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Although southern Apennines are characterized by the strongest crustal earthquakes of central-western Mediterranean region, local active tectonics is still poorly known, at least for seismogenic fault-recognition is concerned. Research carried out in the Maddalena Mts. (southeast of Irpinia, the region struck by the M
w=6.9, 1980 earthquake) indicates historical ruptures along a 17-km-long, N120° normal fault system (Caggiano fault). The system is characterized by a bedrock fault scarp carved in carbonate rocks, which continues laterally into a retreating and eroded smoothed scarp, affecting the clayey-siliciclastic units, and by smart scarps and discontinuous free-faces in Holocene cemented slope-debris and in modern alluvial fan deposits. The geometry of the structure in depth has been depicted by means of electrical resistivity tomography, while paleoseismic analysis carried out in three trenches revealed surface-faulting events during the past 7 ky BP ( 14C age), the latest occurred in the past 2 ky BP ( 14C age) and, probably, during/after slope-debris deposition related to the little ice age (∼1400–1800 a.d.). Preliminary evaluation accounts for minimum slip rates of 0.3–0.4 mm/year, which is the same order of rates estimated for many active faults along the Apennine chain. Associated earthquakes might be in the order of M
w=6.6, to be compared to the historical events occurred in the area (e.g., 1561 and 1857 p.p. earthquakes). 相似文献
Quaternary tectonics and paleoseismologicalinvestigations have defined a reliable framework ofactive faults in the southern Umbria and AbruzziApennines. Two sets of NW–SE to NNW–SSE trending, 16to 33 km-long, normal and normal-oblique faults orfault systems have caused the displacement of LatePleistocene–Holocene deposits and landforms within theinvestigated sector. Available data on verticaloffsets indicate that both Late Pleistocene–Holoceneand Quaternary (since the later part of the EarlyPleistocene; 0.9–1 Ma) slip rates range between 0.4and 1.2 mm/yr (range 0.6–0.8 mm/yr preferred).Paleoseismological investigations show that recurrenceintervals for surface faulting events are alwaysgreater than 1,000 years and are usually greater than2,000 years. Both paleoseismological data andlong-term seismicity show that activation of theinvestigated faults may result in earthquakes ofM = 6.5–7.0. The extension rate across the two sets ofprimary faults ranges between 0.7 and 1.6 mm/yr.Horizontal seismic strain has been calculated to be0.5–0.6 mm/yr, based on the summation of the seismicmoment of M > 5.3 earthquakes which have affected theinvestigated area since 1200 AD. This value may belower than that inferred through geological data,probably because the seismological record reliable forthe addition of the seismic moments covers a too shorttime window (about 800 years) to be consideredrepresentative of the tectonic activity in theinvestigated area. This conclusion iscorroborated by the large recurrence intervalper fault (>1,000–2,000 years) inferred frompaleoseismological analysis. A comparison of theactive-fault framework and historical-seismicitydistribution indicates that the entire eastern set ofactive faults has likely not been activated since 1000AD, thus indicating that the elapsed time since thelast activation for several faults of the investigatedarea may be greater than 1,000 years. In terms ofhazard, the highest probability of activation isrelated to the eastern set faults, due to theobservation that the elapsed time for some of thesefaults may be similar to the recurrence interval. Asan example, paleoseismological andarchaeoseismological data indicate that the elapsedtime for the Mt. Vettore and Mt. Morrone Faults may begreater than 1,650 and 1,850 years, respectively.These data may have significant implications for riskrelated to a number of towns in central Italy and tothe city of Rome. As for the latter, in fact,monumental heritage has suffered significant damagedue to earthquakes of M > 6.5 which originated in theinvestigated Apennine sector. 相似文献
Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale. 相似文献
In intra-plate regions with low-seismic activity, seismic cycles last between 10 3 and 10 5 years and, consequently, quiescent faults may be capable of producing catastrophic earthquakes. Paleoseismic studies, which
are necessary to define capable faults in these regions and to establish their seismic parameters, are scarce and not always
possible. In order to overcome the scarcity of paleoseismic data, this paper proposes an approach to evaluate the capability
and seismic parameters of faults. This approach takes into account instrumental, historical, paleoseismological and geological
data. Assuming that in a given structural region with definite climatic and geological characteristics similar geomorphic
features reflect a similar structural-seismic evolution, the capability of faults is established by comparing the fault related
geomorphic features of the few proven seismogenic faults with those of the rest of the faults. The seismic parameters were
estimated using some mathematical relationships from geological and geomorphological data, where the slip rate of the faults
was determined from geological and geomorphological criteria. The case of eastern Iberia is presented to illustrate this approach.
This area is characterized by low seismicity, few historical destructive earthquakes, and only one fault with good paleoseismological
data. Of the 249 potential faults (longer than 10 km and adequately oriented with respect to the current stress field), 23
were regarded as capable faults. Some of these were located in seismic quiescent areas, and their main seismic parameters
were estimated. 相似文献
Based on the structural analysis of the ‘Internal’ Units cropping out in the Cilento area (southern Italy), this article provides new geodynamic constraints on the Miocene tectonic evolution of the southern Apennine accretionary wedge. The studied sedimentary successions, forming part of the tectonically superposed Nord-Calabrese (in the hanging-wall) and Parasicilide Units, are characterized by three superposed fold sets. The analysis of the attitudes of the main structures allowed us to unravel the shortening directions experienced by the accretionary wedge in the Miocene time. The reconstructed deformation sequence, characterized by initial NW-SE shortening and subsequently by west-east and NE-SW shortening, is related to the inclusion of the studied successions into the accretionary wedge and to their subsequent tectonic emplacement on top of outer domains of the foreland plate. Accretionary wedge overthickening and uplift, probably associated with footwall imbrication involving carbonate units of the foreland plate, was followed by wedge thinning, which also enhanced the creation of accommodation space in wedge-top basin depocentres. 相似文献
The Alhambra (14th century AD ) in Granada (southeast Spain) is built at the summit of a Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene conglomeratic formation. Tens of small‐scale normal faults crop out along the northern hillslope of the Alhambra, which have a N130–N150°E strike, dipping 65–75° mostly to the southwest. These are closely spaced faults (approximately 5–30 m) with centimetre to several metre displacements. Several topographic steps in this area coincide with hectometre‐ to kilometre‐scale faults with the same kinematics as the small‐scale ones. Some of these faults appear to be active and related to the present seismicity detected in this region, and associated with the cracks and other damage observed in the Alhambra. Several focal mechanisms calculated in this study are in accordance with the dominant NW–SE orientated normal faults. We interpret that the topographic steps of these faults are a consequence of repeated earthquakes during the past 800 ka. The last large earthquake of approximately 5.1 magnitude in this area occurred in 1431, destroying the Alixares Palace, the Arabian fence and part of the Alhambra wall. We consider the seismic risk associated with these faults to be moderate, as the displacement is partitioned into several hectometre‐ to kilometre‐scale faults. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本文综述了最近五年来中国活动构造的进展,经过1:50000活动构造地质填图和综合研究,获得了各构造区活动构造的基本特征,其中包括几何学、滑动速率、古地震和大震重复间隔、同震位移等各项定量参数。根据这些定量参数,评价活动构造地震的危险性,同时,还简要地讨论了大陆内部现代构造活动的动力学问题。 相似文献
This paper is intended to provide a perspective on the use of paleoseismological studies in the seismic hazard assessment of critical facilities, such as dams, chemical/petrochemical facilities and nuclear power plants. In particular, the use of data obtained from paleoseismological studies for probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, when the required probabilities of exceedance are very low (e.g. 10 − 6–10 − 7) is considered. Recent revisions to the IAEA Safety Standards that provide guidance to Member States in their work related to the seismic safety of nuclear power plants are presented to illustrate the importance of this emerging discipline. 相似文献
自上世纪 70年代末以来 ,活动构造研究已从描述性和定性研究阶段进展到定量研究阶段 ,并主要围绕 3个方面展开工作 :(1)如何刻画活动构造的活动特征 ,即需要得到哪些活动特征定量参数 ;(2 )如何得到这些定量参数 ;(3)如何应用这些参数进行地震危险性评价和工程安全性评价。文中就有关活动构造定量研究的这几个方面进行初步总结和分析 ,并指出在今后一段时间内 ,提高测年精度、减少研究过程各个环节的误差和不确定性 ,将是活动构造定量研究的主要发展方向。 相似文献
Abstract The definition of the active fault geometry and kinematics in young evolving orogens may be difficult owing to changes in the structural architecture which may occur with a frequence of few hundred thousand years. Cases from the central Apennines well illustrate this problem. The Avezzano-Bussi and Vallelonga-Salto Valley fault systems (65 and 85 km long, respectively) show clear evidence of Pliocene-early Pleistocene activity and have been responsible for the formation of intermontane basins. Available geological data, however, indicate that only minor segments (the Tre Monti and Trasacco faults, both 7 km long) of the mentioned faults have to be considered active during the late Pleistocene-Holocene, as faults accommodating minor deformations inside an intermontane basin. The L'Aquila fault system underwent significant geometrical and kinematic modifications during the Quaternary, with the reactivation of minor portions of parallel normal faults to draw a new system of en-echelon normal-oblique left-lateral faults. The Laga Mts. fault experienced an along-fault activity migration. The portion of the fault which was active earlier during the Quaternary shows a significant decrease or end of the activity while a portion previously not active displays impressive evidence of late Pleistocene-Holocene displacements. Structural changes in the intermontane basins bounded by the Colfiorito fault system also indicate that the intensity of the tectonic activity decreased during the Quaternary. Not defining the structural evolution in the above mentioned cases would imply wrong conclusions for both the fault geometry and kinematics which may be delivered for seismotectonics and seismic hazard assessment. This typically leads to overestimate the fault length and the expected magnitude or to the increase in the number of seismogenic sources affecting an area. Finally, the definition of the structural evolution permits to select between different geometrical options in terms of active faulting framework (e.g. a system of parallel normal faults vs. a system of en-echelon normal oblique faults as in the case of the L'Aquila fault system) related to different geometries at depth (detachment normal fault vs. high-angle oblique fault). © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS 相似文献
天然地震层析成像相对于传统的反射地震方法而言是一种新的经济的勘探方法。这是由于天然地震层析成像所需的观测值直接来自于研究区下方发生的天然微地震,而反射地震却需要在研究区表面进行人工放炮。因此本工作是将天然地震层析成像方法应用于柴达木盆地西部某油田约100km^2地区的深层构造的尝试性研究。626个地震事件的3289个P波到时的初步结果与研究区已知的大的构造吻合较好。该模型中非常显著的特征就是观测到一个北西向的背斜。此外,微地震的分布也与研究区中活动断裂带的位置基本一致。 相似文献
天然地震层析成像相对于传统的反射地震方法而言是一种新的经济的勘探方法。这是由于天然地震层析成像所需的观测值直接来自于研究区下方发生的天然微地震,而反射地震却需要在研究区表面进行人工放炮。因此本工作是将天然地震层析成像方法应用于柴达木盆地西部某油田约100km2地区的深层构造的尝试性研究。626个地震事件的3289个P波到时的初步结果与研究区已知的大的构造吻合较好。该模型中非常显著的特征就是观测到一个北西向的背斜。此外,微地震的分布也与研究区中活动断裂带的位置基本一致。 相似文献
The use of spring water as a drinking, therapeutic, and ornamental resource has historical origins that date back to the Romans. The most ancient regulations on mineral waters had been enacted in Italy long before the union (1870). 相似文献
Significantly different estimates of seismic hazard may result for the same site as aneffect of different methodological choices underlying the adopted procedures. In orderto explore this aspect, two approaches devoted to probabilistic seismic hazard assessment are considered for the evaluation of hazard in a seismic area in Northern Italy. In particular, results of a standard procedure are compared with those obtained by an innovative approach. Fundamental features of this last methodology are the extensive use of intensity data relative to seismic effects observed at the site of interest during past earthquakes and the basic role attributed to the parameterisation of uncertainty which affects the considered pieces ofinformation. The analysis indicates that the new approach supplies results significantlydifferent from those obtained from standard methodology and that these differences strongly depend on strategies adopted for data processing and for the management of uncertainties which affect input parameters. 相似文献
In the recent structure of the Baikal Rift Zone, the Kichera Fault serves as the northwestern boundary of the Angara-Kichera aggradation depression. A seismotectonic scarp 60 m high was formed as a result of normal faulting during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The erosion-aggradation and seismic landforms testify to the nonuniform growth of this scarp. To study the character of the seismic activity in the Kichera Fault Zone, we excavated two trenches across the seismotectonic scarp. The Holocene stage of the seismotectonic activation within the fault zone and the preceding period of relative quiescence were outlined from the character of the deformations in the trench sections and previous geomorphic investigations. According to our preliminary estimations, the active stage that started at the end of the late Pleistocene and that has remained incomplete until now was accompanied by at least three rupture-forming earthquakes. 相似文献
This paper examines the morphotectonic and structural–geological characteristics of the Quaternary Martana Fault in the Umbria–Marche Apennines fold‐and‐thrust belt. This structure is more than 30 km long and comprises two segments: a N–NNW‐trending longer segment and a 100°N‐trending segment. After developing as a normal fault in Early Pleistocene times, the N–NNW Martana Fault segment experienced a phase of dextral faulting extending from the Early to Middle Pleistocene boundary until around 0.39 Ma, the absolute age of volcanics erupted in correspondence to releasing bends. The establishment of a stress field with a NE–ENE‐trending σ 3 axis and NW–NNW σ 1 axis in Late Pleistocene to Holocene times resulted in a strong component of sinistral faulting along N–NNW‐trending fault segments and almost pure normal faulting on newly formed NW–SE faults. Fresh fault scarps, the interaction of faulting with drainage systems and displacement of alluvial fan apexes provide evidence of the ongoing activity of this fault. The active left‐lateral kinematic along N–NNW‐trending fault segments is also revealed by the 1.8 m horizontal offset of the E–W‐trending Decumanus road, at the Roman town of Carsulae. We interpret the present‐day kinematics of the Martana Fault as consistent with a model connecting surface structures to the inferred north‐northwest trending lithospheric shear zone marking the western boundary of the Adria Plate. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
At Oricola (Aquila-Abruzzo, Italy) carbonatite is associated with phonolitic foidite tuff. The Oricola carbonatite contains fresh silicate glass of kamafugitic foidite composition which, compared with carbonate, shows similar trace element patterns but lower concentrations. As a whole, the mineralogy of the Oricola rocks matches that of the neighbouring Grotta del Cervo kamafugitic foidite and carbonatitic foidite and is in the range of the Intramountain Ultralkaline Province (IUP) of melilitites and carbonatites of Italy. The IUP carbonatites and kamafugitic foidites definitely form intra-outcrop conjugate pairs. All these co-eruptive rocks have parallel trace element patterns, namely REE, which implies a dilution–concentration relationship among them but always with higher contents in primary calcite. Based on current textural and compositional criteria, as well as comparable experimental data, we attribute this feature to liquid immiscibility dominant over crystal fractionation at crustal pressure. This relatively late immiscibility phenomenon is superimposed on co-magmatic features shown by inter-outcrop conjugate rock couples. In fact if we consider San Venanzo kamafugite and Polino Ca-carbonatite, or Grotta del Gervo kamafugite and Oricola Ca-carbonatite, we note couple by couple that they are chemical heteromorphs erupted in isolation in different place. The REE distribution is another distinctive feature of these couples and shows a marked crossover at MREE level. A fact we interpret as produced by near mantle-solidus immiscibility. After this early phenomenon the two members of the couple can erupt in a near primary state carrying mantle xenoliths or undergo some evolution including settling out mantle xenoliths and crystals and fractionation and finally exsolve a carbonatitic residuum by immiscibility. 相似文献
The locations and information about the sizes of 61 mud volcanoes on the Italian mainland and Sicily, plus an area of mud diapirism in the Italian Adriatic Sea, are presented. Data about the emission products are also provided. The majority of these mud volcanoes are found where thick sedimentary sequences occur within a zone of tectonic compression associated with local plate tectonic activity: the movement of the Adriatic microplate between the converging African and Eurasian plates. The principal gas emitted by these mud volcanoes is methane, which probably originates from deep within the sediments. Other mud volcanoes, associated with igneous volcanism, produce mainly carbon dioxide. The mud diapirs in the Adriatic Sea are thought to form as a result of the mobilization of shallow gassy sediments. It has been shown that radon emissions from mud volcanoes are indicators of forthcoming earthquake events. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper describes a multi‐proxy palaeoecological investigation undertaken in conjunction with an archaeological survey of the Upper Sangro Valley in the Abruzzo National Park, Central Italy. Despite being a biodiversity hotspot and regarded as a near‐pristine area, the pollen, spore and diatom data all show major changes in the vegetation extending to over 2000 m a.s.l. during the mid to late Holocene. Although there are changes in ecological composition earlier in the Holocene they are different in type and magnitude from the changes which began about 800 cal a BC. The pollen and diatom evidence do not correlate well with regional palaeoclimate data, or on‐site isotopic evidence, but do appear to be related to Samnite (later Iron Age) clearance and upland grazing associated with transhumance and later annexation (and centuriation) of the lower slopes by Roman surveyors. The greatest change in vegetation was during the period c. AD 500–600 and corresponds with the Byzantine–Gothic Wars, and Lombard–Carolingian settlement reorganization into nucleated hilltop settlements which managed upland grazing. This pattern of intensive land use at all altitudes persisted until the early 20th century and only changed following rural depopulation after World War II. These data illustrate how cultural factors had a profound effect on this mountainous region which, in this case, far outweighed the effects of climatic fluctuations which are known to have occurred from both this study area and the region. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献