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汶川地震对建筑结构设计的启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
汶川大地震造成了大量房屋建筑的破坏。本文通过对钢筋混凝土结构和砌体结构的震害研究、非结构构件的震害分析以及典型震害进行的调查归类分析,探讨了此次地震对建筑结构抗震设计的启示,总结了经验并给出了以下相关的建议:(1)适当提高抗震设防标准。(2)房屋建筑设计要更好实现“强柱弱梁”机制:改进加强楼梯间设计:进一步研究非结构构件与主体结构的连接。(3)进一步推广隔震技术。  相似文献   

本文研究了框架结构的楼梯在汶川地震中出现的多种震害状况,如梯段板的断裂,框架角柱的短柱破坏,楼梯间梯柱、平台梁和平台板等构件的破坏。结合《建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011-2001)》部分规定和工程中楼梯的设计方法,分析了震害出现的原因,指出了GB 50011-2001规范中有关楼梯设计方法和构造措施的不足,给出了今后框架结构中楼梯设计和施工的相关建议。  相似文献   

砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的震害经验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文首先列举了砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的典型震害现象,通过这些现象分析了此次地震中砌体结构的震害特点,归纳了其震害规律和教训,总结了必须坚持的抗震原则及对今后砌体结构抗震设计的启示,同时,探讨了几个应该注意的重点抗震问题,提出了进一步加强砌体结构抗震性能的建议。文中指出,砌体结构只要坚持正确的抗震理念,加强构造措施,落实抗震规范的设计要求,保证施工质量,就能达到相应的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

基于2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震灾区的房屋建筑震害调查资料, 初步分析了这次地震中建筑结构的震害特征. 结合典型建筑结构震害案例, 从抗震概念设计和抗震构造措施的角度对震害机理进行了探讨, 总结了结构抗震设计方面的经验和教训并给出了相关的建议. 分析表明, 农村自建的砖木和土木结构房屋的抗震能力普遍较差; 砖混结构和砌体-框架混合结构的抗震性能需要严格的抗震构造措施给予保证, 包括合理设置钢筋混凝土构造柱和圈梁, 合理设置承重墙的数量以及承重墙上开洞的数量和位置; 由于鞭梢效应造成的突出屋顶的楼梯间和加层的破坏需引起重视.   相似文献   

由玉树地震结构震害看村镇房屋抗震   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据青海省玉树县7.1级地震后,结古镇的房屋震害调查资料,总结了不同类型结构的破坏比,结合典型震害案例,从抗震概念设计和抗震构造措施角度对村镇房屋的震害原因进行分析,提出了村镇房屋抗震设计存在的问题.最后根据村镇房屋震害特点,从技术和管理2个方面提出了相应的防范措施,以减小地震中的人员伤亡及经济损失.  相似文献   

汶川大地震震害特点与成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2008年5月12日汶川地震造成巨大人员伤亡和财产损失.本文从工程抗震角度分析了震区房屋倒塌的原因,指出地震时房屋倒塌与否与诸多因素有关.在此基础上,分析了汶川地震震害严重的四个主要因素:震级大,烈度高,断层破裂长;震区人口稠密,房屋、路桥等人工工程多;抗震设防水平低;地震诱发地质灾害严重.最后,将汶川地震震害与1976年唐山地震震害作了对比.所得结论可供理解汶川地震震害、改进结构抗震设计参考.  相似文献   

本文以5·12汶川地震后绵竹市某砖混结构住宅为典型调查研究对象,介绍了震后多层砌体结构房屋的常见震害现象和一般震害规律,结合有关规范分析了一般受损建筑不同的抗震鉴定方法和手段,对比分析了各种抗震加固措施的加固效果与适用条件,较为全面地总结了一般多层砌体结构从震害调查到鉴定加固的方法和程序,为灾后砌体结构的抗震加固设计提...  相似文献   

根据芦山地震现场考察结果,介绍了框架结构房屋填充墙、楼梯、柱、梁、板、玻璃幕墙、飘窗和吊顶的震害特征,并为增强框架结构房屋防震减灾能力提出建议:(1)经过抗震设计并且按照规范施工的钢筋混凝土框架结构房屋具有良好的抗震性能,值得推广应用;(2)框架结构楼梯间墙体震害相对较重,建议完善框架结构楼梯间的设计方法和抗震构造措施;(3)注意填充墙对整体结构的抗震贡献和影响,要加强填充墙与框架梁柱的构造连接措施,可以选用轻质材料与框架柔性连接,并避免填充墙倒塌伤人;(4)要重视玻璃幕墙与主体结构的连接构造,避免玻璃幕墙脱落伤人;(5)对吊顶和广告牌等非结构构件,要做好构造和连接,防止坠落造成人员伤害。  相似文献   

芦山7.0级强烈地震砖混民居震害调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年4月20日四川省芦山县发生Ms7.0级强烈地震,造成了大量民居建筑的严重破坏甚至倒塌.本文通过对芦山地震中民居建筑的震害调查,系统总结了砖混民居这一量大面广建筑结构的破坏形式和损伤机制.汶川地震后的新建民居在抗震措施方面有较大幅度的提高,比如大多具有抗震构造措施、采用240mm承重墙等,因此整体震害较轻,但是新建居民在建设房屋时,抗震构造措施的布局有很大的随意性,具体表现在平面内布置不足和竖向分布不规则,导致整体约束效果下降,进而结构发生破坏.雅安地区多处于山坡软土地带、建筑物多临近河流,同时民居建筑的基坑开挖普遍较浅,处理不当,在地震过程中出现地基不均匀沉降,基础遭到破坏,并造成上部结构破坏.相比之下,地基得到妥善处理、严格按照抗震规范设计的民居,震害十分轻微.本文建议继续增强对居民的防震减灾宣传,普及民居抗震构造知识,进行民居的实用抗震措施和地基处理方法的研究,并针对各类民居震害情况,研究有效、经济和快速的加固改造技术.  相似文献   

结构抗震设计理论与方法是地震工程学的核心内容,随着破坏性地震的不断发生和人们对震害认识的不断深化,结构抗震设计理论与方法逐步发展和完善。本文较全面地总结了结构抗震设计理论的形成与发展演化过程,并对不同结构抗震设计理论与方法进行比较研究,详细介绍基于强度的结构抗震设计方法、基于性态的结构抗震设计方法和基于韧性的结构抗震设计理念。在此基础上,提出了进一步开展建筑抗震韧性研究的建议。  相似文献   

分析了高层塔式建筑各抗侧结构间的相互作用,建立了静力计算模型,用高阶微分方程组描述并解偶这种相互作用,推导了结构内力、位移表达式.经比较,所得侧移、层间剪力分配结果与有限元分析结果基本一致.该模型有助于在初设阶段对抗侧结构及其连接构件的布局合理性进行判断和调整,可为改进结构抗震设计提供依据.  相似文献   

The seismic conceptual design is an essential part of seismic design codes. It points out that the term "seismic conceptual design" should imply three aspects,i.e.,the given concept itself,the specific provisions related to the given concept and the designing following the provisions. Seismic conceptual design can be classified into two categories: the strict or traditional seismic conceptual design and the generalized seismic conceptual design. The authors are trying to define for both conceptual designs their connotations and study their characteristics,in particular,the differences between them. Authors emphasize that both conceptual designs sound very close,however,their differences are apparent. The strict conceptual designs are usually worked out directly from engineering practice and/or lessons learnt from earthquake damage,while the generalized conceptual designs are resulted in a series of visions aiming to realize the general objectives of the seismic codes. The strict conceptual designs,(traditional conceptual designs) are indispensable elements of seismic codes in assuring designed structures safer and the generalized conceptual designs are playing key roles in directing to a more advanced and effective seismic codes.  相似文献   

由于地震的作用以及在这种作用下的结构与构件的受力状况的复杂性和不确定性,结构抗震设计的计算假定与实际情况存在各种差异,甚至有时还根本无法计算.因此在这种情况下,为确保抗震结构性能,就不得不依赖结构抗震的概念设计.结构抗震概念设计是指工程师们根据结构地震破坏的形态和长期积累的实际工程经验等总结形成的符合工程师专业知识的基...  相似文献   

场地类别划分与抗震设计反应谱的讨论   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
介绍了新的抗震设计规范(2001—07—20发布,2002—01—01实施)中场地类别划分和地震影响系数的有关内容,指出其中一些不相协调之处。最后,针对不同的问题建议相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

This paper presents new trends in the relationship between the ductility reduction factor and the ductility demand in the seismic design of buildings. A total of 4860 inelastic time-history analyses were carried out to study this relationship using 60 single-degree-of-freedom models excited by an ensemble of 81 earthquake accelerogram records from around the world. The asymmetrical distribution of the results highlighted the inaccuracies associated with assuming a normal distribution simply described by the mean and standard deviation to represent the data. A probability of exceedence approach has been used based on counting the number of occurrences the ductility demand exceeds a specified level. The ductility reduction factors developed in this study are consistent with other studies in the long-period range but are different in the short-period range. The ductility reduction factor for very short period buildings of limited ductility has been found to be greater than previously predicted. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

建筑结构地震反应观测系统   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
建筑结构上获取的地震反应记录有助于促进建筑抗震设计规范的改进,从而减轻地震引起的生命财产损失.本文对建筑结构地震反应观测系统布设的目的进行了简要论述,并就观测系统的构成及测点布设原则作了详细介绍.此外,以防灾楼结构地震反应观测系统作为典型实例进行了介绍.  相似文献   

An ensemble of earthquake records is used to carry out non-linear analyses of simple torsionally unbalanced systems considering both resisting elements and earthquake components along two perpendicular directions. These fully bidirectional analyses are focused to study the effect of the following factors: (i) seismic-force reduction factor; (ii) factors α and δ used to compute the design eccentricity; (iii) initial lateral period; and (iv) initial stiffness eccentricity. Results indicate that the amplification factor α can be specified as a function of the force reduction factor, the lateral uncoupled period, and the stiffness eccentricity. It is concluded that the coefficient δ depends on the lateral period, the stiffness eccentricity, and the geometrical eccentricity. It was observed that negative shears caused by torsion should be neglected in the design of the stiff element, particularly in the case of systems with large stiffness eccentricity. Results suggest that additional studies should be performed to verify the assumed (partial) equivalence between unidirectional (resisting elements and earthquake components along one direction only) and fully bidirectional analyses to study building torsion problems. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A large number of buildings were seriously damaged or collapsed in the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake. Based on field surveys and studies of damage to different types of buildings, seismic design codes have been updated. This paper briefly summarizes some of the major revisions that have been incorporated into the "Standard for classification of seismic protection of building constructions GB50223-2008" and "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings GB50011-2001." The definition of seismic fortification class for buildings has been revisited, and as a result, the seismic classifications for schools, hospitals and other buildings that hold large populations such as evacuation shelters and information centers have been upgraded in the GB50223-2008 Code. The main aspects of the revised GB50011-2001 code include: (a) modification of the seismic intensity specified for the Provinces of Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu; (b) basic conceptual design for retaining walls and building foundations in mountainous areas; (c) regularity of building configuration; (d) integration of masonry structures and precast RC floors; (e) requirements for calculating and detailing stair shafts; and (f) limiting the use of single-bay RC frame structures. Some significant examples of damage in the epicenter areas are provided as a reference in the discussion on the consequences of collapse, the importance of duplicate structural systems, and the integration of RC and masonry structures.  相似文献   

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