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As part of an investigation aimed at assessing the potential of northern Swedish varved lake sediments for fine-resolution reconstruction of past climatic conditions, the following questions were addressed; how representative is a single core, does the appearance of varves change as the sediment ages, and how can varve thickness and within-varve structures be digitized? Analyses of replicate cores from Kassjön, using sample sequences of seasonal, annual and centennial time resolution, show that spatial variability of sediment accumulation in the varved sediment is very low. Comparisons of intensity curves from image analysis of freeze cores of recent sediments from Lake Nylandssjön, sampled in 1980 and 1985, indicate that the varves acquire their appearance at the sediment-water interface during sedimentation and that the varve structures are preserved during diagenetic processes. Measurement of varve thicknesses with a tree-ring microscope and with image analysis gave similar results. However, with image analysis, within-varve structures such as colour variations and thicknesses of seasonal layers, can also be recorded, increasing the possibilities for palaeolimnological and palaeoclimatic inferences.  相似文献   

A study of sedimentary processes and sediment yields in a high arctic meromictic lake (Lake C2, Taconite Inlet, Northern Ellesemere Island, Canada) was undertaken from May 1990 through August 1992 to understand the links between climatic controls, hydrology, and the laminated sediment record preserved in the lake. Understanding the relationships between processes and the sediment record is critical for interpreting the climatic significance of the laminated sediments in a region where high resolution climate proxy records are quite limited.Sediment transport to Lake C2 is dominated by fluvial processes. During the early part of the melt season slushflows transport sediment to the lake surface. Subsequently, suspended sediment is delivered to the lake by the main inlet stream and distributed lakeward by a plume emanating the main inlet channel. Due to the strong density stratification of the water column the plume distributes sediment downlake by overflows and interflows in the epilimnion. In general, overflows are generated by lower discharge events whereas interflows penetrate to the halocline during high discharge with increased suspended sediment concentration.Sediment trap analysis demonstrates that suspended sediment transport and deposition responds to diurnal through annual changes in stream discharge. Seasonal and annual sediment trap yields agree with average accumulation rates determined from varve thickness measurements and cumulative suspended sediment discharge from the main inlet stream indicating a close link between climatological, hydrological, and sedimentological controls and varve deposition.This is the fourth in a series of papers published in this issue on the Taconite Inlet Lakes Project. These papers were collected by Dr R. S. Bradley.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing large sets of diatom slides from sediment cores   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A procedure is described for making diatom microscopy slides from large numbers of sediment samples, simultaneously. The method uses small sediment samples, small test tubes, small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, no decantings, no centrifuging, and it requires no washing-up of glassware. It is, therefore, fast, cheap, gentle to the diatoms and needs little fume cupboard space.  相似文献   

We investigated whether techniques developed to evaluate qualitative lake-level changes in the temperate zone can be used in sub-arctic and arctic Alaska. We focused on aquatic pollen records and sediment properties (loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility) from centrally-located sediment-surface samples and cores, as these are the most commonly reported data in the literature. Modern aquatic pollen values are generally low (< 5%) and may be zero, even in lakes with abundant aquatic macrophytes. Greater diversity and higher values of aquatic pollen are likely at depths < 5 m, but pollen is found in depths up to 15 m. It is absent at depths > 20 m. Spores of Isoetes and Equisetum and Pediastrum cell-nets, when present, tend to be widely distributed, even in deep water. At Birch Lake, interior Alaska, trends in aquatic taxa and sediment characteristics for the last ca. 12,000 14C yrs recorded in a single, deep-water core reflect the same water-level changes as do transect-based lake-level reconstructions - if modern distributional characteristics of pollen and spores are taken into account. The lake rose from extremely low levels at ca. 12,000 14C yr B.P. After a period of fluctuation, it rose to a relatively high level by ca. 8000 14C yr B.P. and then stabilized. A preliminary survey of aquatic pollen trends from other lake-sediment records suggests that the period ca. 11,000-8000 14C yr B.P. may have seen relatively low lake levels in north-western and interior Alaska and high levels thereafter. Changes in aquatic pollen and sediments are evident in north-eastern interior lakes at the same time, but they are more difficult to interpret. Aquatic pollen productivity in Alaskan lakes may partly depend on factors other than water depth (e.g. temperature, pH, nutrient status, or length of the ice-free season). An Alaska-wide reconstruction of late-Quaternary lake levels based on extant single-core data would be best done after further study of contributing factors that may control sediment properties and aquatic pollen distribution.  相似文献   

In wind-stressed and unstratified Lough Neagh low aspect ratio sediment traps, which allow for internal resuspension, collected sediment at a rate close to the natural sediment accumulation rate inferred from dated sediment cores. High aspect ratio traps grossly overestimated the natural rate of sediment accumulation as did, but to a lesser extent, burial rate measurements on an artificial stratigraphic marker. The former type of trap deployed over long exposure periods is therefore recommended as providing the best estimate of net downward particle flux in lakes such as Lough Neagh. However, it is emphasized that all sediment trap types, when operated in shallow turbulent lakes, will to a greater or lesser extent be contaminated by secondary or redeposited material and so will not provide a direct measure of primary sedimentation. Use of tube traps in lakes such as Lough Neagh should not, however, be discounted since they can provide a record of the quality of sedimenting material through time.  相似文献   

Sediments from a 3 ha lake (75 °34.34N, 89 °18.55W) from the coastal region of northern Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, contain discrete laminations in the deepest part of the basin. The laminations are varves as indicated by the correspondence between counts and thickness measurements of the couplets and 210Pb dating. A 14 cm core representing 150 years of sedimentation contained laminated couplets consisting of a lighter inorganic layer with a higher percentage of calcium and magnesium, alternating with fine darker bands, typically more cohesive, and comprising higher proportions of silica and carbon. A reddish oxidation zone with higher iron and aluminum frequently separates the laminations. The dark layer represents a biogenic component deposited in summer and is made cohesive by bacterial filaments among the other particles. The light inorganic layer represents clastic deposition from allochthonous sources. Deposition rates were relatively consistent through the core with an increase in varve thickness in the 1950s. Diatom concentrations in the sediments increased by two orders of magnitude in this century, with major increases in the 1920s and 1950s. The increase in varve thickness and diatom abundance coincides with an increase in summer melt percentage in an ice core from the Devon Island Ice Cap (Koerner, 1977). The relatively high sedimentation rate (0.15 cm yr-1) coupled with the consistency of deposition makes this lake a significant indicator for recent climate changes of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.  相似文献   

Sediments of Lake 382, Experimental Lakes Area, Canada, were sampled at six sites using a 5-cm Wildco KB core sampler (KB), a similar device incorporating a ball check valve (BC), and a 0.2 m by 1.2 m flat-faced aluminum freeze core sampler (FC). Cores were sectioned at 1-cm intervals to a depth of 15 cm. Contaminant (210Pb and 137Cs) concentrations (Bq g-1) were measured by gamma spectroscopy, and inventories (Bq cm-2) were calculated following standard methods. Sediments collected using FC, BC and KB had similar contaminant concentrations, however, cores collected by FC and BC had lower estimated inventories than KB cores. Differences between estimates appear to be caused by differences in the water content (WC) of core material. Laboratory studies confirm that FC sediments have higher WC than tube-cored sediment. We hypothesize that ice crystal formation increases the WC of freeze cores, resulting in lower contaminant inventories. Loss of surficial sediment caused by a bow wave may have a similar effect on BC samples. We conclude that KB core gear is appropriate for sampling sediments to measure contaminant concentrations and inventories in recently deposited sediments.  相似文献   

Variations in pollen assemblages and in physical and chemical composition of a dated sediment record from the small Lake Haubi in north central Tanzania, reveal lake level fluctuations since the late 19th century. Lake Haubi changed from a seasonally inundated swamp to a lake in the beginning of the 20th century. With the exception of 1942-44, when it dried out completely, it remained water filled until 1994 when it again turned into a swamp. The lake level fluctuations in Lake Haubi are largely in phase with fluctuations of the larger East African lakes levels during the 20th century, and are therefore interpreted as being mainly controlled by regional climatic fluctuations. However, the initial formation of Lake Haubi at the turn of the century was likely due to local catchment specific causes, e.g. changes in land use, as the rapid increase in the water level at this time does not correspond to other lake level records from the region.  相似文献   

McNearney Lake is an acidic (pH=4.4) lake in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC=-38 eq L-1) and high SO inf4 sup2- and aluminium concentrations. Oligotrophy is indicated by high Secchi transparency and by low chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, and total nitrogen concentrations. The lake water is currently acidic because base cations are supplied to the lake water at a low rate and because SO inf4 sup2- from atmospheric deposition was not appreciably retained by the lake sediments or watershed and was present in the water column.This interdisciplinary paleolimnological study indicates that McNearney Lake is naturally acidic and has been so since at least 4000 years B.P., as determined from inferred-pH techniques based on contemporary diatom-pH relationships. Predicted pH values ranged from 4.7 to 5.0 over the 4000-year stratigraphy. Considerable shifts in species composition and abundance were observed in diatom stratigraphy, but present-day distributions indicate that all abundant taxa most frequently occur under acidic conditions, suggesting that factors other than pH are responsible for the shifts. The diatom-inferred pH technique as applied to McNearney Lake has too large an uncertainly and is not sensitive enough to determine the subtle recent changes in lakewater pH expected from changes in atmospheric deposition because: (1) McNearney Lake has the lowest pH in the contemporary diatom data set in the region and confidence intervals for pH predictions increase at the extremes of regressions; (2) other factors in addition to pH may be responsible for the diatom species distribution in the lake and in the entire northern Great Lakes region; (3) McNearney Lake has a well-buffered pH as a consequence of its low pH and high aluminium concentrations and is not expected to exhibit a large pH change as a result of changes in atmospheric deposition; and (4) atmospheric deposition in the region is modest and would not cause a pH shift large enough to be discernable in McNearney Lake.Elevated atmospheric deposition is indicated in recent sediments by Pb, V, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation rates and to a lesser extent by those of Cu and Zn; however, these accumulation rates are substantially lower than those observed for acidified lakes in the northeastern United States. Although atmospheric loadings of materials associated with fossil fuel combustion have recently increased to McNearney Lake and apparently are continuing, the present study of the diatom subfossil record does not indicate a distinct, recent acidification (pH decrease).Order of the first two authors is alphabetical  相似文献   

Changes in lake-water pH, alkalinity and colour were inferred from diatoms in surface sediment samples and sediment samples from pre-industrial times from 118 northern Swedish lakes. This palaeolimnological study does not support the hypothesis that there is a large-scale modern acidification in the two northernmost counties of Sweden; pH had decreased significantly in eight lakes, while five had a significant increase. Partial least-squares regression of changes in water chemistry in relation to catchment characteristics was performed to evaluate the causes of the acidity status. Furthermore, temporal trends were assessed from long sediment cores from five acidic lakes. The results suggest that the presently acid lakes have faced a long-term acidification trend over several thousand years due to soil-forming processes and vegetation development. However, due to the acid sensitivity of the region, future acidification trends in northern Swedish lakes should be carefully observed and assessed.  相似文献   

One thousand years of mining of sulfurous ores at the Falun copper mine, central Sweden, and the resulting atmospheric emissions of metals and sulfur dioxide, gives a unique opportunity to study long-term responses to acid deposition. Copper production peaked in the 17th century, when Falun supplied 2/3 of the world's copper production. Thereafter production and associated emissions have declined, and the mine was closed in the 1990's. Sediment cores from 14 lakes situated between 3-27 km from the mine have been analyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, S and 206Pb/207Pb isotope ratios to study the historical and geographical distribution of airborne pollutants. Diatoms have been analyzed to infer past lake acidity and to assess whether lake acidification has occurred and, if so, whether any recovery from acidification has occurred following the reduction in sulfur emissions. Eight of the fourteen lakes have acidified, beginning as early as the late 17th century, when the estimated annual emissions of SO2 amounted to 40,000 tons. This is perhaps the earliest known record of anthropogenic lake acidification. Despite the large historical deposition of sulfur, the pH has only decreased by 0.4–0.8 units, with the lowest diatom-inferred pH being 5.8. Effects of agriculture and forestry following the expanding mining industry may have counteracted acidification. Despite the 300 yrs of lowered emissions the diatom record shows no recovery in pH. There are still large amounts of sulfur accumulated in the soils in the area that may delay recovery from lake acidification. Afforestation in the area over the last 100 yrs may also play an important role in delaying the recovery process.  相似文献   

The diatom composition in surface sediments from 119 northern Swedish lakes was studied to examine the relationship with lake-water pH, alkalinity, and colour. Diatom-based predictive models, using weighted-averaging (WA) regression and calibration, partial least squares (PLS) regression and calibration, and weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression and calibration, were developed for inferences of water chemistry conditions. The non-linear response between the diatom assemblages and pH and alkalinity was best modelled by weighted-averaging methods. The lowest prediction error for pH was obtained using weighted averaging, with or without tolerance downweighting. For alkalinity there was still some information in the residual structure after extracting the first weighted-averaging component, which resulted in a slight improvement of predictions when using a two component WA-PLS model. The best colour predictions were obtained using a two component PLS model. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the prediction errors, with some characteristics of the training set included as passive variables, was performed to compare the results for the different alkalinity predictive models. The results indicate that calibration techniques utilizing more than one component (PLS and WA-PLS) can improve the predictions for lakes with diatom taxa that have broad tolerances. Furthermore, we show that WA-PLS performs best compared with the other techniques for those lakes that have a high relative abundance of the most dominant taxa and a corresponding low sample heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The variability of diatom distribution in an acidified, upland wind-stressed lake (Loch Fleet, Galloway, S. W. Scotland) was assessed by analysis of 28 surface sediment samples and 11 cores. Correspondence analysis (CA) and cluster analysis were used to illustrate the variability of the surface sediment and core samples. There was reasonable uniformity of taxa in most of the surface sediment samples, although 7 samples, as indicated by both CA and cluster analyses were atypical. Most cores recorded clearly the acidification of the lake, although percentages of individual taxa varied up to 20% between cores. Two cores had old, preacidification diatom assemblages (of indeterminate age) close to the sediment surface. These old sediments were probably the source of the re-worked diatoms found in the atypical surface sediment assemblages. Diatom trends, as CA ordinations and pH profiles, were less variable than the surface sediment assemblages. It is argued that non-uniform sediment accumulation rates and diatom deposition cause variability in surface sediment diatom samples. This variability may be reduced in core profiles by homogenization during further resuspension/deposition cycles and burial. Cores, and the associated time component they offer, may be useful in assessing the variability of surface sediment assemblages.  相似文献   

Easily discernible sediment varves (annual laminations) may be formed in temperate zone lakes, and reflect seasonal changes in the composition of the accumulating material derived from the lake and its catchment (minerogenic and organic material). The appearance of varves may also be influenced by chemical processes. We assessed the role of iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) in the appearance of varves in sediments from Lake Nylandssjön in northern Sweden. We surveyed Fe in the lake water and established whether there is internal transport of Fe within the sediment. We used a unique collection of seven stored freeze cores of varved sediment from the lake, collected from 1979 to 2004. This suite of cores made it possible to follow long-term changes in Fe and S in the sediment caused by processes that occur in the lake bottom when the sediment is ageing. We compared Fe and S concentrations using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) in specific years in the different cores. No diagenetic front was found in the sediment and the data do not suggest that there is substantial vertical transport of Fe and S in the sediment. We also modeled Fe and S based on thermodynamic, limnological, and sediment data from the lake. The model was limited to the five components H+, e?, Fe3+, SO4 2?, H2CO3 and included the formation of solid phases such as Fe(OH)3 (amorphous), FeOOH (aged, microcrystalline), FeS and FeCO3. Modeling showed that there are pe (redox) ranges within which either FeS or Fe(OH)3/FeOOH is the only solid phase present and there are pe ranges within which the two solid phases co-exist, which supports the hypothesis that blackish and grey-brownish layers that occur in the varves were formed at the time of deposition. This creates new possibilities for deciphering high-temporal-resolution environmental information from varves.  相似文献   

Five Holocene sediment cores from the northwestern Baltic proper were analysed for lithology, siliceous microfossil assemblages and geochemical parameters. The data indicate that surface water salinity and redox conditions below the halocline have changed drastically at least four times since the Baltic Sea changed from a fresh water lake (the Ancylus Lake) to a semi-enclosed brackish water sea (the Litorina Sea) c. 8500 yrs BP. These variations appear to be mainly effects of changes in water depth at the thresholds of inlet areas. Based on these changes, and earlier studies of the shoreline displacement in the inlet areas, we propose a tentative model for changes of large scale water circulation in the Baltic Sea during the last c. 8500 yrs.At the transition from fresh to brackish water 8500 14C yrs BP, upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water started to occur, causing a slight increase in primary production. Diatom assemblages in sediments indicate a slow rise in surface water salinity during this period.At 7000-6500 14C yrs BP, surface water salinity and primary production simultaneously increased, as anoxic bottom conditions were established at depth below the halocline. We suggest that high primary production was caused by increased input of oceanic water, leading to increased upwelling of nutrient rich bottom water. At the anoxic bottoms laminated sediments formed until 5000-4500 14C yrs BP. This period (c. 7000-4500 14C BP) was contemporaneous with the post-glacial transgression maximum in Öresund, and we suggest it represents the most saline phase of the Baltic Sea post-glacial history.Due to a regression in Öresund starting 4500 14C yrs BP, upwelling decreased and the halocline was lowered, resulting in decreased primary productivity and hence oxic deep water conditions. The diatom assemblages of the sediments indicate a lowering of salinity at the beginning of this period.We suggest that the second period of anoxic bottom conditions c. 2000-1500 14C yrs BP was caused by a change of dominating inflows from the Öresund to the Belt Sea. This resulted in decreased salinity of the inflowing water which did not penetrate to the deepest parts of the basin as frequently as before. The diatom record indicates both a second lowering of salinity and a change in the large scale water circulation at the beginning of this period.  相似文献   

Yuanyang Lake (24°35N, 121°24E), located at an altitude of 1,670 m within a nature preserve in northern Taiwan, is an acidic lake. Remains of diatoms and pollen from a 3.72-m sediment core were used to elucidate the relationships between the vegetation of the watershed and the paleolimnological environment. Past pH, saprobity level, and total P of the lake were inferred from the diatom assemblages and were analyzed with respect to changes in the terrestrial vegetation. The inferred pH values fluctuated only slightly, whereas the inferred saprobity level increased markedly towards the sediment surface. In the topmost sediment, a slight drop in the inferred pH was associated with a lowering in the saprobity index. This was interpreted as a possible result of recent anthropogenic acidification and changes in productivity related to changes in acidity. Based on pollen analyses, we conclude that Chamaecyparis persisted over at least the last four thousand years in the watershed. The vegetation in the watershed changed little during this period of time, which is consistent with the constancy of inferred pH values. A positive correlation between the inferred pH and 13C values of the sediments was found.  相似文献   

Diatom analyses were undertaken of sediment cores covering a range of water depths in a small eutrophic lake (Lough Augher, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland). The significance of between-core variability in diatom relative frequency stratigraphy was assessed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) where the ordination axes were constrained to external environmental variables (sediment depth, core location coordinates, water depth, effective fetch, distance-from-shore and distance-from-inflow). After the removal of the effect of sediment age by partialling it out, the resultant first two axes from the partial-CCA were significantly correlated with water depth and distance-from-shore, indicating non-uniform diatom stratigraphies across the lake. Despite this variability, all cores show the same succession of species and, therefore, record the eutrophication of the lake. Diatom-inferred total phosphorus (DI-TP) was inferred for six cores using weighted averaging regression and calibration. Apart from considerable differences of DI-TP in surficial sediment samples, there was good between-core repeatability of DI-TP profiles. These data support the use of DI-TP for establishing background nutrient concentrations for lakes, and associated implications for lake restoration schemes using single cores. Comparisons of DI-TP profiles and total diatom accumulation rate data for the individual cores indicate that diatom production peaked prior to the maximum TP concentrations in the lake.  相似文献   

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