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Antifouling herbicides in the coastal waters of western Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residue analyses of some antifouling herbicides (Diuron, Irgarol 1051 and the latter's degradation product M1, which is also known as GS26575), were conducted in waters collected along the coast of western Japan. In total, 142 water samples were collected from fishery harbours (99 sites), marinas (27 sites), and small ports (16 sites) around the Seto Inland Sea, the Kii Peninsula, and Lake Biwa, in August 1999. A urea-based herbicide, Diuron, was positively identified for the first time in Japanese aquatic environments. Diuron was detected in 121 samples (86%) up to a highest concentration of 3.05 microg/l, and was found in 86% of samples from fishery harbours, 89% from marinas, and 75% from ports. Four freshwater samples out of 11 collected at Lake Biwa contained Diuron. Neither Irgarol 1051 nor M1 was found in the lake waters, but both were found in many coastal waters. Irgarol 1051 was found in 84 samples (60%) at a highest concentration of 0.262 microg/l. The concentrations detected were of similar magnitude to those in our previous surveys, taken in 1997 and 1998. M1 was found in 40 samples (28%) up to a highest concentration of 0.080 microg/l. The concentrations detected were generally lower than those found in our previous surveys. The detection frequency among fishery harbours, marinas, and ports was 57-70% for Irgarol 1051 and 25-30% for M1. Ninety-five per cent of the coastal waters in which M1 was detected also contained Irgarol 1051, and 93% of the samples in which Irgarol 1051 was detected also contained Diuron. These results clearly suggest that commercial ship-bottom paints containing both Diuron and Irgarol 1051 are used extensively in the survey area.  相似文献   

A fiber extraction technique is used to concentrate Ra and Th isotopes from 1000 liters or more of seawater. Natural226Ra and234Th are used as yield tracers. In the equatorial Pacific the228Ra activity of surface water varies from 20 to 1 dpm/1000 kg and generally decreases away from continental shelf areas. Across the Peru Current System, this decrease is modeled as one-dimensional diffusion and indicates the possibility of two flow regimes with distinct characteristic mixing lengths and apparent eddy diffusivities of 105 and 107 cm2/s. The perturbing effects of advection and equatorial upwelling west of the Galapagos Islands are noted. Off the coast of Southern California a vertical228Ra distribution gives an apparent diffusivity of 1.6 cm2/s for the upper thermocline.226Ra concentrations near the coast appear to be higher than the open ocean values at comparable depths, which may reflect supply of this isotope from continental shelf sediments and/or upwelling. The insoluble daughter/soluble parent activity ratios228Th/228Ra and234Th/238U in the equatorial Pacific surface water display latitudinal trends which may be correlated with productivity variations. Near the coast of California these ratios reflect the differing oceanographic conditions north and south of Pt. Conception indicating a mean chemical removal time constant on the order of 4 months for Th and other highly reactive elements within the Southern California Bight. The232Th content of seawater sampled is less than 0.1 μg/1000 1; most of the published values for seawater232Th could well be too high. A comparison of the two methods of determining228Ra (via228Ac and via228Th) made on 64 seawater samples shows that the time delay required by the228Th method is more than compensated by its better analytical simplicity and precision.  相似文献   

Most assessments of fish contamination in Southern California use ecologically different species from different sites. Use of ecologically similar species (a guild) might provide better assessments of fish contamination across different sites and depths. In July-August 1997, we collected samples of four sanddab guild species at 22 sites where species pairs co-occurred and determined total DDT concentrations in homogenized whole fish composites. Log-transformed DDT concentrations were highly correlated among all species pairs within this guild. All relationships were linear over the range observed, with slopes not statistically different from unity. The variability in response among species was about four times the variability encountered among replicates within species, but 15 times smaller than the variability among sites. Together, these results suggest that the sanddab guild, widespread on soft bottoms of the Southern California coastal shelf, can be used as a "superspecies" in bathymetrically diverse regional assessments of fish tissue contamination.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and organochlorine pesticides, e.g. the isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), p,p’-dichiorodiphenyitrichloroethane (DDT) and its primary metabolites DDE and DDD was investigated in surface sediments (0–2 cm) and sediment cores (0–45 cm) from the western Baltic Sea and the coastal waters of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Sediment sampling was carried out in the Belt Sea, the Arkona Basin, the Pomeranian Bight and in almost all Bodden and Haff areas of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in autumn 1993 and 1994. The highest concentrations of PCB and DDT compounds, measured in the innercoastal waters, reached 214 ng g-1 dry weight (d. w.). The values of HCH isomers ranged between 0.01 and 2.9 ng g-1 d.w., the highest levels being those of Β-HCH. Levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons, which varied depending on the sediment properties, indicated increased riverine inputs (Oder, Peene, and Uecker). Elevated levels in the Oderhaff and Peenestrom characterize that area as a sink and, due to remobilization of the upper sediment layer (fluffy layer) into the pelagic, also as a source of organic contaminants. Input from agriculture and industrial point sources (shipyards, shipbuilding) was observed in the coastal waters. The homogeneous PCB and DDT distribution (TOC standardization) observed in the surface sediments of some areas in the western Baltic indicates high sediment dynamics. This is supported by the results of sediment core analyses which showed a constant PCB and DDT distribution down to a depth of 15 to 20 cm.
Polychlorierte Biphenyle (PCB) und Organochlorpestizide im Sediment der Ostsee und der Küsten-gew?sser Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns
Zusammenfassung Die Verteilungen von polychlorierten Biphenylen (PCB) und Organochlorpestiziden (DDT, HCH und HCB) wurden in Oberfl?chensedimenten (0–2 cm) und in Sedimentkernen (0–45 cm) der westlichen Ostsee und der Küstengew?sser Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns untersucht. Die Sedimentprobenahme erfolgte in der Beltsee, der Arkonasee, der Pommerschen Bucht und in nahezu allen Bodden-und Haffgew?ssern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns im Herbst 1994 und 1995. Die h?chsten Konzentrationen wurden für die PCB-und DDT-Verbindungen bis 214 ng g-1 Trockenmasse (TM) in den Küstengew?ssern gemessen. Für die HCH-Isomeren lagen die Werte zwischen 0,01 und 2,9 ng g-1 TM, mit h?chsten Konzentrationen für das Β-HCH. Die Werte der chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffe (CKW) variieren nach der Sedimentbeschaffenheit und weisen auf erh?hte Eintr?ge über die Flu\systeme (Oder und Peene) hin. Die h?heren Konzentrationen in den Bodden-und Haffgew?ssern charakterisieren diese Gebiete als Senke und durch erneute Mobilisierung der oberen Sedimentschicht in das Pelagial auch als Quelle für die organischen Schadstoffe. Insbesondere konnten die Eintr?ge aus der Landwirtschaft und aus industriellen Punktquellen (Werftstandorte, Schiffbau) in den Küstengew?ssern festgestellt werden. Die nahezu homogene PCB-und DDT-Verteilung im Oberfl?chensediment der westlichen Ostsee ist ein Hinweis auf die hohe Sedimentdynamik in diesem Gebiet. Dieses wird durch die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen an Sedimentkernen unterstützt, die eine konstante PCB-und DDT-Verteilung bis zu einer Tiefe von 15 bis 20 cm zeigten.

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,70(1-2):189-194
Irgarol 1051 is a common antifouling biocide and is highly toxic to non-target plant species at low ng/L concentrations. We measured up to 254 ng/L Irgarol in water and up to 9 ng/g dry weight Irgarol in sediments from Southern California recreational marinas. Irgarol’s metabolite, M1, concentrations were up to 62 ng/L in water and 5 ng/g dry weight in sediments. Another antifouling biocide, diuron, reached up to 68 ng/L in water and 4 ng/g dry weight in sediments. The maximum Irgarol concentrations in water were greater than the Irgarol concentration recommended as the plant toxicity benchmark (136 ng/L), suggesting that Irgarol concentrations may be high enough to cause changes in phytoplankton communities in the sampled marinas. Irgarol concentrations measured in sediments were greater than calculated Environmental Risk Limits (ERLs) for Irgarol in sediments (1.4 ng/g). Antifouling pesticide accumulation in sediments may present a potential undetermined risk for benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Munitions are now widely distributed throughout the coastal waters of the British Isles following accidental losses or deliberate dumping in the past. Substantial quantities have been discovered by the general public, and occasional injuries or fatalities have resulted from the improper handling of a small proportion found in dangerous condition.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distributions of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was studied in the East-Frisian Wadden Sea (Southern North Sea) during several cruises between 2002 and 2005. The spatial distribution of CDOM in the German Bight shows a strong gradient towards the coast. Tidal and seasonal variations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) identify freshwater discharge via flood-gates at the coastline and pore water efflux from tidal flat sediments as the most important CDOM sources within the backbarrier area of the Island of Spiekeroog. However, the amount and pattern of CDOM and DOC is strongly affected by various parameters, e.g. changes in the amount of terrestrial run-off, precipitation, evaporation, biological activity and photooxidation. A decoupling of CDOM and DOC, especially during periods of pronounced biological activity (algae blooms and microbial activity), is observed in spring and especially in summer. Mixing of the endmembers freshwater, pore water, and open sea water results in the formation of a coastal transition zone. Whilst an almost conservative behaviour during mixing is observed in winter, summer data point towards non-conservative mixing.  相似文献   

The occurrence and concentration of the fuel additive methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) were measured in dry weather runoff, municipal wastewater and industrial effluents, and coastal receiving waters in southern California. Combined, refineries and sewage treatment plants release approximately 214 kg day(-1) of MTBE into the marine environment, with Santa Monica Bay receiving most (98%) of this discharge. Dry weather urban runoff was analysed for samples collected from 25 streams and rivers, and accounted for less than 0.5% of the mass of MTBE discharged to coastal waters. Receiving water samples were collected from 23 stations in Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Harbour and Mission Bay or San Diego Bay. MTBE was detected at low concentrations near effluent discharges, however there was no evidence of baywide MTBE contamination related to these outfalls. Marinas and areas used intensively for recreational boating had the highest average MTBE concentration (8.8 microg l(-1)). Surface water contamination was most widespread in San Diego Bay and Mission Bay, areas with no refinery or sewage treatment plant inputs.  相似文献   

This study introduces an innovative method for biomonitoring using giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) sieve tube sap (STS) metal concentrations as an indication of pollution influence. STS was sampled from fronds collected from 10 southern California locations, including two reference sites on Santa Catalina Island. Using ICP-MS methodology, STS concentrations of 17 different metals were measured (n = 495). Several metals associated with pollution showed the highest STS concentrations and most seasonal variation from populations inside the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach. Lowest concentrations were measured at less-urbanized areas: Santa Catalina Island and Malibu. Some metals showed a spatial gradient in STS metal concentration with increasing distance from point sources (i.e. Los Angeles River). Cluster analyses indicate that polluted seawater may affect kelp uptake of metals essential for cellular function. Results show that this method can be useful in describing bioavailable metal pollution with implications for accumulation within an important ecosystem.  相似文献   

Patchiness or spatial variability is ubiquitous in marine systems. With increasing anthropogenic impacts to coastal resources and coastal systems being disproportionately large contributors to ocean productivity, identifying the spatial scales of this patchiness, particularly in coastal waters, is of critical importance to understand coastal ecosystem dynamics. The current work focuses on fine scale structure in three coastal regions. More specifically, we utilize variogram analyses to identify sub-kilometer scales of variability in biological and physical parameters measured by an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Monterey Bay, and in San Luis Obispo Bay between 2001 and 2004. Critical scales of variability in density, turbidity, fluorescence, and bioluminescence are examined as a function of depth and distance offshore. Furthermore, the effects of undersampling are assessed using predictive error analysis. Results indicate the presence of scales of variability ranging from 10s to 100s of meters and provide valuable insight for sampling design and resource allocation for future studies.  相似文献   

Darbyshire  Mollie 《Ocean Dynamics》1962,15(6):256-264
Ocean Dynamics - Wave records obtained from the Smith's Knoll and Morecambe Bay light vessels are used to obtain relationships between wind speed and wave height and period in shallow water...  相似文献   

The California Current System (CCS) is an eastern boundary upwelling system characterized by strong eddies that are often generated at the coast. These eddies contribute to intense, long-distance cross-shelf transport of upwelled water with enhanced biological activity. However, the mechanisms of formation of such coastal eddies, and more importantly their capacity to trap and transport tracers, are poorly understood. Their unpredictability and strong dynamics leave us with an incomplete picture of the physical and biological processes at work, their effects on coastal export, lateral water exchange among eddies and their surrounding waters, and how long and how far these eddies remain coherent structures. Focusing our analysis on the southern part of the CCS, we find a predominance of cyclonic eddies, with a 25-km radius and a SSH amplitude of 6 cm. They are formed near shore and travel slightly northwest offshore for ~?190 days at ~?2 km day?1. We then study one particular, representative cyclonic eddy using a combined Lagrangian and Eulerian numerical approach to characterize its kinematics. Formed near shore, this eddy trapped a core made up of ~?67% California Current waters and ~?33% California Undercurrent waters. This core was surrounded by other waters while the eddy detached from the coast, leaving the oldest waters at the eddy’s core and the younger waters toward the edge. The eddy traveled several months as a coherent structure, with only limited lateral exchange within the eddy.  相似文献   

Morpho-physiological and biochemical parameters were determined in Scorpion fish Scorpaena porcus L. from two bays in the area of Sevastopol, which experience a high anthropogenic load. The effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on the size, weight, and age composition, as well as on the sex ratio of the fish from both populations, was studied. The relationships between the concentrations of chlororganic substances in the water of the bays, their accumulation in the liver and gonads of the fish, the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the blood, and the fractional composition of serum proteins were determined. A possibility for the use of the Scorpion fish as a indicator species for the biomonitoring and assessment of the environmental conditions in the coastal waters of the Black Sea was considered.Translated from Vodnye Resursy, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2005, pp. 238–246.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Rudneva, Shevchenko, Zalevskaya, Zherko.  相似文献   

Chlorination of sea water used as cooling and feed water in the combined desalination-power plants of Kuwait leads to the formation of appreciable quantities of halomethanes. Significant concentrations of these compounds (up to 90 μg l−1 as total haloforms) are present in the sea in the immediate vicinity of the out-falls from these plants. Beyond the point of discharge, the distributions of these compounds are consistent with the hydrography of the area, concentrations falling to below the detection limit (0.1 μg l−1) within a few kilometres as a result of mixing and evaporation. Bromoform generally accounts for 95% of the total halomethanes, almost all of the remainder being dibromochloromethane.  相似文献   

Estimates have been made of the reduction in dissolved oxygen levels in coastal waters that would result from the disposal of contaminated milk following a radiological accident. Two contrasting sites were chosen: the Bristol Channel near Hinkley Point and the coast of Cumbria near Sellafield. The results suggest that the dilution would be sufficiently strong near Hinkley Point, due to vigorous tidal mixing, that the impact on the DO levels of the coastal waters would be negligible. However, at both Sellafield and Heysham the disposal of milk could result in a reduction of the DO by 1-2 mg l(-1). In contrast to shallow estuarine waters, the recovery of oxygen levels due to the effects of re-aeration through surface gas exchange is unlikely to be significant due to the depth of the coastal waters. However, the recovery of the dissolved oxygen levels to ambient conditions following the completion of the discharge would occur on a time scale of about 17 days due to mixing of the DO deficit plume into the surrounding waters.  相似文献   

The safe discharge of wastes into the sea depends upon achieving adequate dilution of the effluent, otherwise inshore biological reserves may be damaged. Water in the north-east Irish Sea can be identified because of its content of radioactive caesium emanating from the Windscale nuclear fuel processing plant. A survey shows how closely this water hugs the coasts as it travels across the Irish Sea and along the west and north coasts of Scotland. Inshore waters receive almost all our effluents and this report suggests that the dilution capacity of the sea may be far less than is supposed.  相似文献   

In the yachting sector of the UK antifouling market, organic biocides are commonly added to antifouling preparations to boost performance. Few data presently exist for concentrations of these compounds in UK waters. In this study the concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) and eight booster biocides were measured before and during the 1998 yachting season. The Crouch Estuary, Essex, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth and Southampton Water were chosen as representative study sites for comparison with previous surveys of TBT concentrations. Diuron and Irgarol 1051 were the only organic booster biocides found at concentrations above the limits of detection. Diuron was measured at the highest concentrations, whilst detectable concentrations of both Irgarol 1051 and diuron were determined in areas of high yachting activity (e.g. mooring areas and marinas). Maximum measured values were 1,421 and 6,740 ng/l, respectively. Lower concentrations of both compounds were found in open estuarine areas, although non-antifouling contributions of diuron may contribute to the overall inputs to estuarine systems. TBT was found to be below or near the environmental quality standard (EQS) of 2 ng/l for all samples collected from estuarine areas frequented by pleasure craft alone, but with much higher concentrations measured in some marinas, harbours and in areas frequented by large commercial vessels. Using the limited published environmental fate and toxicity data available for antifouling booster biocides, a comparative assessment to evaluate the risk posed by these compounds to the aquatic environment is described. TBT still exceeds risk quotients by the greatest margins, but widespread effects due to Irgarol 1051 and less so diuron cannot be ruled out (particularly if use patterns change) and more information is required to provide a robust risk assessment.  相似文献   

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