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Many factors can affect the sediment deposition and soil erosion process in riparian zone, including terrain, sediment transport and water level fluctuations. Clarifying the factors influencing sediment deposition process in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoirs is an important problem to determine the key area of sediment deposition and its trend of development in the study area. In order to reveal the influence of these environmental factors on the sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, this study investigated 1) the amount of deposited sediment in different environmental conditions, 2) the potential factors affecting sediment deposition in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, 3) the relationship between the deposited sediment amount and these factors previously mentioned using correlation analysis, and 4) the influence of human activities considered as an additional factor. This study found that 1) slope gradient, elevation, inundating duration and human activities were the main factors influencing sedimentation in riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, and 2) the impact of each factor varied with spaces. Specifically, in the upper reach from Jiangjin to Fuling, human activities such as gravel dredging, bank revetment and ports and wharfs constructing disturbed considerable amounts of deposited sediment, as a result, there was no natural law to dictate the distribution. In the middle reach from Fuling to Fengjie, slope gradient and inundating duration were the controlling factors, and the sediment deposition amount was greater in the areas with a gentler slope or lower elevation. Water flow on gentler slopes generally had lower velocity, resulting in more sediment to deposit. Sites with lower elevations would be drowned by sediment-laden flow with a longer duration resulting from hydrologic regime controlled by the operating strategy of the Three Gorges Reservoir, leading to a larger amount of sediment deposition. In the lower reach from Fengjie to Zigui, slope gradient was similar to the middle reach, performing a primary factor, while other factors showed little relationship with sediment amount.  相似文献   

Since the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR), the riparian zone has been subjected to numerous environmental changes. This study was conducted to recognize the distribution of grass roots and its impacts on soil nutrients in the water level fluctuation zone of TGR. Roots of four predominant herbaceous plants in the study area, specifically, Cynodon dactylon, Hemarthria altissima, Hemarthria compressa, and Paspalum paspaloides, and their corresponding relation with soil nutrient contents were investigated. Root surface area density was determined with WinRHIZO, and the relationships of root distribution with soil depths and soil nutrient contents were studied. The results indicates that most roots are distributed in the top soil layer of 0–10 cm. Estimated root surface area density for the selected grass species ranges from 0.16 to 13.44 cm2/cm3, and decreases exponentially with an increase in soil depth. Soil organic matter and total nitrogen contents are significantly lower on bare control area than the corresponding values on the grasslands. Total nutrient contents on grasslands of C. dactylon and H. compressa are higher than those of other grass areas. Root length density and root surface area density are significantly correlated with soil organic matter and total nitrogen content for the four grasslands. The present results suggests that plant roots have significant effects on the distribution of soil nutrients in soil profiles in the riparian zone along the TGR. Nevertheless, additional investigations are needed to reveal the specific interactions between plant roots distribution, soil nutrients and water level fluctuations.  相似文献   

The combined effect of periodic water impoundment and seasonal natural flood events has created a 30 m high water-level fluctuation zone(WLFZ) around the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR), China, forming a unique eco-landscape. Siltation, eutrophication, enrichment of heavy metals, and methane emissions in the WLFZ have been widely associated with sediment and soil particles generated from the upstream catchment or upland slopes. However, little attention has been paid to the complexity of sediment particle-size distributions in the WLFZ. In the present study, core samples(from a 345 cm thick sediment core from the base of the WLFZ), slope transect surface samples(across/up a WLFZ slope), and along-river/longitudinal surface samples(from the reservoir reaches) were collected. Laser granulometry and a volume-based fractal model were used to reveal the characteristics of sediment particle-size distributions. Results indicate that the alternation of coarse and fine particles in the sedimentary core profile is represented as a fluctuation of low and high values of fractal dimension(D), ranging from 2.59 to 2.77. On the WLFZ slope transect, surface sediment particles coarsen with increasing elevation, sand content increases from 3.3% to 78.5%, and D decreases from 2.76 to 2.53. Longitudinally, surface sediments demonstrate a downstream-fining trend, and D increases gradually downstream. D is significantly positively correlated with the fine particle content. We conclude that D is a useful measure for evaluating sediment particle-size distribution.  相似文献   

The severe farmland abandonment phenomena in China have tremendously decreased the farmland usage efficiency and caused a series of profound ecological and social outcomes. The complexity of farmland abandonment necessitates a systematic research on its patterns and impact factors to underpin the dynamics of problem as well as potential solutions. This paper took Wanzhou district in the central part of Three Gorges Reservoir Area as an example to study the spatial distribution patterns of abandoned farmland at three scales, i.e., town, village, and plot, and analyzed the influence from labor transfer and farmland circulation. We conducted a survey on the distribution patterns of abandoned farmland via questionnaires at town and village scales, together with the modeling and interpretation of high-resolution aerial images taken by unmanned aerial vehicles at plot scale. Our research discloses a strong relationship between the distribution of abandoned farmland and the distance from population center at different scales. At either town or village scale, the abandonment proportion was recognized the highest in mid-distance areas and lowest in close-distance areas, and the per capita area of abandoned farmland increased with the distance to downtown or township. At plot scale, abandonment proportion presented exponential growth with the distance to village center, whereas the abandoned farmland was mainly distributed in the areas with distance above 500 m from the village center. Moreover, we noticed that labor transfer and farmland circulation are two important factors that influence farmland abandonment. Labor's outbound transfer distance has a positive linkage with the possibility of farmland abandonment. Finally, it is recommended that development and adoption of corresponding policies on local urbanization and farmland circulation will facilitate to alleviate farmland abandonment.  相似文献   

Soil erosion and bank degradation is a major post-dam concern regarding the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The development and succession of vegetation is a main countermeasure,especially to enhance bank stability and mitigate soil erosion by the root system. In this study, the roots of four prevailing grass species, namely, Cynodon dactylon, Hemarthria altissima, Hemarthria compressa, and Paspalum paspaloides, in the riparian zone were investigated in relation to additional soil cohesion. Roots were sampled using a single root auger. Root length density(RLD) and root area ratio(RAR) were measured by using the Win RHIZO image analysis system. Root tensile strength(TR) was performed using a manualdynamometer, and the soil reinforcement caused by the roots was estimated using the simple Wu's perpendicular model. Results showed that RLD values of the studied species ranged from 0.24 cm/cm3 to20.89 cm/cm3 at different soil layers, and RLD were significantly greater at 0–10 cm depth in comparison to the deeper soil layers(10 cm). RAR measurements revealed that on average 0.21% of the reference soil area was occupied by grass roots for all the investigated species. The measured root tensile strength was the highest for P. paspaloides(62.26MPa) followed by C. dactylon(51.49 MPa), H.compressa(50.66 MPa), and H. altissima(48.81MPa). Nevertheless, the estimated maximum root reinforcement in this investigation was 22.5 k Pa for H.altissima followed by H. compressa(21.1 k Pa), P.paspaloides(19.5 k Pa), and C. dactylon(15.4 k Pa) at0–5 cm depth soil layer. The root cohesion values estimated for all species were generally distributed at the 0–10 cm depth and decreased with the increment of soil depth. The higher root cohesion associated with H. altissima and H. compressa implies their suitability for revegetation purposes to strengthen the shallow soil in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir. Although the soil reinforcement induced by roots is only assessed from indirect indicators, the present results still useful for species selection in the framework of implementing and future vegetation recovery actions in the riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir and similar areas in the Yangtze River Basin.  相似文献   

Surface soil/sediment samples were collected from the Water-Level Fluctuation Zone (WLFZ), cultivated land and forest land at 50 different grid points from Shenjia watershed, the Three Gorges Reservoir area in August 2013. The spatial distribution, sources and ecological risk assessment for Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) were analyzed in this study. The results showed all tested metals had similar distribution patterns except Ni and Cr, with areas of high concentrations distributed in the southwest (WLFZ and watershed outlet) of the study area. Ni and Cr, which were highly positively correlated and present in high concentrations, were primarily distributed in the south and middle zones of the study area. Lower concentration areas of all metals were uniformly distributed west of the high-elevation zones and forest land. Factor analysis (FA) and factor analysis-multiple linear regression (FA-MLR) showed that the major sources of Cd were fertilizer and traffic sources, which together accounted for 87% of Cd. As, Zn and Cu levels were primarily supplied by industrial and domestic sources, accounting for 76% of As, 75% of Cu and 67% of Zn. Surface soils/sediments of the study watershed contaminated by Cd represent a high ecological risk, whereas other metals represent low ecological risks. The potential ecological risk index (PERI) analysis indicated that it had a low (wide-range) ecological risk and a moderate (small-range) ecological risk primarily distributed in the outlet of the study watershed. Fertilizers and traffic are the primary sources of Cd pollution, which should be more closely controlled for the purposes of water quality and ecological conservation.  相似文献   

沉积物中氮的赋存形态直接影响其参与生物地球化学循环的进程、途径和贡献大小,探究沉积物中不同氮形态的环境地球化学行为对研究氮的地球化学循环具有重要意义。以海南东寨港红树林湿地沉积物为研究对象,分别采集表层沉积物和柱状沉积物,采用分级浸提法提取不同形态的可转化态氮进行空间分布特征及影响因素分析。结果表明:研究区沉积物中总氮(TN)质量分数在1 149.0~1 690.6 mg/kg之间,总可转化态氮(TTN)的质量分数在464.6~647.5 mg/kg之间,二者均呈现出从上游至入海口逐渐降低的空间分布特征;4种可转化态氮中强氧化剂浸取态氮(SOEF-N)与TTN呈显著正相关,也是最主要的氮形态存在形式。通过沉积物C/N比值分析可知,研究区有机质主要来自污染物的大量排入,东寨港红树林柱状沉积物中TN与含水率、TOC呈极显著的正相关关系,表明氮与有机质具有相似的来源。  相似文献   

Non-point-source pollution has become a major threat to the water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR);however,nutrient loadings from terrestrial sources are unclear due to a lack of in situ monitoring.A representative small watershed in the central part of the TGR area was selected to monitor the loss of nitrogen(N) and phosphorous(P) continuously along with the runoff from 2007 through 2009 to understand the exact sources and loadings.Results show that the non-point-source nitrogen and phosphorus comes mainly from the storm runoff from residential areas,citrus orchards and sloping croplands,which contributes up to 76% of the loadings in this watershed.Thus,a crucial measure for controlling non-point-source pollution is to intercept storm runoff from the three sources.Paddy fields provide a sink for non-point-source N and P by intercepting the runoff and sediment along with their different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus.The N and P removal efficiency by paddy fields from residential areas is within the range of 56% to 98%.Paddy fields are an important land-use option for reducing the non-point-source loading of N and P in the TGR area.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges project accelerates economic development in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.This paper aimed to investigate the distribution,changes and features of cultivated land in this area,analyze the forces driving the changes in cultivated land area,and propose the countermeasures for cultivated land management.Transition matrix was used to analyze the features of cultivated land changes,and quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis were adopted to research the driving forces according to the features of cultivated land changes.Cultivated land in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area mainly lay to the northwest of the Yangtze River,especially the upper reaches.The areas of cultivated land increased from 1996 to 1999,then decreased from 2000 to 2006,and finally increased again from 2007 to 2009.The important forces driving changes in cultivated land included government policies,employment and food security,increasing construction land,agriculture structure adjustment,land rearrangement,inundation.During cultivated land management,firstly,it is necessary to insist on the principle of cultivated land protection,standardize land exploitation and strictly restrict the transformation of cultivated land into non-farming land.Secondly,land rearrangement must be implemented,which can not only increase the area of the cultivated land,but also improve the quality of the cultivated land.Thirdly,it is feasible to intensify eco-agriculture construction to increase the quantity and quality of cultivated land.Fourthly,it is helpful to improve the traditional agriculture production methods to promote cultivated land quality.Lastly,it is important to propagandize cultivated land protection and realize the enormous pressure of cultivated land shortage,making more people obligated to protect cultivated land.  相似文献   

采用遥感和GIS技术从宏观上对三峡库首区三峡工程二期、三期治理滑坡和新增滑坡的空间分布与地形地貌、地层岩性、断裂构造、水系流域和人为影响等因素的相关程度进行分析,获取孕灾环境特征规则,并对其危险性进行评价。结果表明,地形因子中的高程、坡向和高程变异系数与滑坡的相关性较高;研究区内断裂构造对滑坡发育的控制作用不明显;研究区滑坡体的空间分布受到不同因子组合的约束,可根据不同因子组合约束的权重对研究区滑坡危险性进行评价。  相似文献   

滑坡稳定性评价是滑坡防治中关键问题之一,滑坡失稳破坏判据研究可为滑坡稳定性评价提供支持。为了提高滑坡稳定性评价的精度,以滑坡深部位移监测数据为基础的滑坡失稳破坏判据不失为一种有效方法。基于滑坡深部位移监测数据,引入滑带完整性指标,推导得到了滑带完整性指标与滑坡抗剪强度参数之间呈正比例关系;运用滑坡稳定性计算方法和三峡库区堆积层滑坡简化模型,获得了滑带完整性指标与滑坡的稳定性系数之间呈正比例关系。建立了考虑滑带完整性指标的三峡库区堆积层滑坡失稳破坏判据,即:当滑坡滑带土完整性指标大于滑坡滑带土完整性指标的临界值时,滑坡处于稳定状态;当滑坡滑带土完整性指标小于滑坡滑带土完整性指标的临界值时,滑坡发生失稳破坏。以三峡库区典型堆积层滑坡——五尺坝滑坡为例,通过实例分析发现该判据具备可靠性,对堆积层滑坡适用性好。研究成果表明,滑带完整性指标失稳破坏判据可以用于评价滑坡的稳定状态,为滑坡失稳破坏判据研究提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Changes of cultivated land patterns caused by major water conservation projects are rarely reported. We selected the Three Gorges Reservoir area in China to study the change in area and landscape pattern of the cultivated land in the head,central, and tail areas of the reservoir that took place between 1992 and 2015; we then studied the spatial distribution of the cultivated land in the three parts of the reservoir; finally, we studied the driving forces behind the changes in the cultivated land. The results derived are as follows.(1) During the construction of the Three Gorges Project(TGP, 1992–2015), the area of cultivated land around the reservoir decreased by30.23 million ha. This reduction occurred in phases:the most severe change in cultivated land occurred during the later stage of the project(2002–2010);only 0.62 million ha of cultivated land did not change between 1992 and 2015.(2) Spatial pattern analysis showed that the cultivated land in the three parts of the reservoir changed from a northern distribution to a southern distribution; thus, the area of cultivated land in the north decreased over the time period. The area of cultivated land in the head and tail areas decreased by varying degrees, while it increased in the central area over the 23 years, indicating that the change in cultivated land showed regional differences.(3) The TGP, the policy of reverting farmland to forest,and urbanization were the main driving factors for the change of cultivated land, but there were differences in their impacts at different stages.(4) According to the patch dynamics of the land cover change, the degree of change gradually intensified during the early and later stages of the project and then stabilized during the operational period. Our research provides scientific support for the protection of cultivated land resources and food security in the reservoir area and for the coordination of social and economic development, which is of great significance to sustainable development in the reservoir area.  相似文献   

In order to reach the designated final water level of 175 m, there were three impoundment stages in the Three Gorges Reservoir, with water levels of 135 m, 156 m and 175 m. Baishuihe landslide in the Reservoir was chosen to analyze its displacement characteristics and displacement variability at the different stages. Based on monitoring data, the landslide displacement was mainly influenced by rainfall and drawdown of the reservoir water level. However, the magnitude of the rise and drawdown of the water level after the reservoir water level reached 175 m did not accelerate landslide displacement. The prediction of landslide displacement for active landslides is very important for landslide risk management. The time series of cumulative displacement was divided into a trend term and a periodic term using the Hodrick-Prescott(HP) filter method. The polynomial model was used to predict the trend term. The extreme learning machine(ELM) and least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM) were chosen to predict theperiodic term. In the prediction model for the periodic term, input variables based on the effects of rainfall and reservoir water level in landslide displacement were selected using grey relational analysis. Based on the results, the prediction precision of ELM is better than that of LS-SVM for predicting landslide displacement. The method for predicting landslide displacement could be applied by relevant authorities in making landslide emergency plans in the future.  相似文献   

研究不同环剪条件下库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性评价具有重要意义。针对目前在库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土力学特性方面研究薄弱的问题, 以三峡库区童家坪滑坡滑带土为研究对象, 采用ARS-E2环剪仪开展了不同剪切速率下的剪切试验, 研究了等速剪切、加速剪切以及减速剪切作用下滑带土强度变化特征。试验结果表明: 滑带土试样在恒定的低速剪切条件下更容易得到稳定的残余强度, 并且达到峰值强度后易出现"应变软化"现象; 在相同剪切应力条件下, 滑带土加速环剪和减速环剪的剪应力变化趋势基本一致, 与法向应力均呈正相关关系; 剪切速率的变化会显著影响滑带土峰值黏聚力的大小。研究成果揭示了不同环剪条件下滑带土力学特性, 可以为揭示库岸堆积层滑坡变形破坏的力学机制提供理论依据。   相似文献   

Reservoirs are important artificial ecosystems that modify the hydrological and ecological characteristics of a river.Knowledge of the basic characteristics of fish assemblages in reservoirs is a first step toward the development of effective conservation policies.We used the information collected over a10-year period(2006-2015)to assess the structure of the fish assemblages in the Three Gorge Reservoir(TGR)in a river-dam gradient.Three fish zones were detected in TGR.Species richness was the highest in the upper zone and lowest in the lower zone.The riverine zones were dominated by rheophilic species Coreius guichenoti and Pelteobagrus vachelli.The transitional zones were dominated by Coreius heterodon and Rhinogobio cylindricus.The lacustrine zones were dominated by eurytopic species Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis,Hemiculter bleekeri and Cyprinus carpio.For the functional characteristics,fish assemblages in riverine and transitional zones were dominated by insectivorous species,equilibrium strategists and rheophilic species(e.g.,Coreius heterodon and Coreius guichenoti).In lacustrine zones,the fish assemblage was dominated by habitat generalists common to lakes and reservoirs(e.g.,Hemiculter bleekeri,Hypophthalmichthys molitrix,Aristichthys nobilis).Moreover,18 exotic species(e.g.,Protosalanx hyalocranius,Ictalurus punctatus,Megalobrama amblycephala,Tilapia)were collected in TGR,most of which only existed in the lacustrine zone.The results highlight the importance of freely flowing riverine reaches for conserving native fish in the upper Changjiang River and adaptive management strategies for fisheries in TGR.  相似文献   

Dam construction alters natural flow regimes which,in turn,cause significant changes in fish communities during and after impoundment. The construction of the Three Gorges Reservoir,from impoundment of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River,China,may have affected native fish species. Thus,the status of two lotic freshwater fish species,Coreius heterodon and C.guichenoti,were monitored in the Three Gorges Reservoir,including fish abundance,individual composition,growth,condition,and mortality. Data on both species were gathered from upstream,midstream and downstream areas of the reservoir and,where available,from studies published before and after dam construction. Lower abundance,slower growth,a less diversified age structure,poorer fish condition(indicated by hepatosomatic index) and higher mortalities were recorded in sites nearest the dam compared with upstream areas. Furthermore,after final impoundment,individual Coreius species inhabiting the area changed,with young individuals becoming more abundant,while upstream of the reservoir the two Coreius species became smaller at a given age. The results show that the status of the two Coreius species was subject to dramatic changes after impoundment.  相似文献   

三峡工程建设期库区耕地的时空变化及驱动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过三峡工程建设前后15年三峡库区耕地的遥感动态监测和耕地变化分析,揭示出耕地变化的影响因子。2007年三峡库区耕地垦殖指数为0.25,三峡工程建设期,耕地资源减少4%,平均每年递减3 977hm2。耕地占补比例为26:1,占补不平衡,土地承载能力不足;减少耕地中优质耕地占61%,耕地质量总体下降;库区2007年人...  相似文献   

在库水位波动和降雨作用的共同影响下,库岸滑坡的变形规律往往更为复杂。以三峡库区麻柳林滑坡为例,基于野外调查、钻探编录、深部位移监测以及数值模拟等手段,分析了库水位波动和降雨作用下滑坡变形特征及演化规律。结果表明:麻柳林滑坡在粉质黏土层和块石层交界处发育一个次级滑带,目前该滑坡主要沿次级滑带运动,导致次级滑动的原因与坡体物质的差异性有关;Si(Sf)指标分析法揭示滑坡的滑带还未完全破坏,滑坡仍处于蠕变状态;根据三峡水库水位调度规律,将一个完整水文年划分为6个阶段,数值模拟结果表明滑坡在库水位缓慢下降阶段变形速率较小、在快速下降阶段和低水位阶段变形速率持续增大、在快速上升阶段和缓慢上升阶段以及高水位阶段变形速率则保持平稳。其中,降雨的直接影响和降雨导致库水位波动进而对滑坡变形造成的间接影响,使得麻柳林滑坡在低水位阶段的变形显著增加、稳定性最差,应加强该时段内滑坡的监测和预警。   相似文献   

Via the valuable opportunity of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) 135-m filling in June 2003, the Yangtze discharge and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) entering the estuary during the period from 15 May to 15 July 2003 were analyzed to examine the instant effects of the filling on them. The Yangtze discharge and SSC entering the estuary in the periods before, during and after the filling clearly indicated three phases: 1) the pre-storage phase characterized by natural conditions, in which the SSC incr...  相似文献   

三峡水库蓄水使得库岸大量土体长期处于浸泡状态,导致土体软化从而诱发滑坡失稳。为研究长期浸泡对滑坡土体物理-化学-力学性质的影响,以马家沟滑坡原状滑带土为对象开展了浸泡软化试验,通过比较不同浸泡时间滑带土的粒度分布、界限含水率、化学与矿物成分、剪切特性等特征,探讨了滑带土浸泡软化机理。研究结果表明:浸泡过程中滑带土中Ca2+、Mg2+等离子流失较多,但矿物成分无变化;浸泡后滑带土出现阶段性粒度细化现象,液塑限和塑性指数均随黏粒含量增加而增大;随着浸泡时间增加,滑带土应力应变关系在低法向应力下由强软化型变为弱软化型,在高法向应力下由软化型变为硬化型;滑带土抗剪强度参数随着浸泡时间增加呈指数形式降低,黏聚力c降低程度大于内摩擦角φ。研究成果可以为水库滑坡稳定性评价提供理论依据。   相似文献   

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