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释放化学物质耗空电离层电子密度的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
电离层作为电波传播的主要通道和载体,影响着无线电通信的质量,因此人工电离层扰动具有广阔的应用前景.在电离层中释放具有较强电子亲和力的化学物质可以耗空电离层F区的电子密度,是人工电离层扰动的有效手段之一.本文通过对CO2和SF6气体在电离层中的扩散和离子化学反应过程的分析,理论计算了在我国北京地区上空释放这两种气体后电离层电子密度的时空演变过程.结果表明:(1)在电离层高度上释放100 kg的CO2或SF6气体后,电离层电子密度迅速减少,释放点周围局部区域的电子密度被耗空,能够形成一定尺度的电离层空洞,上述现象能够维持数小时之久;(2)与CO2气体相比,SF6气体具有扩散慢且化学反应快的优点,对电离层的影响较大,具有更好的电离层扰动效果.  相似文献   

太阳辐射是电离层的电离源,强烈地调制电离层的变化.探索不同太阳辐射水平下的电离层状态,有助于认识电离层演变及其内在的基本物理过程.太阳活动在2008—2009年处于有记录以来的极低水平,研究电离层在此期间的变化及与其它太阳活动低年的差异是一个有益的课题.本文利用位于美洲扇区磁赤道地区Jicamarca台站(12.0°S, 283.2°E; dip 0.28°)测高仪观测的电离层F2层临界频率foF2数据探讨赤道地区foF2的行为.分别对第22/23太阳活动周低年(1996—1997)和第23/24活动周低年(2008—2009)的月中值、季节中值和滑动年均值进行分析,确认相比上一个太阳低年而言,在2008—2009年foF2滑动年均值和不同季节中值在各个地方时均降低,而月中值存在降低和升高.对foF2的时间尺度特性的分析发现,在本太阳周低年foF2长时间尺度分量下降,而短时间尺度分量呈现不一致的变化.我们认为,现有文献报道给出2008—2009年与以往太阳活动低年对比结果不一致有可能归因于所用分析方法关注的时间尺度不相同.  相似文献   




电离层化学物质释放能导致释放区域电子密度的损耗,从而产生明显的电离层空洞现象.高频电波通过电离层空洞时,由于电子密度不同,对电波产生折射效果进而形成聚焦效应.本文利用射线追踪方法,评估高频电波通过空洞形成聚焦加热的效果.结果表明,释放水分子与SF6都能对电离层产生明显的空洞,空洞半径约为25~50 km,电子密度的损耗率10%以上,在释放点附近有时能达到90%.不同摩尔数的化学物质释放能带来不同的效果.在300 km高度释放100 mol的水分子并且高频电波频率为15 MHz时聚焦效果最好.聚焦后电波能量吸收可增加10 dB左右,增幅达两倍左右.加热后的温度可以提升约20%.  相似文献   

本文对沈阳站电离层测高仪2009-2012年观测数据的月均值进行了统计分析,揭示了沈阳站电离层F2层临界频率的日变化和年变化特征。  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络预测电离层F2层骚扰   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用人工神经网络技术,提出预报离散随机的电离层骚扰事件的新方案.本文重点讨论了预报电离层骚扰的人工神经网络的构造,采用模糊理论和模式识别的思想构造了网络的输入层和输出层.将与电离层骚扰相关的日面现象如太阳耀斑、黑子等的日面位置、强度等参量作为网络的输入,该方案预报结果检验中,使传统方法难以预报的小型和中型电离层(骚扰达到80%以上)的预报准确率有所提高.最后还提出了利用人工神经网络识别单一型别骚扰事件的方案,预报准确率在95%以上。  相似文献   

太阳辐射是电离层的电离源,强烈地调制电离层的变化.探索不同太阳辐射水平下的电离层状态,有助于认识电离层演变及其内在的基本物理过程.太阳活动在2008—2009年处于有记录以来的极低水平,研究电离层在此期间的变化及与其它太阳活动低年的差异是一个有益的课题.本文利用位于美洲扇区磁赤道地区Jicamarca台站(12.0°S, 283.2°E; dip 0.28°)测高仪观测的电离层F2层临界频率foF2数据探讨赤道地区foF2的行为.分别对第22/23太阳活动周低年(1996—1997)和第23/24活动周低年(2008—2009)的月中值、季节中值和滑动年均值进行分析,确认相比上一个太阳低年而言,在2008—2009年foF2滑动年均值和不同季节中值在各个地方时均降低,而月中值存在降低和升高.对foF2的时间尺度特性的分析发现,在本太阳周低年foF2长时间尺度分量下降,而短时间尺度分量呈现不一致的变化.我们认为,现有文献报道给出2008—2009年与以往太阳活动低年对比结果不一致有可能归因于所用分析方法关注的时间尺度不相同.  相似文献   

用理论模式研究电离层F1-ledge的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用一个时变电离层理论模式,研究武昌地区(30.5°N,114.4°E)电离层F-ledse现象.表明利用当前关于中性气体和太阳辐射的经验模式,观测到的F-ledge出现与演化的基本规律将可基于现有电离层理论加以再现.指出较明显的F-ledge结构同较低的中性原子-分子含量比有直接关系,并同原子-分子成份的过渡高度、背景温度及其垂直分布形态有一定联系.同F-ledge形态相关联的F-F谷,其出现主要是由于亚稳态氧离子参与光化过程,以及电离气体参与具有一定垂直变化的输运过程.  相似文献   

乔小铃  刘静 《地震》2023,(2):103-119
基于GPS TEC单站数据、 GIM TEC数据、垂测数据以及中国电磁监测试验卫星观测的原位电子密度数据,利用时序和空间的扰动提取方法,对2020年8月18日(世界时)印度尼西亚MS7.0地震所引起的电离层扰动开展了研究。通过分析,我们发现多数据源的异常主要集中出现在8月12日—8月15日。震中附近8月12日GPS TEC单站数据和GIM TEC数据有明显的正异常现象,8月13日卫星原位电子密度和GIM TEC数据提取到正异常扰动,8月14日观测到卫星原位电子密度和GPS单站TEC数值有所增加,8月15日卫星原位电子密度、 GIM TEC和GPS单站TEC均出现正异常现象。此次地震引起的电离层异常不仅出现在震中上空,同时也反映在震中磁共轭区域。对应于8月12日震中附近的TEC异常,磁共轭区的单站TEC出现同步扰动,8月13日卫星数据、 GIM TEC和单站TEC数据在磁共轭区同步响应,8月15日磁共轭区的卫星原位电子密度、 GIM TEC、 GPS单站TEC和垂测数据均提取到了正异常扰动,并且与震中附近扰动出现的时间和幅度都有一定的共性。  相似文献   

本文使用Athens站2001—2005年间电离层GPS/TEC和foF2数据,分析了TEC、NmF2和电离层板厚τ日变化、季节变化特征以及与太阳活动的统计关系,得到以下结论:电离层TEC和NmF2具有相似的日变化特征,最大值出现在14∶00LT;TEC在2001和2002年白天出现"冬季异常"现象,NmF2在2001—2005年白天均出现该现象;电离层板厚τ主要分布在200~600 km,存在黎明峰和日落峰双峰结构,黎明峰一般出现在5∶00—6∶00LT,日落峰结构一般从日落后开始出现,在午夜前达到极大值;14∶00LT和2∶00LT时刻TEC、NmF2同太阳活动的关系呈现"线性"、"饱和"以及"放大"趋势,而τ则出现正、负及不明显的线性关系;最后,我们分析认为黎明峰归因于电离层TEC增加以及NmF2的减少,而日落峰主要是由TEC减少速度低于NmF2造成的.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of a sandy aquifer of deltaic origin in southern Poland included water chemistry, isotopes, dissolved trace gases and transport modelling. Tritium, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and freons (F‐11, F‐12 and F‐113) showed the presence of modern waters in the recharge areas and shallow confined parts of the aquifer. The presence of older Holocene waters farther from the recharge areas was indicated by lack of 3H, SF6 contents ≤0·02 fmol l−1 and relatively low 14C values. The discharge from the system is by upward seepage in the valley of a major river. Pre‐Holocene waters of a cooler climate, identified on the basis of δ18O, δ2H, 14C, Ne and Ar data, were found in some distant wells. Concentrations of N2, Ne and Ar determined by gas chromatography were used for calculating the noble gas temperatures, air excess needed for correction of SF6, and nitrogen content released by denitrification process. The time series of 3H content available for some wells supplied quantitative information on age distributions and the total mean ages of flow through the unsaturated and saturated zones. The derived 3H age distributions turned out to be very wide, with mean values in the range of about 30 to 160 years. For each well with determined 3H age, the SF6 data showed either a lower age range or the possibility of a lower age as expected due to shorter travel times of SF6 through the unsaturated zone, which most probably also resulted in different types of age distributions of these tracers. Freons appeared to be of little use for individual age determinations. A quantitative estimation of two‐component mixing from SF63H relations is not possible unless the travel time of 3H through the unsaturated zone is comparable to that of SF6. The ratio of integrals of the response function over the age range with tracer and the whole response function yields the ratio of water with tracer to total flow of water. That ratio is a tracer‐dependent function of time. Transport modelling of SF6 tracer done with MT3D code yielded initially large discrepancies between calculated and measured tracer concentrations. Some discrepancies remained even after calibration of the transport model with SF6. Simulation of tritium contents with a calibrated transport model yielded reasonable agreement with measured contents in some wells and indicated a need for further investigations, particularly in the eastern part of the aquifer. The existence of distinct hydrochemical zones is consistent with the tracer data; young waters with measurable 3H and SF6 contents are aerobic and of HCO3 Ca or HCO3 SO4 Ca types. Slightly elevated Na and Cl contents, as well as the highest concentrations of SO4 and NO3 within this zone are due to anthropogenic influences. Anaerobic conditions prevail in the far field, under the confining cover, where pre‐bomb era Holocene waters dominate. In that zone, dissolved oxygen, NO3 and U contents are reduced, and Fe, Mn and NH4 contents increase. In the third zone, early Holocene and glacial waters occur. They are of HCO3 Ca Na or HCO3 Na types, with TDS values higher than 1 g l−1 and Na content higher than 200 mg l−1, due to either small admixtures of ascending or diffusing older water or freshening of marine sediments, a process that is probably occurring till the present time. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental data on cation diffusion in silicate melts and glasses at atmospheric pressure cannot be quantitatively applied to diffusion in magmas at depth because pressure and dissolved H2O have significant effects. Diffusivities of Ca and Cs in soda-lime aluminosilicate melt are reduced by roughly an order of magnitude as pressure increases from 1 to 30 kbar at 1100°C (in the case of calcium, the pressure effect is smaller at higher temperatures). The influence of dissolved H2O is opposite to and (for some ions) far more important than that of pressure: at 700°C, Cs diffusion in granitic obsidian is enhanced by four orders of magnitude by the addition of 6 wt.% H2O, and Ca diffusivity increases by 2.5 orders of magnitude. Sodium diffusion, on the other hand, is relatively immune to changes in H2O content.The retarding effect of pressure on diffusion in deep-seated magmas is largely compensated by higher magmatic temperatures, such that overall “depth” effects on diffusion are of secondary importance — diffusion rates in mantle melts are probably well approximated by 1-atm, near-liquidus values. Diffusion rates in crustal magmas, however, are extremely sensitive to H2O content, so that models of rate-controlled processes in hydrous magmas may be grossly in error if 1-atm diffusivity values are used.  相似文献   

Geomagnetic activity dependence of O in transit from the ionosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Energetic O+ ions have important dynamic effects on the ring current. Insights into the effects of O+ on ring current dynamics have come primarily from models, not observations. Here, we discuss observations of O+ populations escaping from the ionosphere and their access to the plasma sheet and ring current. We review data establishing that a significant flux of O+ escapes the ionosphere during geomagnetically quiet intervals. We then estimate the relative magnitude of the O+ population in transit between the ionosphere and ring current during quiet intervals before geomagnetic storms. Our analysis suggests that dynamic reconfigurations of the magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms significantly alter the O+ transport paths from the ionosphere to the ring current. During these reconfigurations some of the pre-existing, quiet time, in-transit O+ populations are captured on magnetic field lines leading to the ring current. The prompt appearance of this O+ population in the ring current could modify the evolution of the ring current in the storm growth phase. Our analysis suggests that the consequences of an activity-dependent O+ transport path to the ring current should be systematically investigated.  相似文献   

au a u naam u a nu¶rt; 1963–1973 . naam, m aum mun ma m mm nam aum n (II) na¶rt;am m u a uu ¶rt; u u,¶rt; ua ma u¶rt;, u u¶rt;a ma mn muna. mu u m ¶rt;u mam nm nmum n¶rt;auma amu m m mm II u a¶rt; ¶rt; n.  相似文献   

The seasonal change in CO2 flux over an artificial grassland was analyzed from the ecological and meteorological point of view. This grassland contains C3 and C4 plants; the three dominant species belonging to the Gramineae; Festuca elatior (C3) dominated in early spring, and Imperata cylindrica (C4) and Andropogon virginicus (C4) grew during early summer and became dominant in mid-summer. CO2 flux was measured by the gradient method, and the routinely observed data for the surface-heat budget were used to analyze the CO2 and H2O exchange between the grassland and atmosphere. From August to October in 1993, CO2 flux was reduced to around half under the same solar-radiation conditions, while H2O flux decreased 20% during the same period. The monthly values of water use efficiency, i.e., ratio of CO2 flux to H2O flux decreased from 5.8 to 3.3 mg CO2/g H2O from August to October, the Bowen ratio increased from 0.20 to 0.30, and the ratio of the bulk latent heat transfer coefficient CE to the sensible heat transfer coefficient CH was maintained around 0.40-0.50. The increase in the Bowen ratio was explained by the decrease in air temperature from 22.3 °C in August to 16.6 °C in October without considering biological effects such as stomatal closure on the individual leaves. The nearly constant CE/CH ratios suggested that the contribution ratio of canopy resistance to aerodynamic resistance did not change markedly, although the meteorological conditions changed seasonally. The decrease in the water use efficiency, however, suggested that the photosynthetic rate decreased for individual leaves from August to October under the same radiation conditions. Diurnal variations of CO2 exchange were simulated by the multi-layer canopy model taking into account the differences in the stomatal conductance and photosynthetic pathway between C3 and C4 plants. The results suggested that C4 plants played a major role in the CO2 exchange in August, the contribution of C4 plants decreased in September, and daily variations of CO2 exchange were mainly due to C3 plants in October. The results also suggested that the decrease in the net canopy CO2 exchange from August to October was induced partly by the decrease of net photosynthesis on the individual leaves in both C4 and C3 plants, which could be due to aging of the leaves.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical study of the influence of electron density small-scale irregularities on radio propagation under vertical sounding of the equatorial ionosphere. The sounder is assumed to radiate in the plane perpendicular to geomagnetic field lines. An approximate analytical solution of the equation of radiation energy balance in a plane layer of randomly inhomogeneous plasma has been obtained for this case. Analysis of the results shows that multiple scattering leads to attenuation of signal power and change of the signal arrival angles in the sounder vicinity.  相似文献   

Horizontal mixing processes in the hypolimnion of the western part of Lake Constance are studied by measuring the dispersion of a sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer plume. Only 1 liter gaseous SF6 (STP) was released at a central hypolimnic depth of 60 m in August 1990. Over a period of 3 months the horizontal dispersion of the tracer plume was measured by 19 surveys using a new, vertically integrating sampling device. The observed horizontal dispersion is marked by strong storm-induced stirring events. Nevertheless mean turbulent diffusion coefficients for the whole period can be computed. They rise about linear from 0.7 105 cm2/s to 3.0 105 cm2/s with the distance from the western end of the lake. For the hypolimnion of Überlingersee, a sill-separated basin in the western part of Lake Constance, a simple budget model gives an exchange time of 67 ± 6 days with the main basin (Obersee).  相似文献   

南京地区低电离层加热效应的初步模拟   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
孟兴  方涵先 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3642-3649
从电子能量方程和连续性方程出发,利用国际参考电离层(IRI-2007)和中性大气模型(NRLMSISE-00)得出背景参数,数值计算了大功率无线电波加热南京地区低电离层的电子温度和电子密度扰动幅度,并对比了不同加热条件下的电离层扰动效应.结果表明,大功率无线电波入射到电离层后,与等离子体相互作用,能够有效造成电子温度的升高而产生电子温度扰动;由于电子温度升高,等离子体碰撞频率增加且电子的复合系数减小,导致电子密度扰动;电子温度和电子密度的扰动幅度随着加热时间的推移而减小,即扰动逐渐趋于饱和;电子温度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为微秒量级,电子密度扰动的弛豫时间尺度为毫秒量级;在欠密加热条件下,X波模比O波模更容易吸收.  相似文献   

电离层对SAR干涉测量的影响综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
InSAR是一种能够全天候、高精度、大面积获取地形、形变细部信息的高效工具,而大气层中的电离层是制约InSAR精度和可靠性其中一个很重要的因素,对L波段及低频InSAR的影响尤为严重.本文着重从电离层延迟误差,距离向和方位向偏移现象以及法拉第效应等三个方面介绍电离层TEC及闪烁对InSAR相干系数、干涉相位及其产品的影响,并给出相应的改正方案.紧接着,给出一些应用实例.最后,对InSAR中的电离层效应进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

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