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A lot of data in time domain were obtained by the Kepler mission, including many contact binaries. Long-term observation lets us obtain more information about the short time scale variation in their light curves or in their orbital periods. Unfortunately, the exposure time is too long (most of them are 30 minutes). Hence, many variations in light curves are smoothed. To avoid this problem, we analyzed some Kepler contact systems with both long-cadence mode and short-cadence mode data. Using the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code, we obtained the physical parameters of a batch of contact binaries and find out four targets(KIC 5123176, KIC 5296877, KIC 8496820, KIC 9776718) have low mass ratios (q  <  0.25) and one target (KIC 7950962) has a mass ratio very close to unit.  相似文献   

We present the first light curve solution of 6 contact binary systems which are chosen from the ASAS catalog. The photometric elements and the estimated absolute parameters of all systems are obtained with the light curve analyses. We calculated the values of degree of contact for the systems. The location of the targets on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram and the mass–radius plane is compared to the other well-known contact binaries and the evolutionary status of the systems are also discussed.  相似文献   

The first complete light curves of two eclipsing binaries in Camelopardalis, NX Cam and V584 Cam, are here presented together with the new observations of the system NSVS 2643686 obtained in 2014. The light curves were modelled using the latest version of the Wilson-Devinney code. Our results show that all the three systems have an extreme mass ratio q < 0.2, two of them, NX Cam and NSVS 2643686, having the fill-out f > 50%, belong to the class of the so called Deep Low Mass Ratio systems (DLMR) but show different physical characteristics. The two above systems are totally eclipsed binaries with the duration of the secondary eclipse of 87 min for NX Cam and 51 min for NSVS 2643686. The other system, V584 Cam, shows a middle fill-out value of f = 33% and low inclination. Using our Times of Minima (ToM) derived from the observations as well as those found in the literature, the ephemerides of the three systems are here revised. The absolute dimensions are estimated and, from statistical diagram, it is found that all the components of the systems follow the general pattern of the well known W UMa contact binaries.  相似文献   

We present the results of our study of the eclipsing binary systems CSS J112237.1+395219,LINEAR 1286561 and LINEAR 2602707 based on new CCD B, V, Rcand Iccomplete light curves. The ultra-short period nature of these stars, as reported by Drake et al., is confirmed and the system's periods are revised. The light curves were modeled using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. When necessary, cool spots on the surface of the primary component were introduced to account for asymmetries in the light curves. As a result, we found that CSS J112237.1+395219 is a W UMa type contact binary system belonging to W subclass with a mass ratio of q = 1.61 and a shallow degree of contact of 14.8%where the primary component is hotter than the secondary one by 500 K. LINEAR 1286561 and LINEAR2602707 are detached binary systems with mass ratios q = 3.467 and q = 0.987 respectively. These detached systems are low-mass M-type eclipsing binaries with similar temperatures. The marginal contact,fill-out factor and temperature difference between components of CSS J112237.1+395219 suggest that this system may be at a key evolutionary state predicted by thermal relaxation oscillation(TRO) theory. From the estimated absolute parameters, we conclude that our systems share common properties with other ultrashort period binaries.  相似文献   

We present V- and R- band time-series CCD photometry of two contact binaries in the region of the young open cluster NGC 957. The two eclipsing binaries were discovered by Bukowiecki et al., 2009. OEJV 112, 1 and named as V4 and V5, respectively. In the present paper, the first detailed studies of the two contact binary systems are carried out. Firstly, based on the light curves, 28 times of minimum light were detected for V4 and 21 times of minimum light for V5, respectively. Secondly, the orbital periods of V4 and V5 were redetermined as PV4 = 0.40032(5) days and PV5 = 0.30752 (4)days, respectively. The photometric solutions were analyzed by using Wilson Decinny Code. The results reveal that both V4 and V5 are W UMa-type contact binaries with a degree of fV4 = 31(± 1)% and fV5 = 65(± 1)%. The mass ratios were determined to be qV4 = 0.30 and qV5 = 0.19. For V5, the well known O’Connell effect was detected in the dataset, which effect can be explained by employing a dark spot placed on the more massive primary component. Finally, based on the distances of the two contact binaries, which were calculated by using an relation given by Gettel et al., the two contact binaries are judged to be foreground stars in the open cluster NGC 957.  相似文献   

In this paper,CCD photometric light curves for the short-period eclipsing binary 1 SWASP J140533.33+114639.1(hereafter J1405) in the BV R bands are presented and analyzed using the 2013 version of the Wilson-Devinney(W-D) code. It is discovered that J1405 is a W-subtype shallow contact binary with a contact degree of f = 7.9±0.5% and a mass ratio of q = 1.55±0.02. In order to explain the asymmetric light curves of the system,a cool starspot on the more massive component is employed. This shallow contact eclipsing binary may have been formed from a short-period detached system through orbital shrinkage due to angular momentum loss. Based on the(O-C) method,the variation of orbital period is studied using all the available times of minimum light. The(O-C) diagram reveals that the period is increasing continuously at a rate of d P/dt = +2.09×10~(-7) d yr~(-1),which can be explained by mass transfer from the less massive component to the more massive one.  相似文献   

Ten eclipsing binaries, identified in the scope of the CoRoT Space Mission, were selected for analysis. The photometric light curves were processed and analyzed, resulting in the first study of eclipsing binary candidates with their possible photometric solution, in the context of the above-mentioned Space Mission. The selected targets are detached and overcontact systems, for which we computed 2MASS temperatures, in addition to different physical parameters, including orbital period, orbit inclination angle, and temperatures, radius and luminosity ratios. This study reveals a large diversity of eclipsing binary systems obtained from the CoRoT data.  相似文献   

By analyzing two sets of complete BV Rc Ic light curves for V342 UMa and three sets of complete BV Rc Ic light curves for V509 Cam, we determined that the two systems are both W-subtype contact binaries and that V342 UMa manifests a shallow contact configuration, while V509 Cam exhibits a medium contact configuration. Given that both of them are totally eclipsing binaries, the physical parameters derived only by the photometric light curves are reliable. Meanwhile, the period changes of the two targets were analyzed based on all available eclipsing times. We discovered that V342 UMa shows long-term period decrease with a rate of-1.02(±0.54) × 10~(-7) d yr~(-1) and that V509 Cam displays long-term period increase with a rate of 3.96(±0.90) × 10~(-8) d yr~(-1). Both the conservative mass transfer and angular momentum loss via magnetic stellar winds can be used to interpret the long-term period decrease of V342 UMa. The longterm period increase of V509 Cam can be explained by mass transfer from the less massive star to the more massive one. The absolute parameters of the two binaries were estimated according to their Gaia distances and our derived photometric solution results. This method can be extended to other contact binaries without radial velocities but with reliable photometric solutions. Their evolutionary states were investigated and we found that they reveal properties that are identical to other W-subtype contact systems.  相似文献   

New ephemeris and the absolute parameters—masses, radii and luminosities—of the contact systems VW LMi and BX Dra have been obtained, by means of the analysis of the minima data available in the literature (for the determination of the ephemeris) and combining the previously published spectroscopic information and the results of the Wilson-Devinney method using photometric data (for the determination of the absolute parameters). The VW LMi OC analysis confirms the multiplicity of the system detected previously from the spectroscopic data. Masses of the VW LMi contact system primary and secondary components are 1.67 ± 0.02M and 0.70 ± 0.02M , respectively. The corresponding radii are 1.709 ± 0.007R and 1.208 ± 0.006R , respectively. For the BX Dra contact system the masses are 2.19 ± 0.13M and 0.63 ± 0.06M , and the radii, 2.13 ± 0.04R and 1.26 ± 0.03R , for the primary and secondary, respectively. In both cases, the estimated luminosities seem to be slightly greater that the values derived from the Hipparcos distances.  相似文献   

We searched for long period variation in V-band,IC-band and RXTE X-ray light curves of the High Mass X-ray Binaries(HMXBs) LS 1698 /RX J1037.5-5647,HD 110432 /1H 1249-637 and HD 161103 /RX J1744.7-2713 in an attempt to discover orbitally induced variation. Data were obtained primarily from the ASAS database and were supplemented by shorter term observations made with the 24-and 40-inch ANU telescopes and one of the robotic PROMPT telescopes. Fourier periodograms suggested the existence of long period variat...  相似文献   

The light curve solutions of two W UMa binary systems in the intermediate open cluster NGC 7789 are presented in this paper. These variables were observed using the 2 m telescope of the IUCAA-Girawali Observatory. The V passband photo-metric solutions of the two W UMa binaries were obtained using the latest version of the W–D program. The result shows that both systems are H-subtype W UMa binaries with high mass ratios.  相似文献   

We performed a detailed photometric analysis of eight ultra-short period eclipsing binaries(USPEBs) using the Wilson-Devinney method. We present the modeled light curves and derived photometric solutions. The USPEBs with period(P)≤0.21 d considered in our study belong to W-subtype having shallow contact factor(f)~20%, high mass ratio(q)~0.7 and later spectral types. The absolute parameters for these short-period binaries were derived applying empirical relations. We discuss the evolutionary stage of these USPEBs using the mass-radius, color-density and period-color diagrams. The objects showed poor metallicities, and some objects were even found to be existing around fully convective limits. The period distribution of USPEBs exhibited a sharp cut-off at 0.22 d; however, we observed significant deficits for our objects in the literature. We examined the statistics of USPEBs studied to date(in terms of the distribution of period, mass ratio and component temperatures of USPEBs) and observed that a dominant distribution of component temperatures for these USPEBs was towards lower temperatures.  相似文献   

It is shown that the formation of a roundchrom, i.e. a common chromosphere,in W UMa type contact binaries is inevitable. The geometrical forms of roundchroms for ten contact binaries are obtained. For contact binaries the round-chroms of open type are predicted along with a possibility of outflow of round-chrom's gaseous matter from the outer Lagrangian point L2. The main parameters of roundchroms, the electron concentration n e, efficient emission volume V, power of emission in magnesium doublet 2800 MgII etc. are obtained for the ten contact binaries. The decrease of the mean electron concentration in roundchrom n e with the increase of the intercomponent distance a is discovered: n e ∼ a -1. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

It is shown that during contact eclipsing binaries evolution under the influence of stellar wind, magnetic stellar wind and with matter transfer by gas flow, in binary stellar systems there may take place a process of star merger (low mass stars) within 105–107 yr and a fast increase of distance between stars of massive binaries. W UMa-type stars are a finite evolutionary stage of very close and low mass binary pairs. As for contact systems of early spectral types (CE-systems), they are more varied in evolution.  相似文献   

Eclipsing binaries are among the most important sources of information on stellar parameters like radii,masses,luminosities,etc.We present the analysis of six W UMa systems discovered in the Large Magellanic Cloud using the Wilson-Devinney method.  相似文献   

B, V andI light curves of the eclipsing binaries HV12634 in the LMV, and HV2208 in the SMC (cf. Westet al., 1992), have been analysed with the aid of optimal curve-fitting techniques. Parameter derivation involves a successive approximations procedure. The results of this are combined with a standard mass:luminosity relation to explore tentative absolute parameters. The combined evidence shows some disparity with standard MS-like models. It also demonstrates some relative insensitivity of photometric analysis, in isolation, to elucidate clear facts on such possibly atypical, remote, hot stars. Auxilliary spectroscopic data are required to resolve remaining ambiguities.  相似文献   

We present analyses of new optical photometric observations of three W UMa-type contact binaries FZ Ori, V407 Peg and LP UMa. Results from the first polarimetric observations of the FZ Ori and V407 Peg are also presented. The periods of FZ Ori, V407 Peg and LP UMa are derived to be 0.399986, 0.636884 and 0.309898 d, respectively. The O?C analyses indicate that the orbital periods of FZ Ori and LP UMa have increased with the rate of 2.28×10?8 and 1.25×10?6 d?yr?1, respectively and which is explained by transfer of mass between the components. In addition to the secularly increasing rate of orbital period, it was found that the period of FZ Ori has varied in sinusoidal way with oscillation period of ~30.1 yr. The period of oscillations are most likely to be explained by the light-time effect due to the presence of a tertiary companion. Small asymmetries have been seen around the primary and secondary maxima of light curves of all three systems, which is probably due to the presence of cool/hot spots on the components. The light curves of all three systems are analysed by using Wilson-Devinney code (WD) and the fundamental parameters of these systems have been derived. The present analyses show that FZ Ori is a W-subtype, and V407 Peg and LP UMa are A-subtype of the W UMa-type contact binary systems. The polarimetric observations in B, V, R and I bands, yield average values of polarization to be 0.26±0.03, 0.22±0.02, 0.22±0.03 and 0.22±0.05 per cent for FZ Ori and 0.21±0.02, 0.29±0.03, 0.31±0.01 and 0.31±0.04 per cent for V407 Peg, respectively.  相似文献   

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