其分布图像   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用32个地震台站记录到的19次地震事件共487条垂直方向数字化波形记录,采用单台记录叠加频谱比法(SSR法)计算得到了每条地震记录在0.6~10Hz范围内共51个频率点的Lg尾波Q值,并统计得到了鄂尔多斯块体Lg尾波衰减的频率依赖关系.同时,利用遗传算法计算得到了鄂尔多斯块体Lg尾波在频率为1Hz处的衰减(Q0)值、频率依赖指数(η)值的空间分布,并计算了其误差的空间分布,讨论了成像分辨率.结果表明,鄂尔多斯块体虽然是一个稳定构造地区,但其Lg尾波Q0值低于加拿大地盾、西伯利亚地台的Q0值,其η值大于加拿大地盾、西伯利亚地台的结果,且其Q0值、η值具有横向不均匀性的特征.Q0值的空间分布与地震活动、地热流值分布具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

首先利用叠加谱比法,对成都数字地震台网的12个台站及中国数字地震台网的5个台站所记录的504个宽带垂直分量进行分析,得到与各路径相对应的椭圆内的Lg尾波Q0和η的测量值,再应用反投影技术反演得出四川及邻区Lg尾波Q0和η的分布图像。结果表明:Q0值的分布与构造活动性紧密相关,在所研究的范围内,Q0值在225~400的范围内变化。低的Q0值(225~250)发生在安宁河断裂、龙门山断裂和鲜水河断裂的交汇区域,以及由安宁河断裂和则木河断裂等多条断裂所组成的南北向断裂带;在川东的四川盆地,Q0值有所升高,在250~300的范围内变化;在所研究区域东南部的扬子地台,Q0值呈现出350~400的较高值。叩值在0.4~0.8的范围内变化。绝大部分地区的叩和Q0反向相关。  相似文献   

新疆及周边地区Lg尾波的Qem值分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
首先运用叠加谱比法, 对新疆地区22个数字化台网台站、乌鲁木齐台站以及周边的7个台站1999~2003年上半年所记录的1 156个宽带垂直记录,进行了处理, 得到了与各射线相对应的Q0值(1 Hz处的Q值)和频率相关因子eta;. 在此基础上, 应用反投影技术, 得到了新疆地区1deg;times;1deg;网格的Q0值和eta;值的分布图象. 结果表明: 在塔里木地台及西伯利亚地台边缘,Q0值较高,为300~450; 而在南部的西昆仑褶皱系、松潘甘孜褶皱系,Q0呈现出低值,在150~250的范围内变化;在北部的准葛尔褶皱系和天山褶皱系,Q0现出较低的值,在250~300的范围内变化,eta;值的变化范围为0.5~0.9.    相似文献   

In this paper, the "spectral amplitude ratio method" (SAR), "energy method" (EN) and "coda wave method" (CW) are used to calculate theQ value variations of gneiss in the preparing rupture process. The obtained results show that the variation state ofQ values by SAR features the shape of relative stability—gradual increment to the maximum—then decrement and final rupture. The variation state ofQ values by EN is just contrary to that by SAR, i. e. with the shape of stability—decrement—increment—and final rupture. The varation state ofQ values by CW is similar to that by EN, its main frequency features the shape of relatively high value—decrement to the minimum—increment—and final rupture. But to the high frequency (higher than the main frequency), the variation state ofQ values features the shape of the stable value-increment to the maximum-decrement-and final rupture. At the same time, the results by coda wave amplitude spectrum show that, when stress reaches 70% of rupture stress, the high frequency component of S wave rapidly reduces (Q c increasing); at the time of impending the main rupture, the main frequency component reduces with a large scale (Q c increasing again), this may be the reason which causes the different variation states of two codaQ values. The result of amplitude spectra of P, S (initial wave) waves also show that with the appearance of microcracks the frequency band of S wave turn to be narrow, the high frequency component is reduced quickly, i. e. the S wave spectra have different variation states with different frequency components. That is why theQ s obtained by different methods have different variation characteristics.  相似文献   

Based on the single scattering model of seismic coda waves, we have calculated theQ-factor in Beijing and its surrounding regions by means of calculating the power density spectrum in frequency domain with a fixed time window. The digital seismic data of 69 earthquakes from Beijing Telemetered Seismographic Network are used. These earthquakes were recorded from January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1990 at 20 stations. This paper shows the variations of the codaQ-factors in the studied region with different sites, frequency and lapse time, and the temporal change of the codaQ-factors in these two years. The results indicate that codaQ-factor depends strongly on the lapse time and frequency. It is assumed that whenQ C=Q 0fη, for the three time windows of 15–30s, 30–60s and 60–90s, the average values ofQ 0 are 48, 115 and 217; and the average values ofη are 0. 89, 0.91 and 0.74, respectively. Contribution No. 95A0009, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. This work is a contract subject 85-04-01-02 of the State Seismological Bureau, China.  相似文献   

Based on the single scattering model of coda power spectrum analysis, digital waveform data of 50 events recorded by the real-time processing system of the Chengdu telemetry network are analyzed to estimate the Q c values of earth medium beneath the Chengdu telemetry network for several specified frequencies. It is found that the Q c shows the frequency dependency in the form of Q c = Q 0 f n in the range of 1.0 to 20.0Hz. Estimated Q 0 ranges from 60.83 to 178.05, and n is found to be 0.713 to 1.159. The average value of Q 0 and n are 117 and 0.978 respectively. This result indicates the strong frequency dependency of the attenuation of coda waves beneath the Chengdu telemetry network. Comparing with the results obtained in other regions of the world, it is found that Q 0 −1 value and its change with frequency are similar to those in regions with strong tectonic activity. This subject is supported by the Ministry of Personnel, China for partly sponsoring.  相似文献   

785 traces of vertical components from shallow earthquakes recorded by 10 CDSN (Chinese Digital Seismographic Network) stations and 5 GSN (Global Seismographic Network) stations were collected to study the attenuation characteristics ofL g coda in the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions. The records were processed first using the stack spectral ratio method to obtain the average values ofQ 0 (Q at 1Hz) and η, the frequency dependence, ofL g coda in the ellipses corresponding to the paths. The back-projection technique was then employed to obtain the tomographic maps ofQ 0 and η values, and the distribution of their errors. Results indicate that in the studied areaQ 0 varies between 200 and 500. The lowest value ofQ 0 exists in the Yun-nan-Tibetan region, while the highest value ofQ 0 occurs in the southern edge of Siberian platform. η varies between 0.3 and 0.8. For most part of the studied area η varies inversely withQ 0.  相似文献   

The physical implication of coda amplitude ratio is discussed in term of energy ratio. The digitized data recorded at the station of Beijing Telemetered Seismograph Network between 1989 and 1990 are used to calculate amplitude ratios of coda to direct S wave, and energy ratios. The spectral energy ratios are used to estimate the coda Q and mean free path l in the Beijing area, as well as the two quality factors Q i and Q S separately due to intrinsic absorption and scattering attenuation. The decay of seismic waves in their propagation seems mainly resulted from the intrinsic absorption in Beijing region. The temporal variations of amplitude ratio and energy ratio at Changli station during the above two years are inspected; some of them largely depart from their mean value. It may reflect the seismogenic process, but using the data lasting longer time with more case histories needs further study. This study is sponsored by the Key Project of State Science and Technology of China, No. 96-918.  相似文献   

3-D S-waveQ structure in Jiashi earthquake region is inverted based on the attenuation of seismic waves recorded from earthquakes in this region in 1998 by the Research Center of Exploration Geophysics (RCEG), CSB, and a rough configuration of deep crustal faults in the earthquake region is presented. First, amplitude spectra of S-waves are extracted from 450 carefully-chosen earthquake records, called observed amplitude spectra. Then, after instrumental and site effect correction, theoretical amplitude spectra are made to fit observed amplitude spectra with nonlinear damped least-squares method to get the observed travel time overQ, provided that earthquake sources conform to Brune’s disk dislocation model. Finally, by 3-D ray tracing method, theoretical travel time overQ is made to fit observed travel time overQ with nonlinear damped least-squares method. In the course of fitting, the velocity model, which is obtained by 3-D travel time tomography, remains unchanged, while onlyQ model is modified. When fitting came to the given accuracy, the ultimateQ model is obtained. The result shows that an NE-trending lowQ zone exists at the depths of 10–18 km, and an NW-trending lowQ zone exists at the depths of 12–18 km. These roughly coincide with the NE-trending and the NW-trending low velocity zones revealed by other scientists. The difference is that the lowQ zones have a wider range than the low velocity zones. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (957-07-414) and State Key Basic Research Development and Programming Project (95-13-02-02). Contribution No. RCEG200105, Research Center of Exploration Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau.  相似文献   

The digital seimograph network set up by China and France in Zhangye of China had been operated in 1988. The Zhangye network is situated in the middle segment of Hexi corridor and Qilina mountain, which was regarded as a monitoring earthquake area. Using the records of Zhangye digital network theQ-values in and around Minle basin have been measured. The results of this study showed that theQp-values range from 500 to 780, andQs-values range from 230 to 460. TheQ-values of inside of Minle basin are higher than that around the basin. The greater parts of moderate and strong earthquakes occurred along tectonic belts around the Minle basin. Moreover, TheQ-values increased with the depth of penctration of wave ray. The attenuation of S wave is stronger than P wave in shallow layer of crust. Some problems ofQ-value change versus time before and after Sunan eathquake (M s=5.7) have been also disscussed. These results can be applied to study and to monitor seismic danger of the Minle monitoring area. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 296–302, 1993.  相似文献   

A unified model is proposed for explaining the frequency dependent amplitude attenuation and the coda wave excitation on the basis of the single scattering process in the randomly inhomogeneous lithosphere. Adopting Birch's law and a direct proportion between density and wave velocity, we statistically describe the inhomogeneous medium by one random function characterized by the von Karman autocorrelation function. We calculate the amplitude attenuation from the solid angle integral of scattered wave energy on the basis of the Born approxiimation after subtracting the travel-time fluctuation effect caused by slowly varying velocity inhomogeneities. This subtraction is equivalent to neglect energy loss by scattering within a cone around the forward direction. The random inhomogeneity of the von Karman autocorrelation function of order 0.35 with the mean square fractional fluctuation of 7.2×10–3 1.3×10–2 and the correlation distance of 2.15.1 km well explains observed backward scattering coefficientg and the ratioQ P –1 /Q S –1 , and observed and partially conjecturedQ S –1 for frequencies between 0.5 Hz and 30 Hz.  相似文献   

For short-period near-earthquake records in eastern China, from the empirical attenuation formula of coda ground motion amplitudeA with timeτ: lgA=G−2. 235 lgτ, using the single scattering theory modified with epicentral distance, we obtain the curve family of corrected coda amplitudeA c(r,t), andω/2Q c values for each time interval of coda. From this,Q c(f,h) values, which correspond to each observational average frequency and sampling depth, are calculated. The results substantially agree with those observationalQ c values in Yunnan, Beijing and central Asia.  相似文献   

基于Sato模型,采用2016年3月至2018年6月内蒙古东北部及临近地区发生的526次地震事件,挑选ML ≥ 2.0、记录清晰且信噪比较高的102次地震事件,拟合得到内蒙古东北部地区尾波Q值,得到QCf)=(64.74 ±29.09)f(0.8925 ±0.0765);Q值与依赖指数η成反比,且该区北部Q值偏高,南部Q值偏低,可能与地质构造及地震活动性有关。  相似文献   

On the basis of previous studies, this paper, in studying the coda Q-value of near shocks, has proposed using the sampling depth to describe the effect of lapse time on the Q-value, and has investigated the dependence of coda wave of earthquakes on frequency and sampling depth. Analysis of digital seismograms recorded by the Yinchuan Telemetric Seismic Network, Ningxia, shows that not only the coda wave Q-value of shocks is strongly dependent on frequency but also its dependence on sampling depth cannot be neglected. In the commonly used formula that describes the dependence characteristics of coda Q-value of earthquakes, Q = Q0 f n, the parameter Q0 rises obviously while n drops when the sampling depth increases, and their changes can be fitted by linear relations. This paper has explained such a characteristic. Whether this characteristic exists universally needs to be verified by more study results because the genetic mechanism of coda wave of earthquakes is more complex.  相似文献   

In this study, we collected 1 156 broadband vertical components records at 22 digital seismic stations in Xinjiang region, Ürümqi station, and 7 stations in the adjacent regions during the period of 1999–2003. The records were firstly processed by the stacked spectral ratio method to obtain Q 0 (Q at 1 Hz) and the frequency correlation factor η corresponding to each path. Based on the results, the distribution images of Q 0 and η in 1°×1° grids for Xinjiang region were gained by the back-projection technique. The results indicate that Q 0 is high (300–450) in the Tarim platform and marginal Siberian platform, while Q 0 is low (150–250) in the southern regions as west Kunlun fold system and Songpan-Ganzi fold system. In the northern regions as Junggar fold system and Tianshan fold system, Q 0 is also low (250–300) and η varies between 0.5 and 0.9.  相似文献   

In the light of the single scattering model of coda originating from local earthquakes, and based on the aftershock coda registered respectively at the 4 short period stations installed near the foci shortly after theM7.6 Lancang andM7.2 Gengma earthquakes, this paper has tentatively calculated the rate of amplitude attenuation and theQ c-value of the coda in the Lancang and Gengma areas using a newly-founded synthetic determination method. Result of the study shows the rate of coda amplitude attenuation demonstrates remarkable regional differences respectively in the southern and northern areas. The southern area presents a faster attenuation (Q c=114), whereas the northern area shows a slower attenuation (Q c=231). The paper also discusses the reasons causing such differences. Result of the study also suggests a fairly good linear relation between the coda source factorA o(f) and the seismic moment and the magnitude. Using the earthquake scaling law, the following formulas can be derived: lgM 0=lgA 0(f)+17.6,M D=0.67lgA 0(f)+1.21 and logM 0=1.5M D+15.79. In addition, the rates of amplitude attenuationβ s andβ m are respectively calculated using the single scattering and multiple scattering models, and the ratioβ sm=1.20−1.50 is found for the results respectively from the two models. Finally, the mean free pathL of the S-wave scattering in the southern and northern areas are determined to be 54 km and 122 km respectively by the relations which can distinguish between the inherentQ i and scatteringQ s, testify to this areas having lowQ-values correspond to stronger scatterings. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 71–82, 1992. This study is partly supported by the Seismological Science Foundation of the State Seismological Bureau of China, and the present English version of the paper is translated from its Chinese original by Wenyi Xia, Seismological Bureau of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

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