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二阶后牛顿光线方程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宫衍香  须重明 《天文学报》2003,44(4):382-389
近来相继提出一系列的空间天体测量计划,要求考虑在多参考系中二阶后牛顿部分对光线传播的贡献,也就是说,必须讨论在最近完成的扩展的DSX体系下的二阶后牛顿(2PN)光线方程.DSX体系是在20世纪90年代初建立的,用来讨论对N个任意形状和组成、自转可变形物体的一套完整的一阶后牛顿(1PN)天体力学理论.在此建议采用迭代的方法来推导2PN光线方程.从度规和Christoffel记号出发推导太阳系中的2PN光线方程.当忽略掉更高阶的项时,2PN光线方程将回到在很多教科书中广泛出现的1PN光线方程.利用这套方程就可以计算太阳系的光线传播.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model is developed for the dynamics of a system of two bodies whose material points are under the influence of a central gravitational force. One of the bodies is assumed to be rigid and spherically symmetric, while the other is assumed to be deformable. To develop a tractable model for the system, the deformable body is modeled using Cohen and Muncaster's theory of a pseudo-rigid body. The resulting model of the system has several of the features, such as angular momentum conservation, exhibited by more restrictive models. We also show how the self-gravitation of the deformable body can be accommodated using appropriate constitutive equations for a force tensor. This enables our model to subsume many existing models of ellipsoidal figures of equilibrium. After the model and its conservations have been discussed, attention is restricted to steady motions of the system. Several results, which generalize recent works on rigid satellites, are established for these motions. For a specific choice of constitutive equations for the pseudo-rigid body, we determine the steady motions with the aid of a numerical continuation method. These results can also be considered as generalizations of earlier works on Roche's ellipsoids of equilibrium.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical interactions of mass systems in equilibrium under their own gravity that mutually exert and ex‐perience gravitational forces. The method we employ is to model the dynamical evolution of two isolated bars, hosted within the same galactic system, under their mutual gravitational interaction. In this study, we present an analytical treatment of the secular evolution of two bars that oscillate with respect to one another. Two cases of interaction, with and without geometrical deformation, are discussed. In the latter case, the bars are described as modified Jacobi ellipsoids. These triaxial systems are formed by a rotating fluid mass in gravitational equilibrium with its own rotational velocity and the gravitational field of the other bar. The governing equation for the variation of their relative angular separation is then numerically integrated, which also provides the time evolution of the geometrical parameters of the bodies. The case of rigid, non‐deformable, bars produces in some cases an oscillatory motion in the bodies similar to that of a harmonic oscillator. For the other case, a deformable rotating body that can be represented by a modified Jacobi ellipsoid under the influence of an exterior massive body will change its rotational velocity to escape from the attracting body, just as if the gravitational torque exerted by the exterior body were of opposite sign. Instead, the exchange of angular momentum will cause the Jacobian body to modify its geometry by enlarging its long axis, located in the plane of rotation, thus decreasing its axial ratios. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper will be to derive from the fundamental equations of hydrodynamics the explicit form of the Eulerian equations which govern the motion about the centre of gravity of self-gravitating bodies, consisting of compressible fluid of arbitrary viscosity, in an arbitrary external field of force. If the problem is particularized so that the external field of force represents the attaction of the sun and the moon, this motion would represent the luni-solar precession and nutation of a fluid viscous earth; if, on the other hand, the external field of force were governed by the earth (and the sun), the motion would define the physical librations of the moon regarded as a deformable body. The same equations are, moreover, equally applicable to the phenomena of precession and nutation of rotating fluid components in close binary systems, distorted by mutual tidal action; and the present paper contains the first formulation of the effects of viscosity on such phenomena.Investigation supported in part by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract No. NASW-1470.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the dynamical problem of tidal friction in a binary system consisting of deformable components, with the restriction that the angle of lag or advance of the tidal distortion with respect to the direction of the disturbing companion is small. The fractional distortion of the bodies due to rotation and tidal interaction is also treated as a first-order small quantity, and terms up to the fourth harmonic in the tidal potential are retained. In this linear approximation, the time-dependent tidal potential can be Fourier decomposed into a spectrum of simple harmonic terms, each of which is responsible for raising a partial wave in the body; each such partial wave can then be treated independently of the others. This is the method first employed by Darwin.In Section 2, it is assumed that the phase lag in the response of the body (due to dissipation of kinetic energy of deformation) is proportional to the forcing frequency, which is justified for small amplitude oscillations of a viscous fluid or visco-elastic body. A simple expression is then obtained for the potential function for the distortion in terms of the disturbing potential and the structure of the body.In Section 3, the distortion potential function is employed in deriving the componentsR, S andW of the disturbing force which are then substituted in the Gaussian form of the equations for variation of the elements. In Section 4, the Eulerian equations for motion of deformable bodies are derived, using the so-called mean axes of the body as the rotating axes of reference. In Section 5, it is shown that the dynamical effects of rotational distortion occur on a much shorter time scale than those arising from tidal friction, which allows one to consider the two phenomena as acting independently of one another. The collected set of Gaussian (orbital) and Eulerian (body) equations is re-written in terms of dimensionless variables for the tidal friction case, and the stability of the system is examined on the basis of these equations.In Section 6, the tidal friction equations are integrated numerically for the close binary system AG Persei and for the Earth-Moon system. In the former, the integrations were started from a highly elliptical orbit and the system was found to relax into a circular orbit, with synchronous rotation perpendicular to the orbit. In the latter, the integrations were performed backwards in time from the present day, and it was found that the lunar orbit rapidly becomes highly elliptical at the time of closest approach, thus indicating a probable capture of the Moon by the Earth. This result is in agreement with that obtained by other investigators; however, it is shown that the detailed behaviour of the system at the time of capture, in particular the inclination of the lunar orbit to the ecliptic, depends critically on the chosen rate of dissipation in the Moon's interior. A simple argument is presented which allows an estimation for the mean viscosity of a fluid body from the known age of the system: for the components of AG per, the result is 2×1011 g cm–1 s–1, indicating that the stars must have possessed turbulent convective outer regions during some part of their tidal evolution, while for the Earth, the result, is 1.4×1012 g cm–1 s–1. It is shown that the angle of tidal lag in nonsynchronous close binary systems in general is expected to be extremely small, and not observationally detectable.  相似文献   

Mathisson–Papapetrou equations are solved numerically to obtain trajectories of spinning test particles in (the meridional section of) the Kerr space–time. The supplementary conditions p σ S μσ =0 are used to close the system of equations. The results show that in principle a spin-curvature interaction may lead to considerable deviations from geodesic motion, although in astrophysical situations of interest probably no large spin effects can be expected for values of spin consistent with a pole–dipole test-particle approximation. However, a significant cumulative effect may occur, e.g. in the inspiral of a spinning particle on to a rotating compact body, that would modify gravitational waves generated by such a system. A thorough literature review is included in the paper.  相似文献   

A simple rearrangement of the torque free motion Hamiltonian shapes it as a perturbation problem for bodies rotating close to the principal axis of maximum inertia, independently of their triaxiality. The complete reduction of the main part of this Hamiltonian via the Hamilton–Jacobi equation provides the action-angle variables that ease the construction of a perturbation solution by Lie transforms. The lowest orders of the transformation equations of the perturbation solution are checked to agree with Kinoshita’s corresponding expansions for the exact solution of the free rigid body problem. For approximately axisymmetric bodies rotating close to the principal axis of maximum inertia, the common case of major solar system bodies, the new approach is advantageous over classical expansions based on a small triaxiality parameter.  相似文献   

The Eulerian equations are set up for a model subject to homoaxial rotation and suitable for simulation of a non-uniformly rotating star. These equations are formulated in a non-inertial frame of reference, rotating uniformly (i.e., rigidly) with respect to the inertial common frame.  相似文献   

In this paper the ‘class of near homoaxial rotations’ is defined, being suitable for treatment of problems of nonuniform rotation of stars. This class is represented by a proper form of the so-called ‘velocity tensor’, the latter describing efficiently the motion of a deformable finite material continuum in the common frame. The ‘class of particular near homoaxial rotations’ is then defined, characterized by simple transformation equations of the velocity tensor in two noninertial frames; namely, in a ‘frame rotating uniformly’ relative to the common frame, and in a ‘frame rotating nonuniformly’ relative to it. A sufficient condition is also derived so that a near homoaxial rotation be reducible to a particular one. ‘Preferred frames’ are then defined in the sense that they preserve a near homoaxial rotation in its class when referring thismotion; that is, such frames keep invariant the intertial class of the motion. Finally, a method is proposed for constructing a nonuniformly rotating preferred frame, to which a near homoaxial rotation is referred simply as ‘radial distortion’.  相似文献   

The study of a previously proposed theory of gravitation in flat space-time (Petry, 1981a) is continued. A conservation law for the angular momentum is derived. Additional to the usual form, there must be added a term coming from the spin of the gravitational field. The equations of motion and of spin angular momentum for a spinning test particle in a gravitational field are given. An approximation of the equations of the spin angular momentum in the rest frame of the test particle is studied. For a gyroscope in an orbit of a rotating massive body (e.g., the Earth) the precession of the spin axis agrees with the result of Einstein's general theory of relativity.  相似文献   

In preceding papers of this series (Kopal, 1968; 1969) the Eulerian equations have been set up which govern the precession and nutation of self-gravitating fluid globes of arbitrary structures in inertial coordinates (space-axes) as well as with respect to the rotating body axes; with due account being taken of the effects arising from equilibrium as well as dynamical tides.In Section 1 of the present paper, the explicit form of these equations is recapitulated for subsequent solations. Section 2 contains then a detailed discussion of the coplanar case (in which the equation of the rotating configuration and the plane of its orbit coincide with the invariable plane of the system); and small fluctuations in the angular velocity of axial rotation arising from the tidal breathing in eccentric binary systems are investigated.In Section 3, we consider the angular velocity of rotation about theZ-axis to be constant, but allow for finite inclination of the equator to the orbital plane. The differential equations governing such a problem are set up exactly in terms of the time-dependent Eulerian angles and , and their coefficients averaged over a cycle. In Section 4, these equations are linearized by the assumption that the inclinations of the equator and the orbit to the invariable plane of the system are small enough for their squares to be negligible; and the equations of motion reduced to their canonical form.The solution of these equations — giving the periods of precession and nutation of rotating components of close binary systems, as well as the rate of nodal regression which is synchronised with precession — are expressed in terms of the physical properties of the respective system and of its constituent components; while the concluding Section 6 contains a discussion of the results, in which the differences between the precession and nutation of rigid and fluid bodies are pointed out.  相似文献   

When assessing the influence of the Coriolis force on wave propagation in plasmas or other dielectric media, all the equations and relevant physical quantitities should be expressed in a rotating reference frame. Only then does the Coriolis force appear. However, most treatments for plasmas seem to fail in this respect because the Maxwell equations are used in their customary form, which in general is not valid in a rotating frame. A consistent approach requires the inclusion of Schiff charges and currents in the Maxwell equations. These Schiff sources are fictitious in the same way as the Coriolis force. The resulting wave equation has coefficients depending on the position and this precludes a plane wave solution, even in the slow rotation approximation where the centrifugal force may be neglected in comparison with the Coriolis force. Perturbation analysis then gives a dispersion law as if the system were not rotating. The wave electric field, however, now has a position dependent amplitude, which is not only stretched but also changed in direction compared to the previously known unperturbed or not rotating solution.  相似文献   

We discuss the dynamics of a charged nonrelativistic particle in electromagnetic field of a rotating magnetized celestial body. The equations of motion of the particle are obtained and some particular solutions are found. Effective potential energy is defined on the base of the first constant of motion. Regions accessible and inaccessible for a charged particle motion are studied and depicted for different values of a constant of motion.  相似文献   

A numerical study of asymmetric periodic solutions of the planar general three body problem is presented. The equations of variation are integrated numerically and the algorithms for the numerical determination of families of such periodic orbits are given. These orbits refer to a rotating frame of reference. The linear isoenergetic stability is examined through the stability parameters while the results are given in tables and figures.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we treated within the framework of our Projective Unified Field Theory (Schmutzer 2004, 2005a) the 2‐body system (e.g. Earth‐Moon system) with a rotating central body in a rather abstract manner. Here a concrete model of the transfer of angular momentum from the rotating central body to the orbital motion of the whole 2‐body system is presented, where particularly the transfer is caused by the inhomogeneous gravitational force of the Moon acting on the oceanic waters of the Earth, being modeled by a spherical shell around the solid Earth. The theory is numerically tested. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The transformation equations under generalized rotation are obtained for an initially defined reduced velocity tensor governing the motion of a deformable finite material continuum. Then angular momentum considerations lead to relations between flow properties of the continuum and properties of a coordinate system introduced to describe generalized rotation of the continuum. Such relations could define preferable coordinate systems perceiving zero angular momentum for the continuum or referring that it moves according to linear laws.  相似文献   

A method is developed to study the stability of periodic motions of the three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, based on the notion of surface of section. The method is linear and involves the computation of a 4×4 variational matrix by integrating numerically the differential equations for time intervals of the order of a period. Several properties of this matrix are proved and also it is shown that for a symmetric periodic motion it can be computed by integrating for half the period only.This linear stability analysis is used to study the stability of a family of periodic motions of three bodies with equal masses, in a rotating frame of reference. This family represents motion such that two bodies revolve around each other and the third body revolves around this binary system in the same direction to a distance which varies along the members of the family. It was found that a large part of the family, corresponding to the case where the distance of the third body from the binary system is larger than the dimensions of the binary system, represents stable motion. The nonlinear effects to the linear stability analysis are studied by computing the intersections of several perturbed orbits with the surface of sectiony 3=0. In some cases more than 1000 intersections are computed. These numerical results indicate that linear stability implies stability to all orders, and this is true for quite large perturbations.  相似文献   

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