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We perform a series of comparisons between distance-independent photometric and spectroscopic properties used in the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) and fundamental plane (FP) methods of early-type galaxy distance estimation. The data are taken from two recent surveys: the SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances and the Streaming Motions of Abell Clusters (SMAC) FP survey. We derive a relation between     colour and Mg2 index using nearly 200 galaxies and discuss implications for Galactic extinction estimates and early-type galaxy stellar populations. We find that the reddenings from Schlegel et al. for galaxies with     appear to be overestimated by     per cent, but we do not find significant evidence for large-scale dipole errors in the extinction map. In comparison with stellar population models having solar elemental abundance ratios, the galaxies in our sample are generally too blue at a given Mg2; we ascribe this to the well-known enhancement of the α -elements in luminous early-type galaxies. We confirm a tight relation between stellar velocity dispersion σ and the SBF 'fluctuation count' parameter N¯ , which is a luminosity-weighted measure of the total number of stars in a galaxy. The correlation between N¯ and σ is even tighter than that between Mg2 and σ . Finally, we derive FP photometric parameters for 280 galaxies from the SBF survey data set. Comparisons with external sources allow us to estimate the errors on these parameters and derive the correction necessary to bring them on to the SMAC system. The data are used in a forthcoming paper, which compares the distances derived from the FP and SBF methods.  相似文献   

The EFAR project is designed to measure the properties and peculiar motions of early-type galaxies in two distant regions. Here we describe the maximum-likelihood algorithm we developed to investigate the correlations between the parameters of the EFAR data base. One-, two- and three-dimensional Gaussian models are constructed to determine the mean value and intrinsic spread of the parameters, and the slopes and intrinsic parallel and orthogonal spread of the Mg2–Mg b ', Mg2– σ , Mg b '– σ relations, and the Fundamental Plane. In the latter case, the cluster peculiar velocities are also determined. We show that this method is superior to 'canonical' approaches of least-squares type, which give biased slopes and biased peculiar velocities. We test the algorithm with Monte Carlo simulations of mock EFAR catalogues, and derive the systematic and random errors on the estimated parameters. We find that random errors are always dominant. We estimate the influence of systematic errors resulting from the way clusters were selected, and the hard limits and uncertainties in the selection function parameters for the galaxies. We explore the influence of uniform distributions in the Fundamental Plane parameters and the errors. We conclude that the mean peculiar motions of the EFAR clusters can be determined reliably. In particular, the placement of the two EFAR sample regions relative to the Lauer & Postman dipole allows us to constrain strongly the amplitude of the bulk motion in this direction. We justify a posteriori the use of a Gaussian modelling for the galaxy distribution in the Fundamental Plane space, by showing that the mean likelihood of the EFAR sample is obtained in 10 to 30 per cent of our simulations. We derive the analytical solution for the maximum-likelihood Gaussian problem in N dimensions in the presence of small errors.  相似文献   

龚俊宇  毛业伟 《天文学报》2023,64(2):20-105
利用星系解构软件GALFIT通过面亮度轮廓拟合对近邻早型旋涡星系M81 (NGC 3031)进行形态学解构,旨在探究M81星系的结构组成并对其进行形态学量化.通过6种解构模式,对M81进行了不同复杂程度的结构分解,其中最复杂的解构模式包含核球、盘、外旋臂、内旋臂、星系核5个子结构.研究结果显示, M81有一个Sérsic指数约为5.0的经典核球,其形态和光度在不同解构模式中均保持稳定; M81星系盘的Sérsic指数约为1.2,但它的形态参数和光度与是否分解内旋臂相关.不同子结构的组合对作为混合体的星系整体的形态有不可忽视的影响.星系解构的结果提供了不同解构模式适用性的建议:其中核球+盘+星系核的三成分解构适用于大样本星系的核-盘研究;而考虑旋臂的复杂解构则适合于对星系子结构的精确测量,如小样本(或个源)研究.基于Spitzer-The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) 4.5μm的单波段图像的形态学解构研究是后续一系列研究的开始,在此基础上未来将会对M81进行多波段解构,同时研究不同子结构的光谱能量分布和星族性质,并推断M81各子结构的形成历史和演化过程.  相似文献   

We present peculiar velocities for 85 clusters of galaxies in two large volumes at distances between 6000 and 15 000 km s−1 in the directions of Hercules–Corona Borealis and Perseus–Pisces–Cetus (the EFAR sample). These velocities are based on Fundamental Plane (FP) distance estimates for early-type galaxies in each cluster. We fit the FP using a maximum likelihood algorithm which accounts for both selection effects and measurement errors, and yields FP parameters with smaller bias and variance than other fitting procedures. We obtain a best-fitting FP with coefficients consistent with the best existing determinations. We measure the bulk motions of the sample volumes using the 50 clusters with the best-determined peculiar velocities. We find that the bulk motions in both regions are small, and consistent with zero at about the 5 per cent level. The EFAR results are in agreement with the small bulk motions found by Dale et al. on similar scales, but are inconsistent with pure dipole motions having the large amplitudes found by Lauer & Postman and Hudson et al. The alignment of the EFAR sample with the Lauer & Postman dipole produces a strong rejection of a large-amplitude bulk motion in that direction, but the rejection of the Hudson et al. result is less certain because their dipole lies at a large angle to the main axis of the EFAR sample. We employ a window function covariance analysis to make a detailed comparison of the EFAR peculiar velocities with the predictions of standard cosmological models. We find that the bulk motion of our sample is consistent with most cosmological models that approximately reproduce the shape and normalization of the observed galaxy power spectrum. We conclude that existing measurements of large-scale bulk motions provide no significant evidence against standard models for the formation of structure.  相似文献   

We have studied the poor southern cluster of galaxies S639. Based on new Strömgren photometry of stars in the direction of the cluster, we confirm that the Galactic extinction affecting the cluster is large. We find the extinction in Johnson B to be AB =0.75±0.03. We have obtained new photometry in Gunn r for E and S0 galaxies in the cluster. If the Fundamental Plane is used for determination of the relative distance and the peculiar velocity of the cluster, we find a distance, in velocity units, of (5706±350) km s−1, and a substantial peculiar velocity, (839±350) km s−1. However, the colours and the absorption line indices of the E and S0 galaxies indicate that the stellar populations in these galaxies are different from those in similar galaxies in the two rich clusters Coma and Hydra I. This difference may severely affect the distance determination and the derived peculiar velocity. The data are consistent with a non-significant peculiar velocity for S639 and the galaxies in the cluster being on average 0.2 dex younger than similar galaxies in Coma and Hydra I. The results for S639 caution that some large peculiar velocities may be spurious and caused by unusual stellar populations.  相似文献   

We present photometric and spectroscopic data of the Type II-P supernova (SN II-P) 2003gd, which was discovered in M74 close to the end of its plateau phase. SN 2003gd is the first Type II supernova (SN) to have a directly confirmed red supergiant (RSG) progenitor. We compare SN 2003gd to SN 1999em, a similar SN II-P, and estimate an explosion date of 2003 March 18. We determine a reddening towards the SN of   E ( B − V ) = 0.14 ± 0.06  , using three different methods. We also calculate three new distances to M74 of  9.6 ± 2.8, 7.7 ± 1.7  and  9.6 ± 2.2 Mpc  . The former was estimated using the standard candle method (SCM), for Type II supernovae (SNe II), and the latter two using the brightest supergiants method (BSM). When combined with existing kinematic and BSM distance estimates, we derive a mean value of  9.3 ± 1.8 Mpc  . SN 2003gd was found to have a lower tail luminosity compared with other normal Type II-P supernovae (SNe II-P) bringing into question the nature of this SN. We present a discussion concluding that this is a normal SN II-P, which is consistent with the observed progenitor mass of  8+4−2 M  .  相似文献   

This paper is the first of two dedicated to the application of a two-dimensional (2D) fit to the light distribution of 73 early-type galaxies belonging to the Virgo and Fornax clusters, a sample of which is 80 per cent complete, volume and magnitude limited down to M B=−17.3 , and highly homogeneous. Two empirical models of the surface-brightness distribution of the early-type galaxies have been tested: the first uses a single spheroid represented by the r 1/ n Sersic law, while the second is characterized by two components, 'bulge' and 'disc', by means of the ( r 1/ n +exp) laws. The χ 2 fitting routine ( minuit ), used to fit the 2D light distribution of real galaxies, is tested here on artificial galaxy images that were built with structural parameters chosen randomly from a large fixed interval. In this paper we present the properties of the two models, describe the minimization technique, and discuss the results of the tests of the 2D fit obtained from simulated artificial galaxies. By exploiting these tests we were able better to constrain the errors affecting the structural parameters, and the strategies that should be adopted to get the best fit.  相似文献   

The distribution of galaxy properties in groups and clusters holds important information on galaxy evolution and growth of structure in the Universe. While clusters have received appreciable attention in this regard, the role of groups as fundamental to formation of the present-day galaxy population has remained relatively unaddressed. Here, we present stellar ages, metallicities and α-element abundances derived using Lick indices for 67 spectroscopically confirmed members of the NGC 5044 galaxy group with the aim of shedding light on galaxy evolution in the context of the group environment.
We find that galaxies in the NGC 5044 group show evidence for a strong relationship between stellar mass and metallicity, consistent with their counterparts in both higher and lower mass groups and clusters. Galaxies show no clear trend of age or α-element abundance with mass, but these data form a tight sequence when fitted simultaneously in age, metallicity and stellar mass. In the context of the group environment, our data support the tidal disruption of low-mass galaxies at small group-centric radii, as evident from an apparent lack of galaxies below  ∼109 M  within ∼100 kpc of the brightest group galaxy. Using a joint analysis of absorption- and emission-line metallicities, we are able to show that the star-forming galaxy population in the NGC 5044 group appears to require gas removal to explain the ∼1.5 dex offset between absorption- and emission-line metallicities observed in some cases. A comparison with other stellar population properties suggests that this gas removal is dominated by galaxy interactions with the hot intragroup medium.  相似文献   

We present intermediate-resolution spectroscopic data for a set of dwarf and giant galaxies in the Coma cluster, with  −20.6 < MR < −15.7.  The photometric and kinematic properties of the brighter galaxies can be cast in terms of parameters which present little scatter with respect to a set of scaling relations known as the fundamental plane. To determine the form of these fundamental scaling relations at lower luminosities, we have measured velocity dispersions for a sample comprising 69 galaxies on the border of the dwarf and giant regime. Combining these data with our photometric survey, we find a tight correlation of luminosity and velocity dispersion,   L ∝σ2.0  , substantially flatter than the Faber–Jackson relation characterizing giant elliptical galaxies. In addition, the variation of mass-to-light ( M / L ) ratio with velocity dispersion is quite weak in our dwarf sample:   M / L ∝σ0.2.  Our overall results are consistent with theoretical models invoking large-scale mass removal and subsequent structural readjustment, e.g. as a result of galactic winds.  相似文献   

Near-infrared spectra for a sample of 31 elliptical galaxies in the Coma cluster are obtained. The galaxies are selected to be ellipticals (no lenticulars), with a large spatial distribution, covering both the core and outskirts of the cluster (i.e. corresponding to regions with large density contrasts). COsp (2.3-μm) absorption indices, measuring the contribution from intermediate-age red giant and supergiant stars to the near-infrared light of the ellipticals, are then estimated.
It is found that the strength of COsp features in elliptical galaxies increases from the core ( r <02) to the outskirts ( r >02) of the Coma cluster. Using the Mg2 strengths, it is shown that the observed effect is not caused by metallicity and is mostly caused by the presence of a younger population (giant and supergiant stars) in ellipticals in the outskirts (low-density region) of the cluster.
Using the COsp features, the origin of the scatter on the near-infrared Fundamental Plane (the relation between the effective diameter, effective surface brightness and velocity dispersion) of elliptical galaxies is studied. Correcting this relation for contributions from the red giant and supergiant stars, the rms scatter reduces from 0.077 to 0.073 dex. Although measurable, the contribution from these intermediate-age stars to the scatter on the near-infrared Fundamental Plane of ellipticals is only marginal.
A relation is found between the COsp and V − K colours of ellipticals, corresponding to a slope of 0.036±0.016, significantly shallower than that from the Mg2–( V − K ) relation. This is studied using stellar synthesis models.  相似文献   

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