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The use of lime to improve the properties of soft clays is not new. Recently the deep lime mixing technique has been extended to coastal regions for improving the behavior of weak marine clays. But lime treatment technique should be approached carefully for clay containing a high percentage of sodium sulphate. The presence of sulphate in lime-treated clays may result in high swelling due to the formation of the expansive mineral, ettringite. A limited study of lime-treated marine clays has shown a need to further explore the formation of ettringite and its stability with time. In this article, a laboratory investigation was carried out to examine the influence of sodium and calcium sulphates on the behavior of lime column treated marine clay. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to identify the formation of various reaction products, including ettringite. Test results indicate that the formation of ettringite in the lime-sodium sulphate-clay system adversely affects the engineering behavior of the marine clay, whereas the addition of calcium sulphate significantly improves the engineering characteristics of the soil.  相似文献   


Rapid industrial growth and increasing population has resulted in the discharge of wastes into the ocean, wastes which ultimately reach the seabed and contaminate the marine sediments. The soil-contaminants interaction, and their associated physico chemical properties with sediments control the behavior of marine clays. Marine clay deposits of low strength and high compressibility are located in many coastal and offshore areas. There are several foundation problems encountered in these weak marine clays. In this study, experimental work was carried out in the laboratory to stabilize soft marine clays using the lime column technique. Also the lime-induced effects on the physical and engineering behavior of marine clays in sulfate-contaminated marine environment was investigated. Consolidation tests indicate that compressibility of the lime-treated samples was reduced to 1/2–1/3 of the virgin soil after 45 days treatment. The test results also suggest that the lime column technique can be conveniently used to improve the behavior of contaminated marine clay deposits.  相似文献   

Rapid industrial growth and increasing population has resulted in the discharge of wastes into the ocean, wastes which ultimately reach the seabed and contaminate the marine sediments. The soil-contaminants interaction, and their associated physico chemical properties with sediments control the behavior of marine clays. Marine clay deposits of low strength and high compressibility are located in many coastal and offshore areas. There are several foundation problems encountered in these weak marine clays. In this study, experimental work was carried out in the laboratory to stabilize soft marine clays using the lime column technique. Also the lime-induced effects on the physical and engineering behavior of marine clays in sulfate-contaminated marine environment was investigated. Consolidation tests indicate that compressibility of the lime-treated samples was reduced to 1/2-1/3 of the virgin soil after 45 days treatment. The test results also suggest that the lime column technique can be conveniently used to improve the behavior of contaminated marine clay deposits.  相似文献   

Dredged or excavated soft marine clay can be improved by mixing it with cement or lime. However, these treatments are usually expensive. It is shown in this paper that soft marine clay can be strengthened through a bioencapsulation method in which the shear strength of clay aggregates can be substantially increased after the aggregates are treated with urease-producing bacteria, calcium chloride, and urea. We found that the bioencapsulation had increased the unconfined compressive strength of marine clay aggregates with a size of 5 mm from almost zero to more than 2 MPa. The strength of the bioencapsulated clay aggregates decreases with the increase in the size of the aggregate when the size is greater than 5 mm.  相似文献   

The present article discusses the stress–strain behavior and critical state parameters of the dredged Chennai marine clay stabilized with low cement content (2.5–10%). A series of one-dimensional consolidation tests and consolidated undrained tri-axial tests are performed on the cement stabilized dredged Chennai marine clay to evaluate the critical state parameters (λ, κ, M, Г, N) for varying cement contents and curing days. The results show that the slope of the critical state line M increases with an increase in the cement content. The parameter λ for the treated marine clay increases up to a cement content of 7.5% followed by a reduction. The parameter κ decreases with the addition of cement content. Finally, empirical formulations are proposed to predict the critical state parameters as the functions of the cement's contents and curing days.  相似文献   

The results of one-dimensional compression tests conducted on undisturbed specimens of Jiangsu soft marine clay is presented. Because of its high in situ void ratios and natural water content, Jiangsu soft marine clay displays high values of both the virgin compression index, Cc, and the secondary compression coefficient, Cα. The laboratory data indicates that the value of the ratio Cα/Cc for Jiangsu soft marine clay is constant. However, neither Cα nor Cc are constant: they both depend upon the natural water content (or void ratio) and thus are also dependent on the deformation (or compression) of Jiangsu soft marine clay. Settlement analyses show that the secondary settlement of Jiangsu soft marine clay is a significant component of the field settlement. The concept of a constant value for Cα/Cc is used to predict the secondary settlement of a surcharged embankment founded upon Jiangsu soft marine clay. The predictions are in agreement with the limited post-construction field measurements of the embankment settlement.  相似文献   

In this article, the mechanical behavior of a Jiangsu marine clay was investigated by drained triaxial tests, traixial rheological tests, and one-dimensional compression and swelling tests. A visco-plastic model, the Bingham model combining two yield surfaces model, was proposed to describe the time-dependent deformation behaviors of the marine clay. The governing equation of Biot's consolidation theory for the visco-plastic soil is solved using a finite element code which incorporates the visco-plastic model. Using the finite element method, settlements of a typical embankment on the Lianxu expressway in China are calculated. Settlement calculations using the visco-plastic model are in agreement with the measured settlements in the field. The results demonstrate that the visco-plastic model is appropriate for calculating the visco-plastic deformations of Jiangsu marine clay. Theoretical and experimental studies show that the visco-plastic deformation of Jiangsu marine clay is substantial.  相似文献   

Degradation in Cemented Marine Clay Subjected to Cyclic Compressive Loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of cyclic loading on the strength and deformation behavior of cemented marine clay has been studied. This marine clay is of recent Pleistocene origin and deposited in a shallow water marine environment. Open pits were dug in sheeted enclosures and from these pits, undisturbed samples were taken for strength testing. A series of standard triaxial shear tests and stress controlled one-way cyclic load tests were conducted at consolidation stress ranges below and above the preconsolidation pressure. For the stress levels below the preconsolidation pressure, the cyclic loading has brought about the collapse of the cementation bond through an increase in strains, and at higher pressure ranges, the soil behaves like typical soft clay. This experiment studied the rate of development of strain and pore water pressure and shows that rate is a function of number of cycles, applied stress, and stress history. In addition, soil degradation during cyclic loading is studied in terms of Degradation Index. Attempt has been made to predict stain, pore water pressure, and degradation index through an empirical model.  相似文献   

Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and one of the major metropolitan areas in the world, cleaned one of its environmentally polluted areas—Golden Horn—by dredging 5 million m3 of the bottom sediments and pumping the resulting sludge to a storage area behind a dam built at an abandoned rock quarry site in Alibey district. The reclamation of the land that formed over the storage area of Golden Horn dredged material is socially and economically very desirable. In this paper, results from experimental studies that are focused on determining the shear strength behavior of the dredge material and undisturbed soil are presented. Slurry consolidometer test, large model tests and small model tests are used to consolidate the dredged soil samples from Halic to simulate the natural consolidation behavior of these soils. Shear strength parameters are determined by laboratory vane tests; unconfined compression tests; undrained-unconsolidated (UU) and consolidated-undrained (CU) triaxial tests on samples that are obtained through in situ undisturbed samples and laboratory model tank and slurry consolidation. Moreover, the effects of fly ash and lime additives on the undrained shear strength were determined by mixing the materials with the dredged clay from Golden Horn during the model experiments conducted in the laboratory. Based on these findings, equations are proposed that govern the relationships between undrained shear strength and water content value.  相似文献   

Clay mineral composition and geotechnical index properties of marine clays collected from Singapore, Korea, and Japan were investigated, and the correlation of clay mineral composition with the consistency limits and activity of the clays was examined. Predominant clay minerals were kaolinite for Singapore clay, kaolinite, vermiculite, and illite for Pusan clay, and smectite for Hachirogata and Ariake clay from Japan. The activity of clay indicates that Singapore clay is classified as normal or inactive, Pusan clay as normal, and Hachirogata and Ariake clays mostly as active. Significant positive correlations were found between smectite percentage in bulk soil and the liquid and plastic limits of the clays.  相似文献   

Clay mineral composition and geotechnical index properties of marine clays collected from Singapore, Korea, and Japan were investigated, and the correlation of clay mineral composition with the consistency limits and activity of the clays was examined. Predominant clay minerals were kaolinite for Singapore clay, kaolinite, vermiculite, and illite for Pusan clay, and smectite for Hachirogata and Ariake clay from Japan. The activity of clay indicates that Singapore clay is classified as normal or inactive, Pusan clay as normal, and Hachirogata and Ariake clays mostly as active. Significant positive correlations were found between smectite percentage in bulk soil and the liquid and plastic limits of the clays.  相似文献   

The change in strength and deformation behavior of a typical marine clay deposit formed under shallow water is presented and discussed for the conditions of changing water table. This is a costal marine clay deposit with moderate carbonates along the east coast of India. The soil samples were taken from tidal flats where the sea had receded some time back, and the behavior of this deposit had been studied for the conditions of 1976, with high water table, and for the conditions of 2001, with depleted water table. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from sheeted open test pits. Standard consolidation and triaxial shear tests were conducted. Consolidation tests conducted on the samples taken for 1976 conditions with high water contents indicate that cementation effect are erased out under moderate stresses. Beyond this stress range, it behaves like soft, normally consolidated clay. In contrast, the results obtained from samples taken during 2001, with depleted water table, clearly indicate that the soil behaves like an over-consolidated one, and the improvement in the system is due to the chemical bonding and desiccation.  相似文献   

A very soft ground constructed by dredging and hydraulic fill has characteristics such as high water content, high initial void ratio, and very little effective stress. Estimating, with thorough considerations about consolidation properties and the initial stress associated with each layer's distinctive stress history, is essential in order to predict a reasonable consolidation settlement of soft ground. By investigating a construction project for national industrial complexes at a coastal area in southern Korea that experienced reclamation and ground improvement adapting PVD, various laboratory tests to find consolidation properties were performed with undisturbed samples collected from the entire depth of the marine clay fill layer and original clay layer. Through the investigation, this report suggests relationships of heterogeneity of permeability in both vertical and horizontal directions, void ratio-effective stress, and void ratio-permeability. Considering the fact that the original clay layer was under the process of consolidation by load due to hydraulic fill from the top, estimating the appropriate initial stress of each layer is critical to predict the future process of consolidation settlement determined by time. In order to obtain the initial stresses of two layers with different stress histories related to consolidation, cone penetration and dissipation tests were conducted.  相似文献   

Two aspects of deep mixing method, the difference relating strength gain in dry jet mixing (DJM, reagent powder introduced into the ground) and cement deep mixing (CDM, reagent slurry introduced into the ground), and prediction of unconfined compressive strength of cement stabilized marine clay, are discussed in this paper. The first part of this paper concentrates on the difference between DJM and CDM on strength gain, and suggests a guideline for DJM and CDM selection. An indicator in terms of water content ratio, which is defined as the ratio of water content to the liquid limit of the soil, is presented by statistical analysis from the laboratory and field test data as a guideline for the selection of DJM or CDM. Based on the laboratory test data, a mathematical model relating strength gain of cement stabilized marine clay to related variables is developed. A new simple index designated as total water-cement ratio, which is defined as the ratio of water weight in the soil-cement to the weight of cement in dry state, is proposed for interpretation of test data of soil-cement. The proposed method is then verified with available test data published by other different researchers.  相似文献   

Two aspects of deep mixing method, the difference relating strength gain in dry jet mixing (DJM, reagent powder introduced into the ground) and cement deep mixing (CDM, reagent slurry introduced into the ground), and prediction of unconfined compressive strength of cement stabilized marine clay, are discussed in this paper. The first part of this paper concentrates on the difference between DJM and CDM on strength gain, and suggests a guideline for DJM and CDM selection. An indicator in terms of water content ratio, which is defined as the ratio of water content to the liquid limit of the soil, is presented by statistical analysis from the laboratory and field test data as a guideline for the selection of DJM or CDM. Based on the laboratory test data, a mathematical model relating strength gain of cement stabilized marine clay to related variables is developed. A new simple index designated as total water-cement ratio, which is defined as the ratio of water weight in the soil-cement to the weight of cement in dry state, is proposed for interpretation of test data of soil-cement. The proposed method is then verified with available test data published by other different researchers.  相似文献   

将水泥土和周围土体作为研究对象,利用室内化学分析试验得到了离子浓度的时空分布规律,并从腐蚀离子干预水化反应进程和分解水化产物两个过程揭示了海相软土场地水泥土劣化机理。Ca^2+由水泥土向土体中扩散,Mg^2+、SO42^-及Cl^-从土体向水泥土扩散;随着水化反应的进行,Ca^2+不断生成,水泥土中足够多的Ca^2+是保证水化反应进行并维持水化产物稳定的必要条件,Ca^2+不断向土体扩散是水泥土劣化的原因之一;水泥土内部的SO42^-及Cl^-在浓度较低(分别低于9和15 g/L)时有利于水泥土强度的提高,浓度较高时则导致水泥土发生胀裂;水泥土中Mg^2+的存在会阻碍水化产物的生成并分解水化产物,但浓度较低(低于3 g/L)时,影响不明显;土体中Mg^2+、SO42^-及Cl^-浓度高于水泥土中的浓度,在水泥土表层与水化产物反应生成胶结性差及膨胀性高的物质,促使水泥土劣化。  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the long-term consolidation and strength behavior with fly ash as an additive in improving soft marine clay in Wando, Korea. 0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 25% of the soil was replaced with fly ash. Consolidation tests were performed as incremental loaded tests. In addition, unconfined compressive strength were determined after 1, 14, 28 and 90 days. A series of forty-two long-term consolidation tests that lasted for 60 days under the constant loading were also conducted. Creep settlements of the blends decreased significantly with an increase in fly ash content. The shear strength properties increased with an increase in fly ash content. Statistical evaluation reveals an excellent correlation between the measured and predicted undrained shear strengths.  相似文献   

Most offshore and coastal structures are supported by pile foundations, which are subjected to large lateral loads due to wind, wave, and water currents. Water currents can induce scouring around piles that reduces lateral capacity and increases lateral deflection of a pile. Current design methods mostly consider the complete removal of soil layers around piles by scouring. In reality, however, scouring creates scour holes at different shapes, sizes, and depths. Their effects on the behavior of laterally loaded piles are not well investigated. A numerical model of a single pile in soft marine clay was first calibrated against field test data without scour. Then several key factors of scour were analyzed, such as the depth, width, and slope of the scour hole and the diameter and head fixity of the pile. The relationships of the ultimate lateral capacity of the single pile with the depth, width, and slope angle of the scour hole were obtained. The numerical results show that the scour depth had more significant influence on the pile lateral capacity than the scour width. In addition, the pile with a free head was more sensitive to scour than the pile with a fixed head.  相似文献   

The use of the piezocone penetration test (CPTU) in a geotechnical site investigation offers direct field measurement on stratigraphy and soil behavior. Compared with some traditional investigation methods, such as drilling, sampling and field inspecting method or laboratory test procedures, CPTU can greatly accelerate the field work and hereby reduce corresponding operation cost. The undrained shear strength is a key parameter in estimation of the stability of natural slopes and deformation of embankments in soft clays. This paper provides the measurements of in situ CPTU, field vane testing and laboratory undrained triaxial testing of Lianyungang marine clay in Jiangsu province of China. Based on the literature review of previous interpretation methods, this paper presents a comparison of field vane testing measurements to CPTU interpretation results. The undrained shear strength values from both the field vane tests and cone penetration resistances are lowest at the mid-depths of the marine clay layers, and the excess pore water pressures are highest at the mid-depths of the marine clay layers, indicating that the marine clay layer is underconsolidated.  相似文献   

The process of adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine algae with the existence of clay was investigated. It can be noted from the results that, after mixing with clay, the adsorption rate increases rapidly with the increasing amount of the marine algae. When pH=5, the best ratio between the clay and the marine algae is 1:4 for Pb^2+. The result of in situ handling of the waste water containing heavy metals shows that the average adsorption rates of heavy metal irons Cu^2+, Cd^2+, Pb^2+ and Ni^2+ are all over 70 %.  相似文献   

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