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年轻脉冲星多处于超新星遗迹(Supernova Remnant, SNR)中, 其分为转动供能脉冲星(Rotation-powered SNR-PSR)、磁星(Magnetar)和中心致密天体(Central Compact Object, CCO), 这3类年轻脉冲星有着不同的自旋周期及磁场强度分布. % 其中, 遗迹磁星(SNR-Magnetar)的平均自旋周期比转动供能遗迹脉冲星大近一个量级, 平均磁场强度高近两个量级. % 同时, 中心致密天体比转动供能遗迹脉冲星的平均磁场强度低近两个量级. % 这3类年轻脉冲星不同的物理性质, 可能源于其不同的前身星或不同的超新星爆发过程, 也可能源于其中子星诞生后的不同演化过程. % 此外, 转动供能遗迹脉冲星比年轻的转动供能非遗迹脉冲星具有更快的平均自旋周期、更大的平均磁场强度和更短的平均特征年龄. % 这暗示新诞生的中子星经时间约为$10^5$--$10^6$yr的演化过程, 其自旋速度将减小近一半, 同时其磁场强度也将衰减近一半.  相似文献   

为了解释间歇脉冲星PSR B1931+24在射电噪比射电宁静状态下更大的自转减慢率和模拟蟹状星云脉冲星的自转演化,建立同时考虑了具有不同加速电势的核区和环区的环加速间隙下的星风制动模型.其中对于PSR B1931+24通过计算得到它的磁场强度和磁倾角,并且预言了其理论制动指数.对于蟹状星云脉冲星,通过计算得到它的磁场强度和磁倾角,还计算得到其制动指数随周期的演化和它在周期-周期导数图上的自转演化.相比于真空加速间隙、外加速间隙等,环加速间隙也同样能够适用于星风制动模型.  相似文献   

来自脉冲星辐射束的中心和外围的成份一般分别称之为核成份和锥成份.前人研究发现脉冲星的核成份与锥成份的宽度之间有很好的0.7倍比例关系,并将此写入教科书.收集整理了33颗核、锥成份非常明显的脉冲星的观测数据,对这些脉冲星的积分脉冲轮廓进行高斯拟合和成份分离,从而得到核、锥成份的宽度及误差.分析了三峰和五峰脉冲星的核锥成份,发现核锥脉冲星其核和锥成份的宽度在统计上没有明显差别,并不存在前人发现的0.7倍的比例关系.  相似文献   

利用南山基地25 m射电望远镜在1.54 GHz频段对脉冲星PSRJ0034-0721强单个脉冲进行了观测.使用单脉冲探测方法,从1 h观测数据中探测到116个信噪比R_(SN)N≥5的单个脉冲信号.在1.54 GHz频段探测到的单个脉冲R_(SN)从5到10.5,峰值流量约是平均脉冲峰值流量的14~29倍,远小于典型巨脉冲强度与其平均脉冲强度的比.这些脉冲的强度累积分布基本符合幂律谱,拟合得到谱指数α=-4.3±0.4.本次观测对R_(SN)≥5的单个脉冲探测率为3%,对R_(SN)≥10的单个脉冲探测率约为0.08%.这些脉冲的半峰线宽(W_(50))从1.6到8 ms,平均为3.9 ms.探测到的绝大多数强单脉冲发射相位集中分布在平均脉冲轮廓的峰值相位处,但也探测到两个R_(SN)8.5的强脉冲相位提前平均脉冲轮廓峰值相位33 ms左右,表明强脉冲发射区可能有两个,符合前人在40 MHz和111 MHz频段的观测结果,但1.54 GHz频段的平均脉冲轮廓只显示一个成份.  相似文献   

统计分析了目前发现的几种脉冲星的自转周期和表面磁场以及空间的分布情况,揭示出毫秒脉冲星比普通射电脉冲星、LMXB(低质量X射线双星)比HMXB(高质量X射线双星)的空间分布要更加弥散;孤立毫秒脉冲星自转周期分布的峰值为4.7 ms,而普通脉冲星的相应值为0.6 s,双星中毫秒脉冲星这一值为3.5 ms; FERMI脉冲...  相似文献   

讨论了产生脉冲星标准脉冲轮廓的重要性.在分析经典脉冲轮廓生成方法的基础上,提出了基于小波模极大值相关处理的脉冲轮廓累加方法.首先将观测数据按周期分组,分别进行小波分解,生成粗尺度上以脉峰为特征点的小波系数;然后,选择某组高信噪比信号的系数为参考数据,分别与其它各组变换系数进行相关,确定脉峰的相对时延.最后,对分组的原始观测数据按此相对时延量进行累加,生成脉冲轮廓.观测信号可先通过背景噪声估计和平滑处理而得到信噪比较高的归一化标准轮廓.实例分析以及与模板相关法的比较结果表明:该方法简单而有效,不需要设计近似模板,且对噪声类型不敏感,具有较高的工程应用价值.  相似文献   

探讨了认为中心致密天体(CCO)起源于双星的可能性.首先, CCO与正常遗迹脉冲星有着相似的平均自旋周期,但CCO的平均表面磁场强度(B~5.4×10~(10)Gs)低于正常遗迹脉冲星(B~7.7×10~(12)Gs)~2个量级.同时,几乎所有的正常遗迹脉冲星均分布在爱丁顿吸积加速线以上,而CCO全部分布在自旋加速线以下.因此怀疑CCO可能起源于双星吸积加速过程.其次,基于中子星再加速理论,分析了CCO可能的双星演化过程:双星系统中, CCO以M~1017g·s~(-1)的吸积率,经过~106yr的时间共吸积△M~10~(-2)M⊙的物质,其自旋周期将会从P~10 s降低至P~0.1 s,表面磁场强度将会从B~10~(12)Gs降低至B~1010Gs.考虑到~106yr的演化时标远大于CCO遗迹的年龄(~0.3–7 kyr),猜想CCO可能是双星系统中第1颗恒星超新星爆发的产物,而第2颗恒星超新星爆发后双星解体,留下CCO和第2颗恒星的超新星遗迹.该模型预言在CCO附近可能存在一颗年轻的正常脉冲星(P~0.02 s, B~1012Gs),并期望未来的射电望远镜和高能探测器能够进行搜寻.  相似文献   

研究了高斯辐射成分在可视点所画出轨迹上的分布,这个可视点因脉冲星的转动而作非匀速度运动.通过假设辐射区域围绕磁轴均匀分布,一个高斯辐射成分便对应于可视轨迹划过的一个辐射区域.因为演示辐射区域在可视轨迹上是不均匀的分布,因此高斯成分沿轨迹也是不均匀的,而高斯成分的密度在磁轴与视线距离最近时为最大.高斯成分的分布取决于脉冲星的两个角度:旋转轴和视线之间的夹角,以及磁轴和旋转轴之间的倾角.基于此模型,一个脉冲星平均轮廓中观察到的多个高斯成分便对应于可视轨迹在特定的转动相位范围内的辐射区域.演示了脉冲星旋转的近侧和远侧的相位,分别对应的主脉冲和中间脉冲,两者高斯成分的数量和分布是不同的.而且还发现,沿可视轨迹上的辐射区域总数与围绕磁轴的辐射区域的总数是不同,并且预测的辐射区域数目会因忽略可见点的运动而明显不同.拟合表明脉冲星轮廓的高斯成分的形状和数量可能与实际构成轮廓的成分的形状和数量不同.以PSR B0826–34的辐射为例,并假设辐射来自单一磁极.  相似文献   

脉冲星周期和周期变率的测量中存在着日月岁差效应.通过对日月岁差效应的分析,发现它已经影响到了某些脉冲星的周期的精密测量.在对1771颗脉冲星测量周期的分析和检测中,有81颗脉冲星的测量周期在它们的测量精度范围内受到日月岁差效应的影响.随着观测精度的提高,在以后的脉冲星周期和周期变率的精密测量中,这些影响应该得到相应的改正.  相似文献   

基于实测数据的综合脉冲星时研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了脉冲星计时在几个重要方面的应用,给出了脉冲星时间尺度的简要定义.基于澳大利亚PARKES天文台的毫秒脉冲星实测计时数据,建立了基于4颗毫秒脉冲星的综合脉冲星时,并将其稳定度σz与原子时进行比较,最后分析了影响综合脉冲星时的几个重要因素及其对脉冲星计时精度的影响与应用.  相似文献   

We present a case study of the relevance of the radially pulsational instability of a two-temperature accretion disk around a neutron star to anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). Our estimates are based on the approximation that such a neutron star disk with mass in the range of 10^-6-10^-5M⊙ is formed by supernova fallback. We derive several peculiar properties of the accretion disk instability: a narrow interval of X-ray pulse periods; lower X-ray luminosities; a period derivative and an evolution time scale. All these results are in good agreement with the observations of the AXPs.  相似文献   

We examine the spectra of the persistent emission from anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and their variati on with the spin-down rate Ω. Based onan accretion-powered model, the influences of both the magnetic field and the mass accretion rate on the spectral properties of AXPs are addressed. We then investigate the relation between the spectral property of AXPs and mass accretion rate M. The result shows that there exists a linear correlation between the photon index and the mass accretion rate: the spectral hardness increases with increasing M. A possible emission mechanism for the explanation of the spectral properties of AXPs is also discussed.  相似文献   

There are a few methods of measuring pulse widths. Among the most often used pulse widths there are Wpp (the distance between two peak value points), W50 (the width at the place of 50% of the highest peak intensity) and W10 (the width at the place of 10% of the highest peak intensity). In addition, there are also the width Wc50 at the place of 50% of their respective intensities and the width Wc10 at the place of 10% of the respective intensities of the two outermost components. The data of the pulse profiles of the sample of 16 double-cone peak pulsars and 7 core-cone triple peak pulsars at 1.4 GHz are utilized to measure 5 kinds of pulse widths. The pulsars with the data of the magnetic inclination α and impact angle β are employed to derive the corresponding radiation beam radius ρ, and the relation between ρ and the pulsar period P, ρ  P?0.5, is verified. Via a comparison between the qualities of the relation between ρ and P derived from the 5 kinds of pulse widths it is found that the width between the outermost components is better than any one of the first 3 kinds of widths, of which the correlative relation obtained from the Wc50 width is the best. From this it is considered that Wc50 is the measured value that can fully reflect the emission beam width. The symmetry of the pulse profile is also discussed and it is found that from the comparison with the preceding cone emission component the following cone emission component is much closer to the core emission component, and the widths of the two cone emission components are basically the same according to statistics.  相似文献   

相控阵馈源(Phased array feeds, PAFs)接收机作为下一代微波接收机,为大口径射电天文望远镜的射电干扰(Radio Frequency Interference, RFI)缓解工作带来了新的解决方法. PAFs接收机对射电望远镜焦平面的电磁波进行空域采样,返回时域阵列信号,使用最小方差无失真响应(Minimum Variance Distortionless Response, MVDR)波束合成器可以自适应地识别RFI的方向,同时抑制RFI在输出信号中的功率,从而达到提升射电望远镜灵敏度的效果.仿真结果表明MVDR波束合成器对有源高能量的射电干扰有很强的识别能力和一定程度的缓解能力,同时,该波束合成器对各阵元信道中加性噪声累积引起的无源干扰有很强的抑制能力,因此, PAFs接收机的MVDR波束合成器可以增强日益复杂电磁波环境下射电望远镜的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

The effect of a neutron-proton vortex system on the rotation dynamics of neutron stars is examined. The dynamics of the motion of a two component superfluid system in the core of a neutron star yields an equation for the evolution of the pulsar's rotation period. The spin down of the star owing to energy release at the core boundary, which is associated with a contraction of the length of the neutron vortex as it moves radially and magnetic energy of the vortical cluster is released, is taken into account. Evolutionary curves are constructed for pulsars with different magnetic fields and stellar radii. For certain values of the coefficient of friction between the superfluid and normal components in the core of the neutron star, at the end of its evolution a radio pulsar may become an anomalous x-ray pulsar or a source of soft gamma radiation with a period on the order of 10 seconds.  相似文献   

We report timing observations on 16 pulsars obtained using the Ooty Radio Telescope operating at 327 MHz. Using these observations, spanning over a year, we have obtained values of period derivatives for the first time and refined the estimates of the periods for all pulsars in this sample. We also report improved positions for all cases where the earlier position estimates had an uncertainty of a few arcmin.  相似文献   

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