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In this study,two convective-stratiform rainfall partitioning schemes are evaluated using precipitation and cloud statistics for different rainfall types categorized by applying surface rainfall equation on grid-scale data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation.One scheme is based on surface rainfall intensity whereas the other is based on cloud content information.The model is largely forced by the large-scale vertical velocity derived from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment(TOGA COARE).The results reveal that over 40% of convective rainfall is associated with water vapor divergence,which primarily comes from the rainfall type with local atmospheric drying and water hydrometeor loss/convergence,caused by precipitation and evaporation of rain.More than 40% of stratiform rainfall is related to water vapor convergence,which largely comes from the rainfall type with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence attributable to water clouds through precipitation and the evaporation of rain and ice clouds through the conversion from ice hydrometeor to water hydrometeor.This implies that the separation methods based on surface rainfall and cloud content may not clearly separate convective and stratiform rainfall.  相似文献   

The detailed surface rainfall processes associated with landfalling typhoon Kaemi(2006) are investigated based on hourly data from a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is integrated for 6 days with imposed large-scale vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature and vapor advection from National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) / Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The simulation data are validated with observations in terms of surface rain rate. The Root-Mean-Squared (RMS) difference in surface rain rate between the simulation and the gauge observations is 0.660 mm h-1, which is smaller than the standard deviations of both the simulated rain rate (0.753 mm h-1) and the observed rain rate (0.833 mm h-1). The simulation data are then used to study the physical causes associated with the detailed surface rainfall processes during the landfall. The results show that time averaged and model domain-mean Ps mainly comes from large-scale convergence (QWVF) and local vapor loss (positive QWVT). Large underestimation (about 15%) of Ps will occur if QWVT and QCM (cloud source/sink) are not considered as contributors to Ps. QWVF accounts for the variation of Ps during most of the integration time, while it is not always a contributor to Ps. Sometimes surface rainfall could occur when divergence is dominant with local vapor loss to be a contributor to Ps. Surface rainfall is a result of multi-timescale interactions. QWVE possesses the longest time scale and the lowest frequency of variation with time and may exert impact on Ps in longer time scales. QWVF possesses the second longest time scale and lowest frequency and can explain most of the variation of Ps. QWVT and QCM possess shorter time scales and higher frequencies, which can explain more detailed variations in Ps. Partitioning analysis shows that stratiform rainfall is dominant from the morning of 26 July till the late night of 27 July. After that, convective rainfall dominates till about 1000 LST 28 July. Before 28 July, the variations of in rainfall-free regions contribute less to that of the domain-mean QWVT while after that they contribute much, which is consistent to the corresponding variations in their fractional coverage. The variations of QWVF in rainfall regions are the main contributors to that of the domain-mean QWVF, then the main contributors to the surface rain rate before the afternoon of 28 July.  相似文献   

Depositional growth of ice crystal is one of the major processes for development of precipitation systems and can be represented by depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water (PIDW) and depositional growth of snow from cloud ice (PSFI) in cloud-resolving model. Four parameterization schemes are analyzed in the cloud-resolving model simulations of four rainfall cases over the tropics and midlatitudes. The comparison of time and model domain mean data shows that Shen’s scheme produces the closest rainfall simulation to the observation. Compared to Zeng’s scheme, Shen’s scheme improves the mean rain-rate simulation significantly through the dramatic decrease in depositional growth of cloud ice from cloud water. Compared to other schemes, Shen’s scheme produces the better rainfall simulation via the reduction in the mean rain rate associated with the enhanced gain of cloud water and ice.  相似文献   

The radiative and microphysical effects of ice clouds on a torrential rainfall event over Hunan,China in June 2004 are investigated by analyzing the sensitivity of cloud-resolving model simulations.The model is initialized by zonally-uniform vertical velocity,zonal wind,horizontal temperature and vapor advection from National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP) /National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR) reanalysis data.The exclusion of radiative effects of ice clouds increases model domain mean surface rain rates through the increase in the mean net condensation associated with the increase in the mean radiative cooling during the onset phase and the increases in the mean net condensation and the mean hydrometeor loss during the mature phase.The decrease in the mean rain rate corresponds to the decreased mean net condensation and associated mean latent heat release as the enhanced mean radiative cooling by the removal of radiative effects of ice clouds cools the mean local atmosphere during the decay phase.The removal of microphysical effects of ice clouds decreases the mean rain rates through the decrease in the mean net condensation during the onset phase,while the evolution of mean net condensation and the mean hydrometeor changes from decrease to increase during the mature phase.The reduction in the mean rain rate is primarily associated with the mean hydrometeor change in the absence of microphysical effects of ice clouds during the decay phase.  相似文献   

星载微波辐射计反演洋面非降水云区云水总量的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘松涛  严卫 《气象科学》2006,26(3):301-306
云水总量(也可称为液水路径)是一个重要的气象学和云雾物理参数。星载微波辐射计是目前监测全球范围内云水总量分布和变化的最强有力的技术手段。但由于云水总量的实测资料太少,给反演研究带来很大的困难。在本工作中,根据微波辐射传输模式,模拟计算“人工”资料样本,建立了AMSR-E 18.7 GHz~36.5 GHz六个极化通道云天-晴天亮温差与云水总量的线性回归关系,初步对云水总量的反演作了定性的研究。  相似文献   

为了发展云雷达与微波辐射计联合反演液态水含量的方法, 利用2019年4—9月中国气象科学研究院在广东龙门开展的综合观测试验中的双波段云雷达和微波辐射计数据, 首先检验了在降水条件下微波辐射计天顶观测和斜路径观测两种探测模式反演温度(T)、相对湿度(RH)、液态水含量(LWC)和液态水路径(LWP)的合理性, 然后分析了两种探测设备反演LWC和LWP的差别。得到以下结论: (1)微波辐射计在斜路径观测模式下反演的产品受降水影响较小, 其反演结果明显优于天顶观测模式; (2)两种探测设备反演的LWP相关性较好且随时间变化较为一致, 但云雷达反演LWP与平均回波强度有明显相关, 随着雷达回波强度的增大, 云雷达与微波辐射计反演的LWP之比越大; (3)两种探测设备反演的LWC相关性较差且存在明显偏差, 在不考虑融化层的情况下单波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计随高度变化趋势相近, 双波段云雷达反演LWC与微波辐射计反演结果在1 km及其以上区间存在明显差异。   相似文献   

A retrieval method of microwave(MW)space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid watercontent by the combined radar-radiometer is suggested.A three-layer cloud model is chosen torepresent the typical stratified precipitating cloud.The retrieval method mainly follows ourpreviously suggested scheme with some modifications.Numerical comparative study shows that inspace-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined method is much betterthan by radar only;Also the retrieval accuracy of cloud liquid water content may be improvedwhen using the three-layer cloud model in the combined method.  相似文献   

A retrieval method of microwave(MW) space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined radar-radiometer is suggested.A three-layer cloud model is chosen to represent the typical stratified precipitating cloud.The retrieval method mainly follows our previously suggested scheme with some modifications.Numerical comparative study shows that in space-borne remote sensing of cloud liquid water content by the combined method is much better than by radar only;Also the retrieval accuracy of cloud liquid water content may be improved when using the three-layer cloud model in the combined method.  相似文献   

Cloud radiative and microphysical effects on the relation between spatial mean rain rate, rain intensity and fractional rainfall coverage are investigated in this study by conducting and analyzing a series of two-dimensional cloud resolving model sensitivity experiments of pre-summer torrential rainfall in June 2008. The analysis of time-mean data shows that the exclusion of radiative effects of liquid clouds reduces domain mean rain rate by decreasing convective rain rate mainly through the reduced convective-rainfall area associated with the strengthened hydrometeor gain in the presence of radiative effects of ice clouds, whereas it increases domain mean rain rate by enhancing convective rain rate mainly via the intensified convective rain intensity associated with the enhanced net condensation in the absence of radiative effects of ice clouds. The removal of radiative effects of ice clouds decreases domain mean rain rate by reducing stratiform rain rate through the suppressed stratiform rain intensity related to the suppressed net condensation in the presence of radiative effects of liquid clouds, whereas it increases domain mean rain rate by strengthening convective rain rate mainly via the enhanced convective rain intensity in response to the enhanced net condensation in the absence of radiative effects of liquid clouds. The elimination of microphysical effects of ice clouds suppresses domain mean rain rate by reducing stratiform rain rate through the reduced stratiform-rainfall area associated with severely reduced hydrometeor loss.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of precipitation to sea surface temperature(SST) and its diurnal variation is investigated through a rainfall partitioning analysis of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model experiments based on surface rainfall budget.For all experiments,the model is set up using zero vertical velocity and a constant zonal wind and is integrated over 40 days to reach quasi-equilibrium states.The 10-day equilibrium grid-scale simulation data and a time-invariant SST of 29°C are used in the control experiment.In the sensitivity experiments,time-invariant SSTs are 27°C and 31°C with an average value of 29°C when the minimum and maximum values of diurnal SST differences are 1°C and 2°C,respectively.The results show that the largest contribution to total rainfall is from the rainfall with water vapor convergence and local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence(~30%) in all experiments.When SST increases from 27°C to 29°C,the contribution from water vapor convergence decreases.The increase of SST reduces the contribution of the rainfall with water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric drying and hydrometeor gain/divergence and the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The inclusion of diurnal variation of SST with the diurnal difference of 1°C decreases the rainfall contribution from water vapor convergence primarily through the decreased contribution of the rainfall with local atmospheric moistening and hydrometeor loss/convergence.The contribution of the rainfall from water vapor convergence is barely changed as the diurnal difference of SST increases from 1°C to 2°C.  相似文献   

机载微波辐射计测云中液态含水量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文中介绍了 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年 4~ 7月吉林省人工增雨期间 ,在中国首次进行的机载对空微波辐射计外场飞行观测试验。观测结果表明 ,仪器可以灵敏地探测出层状云中垂直路径积分云液态水和过冷水含量及其变化 ,揭示了在层状云中嵌入的对流区中有丰富的垂直积分过冷水含量 ,量级可达 10 3 g/m2 。与地面雷达PPI回波强度呈正相关。本文还根据飞机上升 (或下降 )过程的探测数据 ,给出了水平均匀的层状云液态含水量的垂直廓线的实例 ,并进一步讨论了这种方法的应用前景。  相似文献   

The effects of doubled carbon dioxide on rainfall responses to radiative processes of water clouds are investigated in this study.Two groups of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments with regard to pre-summer heavy rainfall around the summer solstice and tropical rainfall around the winter solstice are conducted and their five-day averages over the model domain are analyzed.In the presence of radiative effects of ice clouds,doubled carbon dioxide changes pre-summer rainfall from the decrease associated with the enhanced atmospheric cooling to the increase associated with the enhanced infrared cooling as a result of the exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds.Doubled carbon dioxide leads to the reduction in tropical rainfall,caused by the removal of radiative effects of water clouds through the suppressed infrared cooling.In the absence of radiative effects of ice clouds,doubled carbon dioxide changes pre-summer rainfall from the increase associated with the strengthened atmospheric warming to the decrease associated with the weakened release of latent heat caused by the elimination of radiative effects of water clouds.The exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds increases tropical rainfall through the strengthened infrared cooling,which is insensitive to the change in carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

The effects of doubled carbon dioxide on rainfall responses to radiative processes of water clouds are investigated in this study. The two groups of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments in pre-summer heavy rainfall around the summer solstice and tropical rainfall around the winter solstice are conducted and their averages over 5 days and model domain are analyzed. In the presence of radiative effects of ice clouds, doubled carbon dioxide changes pre-summer rainfall from the decrease associated with the enhanced atmospheric cooling to the increase associated with the enhanced infrared cooling as a result of the exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds. Doubled carbon dioxide leads to the reduction in tropical rainfall caused by the removal of radiative effects of water clouds through the suppressed infrared cooling. In the absence of radiative effects of ice clouds, doubled carbon dioxide changes pre-summer rainfall from the increase associated with the increased atmospheric warming to the decrease associated with the weakened release of latent heat caused by the elimination of radiative effects of water clouds. The exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds increases tropical rainfall through the strengthened infrared cooling, which is insensitive to the change in carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of vertical wind shear on the torrential rainfall response to the large-scale forcing using a rainfall separation analysis of a pair of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments for a pre-summer heavy rainfall event over southern China from 3-8 June 2008 coupled with National Centers for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)/Global Data Assimilation System(GDAS) data.The rainfall partitioning analysis based on the surface rainfall budget indicates that the exclusion of vertical wind shear decreases the contribution to total rainfall from the largest contributor,which is the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying,water vapor divergence,and hydrometeor loss/convergence,through the reduction of the rainfall area and reduced rainfall during the rainfall event.The removal of vertical wind shear increases the contribution to total rainfall from the rainfall associated with local atmospheric drying,water vapor convergence,and hydrometeor loss/convergence through the expansion of the rainfall area and enhanced rainfall.The elimination of vertical wind shear enhances heavy rainfall and expands its area,whereas it reduces moderate rainfall and its area.  相似文献   

利用WRF v4.0中尺度模式及0.25°×0.25°高分辨率的GDAS分析资料,对2017年6月15日发生在华南的一次典型暖区暴雨过程进行数值研究。多源观测资料对比分析表明,Thompson aerosol aware云微物理方案与YSU边界层方案组合合理再现了此次暴雨的演变过程。观测与模拟的强风速下传、低层风场切变及降水之间存在较好的对应关系,强的雷达反射率与水汽通量散度中心一致。在中尺度对流系统(MCS)发展和成熟阶段,冷池的出流抬升是新生对流的重要触发条件,地形的动力抬升作用并非主导。云微物理分析指出,由于华南上空充沛的水汽及过冷雨水,雪的最大来源项表现为水汽凝华成雪,而霰的最大来源项为过冷雨滴碰并冰晶、雪并冻结成霰。在零度层之下的1.5 km区域,冰相粒子的融化率可达暖雨过程(1×10-4g/(kg·s)的2倍,暗示其在融化层对雨水形成的支配作用,而雪霰的重力沉降扮演了重要角色。此外,相变过程显著影响着大气的温度变化,当对流云底较低时,低层的水汽凝结将抵消雨水蒸发导致的冷却作用,减弱地面冷池的强度。  相似文献   

利用WRF模式中三种云微物理参数化方案(Lin、Eta和WSM6)对青藏高原一次强降水过程进行模拟试验,将模拟降水结果与实测资料进行对比,以评估不同云微物理参数化方案对该区域降水过程的模拟性能。结果表明:三种方案均能够模拟出此次降水天气过程的发生,但在主要降水区域和降水强度两方面仍与实测资料存在偏差;在水凝物方面,三种方案对冰粒子的模拟较接近,Lin和WSM6方案模拟的雪粒子差异较大,但霰粒子无明显差异。进一步对比分析了Lin和WSM6方案模拟的云微物理转化过程,结果表明:这两种方案都表现出了霰向雨水转化的特点。在Lin方案中,通过水汽向霰粒子凝华、霰碰并水汽凝华生成的雪粒子以及霰碰并云水这三种过程生成的霰粒子最终融化为雨水。而在WSM6方案中,一方面水汽凝结成云水,云水被雪和霰粒子碰并收集转化为霰,之后霰融化为雨水;另一方面水汽凝华为冰粒子,一部分冰转化为雪,雪直接融化为雨水或转化为霰融化为雨水,另一部分冰转化为霰,霰融化为雨水。   相似文献   

ABSTRACT Rainfall responses to doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration were investigated through the analysis of two pairs of two-dimensional cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments. One pair of experiments simulated pre-summer heavy rainfall over southern China around the summer solstice, whereas the other pair of experiments simulated tropical rainfall around the winter solstice. The analysis of the time and model domain mean heat budget revealed that the enhanced local atmospheric warming was associated with doubled carbon dioxide through the weakened infrared radiative cooling during the summer solstice. The weakened mean pre-summer rainfall corresponded to the weakened mean infrared radiative cooling. Doubled carbon dioxide increased the mean tropical atmospheric warming via the enhanced mean latent heat in correspondence with the strengthened mean infrared radiative cooling during the winter solstice. The enhanced mean tropical rainfall was associated with the increased mean latent heat.  相似文献   

In this paper,the effect of precipitation particles on microwave radiation transfer characteristics in stratified clouds over the ocean is studied by combining stratified cloud model with microwave radiation transfer model.By comparing the calculated results with the true data,it is found that precipitation particle distribution and water shell around ice phase particle strongly affect the upwelling radiation.Therefore,the precipitation particle distribution and water shellaround ice phase particle must be considered when a calculating scheme is designed for retrieving precipitation in stratified clouds by the use of microwave radiation transfer model.  相似文献   

The effects of sea surface temperature(SST) and its diurnal variation on diurnal variation of rainfall are examined in this study by analyzing a series of equilibrium cloud-resolving model experiments which are imposed with zero large-scale vertical velocity.The grid rainfall simulation data are categorized into eight rainfall types based on rainfall processes including water vapor convergence/divergence,local atmospheric drying/moistening,and hydrometeor loss/convergence or gain/divergence.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are insensitive to the increase in SST from 27°C to 29°C during the nighttime,whereas they are decreased during the daytime.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are decreased as the SST increases from 29°C to 31°C but the decreases are larger during the nighttime than during the daytime.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are decreased by the inclusion of diurnal variation of SST with diurnal difference of 1°C during the nighttime,but the decreases are significantly slowed down as the diurnal difference of SST increases from 1°C to 2°C.The rainfall contributions of the rainfall types with water vapor convergence are insensitive to the inclusion of diurnal variation of SST during the daytime.  相似文献   

“麦莎”台风暴雨落区非对称分布的诊断分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用FY-2C气象卫星资料、常规资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2005年第9号台风“麦莎”登陆后暴雨落区非对称分布的成因进行诊断分析,并讨论其动力学和热力学特征。结果表明:(1)FY-2C红外-通道辐射亮温(TBB)场能够清晰地揭示台风暴雨落区的分布以及造成这种非对称分布的云系结构特征;(2)水汽图像展示了此次降水过程中,对流层中上层主要的水汽型,来自南海和东海强盛的热带水汽羽直抵台风中心东部,中纬度地区的极锋水汽羽东移,其尾端并入台风北部,受二者共同作用,台风降水呈非对称分布;(3)台风中心附近的垂直流场、涡度、假相当位温和整层积分的水汽通量散度等物理量的非常规分布以及低层冷空气的契入,共同解释了台风云系的非对称结构及强雨区非对称分布的形成原因。  相似文献   

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