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超低排放燃煤电厂一次颗粒物和黑碳实时排放特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燃煤电厂是大气一次污染物的重要排放源,其超低排放改造改变了大气颗粒物排放特征。为满足当前高时间分辨率排放清单构建的需要,燃煤电厂颗粒物实时排放质量浓度及关键组分比值亟需更新。本研究基于稀释通道采样系统,对某超低排放改造后的燃煤电厂开展实测,获得该燃煤电厂可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、细颗粒物(PM2.5)、超细颗粒物(PM1.0)和黑碳(BC)的实时排放质量浓度,更新各污染物排放因子,分析PM1.0/PM2.5、PM2.5/PM10和BC/PM2.5质量浓度比值(文中以上比值均为质量浓度比值)日变化。结果表明,上述污染物排放平均质量浓度分别为(5.0±6.0) mg/m3、(5.0±5.9) mg/m3、(4.9±5.9) mg/m3和(36.6±28.3)μg/m3;对应的排放因子分别为0.03 kg/t、0.03 kg/t、0...  相似文献   

Continuing interest in the effects of carbon dioxide on climate has been promoted by the exponentially increasing anthropogenic production of CO2. Volcanoes are also a major source of carbon dioxide, but their average input to the atmosphere is generally considered minor relative to anthropogenic input. This study examines eruption chronologies to determine a new estimate of the volcanic CO2 input and to test if temporal fluctuations may be resolved. Employing representative average values of 2.7 g cm−3 as density of erupted material, 0.2 wt percent CO2 in the original melt, 60 percent degassing during eruption, and an average volume of 0.1 km3 for each of the eruptions in the recently published eruption chronology of Hirschboeck (1980), a volcanic input of about 1.5 · 1011 moles CO2 yr−1 was determined for the period 1800–1969. The period 1800–1899 had a somewhat lower input than 1900–1969, which could well be related more to completeness of observational data than to a real increase in volcanic CO2. This input is well below man's current CO2 production of 4–5 · 1014 moles CO2 yr−1. The average values above together with specific volumetric estimates were employed to calculate CO2 input from individual historic eruptions, massive flood basalts, and ash-flow eruptions. Total CO2 release from the largest of flood basalt and ash-flow sequences was 1015-1016 moles of CO2. The impact of these sources on global atmospheric CO2 and climate, however, will be limited by the duration and spacing of the major individual eruptive periods in the sequences.  相似文献   

青藏高原土壤碳排放研究是评估国家区域碳排放量和预测气候变化所可能导致影响的关键. 首先对青藏高原土壤碳排放的关键性影响因子进行探讨, 并分析了土壤碳排放的时空分布格局变化. 目前青藏高原土壤碳排放研究主要是针对高寒草甸及高寒草地生态系统, 较少涉及高寒荒漠, 研究区域较为分散; 土壤碳排放受到气候环境因素、生物因素及人为因素等多重因素的影响, 其中温度、土壤湿度、土壤区系生物、人为因素及多年冻土退化是最关键的影响因素; 土壤碳排放具有明显的时空变异性, 空间变异性在生物群丛、景观、区域和生物群系四个尺度体现, 时间变异性在日、季、年上体现. 总体而言, 青藏高原土壤碳排放的研究较少, 尤其关于大尺度、长时间序列的研究以及土壤碳排放的机理等方面的研究十分缺乏, 有待于后续加强研究.  相似文献   

人类巨量碳排放究竟导致什么后果,争议颇大,只有深入研究始新世以来大气CO2浓度与环境变化,才有可能正确认识未来人类自身巨量碳排放之后果。大量研究揭示出: 从始新世到渐新世末期,大气CO2浓度大幅下降,全球变冷,形成了大陆冰川; 中新世至今,大气CO2浓度在低浓度背景之下长周期缓慢下降。当前尚不清楚何种机制主导了这一变化过程,也不清楚形成大陆冰川的水来自何方。为此,从青藏高原深部碳循环、表层水循环和环境变化的角度探讨这些问题,再分析未来人类巨量碳排放之后果。青藏高原在生长、隆升过程中,通过硅酸岩化学风化、植物光合作用、陆内俯冲(深埋)、水岩反应等方式,持续将巨量大气CO2转化为富含碳元素的固、流体,封存在青藏高原新生的厚地壳之中,大幅降低了大气CO2浓度,导致了全球变冷、大陆内陆(含青藏高原,下同)表层失水变干,形成了大陆冰川。渐新世—中新世之交,青藏高原生长到改变大气环流的规模,形成了亚洲季风,大陆内陆进一步荒漠化,捕获CO2的量大幅下降,并与青藏高原内部所释放CO2的量达到了准动态平衡,这是中新世以来大气CO2浓度变化的主要机制。人类巨量碳排放彻底扭转了大气CO2浓度长周期缓慢下降的趋势,大陆冰川因全球变暖所形成的液态水不会长期停留在海洋里,而以大气降水的方式重新回到干冷的大陆内陆,青藏高原将因此再次成为巨型水塔,缓解30多亿人的清洁饮用水问题。持续生长的高原和当前干冷荒漠化的大陆内陆通过前述多种方式固化人类排放的巨量CO2,导致未来大气CO2浓度在较高浓度背景下保持稳定,届时沙漠变绿洲,黄土高原变成有机质丰富的黑土高原,人居环境大幅改善; 但在盆地内部,PM2.5难以扩散,易形成雾霾。全球平均海平面因海水热膨胀而缓慢上升,上升速率约为1 mm/a。水主要在大陆冰川与内陆表层之间循环,与海平面升降之间没有因果关系。因此,人类巨量碳排放所导致的全球变暖对于人类自身的发展是利大于弊。  相似文献   

2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和(简称“双碳”)是我国对国际社会的庄严承诺,已被纳入生态文明建设的总体布局。生态系统碳汇是实现“双碳”目标的重要手段,也是林业和草原实现高质量发展的必然要求。国际有关机构对全球森林、草地和湿地生态系统的碳储量和碳循环进行了评估。自1990年以来,附件一国家(指《联合国气候变化框架公约》附件一列出的经济合作发展组织中所有发达国家和经济转型国家)对本国的碳排放和碳汇进行估算,编制了年度温室气体清单; 我国也编制了5次国家温室气体清单。这些工作对我国开展应对气候变化的研究提供了基础。提出了如下建议: 在编制“双碳” 路线图和时间表时,既要考虑我国生态系统碳汇与能源和工业领域碳排放在区域空间分布和时间维度上的差异性,也要考虑生态系统同时所具有的碳汇和碳排放的特殊性; 生态系统碳汇是碳达峰的非选项,是碳中和的必选项; 生态系统碳汇要遵循国家实现“双碳”目标的基本原则,要将生态系统碳汇作为国家生态建设和保护工程的主要目标,提高碳汇计量和监测能力,完善市场和融资机制。  相似文献   

近十年来,人工水库是否是温室气体重要来源在国际学术界存在很大争议.本研究为调查中国东北地区两座人工水库水体中溶解二氧化碳分压的分布状况,于2010年7月对丰满水库和镜泊湖水库水体二氧化碳分压(p(CO2))进行了走航观测.结果表明,丰满水库、镜泊湖水库表层二氧化碳分压均较低,分别为8~17 Pa和2~19Pa.在对这两...  相似文献   

Numerical codes are applied to calculate chemical reactions following geologic carbon sequestration in deep formations and CO2 leakage in shallow formations. However, using different thermodynamic databases generates variations in the simulation results, which are referred to as the model uncertainty. The PHREEQC and The Geochemist's Workbench codes were used to simulate anorthite dissolution for storage, retention, transfer, and near-surface formation waters in the respective geological units. For each of the formation waters, a simple one-dimensional scenario was simulated using eight different thermodynamic databases. Groundwaters in shallow aquifers commonly exhibit low ionic strengths (<0.5 mol/kgw) and low temperatures, whereas storage formation waters are characterized by high ionic strength (>1.0 mol/kgw) and high temperatures. In storage formations, mineral trapping is the most efficient process for long-term CO2 storage. However, with respect to the geological formations and the time needed for anorthite dissolution, the model uncertainties associated with using different combinations of numerical codes and thermodynamic databases were largest (∼90%) for the storage formation waters at 58 °C and I = 6.5 mol/l. Conversely, in near-surface formation waters, the model uncertainty was less than 1%. Due to CO2 dissolution, the calculated pH of the formation waters decreased to a range between pH 4.0 and 5.5. In this pH range, the dissolution mechanism of anorthite switches from the slow neutral mechanism to the faster acid mechanism, causing dissolution time length variations. The calculated pH variation further increased with rising ionic strength. A detailed examination of the reasons revealed the activity coefficient calculation method of the main aquatic species to have the largest impact on the simulated model results. The calculation method of the CO2 activity coefficient had the second largest impact. Via calibration with the experimental data, a specific thermodynamic database can be chosen to represent these experimental results. However, the calibration of thermodynamic databases is not possible for all potential reactions in more complex geological systems at large ranges of temperature, ionic strength and pressure conditions. The uncertainties associated with using thermodynamic databases quantified in this study for CO2 storage systems will therefore persist independently from previously conducted calibrations of thermodynamic databases with experimental or field data. In view of these model uncertainties, the modeller is encouraged to include a routine in the simulations for quantification of the model uncertainty depending on the specific scenario or to assess the simulation results as a range of values that represent a soft outcome.  相似文献   

完善碳排放清单,是进行减排工作的基础,为了查明煤田火区对大气碳排放的贡献量,以煤氧复合作用学说为理论基础,从不同的研究思路出发,提出了烧失煤量法和排放通量法两种火区碳排放量计算模型。在明确模型中关键参数“释放因子”“排放系数α”“排放通量”“排放系数β”的具体含义的基础上,重点对各参数所对应的获取途径进行了研究论述:(1)释放因子通过在室内进行煤自燃模拟实验得出;(2)排放系数α通过煤岩吸附实验结合火区实地勘测得出;(3)排放通量通过对火区现场煤自燃气体排放及环境因素的实时监测得出;(4)排放系数β通过对遥感图像裂隙信息的提取得到。上述两种计算模型在我国乌达实验区进行了实际应用,并对其可实现性进行了检验。  相似文献   

Depleted reservoirs of natural gas and petroleum can provide excellent traps for carbon dioxide. Deep aquifers, which are not used due to high salinity, can host larger amount of the carbon dioxide under their high formation pressure than natural gas and oir reservoirs. Small fraction of aquifers in sedimentary basins in the world are enough to host about 87 gigaton-C of carbon dioxide.

A preliminary technical and economical survey on the carbon dioxide injection system suggests that the energy requirement for carbon dioxide injection into subterranean aquifers is about 269 kWh/ton-C and that the investment and operation costs for system are 79 $/ton-C. By our preliminary cost estimation in Japan, the CO2-emission-free electricity generation may become possible with a cost increase of 35% for natural-gas-fired power station, and of 60% for coal-fired-power station.  相似文献   

China’s climate change mitigation strategies and efforts are based on accurate regional carbon emission efficiency (CEE) estimates. Decision-making units which are all data envelopment analysis (DEA)-effective cannot be ranked by using the original DEA model. While previous studies omit environmental factors when gauging resources or environmental efficiency. In this study, we combine a Ruggiero three-stage model with a super-efficiency DEA model (SE-DEA) to solve these two problems. Following this method, we consider environmental factors and thereby compare provincial CEE in China in the new production frontier. The main results obtained are as follows: (1) provincial CEE values differ significantly in the first stage and the third stage; (2) in the third stage, only Eastern China reaches the SE-DEA relatively effective level, where CEE rankings in descending order are: Eastern, Central, and Western China; (3) provinces are divided into four categories in terms of provincial CEE values and per-capita GDPs, and therefore, regional climate and development policies could be oriented due to different categories. This efficiency evaluation methodology and the results obtained in our study not only contribute to understanding this issue, but also could be of specific interest to climate change policy makers in China.  相似文献   

Xiao  Hongwei  Ma  Zhongyu  Zhang  Peng  Liu  Ming 《Natural Hazards》2019,99(3):1365-1380
Natural Hazards - From now until 2030, China will be in a sprint to achieve reductions of 40–45% in carbon emission intensity by 2020 and 60–65% by 2030 compared to 2005; rigid...  相似文献   

A catastrophe hit Lake Nyos in Cameroon in August 1986, when a dense cloud of CO2 erupted from the lake and rolled down the slope of the volcano, killing more than 1,700 people. To prevent a repetition, a geyser-like system has been installed, which lifts the bottom waters. When the pressure diminishes, bubbles of CO2 nucleate and bubble upward, thus preventing the accumulation of this greenhouse gas in the bottom waters. In this note, another way of tackling the problem is proposed, by which the CO2 is transformed into bicarbonate in a layer of olivine spread over the lake bottom. Although the volume of the gas is modest at Nyos, the approach can function as a model for other and more voluminous CO2 emissions in the world, to prevent their escape into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ecological modernist approaches to climate change are premised upon knowing carbon emissions. I ask how corporate environmental managers know and do carbon, i.e., shape the reality of emissions. I argue that for managers’ practical purposes carbon exists as malleable data. Based on ethnographic fieldwork over a period of 20 months in a Fortune 50 multinational corporation, I show that managers materially-discursively arrange heterogeneous entities – databases, files, paper, words, numbers – in and between office spaces, enabling them to stage emission facts as stable and singular. Employing Annemarie Mol’s work on multiplicity, I show that multiple enactments of carbon hang together not by an antecedent body (CO2) but through ongoing configurations of data practices. Disillusioning promissory economic discourses of ‘internalisation’, I demonstrate: Management is materially premised upon preventing purportedly internalised carbon realities from entering capitalist core processes. This undermines carbon economics’ realist promises. Staging some carbon realities as in control is premised upon managers’ ongoing, reflexive, partial and always situated configuration of, e.g., standards, formal meetings or digital data practices in which humans do carbon-as-data. Carbon practices are materially-discursively aligned, forming a configuration. This configuration effects carbon as a malleable and locally configurable space rather than as a closed fact. Reconstructing managers’ practices as configuring carbon-as-dataspace, I argue, allows grasping adequately the contingency and constraints of managing carbon as a particular material-discursive form of environment. In conclusion I generalise the environmental management office as a space that can be configured to stage, beyond carbon, other global environments as well.  相似文献   

Crystal size distributions (CSD) are the most commonly studiedcharacter in quantitative textural investigations of igneousrocks. The quality of CSD depends fundamentally on the samplesize (i.e. total number of crystals). Here we use 3D X-ray tomographicdatasets of two early erupted Bishop Tuff pumice clasts (comprising849 and 446 quartz crystals) to investigate the effect of samplesize on the quality of the quartz size distributions. BecauseCSD are obtained using a counting procedure, uncertainties relatedto counting statistics can be used as minimum estimates of error.Given that most natural samples are characterized by a decreasingnumber of crystals with increasing crystal size, uncertaintiestend to increase markedly with crystal size, and the numberof small crystals to be counted grows very quickly with increasingsample size. Accordingly, with as few as 100 crystals in total,it is possible to properly estimate the population densitiesfor small size bins (20–80 µm). However, to obtainmeaningful estimates across four bin sizes (20–320 µm),at least 250 crystals, but preferably >400 crystals are needed.To minimize the total number of crystals counted, and keep theuncertainties on the larger size ranges within reasonable values,it becomes necessary to study multiple volumes at variable spatialresolution. KEY WORDS: crystal size distributions; quantitative petrography; texture; X-ray tomography  相似文献   

Zhang  Fengshou  Wang  Tuo  Liu  Fang  Peng  Ming  Bate  Bate  Wang  Pei 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(8):3535-3551

Oil or gas production from unconsolidated reservoirs could be hampered by sand migration near the wellbore. This paper presents a numerical investigation of production-induced migration of fine sands towards a wellbore drilled in a gap-graded sediment. The solid–fluid interaction is simulated by coupling the discrete element method and the dynamic fluid mesh. With the merit of DEM and a dynamic mesh, the model is capable of naturally capturing particle movements and spatiotemporal variations of hydraulic properties of the sediment at the pore scale. The results show that fine particles are mobilized by radial flow under an imposed hydraulic gradient, and the increase in the hydraulic gradient causes an increase in the fines production. The microscopic pattern of sand migration is clearly visualized through the simulation. The presence of fine particles affects the process of fines migration through two competing mechanisms. Under a low fine content, fine sands mainly serve as the fines production source, and thus, fines production is enhanced as the fine content increases up to a critical value, beyond which fines production is weakened with a further increase in the fine content since the blocking effect gradually dominates. A barrier layer is likely formed during sand migration due to settling and jamming of fine sands at the throats of pores, as fine sands migrate with the radial flow towards the wellbore. This layer is helpful to slow down sand migration, while it could impede production due to reduced permeability in the affected reservoir.


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