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随着油气勘探难度的加大,对资料保真度方面提出了更高的要求.针对可控震源资料提高保真度的问题,实现了可控震源力信号反褶积方法提取可控震源单炮记录.根据理论褶积模型,对比了可控震源参考信号互相关方法和力信号反褶积方法的优劣.得到以下结论:力信号反褶积资料子波能量更集中,无谐波干扰,子波相位更接近地下反射系数序列,是保真度更高的资料.在实际资料的对比中,力信号反褶积相比常规参考信号互相关数据,初至清晰,相位准确,波形保真度及剖面深层能量反射清晰度方面都有提升.该方法克服了参考信号互相关的固有缺陷,对于提高可控震源资料品质,特别是提高资料保真度起到了积极的作用,有较好的规模化应用前景.  相似文献   

随着高密度以及深层地震勘探的发展和普及,采集数据量随之急剧增加,常规采集方法已经不能有效地适应这些大数据量的勘探项目需求,高效地震采集方法成为必然.近几年来,混叠采集是较新发展的一种高效采集方法.本文在调研目前常用的混合源和同时源方法的基础上,总结提出了混叠采集的新概念.根据概念建立起理论正演模型进行模拟,模拟混叠采集方法与常规采集方法的区别、不同参数对混叠效果的影响等,得出相关的结论.在华北东部廊固凹陷进行了验证性试验.廊固凹陷地处华北平原,交通发达,村庄密集,存在较大的空炮率和超强的环境噪声,对资料品质有较大的影响,野外试验与模拟试验结果大致相同,也有一定的差异.与以往规则型的混叠方式不同,本研究在试验中创新性引入了任意随机与不同激发信号的混叠方式方法,取得了一些新的认识.研究结果表明:混叠采集方法能显著地提高生产效率;混叠带来的噪声可以通过不同域来去除;混叠采集需要一定的合适的空间间隔;混叠采集数据品质略差于常规方法,但可以通过提高采集密度和生产效率来弥补;混叠参数选取要考虑平衡施工效率、噪声水平和资料品质.  相似文献   

针对可控震源高频拓展,一些使用者只是简单提高高频截止频率,出现了较多问题,如在沙漠、草场等疏松地表区域会出现高频畸变,严重影响了资料品质.为此,从高频段畸变现象入手,建立可控震源与地表振动模型,深入研究了震源振动输出力信号.分析表明高频段重锤与平板加速度之间产生较大相位差,造成可控震源系统过载是产生高频畸变的原因,并进一步提出了高频优化能量补偿扫描技术的方法改善高频畸变,通过试验对比说明了该方法能够提高高频输出信号的稳定性,降低高频畸变,也为以后解决类似问题提供帮助.  相似文献   

Vibroseis data recorded at short source–receiver offsets can be swamped by direct waves from the source. The signal-to-noise ratio, where primary reflections are the signal and correlation side lobes are the noise, decreases with time and late reflection events are overwhelmed. This leads to low seismic resolution on the vibroseis correlogram. A new precorrelation filtering approach is proposed to suppress correlation noise. It is the ‘squeeze-filter-unsqueeze’ (SFU) process, a combination of ‘squeeze’ and ‘unsqueeze’ (S and U) transformations, together with the application of either an optimum least-squares filter or a linear recursive notch filter. SFU processing provides excellent direct wave removal if the onset time of the direct wave is known precisely, but when the correlation recognition method used to search for the first arrival fails, the SFU filtering will also fail. If the tapers of the source sweeps are badly distorted, a harmonic distortion will be introduced into the SFU-filtered trace. SFU appears to be more suitable for low-noise vibroseis data, and more effective when we know the sweep tapers exactly. SFU requires uncorrelated data, and is thus cpu intensive, but since it is automatic, it is not labour intensive. With non-linear sweeps, there are two approaches to the S,U transformations in SFU. The first requires the non-linear analytical sweep formula, and the second is to search and pick the zero nodes on the recorded pilot trace and then carry out the S,U transformations directly without requiring the algorithm or formula by which the sweep was generated. The latter method is also valid for vibroseis data with a linear sweep. SFU may be applied to the removal of any undesired signal, as long as the exact onset time of the unwanted signal in the precorrelation domain is known or determinable.  相似文献   

The goal of vibroseis data acquisition and processing is to produce seismic reflection data with a known spatially-invariant wavelet, preferably zero phase, such that any variations in the data can be attributed to variations in geology. In current practice the vibrator control system is designed to make the estimated groundforce equal to the sweep and the resulting particle velocity data are cross-correlated with the sweep. Since the downgoing far-field particle velocity signal is proportional to the time-derivative of the groundforce, it makes more sense to cross-correlate with the time-derivative of the sweep. It also follows that the ideal amplitude spectrum of the groundforce should be inversely proportional to frequency. Because of non-linearities in the vibrator, bending of the baseplate and variable coupling of the baseplate to the ground, the true groundforce is not equal to the pre-determined sweep and varies not only from vibrator point to vibrator point but also from sweep to sweep at each vibrator point. To achieve the goal of a spatially-invariant wavelet, these variations should be removed by signature deconvolution, converting the wavelet to a much shorter zero-phase wavelet but with the same bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio as the original data. This can be done only if the true groundforce is known. The principle may be applied to an array of vibrators by employing pulse coding techniques and separating responses to individual vibrators in the frequency domain. Various approaches to improve the estimate of the true groundforce have been proposed or are under development; current methods are at best approximate.  相似文献   

Break through the limits of vibroseis data quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vibroseis method has become the principal data acquisition method in land seismic exploration. It seems that this method has been extended to its limits as the search for energy resources continues. Many practical issues arising from field operations have remained theoretically unexplained, for example, variations in wavelet arrival time, inaccurate wavelet estimation and harmonics in the wavelet itself. The focus of this paper is the proposal of a new model, which is referred to as the vibrator‐coupled ground model, to simulate the filtering effects of a complex coupling system consisting of the coupling between the baseplate and the ground as well as the coupling between the captured ground mass near the vibrator baseplate and the surrounding earth. With this vibrator‐coupled ground model many of the practical issues mentioned above were reasonably addressed. Furthermore, it was demonstrated from experimental tests that both the pilot sweep and the weighted‐sum groundforce, when filtered by the vibrator‐coupled ground model, are proportional to the far‐field particle velocity whereas the unfiltered signals are not. The harmonics on the filtered weighted‐sum groundforce successfully maintain a proportional relationship with the harmonics seen in the far‐field signal.  相似文献   

A hybrid technique consisting of modal summation and subsequent finite differences modelling is applied for the computation of synthetic accelerograms along a profile crossing the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. Assuming the source geometry is known, the amplification properties of the underlying soil may be determined by comparison of synthetics and their response spectra computed for a bedrock model with the ones obtained under the assumption of a realistic laterally varying local model. The peak ground acceleration is larger by a factor of up to 3.5 than the value obtained for the bedrock model. The amplification of the response spectra is most prominent for frequencies below 2 Hz, and increases sharply to the SW from the mapped fault running through the centre of the city.  相似文献   

A deconvolution approach is presented to process uncorrelated vibroseis data. The recorded ground force signal, known to be a better correlator for the vibrogram than the pilot sweep itself, is used to deconvolve rather than to correlate the vibrogram. In such a way the ghost sweep (correlation noise), produced by severe harmonic distortions in the ground force signal both at negative and positive correlation times if such a signal is used as the correlator, is eliminated automatically. This type of deconvolution can eliminate the ghost sweep caused by both the upsweep or by the downsweep signal. Synthetic and real data are used to demonstrate the application of the deconvolution procedure. The results are compared with the traditional correlation procedure and show the superiority of the deconvolution approach.  相似文献   

Parameter estimation from the elliptical variations in the normal-moveout (NMO) velocity in azimuthally anisotropic media is sensitive to the angular separation between the survey lines in 2D, or equivalently, the source-to-receiver azimuth in 3D, and to the set of azimuths used in the inversion procedure. The accuracy in estimating the orientation of an NMO ellipse, in particular the parameter α, is also sensitive to the magnitude of anisotropy. On the other hand, the accuracy in estimating the semi-axes of the NMO-velocity ellipse is about the same for any magnitude of anisotropy.   To invert for the NMO ellipse parameters at least three NMO-velocity measurements along distinct azimuth directions are needed. In order to maximize the accuracy and stability in parameter estimation, it is best to have the azimuths for the three source-to-receiver directions 60° apart. Having more than three distinct source-to-receiver azimuths (e.g. full azimuthal coverage) provides a useful data redundancy that enhances the quality of the estimates.   In order to maximize quality in the inversion process, it is recommended to design the seismic data acquisition such that it contains small sectors (≤10°) with adequate fold and offset distribution.   Using three NMO-velocity measurements, 60° apart, an azimuthally anisotropic layer overlain by an azimuthally isotropic overburden (as might occur for fractured reservoirs) should have a relative thickness (in time) with respect to the total thickness at least equal to the ratio of the error in the NMO (stacking) velocity to the interval anisotropy of the fractured layer. Coverage along more than three azimuths, however, improves this limitation, which is imposed by Dix differentiation, by at most 50%, depending on the number of observations (NMO velocities) that enter the inversion procedure.  相似文献   

The key questions concerning the modern methodical tasks and accuracy of GPS measurements of crustal motion spanning are discussed for a full cycle of the survey from the organization of the field operations to the interpretation of the final results. The presented data rely on the 20-year experience of the geophysicists of the Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek (RS RAS) in GPS monitoring at the Geodynamic Proving Ground in Bishkek (GPGB) and in a large part of Central Asia. The comparative characteristics of the constellations of visible GPS and GLONASS satellites are analyzed from the standpoint of their practical application for precise scientific observations of crustal motions. The studies of the contemporary movements of the Earth’s crust by the methods of satellite geodesy generally comprise three stages: (1) organization of the measurement networks and acquisition of the data; (2) data processing; and (3) interpretation of the results. Each stage is associated with its own block of the tasks and problems, and neither is guaranteed against uncertainties and errors which may affect the results, conclusions, and reconstructions.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that the number of modes which should be included in a mode superposition dynamic response analysis depends on both the frequency content and the distribution of the loading. If the loading frequency is low the effect of the higher modes can be approximated by a static analysis. A technique is described for calculating this static contribution from the higher modes; the total response is then represented by the sum of the lower mode dynamic response and the higher mode static effects. The effectiveness of the procedure is demonstrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

A number of problems relating to characteristics of harmonic phase angles contained in earthquake ground motions are discussed, which have been mostly overlooked in the past in contrast with the importance placed on harmonic amplitudes. Particularly, the significance of the concept of phase differences in certain properties of earthquake ground motions is emphasized. A few applications of this new concept to earthquake engineering problems are illustrated as well.  相似文献   

A hybrid approach is applied to construct 2-D synthetic seismograms for explosive sources. The computation of the signals has been performed with a hybrid technique, that couples the modal summation method, describing the P-SV propagation from the source to a target area, to the finite difference method, allowing the computation of the 2-D response of the target area. We use this technique to study the site response in the city of Benevento (Southern Italy). The results are compared both with those obtained for the same model, but considering an extended double-couple source and SH wave propagation and with those derived from a direct analysis of experimental data obtained during the Benevento Seismic Risk Project, funded by the Commission of European Communities. The type and depth of the source and the source-receiver distance can provide different excitations, but the response of the target area, in terms of ratios of response spectra, remains in general stable in the high frequency range (>2 Hz). The explosive source does not excite lower frequencies and is therefore unable to provide estimates of site effects in this frequency range. We also show that it is important to consider both P-SV and SH waves when assessing site effects. Finally, a very good definition of a structural model from geological data is fundamental in order to explain the observed data in the time domain. The observed data validate our synthetic modelling for evaluating the site effects and for a tentative seismic microzonation of the city of Benevento.  相似文献   

特殊长周期地震动的参数特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近断层脉冲型地震动和远场软土层场地类谐和地震动是两类特殊的长周期地震动,当前的规范均很少对这两类地震作用进行具体的规定。研究了近断层脉冲型和远场类谐和地震动的幅值、幅值比(V/A,D/V)、傅里叶幅值谱和反应谱的差别,分析了相位角和作用循环周期数对简单脉冲的影响,并用于解释两类特殊地震动的工程特征。以集集地震动为数据基础,分析了两类长周期地震动的傅里叶谱和反应谱特征;将平均加速度和位移规准反应谱分别与规范设计谱进行了比较。建议设计谱在长周期段考虑近断层作用和软土场地面波效应的影响。  相似文献   

Pure and Applied Geophysics -  相似文献   

EGM2008地球重力模型数据在中国大陆地区的精度分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文介绍了5′×5 ′的EGM2008地球重力模型及其在全球的精度评价.按照地形变化规律,将中国大陆大致分为7个区域,在10 km网度上,将EGM2008地球重力模型数据与中国地面实测空间重力网格数据进行了对比.由于数据源的问题,中国大陆的模型数据精度普遍低于北美和欧洲.二种数据在地形平坦的东部地区差别较小,向西随着地形复杂程度的增加,二种数据之间的标准差从小于10 mGal增大到50多mGal.畸变点分析表明精度极低的网格点均分布在地形起伏大的地区.总体而言,5′×5′的EGM2008地球重力模型数据在中国大陆将近80%的面积上的精度可达10 mGal之内,可用于小比例尺重力编图和构造研究.在地形起伏较大的中国西部以青藏高原为例进一步比较了EGM2008重力模型和重力测点数据,结果表明在重力点分布稀疏不均匀的地区,平面网格数据难以准确表达重力场信息.由于缺少地面重力数据控制,EGM2008重力模型数据在中国西部精度较低,但模型数据依然在很大程度上提高了空间重力异常信息的丰富程度.将中国区域重力调查成果数据应用于地球模型的构建是一项有意义的工作.  相似文献   

The error-propagation characteristics of an implicit time integration algorithm in pseudodynamic testing are examined. It is shown that the implicit algorithm is superior to explicit integration algorithms in terms of experimental error amplification. The influence of systematic experimental errors is studied and methods for controlling these errors are examined. In spite of the fact that the implicit algorithm is unconditionally stable, it is shown that the integration time interval in a pseudodynamic test is limited by the calibration range of the electronic hardware as well as the degree of participation of the higher modes. Furthermore, the tolerance for experimental errors decreases as the integration time interval increases.  相似文献   

auuau uu muna a f>1,5 , aumua ¶rt; a nmua uu m u a ¶rt; a mau. mu a aum nm uu, umu a mauu aa (L=2,1) n¶rt; nm uu (L=5). m mmmum mu umua uu, umu a mu mau. au uu a nm m, m a um nmam a 2000–3000 u anu u a L=2,2–5,9. au mmmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu a¶rt;am u amu aua uu a L 3,5. aa, m a mauu aa u ¶rt;a a¶rt; nuu uu a , umum uuu n¶rt; a¶rt;a a nmu. au a n¶rt;num, m am a L 3,5,¶rt; aam au uu u au mmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu, aa ¶rt;amua anau a nana. m u m amu mm au anum u ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua n¶rt;u anmau u ¶rt; — ua.  相似文献   

The parameters of the September 3, 1978, earthquake in the Western Caucasus are presented according to data from different seismological agencies. This event, along with the 1966 earthquake in Anapa, is the strongest seismic event in the region. The solutions suggested in the main international and national seismological agencies contradict the well-known fact that the earthquake did not have catastrophic consequences. This is confirmed only by the position of the epicenter according to GCMT data intended for determining somewhat different earthquake parameters: the focal mechanism and seismic moment. Despite the fact that there was no expedition to perform a macroseismic study of the earthquake, some information was collected by phone survey. Information on the spatial distribution of the macroseismic effect made it possible to more accurately determine the epicenter position according to the GCMT data.  相似文献   

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