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Equatorial and low latitude ionosphere during intense geomagnetic storms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation is made in order to analyse the role of neutral gas composition in the equatorial and low latitude ionosphere during intense geomagnetic storms. To this end data taken by the Dynamic Explorer 2 satellite at 280–300 km (molecular nitrogen N2 and atomic oxygen O concentrations, electron density and vertical plasma drifts) are used. The sudden commencements of the events considered occurred at 11:38 UT on March 1, 1982, 18:41 UT on November 20, 1982 and 16:14 UT on February 4, 1983. Vertical plasma drifts are the most important contributor to the initial storm time response of the equatorial F region. Neutral composition changes (expressed as an increase in the molecular species, mainly N2) possibly play a predominant role in the equatorial and low latitude (10–20°) decreases of electron density at heights near F2-region maximum during the main and recovery phases of intense geomagnetic storms. Delayed increases of electron density observed at daytime during the recovery phase may be also attributed to increases in atomic oxygen. At low latitudes possibly a combined effect of O increase and upward plasma drift due to enhanced equatorward winds is the responsible mechanism for the maintenance of enhanced electron density values.  相似文献   




The systematic time differences observed in the onset of postsunset VHF scintillations recorded simultaneously at Ujjain (Geogr. lat. 23.2N, Geogr. long. 75.6E) and Bhopal (Geogr. lat. 23.2N, Geogr. long. 77.6E), situated at the peak of the anomaly crest in the Indian region, have been analysed to determine the zonal drifts of scintillation-producing irregularities. The method is based on the assumption that the horizontal movement of irregularities does not change while crossing the F-region cross-over points of these stations. The calculated velocities of irregularities indicate an eastward drift decreasing from about 180 m s−1 to 55 m s−1 during the course of night. In the premidnight period, the drifts are reduced under the magnetically disturbed conditions. The average east-west extension of irregularites is found to be in the range of 200–500 km.  相似文献   

The deterministic chaotic behaviour of ionosphere, over Indian subcontinent falling under equatorial/low latitude region, ?0.3 to 22.19°N (geomagnetic), was studied using GPS-TEC time series. The values of Lyapunov exponent are low at Thiruvananthapuram and Agatti (?0.30 and 2.38°N, geomagnetic, respectively), and thereafter increase through Bangalore and Hyderabad (4.14 and 8.54°N, geomagnetic, respectively), and attain maximum at Mumbai (10.09°N, geomagnetic), which is near/at the edge of an anomaly crest. The values of correlation dimension computed for TEC time series are in the range 3.1–3.6, which indicate that equatorial/low latitude ionosphere can be described with four variables. Entropy values estimated for TEC time series show no appreciable latitudinal variabilites. The values of non-linear prediction error exhibit a trough, around the latitude sector, 4.14–16.15°N (Geomagnetic). Based on the values of the above quantifiers, the features of chaotic behaviour of equatorial/low latitude ionosphere are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The variation of plasmaspheric electron content (PEC) is an important parameter for studying the effects of space weather events in the low latitude ionosphere. In the present study, the vertical TEC (VTEC) measurements obtained from co-located dual-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) and Coherent Radio Beacon Experiment (CRABEX) systems have been used. The daytime PEC variations under different geophysical conditions have been estimated (around the magnetic equator) over the Indian sector, for the first time. The first observations of the nighttime PEC variations over the Indian sector are also estimated from the simultaneous measurements of Faraday rotation, differential Doppler and modulation phase delay made using the CRABEX system on-board the Indian geostationary satellite GSAT2. The study shows that the PEC varies over a range of 10–22% (of the total electron content (TEC)) during daytime of magnetically quiet period. There is an increase in PEC with latitude during magnetically quiet period. During a magnetically disturbed period of 9 November 2004, the PEC increased to ∼30% of the TEC over the magnetic equatorial location of Trivandrum (8.5°N, 76.9°E, dip 0.5°N), while at Bangalore (13°N, 78°E, dip 10°N) it showed a large depletion. The implications of the new observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A modified method of computing theS q -range in terms ofR x inH, D andZ has been suggested. Mean quiet-day daily rangesR x , have been computed for five Indian stations usingH, D andZ data for selected years. The seasonal and latitudinal variation ofR x (H), R x (Z) andR x (D) are discusses. Thee-season maximum inR x (H) andR x (Z) is attributed to the decrease in the distance between the foci during equinoxes; the electrojet and theS q -foci movement with seasons have little influence onS q (D). It is inferred that the electrojet current is independent of the worldwideS q current system and stands with its own return currents.The variation of lunar semi-diurnal tide inH[L 2 (H)] with the dip latitude in Indian region shows a secondary peak at 9° N dip latitude. This secondary peak in theL 2 (H) is termed as Lunar secondary electrojet, and it is suggested that this is possibly produced by magneto-acoustic oscillations due to the drift motion of the charged particles that produce the primary jet in a direct transverse to itself.  相似文献   

The equatorial ionosphere responses over Brazil to two intense magnetic storms that occurred during 2001 are investigated. The equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) and variations in the zonal electric field and meridional winds at different storms phases are studied using data collected by digisondes and GPS receivers. The difference between the F layer peak density (foF2) at an equatorial and a low latitude sites was used to quantify the EIA; while the difference between the true heights (hF) at the equatorial and an off-equatorial site was used to calculate the magnetic meridional winds. The vertical drift was calculated as dhF/dt. The results show prompt penetration electric fields causing unusual early morning development of the EIA, and disturbed dynamo electric field producing significant modification in the F region parameters. Variations to different degrees in the vertical drift, the thermospheric meridional winds and the EIA developments were observed depending on the storm phases.  相似文献   

Using 32-yr National Centers for Environment Prediction-National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis data,we investigated zonal propagation and circulation characteristics of the low-frequency circulation for the prevailing period over Eurasian mid-high latitude in boreal summer(May-August) in terms of empirical orthogonal function(EOF),linear regression,and phase analysis and so on.We found that the dominant periods of the low-frequency circulation are 10-30 days and it clearly shows meridional(southward) and zonal(westward) propagation features at the middle troposphere(500 hPa).The average zonal speed of the 10-30 days low-frequency oscillation(LFO) is about 9-10 longitudes per day.Further analysis shows that the southernmost part of the polar vortex in the northern hemisphere exhibits westward clockwise rotation in the eastern hemisphere in boreal summer.Also,the southernmost tips of 5400 and 5500 gpm contours,which indicate the site of the major trough in the eastern hemisphere,obviously move westwards.The southernmost tip of 5500 gpm contour line propagates westwards at the speed of about 9-10 longitudes per day,which is consistent with the mean zonal speed of the westward propagation of the low-frequency circulation.Moreover,the 10-30-day LFO-related cold air also shows west propagation feature with respect to LFO phases.The westward propagation of the LFO is the low-frequency-scale embodiment of the clockwise rotation of polar vortex.The cold air activities closely related to polar vortex or to ridge-trough system activities is the essential circulation of 10-30 days LFO circulation over the Eurasian mid-high latitude in boreal summer.  相似文献   

The characteristics of 80 geomagnetic storm spectra have been analyzed and compared for the records at seven observatories: Beijing, Qingguang, Changli, Guangzhou, Sheshan, Wuchang and Changchun during 1973–1977. The general natures of the spectra are thus obtained. The results are as follows. First, there are synchronous trends of change in the magnetic storm spectral amplitude at the seven observatories. Second, the sepctral slopes of all the magnetic storms are almost the same. The yearly average values of the spectral slopeb are quite steady within the period range from 0.5 to 6.8 hours. This means that the magnetic storms have the same energy partitioning factor. Third, there are significant changes in the yearly average values of spectral interceptsa for the three observatories of Beijing, Qingguang and Changli which are near the Tangshan earthquake area, but the values are quite steady for the four observatories of Guangzhou, Sheshan, Wuchang and Changchun which are far from the earthquake area. It seems that the noticeable changes are related to the great Tangshan earthquake of July 28, 1976.  相似文献   

2015年3月磁暴期间中国中低纬地区电离层变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

2015年3月17日爆发了本太阳活动周最大的地磁暴,Dst指数达到-233 nT.本文利用电离层测高仪foF2hmF2、北斗同步卫星(BDS GEO)TEC以及GPS电离层闪烁S4指数对此次磁暴期间中国中低纬地区(北京、武汉、邵阳和三亚)的电离层变化进行分析,并对此次磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制进行了探讨.磁暴期间,中低纬电离层暴整体表现为正相暴之后长时间强的负相暴.3月17日白天中纬正相暴为风场抬升电离层所致,而驼峰区及低纬地区正相暴由东向穿透电场所引起;3月18日白天长时间的强负相暴为西向扰动发电机电场和成分扰动所引起;3月17和18日夜间的负相暴可能是日落东向电场受到抑制以及赤道向风场对扩散的抑制导致驼峰向赤道压缩所致,同时被抑制的日落东向电场强度不足以触发产生赤道扩展F,导致低纬三亚和邵阳夜间电离层闪烁在磁暴期间受到完全抑制.这是我们首次基于北斗同步卫星TEC组网观测开展的电离层暴研究.


The passage of a higher pressure solar wind region at the Earths orbit marked the onset of low latitude (L = 1.6) fluctuations in the frequency range (0.8–5.5 mHz) for both the horizontal geomagnetic field components. Spectral peaks mostly occur at the same frequencies as the spectral enhancements which appeared in the long term analysis of experimental measurements from the same station and were tentatively interpreted in terms of ground signatures of global magnetospheric modes. A comparison with simultaneous observations discussed by previous investigations allows us to conclude that the same set of frequencies is enhanced in a wide portion of the Earths magneto-sphere.  相似文献   

Electron temperature observed by the Hinotori satellite with the low inclination at the height of \sim600 km was studied in terms of local time, season, latitude, magnetic declination and solar flux intensity during a 16-month period from 1981 to 1982. The electron temperatures show steep rise in the early morning (well known as morning overshoot), decrease after that and again increase at \sim18 hours (hereafter named as evening overshoot). Generally the morning overshoot becomes more enhanced in the winter hemisphere and for higher solar fluxes. The evening overshoot becomes more pronounced in the mid-latitude in all seasons and more enhanced in the winter hemisphere in the same way as the morning overshoot. A difference is seen between 210°-285° and 285°-360° longitudes where magnetic declination is different. The longitudinal dependence of electron temperature indicates that the neutral wind also contributes to the thermal structure in the low latitude ionosphere.  相似文献   

A kinetic energy budget over the Indian region is computed for the period 4–9 July 1973, when a twin monsoon depression-one in the Bay of Bengal and another in the Arabian sea were the dominant synoptic features. The generation term caused by the cross-contour flow is a dominant source to the kinetic energy. The dissipation term is computed as a residual and is a major sink for the kinetic energy. The horizontal flux divergence is also a sink term but is much smaller in magnitude than other major source and sink terms. From the results it may be inferred that the generation term is the most important for the maintenance of monsoon disturbances.  相似文献   

Summary The wind and temperature data for three stations, latitudinally separated in the region east of the Indian Ocean, were analysed by spectrum analysis. The study pointed out two types of prominent wave disturbances, one with periodicity of about 5 days and the other of about 8 days. The occurrence of the two types of disturbances is closely associated with the alternating wind regimes of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation.  相似文献   

通过对西南地区1970~2001年39组52次6级以上地震及四川部分5级以上地震震例资料的剖析,进一步研究西南地区各类前兆中、短期异常判据和指标;研究西南地区强震孕育前兆异常由中期向短期(临震)过渡、演化的标志和判据并作物理解释;并进行了西南地区前兆短期预测方法及强震短期预测时、空、强指标和判据的研究和西南地区地下流体新观测方法及灵敏测项的研究。  相似文献   

Electric fields in the low and middle latitude ionosphere result from currents driven internally by neutral winds and gravity, and externally by applied potentials. The resulting internal electric polarization fields arise from the need to make the total current divergence free. By considering the current drivers many of the attributes of the observed ion and electron drifts can be understood including the E- and F-region dynamos, the initial growth of ionospheric depletions, and effects from high latitudes. Such an exercise leads to an overall understanding of the governing principles. However, it is necessary to know all the large-scale spatial gradients in the drivers, many of which are presently unknown, in order to unravel the outstanding mysteries of the electrodynamics of the region.  相似文献   

基于2005年NCEP/GFS分析资料和拉格朗日粒子扩散模式的“Domain Filling”技术,以气块穿越对流层顶后的滞留时间为标准,诊断分析了夏季亚洲季风区对流层-平流层质量交换,重点讨论了对平流层大气成分收支具有实际意义的不可逆双向质量交换过程,并利用前向(后向)轨迹追踪方法,分析了其4天的“源(汇)”特征.研究结果表明:(1)对流层-平流层质量交换(Troposphere-Stratosphere mass Exchange,STE)的计算对滞留时间阈值的选择具有较强敏感性,大多数的气块在1~2天内可频繁地往返对流层顶.这些瞬时交换事件的考虑与否对穿越对流层顶的质量交换计算的准确性具有重要影响,尤其在中纬度的风暴轴区域.(2)从亚洲季风区对流层-平流层质量净交换纬向平均上看,45°N以南的区域为对流层向平流层的质量输送(Troposphere to Stratosphere mass Transport,TST),副热带地区为最强的上升支,而在45°N~55°N的中纬度地区是平流层向对流层质量输送(Stratosphere to Troposphere mass Transport,STT).地理分布上,STT主要分布在青藏高原以北的东亚地区,与亚洲季风区夏季大尺度的槽区相对应.夏季整个亚洲季风区都是TST发生的区域,最大值位于青藏高原东南侧及其附近区域,该区域占亚洲季风区不可逆TST夏季平均总量的46%.(3)对流层-平流层质量交换的“源汇”特征分析表明,STT主要源于100°E以西、50°N以北的高纬地区,向下可以输送到中国东北部及朝鲜半岛北部等中纬度区域.而TST主要来源于中纬度和副热带地区的大气输送,向上穿越对流层顶高度以后,可分别向高纬的极地和热带地区输送,这意味着亚洲季风区夏季的TST水汽输送可能进入“热带管”中,进而可能对全球平流层水汽平衡产生重要影响.  相似文献   

The monsoon sub-programme of FGGE deployed a variety of observing systems such as research aircraft, research vessels, floating ballooms, and a geostationary satellite, etc. during the special observational period of Monex-79, with a view to making the best possible data set available for studies on various aspects of the monsoon circulation. Whether the data obtained from the various observational platorms improve the representation of the monsson systems, flow patterns, etc. in the analysis is the basis of this study. For this, the objective analyses of the wind field were made with different data sets, first using only the data from conventional observation platforms, subsequently including the data from aircraft and ships and then finally including the data from the satellite. These analyses were compared with carefully made subjective analyses.It is inferred that the addition of data has a positive impact on the objective analysis and the improvement in the analysis is more marked in the data-void region like the Arabian Sea compared to the region where observational stations are distributed fairly stisfactorily. It is also inferred that the impact of the aircraft/ship data on the analysis is more consistent than the data from the satellite.  相似文献   

The correlations of occurrence rate of whistlers in January during one solar cycle (1977–1987) at a low latitude station (Yamaoka, geomag. lat. 25°, L=1.26) with thunderstorm activity near its conjugate region and also with solar activity have been investigated, and it is found that the occurrence rate has no correlation with the lightning flashes near the conjugate point, while it is negatively correlated with solar activity. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that the ionospheric absorption is of major importance in the long-term variation of whistler occurrence rate, with the duct formation being of secondary effect, while the lightning activity is only a necessary condition for whistler occurrence.  相似文献   

震前多种前兆异常形态特征及预测意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛艳  张永仙 《地震》2004,24(1):145-154
对1970年以来华北地区31次MS≥5.0地震前多种前兆异常形态特征进行了系统研究, 结果认为: ① 在强震前短临阶段, 普遍存在垂直形变和水位异常形态的四象限性分布, 且这种象限分布特征与主震震源机制解具有一定的相关性。 即在压缩区, 垂直形变上升, 水位亦上升。 在膨胀区, 垂直形变和水位都下降; ② 地倾斜异常在近源区与远源区具有明显的差异, 其中多数强震前表现为距离震中近的台站向与震中相反的方向倾斜, 而远离震中的台站, 其倾斜方向指向震中; ③ 地电阻率异常形态以下降为主; 多数水化异常(气体)表现为短期上升而临震转平或下降; 电磁波通常为短临异常。 基于上述前兆异常形态特征, 特别是垂直形变和水位异常形态的四象限分布特点, 提出了根据前兆场异常特征判断发震地点和孕震状态的思路。  相似文献   

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