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By means of microscopy and laser Raman spectroscopy,the authors studied the fluid inclusions in petrography.The results show that there exist three-phase CO2 -bearing and two-phase aqueous inclusions in gold ore;the fluid of NaCl-H2O--CO2 system went through immiscibility in ore-forming process.Ore-forming fluids were of low salinity(0.82%-5.40%NaCleqv),low density(0.54-0.93 g/cm3);mineralization tempera-ture were concentrated in 320℃--340℃,with ore-forming pressure in 62-126 MPa and mineralization depth in 6.34-9.35 km.The fluid inclusions in quartz are generally characterized by a small amount of CO2 and N2.Combined with recent results of the isotopic analysis for fluid inclusions and dating data,it was indicated that the main ore-forming fluids derived mainly from source of mantle-derived fluids with a small amount of magmatic fluid and meteoric water.The genetic type was mesothermal gold deposits involved by mantle-derived fluids.  相似文献   

Lode 28 is the largest gold-bearing quartz vein in Haigou gold deposit,and the lode itself contains more than 30t of gold. Geochemical study shows that 12 trace elements related gold mineralization can be divided into 5 metallogenic factors(element assemblages) .The high values of F1,F2 and F4 together indicate overlapped of multiple stages of gold mineralization,revealing high potential of gold mineralization at depth;the single high value of F4 represents the root of an existing ore body while high values of F3 and F4 show the intervals of barren sectors in the lode. Comprehensive geochemical studies show the high prospection potential below the 14th level and between lines 39-71. It is also prospective to look for blind ore-bodies between lines 15-29 and below the 10th level.  相似文献   

Qingchengzi ore concentration area in Liao-Ji rift is an important lead-zinc ore area of China,and the deep prospecting in this area has great prospects.Based on the spatial occurrence of ore bodies the Pb-Zn deposit can be divided into three types:layered,vein-shaped and pinnate.The deep geological conditions in this area are deduced by analyzing the tectonic evolution process and rock mass gravity inversion.The tectonic evolution of Liao-Ji rift can be divided into three stages:Paleoproterozoic extension period,Mesoproterozoic compression period and Mesozoic reactivation period.The magmatic activities in the Indosinian epoch led to the distribution pattern of the present deposits.According to the gravity inversion,Shuangdinggou-and Xinling rock masses on the north and south sides of the mining area are connected in the deep.The connected rock body might be distributed in the entire mining area.Xinling rock mass may be a branch extending from Shuangdinggou rock mass along the northeast trending fault,the connected rocks provide magmatic hydrothermal fluid for the final,folds and faults result in different types of ore body shapes.  相似文献   

The Wadi Bayhan mafic-ultramafic intrusions associated with magmatic PGE-bearing Cu-Ni sulphide deposit are located in the south margin of the Arabian-Nubian Shield,SW Yemen.The intrusions consist of dunite,olivine-pyroxenite,lherzolite,hornblendite,gabbro and gabbronorite.The dunite and lherzolite are the main host rock for the Cu-Ni ores.The new data of the chemical compositions of the rocks have SiO2(50%-53.6%),Al2O3(0-32%) and MgO(4%-28%),and relatively low TiO2(0-3.2%) and K2O+Na2O(0.04%-5.2%).The geoc...  相似文献   

The Wadi Sharis orogenic gold deposit in northwestern Yemen is related to the fault and shear zones vein at medium depth in the crust in the Neoproterozoic meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanosedimentary succession of greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism.Three distinct fluid inclusion types have been identified in the gold-bearing quartz sulphide veins of the deposit:(1) type I:vapour-liquid two-phase(VH2O-LH2O),(2) type II:three-phase CO2(VCO2-LH2O-LCO2) and(3) type III:vapour-rich(LCO2-VCO2) inclusions.Six analysis of individual fluid inclusion indicate the fluid inclusions comprise mainly of H2O and CO2.Formation P-T conditions recorded by fluid inclusions in quartz crystals correspond to 180℃-380℃ and up to 130 MPa,as indicated by high-density CO2 bubbles(up to 0.98 g/cm3) observed in some inclusions.The estimated crystallization pressures correspond to approximately 4-10 km of overburden,assuming a lithostatic load.The salinity ranges from 0 to 22 wt%.The deposit holds at 0.2-5 g/t Au and contains low-moderate salinity.  相似文献   

The Wadi Sharis orogenic gold deposit in northwestern Yemen is related to the fault and shear zones vein at medium depth in the crust in the Neoproterozoic meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanosedimentary succession of greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism.Three distinct fluid inclusion types have been identified in the gold-bearing quartz sulphide veins of the deposit:(1) type I:vapour-liquid two-phase(VH2O-LH2O),(2) type II:three-phase CO2(VCO2-LH2O-LCO2) and(3) type III:vapour-rich(LCO2-VCO2) inclus...  相似文献   

The Suwar Cu-Ni sulphide prospect is very highly regarded for its potential to host a major nickel-copper sulphide deposit in Republic of Yemen, a mineral resource lacking country. The ore-hosting intrusion is a lopolith about 6km long and lkm wide and more than 300m deep. There are two types of Cu-Ni mineralizations in the prospect: primary massive chalcopyrite+ pyrrhotite+ pentlandite controlled by gravitational and structural traps while the secondary Cu-Ni mineralization is coarse grained and occur as veins, veinlets, fracture fill, blebs or associated with coarse, re-crystallized carbonate in shear zones and faults. The deposit type of the prospect is believed to be the one associated with the ultramafic component of a large, broadly differentiated noritic, gabbroid intrusive. It is suggested that the prospect and adjacent area possibly contain a similar world class Ni-Cu deposits as that in Jinchuan, China.  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji) Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province. The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphistn, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji)Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province.The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphism, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

Gaotaigou borate deposit in Ji'an area, southeastern Jilin, is located in the easten end of Liaoning-Jilin (Liaoji) Proterozoic paleo-rift, which is a medium-sized deposit and makes up 67% of the total borate reserves in Jilin Province. The original borate ore bodies were formed by sedimentary exhalative process in Paleoproterozoic, but were activated and enriched by later metamorphism. In late stage of metamorphism, hydrothermal fluid of metamorphic origin made wallrocks be altered and the borate ore bodies be reformed. Ore bodies are strictly controlled by strata and their lithologies. In addition, the shape and spatial distribution of ore bodies are also defined by the Gaotaigou syncline. Combined with the ore-controlling factors and mineralizing features, it has been proposed that Gaotaigou borate deposit is a metamorphosed and hydrothermally altered sedimentary exhalative deposit.  相似文献   

东天山图拉尔根镁铁—超镁铁质岩体主要包含角闪橄榄岩相、辉石橄榄岩相和辉长岩相,辉石为各岩相主要造岩矿物之一。采用电子探针和LA-ICPMS技术对不同岩相中辉石的主量、微量元素进行测试分析,以探讨岩体的性质、来源和演化过程。东天山图拉尔根镁铁—超镁铁质岩体中斜方辉石属古铜辉石,而单斜辉石则为透辉石和顽透辉石。辉石温压计算表明其结晶温度为978℃~1059℃,结晶压力主要为0.71~4.80kbar。岩体母岩浆为亚碱性拉斑玄武质岩浆,是被俯冲板片交代过的亏损地幔发生13%~20%部分熔融的产物。岩体内不同岩相中辉石的化学成分变化较小,表明岩体的结晶分异程度较低,其中辉长岩相的结晶程度较角闪橄榄岩相和辉石橄榄岩相略高;岩浆上侵过程中,角闪橄榄岩相和辉石橄榄岩相受到富硅地壳物质的混染,而辉长岩相受到富铝围岩的混染。结晶分异作用和富硅地壳的混染是引起图拉尔根岩体硫饱和及硫化物熔离的重要因素。  相似文献   

为确定农坪金铜矿床的成矿流体特征及矿床形成机制,采集细脉浸染状金铜矿石中的石英-硫化物细脉,对石英颗粒中的流体包裹体进行了岩相学、显微测温和激光拉曼光谱分析。结果表明:脉石英中主要发育Ⅰ型气液两相、Ⅱ型含CO2三相、Ⅲ型含子矿物多相、Ⅳ型纯气相和Ⅴ型纯液相等5种类型的原生流体包裹体。不同类型包裹体的均一温度变化范围为237.8℃~399.4℃,主要集中于310℃~370℃,盐度w ( NaCl )变化范围于1.39%~12.3%和33.32%~42.03%两个区间。代表性包裹体的激光拉曼光谱分析结果显示,成矿流体主要气相成分为H2 O、 CO2,并含有少量的CH4。综合研究后认为,农坪矿床成矿流体曾发生过沸腾作用,以至流体中的H2 O、 CO2等挥发组分大量逸出,引起金、铜等有用组分的沉淀富集。农坪金铜矿床与小西南岔金铜矿床在成矿条件及矿化特征等方面具有相似性,二者同为斑岩型金铜矿床,均属燕山晚期构造岩浆作用的产物。  相似文献   

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