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在实验室条件下研究半叶马尾藻对不同浓度N、P以及不同化合态N的吸收速率。结果显示:不同浓度N、P下,半叶马尾藻对N、P的吸收速率差异有统计学意义(P0.05);半叶马尾藻对N、P的吸收速率随N、P浓度的升高而增加,最大吸收速率出现在N为200μmol/L、P为20μmol/L时,分别为2.397和0.229μmol·g-1·h-1;不同氮磷比条件下,半叶马尾藻对N、P的最大吸收速率出现在氮磷比为10时,在氮磷比为1~30范围内,氮磷比对半叶马尾藻吸收N、P速率的影响有统计学意义(P0.05);不同化合态N对半叶马尾藻吸收N、P速率的影响有统计学意义(P0.05),当NH4+-N和NO3--N共存时,半叶马尾藻对这2种化合态氮可同时吸收利用,各处理组间,对总无机N的吸收速率差异有统计学意义(P0.05),在c(NO3--N)/c(NH4+-N)为2∶1和1∶2处有两个峰值,分别为2.036、1.862μmol·g-1·h-1,对P的最大吸收速率均出现在c(NO3--N)/c(NH4+-N)值为2∶1时,为0.206μmol·g-1·h-1。因此,在粤西沿海半叶马尾藻在消除养殖水域营养盐、防治海水富营养化方面有很大优势。  相似文献   

在温度22±0.5℃、光照强度100μmol·m-2·s-1的光照培养箱中,以8组不同盐度培养半叶马尾藻(Sargassum hemiphyllum)幼苗(2~3 g/株),研究不同盐度对其生长发育和光合色素合成的影响。结果表明:半叶马尾藻幼苗适合存活和生长的盐度为24.84~35.28,在该盐度范围内幼苗均可正常存活和生长;幼苗最适生长盐度为30.06,质量增长率达到最大,光合色素含量达到最高;24.84~35.28中,幼苗更适合于在高盐端生长。  相似文献   

采用超声波辅助水提法制得张氏马尾藻(Sargassum zhangii)粗多糖,用无水乙醇、丙酮、乙醚脱脂,Sevage法脱蛋白,得到张氏马尾藻初级纯化的多糖(ZSP),分析ZSP化学组成,模拟人体胃肠道pH环境,测定ZSP对胆固醇胶束中胆固醇的抑制作用及结合胆酸盐活性;采用MTT法观察ZSP对HepG2细胞生长影响,并研究ZSP浓度和作用时间对HepG2细胞内胆固醇水平影响。结果表明,在模拟人体胃肠道pH环境中,ZSP对胶束中胆固醇的抑制率高达18.74%,与牛磺胆酸钠、胆酸钠及甘氨胆酸钠的结合率分别高达57.69%、64.72%、69.03%;在48 h内,100、200、400、800、1 600μg/mL的ZSP对HepG2细胞的生长均无抑制作用;100、200、400、800μg/mL的ZSP在48 h内均可降低HepG2细胞内胆固醇水平,降低程度与外源性ZSP浓度和作用时间相关。ZSP具有良好的降胆固醇活性。  相似文献   

为了解海南省冬青叶马尾藻不同地理种群的多样性,从潭门镇和长坡镇收集到12份冬青叶马尾藻样品,通过PCR扩增和测序获得了其cox1(细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1)、rbc L(1,5-二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶大亚基)及ITS(内转录间隔区)序列。多序列比对显示,2个种群的冬青叶马尾藻的cox1、rbc L序列很保守,未发现多态性位点;而ITS序列变异较大,在碱基组成和序列长度上均有丰富的多态性。根据ITS的序列特征将所分析样品分为A、B和C 3个类群。系统进化分析显示,3个类群能以较高的置信度与数据库中其他地域来源的冬青叶马尾藻聚为一支,其中A、B类群的亲缘关系非常近,而C类群与其他地域来源的冬青叶马尾藻更相似。  相似文献   

碘广泛分布在自然界中,但是由于它极端分散,遍布在地壳各处,因而难以获得。实际上在水产动植物的机体中均含一定量的碘,如某些海绵含碘达8.5%,海藻中含碘较丰富的褐藻类,北方的海带含碘有0.24~0.756%,南方的马尾藻含碘亦有0.02~0.36%,它们的灰烬中含碘常达0.2~0.5%。  相似文献   

【目的】研究马尾藻及其油页岩混合物在不同温度下的热解产气特性。【方法】利用燃烧烟气污染物测试实验台,测量马尾藻及其油页岩混合物在温度区间400℃至800℃下CO和H_2的排放特性,包括峰值浓度、峰值时间和平均浓度。【结果】马尾藻以及其油页岩混合物的热解过程可分为慢速析出、快速析出和降速三个阶段。马尾藻单独热解实验中,排放的CO体积分数峰值达到10 367×10~(-6)。温度的升高有利于马尾藻在热解中CO和H_2的析出,反应的开始时间和完成时间均有所提前。在马尾藻与油页岩混合物的热解中,H2的析出在700℃时达到最高(体积分数峰值为1 254×10~(-6))。油页岩的加入迟滞了CO和H_2的排放时间。【结论】油页岩的加入有效减少马尾藻热解过程中CO的排放并缩短反应时间,提高效率节省能源,马尾藻与油页岩的混合热解具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为探索围氏马尾藻(Sargassum withgii)受精卵生长发育的最适条件,研究不同温度(18、21、24、27、30℃)、照度(1 000、2 000、3 000、4 000 lx)和盐度(15、20、25、30、35、40)对围氏马尾藻受精卵成活率和幼孢子体生长的影响。结果表明:围氏马尾藻受精卵在21℃下成活率最高(89.3%),与其他温度组差异有统计学意义(P0.05);受精卵在1 000 lx下的成活率最高,为89.3%,与其他照度组差异有统计学意义(P0.05);受精卵对于盐度的适应范围较广,15~30的盐度组成活率均较高(86.3%)。培养前10 d,21℃组的幼孢子体平均长度最大(P0.05),15 d时24℃组平均长度超过其他温度组(P0.05);在培养前15 d,1 000 lx照度组幼孢子体生长速度最快(P0.05),20 d后3 000 lx组孢子体平均长度超过其他照度组(P0.05);在15~30盐度范围内,幼孢子体均生长较好,且各盐度组间平均长度差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为探究全缘马尾藻(Sargassum intrgerrimum)幼孢子体对温度的适应性,在照度为10 000 lx,光照周期为12L:12D,温度分别为11.0、16.0、21.0、26.0、31.0、36.0℃的条件下,研究不同温度对全缘马尾藻幼孢子体生长、光合色素含量、SOD活力和CAT活力的影响。结果表明,幼孢子体在16.0~26.0℃的温度范围内生长明显,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05),温度为21.0℃时生长最快;温度为11.0℃时生长缓慢,温度为31.0和36.0℃时幼孢子体的生长因温度过高有溃烂现象。在本实验条件下,全缘马尾藻幼孢子体的适宜温度范围为16.0~26.0℃,最适温度为21.0℃。  相似文献   

在黑暗条件下对全缘马尾藻(Sargassum integerrimum)幼孢子分别进行0.5、1、2、4 h干出处理,研究干出处理对幼孢子体生长、幼孢子体体内叶绿素a、叶绿素c、类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖含量的影响。结果表明:相比于未进行干出处理的对照组,0.5 h、1 h组的短暂干出可促进幼孢子体生长(P0.05),幼孢子体体内两种叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖含量差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);2 h、4 h组的长时间干出可抑制幼孢子体生长(P0.05),幼孢子体体内两种叶绿素含量均降低(P0.05),类胡萝卜素、脯氨酸以及可溶性糖的含量升高(P0.05)并保持较高水平。在人工育苗过程中每天在黑暗条件下对幼孢子体进行短时间(0.5~1 h)干出处理,可促进幼孢子体生长,并适当提高其抗逆性以及对干旱的适应性。  相似文献   

水流速率对全缘马尾藻幼孢子体生长和生理活性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在0、0.5、1、2、4、8 cm/s 等5 种不同水流速率下培养全缘马尾藻(Sargassum integerrimum)幼孢子体,研究水流速率对幼孢子体质量、叶绿素a 含量、SOD 活力、CAT 活力和蛋白质浓度等生理指标的影响.结果表明,以1、2、4 cm/s 流速的幼孢子体质量增长最快,3 种流速的增长差异不具统计学意义(P〉0.05).在生理指标方面:叶绿素a 含量以1、2、4 cm/s 流速最高,3 种流速的含量差异不具统计学意义(P〉0.05);SOD 比活性以流速0.5、1、2 cm/s 的活力最低,各组间差异不具统计学意义(P〉0.05);CAT 比活性以流速1、2 cm/s 的活力最低,组间差异不具统计学意义(P〉0.05);蛋白质含量以1、2、4 cm/s 流速最大,组间差异具统计学意义(P〈0.05).水流速率对体质量增长和各生化指标均产生显著的影响,以流速1~4 cm/s 培育全缘马尾藻培幼孢子体较合适.  相似文献   

1Introduction The East Australian Current(EAC)partially sepa-rates from the coast of Australia(Godfrey et al.,1980)and subsequently flows eastward along the Tas-man Front(TF)(Warren,1970).When the east-ward flow reaches the northernmost point of New Zealand,it turns southeastward and becomes the East Auckland Current(EAUC).The flow that goesround the East Cape is named the Ease Cape Current(ECC).The ECC separates from North Island and proceeds eastward to the north of the Chatha…  相似文献   

Different amounts of vitamin C were added to diets fed to juveniles(2.5 ± 0.15 g) of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonic u s(Selenka) in an attempt to reduce the stress response of specimens exposed to nitrite stress. A commercial feed was used as the control diet and three experimental diets were made by supplementing 1 000, 1 500, or 2 000 mg vitamin C/kg diet to control diet separately in a 45-day experiment. Sea cucumbers were exposed to three different levels(0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/L) of nitrite stress for 4, 8, and 12 h at four time intervals(0, 15, 30, and 45 d). Growth of the animals was recorded during the experiment. Reactive oxygen species(ROS)(i.e. hydroxyl free radical(-OH), malondialdehyde(MDA) and total antioxidant capacity(T-AOC)) and antioxidant enzyme activities(i.e., superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase(CAT)) were measured. Response surface methodology(RSM) was used to analyze the effect of multiple factors on ROS indices and enzyme activities. Weight gain(WG) and special growth rate(SGR) of vitamin C supplementation groups were significantly higher than those of control group( P 0.05). The levels of-OH and MDA increased under exposure time extending and nitrite concentration increasing, whereas T-AOC level decreased. SOD and CAT activities increased at 4 h and 8 h and decreased at 12 h. During the days in which the animal consumed experimental diets, the levels of-OH and MDA decreased and that of T-AOC increased. This result suggests that diets containing vitamin C could reduce the nitrite stress response in the animals and increase their antioxidant capacity. The multifactor regression equation of growth performance, ROS indices, and duration of feeding results suggest that vitamin C supplementation of 1 400–2 000 mg/kg diet for 29–35 days could reduce effectively the effects of nitrite exposure.  相似文献   

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999/2000. The sample - collection was made at 15 sites in 3 longitudinal transects. Although krill were encountered at 14 sites, the abundance was comparatively low in general. The main component of the krill population was of post -larval stages. The mean numerical and weight density of krill integrated for all sampling stations in the survey area were 16. 17 ind. 1000 m -3and 12.02 g 1000 m -3 , respectively. In the survey area, stations with larger krill density are mainly located in the slope zone, except that the largest sample was collected in the open sea zone. No krill occurred in the only station of the shelf zone during our investigation. Krill collected from the slope zone were under better growth condition than those from the open sea zone, but when the survey area is considered as a whole, the growth condition is normal. The results of the comprehensive analysis of the environmental fa  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution has become a worldwide problem in aquaculture. We studied copper (Cu2+ ) accumulation and physiological responses of two red algae Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Gracilaria lichenoides from China under Cu2+ exposure of 0-500 μg/L in concentration. Compared with G. lemaneiformis, G. lichenoides was more capable in accumulating Cu2+ , specifically, more Cu2+ on extracellular side (cell wall) than on intracellular side (cytoplasm) and in cell organelles (especially chloroplast, cell nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosome). In addition, G. lichenoides contained more insoluble polysaccharide in cell wall, which might promote the extracellular Cu2+ -binding as an efficient barrier against metal toxicity. Conversely, G. lemaneiformis was more vulnerable than G. lichenoides to Cu 2+ toxin for decreases in growth, pigment (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, phycobiliprotein, and β-carotene) content, and photosynthetic activity. Moreover, more serious oxidative damages in G. lemaneiformis than in G. lichenoides, in accumulation of reactive oxidative species and malondialdehyde, and in electrolyte leakage, because of lower antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase) activities. Therefore, G. lichenoides was less susceptible to Cu2+ stress than G. lemaneiformis.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Scientific management of aquacultural andnatural populations studies on the early life historyof flatfishes in the aspects of their metamorphosisand benthic settlement accompanying pronouncedtransitions in morphology, behavior and habitatecology have received much attention (Youson,1988). Accumulated data showed that temperatureand substrate played a main role in the recruitmentsuccess of flatfish during their early development(Rijnsdorp et al., 1995, Gibson and Robb, 2000…  相似文献   

Introduction Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) (27°54'N, 86°54'E) (Hereafter Mt. Qomolangma) lies between China and Nepal (Figure 1), and is the highest peak in the world, 8844.43 m asl (As promulgated by News Of-fice of the Chinese State Council in October 2005…  相似文献   

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