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基于物理过程分布式流域水文模型尺度依赖性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过变化基于物理过程分布式参数流域水文模型的单元格大小(Grid size)和时间步长(Timestep)研究流域水文过程的尺度依赖性,进而寻求最佳模拟尺度和模拟效果,可以为实现相对准确的流域土地利用变化/植被变化以及气候变异的水文响应预测,制定适应性流域管理措施提供科学基础.本文以基于物理过程的分布式水文模型MIKES眦为工具,以位于西北黄土高原甘肃省天水市吕二沟流域的实测次降水一径流为输入对模型进行校正后,采用多尺度检验的方法探讨分析了单元格及步长变化的水文影响.结果表明:单元格变化对峰值及模拟径流总量有影响.单元格从10m增大到200m,模拟峰值及径流总量均增大,分别变化为1.72~8.56m3/s和1.10~3.68×105m3,这主要源于单元格变化引起流域特征变化,10m和200m单元格对应模拟面积分别较原流域面积变化-0.09%和20.57%,河流链接"rivet link"分别较原沟系长变化27.23%和5.48%.此外,模型中运动波近似方程有限差分像元△x与单元格水流交换总量之间的关系一定程度也解释了单元格变化对模拟结果的影响.分析认为本研究60~100m为较适宜采用的模拟单元格.步长变化引起单位步长内降水强度的变化,从而影响峰值模拟,但对径流总量无影响.步长减小,模拟峰值增高,0.5h步长和24h步长对应模拟峰值分别为2.38m3/s和1.72m3/s.由于各时段观测记录分辨率不一,研究中步长的选择确定具有很大任意性,使得任一既定采用的模拟步长并不适用于另一观测时段,模拟效果不一.  相似文献   

余翔宇  徐义贤 《地球科学》2015,40(3):419-424
地质采样信息不足是制约深部三维地质建模的重要因素, 深部物性探测数据由于其易于获取而能够有效形成可视化模型.结合这一特点, 在地质调查项目工作中探索出了一种基于物性探测数据的三维地质建模方法.它首先利用岩石样品物性测量实验数据提取出物性参数及其对应地质属性的映射关系, 然后将不同地球物理方法所获取到的物性数据进行综合建模并解释, 最后将解释后的可视化模型转换为地质三维模型.实践证明, 该方法能够针对性地解决项目中的一些深部地质三维建模问题.   相似文献   

大陆岩石圈深部过程的多元同位素制约研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周新华 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):1-2
本文简述了在大陆动力学新的研究框架中大陆岩石圈深部过程研究的重要意义,主要方法和技术途径,以及作为研究实例的中国东部大陆岩石圈演化的主要特征。本文强调了多元同位素示踪理论与地质学和地球物理学相结合的多维制约研究的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

基于综合物探的城市地下空间探测与建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下空间开发利用是解决城市诟病的有效途径,城市强干扰环境下地下空间精准探测已成为多学科交叉研究的热点,也是当前研究的难点。以大西安西咸新区为研究区,采用钻孔揭露、实验测试、多参数地球物理测井、地面地球物理勘探组合方法开展了地下空间精准探测与建模研究。通过综合地球物理勘探,获取了每层土体的多参数地球物理特征。结合钻孔揭露与实验测试资料,建立了基于钻孔资料的地面物探与测井校准与耦合,为地下空间地质结构模型赋予了物理属性。提出高密度电法、微动台阵观测和浅层地震勘探与多参数地球物理测井方法相结合,可作为城市强干扰环境下地下空间物探工作的最优方法组合。  相似文献   

直升机大比例尺航空物探在深部找矿中的应用前景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为克服深部及矿区外围地面物探工作难度大、勘探周期长等不利因素,探讨了利用直升机快速获取高分辨率航空物探资料的方法。以成功应用实例,总结了直升机航空物探方法技术的特点和优势,并针对目前深部找矿工作区的部署特点,展望了直升机物探利用磁、电、能谱综合信息,挖掘矿山深部及外围资源潜力,直接为地质找矿服务的应用前景。  相似文献   

综合物探方法在广西柳州隐伏断裂探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据野外地震地质调查研究,柳州市柳北区存在多条隐伏断裂带,这些断裂带的具体位置尚未确定,这对柳北区的建设发展存在极大隐患。为此,在地质调查的基础上,本文采用高密度电法和地震映像综合方法来探测柳北区隐伏断裂带的具体位置,通过钻探验证和地质调查研究,确定了隐伏断裂带的具体位置,为柳州市柳北区的建设发展提供安全保障。  相似文献   

A multigrid Markov mesh model for geological facies is formulated by defining a hierarchy of nested grids and defining a Markov mesh model for each of these grids. The facies probabilities in the Markov mesh models are formulated as generalized linear models that combine functions of the grid values in a sequential neighborhood. The parameters in the generalized linear model for each grid are estimated from the training image. During simulation, the coarse patterns are first laid out, and by simulating increasingly finer grids we are able to recreate patterns at different scales. The method is applied to several tests cases and results are compared to the training image and the results of a commercially available snesim algorithm. In each test case, simulation results are compared qualitatively by visual inspection, and quantitatively by using volume fractions, and an upscaled permeability tensor. When compared to the training image, the method produces results that only have a few percent deviation from the values of the training image. When compared with the snesim algorithm the results in general have the same quality. The largest computational cost in the multigrid Markov mesh is the estimation of model parameters from the training image. This is of comparable CPU time to that of creating one snesim realization. The simulation of one realization is typically ten times faster than the estimation.  相似文献   

积雪水文模拟中的关键问题及其研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李弘毅  王建 《冰川冻土》2013,35(2):430-437
针对近年来积雪水文模拟研究的发展趋势, 在简要评述积雪模拟基本方法的基础上, 分别就各类方法的不同着眼点展开讨论, 从模拟方案的简繁、 积雪面积等重要状态变量在模型中如何体现等角度进行了叙述.针对我国青藏高原积雪特征, 提炼出现阶段空间分布式积雪水文模拟中的3个关键问题: 网格尺度积雪空间异质性的模拟、 风吹雪的空间参数化、 季节性冻土下垫面的融雪模拟. 分别就这些问题, 回溯了国内外最新研究进展, 强调了发展积雪衰减曲线在网格尺度积雪模拟中的重要性, 讨论了山区环境中具有操作性的风吹雪空间参数化方案, 分析了冻土下垫面融雪研究存在的一些具体问题.  相似文献   

The reactive transport modeling of a complicated suite of reactions apparent in the aquifer during the application of N-containing fertilizers is reported. The unconfined sandy aquifer can be subdivided into an oxic zone which contains groundwater with oxygen and nitrate and an anoxic zone characterized by elevated iron and sulfate concentrations in groundwater. Oxygen and nitrate are being reduced by pyrite and organic matter that commonly apparent in the aquifer. The oxidation of pyrite is modeled using the local equilibrium approach, whereas decomposition of organic matter, with the adoption of kinetic approach. The system is buffered by dissolution of aluminum and iron oxides. The modeling process is a two-step procedure. First, the processes are modeled in the one-dimensional (1D) column using PHREEQC code. Subsequently, the calibrated and verified data were copied and used in two-dimensional (2D) PHAST model. Prior to the performance of reactive transport modeling operations with PHAST, a reliable flow model was executed. Finally, predictions are made for the distribution of water chemistry for the year 2008. Model predicts that sulfate derived from the ongoing pyrite oxidation is reduced by the dissolved organic carbon at the higher depth and forms pyrite by the reaction with iron. The results of this study highlight the importance of understanding the interplay between the transport and chemical reactions that occur during the input of nitrate to the aquifer. Reactive transport modeling incorporating the use of a newly developed code PHAST have proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing and quantifying such interactions.  相似文献   

围绕油藏数值模拟过程中三维地质模型的建模技术进行了分析与探讨,详细介绍了基于角点网格模型的建模方法,给出了相应的实现步骤。其主要流程是:首先根据断层数据构造断层模型,在断层模型的基础上构建骨架模型;然后在骨架模型约束下采用地层恢复技术实现含断层的地层模型;最后基于结构模型插值物性参数完成属性模型。以塔河油田缝洞型油藏为例,对建模流程和技术的可行性进行验证,结果表明,其建模结果与专业地质建模软件Petrel相符。  相似文献   

分块区域三维地质建模方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
区域三维地质建模是区域三维地质调查的关键。在大量反复实践的基础上,提出了分块三维地质建模方法,该方法的主要步骤为:以断裂、岩体边界和不整合等为边界,把复杂的三维地质建模区域分解为内部构造相对简单的建模块或建模地质单元;分别对各建模块进行地质地球物理综合研究,编制深部地质剖面,揭示深部地质结构;采用基于剖面的建模方法按照全区统一的坐标系统构建三维地质模型;在完成全区所有建模块三维地质模型构建之后,把各个建模块的三维地质模型集成在统一的三维空间框架下,形成全区的三维地质模型。该方法具有能够简化三维地质建模过程、易于修改完善模型、易于集成模型等优势,能够克服常规的基于剖面的三维地质建模方法中存在的问题,突破了大规模区域三维地质建模的瓶颈。在本溪-临江深部地质调查中的应用表明,采用该方法可以有效构建研究区的三维地质模型,并能充分表达复杂的地下深部地质结构,为开展复杂地区大规模区域三维地质建模提供了一个重要途径。  相似文献   

By using small scale model tests, the interference effect on the vertical load-deformation behavior of a number of equally spaced strip footings, placed on the surface of dry sand, was investigated. At any stage, all the footings were assumed to (i) carry exactly equal magnitude of load, and (ii) settle to the same extent. No tilt of the footing was permitted. The effect of clear spacing (s) among footings on the results was explored. A new experimental setup was proposed in which only one footing needs to be employed rather than a number of footings. The bearing capacity increases continuously with decrease in spacing among the footings. The interference effect becomes further prominent with increase in soil friction angle. In contrast to an increase in the bearing capacity, with decrease in spacing of footings, an increase in the footing settlement associated with the ultimate state of shear failure was observed. The present experimental observations were similar to those predicted by the available theory, based on the method of characteristics. As compared to the theory, the present experimental data, however, indicates much greater effect of interference especially for larger spacing among footings.  相似文献   

An innovative approach to seismic hazard assessment is illustrated that, based on the available knowledge of the physical properties of the Earth structure and of seismic sources, on geodetic observations, as well as on the geophysical forward modeling, allows for a time-dependent definition of the seismic input. According to the proposed approach, a fully formalized system integrating Earth Observation data and new advanced methods in seismological and geophysical data analysis is currently under development in the framework of the Pilot Project SISMA, funded by the Italian Space Agency. The synergic use of geodetic Earth Observation data (EO) and Geophysical Forward Modeling deformation maps at the national scale complements the space- and time-dependent information provided by real-time monitoring of seismic flow (performed by means of the earthquake prediction algorithms CN and M8S) and permits the identification and routine updating of alerted areas. At the local spatial scale (tens of km) of the seismogenic nodes identified by pattern-recognition analysis, both GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques, coupled with expressly developed models for interseismic phase, allow us to retrieve the deformation style and stress evolution within the seismogenic areas. The displacement fields obtained from EO data provide the input for the geophysical modeling, which eventually permits to indicate whether a specific fault is in a “critical state.” The scenarios of expected ground motion (shakemaps) associated with the alerted areas are then defined by means of full waveforms modeling, based on the possibility to compute synthetic seismograms by the modal summation technique (neo-deterministic hazard assessment). In this way, a set of deterministic scenarios of ground motion, which refer to the time interval when a strong event is likely to occur within the alerted area, can be defined both at national and at local scale. The considered integrated approach opens new routes in understanding the dynamics of fault zones as well as in modeling the expected ground motion. The SISMA system, in fact, provides tools for establishing warning criteria based on deterministic and rigorous forward geophysical models and hence allows for a well-controlled real-time prospective testing and validation of the proposed methodology over the Italian territory. The proposed approach complements the traditional probabilistic approach for seismic hazard estimates, since it supplies routinely updated information useful in assigning priorities for timely mitigation actions and hence it is particularly relevant to Civil Defense purposes.  相似文献   

叙述了勘查地球物理技术发展的趋势,并提出我院该学科的发展策略。  相似文献   

在复杂条件下,采用钻孔灌注连排桩,连排桩间高压喷射注浆桩和地下连续墙3种工艺联合,进行深基坑支护,在施工过程中注意质量控制,取得了好的支护效果。  相似文献   

Characterization of complex geological features and patterns remains one of the most challenging tasks in geostatistics. Multiple point statistics (MPS) simulation offers an alternative to accomplish this aim by going beyond classical two-point statistics. Reproduction of features in the final realizations is achieved by borrowing high-order spatial statistics from a training image. Most MPS algorithms use one training image at a time chosen by the geomodeler. This paper proposes the use of multiple training images simultaneously for spatial modeling through a scheme of data integration for conditional probabilities known as a linear opinion pool. The training images (TIs) are based on the available information and not on conceptual geological models; one image comes from modeling the categories by a deterministic approach and another comes from the application of conventional sequential indicator simulation. The first is too continuous and the second too random. The mixing of TIs requires weights for each of them. A methodology for calibrating the weights based on the available drillholes is proposed. A measure of multipoint entropy along the drillholes is matched by the combination of the two TIs. The proposed methodology reproduces geologic features from both TIs with the correct amount of continuity and variability. There is no need for a conceptual training image from another modeling technique; the data-driven TIs permit a robust inference of spatial structure from reasonably spaced drillhole data.  相似文献   

中国西北高山、 高原广泛分布着冻土和积雪, 春季融雪和冻土融化是该地区重要的水文过程.基于模块化的寒区水文建模环境CRHM, 根据流域水文过程特征和观测数据约束, 选取描述不同寒区子水文过程的模块构建寒区水文模型, 并基于长期观测的两个典型寒区小流域来验证模块化的寒区水文模型.在冰沟流域, 主要模拟雪的积累/消融、 雪的升华、 融雪下渗和融雪径流过程. 结果显示: 冰沟流域积雪升华占降雪量(145.5 cm)的48%, 其中风吹雪引起的升华损失量(35 cm)占积雪升华(69 cm)的一半, 风速和辐射引起的积雪升华是该地区积雪物质平衡的重要组成; 构建的寒区水文模型可以再现春季积雪消融引起的径流过程.在左冒孔冻土流域, 主要模拟冻土下渗过程、 冻土坡面产流过程和土壤冻融对径流的影响. 结果显示: 构建的寒区水文模型可以捕捉到春季主要的冻土融化径流过程.两个流域的验证结果揭示: 模块化的建模方法在搭建模型结构的时候减少了模型的不确定性, 所以在未经率定的情况下, 具有在无资料和资料缺少地区模拟寒区水文要素和水文过程的能力.  相似文献   

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