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At pressures which are expected in the earth's crust, the high temperature border of the lawsonite stability field is marked by reaction lawsonite = zoisite + kyanite/andalusite + pyrophyllite + H2O. (1a) The equilibrium data of reaction (1a) have been experimentally determined, and the equilibrium curve is characterized by the following P, T-data: 4 kb; 360±20° C; 5 kb; 375 ±20° C; 7kb;410±20° C. In the P, T diagram the equilibrium curve of reaction lawsonite + quartz = zoisite + pyrophyllite + H2O (6) is very close to the curve of reaction (1a); the distance is smaller than the error stated for curve (1a), i.e. below ±20° C. The stability fields of lawsonite and anorthite + H2O are not adjacent fields in the P, T diagram. This means that no stable reaction of lawsonite to anorthite + H2O can exist. Thus, the CaAl-silicate formed by the decomposition of lawsonite is always zoisite. Further, as shown by experimental determination of reaction calcite + pyrophyllite + H2O = lawsonite + quartz + CO2, (7) lawsonite can coexist with a gas phase only if the CO2 content of the gas phase does not exceed 3±2 Mol-%. This means, for metamorphism of lawsonite glaucophane rocks, that the fluid phase that was present during metamorphism has been quite rich in H2O. Ernst (1971, in press) who applied a different, indirect investigation method when studying the composition of the fluid-attending Franciscan and Sanbagawa metamorphism has come to the result that during metamorphism of lawsonite-glaucophane rocks the fluid phase did not contain more than 1–3 Mol-% of CO2.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - Melting experiments were performed in the systems at P H 2 O =5 kbars. The compositions of the plagioclases coexisting with melt or with melt and quartz...  相似文献   

In a regional metamorphic terrain where six isograds have been mapped based on mineral reactions that are observed in metacarbonate rocks, the P-T conditions and fugacities of CO2 and H2O during metamorphism were quantified by calculations involving actual mineral compositions and experimental data. Pressure during metamorphism was near 3,500 bars. Metamorphic temperatures ranged from 380° C (biotite-chlorite isograd) to 520° C (diopside isograd). \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) / \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) in general is higher in metacarbonate rocks below the zoisite isograd than in those above the zoisite isograd. Calculated \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) are consistent with carbonate rocks above the zoisite isograd having equilibrated during metamorphism with a bulk supercritical fluid in which \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) = P total. Calculations indicate that below the zoisite isograd, however, \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) was less than Ptotal, and that this condition is not due to the presence of significant amounts of species other than CO2 and H2O in the system C-O-H-S. Calculated \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) /( \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) ) is low (0.06–0.32) above the zoisite isograd. The differences in conditions above and below the zoisite isograd may indicate that the formation of zoisite records the introduction of a bulk supercritical H2O-rich fluid into the metacarbonates. The results of the study indicate that \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) are constant on a thin section scale, but that gradients in \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) existed during metamorphism on both outcrop and regional scales.  相似文献   

The experimental distribution coefficient for Ni/ Fe exchange between olivine and monosulfide (KD3) is 35.6±1.1 at 1385° C, \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 8.87} ,f_{{\text{S}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 1.02} \) , and olivine of composition Fo96 to Fo92. These are the physicochemical conditions appropriate to hypothesized sulfur-saturated komatiite magma. The present experiments equilibrated natural olivine grains with sulfide-oxide liquid in the presence of a (Mg, Fe)-alumino-silicate melt. By a variety of different experimental procedures, K D3 is shown to be essentially constant at about 30 to 35 in the temperature range 900 to 1400° C, for olivine of composition Fo97 to FoO, monosulfide composition with up to 70 mol. % NiS, and a wide range of \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } \) and \(f_{{\text{S}}_{\text{2}} } \) .  相似文献   

This work established an evaluation index system based on a comprehensive analysis of those factors affecting the suitability of CO2 geological storage. This evaluation index system includes three evaluation index layers of geological safety, storage scale and social economy, nine evaluation index sub-layers, and 28 evaluation index factors, and adopts the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and index overlay methods. Taking the Xining Basin in northwest China as an example, we conducted comprehensive analysis of geological conditions and performed quantitative evaluation based on this evaluation index system, which indicates that the Shuangshu depression of the Xining Basin is comparatively suitable for CO2 geological storage. It is suggested that this evaluation index system and the evaluation method proposed in this study are suitable for most continental sedimentary basins in China and should be widely applied.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have been conducted with natural minerals to determine the relation of to epidote stability, and to determine stability curves for clinozoisite and epidote. Under oxidizing conditions Fe-epidote decomposes to grandite, anorthite, hematite, and quartz. Under more reducing conditions corundum becomes a stable product instead of quartz, and magnetite, and finally hercynite replace hematite. As conditions change from oxidizing to reducing the temperature of epidote breakdown decreases, epidote becomes more aluminous and the grandite produced increases in grossularite component and, to a lesser extent, in almandine.At 3000 bars under oxidizing conditions epidote is stable up to 694° C, epidote-corundum is stable to 692° C, clinozoisite is stable to 658° C, and clinozoisite-quartz is stable to 628° C. Approximate curves for the fractional decomposition of Al-Fe epidote have been determined as a function of Fe content under oxidizing conditions. Extrapolation of clinozoisite results to an Fe-free composition, and comparison with zoisite stability results suggest that at elevated pressures clinozoisite inverts with increasing temperature to zoisite along a nearly vertical phase boundary at 635±75° C.The stability relations provide an upper limit for epidote mineral stability mainly applicable to calcareous rocks. The epidote composition present in any given rock must be a function largely of bulk composition and . Zoisite replaces Al-clinozoisite in rocks of medium grade and high pressure.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature, pressure, and dissolved H2O in the melt on the Fe2+–Mg exchange coefficient between orthopyroxene and rhyolite melt was investigated with a series of H2O fluid-saturated phase-equilibrium experiments. Experiments were conducted in a rapid-quench cold-seal pressure vessel over a temperature and pressure range of 785–850 °C and 80–185 MPa, respectively. Oxygen fugacity was buffered with the solid Ni–NiO assemblage in a double-capsule assembly. These experiments, when combined with H2O-undersaturated experiments in the literature, show that \( ^{{{\text{Fe}}^{2 + } {-}{\text{Mg}}}} K_{\text{D}} \) between orthopyroxene and rhyolite liquid increases strongly (from 0.23 to 0.54) as a function of dissolved water in the melt (from 2.7 to 5.6 wt%). There is no detectable effect of temperature or pressure over an interval of 65 °C and 100 MPa, respectively, on the Fe2+–Mg exchange coefficient values. The data show that Fe-rich orthopyroxene is favored at high water contents, whereas Mg-rich orthopyroxene crystallizes at low water contents. It is proposed that the effect of dissolved water in the melt on the composition of orthopyroxene is analogous to its effect on the composition of plagioclase. In the latter case, dissolved hydroxyl groups preferentially complex with Na+ relative to Ca2+, which reduces the activity of the albite component, leading to a more anorthite-rich (calcic) plagioclase. Similarly, it is proposed that dissolved hydroxyl groups preferentially complex with Mg2+ relative to Fe2+, thus lowering the activity of the enstatite component, leading to a more Fe-rich orthopyroxene at high water contents in the melt. The experimental results presented in this study show that reversely zoned pyroxene (i.e., Mg-rich rims) in silicic magmas may be a result of H2O degassing and not necessarily the result of mixing with a more mafic magma.  相似文献   

Near-liquidus melting experiments were performed on a high-K latite at fO2's ranging from iron-wustite-graphite (IWG) to nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) in the presence of a C-O-H fluid phase. Clinopyroxene is a liquidus phase under all conditions. At IWG , the liquidus at 10 kb is about 1,150° C but is depressed to 1,025° C at NNO and . Phlogopite and apatite are near-liquidus phases, with apatite crystallizing first at pressures below 10 kb. Phlogopite is a liquidus phase only at NNO and high . Under all conditions the high-K latites show a large crystallization interval with phlogopite becoming the dominant crystalline phase with decreasing temperature. Increasing fO2 affects phlogopite crystallization but the liquidus temperature is essentially a function of . The chemical compositions of the near-liquidus phases support formation of the high-K latites under oxidizing conditions (NNO or higher) and high . It is concluded from the temperature of the H2O-saturated liquidus at 10 kb, the groundmass: crystal ratio and presence of chilled latite margins around some xenoliths that the Camp Creek high-K latite magma passed thru the lower crust at temperatures of 1,000° C or more.  相似文献   

Observations of the gravitationally lensed quasar SBS 1520+530 obtained in 2000–2001 on the 1.5-m telescope of the Ma $\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{ danak Observatory (Uzbekistan) are presented. The photometric algorithms used to observe the components of SBS 1520+530 are discussed. The images have a resolution of 0.5″–0.6″, enabling us to detect the lensing galaxy in the R and I bands and to measure its luminosity and coordinates. The results of photometric observations of components A and B of SBS 1520+530 are presented; the light curves show variability on various time scales from a few weeks to a year. A gravitational-lens model for SBS 1520+530 is constructed utilizing all currently available data.  相似文献   

The Kaladgi Basin on the northern edge of the Dharwar craton has characters diverse from the other epicratonic Purana basins of Peninsular India. Sedimentological studies in the basin have established the presence of three cycles of flooding separated by an event of intra-basinal deformation accompanied by low grade incipient metamorphism. The overall structural configuration of the basin indicates its development by supracrustal extension accompanied by shearing in a trans-tensional regime during the Mesoproterozoic. This was followed by sagging that yielded Neoproterozoic sedimentation in a successor nested basin. \(^{40}\)Ar/\(^{39}\)Ar dating of an intrusive mafic dyke along the axial plane of a fold has yielded a plateau age of \(1154{\pm }4\,\hbox {Ma}\). This helps constraint the age of the various events during the evolution of this basin.  相似文献   

依托江汉盆地基础地质和水文地质数据,通过建立新沟嘴组一维、二维径向数值模型,对该储层进行CO2封存注入数值模拟研究,分析二氧化碳注入储层后,咸水层中发生的地球物理化学作用.以CO2的溶解作用和岩盐的沉淀作用为主,分析它们对储层压力和注入性的影响.模拟结果表明,二氧化碳注入储层后,近井周围会形成3个分区,即纯液相区、两相混相区、盐沉淀区;盐沉淀会导致压力积累严重,影响CO2可注入性;对盐度的敏感性分析表明,咸水含水层盐度越大,压力积累会越严重.因此,江汉盆地CO2地质封存应考虑盐度的影响,采取相关缓解压力积累的措施.  相似文献   

基于对苏北盆地盐城组下段砂岩储层概化建立二维径向剖面模型,运用TOUGH2/ECO2N程序模拟深部咸水层中CO2迁移分布过程。采用定性(Morris法)和定量(Sobol和EFAST法)全局敏感性分析方法,以储层中注入井处的压力、气相CO2总量及CO2气相羽扩散距离作为模型响应变量,对储层的水平渗透率、孔隙度、残余液体饱和度、孔隙分布指数、压缩系数、进气压力的倒数和盐度7个参数进行全局敏感性分析,讨论了咸水层的水文地质参数、盐度及其他模型参数对CO2封存运移泄漏过程的影响。Morris和Sobol法的敏感性分析结果都表明,对于不同的响应变量,参数的敏感性排序不同:以注入井处的压力为响应变量时,孔隙度的敏感性最高;以气相CO2总量和CO2羽扩散距离为响应变量时,水平渗透率的敏感性最高。EFAST 1阶及总敏感度分析结果与Sobol分析结果基本一致,但EFAST法相对Sobol法计算更高效稳健,需要的样本数较少。  相似文献   

CO2地下储存可有效地减少人类活动排放到大气中的CO2量,从而缓解日趋严重的全球气候变化问题。沉积盆地地下深部存在体积巨大的咸水含水层,咸水不宜开发利用,可用来储存大量的CO2。研究结果表明,利用松辽盆地进行CO2的地质埋存是可行的;松辽盆地深部咸含水层的CO2储存容量大约为8.96×109t,约为2003年中国大陆地区CO2放量的25倍。  相似文献   

      基于对苏北盆地盐城组下段沉积旋回地层概化,建立了一个含有断层的二维剖面模型,采用TOUGH2/ECO2N 程序对 注入到深部咸水层中CO2 的运移分布特征及沿断层的泄漏过程进行了数值模拟。结果表明,尽管盐城组下段地层具有3层旋 回结构且砂岩层属高孔高渗储层,但由于泥层厚度较小且渗透率相对较高,多层封盖效果不佳。在存在导通断层时,CO2 泄露风险较大。应用Morris 法以断层中气相CO2 总量作为输出变量,对模型参数进行了全局敏感性分析。研究显示,当仅 改变断层参数时,与毛细压力相关的参数对气相CO2 沿断层泄漏影响程度最高;当考虑系统参数整体变化时则以砂岩含水 层和泥岩的渗透率敏感性最高,其次为与毛细压力相关的参数(进气压力、残余液体饱和度及孔隙分布指数)。两种情形下 孔隙度与盐度的敏感性均很小。  相似文献   

注入CO2到深部咸水层(CO2地质储存)被认为是一种直接有效地减少CO2向大气排放的途径。CO2地质储存涉及到热、水动力和力学耦合过程,该耦合过程是预测CO2在储层中的迁移转化、评价储层储存能力和分析潜在风险的关键。基于Terzaghi固结理论,在热-水动力(TH)耦合软件TOUGH2框架中加入了力学模块,形成了新的热-水动力-力学(THM)模拟器。结合鄂尔多斯盆地CO2捕获和储存(CCS)示范工程场地的地质、水文地质条件,采用新的THM模拟器数值分析了CO2注入后地层中的温度、压力、CO2饱和度、位移和有效应力的时空变化特征。结果显示:在井口保持8 MPa和35℃情况下,能够实现10万 t/a的CO2注入量;压力上升的范围远远大于CO2运移和温度降低的范围,注入20 a后,其最大距离分别达到接近边界10 km、620 m和100 m;位移和应力变化主要与压力变化相关,注入引起最大抬升为0.14 m,在注入井附近位置储层中有效应力变化水平方向要大于垂直方向,而在远井位置相反;注入引起井附近有效应力明显减小,从而导致了孔隙度和渗透率的增大,增强了CO2注入能力。  相似文献   

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