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DNA adducts in cod embryos and larvae were analysed by 32P-postlabeling to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic substances, which could form reactive intermediates, are involved in the reproductive failure of cod (Gadus morhua) from the Baltic Sea. A comparison with cod from the Barents Sea was performed. The mean value of DNA adducts in cod embryos/larvae from the Baltic Sea was 2.3 nmol of adducts/mol nucleotides, compared to 0.12 nmol of adducts/mol nucleotides in the embryos/larvae from the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The wind dependence of sea‐ice motion was studied on the basis of ice velocity and wind observations, and weather model output. The study area was a transition zone between open water and the ice‐covered ocean in the northern Baltic Sea. In the centre of the basin the sea‐ice motion was highly wind‐dependent and the linear relationship between the wind and the drift velocities explained 80% of the drift's variance. On the contrary, the wind‐drift dependence was low near the coast. The wind‐drift coherence was significant over a broader frequency range in the central part of the basin than for the coastal drift. The ice motion was simulated by a numerical model forced with five types of wind stress and with two types of current data, and the outcome was compared with the observed buoy drift. The wind and the wind‐induced surface current were the main factors driving the ice in the basin's centre, while internal ice stresses were of importance in the shear zone near the fast ice edge. The best wind forcing was achieved by applying a method dependent on atmospheric stability and ice conditions. The average air–ice drag coefficient was 1.4×10−3 with the standard deviation of 0.2×10−3. The improvement brought about by using an accurate wind stress was comparable with that achieved by raising the model grid resolution from 18 km to 5 km.  相似文献   

The impact of the Major Baltic Inflows (MBIs) of 1976, 1993, and 2003 on cod reproduction in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea is considered based on calculations of the eastern Baltic cod egg abundance and offspring survival indices. The reproductive success (1976–1977) was defined by the elevation of the 11 psu isohaline and deepening of the 2 mL/L isooxygene surface, which provided the formation of a water layer suitable for cod spawning at a depth of 90–130 m. Prerequisites of the appearance of the reproductive layer in 1976–1977 were a previously high salinity level and penetrating two successive MBIs in one year. The cause of the weak MBI impact in 1993 was the previous salinity minimum; in 2003 it was rapid oxygen depletion due to an increase in temperature. As a result of their weaker influence, small and fragmented cod spawning biotopes appeared in the Gotland Basin.  相似文献   

Information on grain-size distribution and total organic carbon (TOC) content of surface sediment and cores from the Bornholm Basin, together with dating of cores using the 210Pb method and shallow seismic chirp profiling, has been analysed to elucidate long-term accumulation patterns. The presence of non-depositional areas with lag sediments and low TOC content below the wave base indicates that inflows of dense bottom water originating in the North Sea and associated near-bottom currents have strong influence on the depositional patterns of bulk sediment and organic matter in this deep basin. The general fining in mean grain size towards the northeast corresponds to the direction of inflow currents and prevailing winds. Recent and previously found 210Pb-based mean accumulation rates vary greatly within the basin, between 129 and 1,144 g m−2 year−1. The accumulation rate may vary by a factor of three even between stations located only 3–4 km apart. Rates recorded close to a seismic profile are consistent with the variation in Holocene sediment thickness. This variation reflects a depositional system controlled by near-bottom inflow currents, consisting of a large-scale channel and a wedge-formed sediment package. The spatial variation in TOC content depends partly on water depth, presumably due to generally poorer degradation in the deepest part of the basin because of less frequent oxygen supply by inflow water. Moreover, there is a tendency of higher TOC contents in the southern part of the basin, which may be due to the input of sediments originating from the Oder River. Compared to values for the central, deep Baltic Sea, TOC contents show lower values of 4–6% and insignificant temporal variations. This may be due to the Bornholm Basin being located much closer to the source of the more oxic inflow water, resulting in more favourable degradation conditions.  相似文献   

The connection between variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and the Baltic sea level has been investigated for the period 1825–1997. The association between the NAO and the strength of the zonal geostrophic wind stress over the Northwest Atlantic suggests an NAO impact on Baltic sea level variations, because the monthly mean sea level mainly is determined by externally driven variations caused by wind conditions over the North Sea. Several period bands were found to have high correlation between oscillations in the winter (JFM) NAO index and the Baltic Sea winter mean sea level. The correlation was, however, higher in the 20th century than in the 19th. During the last two decades, the correlation between the NAO index and the sea level has been exceptionally high. The winter mean of a regional atmospheric circulation index had a correlation with the Kattegat winter mean sea level of 0.93. With the Baltic sea level the correlation was 0.91, compared with the NAO index correlation for the same period of 0.74. The regional index also showed a high correlation with the mean summer and mean autumn sea levels, when the corresponding seasonal NAO indices showed a weak connection. The temporal variation of the connection with the NAO index implies a regional atmospheric circulation occasionally differing from the large-scale circulation associated with the NAO. Seasonal means of the sea level in Stockholm do, however, reflect the regional wind climate to a large extent, and the Baltic sea level is a useful proxy for identifications of climatic dependencies in the region.  相似文献   

The sea level variabilities, especially the atmosphere-driven sea level variabilities, which are diff erent in studies on diverse areas and timescales, need to be further documented in the Bohai Bay. Coastal sea level data and coincident meteorological data collected hourly at two observation stations (E1 and E2) in the Bohai Bay, which is a typical semi-enclosed coastal sea in China, are analyzed for the period from 19 August 2014 to 18 November 2014. The sub-sampled low-pass (<0.8 cpd) sea levels (SLSLs) at E1 and E2 are almost the same as each other, while the winds are not. On the whole, SLSLs at E1 and E2 are dominantly influenced by the across-shore wind;in detail, the dominant wind orientation at E1 is 65° measured clockwise from north, and SLSL at E2 is significantly influenced by the sub-sampled wind (SW) at 55°. Regression of SLSL onto the corresponding SW in dominant orientation and the atmospheric pressure is used to predict SLSL, which make the frequency of occurrences when the predicted total sea level is within 0.15 m from the observed values increase to 66.03% and 58.08% at E1 and E2 from original 36.71% and 34.80% without using it, respectively. The results indicate that for the prediction of the total sea level variability in the coastal shallow waters, the SLSL influenced by the atmospheric forcing, including local wind and atmospheric pressure, can be predicted using the multivariable linear regression model.  相似文献   

Several flatfishes spawn in oceanic waters and pelagic larvae are transported inshore to settle in the nursery areas, usually estuaries, where they remain during their juvenile life. Nursery areas appear as extremely important habitats, not only for juveniles but also for the earlier planktonic larval fish. Yet, the majority of nursery studies tend to focus only on one development stage, missing an integrative approach of the entire early life that fishes spent within a nursery ground. Thus, the present study assessed the influence of environmental parameters on the dynamics of the larval and juvenile flatfishes, throughout their nursery life in the Lima Estuary. Between April 2002 and April 2004, fortnightly subsurface ichthyoplankton samples were collected and juveniles were collected from October 2003 until September 2005. Larval assemblages comprised nine flatfish species, while only six were observed among the juvenile assemblages. Solea senegalensis and Platichthys flesus were the most abundant species of both fractions of the Lima Estuary flatfishes. Larval flatfish assemblages varied seasonally, without relevant differences between lower and middle estuary. Platichthys flesus dominated the spring samples and summer and autumn periods were characterized by an increase of overall abundance and diversity of larval flatfishes, mainly S. senegalensis, associated with temperature increase and reduced river flow. On the contrary, during the winter abundance sharply decreased, as a consequence of higher river run-off that might compromised the immigration of incompetent marine larvae. Juvenile flatfishes were more abundant in the middle and upper areas of the estuary, but the species richness was higher near the river mouth. Sediment type, distance from the river mouth, salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen were identified as the main environmental factors structuring the juvenile flatfish assemblages. Juveniles were spatially discrete, with the most abundant species S. senegalensis and P. flesus associated with the middle and upper estuary, while the remaining species were associated with the lower estuarine areas. The larval fraction exhibited distinct dynamics from the juvenile estuarine flatfish community. Larval flatfishes showed a strong seasonal structure mainly regulated by biological features as the spawning season and also by seasonal variations of water characteristics. On the other hand, juvenile flatfishes were markedly controlled by site specific characteristics such as sediments structure, distance from the river mouth and salinity regime. The present study emphasized the idea that the environmental control varies throughout the ontogenetic development, stressing the importance of integrating all the early life of a species in flatfish nursery studies.  相似文献   


The grounding of the MV Rena has highlighted the lack of information concerning the effects of oil-related compounds on New Zealand marine life. Yellowtail kingfish (YTK), Seriola lalandi, embryos were exposed in static incubations to the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of Rena heavy fuel oil as well as a similar preparation treated with the commercial dispersant Corexit 9500. Mortality in WAF treatments generally increased in association with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (tPAH) concentration over a 24-h period. Physical abnormalities were observed in some of the larvae exposed to WAF for 48 h. There was no survival in dispersed oil treatments after 24 h of exposure. These treatments had greater tPAH concentrations (2–53?µgL?1) than equivalent WAF dilutions (0.2–1.5?µgL?1?tPAH). Indications are that significant morbidity is induced in YTK at ecologically relevant tPAH concentrations. This highlights the need for further research into oil and dispersant toxicity in New Zealand marine species.  相似文献   

以中国南海常见的多毛类——华美盘管虫(Hydroides elegans)作为受试生物,分别研究了吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌对早期不同发育阶段的华美盘管虫的急性毒理效应。发现暴露于吡啶硫酮铜的华美盘管虫精子和卵子的受精半数抑制浓度(IC50)分别为19.49μg/L和88.44μg/L,担轮幼虫24 h半数致死浓度(24h-LC50)和48 h半数致死浓度(48h-LC50)分别为7.35μg/L和5.00μg/L,后担轮幼虫24h-LC50和48h-LC50分别为8.57μg/L和5.87μg/L;暴露于吡啶硫酮锌的华美盘管虫精子和卵子的受精IC50分别为36.74μg/L和159.59μg/L,担轮幼虫24 h-LC50和48 h-LC50分别为8.57μg/L和6.67μg/L,后担轮幼虫24 h-LC50和48 h-LC50分别为12.03μg/L和8.07μg/L。表明华美盘管虫早期发育的不同阶段对吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌的敏感性表现出一定差异,与配子受精率和后担轮幼虫的毒性反应相比,担轮幼虫对吡啶硫酮铜和吡啶硫酮锌的毒性表现出较高的敏感性;而且,对吡啶硫酮铜的敏感性普遍高于吡啶硫酮锌。  相似文献   

Low levels of dissolved oil hydrocarbons are demonstrated to produce sublethal effects on the early cod larval stages. These effects are discussed in relation to larval survival through the first critical stages.Continuous exposure of cod eggs and larvae to 0·05 and 0·25 ppm of the water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Ekofisk crude oil for 14 days caused significant reduction in growth and change in neutral buoyancy. The larvae exposed to 0·25 ppm showed malformation in the foremost part of the head and jaw, which reduced their ability to capture prey organisms at first feeding.  相似文献   

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