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使用FY2卫星TBB资料、NCEP最终分析资料(1°×1°)和中尺度模式WRF,对0601号强台风"珍珠"的"急翘"异常转向路径和内核结构变化进行诊断分析和数值模拟。结果表明:"珍珠"移向变化与环境引导气流和位涡倾向1波分量正异常有关,"急翘"前12小时,环境引导气流向北偏转,位涡倾向1波分量正异常对应着"珍珠"移动方向变化;内核非对称结构发展与环境风垂直切变演变有关,垂直切变使得涡旋倾斜,涡旋倾斜方向出现较强的上升运动,导致"珍珠"内核偏南象限对流活动较强。  相似文献   

利用非静力中尺度模式WRF模拟了台风Chanchu(0601),模式再现了台风Chanchu的路径、强度及结构。利用模式资料分析了台风Chanchu发展增强过程中其流出层和流入层风速的日变化特征、造成该日变化特征的机制及其对台风强度的影响。分析表明:台风Chanchu流出层和流入层的风速均存在显著的日变化特征,表现在低层径向入流和高层径向出流在夜间至清晨明显增强,在白天增加缓慢;切向风变化趋势同径向风类似,位相较径向风落后约6 h。通过对比夜间和白天云顶温度(CTT)和垂直速度频率(CFADS)的分布,发现夜间对流较白天更加活跃,这与夜间云顶冷却所导致的静力稳定度降低有关。利用切向风倾向方程进行收支分析,结果显示太阳辐射日变化通过调节对流日变化,引起高低层径向气流的日变化,进而造成切向风速的日变化,从而影响台风强度,在一定程度上揭示了日变化对台风强度变化的指示意义。   相似文献   

热带气旋结构和强度变化研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋结构和强度变化的物理过程和影响因子十分复杂,其登陆过程中海-陆-气三者之间的复杂作用常使其结构和强度发生突变,给热带气旋预报带来较大困难。近年来外场科学试验及数值模拟等科学方法都取得较大改进,在此基础上对热带气旋结构和强度研究取得了新的进展,如热带气旋强度突变及不同下垫面对热带气旋强度变化的影响等。但对热带气旋非对称结构对其强度的影响及热带气旋内部结构变化与其强度之间的联系等问题的研究仍不全面。本文通过查阅国内外相关研究文献,从环境气流、下垫面及内部结构3个主要方面,总结影响热带气旋结构和强度变化的主要因子,以期为改进热带气旋结构和强度的预报方法提供有意义的理论依据。  相似文献   

内核及外围尺度与热带气旋强度关系的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
基于日本气象厅(JMA)区域谱模式(RSM)20 km分辨率的再分析资料,计算并统计了2001—2007年西北太平洋热带气旋逐6小时(共2 174个样本)的内核及外围尺度特征,初步分析了内核及外围尺度分别与热带气旋强度变化的关系。结果表明,外围尺度的增大(减小)有利于热带气旋的增强(减弱);内核区较大(最大风速半径大于120 km)时,内核区的收缩(放大)有利于热带气旋的增强(减弱);对于较小(最大风速半径不足120 km)内核区的热带气旋,其内核区的收缩(放大)反而易使热带气旋减弱(增强)。   相似文献   

登陆台湾岛热带气旋强度和结构变化的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1949—2008年共60年的《台风年鉴》、《热带气旋年鉴》资料及CMA-STI热带气旋最佳路径数据集,2001—2008年美国联合台风警报中心(JTWC)热带气旋尺度相关资料及日本气象厅(JMA)的TBB资料,统计分析西北太平洋(包括南海)热带气旋(TC)在登陆台湾过程中强度和结构变化的基本特征,主要结论有:(1)TC登陆台湾时强度为台风及以上级别的样本数占总样本数约60%,主要出现在6—9月,东部登陆TC的强度一般比在西部登陆的强;(2)大部分TC在岛上维持6 h左右,登陆时最大风速≤5级和强度为超强台风的TC穿越台湾岛时移动比较缓慢;(3)126个登陆台湾的TC样本过岛后近中心海平面气压平均增加5.61 hPa,近中心最大风速平均减小3.58 m/s,在台湾东部地区登陆TC的衰减率比在西部登陆的大3倍左右;(4)TC在登陆台湾前6 h至离岛后6 h期间其8级和10级风圈半径均明显减小,TC形状略呈长轴为NE-SW向的椭圆状,而其最大风速的半径却逐渐增大;(5)TBB分析结果显示,TC登陆台湾前,其外围对流主要出现在南侧和西侧,结构不对称,登陆以后,TC北部及东部的对流显著发展,外围结构区域对称;但中心附近的强对流则从登陆前6 h开始逐渐减弱消失。表明TC穿越台湾过程中内核结构松散、强度减弱。  相似文献   

王科  吴立广 《气象科学》2019,39(3):285-294
本文利用中尺度WRF模式,通过构造3个位于不同高度上强度相同的初始涡旋暖心中心(分别称为Low试验、Mid试验和High试验),认识暖心垂直结构对热带气旋发展的影响。理想数值试验发现,在积分6 h后在Low试验和Mid试验中最大风速半径开始收缩,眼墙内对流发展,高层暖心发展明显比High试验强,强度增加明显快于High试验,达到快速增强的标准。进一步诊断发现,暖心偏低的试验中初始CAPE值较大,低层风垂直切变较强,有利于眼墙内对流发展,非绝热加热在高层暖心形成过程中起重要作用,最大风速半径收缩比High试验快,热带气旋强度快速增加。本研究清楚表明,数值预报模式中构造初始涡旋的暖心高度对模拟热带气旋的强度发展有重要影响。  相似文献   

2006年超级台风“桑美”强度与结构变化的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用一个高分辨率、非静力数值模式WRF模式对2006年超级台风Saomei强度和结构进行了数值模拟研究.首先,评估了Makin的粗糙度长度公式对台风Saomei强度和结构变化的影响,结果表明,采用新参数后,使得模拟的台风强度变化与实况最佳路径资料的强度变化更一致,对超级台风Saomei强度预报有改进;但对台风路径的影响不大.通过QuikSCAT、雷达和TRMM非常规资料的验证,进一步表明模拟的台风Saomei的结构与实况很接近,可以再现台风内核区域的部分"双眼墙"和"Annular"结构.其次,通过对台风Saomei边界层过程模拟的改进,表明在平均风速大于40 m/s时边界层各物理量明显改善,使得模式最大强度比传统的简单外推插值方案有显著改进,特别是在台风最强阶段,当台风Saomei眼墙区域的海表面拖曳系数C_d的相对变小,使得其眼墙区域的平均切向风速、径向风速、垂直风速、温度距平、涡旋动能和绝对角动量等物理量均有增强.表明台风Saomei眼墙氏域(20-40 km)各物理量的贡献对其强度和结构变化的影响十分重要.最后,在此基础上进一步分析模式海温和大尺度环境垂直风切变对台风Saomei强度和结构变化的可能影响,讨论了台风Saomei在其增强和消弱阶段中,大尺度环境垂直风切变对其强度变化的负反馈作用.  相似文献   

涡旋Rossby波传播和台风切向风速变化的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一个高分辨率f平面准地转正压涡度方程半谱模式,用以研究非线性对台风切向风速变化,以及不同初始异常条件下台风环流内涡旋Rossby波传播和台风切向风速变化特征。6类(14组)试验的数值结果表明:非线性使台风切向风速的增强减弱,可能使最大风速半径收缩。初始扰动中心位置对涡旋Rossby波传播和台风切向风速变化的影响明显。扰动中心在最大风速半径附近时,台风最大切向风速增强最多;异常中心在台风外区时,使最大切向风速减小。初始异常尺度(范围)减小对台风最大切向风速变化的影响减弱。双涡分布条件下,台风环流外区的涡旋使内区或近眼壁区对流涡旋对台风最大切向风速的影响减弱。  相似文献   

沈阳  张大林  沈新勇 《气象学报》2012,70(5):949-960
利用大西洋飓风波尼(1998)的MM5模拟资料(格点距4 km),对在风的垂直切变影响下,波尼的结构和强度变化进行了分析.在风的垂直切变影响下,波尼的垂直速度和降水场表现出了明显的1波非对称结构,这种结构与风的垂直切变的强度呈正比;逆切变一侧9-12 km高度上通风作用强烈,在破坏波尼暖心的同时,也导致了边界层中低相当位温对波尼核心的入侵,与低层通风路径相比,中层通风对波尼的破坏作用更甚,鉴于在分析时间段内,波尼所经海域平均海温变化不大,可以认为风的垂直切变主导了波尼强度变化;对波尼强度突变现象的分析发现,强度突变源于通风破坏作用的积累,当边界层中低相当位温侵入热带气旋中心的程度超过某一阈值时,气旋强度会突然减弱;其结果显示风的垂直切变造成的动力和热力效应对热带气旋强度的影响都十分重要,而后者更为直接.  相似文献   

热带气旋强度变化研究进展   总被引:68,自引:10,他引:68  
端义宏  余晖  伍荣生 《气象学报》2005,63(5):636-645
自20世纪90年代后期以来,热带气旋强度变化研究越来越受到人们的重视,随着研究的不断深入,热带气旋强度变化研究取得了可喜的进展,文中总结近年来热带气旋强度变化的主要研究成果,主要包括(1)热带气旋的发生、发展和最大可能强度的研究;(2)行星涡度梯度、环境均匀流、环境流场垂直切变以及热带气旋外流与环境流的相互作用对热带气旋强度的影响及物理机制;(3)热带气旋结构与强度的变化关系,着重总结环境流场导致的非对称结构变化而引起的热带气旋强度变化以及对涡旋倾斜发展理论验证,分析了涡旋Rossby波的最新研究;(4)海洋热状况变化以及海洋飞沫对热带气旋强度的影响研究成果。分析指出,今后进一步开展用现代化卫星探测资料研究热带气旋强度变化外,还应加强热带气旋外流与环境流场的相互作用,海-气交界面的参数化问题,热带气旋结构变化与TC强度变化关系以及这种关系的物理本质的研究,通过深入研究,认识热带气旋强度变化的物理机制,提高热带气旋强度变化的预报能力。  相似文献   

台风榴莲(2001)生成初期中尺度涡旋合并过程研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于热带海洋上观测资料的稀缺和热带气旋系统本身发生、发展的复杂性,热带气旋生成机制研究领域至今仍然存在很多未解之谜。已有的观测和模拟研究证明,中尺度涡旋合并过程对于热带气旋的生成可能有触发作用,但尚未见到南海季风槽内热带气旋生成过程中中尺度涡旋合并现象的实例模拟研究。利用新一代中尺度天气研究与预报模式WRF对南海热带气旋榴莲(2001)生成过程中的中尺度涡旋合并过程进行了高分辨率(4 km)数值模拟,并与观测资料进行对比,利用模式输出结果重点分析两个中尺度涡旋合并过程中的主要动力学和热力学特征,并在此基础上进一步分析了合并过程中系统中心附近涡度方程中各项涡度收支的演变情况,最后通过两个敏感性试验与控制试验结果的对比,初步探讨中尺度涡旋合并过程对于热带气旋榴莲生成的作用。结果表明,南海季风槽中的新生中层中尺度涡旋V2,是榴莲生成过程中的主导涡旋,预先存在的东部低层的中尺度涡旋V1对于台风榴莲的生成则起到了辅助作用,两个不同高度的涡旋合并叠加促使涡度的辐合、辐散项率先在低层引起涡度的快速增长,随后垂直输送项在对流层中层对涡度的增长起主要作用。两个涡旋的最终合并,使热带气旋系统正绝对涡度在垂直方向上从低层到中层得以贯通,进而触发榴莲的生成。  相似文献   

In order to investigate air-sea interactions during the life cycle of typhoons and the quantificational effects of typhoon-induced SST cooling on typhoon intensity, a mesoscale coupled air-sea model is developed based on the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 and the regional ocean model POM, which is used to simulate the life cycle of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a tropical depression to a typhoon followed by a steady weakening. The results show that improved intensity prediction is achieved after considering typhoon-induced SST cooling; the trend of the typhoon intensity change simulated by the coupled model is consistent with observations. The weakening stage of Typhoon Chanchu from 1200 UTC 15 May to 1800 UTC 16 May can be well reproduced, and it is the typhoon-induced SST cooling that makes Chanchu weaken during this period. Analysis reveals that the typhoon-induced SST cooling reduces the sensible and latent heat fluxes from the ocean to the typhoon's vortex, especially in the inner-core region. In this study, the average total heat flux in the inner-core region of the typhoon decrease by 57.2%, whereas typhoon intensity weakens by 46%. It is shown that incorporation of the typhoon-induced cooling, with an average value of 2.17℃, causes a 46-hPa weakening of the typhoon, which is about 20 hPa per 1℃ change in SST.  相似文献   

Typhoon Rananim (2004) was one of the severest typhoons landfalling the Chinese mainland from 1996 to 2004. It brought serious damage and induced prodigious economical loss. Using a new generation of mesoscale model, named the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system, with 1.667 km grid horizontal spacing on the finest nested mesh, Rananim was successfully simulated in terms of track, intensity, eye, eyewall, and spiral rainbands. We compared the structures of Rananim to those of hurricanes in previous studies and observations to assess the validity of simulation. The three-dimensional (3D) dynamic and thermal structures of eye and eyewall were studied based on the simulated results. The focus was investigation of the characteristics of the vortex Rossby waves in the inner-core region. We found that the Rossby vortex waves propagate azimuthally upwind against the azimuthal mean tangential flow around the eyewall, and their period was longer than that of an air parcel moving within the azimuthal mean tangential flow. They also propagated outward against the boundary layer inflow of the azimuthal mean vortex. Futhermore, we studied the connection between the spiral potential vorticity (PV) bands and spiral rainbands, and found that the vortex Rossby waves played an important role in the formation process of spiral rainbands.  相似文献   

使用常规观测资料及ERA5(0.25°×0.25°)再分析资料,对2009号台风“美莎克”进行分析。结果表明:此次过程,副热带高压异常强大,位置偏北,并与北侧阻高合并形成高压坝阻挡;“美莎克”沿副高外围北上与中纬度低涡及冷空气相互作用,变性后斜压性明显加大,低涡增强;“美莎克”携带大量水汽,同时中低空急流将海上水汽持续向黑龙江输送,并在黑龙江强烈辐合,形成强的水汽辐合区和水汽辐合带;高低空急流耦合构成强的垂直环流,对应非常强的垂直上升速度;副热带高压向西北伸展,高空引导气流和热成风方向转为西北—东南向,促使“美莎克”登陆后向西北移动,穿过黑龙江,是黑龙江出现大暴雨的主要原因。分析台风中心涡度、散度、垂直速度、位温、湿位涡等物理量的三维结构变化,可以很好地认识台风在北上登陆中的变性过程以及降水出现非对称结构的原因。  相似文献   

针对台风登陆后常有的显著非对称性特征,以2012年10号台风“达维”为例,利用常规观测站、区域自动气象站、卫星云图和NCEP再分析资料等,采用天气学、统计学方法,定量地分析了非对称性台风在登陆后结构的变化及其对风雨的影响机制。研究表明:台风非对称结构对风雨的影响不仅表现在相对于台风中心不同象限量值上的差异,同时也表现在其量值分布形态的差异上;台风“达维”非对称降水差异的主要原因是位于东部象限的强上升区和西北象限的下沉稳定区;右前侧低空暖湿输送带和对流不稳定层结是产生强降水的主要原因。  相似文献   

Water vapor, cloud, and surface rainfall budgets associated with the landfall of Typhoon Krosa on 6--8 October 2007 are analyzed based on a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulation. The model is integrated with imposed zonally-uniform vertical velocity, zonal wind, horizontal temperature, and vapor advection from NCEP/Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS) data. The simulation data that are validated with observations are examined to study physical causes associated with surface rainfall processes during the landfall. The time- and domain-mean analysis shows that when Krosa approached the eastern coast of China on 6 October, the water vapor convergence over land caused a local atmospheric moistening and a net condensation that further produced surface rainfall and an increase of cloud hydrometeor concentration. Meanwhile, latent heating was balanced by advective cooling and a local atmospheric warming. One day later, the enhancement of net condensation led to an increase of surface rainfall and a local atmospheric drying, while the water vapor convergence weakened as a result of the landfall-induced deprivation of water vapor flux. At the same time, the latent heating is mainly compensated the advective cooling. Further weakening of vapor convergence on 8 October enhanced the local atmospheric drying while the net condensation and associated surface rainfall was maintained. The latent heating is balanced by advective cooling and a local atmospheric cooling.  相似文献   

The upper layer, wind-driven circulation of the South China Sea (SCS), its through-flow (SCSTF) and the Indonesian through flow (ITF) are simulated using a high resolution model, FVCOM (finite volume coastal ocean model) in a regional domain comprising the Maritime Continent. The regional model is embedded in the MIT global ocean general circulation model (ogcm) which provides surface forcing and boundary conditions of all the oceanographic variables at the lateral open boundaries in the Pacific and Indian oceans. A five decade long simulation is available from the MITgcm and we choose to investigate and compare the climatologies of two decades, 1960–1969 and 1990–1999.The seasonal variability of the wind-driven circulation produced by the monsoon system is realistically simulated. In the SCS the dominant driving force is the monsoon wind and the surface circulation reverses accordingly, with a net cyclonic tendency in winter and anticyclonic in summer. The SCS circulation in the 90s is weaker than in the 60s because of the weaker monsoon system in the 90s. In the upper 50 m the interaction between the SCSTF and ITF is very important. The southward ITF can be blocked by the SCSTF at the Makassar Strait during winter. In summer, part of the ITF feeds the SCSTF flowing into the SCS through the Karimata Strait. Differently from the SCS, the ITF is primarily controlled by the sea level difference between the western Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean. The ITF flow, consistently southwestward below the surface layer, is stronger in the 90s.The volume transports for winter, summer and yearly are estimated from the simulation through all the interocean straits. On the annual average, there is a ∼5.6 Sv of western Pacific water entering the SCS through the Luzon Strait and ∼1.4 Sv exiting through the Karimata Strait into the Java Sea. Also, ∼2 Sv of SCS water enters the Sulu Sea through the Mindoro Strait, while ∼2.9 Sv flow southwards through the Sibutu Strait merging into the ITF. The ITF inflow occurs through the Makassar Strait (up to ∼62%) and the Lifamatola Strait (∼38%). The annual average volume transport of the ITF inflow from the simulation is ∼15 Sv in the 60s and ∼16.6 Sv in the 90s, very close to the long term observations. The ITF outflow through the Lombok, Ombai and Timor straits is ∼16.8 Sv in the 60s and 18.9 Sv in the 90s, with the outflow greater by 1.7 Sv and 2.3 Sv respectively. The transport estimates of the simulation at all the straits are in rather good agreement with the observational estimates.We analyze the thermal structure of the domain in the 60s and 90s and assess the simulated temperature patterns against the SODA reanalysis product, with special focus on the shallow region of the SCS. The SODA dataset clearly shows that the yearly averaged temperatures of the 90s are overall warmer than those of the 60s in the surface, intermediate and some of the deep layers and the decadal differences (90s  60s) indicate that the overall warming of the SCS interior is a local effect. In the simulation the warm trend from the 60s to the 90s in well reproduced in the surface layer. In particular, the simulated temperature profiles at two shallow sites at midway in the SCSTF agree rather well with the SODA profiles. However, the warming trend in the intermediate (deep) layers is not reproduced in the simulation. We find that this deficiency is mostly due to a deficiency in the initial temperature fields provide by the MITgcm.  相似文献   

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