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海潮模型的比较及海潮对地球自转变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于卫星测高工作的开展,提供了丰富准确的观测资料,产生出许多新的海潮模型。这些海潮模型的相互比较为研究海洋的精细结构、海潮的动力学、地球动力学提供了依据。另一方面,由现代空间技术和新方法来监测地球自转中的高频变化研究领域也有长足的进展。用这些技术可检测出地球自转中的周日和半日变化,从而激发地球自转的变化。一般来说,海潮影响地球自转的高频变化有两种不同的激发机制。地球的惯性张量的变化即质量项  相似文献   

本将1988-1992年期间国际地球自转服务(IERS)的地球定向参数快速服务和预报值与IERS终值作了比较,得到快速值与终值偏离的平均值分别为-0.8mas(X)、-0.9mas(Y)和 0.11ms(UT),均方差分别为±1.4mas(X、Y)和±0.32ma(UT)。分别按5、10、…、90天的预报长度得到预报值与终值偏离的均值和均方差。在各种预报长度下均值的变化范围不大,只有约1mas(X)、3mas(Y)和3ms(UT)量级,而当预报为30天时均方差分别为±11.2mas(X)、±8.6mas(Y)和±6.0ms(UT),当预报长度为90天时均方差达到±20.8mas(X)、±19.2mas(Y)和±14.7ms(UT)。  相似文献   

由PREM模型参数计算地球自转的周期变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
萧耐园  成灼 《天文学报》1997,38(4):370-378
弹性地球在日月引潮力势作用下的形变引起其转动惯量的改变,从而导致地球自转速率的变化.本文利用PREM地球模型所给的物质密度和弹性等参数分布.计算日月引潮力势产生的地球形变附加势,进而计算转动惯量的变化.最后得到一系列包含周期同引潮势带谐项、振幅大于1微秒的自转速率周期变化系数.  相似文献   

极移的变化与多种激发息息相关,这些激发包括大气表面压力和大气风、海底压力和洋流、陆地水分布以及气候变暖导致的海平面变化,并且可以通过有效角动量函数来估计.在极移预报中,通过刘维尔方程融合有效角动量函数,并利用最小二乘与自回归组合的方法进行拟合及外推,同时,对自回归模型的可调节参数设置更多的选择,在不同的极移预报阶段,对于不同分量的预报匹配更优的参数,有效地提高了极移的预报精度.在441次1–90 d的极移预报实验中,短中期的预报改善更为明显,在1–6 d和7–30 d的极移X预报结果中,分别有56.9%和53.5%优于国际地球自转服务(International Earth Rotation Service, IERS)的预报;在1–6 d和7–30 d的极移Y预报结果中,分别有66.5%和59.7%优于IERS的预报.整体上,极移Y的预报精度比极移X的预报精度有更多的提升,以IERS的地球定向参数(Earth Orientation Parameters, EOP)产品EOP 14C04 (IAU2000A)为参考,极移X预报在第1 d、第5 d的MAE (Mean Absolute...  相似文献   

大气对地球自转参数(ERP)的高频激发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢伯全  郑大伟 《天文学报》1996,37(2):113-123
本文采用1983—1992年期间由空间大地测量技术观测和归算的地球自转参数(ERP)序列,以及由全球气象资料归算的大气角动量(AAM)序列,分析和研究了大气对地球自转参数的日长变化(LOD)和极移(x和y)在一个月时间尺度以内的高频激发作用,得到的主要结果如下:1大气对LOD分量高频潮汐的估计值存在着影响,但是,潮汐形变参数k/c随时间和频率的变化却是受非大气因素的扰动引起的.2.大气可以解释30天以下LOD非潮汐的大部分变化.3.极移分量30天以内的高频变化也主要由大气激发.x分量与大气的相关性要强于y分量,而且更为稳定,主要表现为平均时间尺度约为27天的波动,大气对这个波动的贡献可达70%.  相似文献   

针对极端学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,ELM)用于日长(Length-Of-Day,LOD)变化预报过程中,样本输入方式对预报结果的影响进行了研究。采用跨度、连续和迭代3种样本输入方式对日长变化进行预报。结果表明,不同的样本输入方式对预报结果有很大影响,样本按跨度输入的预报精度最低;样本采用连续输入方式在短期和中长期预报中预报精度较高,但计算速度较慢,较适合中长期预报;样本按迭代输入方式的短期预报精度稍优于连续输入方式,而中长期预报精度则不如连续输入方式,但具有较高的预报效率。这对于日长变化的实时快速预报有着较高的现实意义。  相似文献   

针对目前极移最小二乘(Least Square, LS)+自回归(AutoRegressive, AR)预报模型的单一数据选取方案, 提出分别考虑LS模型数据量和AR残差数据量的组合数据模式, 并对极移预报时单一数据和组合数据预报结果精度进行分析, 探讨模型输入数据量对极移预报精度的影响. 结果表明, 模型输入数据量的变化对极移预报结果影响较大. 采用组合数据预报的方式相比较于单一数据量预报方式精度更高, 特别是针对30--360 d跨度内的中长期预报, 组合数据量的极移预报精度可比单一数据量预报精度有较大改善. 结论证明组合数据在极移预报时具有一定的优势, 可为以后极移预报数据量选取提供一定的借鉴参考意义.  相似文献   

本文用两种方法:Hermite多项式、Legendre多项式和Fourier级数表示的地和无限圆法推导了FK4相对于FK5的系统差,并指出由两种方法推算的这种系统差的差值在30年内明显地随时间而变化。最后,讨论了这种星表系统差对我国综合时间系统内世界时和极点坐标的影响。  相似文献   

现有UT1-UTC预报模式在进行周期项与残差项拟合分离时,通常没有考虑最小二乘拟合序列的端部效应,预报精度难以取得较大提高。针对最小二乘拟合存在的端部效应,首先采用灰色模型在UT1-UTC序列的两端进行数据延拓,形成一个新序列,然后对新序列进行最小二乘拟合,最后再联合最小二乘和神经网络(LS+NN)模型对UT1-UTC原始序列进行外推。结果表明,对UT1-UTC序列进行端点数据延拓再进行最小二乘拟合,能够有效地改善最小二乘拟合序列的端部效应;相对于常规LS+NN模型,端部效应改善的LS+NN模型的UT1-UTC预报精度有一定提高,尤其对中长期预报精度提高更为明显。  相似文献   

地球定向参数(Earth orientation parameters, EOP)是地球参考系到地心天球参考系之间转换的桥梁,是卫星精密定轨过程中不可缺少的重要参数。以国际地球自转服务(International Earth Rotation Service, IERS)和中国科学院上海天文台(Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,SHAO)提供的EOP参数为例,分析了北斗三号仅区域网观测模式和星地星间联合观测模式下的定轨精度与EOP预报误差间的关系。研究表明,对于IERS提供的产品,其预报误差对仅区域站定轨模式的定轨精度影响较小,但是其10 d内的预报误差对星地星间联合定轨模式定轨精度的影响可达到分米级。对于SHAO提供的产品,两种定轨模式的定轨精度均随着EOP预报天数的增大而逐渐衰减。除此之外,不同产品的星地星间联合定轨模式下定轨精度均小于仅区域网监测下的定轨模式下的定轨精度,表明星间链路的加入可以降低卫星定轨对EOP预报误差的依赖。该研究对区域观测条件下的卫星精密定轨工程实现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

An outline of the astrometric series of the ERP of their accuracy and of the results obtained from analyses of these data are given in the paper. Presently known systematic differences between the astrometric ERP series and those determined by VLBI and Lageos ranging techniques are discussed. Some geophysical applications of latitude and longitude variations determined by astrometric techniques are mentioned.  相似文献   

New optical spectroscopy of the high-mass X-ray binary microquasar LS I +61 303 is presented. Eccentric orbital fits to our radial velocity measurements yield updated orbital parameters in good agreement with previous work. Our orbital solution indicates that the periastron passage occurs at radio phase 0.23 and the X-ray/radio outbursts are triggered 2.5–4 d after the compact star passage. The spectrum of the optical star is consistent with a B0 V spectral type and contributes ∼65 per cent of the total light, the remainder being the result of emission by a circumstellar disc. We also measure the projected rotational velocity to be   v sin  i ≃ 113 km s−1  .  相似文献   

The dynamics of synchronous rotation and physical librations are revisited in order to establish a conceptually simple and general theoretical framework applicable to a variety of problems. Our motivation comes from disagreements between the results of numerical simulations and those of previous theoretical studies, and also because different theoretical studies disagree on basic features of the dynamics. We approach the problem by decomposing the orientation matrix of the body into perfectly synchronous rotation and deviation from the equilibrium state. The normal modes of the linearized equations are computed in the case of a circular satellite orbit, yielding both the periods and the eigenspaces of three librations. Libration in longitude decouples from the other two, vertical modes. There is a fast vertical mode with a period very close to the average rotational period. It corresponds to tilting the body around a horizontal axis while retaining nearly principal-axis rotation. In the inertial frame, this mode appears as nutation and free precession. The other vertical mode, a slow one, is the free wobble. The effects of the nodal precession of the orbit are investigated from the point of view of Cassini states. We test our theory using numerical simulations of the full equations of the dynamics and discuss the disagreements among our study and previous ones. The numerical simulations also reveal that in the case of eccentric orbits large departures from principal-axis rotation are possible due to a resonance between free precession and wobble. We also revisit the history of the Moon's rotational state and show that it switched from one Cassini state to another when it was at 46.2 Earth radii. This number disagrees with the value 34.2 derived in a previous study.  相似文献   

We compare the Earth's rotation parameters claculated from various input sets and conclude 1) A reference system comparable to the BIH sustem can be set up using just a few high-precision, evenly-distributed instruments. 2) Chinese instruments for time and latitude determination play an important role in the setting up and maintenance of a global reference system. 3) There seem to be no systematic differences, of an annual or a semi-annual character between the observations by the classical methods and the newer techniques. The difference BIH (1979) – BIH (1968) is probably what has remained of the station errors when the BIH (1968) system was set up. 4) It is possible that some unknown common source of error may exist over a large geographical region, hence, to set up a good reference system, the observing insrtuments should be distributed as evenly as possible over the globe.  相似文献   

The 'All Sky Automated Survey' (ASAS) photometric observations of LS 1135, an O-type single-lined binary (SB1) system with an orbital period of 2.7 d, show that the system is also eclipsing performing a numerical model of this binary based on the Wilson–Devinney method. We obtained an orbital inclination     . With this value of the inclination, we deduced masses   M 1∼ 30 ± 1 M  and   M 2∼ 9 ± 1 M  , and radii   R 1∼ 12 ± 1 R  and   R 2∼ 5 ± 1 R  for primary and secondary components, respectively. Both the components are well inside their respective Roche lobes. Fixing the T eff of the primary to the value corresponding to its spectral type (O6.5V), the T eff obtained for the secondary component corresponds approximately to a spectral type of B1V. The mass ratio   M 2/ M 1∼ 0.3  is among the lowest known values for spectroscopic binaries with O-type components.  相似文献   

An analysis of the character of the possible dynamics of all hitherto known planetary satellites shows two satellites—Amalthea (J5) and Prometheus (S16)—to have the most unusual structure of the phase space of possible rotational motion. These are the only satellites whose phase space of planar rotation may host synchronous resonances of three different kinds: the α resonance, the β resonance, and a mode corresponding to the period doubling bifurcation of the α resonance. We analyze the stability of these states against the tilt of the rotational axis.  相似文献   

It is shown, based on certain simplifying assumptions, that an island the size of Greenland, drifting across the North Atlantic at 10 m/century produces a change in secular rotation T=0.01 s.Presented at the Symposium Star Catalogues, Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, held in honor of Paul Herget at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, November 30, 1978.  相似文献   

In 1970 the IAU defined any object'snorth pole to be that axis of rotation which lies north of the solar system's invariable plane. A competing definition in widespread use at some institutions followed the right hand rule whereby the north axis of rotation was generally said to be that that of the rotational angular momentum. In the case of the latter definition, the planet Neptune and its satellite Triton would have their north poles in opposite hemispheres because Triton's angular momentum vector is in the hemisphere opposite from that of Neptune's rotation angular momentum.The IAU resolutions have been somewhat controversial in some quarters ever since their adoption. A Working Group has periodically updated the recommended values of planet and satellite poles and rotation rates in accordance with the IAU definition of north and the IAU definition of prime meridian. Neither system is completely satisfactory in the perception of all scientists, and some confusion has been generated by publishing data in the two different systems.In this paper we review the IAU definitions ofnorth and of the location ofprime meridian and we present the algorithm which has been employed in determining the rotational parameters of the natural satellites. The IAU definition of the prime meridian contains some ambiguities which in practice have been specified by the numerical values published by the IAU working group but which have not yet been explicitly documented. The purpose of this paper is to explicitly document the algorithm employed by the IAU working group in specifying satellite poles and rotation rates.  相似文献   

Effects of an interaction between the mantle and the core of the Earth on its rotational motion are investigated. Assuming that the Earth consists of a rigid mantle and a rigid core with a frictional coupling and a kind of inertial coupling between them, the equations of motion are derived, and they are solved in a close approximation. The solution gives the expressions for the precession, the nutation, the secular changes in the obliquity and the rotational speed, the polar motion and so on as functions of the magnitudes of these forces. A numerical estimation shows that the effect of the friction on the amplitude and phase of the nutation is small for a reasonable intensity of the friction while inertial coupling force has a decisive influence on the amplitude, and an appropriately chosen value of the latter force gives a nutation which closely agrees with observations. It is also indicated that this torque remarkably lessens the rates of the secular changes in the obliquity and the rotational speed. The possibility of a periodical change in the amplitude of the polar motion is suggested as a result of the interaction between the two consituents.  相似文献   

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