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基于InSAR技术,利用欧空局升降轨Sentinel-1A/IW宽幅数据,获取了2017年8月8日四川九寨沟7.0级地震InSAR同震形变场,并以升降轨InSAR观测结果为约束,反演了断层滑动分布,基于三种不同接收断层计算了同震库仑应力变化.结果表明,同震形变场发生在塔藏断裂、岷江断裂和虎牙断裂交汇的三角地带,升降轨干涉位移均显示本次地震的形变场影响范围约为50 km×50 km,形变场长轴方向为NW向,升降轨观测的形变量相反,反映断层运动性质以走滑运动为主,升降轨数据观测得到的最大LOS(Line of Sight,视线向)形变量分别为~22 cm和~14 cm.非对称形变场反映出断层两侧的运动差异.反演结果显示,最大滑动量约为1 m,平均滑动角为-9°,矩震级为MW6.5,地震破裂主要集中在地下1~15 km深度范围内,但整体而言本次地震破裂较为充分,基本将该区域1973年及1976年4次> MW6.0地震的破裂空区完全破裂.考虑到塔藏断裂和虎牙断裂的运动性质,可初步判定发震断层为虎牙断裂北侧延伸分支.基于三种不同接收断层模型的同震库仑应力变化计算结果反映出该区域以应力释放为主,进一步触发较大走滑型余震的可能性不大.


本研究利用InSAR技术与ALOS PALSAR雷达数据,获取了2008年3月20日于田MS7.1地震视线向同震形变场,并基于该数据集和限制性最小二乘算法反演了此次地震的断层滑动分布;通过构造四大类反演方案,详细分析了InSAR观测系统中的入射角与方位角对反演结果的影响.结果表明:入射角随点位变化对反演结果有较大影响,使用其平均值将对破裂细节产生一定影响;而方位角对反演结果的影响不大,使用其平均值是一种较为理想的选择;引入入射角与方位角变化后,反演获得了较佳的于田地震同震滑动,主要集中分布于0~14 km深度附近,最大滑动量达3.2 m,矩张量为3.3×1019 N·m,相当于矩震级MW7.0.  相似文献   

通过综合分析2008年5月12日汶川地震野外地震地质考察的地表破裂带空间分布及分段资料,结合InSAR干涉形变场资料,构建了五段断层儿何结构模型,该模型与野外地震地质考察结果在多数分段上基本一致;基于此五段断层模型,运用敏感性迭代拟合算法反演了汶川地震InSAR同震形变场,获得了断层滑动分布及部分震源参数.结果表明,基于余震精定他获得的地震断层倾角模型模拟的同震形变场与InSAR形变场吻合较好,且残差较小;反演的滑动分布主要集中于地下0~20 km,最大滑动量分别位于北川及青川等地区,最大可达到10 m;沿SW-NE走向,断层面的滑动方向主要以右旋兼逆冲形式为主,在汶川及都江堰地区以强烈的逆冲为主兼有一定右旋走滑分量,在北川及映秀地区以逆冲兼右旋运动为主,在平武及青川等地区则逐渐过渡为以右旋运动为主兼有一定的逆冲分量,其中汶川地区的平均滑动角为97°,北川地区的平均滑动角为119°,青川地区平均滑动角为138°.反演矩张量为7.7×10~(20)N·m,矩震级达M_w7.9.  相似文献   

采用DInSAR技术和欧空局2014年新发射的Sentinel-1A/IW数据,获取了2015年4月25日尼泊尔M_W7.8地震的InSAR同震形变场.所用InSAR数据扫描范围东西长约500 km,南北宽约250 km,覆盖了整个变形区域,揭示了形变场的全貌及其空间连续变化形态.此次地震造成的地表形变场总体呈现为中部宽两端窄的纺锤形,从震中向东偏南约20°方向延伸,主要形变区东西长约160 km,南北宽约110 km,由规模较大的南部隆升区和规模较小的北部沉降区组成,南部最大LOS向隆升量达1.1 m,北部最大LOS向沉降量约在0.55 m.在隆升和沉降区之间干涉纹图连续变化,没有出现由于形变梯度过大或地表破裂而导致的失相干现象,表明地震断层未破裂到地表.基于InSAR形变场和部分GPS观测数据,利用弹性半空间低倾角单一断层面模型进行了滑动分布单独反演和联合反演,三种反演结果均显示出一个明显的位于主震震中以东的滑动分布集中区,向外围衰减很快,主要滑动发生于地下7~23 km的深度范围内.InSAR单独反演的破裂范围,特别是东西向破裂长度大于GPS单独反演的破裂长度,而InSAR单独反演的最大滑动量则低于GPS单独反演的滑动量.因此认为联合反演结果更为可靠.联合反演的破裂面长约150 km,沿断层倾向宽约70 km,最大滑移量达到4.39 m,矩震级为M_W7.84,与之前用地震波数据和GPS数据反演的结果一致.  相似文献   

2020年7月23日,西藏尼玛县发生MS 6.6地震,研究本地区的发震断层对认识周边活动断裂有着重要意义.由于发震地区位于青藏高原腹地,地震监测台站分布稀疏,监测能力较弱.故本文基于升、降轨Sentinel-1A SAR数据,通过差分干涉技术获取了西藏尼玛MS 6.6地震InSAR同震形变场,显示本次地震所引起的地表形...  相似文献   

基于单一断层模型,运用敏感性迭代拟合算法反演了汶川地震InSAR同震形变场,获得了断层滑动分布及部分震源参数.结果表明,倾角线性变换的单断层模型模拟的同震形变场与InSAR形变场吻合较好,且残差较小,平均残差为0.11 m;反演的滑动分布主要集中于地下0~20km,其中,汶川地区在震源深度附近有较大的滑动量,10~15 km深度最高可达7 m,地表滑动量却相对较小,平均值仅为2.5 m,平均滑动角均值约为121°;北川地区最大滑动量可达到10 m,平均滑动角均值约为109°;而青川地区10~15 km深度滑动量最高也达8 m,平均滑动角均值约为135°;滑动矢量图显示,沿SW-NE走向断层面的滑动方向以强烈的逆冲为主,兼有一定右旋走滑分量.反演矩张量为1.0×1021 N·m,矩震级达Mw8.0.  相似文献   

基于InSAR同震形变场反演汶川Mw7.9地震断层滑动分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过综合分析2008年5月12日汶川地震野外地震地质考察的地表破裂带空间分布及分段资料,结合InSAR干涉形变场资料,构建了五段断层几何结构模型,该模型与野外地震地质考察结果在多数分段上基本一致;基于此五段断层模型,运用敏感性迭代拟合算法反演了汶川地震InSAR同震形变场,获得了断层滑动分布及部分震源参数.结果表明,基于余震精定位获得的地震断层倾角模型模拟的同震形变场与InSAR形变场吻合较好,且残差较小;反演的滑动分布主要集中于地下0~20 km,最大滑动量分别位于北川及青川等地区,最大可达到10 m;沿SW-NE走向,断层面的滑动方向主要以右旋兼逆冲形式为主,在汶川及都江堰地区以强烈的逆冲为主兼有一定右旋走滑分量,在北川及映秀地区以逆冲兼右旋运动为主,在平武及青川等地区则逐渐过渡为以右旋运动为主兼有一定的逆冲分量,其中汶川地区的平均滑动角为97°,北川地区的平均滑动角为119°,青川地区平均滑动角为138°.反演矩张量为7.7×1020 N·m,矩震级达Mw7.9.  相似文献   

利用Sentinel-1A升轨和降轨数据,基于D-InSAR技术,获取2020年1月19日伽师MS6.4地震同震形变场,并结合其他研究机构给出的震源机制解参数和已有研究成果,反演得到伽师地震的发震断层几何特征和滑动分布。研究结果表明,伽师地震同震形变在地表有明显差异;升轨同震形变在卫星视线方向北侧抬升55 mm,南侧下降42 mm;降轨同震形变在卫星视线方面北侧抬升63 mm,南侧下降23 mm。通过反演得到发震断层走向为275°,倾角为20°,地震滑动主要分布在地下5 km处,最大滑动量约为0.32 m,平均滑动角为89.3°,累积地震矩为1.46×1018 N·m,合矩震级MW6.1,发震构造为具有少量走滑性质的逆冲断裂。从发震构造特征、同震滑动分布推测,伽师地震发震构造是柯坪塔格褶皱带滑脱面以上沉积盖层内的逆冲断裂,支持了柯坪推覆体的薄皮构造模型观点。  相似文献   

2020年7月22日(UTC)西藏尼玛发生Mw6.3地震.为准确确定地震的发震断层、反演破裂滑动分布以及评估地震危险性,本文利用合成孔径雷达差分干涉(DInSAR)技术对Sentinel-1A/B数据进行处理,获取视线向(line of sight,LOS)同震形变场,形变场显示以沉降为主,长轴呈NE向,升、降轨最大沉...  相似文献   

本文基于InSAR技术,利用欧空局Sentinel-1A/B升降轨SAR数据,提取了2020年6月26日新疆于田Mw6.3地震的同震形变场.利用升、降轨同震形变场约束,分别采用MPSO算法和Bayesian方法反演此次地震发震断层均匀滑动的几何参数,并进行对比.然后采用SDM方法获得发震断层非均匀滑动分布,并分析了同震...  相似文献   

朱森 《内陆地震》2014,(1):44-49
2008年10月5日在新疆乌恰地区39.50°N、73.64°E处发生MW6.7地震,用ROI_PAC软件处理4景日本ALOS卫星数据得到乌恰地震的三维同震形变场。距离向,断层北侧最大位移达39 cm,南侧最大位移达36 cm;方位向,北侧和南侧的最大位移分别为1.5 m和2 m。采用Okada弹性位错模型分析该地震的滑动分布,模拟得出的断层走滑角为48°,倾滑角为53°,深度为10.5 km,最大形变量2.5 m,分析得出该地震为向北逆冲兼左旋走滑。  相似文献   

The development of high-rate GNSS seismology and seismic observation methods has provided technical support for acquiring the near-field real-time displacement time series during earthquake. But in practice, the limited number of GNSS continuous stations hardly meets the requirement of near-field quasi-real-time coseismic displacement observation, while the macroseismographs could be an important complement. Compared with high-rate GNSS, macroseismograph has better sensitivity, higher resolution(100~200Hz)and larger dynamic range, and the most importantly, lower cost. However, baseline drift exists in strong-motion data, which limits its widespread use. This paper aims to prove the feasibility and reliability of strong motion data in acquiring seismic displacement sequences, as a supplement to high-rate GNSS. In this study, we have analyzed the strong-motion data of Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake in Longmenshan fault zone, based on the automatic scheme for empirical baseline correction proposed by Wang et al., which fits the uncorrected displacement by polynomial to obtain the fitting parameters, and then the baseline correction is completed in the velocity sequence. Through correction processing and quadratic integration, the static coseismic displacement field and displacement time series are obtained. Comparison of the displacement time series from the strong motions with the result of high-rate GPS shows a good coincidence. We have worked out the coseismic displacement field in the large area of Wenchuan earthquake using GPS data and strong motion data. The coseismic displacement fields calculated from GPS and strong motions are consistent with each other in terms of magnitude, direction and distribution patterns. High-precision coseismic deformation can provide better data constraint for fault slip inversion. To verify the influence of strong-motion data on slip distribution in Wenchuan earthquake, we used strong motion, GPS and InSAR data to estimate the stress drop, moment magnitude and coseismic slip model, and our results agreed with those of the previous studies. In addition, the inversion results of different data are different and complementary to some extent. The use of strong-motion data supplements the slip of the fault in the 180km segment and the 270~300km segment, thus making the inversion results of fault slip more comprehensive. From this result, we can draw the following conclusions:1)Based on the robust baseline correction method, the use of strong motion data, as an important complement to high-rate GNSS, can obtain reliable surface displacement after the earthquake. 2)The strong motion data provide an effective method to study the coseismic displacement sequence, the surface rupture process and quick seismogenic parameters acquisition. 3)The combination of multiple data can significantly improve the data coverage and give play to the advantages of different data. Therefore, it is suggested to combine multiple data(GPS, strong motion, InSAR, etc.)for joint inversion to improve the stability of fault slip model.  相似文献   

This study focuses on four moderate-sized earthquakes in the northern margin of the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibet Plateau, China, of which one occurred in 2008, and three in 2009, respectively. We obtain coseismic displacement fields of these four events using Envisat descending ASAR data and D-InSAR technology. The results show that the 2008 earthquake has only one deformation center and the 2009 earthquakes have three deformation centers in their fields. The maximum displacement of 2008 and 2009 earthquakes are 0.097m and 0.41m in the LOS(line of sight), respectively. We invert ground displacements of these earthquakes based on elastic dislocation models to estimate slip distribution on fault planes. For the 2008 event, using a one-segment fault model, the inversion reveals peak slip of about 0.47m occurring at a depth of 19km. For the 2009 earthquakes, the ground displacement pattern observed by InSAR can be fitted by a three-segment fault model with smallest RMS of residuals. The three sectional fault model is considered the most reliable.  相似文献   

利用差分干涉雷达测量技术(D-InSAR)提取同震形变场h   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术、差分干涉雷达测量技术,并对干涉测量精度进行了简单讨论.以西藏玛尼地区为例,通过三通差分干涉处理,获取了玛尼地震同震形变场.结果表明:形变场长200 km、宽115 km.干涉条纹以北东东向发震断层——玛尔盖茶卡断层为中心分布,且基本与发震断层平行;通过对干涉形变图进行分析,发震断层可分为3段,其中西段长约23 km,中段长约60 km,东段长约26 km,整个发震断层共长110 km;震中附近最大隆起斜距向位移量为162.4 cm,断层西侧最大沉降斜距向位移量为103.6 cm,震中最大地面水平位错为7.96 m.   相似文献   

On July 3rd, 2015, a MW6.4 earthquake occurred on Pishan County, Xinjiang, located in the front of western Kunlun thrust belt, which is the largest earthquake(MW6.0~7.0)in the past 40 years in this region. In this study, we collected both the near-filed geodetic coseismic deformation observations including 4 GPS sites and one high-resolution ALOS-2 InSAR imagery, and far-field teleseismic P waveforms from 25 stations provided by IRIS/USGS, to invert the fault parameters(strike and dip)and coseismic rupture model of 2015 MW6.4 Pishan earthquake. Using the finite fault theory, a non-linear simulated annealing algorithm was employed to resolve our joint inversion problem. The strike (120°~130°) and dip angle(35°~40°)of optimal models are different from that of some previous studies, and the dip change is strongly constrained by combined data than that of strike. In fixing the geometric parameters of optimal fault model, we also considered data weight(5)(geodetic data/teleseismic P waveforms)and constrained weight from moment and smooth factor(2.5). Clearly, our results indicate that the slip distribution mainly concentrates in the depth range from 9 to 16km and a length range of 20km along the strike direction, which is similar to the spatial distribution of the relocated aftershocks. The maximum slip is~95cm. The seismic moment release is 5.45×1018N·m, corresponding to MW6.42. Compared with the single data set, geodetic data or teleseismic waveform, our joint inversion model could simultaneously constrain the seismic moment and slip distribution well, thus avoiding effectively a lower-resolution rupture distribution determined by teleseismic-only inversion and a bias released moment estimated by the geodetic-only inversion. Importantly, we should consider both the near-field geodetic data and far-field teleseismic data in retrieving the rupture model for accurately describing the seismogenic structure of active fault in western Kunlun region.  相似文献   

We achieved the coseismic displacements of the Napa MW6.1 earthquake located in California US occurring on 24 August 2014 by using InSAR data from the newly launched ESA's Sentinel-1A satellite. The 30m×30m ASTER GDEM was used to remove the terrain effect, and phase unwrapping method of branch-cut algorithm was adopted. In order to obtain a better coseismic displacement field, we also tested 90m×90m SRTM data to remove the terrain effect and Minimum Cost Flow algorithm to unwrap the phase. Results showed that the earthquake caused a significant ground displacement with maximum uplift and subsidence of 0.1m and -0.09m in the satellite light of sight(LOS). Based on the Sentinel-1A dataset and sensitivity based iterative fitting(SBIF) method of restrictive least-squares algorithm, we obtained coseismic fault slip distribution and part of the earthquake source parameters. Inversion results show that the strike angle is 341.3°, the dip angle is 80°, rupture is given right-lateral fault, average rake angle is -176.38°, and the maximum slip is ~0.8m at a depth of 4.43km. The accumulative seismic moment is up to 1.6×1018N·m, equivalent to a magnitude of MW6.14.  相似文献   

发震断层的形变是断层活动的重要参数之一,对认识断层性质、震源机理有重要作用。文中以逆冲性质为主的汶川地震为例,采用符合地表水平形变特征的Biharmonic样条插值对GPS水平形变矢量插值,然后再分解为EW和SN向分量。利用可靠的GPS观测值对InSAR参考点进行校正,统一两者的坐标系。通过对汶川地震视线向形变场剖面与GPS对比分析发现,断层上盘GPS与InSAR观测参考点相差9.93cm,而下盘则为-11.49cm。在此研究基础上,通过GPS水平形变场与InSAR视线向形变场联合解算,获取了汶川地震垂直连续形变场。结果表明,断层两侧垂直形变衰减较快,横跨断裂带形变量30cm的宽度不超过50km;沿发震断层附近垂直形变高值区分布不均匀,主要集中分布在发震断裂的汶川县城至都江堰段、茶坪—北川—南坝段和青川段。这3段各有特色,南段断层两侧垂直形变极不对称,主要以上盘剧烈抬升为主,最大抬升区域在映秀镇至连山坪一带,抬升量达到5.5m。中段表现为较强的反对称性,断层一侧抬升另一侧沉降。该段上盘最大抬升区域在茶坪东侧,抬升量为255cm,下盘最大沉降量在永庆,沉降量为-215cm。北端垂直形变相对较小,主要分布在青川北侧,呈对称分布,在发震断层最北端,最大抬升量为120cm。  相似文献   

通过InSAR与GPS数据融合获取汶川地震同震三维形变场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对In SAR与GPS两类独立的观测数据,利用广义测量平差理论中方差分量估计法,合理分配权重,有效地融合了这两类观测数据,从而估算出了地表在三维方向上的形变场。以四川汶川地震为例,利用In SAR干涉测量结果和一定数量的GPS观测值,通过该方法获取了地震断层两侧高相干区域上三维形变场,清晰地显示了汶川地震的逆冲和右旋走滑分量的位置分布整体特征。结果表明,在EW、SN和UD方向上地表形变量与GPS结果能够很好地吻合,融合结果在三维方向上的均方根误差均不超过5cm,证明了该方法能够得到精度较高的地震同震三维形变场,也揭示了利用方差分量估计法对相互独立数据之间有效融合的可行性。  相似文献   

According to the structure of the Himalayan orogenic belt, a low-angle antilistric thrust-slip fault model is used to simulate the ramp on the rupture portion of the Main Himalayan Fault. Based on descending Alos -2 and Sentinal -1 data, we invert for the coseismic slip models of the Gorkha earthquake and its largest aftershock, Kodari earthquake. In contrast to the inversion using Alos -2 or Sentinal -1 separately, the joint inversion of both data sets has stronger constraint for the deep slip and can obtain more details in Gorkha earthquake. The rupture depth obtained by joint inversion can be as deep as 24km underground, cutting across the locking line to the transition of locked and the creeping zone. The largest slip is as large as 4.5m appearing 17km underground and the dip angle is between 3°and 10°. Gorkha and Kodari earthquakes have the similar focal mechanisms, both of which are mainly thrusting, and yet some right-lateral slip component in Gorkha earthquake. The inversion results reveal that slip models of the Nepal mainshock and its largest aftershock are complementary in space and the Kodari earthquake occurs in the gaps of slip in Gorkha earthquake. The epicenter of the Kodari earthquake is just right in the transitive zone of the positive and negative Coulomb stress change, where the Coulomb stress change can reach 0.4MPa. We thus argue that Kodari earthquake has been triggered by the Gorkha earthquake.  相似文献   

通过分析 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震前后的GPS资料和 1 979— 2 0 0 2年的水准测量资料 ,获得了地表同震位移场。利用这些同震位移数据 ,以震后详细野外地质调查破裂数据为约束 ,反演了破裂断层面上的同震滑动分布。结果表明 ,破裂下界深度为 1 4 .2~ 2 1km(70 %置信区间 ) ,最佳破裂深度 1 7km。虽然在太阳湖段和主破裂带西端的中间区域未观测到地表破裂 ,但反演的结果表明此区域存在 2~ 3m左右的左旋水平走滑 ,与InSAR资料分析得到的结果一致。地表以下的破裂西端止于太阳湖段 ,而东端似乎在地表破裂迹线以东 30km范围内仍存在 1 .5~ 2 .0m的左旋滑动。反演的垂直位移表明断层在东经 93°以西部分大体表现为南盘上升 ,而东经 93°以东部分表现为北盘上升。由大地测量和地表破裂调查得到的地震矩释放为 6 .1× 1 0 2 0 N·m ,与地震波资料的反演结果基本一致  相似文献   

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