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唐渊  刘俊来  Tran My Dung  宋志杰 《地质学报》2009,83(10):1401-1414
位于越南西北部的奠边府(Dien Bien Phu)断裂,向北延伸入中国云南境内,向南进入老挝境内,走向由近N—S向向南逐渐过渡为NE—SW向,倾角陡立。沿断裂带发育3个具有不同运动学机制的第四纪盆地——婵讷(Chan Nua)盆地、莱州(Lai Chau)盆地和奠边府盆地。根据对奠边府断裂带地区ETM遥感数据进行详细解译以及野外实地考察,得到奠边府断裂具有早期的右行走滑和后期的左行走滑特征的证据;并且根据断裂两侧水系受断裂影响发生左错的程度不同,认为奠边府断裂的西盘相对于东盘较为活动,即为主动盘。奠边府断裂北延进入越南境内,与金平地区的三家河断裂相连,并继续向北并入哀牢山剪切带中。奠边府断裂现今的左行走滑与红河断裂现今的右行走滑共同组成了一组共轭断裂系。  相似文献   

位于越南西北部的奠边府(Dien Bien Phu)断裂,向北延伸入中国云南境内,向南进入老挝境内,走向由近N-S向向南逐渐过渡为NE-SW向,倾角陡立.沿断裂带发育3个具有不同运动学机制的第四纪盆地--婵讷(Chan Nua)盆地、莱州(Lai Chau)盆地和奠边府盆地.根据对奠边府断裂带地区ETM遥感数据进行详细解译以及野外实地考察,得到奠边府断裂具有早期的右行走滑和后期的左行走滑特征的证据;并且根据断裂两侧水系受断裂影响发生左错的程度不同,认为奠边府断裂的西盘相对于东盘较为活动,即为主动盘.奠边府断裂北延进入越南境内,与金平地区的三家河断裂相连,并继续向北并入哀牢山剪切带中.奠边府断裂现今的左行走滑与红河断裂现今的右行走滑共同组成了一组共轭断裂系.  相似文献   

Thirteen Cr-bearing spinels from major horizons of magma replenishment in the open-system Rum Layered Suite have been analysed by X-ray single crystal diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. On the basis of the structural parameters and the chemistry of these spinels the so-called Rum trend, in which Al-content increases at the expense of Cr and Fe3+, has been easily recognised. In addition, natural spinels with Fe3+ content similar to synthetic spinels on the MgCr2O4?CMgFe2O4 join have been analysed for the first time. Layers of chromitite, anorthosite and peridotite situated within several cm of one another have yielded different intracrystalline exchange temperatures using an intercrystalline spinel-olivine thermometer. The Rum anorthosite Cr-spinels are interpreted as having crystallised within the cumulus pile following rejuvenation of the crystal mush. Their low Al-content is a function of simultaneous plagioclase crystallisation, reducing the amount of Al3+ present for the Cr-spinel. By contrast, Cr-spinels in well-known Archean anorthosites (e.g. Ujaragssuit nunat and Fisken?sset, western Greenland) and Sittampundi (southern India) are very aluminous in composition, attributed to crystallisation of Cr-spinel from high-alumina basalts in lower crustal magma chambers and linked to the control exerted by plagioclase crystallisation on Al content of the melt, in the absence of clinopyroxene crystallisation. The compositional differences between the Rum anorthosite Cr-spinels and the Fisken?sset and Sittampundi Cr-spinels suggest that postcumulus reaction of Cr-spinel and melt to low (800?C900°C) temperatures, as invoked for the Rum crystals, may not have been as important a process in the Archean anorthosites.  相似文献   

The north Qilian high‐pressure (HP)/low‐temperature (LT) metamorphic belt is composed mainly of blueschists, eclogites and greenschist facies rocks. It formed within an Early Palaeozoic accretionary wedge associated with the subduction of the oceanic crust and is considered to be one of the best preserved HP/LT metamorphic belts in China. Here we report new lawsonite‐bearing eclogites and eclogitic rocks enclosed within epidote blueschists in the North Qilian Mountains. Five samples contain unaltered lawsonite coexisting with omphacite and phengite as inclusions in garnet, indicating eclogite facies garnet growth and lawsonite pseudomorphs were observed in garnet from an additional 11 eclogites and eclogitic rocks. Peak pressure conditions estimated from lawsonite omphacite‐phengite‐garnet assemblages were 2.1–2.4 GPa at temperatures of 420–510 °C, in or near the stability field of lawsonite eclogite, and implying formation under an apparent geothermal gradient of 6–8 °C km?1, consistent with metamorphism in a cold subduction zone. SHRIMP U‐Pb dating of zircon from two lawsonite‐bearing eclogitic metabasites yields ages of 489 ± 7 Ma and 477 ± 16 Ma, respectively. CL images and mineral inclusions in zircon grains indicate that these ages reflect an eclogite facies metamorphism. An age of 502 ± 16 Ma is recorded in igneous cores of zircon grains from one lawsonite pseudomorph‐bearing eclogite, which is in agreement with the formation age of Early Ordovician for some ophiolite sequences in the North Qilian Mountains, and may be associated with a period of oceanic crust formation. The petrological and chronological data demonstrate the existence of a cold Early Palaeozoic subduction zone in the North Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   

西藏高原冈底斯中新世(21~12Ma)侵位于冈底斯花岗岩岩基内。斑岩呈东西向断续带状展布(350km),南北向串珠排布(宽约50km),明显受NS裂谷和正断层控制。斑岩的主要岩石类型为花岗闪长斑岩、二长花岗斑岩、石英二长斑岩。斑岩高SiO2、Al2O3、K2O和低Y和HREE(Yb)含量;富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(ULE),尤其富集Sr和K;缺乏Eu异常和/或具弱正异常;普遍具有较高的Sr/Y、(La/Yb)。比值及较低的Y/Yh比值。斑岩显示出明显的adakite地球化学特征,明显不同于冈底斯花岗岩基。对冈底斯岩带的构造-岩浆-热事件序列的综合分析揭示,斑岩是滞留在地幔的洋壳残片在花岗岩基大幅快速隆升后部分熔融的产物,熔融残余相为石榴石 角闪石 单斜辉石 含钛矿物组合,熔体在上升过程中与上覆交代地幔楔发生作用,使岩浆的K含量和Mg^#明显增高。高密度的熔融残留体榴辉岩或角闪榴辉岩沉入下伏地幔或软流圈,这可能导致了冈底斯岩带在20~14Ma期间的隆升。冈底斯中新世斑岩的时空分布厘定了西藏高原冈底斯带EW向伸展的初始时间大约在20Ma左右。高永丰等:冈底斯晚第三纪斑岩的岩石学、地球化学及其地球动力学意义  相似文献   

Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the Intra-Sudetic Basin of the Bohemian Massif in the Czech Republic can be subdivided into two series: (I) a minor bimodal trachyandesite-rhyolite series of Upper Carboniferous age with initial 87Sr/86Sr of ca. 0.710 and εNd values of −6.1 also characteristic of volcanics of the near Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (0.707 and −6.0, Ulrych et al., 2003) and (II) a major differentiated basaltic trachyandesite-trachyandesite-trachyte-rhyolite series of Lower Permian age with lower initial 87Sr/86Sr of ca. 0.705-0.708 and εNd values ranging from −2.7 to −3.4/−4.1/. The newly recognized volcanic rocks of trachytic composition indicate that the rocks were formed by magmatic differentiation of similar parental melts rather than constituting a bimodal mafic-felsic sequence from different sources. Both series are generally of subalkaline affinity and calc-alkaline character with some tholeiitic tint (FeO/MgO vs. SiO2, presence of orthopyroxene). The magmatic activity occurred in cycles in a layered chamber, each starting primarily with felsic volcanics and ending with mafic ones. The mafic rocks represent mantle-melt(s) overprinted by crust during assimilation-fractional crystallization. The Sr-Nd isotopic data confirm a significant crustal component in the volcanic rocks that may have been inherited from the upper mantle source and/or from assimilation of older crust during magmatic underplating and shallow-level melt fractionation.  相似文献   

Abundant cone sheets form one of the last magmatic stages in the Tertiary central complex on the Scottish peninsula of Ardnamurchan and can be grouped into a younger inner and an older outer suite relative to a gabbro intrusion. Most of the cone-sheets consist of tholeiitic to transitional basalt with MgO contents between 7.5% and 4%, although more evolved rocks also occur (to 0.5% MgO). The mafic samples are slightly enriched in the light rare earth elements (Chondrite-normalized La/Sm ∼1.1), the enrichment increases in the more evolved rocks. The compositional variation of the basaltic rocks is mainly due to crystal fractionation of olivine and clinopyroxene at depths of ∼10 km but trace elements show simultaneous assimilation of Archean Lewisian granulite crust. The andesitic to rhyolitic lavas formed by fractional crystallization from the contaminated basaltic magma coupled with assimilation of Proterozoic Moine metasediments at uppermost crustal levels. The occurrence of composite cone-sheets with basaltic and rhyolitic parts and mixtures between these magmas implies that the melts ascended successively but within a short period of time. The parental magmas of the Ardnamurchan cone-sheets must have formed at relatively shallow depths in the mantle and are comparable to the youngest tholeiitic lavas from the neighbouring island of Mull. Received: 5 June 1997 / Accepted: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

The Murray Basin is a low-lying but extensive intracratonic depocentre in southeastern Australia, preserving an extraordinary record of Late Neogene sedimentation. New stratigraphic and sedimentologic data allow the long-term evolution of the basin to be re-evaluated and suggest a significant role for: (1) tectonism in controlling basin evolution, and (2) progressive and step-wise climatic change beginning in the early Pleistocene. Tectonic change is associated with regional uplift, occurring at approximately the same rate from the early Pliocene until the present day, and possibly associated with changing mantle circulation patterns or plate boundary processes. This uplift led to the defeat and re-routing of the Murray River, Australia’s major continental drainage system. Key to our interpretation is recognition of timing relationships between four prominent palaeogeographic features – the Loxton-Parilla Sands strandplain, the Gambier coastal plain, palaeo megalake Bungunnia and the Kanawinka Escarpment. Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence suggest that during the Early Pliocene the ancestral Murray River was located in western Victoria, flowing south along the Douglas Depression. Relatively small amounts of regional uplift (<200 m) defeated this drainage system, dramatically changing the palaeogeography of southeastern Australia and forming Plio-Pleistocene megalake Bungunnia. At its maximum extent Lake Bungunnia covered more than 50,000 km2, making it one of the largest known palaeo- or modern-lakes in an intracontinental setting. Magnetostratigraphic constraints suggest lake formation c. 2.4 Ma. The formation of Lake Bungunnia influenced the Pliocene coastal dynamics, depriving the coastline of a sediment source and changing the coastal system from a prograding strandline system to an erosional one. Erosion during this period formed the Kanawinka Escarpment, a palaeo sea-cliff and one of the most prominent and laterally extensive geomorphic features in southeastern Australia. Marine sediments c. 800 ka to c. 1.16 Ma represent the time of re-establishment of depositional coastal dynamics and of a permanent outlet for the Murray River. This age range is consistent with our best estimate of the age of the youngest Lake Bungunnia sediments and points towards an early Pleistocene age for the demise of the lake system. The youngest Lake Bungunnia sediment, present on a number of distinct terraces, suggests that progressive, step-wise climatic change played a role in the demise of the lake. However, in order for the ancestral Murray River system to have been able to breach the pre-existing tectonic dam, it is likely that tectonic change and/or temporarily enhanced discharge was also significant. This scenario indicates that the modern Murray River has only been in existence for at most 700 ka.  相似文献   

We report new Os-Pb-Hf isotope data for a suite of alkaline to basaltic (nephelinites, basanites, olivine tholeiites to quartz-tholeiites) lavas from the Miocene Vogelsberg (Germany), the largest of the rift-related continental volcanic complexes of the Central European Volcanic Province (CEVP). 187Os/188Os in primitive (high-MgO) alkaline lavas show a much wider range than has been observed in alkaline basalts and peridotite xenoliths from elsewhere in the CEVP, from ratios similar to those in modern MORB and OIB (0.1260-0.1451; 58.9-168 ppt Os) to more radiogenic ratios (0.1908 and 0.2197; 27.6-15.1 ppt Os). Radiogenic Os is associated with high εHf and εNd, low 87Sr/86Sr and does not correlate with Mg or incompatible trace elements (e.g. Ce/Pb), suggesting the presence of a radiogenic endmember in the mantle rather than crustal contamination as the source of radiogenic Os. This contrasts with another high-Mg alkaline lava characterized by highly radiogenic 187Os/188Os (0.4344, 10.3 ppt Os), lower εHf and εNd, higher 87Sr/86Sr, and Pb isotope signatures than the other alkaline lavas with similar trace element composition suggestive of contamination with crustal material. Hafnium (εHf: +8.9 to +5.0) and Pb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb: 19.10-19.61; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.56-15.60) of the alkaline rocks fall within the range of enriched MORB and some OIB. The Vogelsberg tholeiites show even more diverse 187Os/188Os, ranging from 0.1487 in Os-rich olivine tholeiite (31.7 ppt) to ratios as high as 0.7526 in other olivine-tholeiites and in quartz-tholeiites with lower Os concentrations (10.3-2.0 ppt). Low-187Os/188Os tholeiites show Pb-Hf isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb:18.81; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.61; εHf: +2.7) that are distinct from those in alkaline lavas with similar 187Os/188Os and originate from a different mantle source. By contrast, the combination of radiogenic Os and low 206Pb/204Pb and εHf in the other tholeiites probably reflects crustal contamination.The association at Vogelsberg of primitive alkaline and tholeiitic lavas with a range of MORB- to OIB-like Os-Pb-Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics requires at least two asthenospheric magma sources. This is consistent with trace element modelling which suggests that the alkaline and tholeiitic parent magmas represent mixtures of melts from garnet and spinel peridotite sources (both with amphibole), implying an origin of the magmas in the garnet peridotite-spinel peridotite transition zone, probably at the asthenosphere-lithosphere interface. We propose that uncontaminated Vogelsberg lavas originated in ‘metasomatized’ mantle, involving a 3-stage model: (1) early carbonatite metasomatism several 10-100 Ma before the melting event (2) deposition of low-degree asthenospheric melts from carbonated peridotite at the lithosphere-asthenosphere thermal boundary produces hydrous amphibole-bearing veins or patches, and (3) remobilization of this modified lithospheric mantle into other asthenospheric melts passing through the same area later. In keeping with ‘metasomatized’ mantle models for other continental basalt provinces, we envisage that stage (2) is short-lived (few Ma), thus producing a prominent lithospheric trace element signature without changing the asthenospheric isotopic signatures. Models of this type can explain the peculiar mix of lithospheric (prominent depletions of Rb and K) and asthenospheric (OIB-like high 187Os/188Os, 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf) signatures observed in the Vogelsberg and many other continental basalt suites.  相似文献   

The margin of the Foz do Amazonas Basin saw a shift from predominantly carbonate to siliciclastic sedimentation in the early late Miocene. By this time, the Amazon shelf had also been incised by a canyon that allowed direct influx of sediment to the basin floor, thus confirming that the palaeo‐Amazon fan had already initiated by that time (9.5–8.3 Ma). Above this interval, during a prolonged lowstand, Messinian third‐order sequences are preserved only in the incised‐valley fills of the canyon with no equivalent strata on the shelf. Third‐ and fourth‐order sequences younger than Messinian are preserved on the shelf after sea‐level rise above the shelf by the early Pliocene. Sequences younger than 3.8 Ma often show fourth‐order cyclicity with an average duration of 400 ka (larger scale eccentricity cycles) often preserved in high‐sedimentation‐rate areas of river deltas. Mass wasting and transportation of slope sediments to the basin began to play an important role in sediment dispersal at least as far back as the mid‐Pliocene, after rapid progradation had produced steeper slopes more prone to failure.  相似文献   

Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Cainozoic resulted in a thick apron of molassic sediments along the northern piedmonts of the Kunlun and Altyn Mountains in the southern Tarim Basin. Early Neogene sediments are characterised by sandstone, siltstone and red mudstone, representing floodplain to distal alluvial fan environments. The Early Pliocene Artux Formation consists of medium-grained sandstone and sandy mudstone with thin layers of fine pebbly gritstone. The Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Xiyu Formation is dominated by pebble to boulder conglomerate typical of alluvial fan debris flow deposits. Sedimentological investigation, together with grain size and chemical analyses of siltstone bands intercalated with sandstone and conglomerate in the Xiyu and Artux Formations, point to an aeolian origin, suggesting desertic conditions in the Tarim Basin by the Early Pliocene. The onset of aeolian sedimentation in the southern Tarim Basin coincided with uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the lithofacies change from fine-grained mudstone and sandstone to coarse clasts. Tibetan Plateau uplift resulted in the shift of sedimentary environments northwards into the southern Tarim Basin, and could well have triggered the onset of full aridity in the Taklimakan region as a whole.  相似文献   

盛海洋 《地质科学》2008,43(3):445-470
通过野外地质填图和系统取样,以岩石地层特征为基础,以新构造运动为背景,按照多重地层划分观点,本文首次对若尔盖盆地晚新近纪岩石地层的对比和划分做了深入的研究。对黄河干流、白河支流和黑河支流水系的河道堆积岩石的典型剖面的研究,表明更新-全新世的不同发展阶段具有不同的特征;相同时期不同水系的沉积物也不尽相同,反映出盆地晚新近纪地层的发育过程及空间上的差异。对冰川堆积终碛垄测年等研究反映出末次盛冰期和全新世中几次较强的寒冷事件,并划分出4套冰碛层。综合前人的古脊椎动物化石和14C、TL、OSL和ESR等同位素测年资料,将为进一步提出研究区晚新近纪年代地层的划分奠定基础。  相似文献   

In South-East Asia, sedimentary basins displaying continental Permian and Triassic deposits have been poorly studied. Among these, the Luang Prabang Basin (North Laos) represents a potential key target to constrain the stratigraphic and structural evolutions of South-East Asia. A combined approach involving sedimentology, palaeontology, geochronology and structural analysis, was thus implemented to study the basin. It resulted in a new geological map, in defining new formations, and in proposing a complete revision of the Late Permian to Triassic stratigraphic succession as well as of the structural organization of the basin. Radiometric ages are used to discuss the synchronism of volcanic activity and sedimentation.The Luang Prabang Basin consists of an asymmetric NE-SW syncline with NE-SW thrusts, located at the contact between Late Permian and Late Triassic deposits. The potential stratigraphic gap at the Permian–Triassic boundary is therefore masked by deformation in the basin. The Late Triassic volcaniclastic continental deposits are representative of alluvial plain and fluvial environments. The basin was fed by several sources, varying from volcanic, carbonated to silicic (non-volcanic). U–Pb dating of euhedral zircon grains provided maximum sedimentation ages. The stratigraphic vertical succession of these ages, from ca. 225, ca. 220 to ca. 216 Ma, indicates that a long lasting volcanism was active during sedimentation and illustrates significant variations in sediment preservation rates in continental environments (from ∼100 m/Ma to ∼3 m/Ma). Anhedral inherited zircon grains gave older ages. A large number of them, at ca. 1870 Ma, imply the reworking of a Proterozoic basement and/or of sediments containing fragments of such a basement. In addition, the Late Triassic (Carnian to Norian) sediments yielded to a new dicynodont skull, attributed to the Kannemeyeriiform group family, from layers dated in between ∼225 and ∼221 Ma (Carnian).  相似文献   

Dolerite dykes intruding Variscan plutonites were studied in terms of mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. The main mineral constituents were studied and the sequence of crystallization has been derived. The geochemical characteristic indicate mantle origin of the dolerites and magma sources different from the hosting granitoids. From SHRIMP analyses of five spots on four different zircon crystals, resulted a 292.0±4.1 Ma age that is interpreted as the time of crystallization of the dolerite. The hosting granitoids are probably the result of mixing between two possible end-members: enriched mantle and acid metaigneous or lower crustal metasediments.

The Variscan age of the dolerites, in combination with the geochemical characteristics, indicated that the enriched mantle basaltic material should be the source of the dolerite veins. These mantle-derived basaltic melts may represent the underplated material, which probably provided the necessary thermal input to the dehydration melting in the lower crust. The dolerites should have intruded the newly formed batholiths before or at the first stages of their uplift, recording the last events of the Variscan subduction.  相似文献   

The Lachlan Fold Belt has the velocity‐depth structure of continental crust, with a thickness exceeding 50 km under the region of highest topography in Australia, and in the range 41–44 km under the central Fold Belt and Sydney Basin. There is no evidence of high upper crustal velocities normally associated with marginal or back‐arc basin crustal rocks. The velocities in the lower crust are consistent with an overall increase in metamorphic grade and/or mafic mineral content with depth. Continuing tectonic development throughout the region and the negligible seismicity at depths greater than 30 km indicate that the lower crust is undergoing ductile deformation.

The upper crustal velocities below the Sydney Basin are in the range 5.75–5.9 km/s to about 8 km, increasing to 6.35–6.5 km/s at about 15–17 km depth, where there is a high‐velocity (7.0 km/s) zone for about 9 km evident in results from one direction. The lower crust is characterised by a velocity gradient from about 6.7 km/s at 25 km, to 7.7 km/s at 40–42 km, and a transition to an upper mantle velocity of 8.03–8.12 km/s at 41.5–43.5 km depth.

Across the central Lachlan Fold Belt, velocities generally increase from 5.6 km/s at the surface to 6.0 km/s at 14.5 km depth, with a higher‐velocity zone (5.95 km/s) in the depth range 2.5–7.0 km. In the lower crust, velocities increase from 6.3 km/s at 16 km depth to 7.2 km/s at 40 km depth, then increase to 7.95 km/s at 43 km. A steeper gradient is evident at 26.5–28 km depth, where the velocity is about 6.6—6.8 km/s. Under part of the area an upper mantle low‐velocity zone in the depth range 50–64 km is interpreted from strong events recorded at distances greater than 320 km.

There is no substantial difference in the Moho depth across the boundary between the Sydney Basin and the Lachlan Fold Belt, consistent with the Basin overlying part of the Fold Belt. Pre‐Ordovician rocks within the crust suggest fragmented continental‐type crust existed E of the Precambrian craton and that these contribute to the thick crustal section in SE Australia.  相似文献   

晚石炭纪-早二叠纪,在准噶尔盆地西北缘,发育区域性的火山岩建造,岩性以酸性英安岩和流纹岩为主,同时发育少量中性玄武安山岩和安山岩,多属于中-低钾的钙碱性系列。样品全碱(Na2O+K2O)含量为0.99% ~8.12%,K2O的含量较低,为3.01% ~0.05%,稀土元素总量(∑ REE)较低。稀土元素轻重分异,轻稀土元素(LREE)相对于重稀土元素(HREE)富集:(La/Yb)N=0.76~5.18,且部分样品显示轻微的Eu负异常和Ce正异常:δEu=0.533~1.148,δCe=0.979~1.224。微量元素中大离子亲石元素(LILE)富集,高场强元素Nb、Ta亏损。分析认为石炭系末期-二叠系早期,研究区所处构造环境为洋内弧附近的前弧盆地,发育的火山岩是母源岩浆经历了一定程度分异作用后的产物,以岛弧环境为主,兼具有部分板内大陆环境特征。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In active tectonic areas of humid equatorial regions, nearshore shallow‐water environments are commonly sites of near‐continuous siliciclastic influx and/or punctuated volcaniclastic input. Despite significant clastic influence, Neogene carbonates developed in SE Asia adjacent to major deltas or volcanic arcs, and are comparable with modern mixed carbonate–clastic deposits in the region. Research into delta‐front patch reefs from Borneo and fore‐arc carbonate platform development from Java is described and used to evaluate the effects of siliciclastic and volcaniclastic influx on regional carbonate sedimentation, local changes in carbonate‐producing biota and sequence development. Regional carbonate development in areas of high siliciclastic or volcaniclastic input was influenced by the presence of antecedent highs, changes in the amounts or rates of clastic input, delta lobe switching or variations in volcanic activity, energy regimes and relative sea‐level change. A variety of carbonate‐producing organisms, including larger benthic foraminifera, some corals, coralline algae, echinoderms and molluscs could tolerate near‐continuous siliciclastic or volcaniclastic influx approximately equal to their own production rates. These organisms adopted various ‘strategies’ for coping with clastic input, including a degree of mobility, morphologies adapted to unstable substrate inhabitation or shedding sediment, and shapes adapted to low light levels. Local carbonate production was also affected by energy regime, clastic grain sizes and associated nutrient input. Clastic input influenced the inhabitable depth range for photoautotrophs, the zonation of light‐dependent assemblages and the morphology and sequence development of mixed carbonate–clastic successions. This study provides data on the dynamic interactions between carbonate and non‐carbonate clastic sediments and, when combined with information from comparable modern environments, allows a better understanding of the effects of siliciclastic and volcaniclastic influx on carbonate production.  相似文献   

盛海洋  王飞跃 《地质科学》2009,44(1):281-313
以新构造运动为背景,以岩石地层特征为基础,以多种方法的测年数据为依据,以生物化石种属与产出层位和气候地层为参考,按照多重地层划分观点,本文首次对若尔盖盆地更新统及全新统的生物地层、气候地层和年代地层的划分做了深入研究,进而提出了若尔盖盆地晚新近纪地层的多重划分与对比方案.在以新构造运动为背景下沉积的更新统一全新统生物地层、气候地层等在不同发展阶段具有不同的特征,相同时期不同沉积物之间可以相互对比.利用植物、孢粉和测年数据,"阿坝砾石层"时代划归为早更新世.黄河干流、黑河和白河地层中所产古脊椎动物化石和介形类化石的地质时代为晚更新世.由泥炭孢粉剖面和RM孔孢粉资料揭示出晚冰期到冰后期以来,若尔盖地区的气候表现出极大的不稳定性,冷暖变化频繁,可与由冰期与间冰期或干旱期与湿润期交替演进的气候地层划分的中更新世4366高地冰期和尼格曲一公巴拉克冰期,晚更新世末次冰期早期的木哈隆冰阶、扎尔吉冰阶、羊拱海冰阶、希门错沟冰阶和末次冰期晚期的安纳尔冰阶、全新世冰后期气候地层单位,以及河流堆积阶地划分和风成堆积划分相对应.  相似文献   

Formation of Mesozoic western China, which was dominated by tectonic amalgamation along its southern margin and associated intracontinental tectonisms, holds a key for interpreting the succedent Cenozoic evolution. This paper presents new data including lithology, sedimentary facies, stratigraphic contact, seismic interpretation and paleo-structures within the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous strata in the northern Qaidam Basin, NW China. These data all account for a contractional tectonic deformation in the earliest Cretaceous. The South Qilian Shan, according to the sedimentary features and provenance analysis, reactivated and exhumated during the deformation, controlling the deposition of the Lower Cretaceous sequences. A simplified model for the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous paleogeography and tectonics of the northern Qaidam Basin is accordingly proposed. The results also support a ∼25° clockwise rotation of the Qaidam Basin since the Early Cretaceous and a more accurate Mesozoic evolution process for the basin. This earliest Cretaceous deformation, associated with the reactivation of the South Qilian Shan at the time, are part of the intracontinental tectonisms in central Asia during the Mesozoic, and probably driven by both the closure of the Mongol-Okhostk Ocean to the north and the collision of the Lhasa and the Qiangtang blocks to the south.  相似文献   

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