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Evaluation of ERA-interim monthly temperature data over the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
In this study, surface air temperature from 75 meteorological stations above 3000 m on the Tibetan Plateau are applied for evaluation of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) third-generation reanalysis product ERA-Interim in the period of 1979-2010. High correlations ranging from 0.973 to 0.999 indicate that ERA-Interim could capture the annual cycle very well. However, an average root-meansquare error(rmse) of 3.7°C for all stations reveals that ERA-Interim could not be applied directly for the individual sites. The biases can be mainly attributed to the altitude differences between ERA-Interim grid points and stations. An elevation correction method based on monthly lapse rates is limited to reduce the bias for all stations. Generally, ERA-Interim captured the Plateau-Wide annual and seasonal climatologies very well. The spatial variance is highly related to the topographic features of the TP. The temperature increases significantly(10°C- 15°C) from the western to the eastern Tibetan Plateau for all seasons, in particular during winter and summer. A significant warming trend(0.49°C/decade) is found over the entire Tibetan Plateau using station time series from 1979-2010. ERA-Interim captures the annual warming trend with an increase rate of 0.33°C /decade very well. The observation data and ERA-Interim data both showed the largest warming trends in winter with values of 0.67°C/decade and 0.41°C/decade, respectively. We conclude that in general ERA-Interim captures the temperature trends very well and ERA-Interim is reliable for climate change investigation over the Tibetan Plateau under the premise of cautious interpretation.  相似文献   

积雪深度是表征积雪特征的重要参数,也是区域气候变化最敏感的响应因子之一。利用1979-2010年逐日中国雪深长时间序列数据集,采用GIS空间分析和地统计方法,分析了青藏高原积雪深度的时空变化规律及异常空间分布特征。结果表明:近32年来,青藏高原雪深呈显著增加趋势,增加速率为0.26 cm/10a,其中,昆仑高寒荒漠地带雪深增加最为明显,增加速率达0.73 cm/10a;20世纪80年代至90年代青藏高原雪深呈逐步增加趋势,21世纪初变化平稳;青藏高原4个季节雪深变化均呈现为上升趋势,尤以冬季增加最为明显,增加速率达0.57 cm/10a。青藏高原东南、西部和南部为雪深分布高值区;逐像元回归分析表明,高原雪深呈增加趋势的像元数占全区像元总数的67.1%,其中有91.3%为轻度和中度增加,主要分布在高原北部和西部;最大雪深变化基本维持在-0.1~0.1 cm/a(45.47%)之间,在昆仑北翼山地、柴达木山地、羌塘高寒地带南部等局部地区最大雪深有增加趋势,主要是轻度增加,面积比例为36.66%。果洛那曲高寒地带、青南高寒地带和羌塘高寒地带为青藏高原积雪深度异常变化敏感区。  相似文献   

There are numerous lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), but the role of lake temperature in precipitation over the TP remains unclear. Here the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to detect the impact of lakes on summer rainfall. Three test cases were used to evaluate the effect of lakes surface temperature (LSTs) on precipitation variability. The three cases used different methods to determine initial LSTs, including using sea surface temperature data (SST), the WRF inland water module (avg_tsfc), and a lake model. Results show that when precipitation was stimulated over the TP, LSTs cannot be initialized using SST, which led to large discrepancies of precipitation. Compared with the simulations, the simulated precipitation were improved obviously with LSTs using avg_tsfc, indicating that LSTs have an considerable influence on determining precipitation over the TP. Due to a lack of observational data, the lake scheme does not improve on rainfall simulation, but does effectively simulate precipitation pattern over lakes, such as rainfall over the lakes was dominated by convection during the nighttime. Though the simulated precipitation using SST to initialize LSTs caused large discrepancies, it suggested that precipitation increase especially convective precipitation with increase in LSTs, which confirmed that the moisture from lakes cannot be neglected over the TP. Generally, it was necessary to monitor the LSTs for accurate weather and climate prediction over the TP.  相似文献   

Salt lakes,the main source of trona resources in China, are widely distributed on the Inner Mongolian Plateau. Their characteristics are large in number, various in type, and short in salt-forming stage, especially their considerable number is well-known at home and abroad. The paper discusses the physical constituents, hydrochemical features, classification, formation, evolution, and salt-forming regularities of salt lakes through analyzing their distribution, lacustrine deposits and salt-forming conditions.  相似文献   

蒙古高原土地覆被的变化表征着区域内生态环境的变化,许多环境问题的研究依赖于准确的土地覆被信息。因此,评估当前全球土地覆被数据在区域尺度上的准确性非常重要。本文以蒙古高原为研究区,从构成相似性、类型混淆程度、空间一致性、绝对精度4个方面,分析了GlobeLand30、GLC_FCS30和FROM_GLC 3种30m高分辨率全球土地覆被数据的一致性和准确性。结果表明:(1) 3种土地覆被数据都显示,草地和裸地是蒙古高原的主要土地覆被类型,任意2种数据的面积序列相关系数都优于0.95;(2) 3种土地覆被数据中完全一致的区域占蒙古高原总面积的61.87%,主要集中在土地表面异质性低的区域;(3) GLC_FCS30数据的总体精度(78.33%)最高,GlobeLand30数据的总体精度(76.85%)次之,FROM_GLC数据的总体精度(75.86%)最低;林地、草地、水体和裸地在3种土地覆被数据中的精度较高(75%以上),灌丛、湿地等地类的精度较低(50%以下)。因此,对蒙古高原土地覆被进行全要素研究时,可以综合考虑选择总体精度最高的GLC_FCS30数据。对特定地类研究的用户,可参考3种...  相似文献   

采用美国Scripps海洋研究所的1955—1998年全球海洋上层海水温度月距平资料,对热带太平洋至印度洋各层海温进行经验正交函数分解,分析其主要模态特征。结果表明:热带太平洋至印度洋次表层海温场主要表现出东、西太平洋海温异常反位相变化的特征,异常强度冬季明显强于夏季。冬季赤道东太平洋40m层,东印度洋至西太平洋120m层,夏季赤道东太平洋40m层,东印度洋至西太平洋160m层为海温异常的显著区域。冬季0—60m层第一特征向量表现出厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)模态特征,第二特征向量表现出海温异常的东西运移模态特征,80—400m层第一特征向量表现出西太平洋暖池模态特征,第二特征向量表现出海温异常的东西运移模态特征。夏季0—60m层特征向量表现出厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)模态,80—400m层特征向量表现出西太平洋暖池模态特征。  相似文献   

The latest sharp uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent mountains occurred at the end of the early Pleistocene. The uplift of the Plateau resulted from Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic compressional structure due to the subduction of the Indian Plate beneath the Asian continent. This event definitively effected the formation of basin-mountain relief, Cenozoic basin deformation, large scale aridity and desertification of western China. The Australasian meteorites impact event happened ca. 0.8 Ma ago, located in the triangle area of the Indian Ocean ridge (20°S/67°E). The impact may have resulted in an acceleration of speeding of the Indian Ocean ridge pushing the Indian Plate to subduct rapidly northward. Thus, the impact event can give reasonable explanation for the dynamic background of the latest rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the continental deformation of western China and even of the Middle Asia.  相似文献   

To improve our knowledge of glacier change in the Tanggula Mountains located in the northeast of the Tibetan Plateau, we delineated outlines of the glaciers in 1991 and 2015 using Landsat TM/OLI images and compared them with the reported glacier data in the First Chinese Glacier Inventory in 1969 and the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory in 2007. These comparisons showed that the glacier area and ice volume decreased by 524.8 km~2 and 37 km~3, respectively. The majority of the glacier area loss was concentrated in the area class of 1-5 km~2, between 5300 m and 5500 m in elevation, on north and east facing slopes and in the Dam Qu River basin. These glacier changes exhibited spatial and temporal differences. The glacier retreat rategradually increased from 1969 to 2015, and the rate in the east was higher than that in the west. From 1969 to 2015, the warming rate in the Tanggula Mountains was 0.38°C/10 a, while the annual precipitation only increased by 0.4%. The slight increase in the amount of precipitation made a limited contribution to glacier change, while the change in temperature led to noticeable shrinkage of the glaciers. Contrary to the retreat or stagnation of most glaciers in the study area,there were 10 glaciers that experienced clear advance in 1986-2015 with noticeable increases in both area and length. Whether or not these 10 glaciers are surge glaciers requires further study.  相似文献   

围填海是沿海地区解决土地资源短缺的重要手段,及时准确地监测地区围填海时空动态变化对于合理保护海岸带资源和推进地区社会经济可持续发展具有重要意义。本文基于遥感、GIS技术,结合多种数据源,提取并分析1974-2017年山东省大陆海岸围填海时空动态变化特征。结果表明,43年来山东省大陆海岸围填海面积持续增长,到2017年总面积达到4649.26 km 2,围海为主要利用方式。围海活动多分布于黄河三角洲及莱州湾滩涂海域,填海活动则集中分布于沿海各大港口海域和城市滨海区域。全省围填海呈现出明显的阶段性特征,特别是2000年后,填海造地面积增加迅速,围海利用向填海造地转换现象突出,主要用于港口及临港产业发展和城镇与旅游基础设施建设,受沿海地区发展战略和城镇化、工业化驱动明显,围填海利用向综合化、多元化和集中集约化发展。  相似文献   

1 Introduction The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, known as the highest plateau with the most complex topography in the world, covers an area of more than 200km2, with a mean elevation of more than 4000m a.s.l. (Ye and Gao, 1979). Surrounded by the Earth’s highest mountains, such as the Himalayas, Pamir, Kunlun Mountains, the plateau plays a significant role in climate change in China even in the world, thus attracted great attention of researchers. Up to now, many achievements have been gained by…  相似文献   

The latest sharp uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent mountains occurred at the end of the early Pleistocene. The uplift of the Plateau resulted from Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic comp ressional structure due to the subduction of the Indian Plate beneath the Asian continent. This event definitively effected the formation of basin-mountain relief, Cenozoic basin deformation, large scale aridity and desertification of western China. The Australasian meteorites impact event happened ca. 0.8 Ma ago, located in the triangle area of the Indian Ocean ridge (20°S/67°E) . The impact may have resulted in an acceleration of speeding of the Indian Ocean ridge pushing the Indian Plate to subduct rapidly northward. Thus, the impact event can give reasonable explanation for the dynamic background of the latest rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the continental deformation of western China and even of the Middle Asia.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau(TP) is one of the most sensitive areas and is more susceptible to climate change than other regions in China. The TP also experiences extremely frequent light precipitation events compared to precipitation of other intensities. However, the definition, influencing factors, and characteristics of light precipitation in the TP have not been accurately explained. This study investigated the variation characteristics of light precipitation with intensities(Pre) of 0.1–10.0 mm/d b...  相似文献   

Based on the monthly mean temperature, the changing processes and tendencies of temperature during1951 -2000 in Jilin Province, which is in Northeast China, are analyzed. And the spatial characteristics of the changeare submitted. In the past 50 years the temperature of Jilin Province was increasing just like the other areas in the world.Since 1990, the increasing of temperature has been more obvious than that in the previous 40a. From the west to theeast, the province has larger temperature rising. According to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of temperature field,Jilin Province is divided into 3 regions and the degree of becoming warmer is different from region to region. During theperiod of 1951 to 2000, the annual temperature in Jilin Province has been rising, so has the temperature in winter andsummer. The average temperature in the 1990s was 0. 5 - 2. 0℃ higher than that in the 1950s. From the west to theeast, the increasing of temperature became smaller.  相似文献   

【目的】综述前人对青藏高原大气热源的研究成果,探究大气热源与南海夏季风的关系。【方法】归纳高原大气热源研究进展,采用诊断分析方法探究高原热源的时空分布及与南海夏季风的关系。【结果】1)青藏高原夏季(冬季)大气是热(冷)源,冷热源的季节转换发生在3月,热源强度7月达到最大;2)热源中潜热贡献最大;3)不同资料和方法在描述热源时空分布时存在一定不确定性;4)高原夏季大气热源与南海夏季风呈明显负相关。基于大气热源,构造南海-青藏高原夏季海陆热力性质差异指数,该指数显示1980―2016年海陆热力性质差异有年代际减小的趋势。  相似文献   

Based on the climate factors data and surface vapor pressure(SVP) data of 44 weather stations in Tianshan Mountains during the years 1961-2011, this paper establishes a water vapor content(WVC) estimation model according to the relationship between monthly WVC of radiosonde and corresponding SVP and analyzes the spatial and temporal variability of WVC and their causes. The results show that the WVC is linearly and negatively related to the elevation and longitude(Vertical zonality and Longitude zonality), while it was not linearly related to the latitude. The westerly wind, geographical situation and sea level elevation composed complex surface conditions to influence the spatial distribution of WVC in the Tianshan Mountains. The Mann-Kendall(M-K) statistical test shows a significant increasing trend in the mean annual WVC in Tianshan Mountains during 1961-2011(P 0.001), with a rate of 0.23 mm/decade, and indicates an abrupt turning point in 1985(P 0.001). Correlation analysis shows that the WVC are significantly correlated to the temperature, especially during the winter, but the summer WVC are significantly correlated to the precipitation. In addition, the North Atlantic Oscillation Index(NAOI)and the Arctic Oscillation Index(AOI) are significantly correlated to the winter WVC in the Tianshan Mountains. As a new Microwave radiometric profilers(MWRPs) instrument, the MP-3000 A provides continuous, real-time and high temporal resolution atmospheric profiles up to 10 km. In order to monitor water vapor and atmosphere profiles in Tianshan Mountains, an MP-3000 A was established in Urumqi(43.8°N, 87.58°N) in May 2008. The results indicated that the MP-3000 A was applicable to this area, and the evolutionary process of water vapor and the WVC peak values of MP-3000 A were a strong signal for rainstorm and flood forecasts for Urumqi and the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

青藏高原大气热源气候特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和小波分析方法分析研究了1950-2005年青藏高原大气热源气候特征和变化特征,主要结论包括:(1)夏季青藏高原东部大气热源的强度明显较西部大.6月份,高原东部热源的强度是高原西部的近两倍,7月份的值也比西部大了40%以上.(2)青藏高原全区、东部和西部逐年平均的大气热源有明显不同的变化特征.高原全区年平均大气热源的变化主要是一个14年的时间尺度;高原东部不仅有14年的主要时间变化尺度,同时还有一个非常显著的2.6年的时间变化尺度;高原西部则不同,是一个不明显的1-2年的时间尺度.  相似文献   

Glaciers in the western Nyainqentanglha Range are an important source of water for social and economic development. Changes in their area were derived from two Chinese glacier inventories; one from the 1970 1:50,000 scale Chinese Topographic Maps series and the other from Landsat TM/ETM+ images acquired in 2009. Analyses also included boundaries from 2000 and 2014 Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A continuing and accelerating shrinkage of glaciers occurred here from 1970 to 2014, with glacier area decreasing by 244.38 ± 29.48 km~2(27.4% ± 3.3%)or 0.62% ± 0.08% a~(–1). While this is consistent with a changing climate, local topographic parameters, such as altitude, slope, aspect and debris cover, are also important influences. Recession is manifested by a rise in the elevation of the glacier terminus. The shrinkage of glaciers with NE, N and NW orientations exceeded that of other aspects, and glaciers with SE and S orientations experienced less shrinkage. Changes in the average positive difference of glaciation(PDG) show that the western Nyainqentanglha Range has unfavorable conditions for glacier maintenance which is being exacerbated by a warming climate since 1970.  相似文献   

利用贵州高原34个气象站1960-2016年共57 a的降水资料,基于协同克里金法、Mann-Kendall趋势检验法、气候倾向率、重心模型等方法分析了贵州高原降水在不同时间尺度下的时空分布规律以及降水重心的转移趋势。结果表明:① 贵州高原多年平均降水量呈现南多北少特征。在南部与东部存在3个多雨中心,分别位于西南暖湿气流的北上通道(兴义-安顺一带)、苗岭山脉的迎风坡(都匀-独山一带)以及武陵山脉的迎风坡(铜仁–松桃一带);少雨区位于乌蒙山脉背风坡的威宁–毕节一带。② 1960-2016年降水量年代变化呈现出波动性,2010s的降水变异性最大,1990s的降水变异性最小;年际变化较为剧烈,呈不显著减少的趋势,在空间上呈现中部西部减少、东部增加的趋势;降水季节差异显著,春季、秋季降水显著减少,夏季、冬季的降水不明显增加;各月降水变化情况不同,1、3月降水增加最明显,4月降水下降最明显。③ 降水重心呈西南-东北向分布,有明显的东移趋势。贵州高原降水量的减少可能与西南季风的减弱有关。研究结果对贵州地区水资源配置及洪涝灾害预防具有重要意义。  相似文献   

青藏高原地形复杂,积雪时空分布异质性较强且大部分地区积雪较薄,而被动微波遥感因其空间分辨率低以及雪深反演中的不确定性,极大地限制了其反演青藏高原雪深的精度。本文尝试将多源遥感数据以及与积雪模型(SnowModel)相结合,来重建更高质量的青藏高原雪深数据。首先,利用MODIS积雪面积比例产品,根据构建的积雪衰减曲线以及经验的融合规则对低分辨率被动微波雪深进行了降尺度;然后,结合MODIS/被动微波融合雪深数据和SnowModel对研究区进行雪深数据同化实验;最后,利用地面站实测雪深数据对MODIS/被动微波融合雪深以及同化输出雪深的精度进行了分析和对比。结果表明,基于数据同化方法得到的雪深数据更接近地面观测雪深值,通过均方根误差以及相关系数的对比,同化雪深结果优于MODIS/被动微波融合雪深结果。  相似文献   

近42年雅鲁藏布江中游四季气温变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用 1957~ 1998年雅鲁藏布江中游拉萨、日喀则、泽当、江孜 4个站各月平均气温资料 ,通过线性趋势估计和多项式函数拟合分析了该流域春、夏、秋、冬 4季气温长期趋势变化和周期变化 ,并利用滑动T检验等方法讨论了气温突变的问题。结果表明 :在过去 4 2年里 ,雅鲁藏布江中游地区各季气温均有明显的上升趋势 ,其中冬春季增温显著 ,80年代初沿江四季气温除秋季外都出现了明显的增温突变  相似文献   

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