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The Petit-Rhône Fan Valley (north-western Mediterranean) is a broad, sinuous, filled valley that is deeply incised by a narrow, sinuous thalweg. The valley fill is differentiated into three seismic subunits on high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles. The lower chaotic subunit probably consists of channel lag deposits that seem to be in lateral continuity with high-amplitude reflections representing levee facies. The intermediate transparent subunit, which has an erosional base and clearly truncates levee deposits, is interpreted to be mass-flow deposits resulting from the disintegration of the fan-valley flanks. The upper bedded subunit shows an overall lens-shaped geometry and the seismic reflections onlap either onto the top of the underlying transparent subunit or onto the Rhône levees. Piston core data show that the upper few meters of this upper subunit consist of thin turbidites, probably deposited by overflow processes. The few available 14C ages suggest that the upper stratified subunit filled the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley between 21 and 11 kyr BP. The upper bedded subunit is deposited within the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley downslope of a major decrease in slope gradient. This upper subunit and the thalweg are genetically related and represent a small channel/levee system confined within the fan valley. Previous studies interpreted this thalweg to be an erosional feature resulting from a recent avulsion of the major channel course. Our interpretation implies that the thalweg is not a purely erosional feature but a depositional/erosional channel. This small channel/levee system is superimposed on a large muddy channel/levee system after the sediment supply changed from thick muddy flows during the main phase of aggradation of the Rhône Fan levees, to thin, mixed (sand and mud) flows at the end of Isotope Stage 2 (~16–18 ka BP). The pre-existing morphology of the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley played a determinant role in the sediment dispersal leading to the creation of this small and confined channel/levee system. These mixed flows have undergone flow stripping resulting from the changes in the slope gradient along the thalweg course. The finer sediment overflowed from the thalweg and were deposited in the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley. Coarser channelled sediment remaining in the thalweg were deposited as a ‘sandy’lobe (Neofan). As indicated by 14C dating, sedimentation on this lobe continued until very recently, suggesting a further evolution of the turbidity flows from small mixed flows to small sandy flows. the deposition of this study lobe and the sedimentary fill of the Petit-Rhône Fan Valley may be related to widespread shelf edge and canyon wall failures with a resulting downslope evolution of failed sediment into turbidity currents.  相似文献   

Very-high-resolution seismic data acquired on the Rhône continental shelf were used to address the detailed morphology of Late Pleistocene and post-glacial units (from 18 000 yr BP to the present). Two groups of units can be distinguished. (1) Lower units that are mainly the product of variations in relative sea level. They comprise the last Pleistocene regressive deposits made of alluvial sheets (U0, U1) and, above, transgressive deposits that can be divided into: backstepping transgressive units (U3 and U4a), deposited during the landward retreat of the river mouth and transgressive units (U4b, U4c) laid down during the inundation of the shelf. A prograding littoral/lagoon system (U5/U6) indicating a fluctuation during the rise in sea level caps the transgressive units. This work has emphasized the complexity of these depositional environments, mainly related to a river system situated near the current Petit-Rhône. (2) Upper units that make up the recent Rhône delta and correspond to the current highstand systems tract (HST) developed since the stabilization of relative sea level. Seven prodeltaic lobes have been identified (U7–U13). Two of them are bilobate (U7 and U8) and date from a period when the delta was split as a result of the fluviatile system being progressively divided into several channels. Other prodeltaic lobes (U9, U10) are stacked in front of the distributary's outlet, recording several periods of outflow. The results show a strong correlation with studies on land. The distribution of recent prodeltaic lobes was constrained by canalization of the Rhône river to prevent the effects of climatic crises or other natural disasters.  相似文献   

A scapolite+amphibole+clinopyroxene+Fe-Ti oxide+apatite association has been found as megacrysts in tephra from the Enval-Volvic volcanic line, east of the Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France) and in the cinder cone of the Segueïka volcano (Atakor, Algeria). In both kinds, lavahosts are basanites. Although never seen together in a single xenolith, a study of their inclusions indicates close genetic relationship between all 5 phases. This association must be considered as a paragenesis that crystallized within a narrow PT range. Volcanological, petrological and geochemical data suggest that these megacrysts are high-pressure phenocrysts rather than mechanically desintegrated fragments derived from coarse rocks. The composition of the amphibole suggests a pressure between 5 and 15 kb; Fe-Ti oxides imply a temperature close to 1,100° C.Crystallization of sulfur-rich scapolite involves a high fSO3, and therefore a high fO2, remarkable for such relatively undifferenciated alkalic magmas. Coexisting Fe-Ti oxides indicate a fO2 close to 10–6 bar. Such conditions imply that H2O was a major component of the gaseous phase. This high water content can be explained in terms of derivation from an hydrated upper mantle source. This is in agreement with other petrological evidences indicating that the basic magmas of the Massif Central crystallized under high fSO3 conditions.  相似文献   

In low seismicity areas, folds, faults and striated pebbles in recent alluvial deposits can demonstrate the Quaternary activity of tectonic structures and can reveal their kinematics. In the Digne nappe (Southern Alps), an out-of-sequence thrust occurred in the late Quaternary in response to WSW-trending compression. The presence of late Quaternary compressional deformation in the Valavoire thrust could have resulted from the activity of the underlying Durance flexure with a maximum Pliocene–Quaternary uplift rate of about 0.1 mm yr−1. The Quaternary top surface of the Valensole basin, that truncates SW-vergent thrust propagation folds, is folded above the Lambruissier anticline. Exceptional conditions resulted in the local preservation of this Quaternary fold morphology created with a minimum uplift-rate of 0.05 mm yr−1 under a NE-trending compression. At the front of the Digne nappe the deformation is characterized by WSW to WNW trends of compression and low strain rates during the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(3-4):143-158
Eight caves have been investigated near Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet after the earthquake of 5.2 magnitude of February 1996 which occurred in the eastern Pyrenees (France) and caused moderate damage at the ground surface. The earthquake has been associated with the movement of an E-W fault. The caves had not been visited since the earthquake. Some damage, mainly collapses of soda straws and small rocks, could be attributed to this earthquake. The most interesting cave in the epicentral area is the Paradet cave which is situated on a recently activated fault plane. In this cave, soda straw falls could be attributed to the earthquake, but other more ancient damage was also observed. Analysis of the azimuth of fallen speleothems, which are natural pendulums, may indicate the directions, and an estimation of their mechanical properties gives the threshold of the seismic ground motion amplitude responsible for their collapse, thus supplying information to calibrate damage due to past earthquakes. A statistical study indicates that the main direction of the collapsed soda straws is E-W. Numerical simulations confirm that soda straws are relatively strong objects that may break under certain conditions during earthquakes.  相似文献   


Eight caves have been investigated near Saint-Paul- de-Fenouillet after the earthquake of 5.2 magnitude of February 1996 which occurred in the eastern Pyrenees (France) and caused moderate damage at the ground surface. The earthquake has been associated with the movement of an E-W fault. The caves had not been visited since the earthquake. Some damage, mainly collapses of soda straws and small rocks, could be attributed to this earthquake. The most interesting cave in the epicentral area is the Paradet cave which is situated on a recently activated fault plane. In this cave, soda straw falls could be attributed to the earthquake, but other more ancient damage was also observed. Analysis of the azimuth of fallen speleothems, which are natural pendulums, may indicate the directions, and an estimation of their mechanical properties gives the threshold of the seismic ground motion amplitude responsible for their collapse, thus supplying information to calibrate damage due to past earthquakes. A statistical study indicates that the main direction of the collapsed soda straws is E–W. Numerical simulations confirm that soda straws are relatively strong objects that may break under certain conditions during earthquakes. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

The characteristics of seismicity prior to the series of eight very strong earthquakes (M w = 7.0–9.0) in Northeast Japan are discussed. Ring seismicity structures that appeared prior to all eight events in two depth ranges of 0–33 and 34–70 km are identified. The epicenters of the main shocks were located near areas of crossing or touching of shallow and deep rings. It was shown that the sizes of shallow rings and threshold magnitudes corresponding to seismicity rings grow with the energy of the main shocks. It was noted that the prognosis with respect to the place and magnitude of the catastrophic earthquake on March 11, 2011, had been made before it based on the data obtained prior to July 1, 2009. Use of the new data obtained prior to March 10, 2011, enabled us to specify this prognosis significantly. We obtained correlation dependences of threshold magnitudes on the energy of the main shocks (with a high correlation coefficients). It was shown that the duration of the period for seismicity rings to emerge in the considered region nearly did not depend on magnitude. The nature of annular structures and the possibility of application of their parameters for prognosis of strong earthquakes were discussed.  相似文献   

Post‐glacial climate changes and sea‐level fluctuations have strongly influenced N‐W European environments and sedimentation. To these natural events, increasing anthropogenic pressure has to be added. Forest clearance and agricultural development are the main factors responsible for the erosional processes in Northwest Europe. This article analyses Holocene sequences of the Lower Seine Valley (LSV) (Paris Basin) to understand better the origin of detrital and terrigenous input and how much humans have contributed to it. Three main sectors of the LSV are analysed: estuarine, fluvial and tributaries. Since Neolithic times, there are seven erosional phases that can be identified and essentially linked to human pressure. Terra Nova, 00, 000–000, 2010  相似文献   

Major and seventeen trace element distribution coefficients between main phenocrysts (olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole, mica, feldspars and Fe-Ti oxides) and groundmass have been measured in the alkali basalt suite of Chaîne des Puys (Massif Central, France). The suite appears to be a well behaved crystal fractionation series. We pinpoint key elements whose behavior is closely related to the appearance or disappearance of specific crystal phases in the fractionation process. Ta, for instance, clearly indicates the role of hydrous silicates (amphiboles and micas). Distribution coefficients are shown to vary systematically along the differentiation trend. Significantly the hygromagmaphile tendency (Treuilet al., 1979) of U, Th, Ta and La is variable along the series.The mass balance equations,
where Di and Dji are the bulk and mineral/liquid distribution coefficients respectively, and xj the weight fractions of the fractionating phases, are solved by least square resolution of the overdetermined system, taking into account the analytical errors on data. The solution applied to the Chaîne des Puys suite leads to a coherent and quantitative model of the fractional crystallization process. The suite has apparently evolved in three stages. Each stage is characterized by constant bulk distribution coefficients and a specific mineral assemblage. Amphibole fractionation plays an important role in the early stages. Some intensive parameters (T, ? ?O2, PH2O) as well as f (weight fraction of residual liquid) are also estimated.  相似文献   

A new section in the Silurian graptolitic ‘phtanites’ (black cherts) of Les Fresnaies at Chalonnes-sur-Loire (SE Armorican Massif) shows for the first time that these rocks (1) succeed conformably to Uppermost Ordovician (Hirnantian) glaciomarine deposits and (2) contain successive graptolite assemblages that characterise the base of the Silurian, the whole Rhuddanian and Aeronian stages and the lower part of the Telychian. To cite this article: J.M. Piçarra et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1177–1183.  相似文献   

The Rhône delta, South of France (Camargue, 750 km2) is a coastal saline wetland located along the Mediterranean Sea. The confined aquifer of this delta shows high values of electrical conductivity rising from the north (4 mS/cm) to the shoreline (58 mS/cm). This work aims to identify the origin of groundwater salinity and the geochemical processes occurring in this coastal confined aquifer according to the degree of salinity. A natural tracing approach is considered using monthly sampling in 8 piezometers for chemical and isotopic analyses (18O, 2H, 13CTDIC). Ionic and isotopic ratios demonstrate that strong salinities are due to a simple mixing between Mediterranean seawater and freshwater; seawater contribution reaches up to 98% at 8 km from the shoreline. Seawater intrusion induces a particular groundwater chemistry which varies with the degree of seawater contribution: (1) In the less saline part of the aquifer (seawater contribution <20%), the intrusion induces an increase of Na+ in groundwater leading to Ca2+/Na+ exchange processes. The δ13CTDIC analyses show that matrix exchange processes most likely occur for the less saline samples. (2) In the saline part of the aquifer (seawater contribution >20%), the intrusion induces SO4 reduction which is confirmed by highly depleted δ13CTDIC values (up to −19‰). The δ13CTDIC also reveals that methanogenesis processes may occur in the most reductive part of the aquifer. Due to SO4 reduction, the intrusion induces a shift in carbonate equilibrium leading to supersaturation with respect to dolomite and/or magnesian calcite. Thus carbonate precipitation may occur in the area strongly influenced by seawater.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluate the dynamics of the biophile element phosphorus (P) in the catchment and proglacial areas of the Rhône and Oberaar glaciers (central Switzerland). We analysed erosion and dissolution rates of P-containing minerals in the subglacial environment by sampling water and suspended sediment in glacier outlets during three ablation and two accumulation seasons. We also quantified biogeochemical weathering rates of detrital P in proglacial sedimentary deposits using two chronosequences of samples of fresh, suspended, material obtained from the Oberaar and Rhône water outlets, Little-Ice-Age (LIA) moraines and Younger Dryas (YD) tills in each catchment. Subglacial P weathering is mainly a physical process and detrital P represents more than 99% of the precipitation-corrected total P denudation flux (234 and 540 kg km−2 yr−1 for the Rhône and Oberaar catchments, respectively). The calculated detrital P flux rates are three to almost five times higher than the world average flux. The precipitation-corrected soluble reactive P (SRP) flux corresponds to 1.88-1.99 kg km−2 yr−1 (Rhône) and 2.12-2.44 kg km−2 yr−1 (Oberaar), respectively. These fluxes are comparable to those of tropical rivers draining transport-limited, tectonically inactive weathering areas.In order to evaluate the efficiency of detrital P weathering in the Rhône and Oberaar proglacial areas, we systematically graded apatite grains extracted from the chronosequence in each catchment relative to weathering-induced changes in their surface morphologies (grades 1-4). Fresh apatite grains are heavily indented and dissolution rounded (grade 1). LIA grains from two 0-10 cm deep moraine samples show extensive dissolution etching, similar to surface grains from the YD profile (mean grades 2.7, 3.5 and 3.5, respectively). In these proglacial deposits, the weathering front deepens progressively as a function of time due to biocorrosion in the evolving acidic pedosphere, with mechanical indentations on grains acting as sites of preferential dissolution. We also measured iron-bound, organic and detrital P concentrations in the chronosequence and show that organic and iron-bound P has almost completely replaced detrital P in the top layers of the YD profiles. Detrital P weathering rates are calculated as 310 and 280 kg km−2 yr−1 for LIA moraines and 10 kg km−2 yr−1 for YD tills. During the first 300 years of glacial sediment exposure P dissolution rates are shown to be approximately 70 times higher than the mean global dissolved P flux from ice-free continents. After 11.6 kyr the flux is 2.5 times the global mean. These data strengthen the argument for substantial changes in the global dissolved P flux on glacial-interglacial timescales. A crude extrapolation from the data described here suggests that the global dissolved P flux may increase by 40-45% during the first few hundred years of a deglaciation phase.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that the acquisition of high‐resolution palaeoclimate records from southern mid‐latitude sites is essential for establishing a coherent picture of inter‐hemispheric climate change and for better understanding of the role of Antarctic climate dynamics in the global climate system. New Zealand is considered to be a sensitive monitor of climate change because it is one of a few sizeable landmasses in the Southern Hemisphere westerly circulation zone, a critical transition zone between subtropical and Antarctic influences. New Zealand has mountainous axial ranges that amplify the climate signals and, consequently, the environmental gradients are highly sensitive to subtle changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions. Since 1995, INTIMATE has, through a series of international workshops, sought ways to improve procedures for establishing the precise ages of climate events, and to correlate them with high precision, for the last 30 000 calendar years. The NZ‐INTIMATE project commenced in late 2003, and has involved virtually the entire New Zealand palaeoclimate community. Its aim is to develop an event stratigraphy for the New Zealand region over the past 30 000 years, and to reconcile these events against the established climatostratigraphy of the last glacial cycle which has largely been developed from Northern Hemisphere records (e.g. Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), Termination I, Younger Dryas). An initial outcome of NZ‐INTIMATE has been the identification of a series of well‐dated, high‐resolution onshore and offshore proxy records from a variety of latitudes and elevations on a common calendar timescale from 30 000 cal. yr BP to the present day. High‐resolution records for the last glacial coldest period (LGCP) (including the LGM sensu stricto) and last glacial–interglacial transition (LGIT) from Auckland maars, Kaipo and Otamangakau wetlands on eastern and central North Island, marine core MD97‐2121 east of southern North Island, speleothems on northwest South Island, Okarito wetland on southwestern South Island, are presented. Discontinuous (fragmentary) records comprising compilations of glacial sequences, fluvial sequences, loess accumulation, and aeolian quartz accumulation in an andesitic terrain are described. Comparisons with ice‐core records from Antarctica (EPICA Dome C) and Greenland (GISP2) are discussed. A major advantage immediately evident from these records apart from the speleothem record, is that they are linked precisely by one or more tephra layers. Based on these New Zealand terrestrial and marine records, a reasonably coherent, regionally applicable, sequence of climatically linked stratigraphic events over the past 30 000 cal. yr is emerging. Three major climate events are recognised: (1) LGCP beginning at ca. 28 000 cal. yr BP, ending at Termination I, ca. 18 000 cal. yr BP, and including a warmer and more variable phase between ca. 27 000 and 21 000 cal. yr BP, (2) LGIT between ca. 18 000 and 11 600 cal. yr BP, including a Lateglacial warm period from ca. 14 800 to 13 500 cal. yr BP and a Lateglacial climate reversal between ca. 13 500 and 11 600 cal. yr BP, and (3) Holocene interglacial conditions, with two phases of greatest warmth between ca. 11 600 and 10 800 cal. yr BP and from ca. 6 800 to 6 500 cal. yr BP. Some key boundaries coincide with volcanic tephras. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Frasnian–Famennian (F‐F) transition is well exposed in the basinal setting of La Serre (Montagne Noire, France), where oxygen‐deficient conditions prevailed in bottom environments. In this paper, we study the F‐F transition using inorganic geochemistry (notably, major elements, redox‐sensitive and/or sulphide‐forming trace metals, and productivity proxies). The results are compared with published data concerning the La Serre section, other F‐F sections and other geological formations also deposited in basinal settings. The very high enrichment in redox and productivity tracers indicates that anoxic conditions prevailed across the F‐F boundary, and that surface productivity was intense. Such deep‐water restricted conditions coupled with high productivity occurred in various places in Late Devonian oceans. Recycling alone cannot account for the intense nutrient supply and therefore the most probable source was via land runoff. We discuss the Eovariscan episode of uplift that stimulated rock weathering, and hence long‐term nutrient supply to the seas.  相似文献   

Alexis Rigo 《Tectonophysics》2010,480(1-4):109-118
Earthquake precursors are now regularly described but often detected only after a major or moderate seismic event. Presence and influence of fluids in the seismogenic processes are often observed at the time of earthquake studies. Even today, the understanding of the physical processes involved in the source region is a real challenge for seismic hazard assessment. Here, the aftershock sequence of the ML = 5.2, 1996 Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet (Eastern Pyrenees, France) earthquake is first re-examined with P-wave cross-correlations, resulting in extracting three multiplets and in determining new locations. Multiplets and spatio-temporal distribution analysis of the aftershocks allow for quantifying the hydraulic diffusivity D at a maximum value of 5 m2/s and the permeability K at 10? 15 m2 in the upper Pyrenean crust. Second, a model is established in order to explain the hydrogeochemical transient anomalies, which occurred during the 15 day-period preceding the 1996 earthquake. These anomalies consist on a temporal and spatial sequence of gas emissions in the epicentral area and on chloride and lead concentration variations in a bottled mineral water 25 km north to the main shock epicenter. The proposed model processed in a standard elastic half-space, consists of creep on a low-angle crustal normal-fault, generating volumetric strain field changes over a distance of 25 km from the epicentral area. This model is able to constrain not only the mechanisms and the locations of the geochemical anomalies, but also their timing and probable casual links to the triggering of the impending major event. Also, the active extension proposed here is compatible with seismological observations in the Pyrenees. Thus, the possibility of such creep, which can be considered as a slow-slip event, is discussed in the Pyrenean tectonic and geological context. The model is discussed and compared to previous proposed models on precursor processes of earthquakes, especially concerning the preparation zone concept. Finally, a complete seismic scenario over the period beginning 15 days before the quake and ending 5 days after is proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

The 19 November 1923 earthquake in the Aran Valley (Central Pyrenees), with observed maximum intensityI max = VIII (MSK), has been studied through the compiling and reviewing of macroseismic information and collecting and processing early seismograms. Analysis of macroseismic data gives a focal depth ofh = 5 km and an anelastic attenuation coefficient 10–3 km–1. Analysis of early instrumental records allows the computation of estimate of magnitude (M L = 5.6) and seismic moment (M o = 1.1 × 1017 N × m) which are consistent with the values ofI o andh obtained from macroseismic data.  相似文献   

The intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (206Pb/204Pb > 19.6; 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7037; εNd > + 4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust.The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high δ7Li (> + 7‰) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas (down to δ7Li ≈ 0‰). The mantle component, expressed in the least evolved lavas, has a heavy Li isotopic signature, in good agreement with previous δ7Li measurements of OIB lavas with HIMU affinities. The evolution of Li isotopic compositions throughout the volcanic series is in agreement with the AFC model suggested by the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systems. Although the behavior of Li isotopes during assimilation processes is currently poorly constrained, our calculations suggest that at least a portion of the lower crust beneath the Chaîne des Puys is characterized by a light Li isotopic composition (δ7Li < − 5‰).  相似文献   

Field observations of highly porous and permeable sandstone in the Orange area (S-E Basin, France) show that networks of shear-enhanced compaction bands can form in a contractional regime at burial depths of about 400 m ± 100 m. These bands show equal compaction and shear displacements, are organized in conjugate and densely distributed networks, and are restricted to the coarse-grained (mean grain diameter of 0.6 ± 0.1 mm) and less porous (porosity of 26 ± 2%) sand layers. The bands are crush microbreccia with limited grain comminution and high grain microfracture density. They show reductions of permeability (mD) ranging from 0 to little more than 1 order of magnitude. They show no control on the alteration products related to meteoric water flow, which suggests that these shear-enhanced compaction bands have no or only negligible influence on subsurface fluid flow. Their selective occurrence and small (20%) reduction in transmissibility in densely populated layers prevented them from compartmentalizing the sandstone reservoirs. A comparison with compaction-band populations in the Navajo and Aztec sandtsones (western U.S.) emphasizes the role of burial depth and the presence of chemical compaction processes for the sealing potential of deformation bands.  相似文献   

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