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Trophic structure of fish communities is fundamental for ecosystem-based fisheries management, and trophic spectrum classifies fishes by their positions in food web, which provides a simple summary on the trophic structure and ecosystem function. In this study, both fish biomass and abundance trophic spectra were constructed to study the spatial and seasonal variations in the trophic structure of demersal fish assemblages in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Data were collected from four seasonal bottom trawl surveys in Jiaozhou Bay from February to November in 2011. Trophic levels(TLs) of fishes were determined by nitrogen stable isotope analysis. This study indicated that most of these trophic spectra had a single peak at trophic level(TL) of 3.4–3.7, suggesting that demersal fish assemblages of Jiaozhou Bay were dominated by secondary consumers(eg. Pholis fangi and Amblychaeturichthys hexanema). The spatial and seasonal variations of trophic spectra of Jiaozhou Bay reflected the influence of fish reproduction, fishing pressure and migration of fishes. Two-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) showed that seasonal variations in trophic spectra in Jiaozhou Bay were significant(P 0.05), but variations among different areas were not significant( P 0.05). The trophic spectrum has been proved to be a useful tool to monitor the trophic structure of fish assemblages. This study highlighted the comprehensive application of fish biomass and abundance trophic spectra in the study on trophic structure of fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Using multi-mesh gillnets and trawls, the fish communities in Dianshan Lake at 6 stations from Oct. 2009 to Jul. 2010 were investigated seasonally to reveal the biodiversity and its spatial and temporal distribution patterns. The long-term changes in their structural characteristics were then analyzed to identify the main infl uencing factors and several measures for lake restoration were put forward. Thirty six species, belonging to 9 family and 30 genera, were collected, amongst which, the order Cypriniformes accounted for 61.1% of the total species number. In terms of importance value, Cypriniformes was the predominant group, Coilia nasus the dominant species, while Cyprinus carpio and Rhinogobius giurinus were the subdominant taxa. The community types did not differ among stations, but between seasons. There were no significant differences between seasons and among stations in species diversity, but richness differed both spatially and seasonally. Along with the process of eutrophication and the drastic reduction of the area colonized by macrophytes from 1959 to 2009–2010, the fish diversity declined markedly, and species numbers of herbivores and piscivores declined proportionately more than those of invertivores, omnivores, and planktivores. The decline of potamophilus and river-lake migratory fish was more marked than those of sedentary, river-sea migratory, and estuarine fishes. Eutrophication concomitant with sharp reduction of macrophyte area and overfishing may be the main reasons for the decline in fish diversity in Dianshan Lake.  相似文献   

Rotifer community structure was investigated in Yangcheng Lake in 2008. Dominant species and species diversity indices were determined and QB/T was used to assess water quality. The annual average density and biomass of the rotifers in Yangcheng Lake was 2 894 ± 1 006 ind./L and 12.47 ± 10.28 mg/L, respectively. The highest densities were observed in the western portion of the lake in March, but the highest biomass occurred in inflowing creeks in September. Within a year of monitoring in Yangcheng Lake, 93 species were identified and the dominant species were found to be Polyarthra trigla, Brachionus angularis, Keratella cochlearis, Keratella valga, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Filinia major. Of the species recorded, 75 were pollution indicator species. Density and biomass exhibited significant positive correlations with water temperature (R = 0.209, P = 0.003; R = 0.446, P = 0.000), but the peak density showed two lags in response to chl a. According to the Jaccard similarity index (SJ), the greatest similarity among dominant species occurred between creeks and the eastern part of the lake. The annual average Shannon-Wiener diversity index H’, Margalef richness index D and Pielou evenness index J were 1.96 ± 0.34, 1.61 ± 0.50 and 0.77 ± 0.10, respectively. In all four areas of Yangcheng Lake, β- mesosaprobic species comprised the largest share of pollution indicator species. These data suggest that Yangcheng Lake is mesosaprobic.  相似文献   

Lu  Fang  Zhang  Haoqing  Liu  Wenquan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2020,38(6):1835-1845
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models have been extensively applied in the prediction of water resource variables, and Geographical Information System (GIS)...  相似文献   


1INTRODUCTIONThewildlifehabitatlossandfragmentationhavebeenlinkeddirectlytointensivehumandisturbance.Manyecologistshavefocusedonanalysisofwildlifehabitatpatternchangeandconservationofsuitablehabitat.Ingeneral,landscapepatterniscloselylinkedtoecologi-calfunction,andnumerouspatternindiceshavebeencitedtodescribehabitatpatternandsuitability(FRANKLINandFORMAN,1987;HANSENandURBAN,1992;SCHUMAKER,1996;RIITTERSetal.,1997;PEARSONetal.,1999;CHENetal.,1999).WiththeapplicationofG…  相似文献   

Most urban rivers play an important role in urban flood control and drainage in China, but pollution is fast becoming an issue of greater importance in water management. In this study, 63 zooplankton species were recorded in four downtown rivers in Shanghai between November 2007 and October 2008. Of these, 44 species belonged to the Rotifera, 13 to Cladocera, and six to Copepoda. The three most frequently occurring zooplankton (Brachionus calyciflorus, Microcyclops Ieuckarti, and Asplanchna priodonta) accounted for 80.00%, 76.84%, and 53.68%, respectively. Rotifera were found to be dominant, comprising 86.26% of total zooplankton, while cladoceran and copepod abundance amounted to 5.08% and 8.67%, respectively. Water temperature, salinity, electrical conductivity, and total nitrogen were of the greatest significance in the occurrence of zooplankton. Two species (Schmackeria forbesi and Lepadella ovalis) were notably more sensitive to environmental factors such as salinity and electrical conductivity than other species. The population size and community were inversely correlated with the increasing nutrient levels of the four rivers, suggesting that the water quality of the four rivers had been gradually recovering from a severe eutrophic state and that water conditions of the rivers had been gradually improved.  相似文献   

A new analytical method using Back-Propagation(BP) artificial neural networks and spectrophotometry for simultaneous determination of calcium and magnesium in tap water,the Yellow River water and seawater is established.By condition experiment,the optimum analytical conditions for calcium,magnesium and Arsenazo(Ⅲ) color reactions are obtained.Levenberg-Marquart(L-M) algorithm is used for calculation in BP neural network.The topological structure of three-layer BP ANN network architecture is chosen as 11-10-2(nodes).The initial value of gradient coefficient μ is fixed at 0.001 and the increase factor and reduction factor of μ take the default values of the system.The data are processed by computers with our own programs written in MATLAB 7.0.The relative standard deviations of the calculated results for calcium and magnesium are 2.31% and 2.14%,respectively.The results of standard addition method show that the recoveries of calcium and magnesium are 103.6% and 100.8% in the tap water,103.2% and 96.6% in the Yellow River water(Lijin district of Shandong Province),and 98.8%-103.3% and 98.43%-103.4% in seawater from Jiaozhou Bay of Qingdao.It is found that 14 common cations and anions do not interfere with the determination of calcium and magnesium under the optimum experimental conditions.The comparative experiments do not show any obvious difference between the results obtained by this new method and those obtained by the classical complexometric titration method in seawater medium.This method exhibits good reproducibility and high accuracy in the determination of calcium and magnesium and can be used for the simultaneous determination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in tap water and natural water.  相似文献   

A new analytical method using Back-Propagation (BP) artificial neural network and kinetic spectrophotometry for simultaneous determination of iron and magnesium in tap water, the Yellow River water and seawater is established. By conditional experiments, the optimum analytical conditions and parameters are obtained. Levenberg-Marquart (L-M) algorithm is used for calculation in BP neural network. The topological structure of three-layer BP ANN network architecture is chosen as 15-16-2 (nodes). The initial value of gradient coefficient μ is fixed at 0.001 and the increase factor and reduction factor of μ take the default values of the system. The data are processed by computers with our own programs written in MATLAB 7.0. The relative standard deviation of the calculated results for iron and manganese is 2.30% and 2.67% respectively. The results of standard addition method show that for the tap water, the recoveries of iron and manganese are in the ranges of 98.0%-104.3% and 96.5%-104.5%, and the RSD is in the range of 0.23%-0.98%; for the Yellow River water (Lijin district of Shandong Province), the recoveries of iron and manganese are in the ranges of 96.0%-101.0% and 98.7%-104.2%, and the RSD is in the range of 0.13%-2.52%; for the seawater in Qingdao offshore, the recoveries of iron and manganese are in the ranges of 95.3%-104.8% and 95.3%-104.7%, and the RSD is in the range of 0.14%-2.66%. It is found that 21 common cations and anions do not interfere with the determination of iron and manganese under the optimum experimental conditions. This method exhibits good reproducibility and high accuracy in the determination of iron and manganese and can be used for the simultaneous determination of iron and manganese in tap water and natural water. By using the established ANN- catalytic spectrophotometric method, the iron and manganese concentrations of the surface seawater at 11 sites in Qingdao offshore are determined and the level distribution maps of iron and manganese are drawn.  相似文献   

Seasonal snow is one of the most important influences on the development and distribution of permafrost and the hydrothermal regime in surface soil. Alpine meadow, which constitutes the main land type in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, was selected to study the influence of seasonal snow on the temperature and moisture in active soil layers under different vegetation coverage. Monitoring sites for soil moisture and temperature were constructed to observe the hydrothermal processes in active soil layers under different vegetation cover with seasonal snow cover variation for three years from 2010 to 2012. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in areas of diverse vegetation coverage with varying levels of snow cover were analyzed using active soil layer water and temperature indices. The results indicated that snow cover greatly influenced the hydrothermal dynamics of the active soil layer in alpine meadows. In the snow manipulation experiment with a snow depth greater than 15 cm, the snow cover postponed both the freeze-fall and thawrise onset times of soil temperature and moisture in alpine LC (lower vegetation coverage) meadows and of soil moisture in alpine HC (higher vegetation coverage) meadows; however, the opposite response occurred for soil temperatures of alpine HC meadows,where the entire melting period was extended by advancing the thaw-rise and delaying the freeze-fall onset time of the soil temperature. Snow cover resulted in a decreased amplitude and rate of variation in soil temperature, for both alpine HC meadows and alpine LC meadows, whereas the distinct influence of snow cover on the amplitude and rate of soil moisture variation occurred at different soil layers with different vegetation coverages. Snow cover increased the soil moisture of alpine grasslands during thawing periods. The results confirmed that the annual hydrothermal dynamics of active layers in permafrost were subject to the synergistic actions of both snow cover and vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

Periphytic biofilms in aquaculture waters are thought to improve water quality, provide an additional food source, and improve the survival and growth of some reared animals. In the AsiaPacific region, particularly in China, artificial reefs are commonly used in the commercial farming of sea cucumbers. However, few studies have examined the epilithic biofilms on the artificial reefs. To gain a better understanding of the succession of epilithic biofilms and their ecological processes in sea cucumber culture waters, two experiments were conducted in culture waters of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus in Rongcheng, China, using artificial test panels. On the test panels of succession experiment, more than 67 species were identified in the biofilms. On the test panels of seasonal variation experiment, more than 46 species were recorded in the biofilms. In both experiments, communities of epilithic biofilms were dominated by diatoms, green algae and the annelid Spirorbis sp. In the initial colonization, the dominant diatoms were Cocconeis sp., Amphora spp. and Nitzschia closterium in June, which were succeeded by species of Navicula, Cocconeis and Nitzschia(July to September), and then by Licmophora abbreviata, Nitzschia closterium and Synedra spp. in the following months. A diatom bloom in the autumn and filamentous green algae burst in the summer were also observed. Ecological indices well annotated the succession and seasonal changes in epilithic communities. Multidimensional scaling(MDS) analysis found significant differences in diatom community composition among months and seasons. Fast growth of biofilms was observed in the summer and autumn, whereas the biomass of summer biofilms was largely made up of filamentous green algae. Present results show that the components of epilithic biofilms are mostly optimal foods of A. japonicus, suggesting that biofilms on artificial reefs may contribute important nutritional sources for sea cucumbers during their growth seasons. Future works should include quantitative determination of the contribution of epilithic biofilms to the diet of A. japonicus, potential roles of epilithic biofilms in regulating the water quality of sea cucumber ponds, and the regulation of epilithic biofilms in sea cucumber culture ponds.  相似文献   

Abies georgei var.smithii is an important plant species in Southeast Tibet,China.It has high ecological value in terms of biodiversity protection,as well as soil and water conservation.We analyzed the spatial pattern and associations of A.georgei var.smithii populations at different growth stages by using Ripley's L function for point pattern analysis.The diameter structure was a nearly reverse 'J' shape.The amount of saplings and medium-sized trees accounts for a large part of the entire population,suggesting a high regeneration rate and an expanding population.In the transition from saplings to medium trees or to large trees,saplings show a significant aggregation distribution at small scales,while medium trees and large trees show a random distribution.There are significant inverse associations between saplings and medium trees and large trees at small scales,while there are no obvious associations between medium trees and large trees.The natural regeneration was affected by interspecific competition,and it was also affected by intraspecific competition.The joint effects of biological characteristics and environmental factors contribute to the spatial distribution pattern and associations of this A.georgei var.sm ithii population.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCiliates,alwaysdominatingalltheprotozoans,arethecommonandimportantmembersoffreshwaterzooplanktoncommunities.Asmainconsumersofbacteria,picoplanktonandnannoplankton(Finlay,1978;Porteretal.,1985;Taylor,1984,1987;Simeketal.,1996)compriseanimportanttrophiclinka…  相似文献   

A winter optical experiment by an artificial lamp was conducted in the Amundsen Bay of Arctic Ocean from November of 2007 to January of 2008.The radiation field emitted from an artificial lamp was measured and is introduced in this paper ,and the optimized experiment project is discussed.It is demonstrated that the minimum size allowed of the lamp is determined by both the field of view(FOV) of optical instrument and the measuring distance from the lamp.Some problems that might influence on the experimen...  相似文献   

The species composition, horizontal distribution and seasonal succession of the phyto-plankton at five sampling stations in the channel between Dongting Lake and the Changjiang River, China were studied from May 1995 to December 1997. A total of 416 taxa were observed; diatoms comprised the most diverse taxonomic group representing 58.2 % of the total species. The β-mezotrophic indicators were 92 taxa or 22 % of the total, the a-mezotrophic or α, β-eutrophic indicators decreased distinctly to 20 taxa or 4.8 % of the total. The species number and composition of various phyla were approximately similar at Stations 1, 2, 3 and 4, but at Station 5 the number of species was the minimum and the ratio of diatoms to total phytoplankton in the number of species was the highest. In seasonal succession of the phytoplank-ton species, the number was the highest in May and June, lower in December, January, March and July in the channel. The dominant species were different in different months. The ratio of diatoms species number to blue green algae and green algae species number diminished gradually from winter to summer and autumn, and then increased gradually from autumn to winter and early spring in the annual cycle. Margalef, Simpson and Shannon—Weaver diversity indices changed in different months, their values were higher in winter, lower in summer. Nygaard‘s diatoms quotients were lower in winter, then in spring and autumn, higher in summer. These results indicated that the water quality was the best in winter, better in spring and autumn than in summer. The relationship between the structure of the phytoplankton communi-ty and the water environmental quality was discussed.  相似文献   

The Naf River estuary is one of the most productive ecological ecosystems in Bangladesh providing an important feeding area for fishes and other aquatic animals. However, detailed information on macrobenthic communities is rarely available in this area. Our study focused on the seasonal and spatial variability of macrobenthic community structure with their biomass and functional guilds. In total, fortyseven taxa were identified under nine major groups and seven functional feeding guilds. Among macrobenthic taxa, Polychaeta was dominant in both seasons and all over the estuary contributing 60% of total benthos.The mean abundance of macrobenthos was higher during the pre-monsoon(2 972±1 994 inds./m~2) than the monsoon(1 572±361 inds./m~2) being maximum at mid-estuary region and minimum at upper and lower estuary regions. Of the diversity indices, density(P=0.01, P=0.003), the number of taxa(P=0.000 3,P=0.000 9) and Margalefs Index(P=0.000 4, P=0.001) of macrobenthos were significantly different among stations and seasons. Shannon-Weiner index(P=0.009, P=0.12) and Pielou's evenness index(P=0.03,P=0.14) had significant differences among stations but not among seasons. Cluster analysis suggested that distribution of macrofauna is strongly influenced by seasonality. Among the feeding types, carnivorous were found to be dominant at the upper and mid-estuarine regions, and herbivorous were at lower estuarine regions. Carnivorous species were dominant in both seasons. Omnivores have shown to be the most abundant feeding type in terms of biomass though herbivores were highest during monsoon.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of snow water equivalent(SWE) in snow-dominated mountainous areas is difficult, thus its prediction is essential for water resources management in such areas. In addition, because of nonlinear trend of snow spatial distribution and the multiple influencing factors concerning the SWE spatial distribution, statistical models are not usually able to present acceptable results. Therefore, applicable methods that are able to predict nonlinear trends are necessary. In this research, to predict SWE, the Sohrevard Watershed located in northwest of Iran was selected as the case study. Database was collected, and the required maps were derived. Snow depth(SD) at 150 points with two sampling patterns including systematic random sampling and Latin hypercube sampling(LHS), and snow density at 18 points were randomly measured, and then SWE was calculated. SWE was predicted using artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system(ANFIS) and regression methods. The results showed that the performance of ANN and ANFIS models with two sampling patterns were observed better than the regression method. Moreover, based on most of the efficiency criteria, the efficiency of ANN, ANFIS and regression methods under LHS pattern were observed higher than the systematic random sampling pattern. However, there were no significant differences between the two methods of ANN and ANFIS in SWE prediction. Data of both two sampling patterns had the highest sensitivity to the elevation. In addition, the LHS and the systematic random sampling patterns had the least sensitivity to the profile curvature and plan curvature, respectively.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationships between water masses and pico- and nano-phytoplankton and bacterial abundance in the Chukchi Sea. The abundance of picoplankton ranged from 0.01 ~ 103 cells.mL1 (100 m, station R05) to 2.21 x 103 cells.mL-1 (10 m, station R05) and that of nanoplankton ranged from 0.03 x 103 cells.mL-I (100 m, station R07) to 2.21 ~ 104 cells.mLq (10 m, station R05). The lowest abundance of bacteria in the whole water column (0.21 x 106 cells.mLq) was at 100 m at station R17, and the highest (9.61 x 106 cells.mLL) was at 10 m at station R09. Melting sea ice affected the physical characteristics of the Chukchi Sea by reducing salinity of the surface mixed layer, resulting in greater hydrodynamic stability of the water column. These changes were accompanied by increased bacterial abundance. The warm Pacific water brought nutrients into the Chukchi Sea, resulting in greater abundance of bacteria and nano-phytoplankton in the Chukchi Sea than in other regions of the Arctic Ocean. However, the abundance of pico-phytoplankton, which was related to chlorophyll a concentration, was higher in Anadyr water than in the other two water masses. The structures ofpico- and nanoplankton communities coupled with the water masses in the Chuk- chi Sea can serve as indicators of the inflow of warm Pacific water into the Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

The individual or combined ef fect of water temperature and silicate on seasonal shift of dominant diatom species in a drinking water reservoir in China was studied in this paper. These ef fects were analyzed based on the field investigation of temporal dynamics in species composition and abundance of phytoplankton and environmental factors from September 2015 to August 2016. We firstly found that six dominant diatom species( Fragilaria nanana, Achnanthidium catenatum, Aulacoseira ambigua, Ulnaria ulna, Cyclotella meneghiniana and Asterionella formosa(Class Bacillariophyceae)), which accounted for98.7% of the total abundance of diatoms and 46.8% of the total abundance of phytoplankton, showed an obvious seasonal succession. Then significant driving factors for seasonal shift of the dominant diatom species were selected by Redundancy Analysis. The result showed that water temperature and silicate were the main environmental factors af fecting the growth of diatoms on temporal scales. Next, the regressions of water temperature and silicate and dominant diatom abundance were fitted in Generalized Additive Model separately, and the smoothers of water temperature and diatom species suggested that the dominant diatom species adapted to dif ferent optimum temperature ranges, which corresponded with the growth of seasonal changes. A positive linear correlation between silicate and diatom abundance was generated by Generalized Additive Model. Finally, the ordinal controls of water temperature and silicate on the growth of diatoms were analyzed on temporal scales specifically. We suggested that water temperature and silicate controlling the growth of diatoms in order. Diatoms grow well only when the two controlling factors simultaneously satisfy the growth conditions; as limiting factors, the two factors played their respective limiting roles in turn on temporal scales.  相似文献   

Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin. It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source. In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps (S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH_3-N) loads were estimated. Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively. NH_3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively. Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present. The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities. It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin. The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.  相似文献   

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