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Using the MU radar at Shigaraki, Japan (34.85°N, 136.10°E), we measure the power distribution pattern of VHF radar echoes from the mid-troposphere. The large number of radar beam-pointing directions (320) allows the mapping of echo power from 0° to 40° from zenith, and also the dependence on azimuth, which has not been achieved before at VHF wavelengths. The results show how vertical shear of the horizontal wind is associated with a definite skewing of the VHF echo power distribution, for beam angles as far as 30° or more from zenith, so that aspect sensitivity cannot be assumed negligible at any beam-pointing angle that most existing VHF radars are able to use. Consequently, the use of VHF echo power to calculate intensity of atmospheric turbulence, which assumes only isotropic backscatter at large beam zenith angles, will sometimes not be valid.  相似文献   

VHF atmospheric radar is used to measure the wind velocity and radar echo power related to long-period wind perturbations, including gravity waves, which are observed commonly in the lower stratosphere and tropopause region, and sometimes in the troposphere. These wind structures have been identified previously as either inertia-gravity waves, often associated with jet streams, or mountain waves. At heights of peak wind shear, imbalances are found between the echo powers of a symmetric pair of radar beams, which are expected to be equal. The largest of these power differences are found for conditions of simultaneous high wind shear and high aspect sensitivity. It is suggested that the effect might arise from tilted specular reflectors or anisotropic turbulent scatterers, a result of, for example, Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities generated by the strong wind shears. This radar power-difference effect could offer information about the onset of saturation in long-period waves, and the formation of thin layers of turbulence.  相似文献   

A statistical study of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparisons are made between horizontal wind measurements carried out using a VHF-radar system at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) and radiosondes launched from Aberporth, some 50 km to the southwest. The radar wind results are derived from Doppler wind measurements at zenith angles of 6° in two orthogonal planes and in the vertical direction. Measurements on a total of 398 days over a 2-year period are considered, but the major part of the study involves a statistical analysis of data collected during 75 radiosonde flights selected to minimise the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements. Whereas good agreement is found between the two sets of wind direction, radar-derived wind speeds show underestimates of 4–6% compared with radiosonde values over the height range 4–14 km. Studies of the characteristics of this discrepancy in wind speeds have concentrated on its directional dependence, the effects of the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements, and the influence of any uncertainty in the radar measurements of vertical velocities. The aspect sensitivity of radar echoes has previously been suggested as a cause of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar. The present statistical treatment and case-studies show that an appropriate correction can be applied using estimates of the effective radar beam angle derived from a comparison of echo powers at zenith angles of 4.2° and 8.5°.  相似文献   

A simple method is described, based on standard VHF wind-profiler data, where imbalances of echo power between four off-vertical radar beams, caused by mountain waves, can be used to calculate the orientation of the wave pattern. It is shown that the mountain wave azimuth (direction of the horizontal component of the wavevector), is given by the vector are radar echo powers, measured in dB, in beams pointed away from vertical by the same angle towards north, south, east and west respectively, and W is the vertical wind velocity. The method is applied to Aberystwyth MST radar data, and the calculated wave vector usually, but not always, points into the low-level wind direction. The mean vertical wind at Aberystwyth, which may also be affected by tilted aspect-sensitive layers, is investigated briefly using the entire radar output 1990–1997. The mean vertical-wind profile is inconsistent with existing theories, but a new mountain-wave interpretation is proposed.  相似文献   

The VHF radar system at Aberystwyth (52.4° N, 4.1° E) has been used to make high-time-resolution, multi-beam observations of mesospheric summer echo layers. These show that the altitude and the sense of vertical movement of the layers can vary over time-scales of minutes and horizontal scales of kilometres. In general, the altitude profiles of signal-to-noise ratio provide evidence of a bifurcated structure with sharp changes in the horizontal wind vector and vertical velocity, and enhanced spectral width occurring at the bifurcation level. The implications of the small-scale structure for studies of the aspect sensitivity of radar returns are discussed, and the changes in wind-field at the bifurcation level are compared with wind corners observed in rocket studies of the mesosphere at polar latitudes.  相似文献   

Powerful VHF radars are capable of almost continuously monitoring the threedimensional velocity vector and the distribution of turbulence in the middle atmosphere, i.e. the stratosphere and mesosphere. Methods of radar investigations of the middle atmosphere are outlined and the basic parameters, mean and fluctuating velocities as well as reflectivity and persistency of atmospheric structures, are defined. Results of radar investigations are described which show that the tropopause level as well as a criterion on the stability of the lower stratosphere can be deduced. Besides mean wind velocities, VHF radars can measure instantaneous velocities due to acoustic gravity waves. The interaction of gravity waves with the background wind is discussed, and it is shown that cumulus convection is an effective source of gravity waves in the lower stratosphere. The vertical microstructure of the stratosphere, manifesting itself in thin stratified sheets in which temperature steps occur, is investigated by applying knowledge from investigations of the oceanic thermocline. Possible origins, like shear generation and lateral convection of the microstructure of the stratosphere, are discussed. Observations of gravity waves in the mesosphere are reviewed and their connection with turbulence structures is pointed out. Finally, some open questions which could be answered by further VHF radar investigations are summarized.  相似文献   

In 2005, a multicomponent ocean bottom node data set was collected by BP and BHP Billiton in the Atlantis field in the Gulf of Mexico. Our results are based on data from a few sparse nodes with millions of shots that were analysed as common receiver azimuthal gathers. A first‐order look at P‐wave arrivals on a common receiver gather at a constant offset reveals variation of P‐wave arrival time as a function of azimuth indicating the presence of azimuthal anisotropy at the top few layers. This prompted us to investigate shear arrivals on the horizontal component data. After preliminary processing, including a static correction, the data were optimally rotated to radial (R) and transverse (T) components. The R component shows azimuthal variation of traveltime indicating variation of velocity with azimuth; the corresponding T component shows azimuthal variation of amplitude and phase (polarity reversal). The observed shear‐wave (S‐wave) splitting, previously observed azimuthal P‐wave velocity variation and azimuthal P‐wave amplitude variation, all indicate the occurrence of anisotropy in the shallow (just below the seafloor) subsea sediment in the area. From the radial component azimuthal gather, we analysed the PP‐ and PS‐wave amplitude variation for the first few layers and determined corresponding anisotropy parameter and VP/VS values. Since fracture at this depth is not likely to occur, we attribute the observed azimuthal anisotropy to the presence of microcracks and grain boundary orientation due to stress. The evidence of anisotropy is ubiquitous in this data set and thus it argues strongly in favour of considering anisotropy in depth imaging for obtaining realistic subsurface images, at the least.  相似文献   

For the first time, echo power maps of aspect-sensitive VHF backscatter are shown, with good time and spatial resolutions, for angles 0°–7° from zenith. Sequences of power maps show large changes in appearance over timescales of a few minutes and height intervals of a few hundred metres. Often, individual power maps are consistent with tilted and distorted specular-type scattering layers, rather than anisotropic turbulence, and the direction of maximum echo power is sometimes several degrees off-vertical. Nevertheless, after time-averaging the variable echo-power patterns, the average pattern can become almost circular and centred on zenith, as has been assumed in the past. Echo power maps measured in strong windshear beneath the jet stream show a skewing of the echo power distribution. However, some power maps in the lower stratosphere, despite stronger wind shear, appear more constrained and their maximum echo power remains closer to zenith.  相似文献   

Azimuth-dependent AVO in reservoirs containing non-orthogonal fracture sets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Azimuthal anisotropy in rocks can result from the presence of one or more sets of partially aligned fractures with orientations determined by the stress history of the rock. The symmetry of a rock with horizontal bedding that contains two or more non-orthogonal sets of vertical fractures may be approximated as monoclinic with a horizontal plane of mirror symmetry. For offsets that are small compared with the depth of the reflector, the azimuthal variation in P-wave AVO gradient for such a medium varies with azimuth as     where φ is the azimuth measured with respect to the fast polarization direction for a vertically polarized shear wave. φ 2 depends on both the normal compliance B N and the shear compliance B T of the fractures and may differ from zero if B N B T varies significantly between fracture sets. If B N B T is the same for all fractures,     and the principal axes of the azimuthal variation in P-wave AVO for fixed offset are determined by the polarization directions of a vertically propagating shear wave. At larger offsets, terms in     and     are required to describe the azimuthal variation in AVO accurately. φ 4 and φ 6 also depend on B N B T. For gas-filled open fractures     but a lower value of B N B T may result from the presence of a fluid with non-zero bulk modulus.  相似文献   

Mesospheric observations were obtained by the EISCAT UHF and VHF radars during the solar proton event of March 1990. We present the first comparison of incoherent-scatter spectral measurements from the middle mesosphere using simultaneous, co-located observations by the two radars. VHF spectra observed with a vertical antenna were found to be significantly narrower than model predictions, in agreement with earlier UHF results. For antenna pointing directions that were significantly away from the vertical, the wider VHF radar beam gave rise to broadening of the observed spectra due to vertical shears in the horizontal wind. In this configuration, UHF spectral measurements were found to be more suitable for aeronomical applications. Both radar systems provide consistent and reliable estimates of the neutral wind. Spectral results using both the multipulse and pulse-to-pulse schemes were intercompared and their suitability for application to combined mesosphere - lower thermosphere studies investigated.  相似文献   

With employing 1.5 h of the data observed by the Chung-Li VHF radar, the range resolution dependences of the VHF backscatter from refractivity fluctuation and precipitation are investigated in this article. It indicates that the atmospheric layer structure of refractivity seems to play a role in governing the range resolution dependence of clear-air turbulent echoes. Observations shows that the VHF clear-air echo power ratios for 4 to 2 μs pulse lengths are close to 3 dB in the middle or bottom side of the layer, while the ratios are significantly greater than 3 dB in the top side of the layer. The analysis of the precipitation echo power ratio for 4 to 2 ms pulse lengths shows that basically the ratios above 3.0 km are close to 3 dB, but enormously smaller than 3 dB below 3.0 km. The feature of extraordinarily small echo power ratios below 3.0 km is also observed for the radar returns from refractivity turbulence. The radar recovery effect is thought to be a primary factor responsible for the severe diminution of the echo power ratios at the lower altitudes. In addition, statistical analysis reveals that the range resolution effect on the first and second moments of the Doppler spectra for the radar echoes from clear-air turbulence and precipitation is insignificant and negligible. The dependences of the coefficient A and power B in the power-law approximation Vt=APBr to the terminal velocity Vt and range-corrected echo power Pr are examined theoretically and experimentally. The results show that the coefficient A (powers B) is inversely (positively) proportional to the range resolution, in a good agreement with the observations. Because of the strong dependence of coefficient A and power B on the radar pulse width, it suggests that great caution should be taken in comparing the power-law expressions Vt=APBr established from the radar returns obtained with different range resolutions.  相似文献   

The heavy rainfall generated by Meiyu front in the Yangtze River is popular topics in recent years. The heavy rainfall is formed in advantageous weather con-dition and interaction between different mesoscale processes. The previous studies included formation and maintenance of heavy rainfall, atmospheric circu-lation, relationship between the Meiyu frontal and mesoscale disturbance[1]. In recent years, the numer-ous studies and filed experiments are focus at the mesoscale structures of heavy…  相似文献   

为了检测定向裂隙介质中横波分裂的方位属性特征,分析地震属性随裂隙密度和方位变化,采用人工吸收边界和反周期扩展边界,用伪谱法获得不同裂隙密度和不同方位地质模型三分量地面记录;应用时频分析和剪切波偏振分析研究由于裂隙方位和密度引起的横波分裂.结果显示,裂隙密度和方位决定着横波分裂的时差和偏振.快慢横波的延迟时间随裂隙密度增大而增加,不同方位相同裂隙密度的横波分裂时差有微小的变化.在45°方位检测时间延迟时间最大.通过时频分析,可以看到不同方位的瞬时主频有显著的变化,在横波分裂处瞬时主频有明显变化.因此,瞬时主频和快横波的偏振以及延迟时间可以作为裂隙方位和密度的指示.  相似文献   

Natural fractures in reservoirs play an important role in determining fluid flow during production and knowledge of the orientation and density of fractures is required to optimize production. Variations in reflection amplitude versus offset (AVO) are sensitive to the presence of fractures but current models used to invert the seismic response often make simplified assumptions that prevent fractured reservoirs from being characterized correctly. For example, many models assume a single set of perfectly aligned fractures, whereas most reservoirs contain several fracture sets with variable orientation within a given fracture set. In addition, many authors only consider the azimuthal variation in the small offset amplitude versus offset and azimuth response (the variation in AVO gradient with azimuth), while the effect of fractures on amplitude versus offset and azimuth increases with increasing offset. In this paper, the variation in the reflection coefficient of seismic P -waves as a function of azimuth and offset due to the presence of multiple sets of fractures with variable orientation within any fracture set is used to determine the components of a second-rank fracture compliance tensor  α ij   . The variation in the trace of this tensor as a function of position in the reservoir can be used to estimate the variation in fracture density with position in the reservoir and may be used to choose the location of infill wells in the field. The principal axes of  α ij   reveal the most compliant direction within the reservoir and may be used to optimize the trajectory of deviated wells. The determination of the principal axes of  α ij   requires wide azimuth acquisition and the use of the small-offset amplitude versus offset and azimuth (the azimuthal variation of the AVO gradient) may give misleading results.  相似文献   

A system of aligned vertical fractures produces azimuthal variations in stacking velocity and amplitude variation with offset, characteristics often reported in seismic reflection data for hydrocarbon exploration. Studies of associated attenuation anisotropy have been mostly theoretical, laboratory or vertical seismic profiling based. We used an 11 common‐midpoint‐long portion of each of four marine surface‐seismic reflection profiles, intersecting each other at 45° within circa 100 m of a common location, to measure the azimuthal variation of effective attenuation, Q−1eff and stacking velocity, in a shallow interval, about 100 m thick, in which consistently orientated vertical fracturing was expected due to an underlying salt diapirism. We found qualitative and quantitative consistency between the azimuthal variation in the attenuation and stacking velocity, and published amplitude variation with offset results. The 135° azimuth line showed the least apparent attenuation (1000 Q−1eff= 16 ± 7) and the fastest stacking velocity, hence we infer it to be closest to the fracture trend: the orthogonal 45° line showed the most apparent attenuation (1000Q−1eff= 52 ± 15) and slowest stacking velocity. The variation of Q−1eff with azimuth φ is well fitted by 1000Q−1eff = 34 − 18cos[2(φ+40°)] giving a fracture direction of 140 ± 23° (±1SD, derived from ‘bootstrapping’ fits to all 114 combinations of individual common‐midpoint/azimuth measurements), compared to 134 ± 47° from published amplitude variation with offset data. The effects of short‐window spectral estimation and choices of spectral ratio bandwidth and offset ranges used in attenuation analysis, individually give uncertainties of up to ±13° in fracture direction. This magnitude of azimuthal variation can be produced by credible crack geometries (e.g., dry cracks, radius 6.5 m, aspect ratio 3 × 10−5, crack density 0.2) but we do not claim these to be the actual properties of the interval studied, because of the lack of well control (and its consequences for the choice of theoretical model and host rock physical properties) and the small number of azimuths available here.  相似文献   

The aspect sensitivity of SOUSY-VHF-radar oblique-beam echoes from the troposphere and lower stratosphere has been examined for a number of jet stream passages during the years 1990 - 1992. When the core of the jet is overhead or nearly so, vertical profiles of the aspect sensitivity display two notable features. First, the distinction between mainly isotropic and strongly aspect-sensitive echoes in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, respectively, often reported for measurements made during calm conditions, does not necessarily prevail in the vicinity of the jet stream. Second, echoes obtained at altitudes near the height of the horizontal wind maximum are found to be more aspect sensitive for beams directed parallel to the horizontal flow or nearly so, than for other beam directions. It is demonstrated that time-averaged horizontal wind speeds estimated from the radar data, taking into account the reduced effective oblique-beam zenith angle resulting from aspect sensitivity, may exceed uncorrected wind speeds by as much as 10 m s−1 in these circumstances. Implications for wind profiling and for describing the backscattering process are discussed. Doppler spectral widths examined for one jet stream passage are found to be narrower in a beam aligned with the horizontal wind at heights near the wind speed maximum than corresponding widths measured in a beam projected at right angles to the jet. The narrowest spectra thus coincide with the most aspect-sensitive echoes, consistent with the hypothesis that such returns result from specular backscattering processes.  相似文献   

In order to investigate mesoscale strato–tropospheric exchanges, the field campaign ‘Echanges Stratosphère–Troposphère: Investigations à Moyenne Echelle’ was conducted in France from late 1993 to mid 1995 and focused on cut-off low events. It involved the French research network of five VHF (Very High Frequency) ST (Strato–Tropospheric) radars deployed in southern France. Observations corresponding to three Intensive Observing Periods are reported here. The radar data analyzed and discussed are time–height diagrams of the aspect ratio (AR), that is, the vertical to oblique beam-returned power ratio, used for monitoring three cut-off low events. In order to discuss the validity of the method, 506 h of radar AR data were compared with time–height diagrams of the static stability and the humidity obtained from synoptic European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts model analyses. A dataset corresponding to 297 h of observations is analyzed and discussed here. It is concluded that the AR is a good tracer to document cut-off low events, including tropopause folding identification and the detection of tropospheric air masses of enhanced stability, in dry or weakly humid cases. On the other hand, although the effects of the specific humidity and its gradients on VHF radar echo power could not be extensively investigated, our results suggest that the same parameter cannot be used at mid- and lower-tropospheric levels when the effects of specific humidity significantly reinforce the moist static stability. It is important to take into account these insights in the context of future observing campaigns in which a network of VHF-ST-radars will be involved, and where their role will be to observe and to document the evolution of upper-level features or potential vorticity streamers, or more generally stratospheric–tropospheric exchanges.  相似文献   

偶极声源的辐射特性及仪器的四分量正交采集系统使得偶极横波远探测可在一维井筒中对井外构造进行方位探测.基于反射横波幅度随声源偏振方向呈余弦平方变化这一特征,本文提出一种利用函数拟合快速反演井周构造走向的方法.根据这一规律,该方法仅用4个方位剖面数据即可准确反演井周构造走向,同时得到井周构造的离井距离和倾角.数值模拟和物理实验模拟均验证了幅度随方位的变化以及反演方法的可行性.根据这一方法做的现场实例也进一步证明了该方法的适用性.本文工作为利用四分量偶极数据进行井周构造的反射横波成像提供了实用而有效的处理方法.  相似文献   

We have applied a full-correlation analysis technique to the echo power fluctuations observed by the MU radar (35°N, 136°E), and analyzed the horizontal structure of the scattering pattern in the mesosphere as well as their horizontal motions. The velocity of the scattering pattern did not agree with the background wind velocity, but was associated with the horizontal propagating direction of a saturated inertia gravity wave identified in the wind field. The length of the long axis of the characteristic ellipse of the scattering pattern was approximately 50 km, and the direction was almost perpendicular to the propagating direction of the wave. The correlation time of the scattering pattern was approximately 700 s, which is much longer than the lifetime of the isolated turbulence itself. This implies that the observed scattering pattern is associated with a region where the saturated inertia gravity wave generates turbulence.  相似文献   

VHF Radar echoes in the summer mesosphere at mid- and polar latitudes ([P]MSE—[polar] mesosphere summer echoes) are connected with very cold temperatures where ice particles can exist. Temperature variations can cause conditions for the generation and evaporation of ice particles and affect the [P]MSE occurrence. The impact of temperature and meridional wind oscillations on [P]MSE is described. Generally at mid-latitudes, strong mesosphere summer echoes are strongly affected by meridional wind variations if the mean temperature is near the frost point of water vapor. In contrast, at polar latitudes there is mostly no significant impact of the meridional wind on radar echoes. A mean temperature well below the frost point and a weaker meridional temperature gradient than at mid-latitudes are reasons for this reduced influence. Due to higher temperatures in 2002, long period temperature and meridional wind variations impact the PMSE more than during the other years.  相似文献   

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