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Species lists for vent fields on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR) from 14°N to 38°N suggest that there is a northern (>27°N), shallow (<2000 m) fauna and a southern (<27°N), deeper (>3000 m) endemic vent fauna, but little is known about how community structure varies along the ridge axis. In this study, quantitative samples of macrofaunal invertebrates associated with mussels (Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis) were collected at Logatchev (14°45′N), the southern‐most explored vent field on the MAR. Community structure (including species composition, species richness, diversity, and relative species abundances) in mussel beds at Logatchev was compared with that of Snake Pit (23°22′N) and Lucky Strike (37°17′N) mussel beds. The most striking feature of the Logatchev mussel‐bed macrofaunal invertebrate community was the tremendous abundance (up to 2390 individuals per liter of mussel‐volume sampled) and biomass of the ophiuroid, Ophioctenella acies. Logatchev and Snake Pit mussel beds share >50% of their associated macrofaunal species; these two sites share only 20–25% of their macrofaunal species with Lucky Strike. Species–effort curves and univariate measures of diversity (H′, J′) do not support the claim that diversity of vent organisms on the MAR is highest at Logatchev, at least when one assesses this within a habitat type. Multivariate analysis readily differentiates the species‐abundance characteristics of Logatchev, Snake Pit, and Lucky Strike mussel‐bed macrofaunas. The relationship between sea‐floor spreading rate and diversity was explored through comparison of species richness in mussel‐bed habitats on slow‐spreading (MAR), fast‐spreading [northern East Pacific Rise (EPR)], and ultra‐fast‐spreading (southern EPR) mid‐ocean ridges. Species richness was greater in samples from the faster‐spreading ridge axes, where vents are more closely spaced but shorter lived, than on slow‐spreading centers, where vents are further apart but longer lived.  相似文献   

Macrofaunal assemblages with the prevalence of Bresiliidae shrimp and Mytilidae mussels are abundant in the hydrothermal vents along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The mussels inhabit the zone of diffuse seeps of hydrothermal fluids with temperature abnormalities up to several degrees. Shrimps inhabit an extreme biotope in the mixed interface between the seawater and the hydrothermal fluid at a temperature up to 20–30°C. We studied the mussel and shrimp assemblages in three hydrothermal vent fields: the Rainbow, Broken Spur, and Snake Pit. The species richness of the mussel assemblages in at least two regions (Broken Spur and Snake Pit) is higher as compared with the shrimps of the same hydrothermal vent fields. The fauna inhibiting the shrimp swarms lack almost any taxa specific for particular assemblages: almost all the taxa are also present in the mussel beds. The structure of the shrimp assemblage is less homogeneous as compared with that of the mussel assemblage. The population prevalence of one taxon (Copepoda) in the shrimp assemblage is most likely connected with the extreme and unstable conditions of the biotope occupied by the shrimps in the hydrothermal field. The taxonomic similarity between the mussel and shrimp assemblages within one hydrothermal vent field is higher as compared with the similarity between the mussel (or shrimp) assemblages from different fields.  相似文献   

The structure of the assemblages associated with the mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus azoricus was investigated. The mussel beds were found on the hydrothermal vent fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (the Menez Gwen, Lucky Strike, and Rainbow areas) at the depths of 850–2400 m. The community structure of the mussel bed assemblages varied between the studied areas. Large number of species was unique to Menez Gwen mussel beds; the most observed taxa were not specialized hydrothermal species. All the other, nonunique species were found for the Lucky Strike region. The lowest mussel assemblage structure evenness was observed in the shallowest area, the Menez Gwen area (850 m depth). We assume that two types of mussel assemblages—nematode-dominated and copepod-dominated ones—exist in the Lucky Strike field. The assemblages of B. azoricus differ significantly from the assemblages of B. thermophilus inhabiting the Pacific hydrothermal vents.  相似文献   

Carmen-Pia  Günther 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):117-130
Abstract. The development of temporary Mytilus edulis beds and their associated macro fauna was studied on an intertidal sand flat in the German Wadden sea during 1986 by comparing mussel beds with bare sandy areas of the same tidal elevation. Macro fauna samples We taken with a 100 cm2 corer (penetration depth 27 cm, mesh size 0.5 mm, 5 parallel samples).
Numbers of taxa and diversity were higher in the mussel beds compared to the sandy areas. The abundance of macro fauna organisms decreased with the age of the mussel bed, whereas the relative abundance of species was not strongly affected. Hydrobia ulvae , oligochaetes, and Heteromastus filiformis dominated the macro fauna inside as well as outside the mussel beds. Among the lower ranks of dominance changes in species composition were observed due to increasing densities of opportunistic polychaetes.
About six weeks after the establishment of the mussel beds a higher abundance of Capitella spp., Polydora ligni, Tharyx marioni , and nemerteans occurred within the mussel beds while other species such as Hydrobia ulvae and Pygospio elegans showed a significantly lower abundance compared to the adjacent flat. Macoma balthica as well as Mya arenaria were not affected by the alteration of a bare sand flat to a mussel bed. O-group Carcinus maenas reached their highest abundance in the mussel beds (over 1000 indiv. m-2). In contrast juvenile Crangon crangon preferred the bare sand flat. After destruction of the mussel beds by an early autumn storm, species abundance and composition was similar to the situation before the mussel beds had become established.  相似文献   

The Eiffel Tower edifice is situated in the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field at a mean depth of 1690 m on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR). At this 11‐m‐high hydrothermal structure, different faunal assemblages, varying in visibly dominant species (mussels and shrimp), in mussel size and in density of mussel coverage, were sampled biologically and chemically. Temperature and sulphide (∑S) were measured on the different types of mussel‐based assemblages and on a shrimp‐dominated assemblage. Temperature was used as a proxy for calculating total concentrations of CH4. Based on the physico‐chemical measurements, two microhabitats were identified, corresponding to (i) a more variable habitat featuring the greatest fluctuations in environmental variables and (ii) a second, more stable, habitat. The highest temperature variability and the highest maximum recorded temperatures were found in the assemblages visibly inhabited by alvinocaridid shrimp and dense mussel beds of large Bathymodiolus azoricus, whereas the less variable habitats were inhabited by smaller‐sized mussels with increasing bare surface in between. Larger mussels appeared to consume more ∑S compared with smaller‐sized (<1 cm) individuals and thus had a greater influence on the local chemistry. In addition, the mussel size was shown to be significantly positively correlated to temperature and negatively to the richness of the associated macrofauna. The presence of microbial mats was not linked to specific environmental conditions, but had a negative effect on the presence and abundance of macro‐fauna, notably gastropods. Whereas some taxa or species are found in only one of the two microhabitats, others, such as polychaetes and Mirocaris shrimp, cross the different microhabitats. Temperature was proposed to be a more limiting factor in species distribution than ∑S.  相似文献   

In deep-sea environments, plant remains of several origins are found, including branches, twigs, leaves, and wood pieces, among others. As most of the deep-sea bottoms are oligotrophic and nutrient-limited, plant remains provide an oasis of localized organic enrichment and a substrate for colonization. Sunken wood was suggested to play an important evolutionary role in the diversification of chemosynthetic ecosystems, possibly representing stepping stones for the colonization between vent and seep ecosystems. In order to understand colonization processes of the Pacific Costa Rican meio-epifaunal assemblages associated with sunken wood, a field experiment was conducted on Mound 12 (8°55.778′N, 84°18.730′W) at ~1,000 m water depth. Woodblocks were placed in four different habitats (Mussel beds, tube worms, near mussel beds, rubble bottoms), and different local environmental conditions (seepage-active and seepage-inactive sites). Seven experimental Douglas fir woodblocks (each 1,047 cm2 in surface area) were deployed from the R/V Atlantis using the manned submersible Alvin in February 2009 and recovered after 10.5 months in January 2010. Sample processing and analyses led to a data set of abundance (total 9,951 individuals) and spatial distribution of nine meio-epifaunal higher taxa/groups. Meio-epifaunal densities on individual woodblocks ranged from 3 to 26 ind.10 cm2. Copepods accounted for the highest abundances (75.1%), followed by nauplii larvae (11.7%) and nematodes (9.8%). The maximum number of individuals (26.3 ind.10 cm−2) was found in blocks placed in seepage-inactive areas (near active mussel beds) in contrast to 2.9 ind.10 cm−2 in active areas (within a mussel bed). A hierarchical cluster analysis grouped blocks according to seepage activity and not to habitat, but tests of similarity showed no significant differences in higher taxon composition and abundances, probably owing either to substrate homogeneity or low sample size. Copepods were the most abundant representatives, suggesting that this group is one of the most successful in colonizing in the early stage of succession, in this case while hardwood substrates are not yet decomposed or bored by bivalves.  相似文献   

Species richness is a measure that is fundamental to many studies in ecology, and it is particularly important on sandy beaches, where it underlies patterns described by the broadly accepted swash exclusion hypothesis. However, its estimation in practice is problematic. This has led ecologists in other fields to adopt extrapolative estimators of species richness, which project the total number of species present in a habitat by adjusting upward the number of species observed by an amount related to the number of rare species encountered in the samples. In so doing, the species richness can be estimated, with confidence intervals, at any level of sampling effort. Despite the availability and advantages of these methods, beach ecologists have continued to use the observed species richness as a point estimate of biodiversity for beaches. Here, we employ a Monte Carlo resampling approach over a range of routine transect designs used to sample sandy beaches, and evaluate the performance of seven non-parametric extrapolative estimators for species richness relative to that of the more conventionally used observed species richness. We find that the first-order Jackknife estimator (Jack 1) is the least biased, most accurate and most consistent across sites. Employing this estimator would allow accurate estimation of species richness on short (tens of metres) stretches of beach without exceeding the acceptable levels of sampling effort (4–5 m2). Spreading this effort evenly over three across-shore transects, each with a minimum of 13 equally spaced levels seems appropriately efficient. Although a greater number of research studies is required to ascertain the generality of these results beyond the beaches we sampled, we tentatively recommend the application of our results in biodiversity surveys on sandy beaches.  相似文献   

Deep-sea hydrothermal vents occur along the mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins around the globe. There are very few community analyses of vent meiobenthos. The central objectives of this study were to identify and quantify for the first time the entire metazoan meiobenthic community associated with mussel aggregations of Bathymodiolus thermophilus Kenk and Wilson, 1985 from the EPR, 11°N and of Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis Cosel et al., 1994 from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), 23°N. Using a quantitative sampling method, abundance, biomass, sex ratio, species richness, diversity, evenness, and trophic structure were studied based on three samples from each site. Meiobenthic abundance in each sample was unexpectedly low, but similar between sites. The community was composed of nematodes, copepods, ostracods, and mites, with a total of 24 species at EPR vents, and 15 species at MAR vents. While most copepod species were vent endemics within the family Dirivultidae, nematodes and harpacticoid copepods belonged to generalist genera, which occur at a variety of habitats and are not restricted to hydrothermal vents or the deep sea. The meiobenthos of hydrothermal-vent mussel beds constitutes a unique community unlike those of other sulfidic habitats, including the thiobios of shallow-water sediments and the meiobenthos of deep-sea, cold-seep sediments. The trophic structure was dominated by primary consumers, mainly deposit feeders, followed by parasites. Predatory meiofaunal species were absent.  相似文献   

Western Pacific hydrothermal vents will soon be subjected to deep‐sea mining and peripheral sites are considered the most practical targets. The limited information on community dynamics and temporal change in these communities makes it difficult to anticipate the impact of mining activities and recovery trajectories. We studied community composition of peripheral communities along a cline in hydrothermal chemistry on the Eastern Lau Spreading Center and Valu Fa Ridge (ELSC‐VFR) and also studied patterns of temporal change. Peripheral communities located in the northern vent fields of the ELSC‐VFR are significantly different from those in the southern vent fields. Higher abundances of zoanthids and anemones were found in northern peripheral sites and the symbiont‐containing mussel Bathymodiolus brevior, brisingid seastars and polynoids were only present in the northern peripheral sites. By contrast, certain faunal groups were seen only in the southern peripheral sites, such as lollipop sponges, pycnogonids and ophiuroids. Taxonomic richness of the peripheral communities was similar to that of active vent communities, due to the presence of non‐vent endemic species that balanced the absence of species found in areas of active venting. The communities present at waning active sites resemble those of peripheral sites, indicating that peripheral species can colonize previously active vent sites in addition to settling in the periphery of areas of venting. Growth and mortality were observed in a number of the normally slow‐growing cladorhizid stick sponges, indicating that these animals may exhibit life history strategies in the vicinity of vents that differ from those previously recorded. A novel facultative association between polynoids and anemones is proposed based on their correlated distributions.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus属贻贝是广泛分布于全球深海冷泉和热液生态系统的优势种,在深海化能生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中起着重要作用。本文以我国南海北部冷泉的主要优势种平端深海偏顶蛤(Bathymodiolus platifrons)为研究对象,采用常规生化测定方法,研究了其主要生化成分和氨基酸组成的特征,并就特定组织中主要生化成分的含量与生活在热液区的平端深海偏顶蛤和近岸的远东偏顶蛤(Modiolus kurilensis)进行了对比。结果表明,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤软体部含水量84.28%,粗蛋白含量7.18%,粗脂肪含量1.23%,糖类含量2.75%,与已报道的深海贝类组成相近。虽然主要生化成分含量在3种贻贝的鳃、外套膜、闭壳肌和消化腺4个组织中总体差异不大,但是冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤和热液平端深海偏顶蛤的外套膜糖类含量(25.20%、30.66%)显著高于远东偏顶蛤(6.97%,P0.05),这表明平端深海偏顶蛤的主要储存物质为外套膜中的糖类。在氨基酸组成上,冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤鳃中氨基酸总量为44.55%(干质量),外套膜中为34.83%(干质量),其中必需氨基酸分别占比41.73%和40.52%,总体与其他贝类相似。然而,在平端深海偏顶蛤中,与渗透压调节相关的甘氨酸和与硫代谢相关的牛磺酸含量较高,这与其适应深海高盐度高硫化氢浓度的环境相关。综上所述,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤在常规生化组分和氨基酸组成上与近岸常见双壳类具有一定差异,这些差异与其特殊生境的关系还需要更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

The abundance and higher taxonomic composition of epizooic metazoan meiobenthic communities associated with mussel and tubeworm aggregations of hydrocarbon seeps at Green Canyon, Atwater Valley, and Alaminos Canyon in depths between 1400 and 2800?m were studied and compared to the infaunal community of non-seep sediments nearby. Epizooic meiofaunal abundances of associated meiobenthos living in tubeworm bushes and mussel beds at seeps were extremely low (usually <100?ind. 10?cm(-2)), similar to epizooic meiofauna at deep-sea hydrothermal vents, and the communities were composed primarily of nematodes, copepods, ostracods, and halacarids. In contrast, epizooic meiobenthic abundance is lower than previous studies have reported for infauna from seep sediments. Interestingly, non-seep sediments contained higher abundances and higher taxonomic diversity than epizooic seep communities, although in situ primary production is restricted to seeps.  相似文献   

软体动物腹足纲分类学研究进展——从近海到深海   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科学技术的不断进步和研究的不断深入,我国关于海洋的研究已由浅海逐步向深海发展,不断取得新的发现和认知。自2014年4月起,中国科学院海洋研究所依托先进的"科学"号海洋科学综合考察船,搭载"发现"号水下机器人(remotelyoperated vehicle,ROV),先后对冲绳海槽热液区、南海冷泉区、雅浦海山区以及马努斯热液区等深海区域进行了综合性科学考查,采集到了大量深海腹足纲(Gastropoda)标本,其中有一些为未经发现和描述的新种,极大地推动了我国关于深海软体动物物种多样性研究,实现了深海环境和软体动物资源的新认知。本文对近年来从深海采集到的腹足类标本进行了整理分类,对其中的11属13种进行描述,并对深海特殊环境中腹足纲物种多样性进行了总结,对中国软体动物腹足纲从近海至深海的分类现状进行研究论述。  相似文献   

Methane seeps occur at depths extending to over 7000 m along the world's continental margins, but there is little information about the infaunal communities inhabiting sediments of seeps deeper than 3000 m. Biological sampling was carried out off Unimak Island (3200–3300 m) and Kodiak Island (4500 m) on the Aleutian margin, Pacific Ocean and along the Florida Escarpment (3300 m) in the Gulf of Mexico to investigate the community structure and nutrition of macrofauna at these sites. We addressed whether there are characteristic infaunal communities common to the deep‐water seeps or to the specific habitats (clam beds, pogonophoran fields, and microbial mats) studied here, and ask how these differ from background communities or from shallow‐seep settings sampled previously. We also investigated, using stable isotopic signatures, the utilization of chemosynthetically fixed and methane‐derived organic matter by macrofauna from different regions and habitats. Within seep sites, macrofaunal densities were the greatest in the Florida microbial mats (20,961 ± 11,618 ind·m−2), the lowest in the Florida pogonophoran fields (926 ± 132 ind·m−2), and intermediate in the Unimak and Kodiak seep habitats. Seep macrofaunal densities differed from those in nearby non‐seep sediments only in Florida mat habitats, where a single, abundant species of hesionid polychaete comprised 70% of the macrofauna. Annelids were the dominant taxon (>60%) at all sites and habitats except in Florida background sediments (33%) and Unimak pogonophoran fields (27%). Macrofaunal diversity (H′) was lower at the Florida than the Alaska seeps, with a trend toward reduced richness in clam bed relative to pogonophoran field or non‐seep sediments. Community composition differences between seep and non‐seep sediments were evident in each region except for the Unimak margin, but pogonophoran and clam bed macrofaunal communities did not differ from one another in Alaska. Seep δ13C and δ15N signatures were lighter for seep than non‐seep macrofauna in all regions, indicating use of chemosynthetically derived carbon. The lightest δ13C values (average of species’ means) were observed at the Florida escarpment (−42.8‰). We estimated that on average animal tissues had up to 55% methane‐derived carbon in Florida mats, 31–44% in Florida clam beds and Kodiak clam beds and pogonophoran fields, and 9–23% in Unimak seep habitats. However, some taxa such as hesionid and capitellid polychaetes exhibited tremendous intraspecific δ13C variation (>30‰) between patch types. Overall we found few characteristic communities or features common to the three deep‐water seeps (>3000 m), but common properties across habitats (mat, clam bed, pogonophorans), independent of location or water depth. In general, macrofaunal densities were lower (except at Florida microbial mats), community structure was similar, and reliance on chemosynthesis was greater than observed in shallower seeps off California and Oregon.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Rhodoliths provide a stable and three-dimensional habitat to which other seaweeds and invertebrates can attach. Although ecological factors affecting rhodolith beds have been studied, little is known about the effect of rhodolith species and growth-form on associated fauna. Experiments were conducted at three rhodolith beds in the central-west Gulf of California. Faunal abundance differed significantly in relation to rhodolith-forming species, but no significant differences were observed between different growth-forms. Rhodolith structure differs between the species Lithophyllum margaritae and Neogoniolithon trichotomum , and the combination of structure differences and rhodolith abundances may be responsible of the significant differences in faunal abundance and richness. Crustaceans, polychaetes and molluscs were the most important taxa in all three rhodolith beds. The amphipod species Pontogeneia nasa and the cnidarian Aiptasia sp. were dominant in both rhodolith beds, El Requesón and Isla Coyote, in Bahía Concepción. The Isla Coronados rhodolith bed was dominated by an unidentified harpacticoid copepod (Copepoda sp.1). Rhodolith species is more important than growth-form in determining abundance and richness of the associated fauna. Nevertheless, factors such as wave motion, depth, bioturbation and others should be considered when studying organisms associated with rhodolith beds.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(5):227-241
ChEss is a recently-funded Census of marine life programme aimed at improving our knowledge of the biogeography of deepwater chemosynthetically driven ecosystems by promoting an international field phase of discovery and exploration. The main objectives are to assess and explain the diversity, distribution and abundance of hydrothermal vent and cold seep species. With the global mid-ocean ridge system extending ∼65 000 km, it is unlikely that its entire length would be examined in detail. The ChEss programme proposes to select a limited number of target areas chosen for the discovery of new vents and seeps. The intention is to identify the maximum scientific return that could be achieved from detailed investigation of the minimum number of sites at key locations. To narrow the field for exploration, a number of starting hypotheses and goals have been identified. A bio- and geo-referenced database for hydrothermal vent and cold seep species will be created. This database will be integrated with the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). An international scientific committee will coordinate the programme, facilitate collaboration between participants, promote ship-time applications at national level and stimulate scientific innovation from a wider community.  相似文献   

Bathynerita naticoidea (Gastropoda: Neritidae) and Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata (Polychaeta: Orbiniidae) are two of the most abundant invertebrates associated with cold‐seep mussel beds in the Gulf of Mexico. At the methane seep known as Brine Pool NR‐1 (27 °43.415 N, 91 °16.756 W; 650 m depth), which is surrounded by a broad band of mussels (Bathymodiolus childressi), these species have distinctly different patterns of abundance, with the gastropod being found mostly at the outer edge of the mussel bed (average density in November 2003: 817 individuals·m−2 in outer zone, 20·m−2 in inner zone) and the polychaete being found almost exclusively near the inner edge (average density in November 2003: 3155 individuals·m−2 in inner zone, 0·m−2 in outer zone), adjacent to the brine pool itself. The salinity of the brine pool exceeds 120, so we hypothesized that M. dendrobranchiata should be more tolerant of high salinities than B. naticoidea. The opposite proved to be true. The gastropods were capable of withstanding salinities at least as high as 85, whereas the polychaetes died at salinities higher than 75. Both species were osmoconformers over the range of salinities (35–75) tested. Behavioral responses of B. naticoidea to salinities of 50, 60, and 70 were investigated in inverted vertical haloclines. Gastropods generally did not enter water of salinity greater than 60, but tolerated short periods at 60. Behavioral avoidance of brine should limit the vertical distribution of B. naticoidea in the inner zone to the top 2.5–5 cm of the mussel bed. Behavior is also a likely (though unproven) mechanism for controlling horizontal distribution of this species across the mussel bed. Methanoaricia dendrobranchiata can tolerate short excursions into the brine, but probably avoids hypersaline conditions by aggregating on the tops of the mussels.  相似文献   

Bathynerita naticoidea (Gastropoda: Neritidae) is a numerically dominant heterotrophic gastropod found at hydrocarbon seep sites on the upper Louisiana slope of the Gulf of Mexico. Snails of this species are commonly associated with beds of the methanotrophic mussel Bathymodiolus childressi (Bivalvia: Mytilidae), and their population structure mirrors that of the mussels they are found among. Previous studies have shown that these snails feed on bacteria and decomposing periostracum on the B. childressi shell. We predicted that B. naticoidea might be attracted to cues specific to its preferred habitat, such as dissolved methane, mucus from conspecific snails, or metabolites produced by B. childressi mussels. To examine this, we used a flow‐through Y‐maze system to investigate the behavior of B. naticoidea exposed to these potential cues. We found that the nerite is not attracted to methane, but is strongly attracted to seawater conditioned with B. childressi. The attractant appears to be specific to this type of mussel, and is not a soluble cue produced by conspecific snails.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent communities on a mid-ocean ridge crest can be separated by large distances on separate segments. Heat sources, vent character, fluid chemistry and current patterns may differ markedly. This study examines whether vent community characteristics on three of the four southern segments of the Juan de Fuca Ridge are significantly different. Taxonomic composition and relative abundance of the fauna over 1 mm in size associated with vestimentiferan tubeworm bushes are examined from fifty-one collections. Among nearly 350,000 specimens, 37 taxa are recognized, most to species level. Another 14 taxa are meiofaunal in size classification. Species richness and selected diversity indicators are highest on Axial Volcano while animal density within the bushes does not differ significantly. Cluster analysis does not group collections by location, year of collection or vent temperature; collection substratum—basalt or sulphide—may influence clustering. The architecture of the tubes of tubeworm bushes appears to affect the numbers of species present and the resultant clusters. The tightly interwoven, knotted Ridgeia piscesae tubes found on Axial host twice as many species as tubeworm bushes with a less complex structure. Four species dominate most of the collections: two gastropods (Lepetodrilus fucensis and Depressigyra globulus) and two polychaetes (Paralvinella pandorae and Amphisamytha galapagensis). Other vent species are low in abundance (<1% relative abundance) and patchy in distribution. Four collections with no visible flow had markedly different assemblages representing a transition state from vent assemblages to normal deep-sea fauna. There are differences in community structure among the segments, but the causes for these differences are unclear. Higher diversity on Axial Volcano may be supported by a greater time of sustained venting, a larger venting area, water circulation contained within the caldera, or flow conditions that sponsor growth of more complex habitat.  相似文献   

This study collates published and unpublished data on the ichthyofaunas associated with beds of eelgrass Zostera capensis in eight estuaries and one lagoon in southern Africa. These macrophyte beds are utilized predominantly by small teleosts, both species which breed in the estuary and juvenile marine fish. By far the most abundant of the 97 species of fish recorded in these beds were Atherina breviceps, Gilchristella aestuaria, Liza dumerilii, Liza richardsonii and Rhabdosargus holubi. Classification grouped the ichthyofaunas of the six warm-temperate estuaries in the South-Eastern and Southern Cape at a similarity level >50 per cent. Ordination produced a similar clustering and also demonstrated that the subtropical Richards Bay and warm-temperate Mngazana estuary, together with the cold-temperate Langebaan Lagoon, were outliers. Classification and ordination showed that, within an estuary, the ichthyofaunas of dense and sparse Zostera areas were more similar than either was with those of non-vegetated areas. The species richness (R) of fish within eelgrass habitats along the southern African coast tended to decrease from north-east to south-west, a trend attributable to an attenuation in the number of tropical/subtropical Indo-Pacific species. The numerically dominant fish families in eelgrass beds in South Africa showed a greater degree of overlap with those of south-eastern Australia than with those of either southern Japan or eastern North America.  相似文献   

Quantitative collections of tubeworm- and mussel-associated communities were obtained from 3 cold seep sites in the deep Gulf of Mexico: in Atwater Valley at 1890 m depth, in Alaminos Canyon at 2200 m depth, and from the Florida Escarpment at 3300 m depth. A total of 50 taxa of macro- and megafauna were collected including 2 species of siboglinid tubeworms and 3 species of bathymodiolin mussels. In general, the highest degree of similarity was between communities collected from the same site. Most of the dominant families at the well-characterized upper Louisiana slope seep sites of the Gulf of Mexico were present at the deep sites as well; however, there was little overlap at the species level between the upper and lower slope communities. One major difference in community structure between the upper and lower slope seeps was the dominance of the ophiuroid Ophioctenella acies in the deeper communities. The transition between upper and lower slope communities appears to occur between 1300 and 1700 m based on the number of shared species with the Barbados seeps at either end of this depth range. Seep communities of the deep Gulf of Mexico were more similar to the Barbados Accretionary Prism seep communities than they were to either the upper slope Gulf of Mexico or Blake Ridge communities based on numbers of shared species and Bray–Curtis similarity values among sites. The presence of shared species among these sites suggests that there is ongoing or recent exchange among these areas. An analysis of bathymodioline mussel phylogeography that includes new collections from the west coast of Africa is presented. This analysis also suggests recent exchange across the Atlantic equatorial belt from the Gulf of Mexico to the seeps of the West Nigerian margin.  相似文献   

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