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This paper focuses on the water-quantity issues facing Dhaka because of the rapid exploitation of the Dupi Tila aquifer. Dhaka is one of the world's largest groundwater-dependent cities, relying on water withdrawn from this underlying semiconfined sand aquifer. A meteoric rise in well construction in both the private and public sectors in recent years has produced an estimated 1,300 boreholes that tap the aquifer in urban and suburban parts of the city. Analysis of construction records for public-supply wells drilled between 1970 and 2000 shows that water levels are falling in several areas of the city despite apparently favorable recharge conditions. The productivity of boreholes as measured by specific capacity has also declined significantly. Even though the aquifer system is vital to the infrastructure of the city it remains a poorly quantified resource, and until this is resolved by investment in evaluation studies, attempts to efficiently manage the resource in a sustainable way will be frustrated.
Resumen Este artículo trata de los aspectos cuantitativos relacionados con la sobreexplotación del acuífero de Dupi Tila, que suministra a la ciudad de Dhaka (Bangladesh). Ésta es una de las mayores ciudades del mundo con dependencia de las aguas subterráneas, y se abastece de un acuífero semiconfinado formado por arenas. El aumento meteórico en la construcción de pozos durante los últimos años, tanto en el sector público como en el privado, ha provocado que haya unas 1.300 captaciones del acuífero en las zonas urbana y suburbana de la ciudad. El análisis de los registros constructivos de pozos de abastecimiento público entre 1970 y 2000 muestra que los niveles piezométricos están descendiendo en diversas áreas de la ciudad, a pesar de la existencia de condiciones aparentemente favorables de recarga. La productividad de los pozos, determinada por su capacidad específica, también ha disminuido significativamente. Aunque el sistema acuífero es vital para la infraestructura de la ciudad, los recursos aún no han sido cuantificados adecuadamente. Hasta que este asunto no sea resuelto mediante la inversión en estudios de evaluación, los intentos por gestionar eficientemente los recursos de forma sustentable serán infructuosos.

Résumé Cet article porte sur les pertes en quantité subies par Dacca du fait de l'exploitation rapide de l'aquifère de Dupi Tila. Dacca est l'une des villes dépendant de l'eau souterraine les plus importantes du monde, prélevant l'eau d'un aquifère sableux sous-jacent semi-captif. On estime à 1,300 forages l'accroissement des creusements de puits aussi bien dans le secteur privé que public dans ces dernières années; ils prélèvent dans l'aquifère dans la partie urbaine et à la périphérie de la ville. L'analyse des déclarations de creusement de puits pour l'AEP forés entre 1970 et 2000 montre que les niveaux d'eau ont chuté dans plusieurs zones de la ville malgré des conditions de recharge apparemment favorables. La productivité des puits mesurée par la capacité spécifique a également diminué significativement. Même si le système aquifère est vital pour l'infrastructure de la ville, il reste une ressource médiocrement quantifiée, et tant que ceci ne sera pas résolu par un investissement dans des études d'évaluation, les tentatives pour gérer efficacement la ressource de façon durable échoueront.


云南罗平江边地区中三叠统关岭组二段古环境特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗平生物群赋存于中三叠统关岭组二段中部,是二叠纪末生物大灭绝后生物复苏与辐射的典型代表。通过对云南罗平江边村剖面的关岭组二段进行宏观沉积组构、微相分析和元素地球化学分析,重建了罗平生物群赋存层位的沉积环境和古海洋条件。根据沉积相展布和地球化学指标的变化,恢复出四个沉积阶段。阶段Ⅰ主要为局限台地、开阔台地相:MoEF、V/Cr较低,UEF中等,指示氧化—次氧化环境;阶段Ⅱ主要为潮坪、局限台地环境:MoEF、UEF、V/Cr均较低,指示氧化环境;阶段Ⅲ主要为台盆相:表现出MoEF、UEF、V/Cr显著升高,指示缺氧环境;阶段Ⅳ主要为潮坪、浅滩、开阔台地环境:MoEF、V/Cr较低,UEF中等,指示氧化—次氧化环境。罗平生物群主要产于阶段Ⅲ缺氧的台盆环境中,说明缺氧和较为封闭和稳定的盆地环境在罗平生物群化石的特异埋藏过程中,扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

The Swan Hills Formation (Middle-Upper Devonian) of the Western Canada Basin is host to several NW-SE-trending gas fields developed in massive replacement dolostone. One of these, the Rosevear Field, contains two major dolostone trends along opposing margins of a marine channel that penetrates into a platform-reef complex. Dolostones consist predominantly of branching and bulbous strdmatoporoid floatstones and rudstones with well-developed moldic and vuggy porosity. Replacement dolomite is coarsely crystalline (100-600 μm), inclusion-rich, composed of euhedral through anhedral crystals and has a blotchy to homogeneous red cathodoluminescence. Geochemically, replacement dolomite is characterized by (i) nearly stoichiometric composition (50.1-51.1 mol% CaCO3), (ii) negative δ18O values (mean=-7.5‰, PDB) and (iii) variable 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from values similar to Late Devonian-Early Mississippian seawater (~0.7082) to radiogenic compositions comparable to saddle dolomite cements (>0.7100). Dolomitization began after widespread precipitation of early, equant calcite spar and after the onset of pressure solution, implying that replacement dolomite formed in a burial environment. Oxygen isotope data suggest that dolomite formed at 35-75°C, temperatures reached during burial in Late Devonian through Jurassic time, at minimum depths of 450 m. The linear NW-SE orientation of most dolomite fields in the Swan Hills Formation is suggestive of fault control on fluid circulation. Two models are proposed for fault-controlled circulation of dolomitizing fluids at the Rosevear Field. In the first, compaction-driven, updip fluid migration occurred in response to basin tilting commencing in the Late Palaeozoic. Deep basinal fluids migrating updip were focused into channel-margin sediments along fault conduits. The second model calls upon fault-controlled convective circulation of (i) warm Devonian-Mississippian seawater or (ii) Middle Devonian residual evaporitic brines. The overlap in 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O compositions, and similar cathodoluminescence properties between replacement and saddle dolomites provide evidence for neomorphism of some replacement dolomite. Quantitative modelling of Sr and O isotopes and Sr abundances suggests partial equilibration of some replacement dolomite with hot radiogenic brines derived during deep burial of the Swan Hills Formation in the Late Cretaceous-Palaeocene. Interaction of replacement dolomite with deep brines led to enrichment in 87Sr while leaving δ18O similar to pre-neomorphism values.  相似文献   

为恢复延兴盆地城子河组的古环境,对研究区zk6井钻井岩芯系统取样进行地球化学特征分析,结果显示下部含煤岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.20~0.75,平均值为0.41,上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.12~0.36,平均值为0.21,反映城子河组整体以淡水沉积为主,且下部含煤岩段较上部湖泊泥岩段盐度高。城子河组所有样品V/(V+Ni)比值为0.72~0.84,Cu/Zn比值为0.10~0.55,Th/U比值为0.28~3.60,δEu值为0.4~0.84,Ceanom值为-0.04~0.09,表明城子河组沉积时期水体为还原环境;下部含煤岩段Sr/Cu比值为5.87~24.12,平均值为11.21,B元素含量为232.60×10-6~721.00×10-6,平均值为425.75×10-6。上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Cu比值为3.56~10.50,平均值为6.00,B元素含量为23.69×10-6~119.00×10-6,平均值为78.36×10-6,结合Rb/Sr及孢粉化石分析,表明城子河组下部含煤岩段气候干旱,湖泊泥岩段气候湿润,总体上气候自下而上具有由干旱向湿润变化的规律。  相似文献   

近期准噶尔盆地玛湖凹陷南斜坡地区多口探井钻遇风城组厚层烃源岩,为重新认识玛湖凹陷风城组烃源岩带来了契机,搜集玛湖凹陷南部、北部5口重点探井资料,经分析取得了以下认识:(1)风城组烃源岩在玛湖凹陷内广泛发育,综合玛北、玛南地球化学参数表明其为一套Ⅱ型优质烃源岩;(2)综合现今地温、热解、生物标志物、族组分等参数,认为玛湖凹陷及其周缘地区4 350 m以深的风城组烃源岩处于成熟阶段,4 800 m以深处于高成熟演化阶段,玛湖凹陷风城组烃源岩大范围处于生油高峰期;(3)综合多个生物标志物参数,玛北地区风城组烃源岩为咸化还原沉积,玛南地区风城组二段烃源岩为咸化半还原沉积,风三段烃源岩为半咸化-半还原沉积,陆源有机质输入较多。研究区风城组沉积古环境总体表现出早中期咸化、晚期淡化,北部咸化还原程度高于南部的规律。研究结果对玛湖凹陷风城组后续致密油、页岩油勘探部署提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对新疆卡克地区上石炭统别根他乌组105个岩石薄片进行显微镜下观察,识别出6种微相:MF1灰泥灰岩微相、MF2含生物碎屑灰泥灰岩、MF3生物碎屑粒泥灰岩、MF4含生物碎屑亮晶似球粒灰岩、MF5生物碎屑亮晶灰岩和MF6生物碎屑砾屑灰岩。根据微相组合类型,推断该地区在罗苏期至达拉期经历了台地-台地边缘浅滩及礁-台地边缘斜坡3种环境,整体为一个完整海侵-海退的过程。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地拉什仲组遗迹化石组合与古环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首次对鄂尔多斯盆地西北缘桌子山地区中奥陶世拉什仲组的遗迹化石进行了系统研究。该组遗迹化石共有6属8种,建立了Paleodictyon遗迹化石组合。此组合以被侵蚀、改造呈斑状分布的遗迹大量存在与Paleodictyon的普遍出现为最显著的特征。遗迹化石的形态、行为习性、保存方式等分类特征、埋藏学特征等表明该组合相当于Nereites遗迹相,代表了深海远源浊流沉积环境;而在本组沉积晚期,水体开始变浅,大致为大陆斜坡-陆隆半深海浊流沉积环境。其沉积层序、沉积构造及岩性等特征说明拉什仲组为典型的浊流相沉积,并以远源相浊流沉积为主,其下部近相浊流沉积较发育。据古流向测定,自中奥陶世拉什仲组至公乌素组沉积期,重力流运动方向的变化大致反映了贺兰拗拉槽张裂的幅度在变小并渐呈收敛隆起的趋势。  相似文献   

Kimberlite pipes K11, K91 and K252 in the Buffalo Head Hills, northern Alberta show an unusually large abundance (20%) of Type II (no detectable nitrogen) diamonds. Type I diamonds range in nitrogen content from 6 ppm to 3300 ppm and in aggregation states from low (IaA) to complete (IaB). The Type IaB diamonds extend to the lowest nitrogen concentrations yet observed at such high aggregation states, implying that mantle residence occurred at temperatures well above normal lithospheric conditions. Syngenetic mineral inclusions indicate lherzolitic, harzburgitic, wehrlitic and eclogitic sources. Pyropic garnet and forsteritic olivine characterize the peridotitic paragenesis from these pipes. One lherzolitic garnet inclusion has a moderately majoritic composition indicating a formation depth of ∼ 400 km. A wehrlitic paragenesis is documented by a Ca-rich, high-chromium garnet and very CaO-rich (0.11–0.14 wt.%) olivine. Omphacitic pyroxene and almandine-rich garnet are characteristic of the eclogitic paragenesis. A bimodal δ13C distribution with peaks at − 5‰ and − 17‰ is observed for diamonds from all three kimberlite pipes. A large proportion (∼ 40%) of isotopically light diamonds (δ13C < −10‰) indicates a predominantly eclogitic paragenesis.The Buffalo Head Terrane is of Lower Proterozoic metamorphic age (2.3–2.0 Ga) and hence an unconventional setting for diamond exploration. Buffalo Hills diamonds formed during multiple events in an atypical mantle setting. The presence of majorite and abundance of Type II and Type IaB diamonds suggests formation under sublithospheric conditions, possibly in a subducting slab and resulting megalith. Type IaA to IaAB diamonds indicate formation and storage under lower temperature in normal lithospheric conditions.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of the organic-matter enrichment in the Lower Longmaxi Formation shale, the geochemistry and total organic carbon(TOC) of the Longmaxi Formation black shales in the Jiaoshiba, Zhaotong, and Weiyuan areas of the Sichuan Basin were analyzed. Paleoproductivity proxy parameters(Babio, Siex, and Ni/Al), clastic influx proxies(TiO_2 and Ti/Al), redox indices(V/Cr, Ni/Co, V/(V+Ni), and U/Th), and hydrothermal indicators(Fe, Mn,and Y concentrations; Fe/Ti ratio and a Ni-Zn-Co diagram) were employed to decipher the paleoenvironment of the Lower Longmaxi Formation shales. TiO_2 and Ti/Al indicated low terrigenous detrital influx in all three areas. However, Babio, Siex,and Ni/Al indicated high productivity in the Jiaoshiba area. V/Cr, Ni/Co, and U/Th indicated higher oxygen content with larger fluctuations in the Zhaotong and Weiyuan areas. Fe, Mn, and Y concentrations and the Fe/Ti ratio implied greater active hydrothermal activity in the Weiyuan area. These heterogeneities were considered to be closely related to the paleoenvironment and paleogeography, and the large basement faults that developed during the Chuanzhong paleo-uplift could have provided vents for deep-hydrothermal-fluid upwelling. The redox indices(V/Cr, Ni/Co, and U/Th) and a paleoproductivity proxy(Ni/Al) displayed a significant correlation with the TOC, suggesting that both excellent preservation conditions and high paleoproductivity were the controlling factors for the enrichment of organic matter in the Longmaxi Formation shale. There was no obvious correlation between the clastic influx proxy(Ti/Al) and the TOC due to the extremely low supply of terrigenous debris. The hydrothermal indicator(Fe/Ti) was negatively correlated with the TOC in the Weiyuan area, indicating that hydrothermal activity may have played a negative role in the accumulation of organic matter. This study suggests that the enrichment of organic matter in the Longmaxi Formation marine shale varied according to the paleogeography and sedimentary environment.  相似文献   

金沙遗址古环境状况的综合探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
史期时期,人类社会的生产力还十分低下,自然环境对古人类体质的进化、生产的发展,以及居住范围的变化都产生了重大的影响。通过孢粉分析和对其他植物遗存的研究复原古植被特征,同时结合广汉层古土壤地球化学行为、古河流的水动力等,来综合研究金沙遗址区古环境状况,以期能为古蜀文化研究提供环境背景。研究结果表明,文化期内总体上是热带和亚热带的温暖湿润气候,同时存在着温暖湿润与温暖干旱的气候交替。  相似文献   

The Oligocene-early Miocene Chitarwata Formation records a critical interval of terrestrial sedimentation that predates the Siwalik deposits on the Potwar Plateau of north-central Pakistan. This Oligocene-early Miocene time interval has long been considered as lacking in the entire Indo-Pakistan region. The Chitarwata Formation is widely exposed in the Sulaiman Range, but has never been described in detail in the Sulaiman Lobe, where the famous fossiliferous strata called ‘Bugti Bone Beds’ have been known for over a century and half. The Chitarwata Formation represents coastal-delta at the base, and plain and fluvial environments at the top. Lithofacies and sedimentary structures of the Chitarwata Formation in the Bugti area are described in detail, and show a clearly distinct lithologic pattern, different from that reported from the Zinda Pir area. The Chitarwata Formation also records an important transition in the evolution of the drainage systems in the area during the late Paleogene and early Neogene. This transition from the west-flowing paleo-Indus fluvial system to the development of the ancestral Indus drainage system may explain the numerous hiatuses that characterize the Chitarwata Formation. The abundance of fossil mammals from the Chitarwata and overlying Vihowa formation in the Bugti Hills provides critical biochronologic information that sheds new light on biostratigraphic correlation with the Zinda Pir area and for the entire Sulaiman Range.  相似文献   

银额盆地下白垩统巴音戈壁组油页岩特征及古环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
银额盆地下白垩统巴音戈壁组油页岩赋存于巴音戈壁组的二、三段。利用钻井岩心和分析测试资料,对巴音戈壁组油页岩物理特征、品质特征、地球化学特征、有机地球化学特征及分布特征进行了研究,并对油页岩沉积环境、古湖泊生产力、构造和古气候条件进行了分析。研究结果表明:巴音戈壁组油页岩为低含油率、中灰分、低发热量油页岩;并可分为4个油层组,主力油层组形成于高水位体系域时期,成因类型为深湖-半深湖腐殖腐泥型油页岩。油页岩的富集主要受构造发育特征、沉积环境和古气候、古地貌等因素控制。  相似文献   

刘军平  刘卫东  李维科  李健  何世军  莫雄  关奇 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010002-2023010002
通过1∶5万区域地质调查及剖面研究,在扬子西缘云南东川地区黑山组发现大套流纹质凝灰质板岩夹层,获得LA- ICP- MS锆石U- Pb 年龄加权平均值为1522±15 Ma,同时在中元古界黑山组泥质板岩中发现微生物成因沉积构造(MISS),通过对MISS及围岩进行电子探针、XRF分析及能谱分析,研究发现MISS主要成分为P、 S、 Fe、 Cr,明显是微生物沉积过程中形成的化合物特征;而围岩主要为Al、 Si、 K、 Mg、 Ti,为正常黏土质矿物组成元素,两者存在较大差别。笔者等发现的MISS是目前扬子西南缘已知发现的最古老的MISS;MISS在黑山组的出现表明了中元古代时期微生物群落的繁盛,反映了当时沉积环境为滨岸浅水潮上带,在凹陷的位置微生物参与形成了这样不规则的条带皱饰构造,为中元古代地层微生物区域对比、古环境研究提供重要的参考资料,对于恢复康滇裂谷盆地的生物—沉积作用和环境演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Fairpoint Member of the Fox Hills Formation (upper Maastrichtian) in Meade County, South Dakota, USA, contains an osteichthyan assemblage indicative of transitional to marine shoreface deposits. The fauna consists of: Lepisosteus sp., Paralbula casei, Cylindracanthus cf. C. ornatus, Enchodus gladiolus, Hadrodus sp., and indeterminate osteichthyans with probable affinities to the Siluriformes and Beryciformes. The Fairpoint fauna is of limited species diversity and in this character mirrors many other Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyan assemblages. Comparison to Upper Cretaceous chondrichthyan diversity and consideration of the structure of Cretaceous marine food webs suggest that osteichthyans are strongly under-represented in the Upper Cretaceous of North America. The small size and poor preservation potential of many Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyans probably account for much of this observed paucity. Fairpoint osteichthyans are members of families that survive the Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary extinction event. Some of these genera and families are still extant and occur in a wide array of modern fresh, brackish, and shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

蒋子堃  王永栋  田宁  张武  郑少林 《地质学报》2016,90(8):1669-1678
木化石在陆地生态系统古气候、古环境和古生态研究方面具有重要的意义。辽西北票地区中晚侏罗世髫髻山组保存有数量丰富、类型多样且解剖构造保存完好的木化石。基于北票木化石树木年轮、树桩直径等数据计算了木材早材与晚材的比率(E/L),并推算了松柏类树木古树高。通过已有测量的树木年轮直径,应用Niklas(1994)和Mosbrugger(1994)两种方法恢复了化石森林中松柏类树木的古树高约为25m。推断中晚侏罗世的裸子植物森林树木生长的环境为以火山岩和湖相沉积为主,降水丰富。推断髫髻山组属于温暖、湿润、季节性明显的亚热带到暖温带气候,有利于植物的生长与发育。木化石木材组织中呈现的特殊解剖构造包括假轮、创伤树脂道、年轮扭曲、虫孔等,也能够揭示辽西北票中晚侏罗世植物生长过程中的古气候与古环境状况。表明辽西北票地区中晚侏罗世古气候虽然有利于植物生长,但生长期间受到了火山喷发、虫害、大风、降温等多种不利气候变化的影响与干扰。  相似文献   

High-pressure and -temperature experiments on a bulk-rock compositionrepresentative of the groundmass of the Soufrière HillsVolcano andesite have allowed the phase equilibria of the systemto be determined; these are then compared with the natural samples.Experimental conditions varied from 825 to 1100°C and from5 to 225 MPa; the main phases observed were clinopyroxene, crystallinesilica, amphibole and plagioclase. A relationship between plagioclasemicrolite size and anorthite content is identified in samplesof the natural andesite. Large crystals (>60 µm2 inarea) have cores of An60–75, whereas small crystals (<60µm2 in area) have cores of An40–60. Experimentalresults show that if the magma is heated to >950°C thehigh-anorthite microlite crystals can form at magma chamberpressures without any need for a change in bulk composition.It is proposed that convective self-mixing occurs within themagma chamber. Geothermometry of coexisting plagioclase–amphibolepairs confirms the complex crystallization history of the naturalsamples. Analysis of natural glass samples has identified compositionalvariations that can be related to the crystallinity of the sampleand also the groundmass plagioclase composition. Rapidly eruptedpumice samples have high glass contents, lower SiO2 glass compositionsand plagioclase microlites that are large in size (>60 µm2)and have a high anorthite content (>An60). Slowly erupteddome samples are highly crystalline and contain numerous plagioclasemicrolites of variable size and composition. KEY WORDS: glass evolution; experiment; Montserrat; plagioclase; self-mixing  相似文献   

通过对南极拉斯曼丘陵含假蓝宝石矿物及有关组合的研究,得知假蓝宝石的成分以富镁、铁、铝但贫硅为特征,其粒间及粒内成分的变化均较为明显,这种变化主要表现为以钙契尔马克代换(Mg, Fe) + Si = 2Al为主的类质同象置换。在形成假蓝宝石的高级变质-深熔作用过程中,岩石矿物组合的变化主要是多阶段变质造成的,如浅-暗色组分发生了分离,其中含镁铁组分多的矿物较早结晶,而镁铁组分的分离使得相对富Fe的矿物较早结晶,即晚期形成的镁铁质矿物更富Mg组分,并形成递进演化的不同阶段的组合。假蓝宝石的出现与组分的活动有关,而不仅仅是由岩石成分决定的。变质矿物组合的多次递进演化,反映了活动组分的不断变化,以及体系组分相当程度的开放性。含假蓝宝石的变质岩石之原岩未必是富镁泥质岩。本区假蓝宝石成分的多变性主要是环境成分而不是pT变化所引起的,假蓝宝石形成于840~880℃,并没有达到超高温(>1 000℃)的条件,其形成与高级变质-深熔作用过程中组分渗透和扩散的共同作用有关。  相似文献   

With the analysis of the sources and formation mechanism of the clay minerals in the sediment core from the Dalianhai lake in the Gonghe Basin,northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau,clay mineral composition proxies,grain-size and carbonate contents have been employed for high-resolution study in order to reconstruct East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) over the northeastern Tibet-Qinghai Plateau during the lastdeglacial.The study also extended to establish a relationship between vegetation cover changes and erosion during the last 14.5 ka with pollen record and clay mineral proxies.Smectite/kaolinite and smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios allow us to assess hydrolysis conditions in lowlands and/or physical erosion process in highlands of the Gonghe Basin.Before 12.9 Cal ka BP,both mineralogical ratios show low values indicative of strong physical erosion in the basin with a dominant cold and dry phase.After 12.9 Cal ka BP,an increase in both mineralogical ratios indicates enhanced chemical weathering in the basin associated with a warm and humid climate.The beginning of Holocene is characterized by high smectite/(illite+chlorite) and smectite/kaolinite ratios that is synchronous as with deposition of many peat laminae,implying the best warm and humid conditions specifically between 8.0 to 5.5 Cal ka BP.The time interval after 5.0 Cai ka BP is characterized by a return to high physical erosion and low chemical weathering with dry climate conditions in the basin.Comparing variations of clay mineral assemblages with previous pollen results,we observe a rapid response in terms of chemical weathering and physical erosion intensity to a modification of the vegetation cover in the basin.  相似文献   

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