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The spatial structure and variation of the upwelling in the waters east and northeast of Hainan Island, China during 2000-2007 were investigated using a nested high-resolution Princeton Ocean Model (POM) forced by QuikSCAT winds. The model produced good simulations of the summer upwelling and the seasonal and annual variability. Strong upwelling occurs from mid-July to mid-August with a peak east of Hainan Island associated with the southwesterly monsoon in the South China Sea. Sensitivity experiments indicated that when the local wind stress controls the variability of the upwelling, the large-scale circulation significantly enhances the upwelling northeast of Hainan Island by inducing a local upwelling and transporting cold water northeast-ward along the island’s east coast. The joint effects of the local wind stress and large-scale circulation result in stronger upwelling northeast of Hainan Island. This implies that the annual variation of the upwelling northeast of Hainan Island is controlled not only by the local alongshore wind stress but also by the large-scale circulation. This result will help us investigate the decadal variation of the upwelling in this region in the future.  相似文献   

Li  Min  Xie  Lingling  Zong  Xiaolong  Li  Junyi  Li  Mingming  Yan  Tong  Han  Ronglei 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2022,40(2):438-455
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Using the 25-h continuing hydrographic observations at three successive stations in February 2012 and the mooring time series of current observations from...  相似文献   

Based on the new data of the Quaternary along the coast of Hainan Island, China, this paper puts forward that the Holocene in Hainan Island can be divided into four formations: Wanning formation (Q41), Sanya formation (Q42-1), Qiongshan formation (Q42-2) and Ledong formation (Q43). Spore-pollen analysis shows that there are 6 spore-pollen zones existed, reflecting two cycles of climatic fluctuation from warm-dry to hot-humid. The climax of hot-humid period occurred 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. Based on the 14C dating data of the 38 samples representing the positions of ancient sea level, a breakthrough curve representing the sea level change during the Holocone is obtained, in which , a sea level change caused by tectonic movement is subtracted. Two cycles of rise-drop of sea level with three periods of high sea level were found. The period with the highest sea level is some 6,000-5,000 years B.P.. According to the rise-drop rate of sea level, four periods of the sea level change can be distinguished in the  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBiofoulingonunderwaterpartsofman mademarinestructuresisamajoreconomicandtechni calproblemhavinginternationaldimensionsforthedevelopmentofoceanengineeringbecauseitnotonlyincreasesstaticandhydrodynamicloading,butalsoaffectscorrosioncharacteristicsandim pedesunderwaterinspectionandmaintenance (CallowandEdyvean ,1 990 ) .Duetodifferencesingeographicalpositionsandenvironmentalconditions,thedistributionofsessileorganismsvarieswitharea .Therefore ,understandingtheformationofbiofoulin…  相似文献   

In this paper the influences of short-term wind on vertical structures of temperature and salinity, and the upwelling off the Zhejiang coast are studied on the basis of hydrographic data and wind near the coast in Summer (1959–1979). It is pointed out that the variations of vertical distributions of temperature and salinity, and upwelling in this region are closely related to short-term (several days to a week) variation of wind observed. The occurrence of double thermocline, a special oceanographic phenomenon, is partially related to unstable SSW wind field. SSW and NE winds in June are two dynamic factors making intermediate warm water form or disappear. Contribution No. 792 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This paper was published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 14 (1): 14–21, 1983.  相似文献   

Mangrove-derived dissolved organic matter(DOM) has an important effect on estuarine and coastal area on a large scale.In order to improve the understanding of origin,composition,and fate of DOM in mangrove-fringed estuarine and coastal areas,dissolved humic substances(DHS) were isolated from one mangrove pore-water sample and one near-shore seawater sample downstream the mangrove pore-water site in the eastern coast of Hainan Island,South China.Fulvic acids,humic acids and XAD-4 fractions were obtained from the two water samples by using a two-column array of XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins.Chemical and spectroscopic methods were used to analyze the features of these DHS.Compared to the mangrove pore-water DHS,the near-shore seawater DHS were found rich in 13 C with lower C/N ratios and more aliphatic compounds and carbohydrates,but less aromatic structures and carboxyl groups.As for the three fractions of the two DHS,XAD-4 fractions contain more aliphatics,carbohydrates,carboxyl groups,and enrich in 13 C with respect to both fulvic and humic acids.Photo-oxidation transformation and contribution from marine-derived DOM were considered as the main reasons resulted in the difference in compositional features for these DHS in this study.  相似文献   

Current and temperature data from a one-year-long instrument deployment in the region just northeast of Cape Hatteras have shown the oceanic variability to be, intense and quite complex. Changes in the position of the Gulf Stream’s path were observed to occur following cold core Gulf Stream passages through the area. The time between these changes was a few months. The Gulf Stream jet itself was seen to meander in a manner previously observed, as long as it was not undergoing a strong ring/stream interaction. Several isolated vortices progressed through the array, with the majority of them being in the submesoscale coherent vortex class. Two mid-depth, anticyclonic warm eddies progressed through the array. It is likely the two events were caused by two different transits of the same eddy. The deep waters below the main thermocline oscillated as topographic Rossby waves progressed through the array area.  相似文献   

There is a great difference in starting conditions among Hainan Island, the special economic zones and the economic and technological development zones in China, and "the Four Small Dragons" of Asia. Hainan's major superiority is superiority of the special economic zone. The superiority includes two main parts of natural resources and geographical location. In order to give play to the superiority it is necessary to develop the export-oriented economy. As for giving full play to the location superiority, it must be solved that the problems on the investment, the talent and the development models. It is very important to rely on the superiority of natural resources to develop the products which is necessary for our country and can replace the imports. The rational adjustment on the economic departments in Hainan Province comprises two aspects. The departments of exploiting natural resources must enlarge the processing depth of agricultural products and industrial raw materials, and increase the additiona  相似文献   

Ranlnoides longifions new species, off SE coast of Hainan Island, dorsal surface of carapace with an arched granular edge across carapace between the anterolateral teeth, median frontal tooth longest, second frontal teeth subquadrate.  相似文献   

Relative roles of Ekman transport and Ekman pumping in driving summer upwelling in the South China Sea (SCS) are examined using QuikSCAT scatterometer wind data. The major upwelling regions in the SCS are the coastal regions east and southeast of Vietnam (UESEV), east and southeast of Hainan Island (UESEH), and southeast of Guangdong province (USEG). It is shown that the Ekman transport due to alongshore winds and Ekman pumping due to offshore wind stress curl play different roles in the three upwelling systems. In UESEV, Ekman pumping and Ekman transport are equally important in generating upwelling. The Ekman transport increases linearly from 0.49 Sv in May to 1.23 Sv in August, while the Ekman pumping increases from 0.36 to 1.22 Sv during the same period. In UESEH, the mean estimates of Ekman transport and Ekman pumping are 0.14 and 0.07 Sv, respectively, indicating that 33% of the total wind-driven upwelling is due to Ekman pumping. In USEG, the mean Ekman transport is 0.041 Sv with the peak occurring in July, while Ekman pumping is much smaller (0.003 on average), indicating that the upwelling in this area is primarily driven by Ekman transport. In the summers of 2003 and 2007 following El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, both Ekman transport and Ekman pumping decrease in UESEV due to the abnormally weak southwest monsoon. During the same events, however, Ekman transport is slightly enhanced and Ekman pumping is weakened in UESEH and USEG.  相似文献   

The temperature, humidity, and vertical distribution of ozone in the Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer(ABL) and their seasonal changes are analyzed, by using the high-resolution profile data obtained during the International Polar Year 2008 to 2009 at Zhongshan Station, to further the understanding of the structure and processes of the ABL. The results show that the fre- quency of the convective boundary layer in the warm season accounts for 84% of its annual occurrence frequency. The frequency of the stable boundary layer in the cold season accounts for 71% of its annual occurrence frequency. A neutral boundary layer ap- pears rarely. The average altitude of the convective boundary layer determined by the parcel method is 600 m; this is 200 to 300 m higher than that over inland Antarctica. The average altitude of the top of the boundary layer determined by the potential tempera- ture gradient and humidity gradient is 1 200 m in the warm season and 1 500 m in the cold season. The vertical structures of ozone and specific humidity in the ABL exhibit obvious seasonal changes. The specific humidity is very high with greater vertical gradi- ent in the warm season and very low with a lesser gradient in the cold season under 2 000 m. The atmospheric ozone in the ABL is consumed by photochemical processes in the warm season, which results in a slight difference in altitude. The sub-highest ozone center is located in the boundary layer, indicating that the ozone transferred from the stratosphere to the troposphere reaches the low boundary layer during October and November in Antarctica.  相似文献   

地名是自然和文化的载体之一,包含着地理、生态、移民、宗教、历史等特征的信息.本文建立了海南地名地理信息系统数据库,分析海南各类地名的数量及自然地名和文化地名的空间特征;通过时空模式挖掘,分析族群迁移、黎族迁移、地名迁移之间的关联性;通过统计和GIS分析方法(核密度分析和时空格局挖掘工具),研究海南地名的生态特征、文化特...  相似文献   

Core sediments from the Muthupettai mangroves on the southeast coast of India were analyzed for soil texture,total nitrogen,organic carbon,phosphorus and heavy metals(Fe,Mn,Cr,Cu,Ni,Pb,Zn and Cd).The distinct seasonal variation in the distribution of metals in the sediments was observed.The minimum concentration was recorded in river mouth and the maximum was in lagoon.High metal concentration in sediment was observed during monsoon and low concentration in summer.The total nu-trient in lagoon and river mouth was recorded in the range of 4.528 to 8.526 mg g-1 for organic carbon,2.213 to 10.5 mg g-1 for nitro-gen and 0.824 to 7.22 mg g-1.  相似文献   

A cruise was conducted from late August to early September 2004 with the intention of obtaining an interdisciplinary understanding of the Yangtze River Estuary including the biological, chemical and physical subjects. Water sample analysis indicated that total phytoplankton species richness was 137. Of them 81 were found in Bacillariophyta and 48 in Pyrrophyta, accounting for 59.1% and 35.0% respectively. The average cell abundance of surface water samples was 8.8×104 cells L-1, with the maximum, 102.9×104 cells L-1, encountered in the area (31.75°N, 122.33°E) and the minimum, 0.2×104 cells L-1, in (30.75°N, 122.17°E). The dominant species at most stations were Skeletonema costatum and Proboscia alata f. gracillima with the dominance of 0.35 and 0.27. Vertical distribution analysis indicated that obvious stratification of cell abundance and dominant species was found in the representative stations of 5, 18 and 33. Shannon-Wiener index and evenness of phytoplankton assemblage presented negative correlation with the cell abundance, with the optimum appearing in (30.75°N, 122.67°E). According to the PCA analysis of the environmental variables, elevated nutrients of nitrate, silicate and phosphate through river discharge were mainly responsible for the phytoplankton bloom in this area.  相似文献   

2012年7月现场调查了海南岛东部陆架海(琼东海域),结合其中4个断面的实测数据和卫星遥感数据,探究该海域2012年海表温度锋面的季节性变化以及夏季锋面结构特征。研究表明,琼东海域温度锋面的季节性变化明显,强锋面中心会随季节变化。夏季锋面主要分布在上升流区,是典型的上升流锋面,锋带宽20~40 km,大致沿100 m等深线,随深度增加锋面强度减小,位置向外海移动。  相似文献   

Based on field data for nutrients collected on the continental shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) during summer 2006, the structure and variations of nutrients in every water mass related to the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) were analyzed. The supplementary effect of nutrient of upwelling on harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the ECS was also estimated, based on upwelling data. Then the maintenance contribution of nutrient of upwelling to HABs was assessed. The results showed that N/P ratio is fairly low in both surface and deep layers of the TWC, which possibly controls nutrient structure of the HABs-frequently-occuring areas. In upwelling areas, the rate of phosphate (PO4-P) uptake exceeds that of nitrate (NO3-N) of the TWC. The TWC may relieve PO4-P limitation during the process of HABs. Furthermore, upwelling plays an important role in providing nutrients to HABs. After estimating nutrient fluxes (NO3-N, PO4-P, SiO3-Si) in the upwelling areas along a typical section (S07), the results showed that the nutrient uptake rate is the greatest at 10–20 m below euphotic zone, sustaining the ongoing presence of HABs. The uptake rate of PO4-P is the highest among dissolved inorganic nutrients. Therefore, upwelling is most likely the main source of PO4-P supply to HABs.  相似文献   

【目的】研究海南岛近岸海域表层海水化学需氧量(COD)的时空分布特征,评价COD污染水平,研究区域COD浓度与多种环境因子之间的关系。【方法】根据2016年枯水季、丰水季和平水季海南岛近岸海域表层海水现场调查资料,进行单因子指数法和综合指数法分析。【结果】海南省近岸海域表层海水COD的平均质量浓度为(0.75±0.43) mg/L,浓度范围为0.14~2.74 mg/L;COD浓度高值区主要分布在龙尾河口临近小海海域,枯水季研究海域表层海水COD污染水平高于丰水季节;COD对富营养化的贡献范围为38.2%~69.7%,平均贡献率为(51.0±5.1)%,贡献率随着富营养化指数的增加而减小;3个季节COD与盐度均存在显著负相关(P<0.01)。【结论】COD时空分布主要受陆源输入和水动力过程的影响。COD是影响海南岛近岸海域富营养化的重要因子但非决定性因子。随着富营养化程度增加,来自营养盐对富营养化贡献更为显著。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal variation of the surface Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island is investigated by quantitatively analyzing 23-year(1993–2015)sea surface Absolute Dynamic Topography data.The annual mean state of the Kuroshio is shown,with a flow width ~136 km and surface transport ~7.75×10~4 m~2/s.The corresponding standard deviations of these are 28 km and 2.14×10~4 m~2/s.Results of power spectrum analysis indicate that the primary periods of Kuroshio surface transport east of Taiwan Island are 1 and 2.8 years,respectively.Spatially,the Kuroshio surface transport southeast of Taiwan Island has greater variability than that to its northeast.That transport showed strong seasonality,with a maximum 8.8×104 m~2/s in summer and minimum 7.5×10~4 m~2/s in winter,which was mainly caused by local monsoon winds.A linear long-term upward trend of Kuroshio surface transport during 1993–2015 was found,during which the mean,southeast,and northeast of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island increased by 0.30×10~4,0.22×10~4 and 0.36×104 m~2/s,respectively.Correlation and composite analysis show that the Philippines-Taiwan Oscillation(PTO)is important in the interannual variability of the Kuroshio.PTO-induced relative intensity of anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies is the dominant influence on the interannual variability of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan Island.  相似文献   

Decreasing the risks and geohazards associated with drilling engineering in high-temperature high-pressure (HTHP) geologic settings begins with the implementation of pre-drilling prediction techniques (PPTs). To improve the accuracy of geopressure prediction in HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs offshore Hainan Island, we made a comprehensive summary of current PPTs to identify existing problems and challenges by analyzing the global distribution of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs, the research status of PPTs, and the geologic setting and its HTHP formation mechanism. Our research results indicate that the HTHP formation mechanism in the study area is caused by multiple factors, including rapid loading, diapir intrusions, hydrocarbon generation, and the thermal expansion of pore fluids. Due to this multi-factor interaction, a cloud of HTHP hydrocarbon reservoirs has developed in the Ying-Qiong Basin, but only traditional PPTs have been implemented, based on the assumption of conditions that do not conform to the actual geologic environment, e.g., Bellotti’s law and Eaton’s law. In this paper, we focus on these issues, identify some challenges and solutions, and call for further PPT research to address the drawbacks of previous works and meet the challenges associated with the deepwater technology gap. In this way, we hope to contribute to the improved accuracy of geopressure prediction prior to drilling and provide support for future HTHP drilling offshore Hainan Island.  相似文献   

The temporal variations in the frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) traversing the Taiwan and Hainan Islands (TH islands), were analyzed using a best-track TC dataset from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center for the period 1945-2007. Results show that the oscillations were interannual and interdecadal on the timescales of 2-8 and 8-12 years, respectively. It is also shown that the number of TCs formed in the western North Pacific basin (WNP) and of those traversing the TH islands varied intraseasonally. These results also held for typhoons traversing the TH islands, although the oscillations were less apparent. This study identified interrelationships between the frequency of TCs making landfall on the TH islands and the East Asia summer monsoon (EASM), the South Asia summer monsoon (SASM), and the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM). The SCSSM significantly influenced the number of TCs traversing Hainan Island, but had little influence on the number of TCs traversing Taiwan Island. By contrast, the SASM influenced the numbers of TCs traversing both of the TH islands, shown by correlation coefficients of 0.41 for Taiwan Island and -0.25 for Hainan Island. In addition, the frequency of TC landfall on Taiwan Island increased during years of enhanced EASM, as indicated by a correlation coefficient of 0.4.  相似文献   

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