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角质层微细构造特征是化石植物鉴定的重要依据,实验研究了云南腾冲新近系樟科润楠属薄叶润楠Machilus leptophylla和长梗润楠(近似种)Machilus cf. longipedicellata两个化石种的表皮微细构造特征,并与现存对应种类进行了表皮构造和叶结构特征的对比分析,补充证实了两化石种均属于自然分类属性。丰富了我国樟科润楠属化石记录。鉴于大气CO2浓度与植物叶片气孔指数呈负相关关系,Machilus叶片可以作为大气CO2浓度的生物指示器。研究表明,利用该类化石叶片气孔参数可推测地史时期古大气CO2浓度,揭示了新近纪滇西地区为温暖湿润性气候。  相似文献   

测定了新疆罗布泊地区湖相沉积物CK-2钻孔样品的总有机碳含量(TOC)及其同位素组成、碳酸盐含量和C/N比值等环境代用指标,以及石膏矿物的质谱-铀系年龄。测试结果表明,20~9kaB.P.期间沉积物δ13Corg.在-23.4‰~-16.1‰之间波动且阶段性明显,与TOC呈现良好的相关关系,整体变化趋势同南极Dome C冰芯中记录的全球大气CO2浓度一致;C/N比值表明有机碳来源主要是陆生高等植物。因此大气CO2浓度变化是影响20~9kaB.P.期间罗布泊湖相沉积物δ13Corg.值变化的主导因素,周围山体上C3/C4植物相对生物量的变化则是另一重要因素。依据δ13Corg.的变化序列将此时间段湖区古环境的演化分成6个阶段:20.0~14.1kaB.P.期间受到末次盛冰期的影响,气温偏低,湖水丰沛;14.1~13.3kaB.P.是一个气候不稳定期,冷暖波动较频繁,但以暖为趋势;13.3~12.8kaB.P.期间经历了一段冷期,于12.8kaB.P.结束了末次冰期,随后气候开始转暖至11.8kaB.P.;其后气温再次变冷并维持到10kaB.P.;最后从10kaB.P.进入全新世暖期。δ13Corg.序列明显向偏负方向变化,表明该地区变暖的趋势相当明显。罗布泊地区日益干旱化是全球气候变化的结果,尤其是受到全球CO2浓度的不断升高所制约。  相似文献   

浙江白垩纪恐龙化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浙江白垩系朝川组、中戴组、金华组、赖家组和赤城山组等地层中,已发现了数以千计保存完好的蛋化石,而恐龙骨骼化石却很少而且大多很残破。其中,目前能鉴别的恐龙有暴龙类(tyrannosaurs)、伤齿龙类(troodontids)、盗蛋龙类(oviraptorids)、鸭嘴龙类(hadrosaurs)、慢龙类(segnosaurs)、泰坦巨龙类(titanosaurs)、甲龙类(ankylosaurs)和结节龙类(nodosaurs)等,分布在天台、永康、东阳、丽水、缙云、金华和江山等广大区域,说明当时浙江存在过种类繁多的恐龙动物群。根据化石埋藏和沉积特征,在白垩纪时期浙江有诸多气候炎热、四面环山的大小盆地,恐龙多沿湖泊、河流筑巢生息,季节性的暴雨导致山洪泛滥,淹没了恐龙巢穴,因泥沙的快速掩埋封闭,巢穴里的蛋形成化石后保存较好。而恐龙或逃离,或尸骨被洪水搬运散落,所以、迄今除了已发现的4具不完整的骨架化石外,绝大多数是零散的骨骼。  相似文献   

New data from abundant vegetative shoots and cuticular analysis are provided for the Cretaceous cheirolepidiaceous conifer Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis Deng, Yang et Lu. The material was found from a new locality of the Lower Cretaceous strata in the Luozigou Basin, Wangqing, Jilin Province, northeastern China. Pseudofrenelopsis is a common plant in the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin about 150 km from Wangqing, but there exists different species, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis only. Both P. dalatzensis and P. gansuensis have been recorded from the Lower Cretaceous of Jiuquan, Gansu Province, but they are in different stratigraphic horizons. The Lower Cretaceous plant-bearing strata in Luozigou have used to correlate with the Dalazi Formation of the Yanji Basin. The discovery of P. gansuensis, which is lower in horizon than P. dalatzensis in Jiuquan, may indicate that they are also different in horizon in Jilin. Cheirolepidiaceous conifers are among the few fossils of red beds of the Early Cretaceous in China. The present discovery of Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis provides important evidence for classification, correlation and determination of geological ages of the Early Cretaceous non-marine red deposits of the two separate basins in remote areas of North China.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope compositions and the stomatal parameters (stomatal density and stomatal index) of four Cheirolepidiaceae species, Brachyphyllum ningxiaensis, Brachyphyllum obtusum, Pseudofrenelopsis dalatzensis and Pseudofrenelopsis gansuensis, were analyzed to recover the late Early Cretaceous atmospheric CO2 levels. The fossil plants were collected from 5 consecutive sedimentary members of the uppermost Zhonggou Formation. Based on the stomatal data, the estimated palaeo-atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the Jiuquan Basin during the late Early Cretaceous were 1060–882 ppmv based on the carboniferous standardization and were 641–531 ppmv based on the recent standardization; the pCO2 values present at first a decreasing and then an increasing trend within the sedimentary time of the five members. The δ13Cp values based on the 21 Brachyphyllum specimens showed a large variation, which ranged from −20.98‰ to −25.69‰, with an average of −24.2‰. The values also identified a C3 photosynthetic pathway for the Brachyphyllum specimens. The predicted δ13Ca values varied from −2.1‰ to −6.38‰, with an average of −5.03‰. These two proxies were irregular within the different members; therefore, the correlation with the change in atmospheric CO2 concentrations was not significant. Moreover, a water-stressed environment was proposed based on the δ13C values of the present fossil plants, a proposal that was also supported by the previous palaeobotanical, palynological and stratigraphical evidence. In the present study, an inconsistent relationship between the stable carbon isotope and the stomata values was apparent, which most likely indicated that the stomata numbers of the plant were more sensitive to the variation in the concentration of the atmospheric CO2, whereas the δ13C values were sensitive to the moisture conditions.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of nodosaurid dinosaur: Zhejiangosaurus lishuiensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected herein. It is characterized by the sacrum consisting of at least three true sacral vertebrae, 5 caudal dorsal vertebrae fused to form the presacral rod, wide divergence of long slender preacetabular process of the ilium from the middle line of the body, and the fourth trochanter located at the femoral mid-length.  相似文献   

根据中国浙江东阳上白垩统金华组发现的4个翼龙足迹,建立翼龙一新的遗迹种:东阳翼龙足迹。它具有以下特征:手迹的第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ指夹角为29°,第Ⅰ指和第Ⅱ指的夹角为52°;足迹的长与宽的比率为0.17,除了翼龙足迹外,在同一层位中还发现有蜥脚类、鸟脚类、兽脚类、帯蹼和不具蹼的鸟类足迹。这些足迹化石的发现,为研究该地区的古生态环境及以后动物的骨骼化石,尤其是翼龙骨骼化石提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

根据中国浙江东阳上白垩统金华组发现的4个翼龙足迹,建立翼龙一新的遗迹种:东阳翼龙足迹。它具有以下特征:手迹的第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ指夹角为29°,第Ⅰ指和第Ⅱ指的夹角为52°;足迹的长与宽的比率为0.17,除了翼龙足迹外,在同一层位中还发现有蜥脚类、鸟脚类、兽脚类、帯蹼和不具蹼的鸟类足迹。这些足迹化石的发现,为研究该地区的古生态环境及以后动物的骨骼化石,尤其是翼龙骨骼化石提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

钱迈平  张宗言  姜杨 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):337-348
浙江白垩系中戴组和赖家组地层先后发现镰刀龙超科(Therizinosauridae)恐龙骨骼化石,证明镰刀龙类恐龙生活区域不仅遍及蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、中国华北、东北、华南及北美西部等地,而且也包括中国的华东。这类曾长期令人困惑的奇异动物,随着近一个世纪的化石材料积累和研究,逐渐显现出它们的演化过程,即由食肉性恐龙演化成以素食为主,也许还兼肉食的杂食性恐龙。随着食物来源的扩展,镰刀龙类成为白垩纪分布很广、对环境适应性很强、演化十分成功的恐龙。浙江天台盆地发现的始丰天台龙(Tiantaisaurus sifengensis)脊椎骨骼化石上的气囊构造(pneumaticity),说明其虽体态硕大,但骨骼结构并不很笨重,而是与现代鸟类骨骼很接近。尽管还不能确定恐龙的气囊能像鸟类的那样可作为呼吸系统的重要部分,但其减轻体重、提高行动灵活性的作用是毋庸置疑的,并再一次证实了恐龙与鸟类在演化上关系密切。  相似文献   

An incomplete postcranial avian skeleton is described from the Lower Cretaceous Jingchuan Formation of Otog Banner of western Inner Mongolia and referred to a new species of Cathayornis, C. chabuensis sp. nov. This is the first report of a Cathayornis from outside Liaoning Province. The new discovery indicates that Cathayornis coexisted with Otogornis genghisi, and a more detailed comparison between these two enantiornithine genera shows that Otogornis represents a more primitive genus than Cathayornis. Our analyses further indicate that Cathayornis is an arboreal bird. The discovery of a Cathayornis from this region also confirms that the avian fossil-bearing Jingchuan Formation is comparable to the Jiufotang Formation of the upper Jehol Group in western Liaoning, and should be referred to the middle-late Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of the conchostracan genus Tenuestheria from the Lanxi Formation in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province in Southeast China is revised following an examination of the type species under a scanning electron microscope, which revealed some morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. The importance of the Tenuestheria Fauna is considered in the context of correlation of six Turonian–Santonian formations in this region of China. The value of the Cenomanian Nemestheria and Turonian Linhaiella faunas in correlating the underlying early Late Cretaceous formations is also noted.  相似文献   

浙江丽水老竹盆地白垩系沉积特征及沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在野外露头观察和对前人研究成果整理的基础上,对浙江丽水老竹盆地白垩纪地层进行了对比和重新划分,并进行了相带划分,识别出河流、湖泊、火山喷发及冲积扇相。老竹盆地在早白垩世经历了三次拉张背景下的断陷盆地沉积-喷发旋回;早白垩中晚期的浙闽运动导致浙西北主体的相对上升、接受剥蚀和浙东南的不均衡沉降,气候由早期的温暖干旱变为晚期的干热环境;至晚白垩世,老竹盆地整体由拉张断陷为主向挤压、隆升为主的构造背景转化。  相似文献   

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