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为揭示马尼拉增生楔的形态结构并加深对其演化过程的理解,本文对横穿马尼拉俯冲带北段的几条典型地震剖面进行了深度偏移处理,得到叠前深度偏移剖面和深度-速度模型,并对马尼拉增生楔的形态结构及内部特征进行了精细解释,将马尼拉增生楔分为原始沉积段、褶皱变形段、逆冲推覆段和背逆冲段四个部分,分别代表增生楔演化的不同阶段。推断马尼拉增生楔下部存在由早期仰冲的菲律宾海板块的残留块体构成的弧前基盘,弧前基盘是控制马尼拉增生楔形成演化的关键构造。弧前基盘前端是拆离滑脱面突然降阶并在地震剖面上"隐没"的部位;弧前基盘向增生楔底部的不断挤入导致了逆冲脱序断层的渐次发育以及增生楔向弧前基盘之上的不断爬升,导致了增生楔上、下陆坡地貌的分化,并为褶皱变形段和逆冲推覆段的地层形变提供了主要的应力。 相似文献
Crustal structure and deformation associated with seamount subduction at the north Manila Trench represented by analog and gravity modeling 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We investigated the deformation in the accretionary wedge associated with subducted seamounts in the northern Manila Trench by combining observations from seismic profiles and results from laboratory sandbox experiments. From three seismic reflection profiles oriented approximately perpendicular to the trench, we observed apparent variations in structural deformation along the trench. A number of back-thrust faults were formed in the accretionary wedge where subducted seamounts were identified. In contrast, observable back-thrusts were quite rare along the profile without seamounts, indicating that seamount subduction played an important role in deformation of the accretionary wedge. We then conducted laboratory sandbox experiments to investigate the effects of subducted seamounts on the structural deformation of the accretionary wedge. From the analog modeling results we found that seamount subduction could cause well-developed back-thrusts, gravitational collapse, and micro-fractures in the wedge. We also found that a seamount may induce normal faults in the wedge and that normal faults may be eroded by subsequent seamount subduction. In addition, we constrained the crustal structure of the South China Sea plate from modeling free-air gravity data. The dip angle of the subducting plate, which was constrained by hypocenters of available earthquakes, increased from south to north in the northern Manila Trench. We found a laterally heterogeneous density distribution of the oceanic crust according to the gravity data. The density of subducted crust is ~2.92 g/cm3, larger than that of the South China Sea crust (2.88 g/cm3). 相似文献
K��r?ad Kadir Eri? M. N. ?a?atay Sena Ak?er Luca Gasperini Yosi Mart 《Geo-Marine Letters》2011,31(1):1-18
The late glacial to Holocene sedimentary record of the northern shelf of the Sea of Marmara (SoM) has been documented by detailed
seismo-, chrono-, and biostratigraphic analyses using sub-bottom (Chirp) profiles and sediment cores. During MIS 3 and the
main part of MIS 2 (60–15 14C ka b.p.), disconnection from the Mediterranean and Black seas together with a dry climate resulted in a regression in the SoM, when
the Sea was transformed into a brackish lake. The river incisions below 105 m water depth along the northern shelf took place
during the last glacial maximum, when the lake level was modulated by stillstands at −98 and −93 m. The post-glacial freshwater
transgressive stage of the Marmara ‘Lake’ occurred between 15 and 13.5 14C ka b.p., leading to a rise in water level to −85 m by 13.0 14C ka b.p., as evidenced by broad wave-cut terraces along the northern shelf. Since 12 14C ka b.p., high-frequency sea-level fluctuations have been identified at the SoM entrance to the Strait of İstanbul (SoI). Thus, wave-cut
terraces have been recorded at water depths of −76 and −71 m that, according to an age model for core MD04-2750, have ages
of 11.5 and 10.5 14C ka b.p., respectively. Ancient shoreline at −65 m along the northern shelf presumably formed soon after the Younger Dryas (YD) at
ca. 10.1 14C ka b.p. Moreover, there is compelling evidence of Holocene outflow from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea. At the SoM entrance
to the SoI, the existence of bioherms on the reflector surface together with abundant Brizalina spathulata and Protoglobulimina pupoides in a core suggests a return to higher salinities due to strong Mediterranean water incursion into the SoM at ∼8.8 14C ka b.p. This finding is consistent with earlier suggestions that, after the YD, the Black Sea was flooded by outflow from the SoM
as a result of global sea-level rise. 相似文献
Marc-André Gutscher Stephane Dominguez Graham K. Westbrook Pascal Gente Nathalie Babonneau Thierry Mulder Eliane Gonthier Rafael Bartolome Joaquim Luis Filipe Rosas Pedro Terrinha 《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2009,26(5):647-659
The Gulf of Cadiz lies astride the complex plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia west of the Betic-Rif mountain belt. We report on the results of recent bathymetric swathmapping and multi-channel seismic surveys carried out here. The seafloor is marked by contrasting morphological provinces, spanning the SW Iberian and NW Moroccan continental margins, abyssal plains and an elongate, arcuate, accretionary wedge. A wide variety of tectonic and gravitational processes appear to have shaped these structures. Active compressional deformation of the wedge is suggested by folding and thrusting of the frontal sedimentary layers as well as basal duplexing in deeper internal units. There is evidence for simultaneous gravitational spreading occurring upslope. The very shallow mean surface and basal slopes of the accretionary wedge (1° each) indicate a very weak decollement layer, geometrically similar to the Mediterranean Ridge accretionary complex. Locally steep slopes (up to 10°) indicate strongly focused, active deformation and potential gravitational instabilities. The unusual surface morphology of the upper accretionary wedge includes “raft-tectonics” type fissures and abundant sub-circular depressions. Dissolution and/or diapiric processes are proposed to be involved in the formation of these depressions. 相似文献
Jean-Yves Collot Jean Delteil Keith B. Lewis Bryan Davy Geoffroy Lamarche Jean-Christophe Audru Phil Barnes Franck Chanier Eric Chaumillon Serge Lallemand Bernard Mercier de Lepinay Alan Orpin Bernard Pelletier Marc Sosson Bertrand Toussaint Chris Uruski 《Marine Geophysical Researches》1996,18(2-4):357-381
The southern Kermadec-Hikurangi convergent margin, east of New Zealand, accommodates the oblique subduction of the oceanic Hikurangi Plateau at rates of 4–5 cm/yr. Swath bathymetry and sidescan data, together with seismic reflection and geopotential data obtained during the GEODYNZ-SUD cruise, showed major changes in tectonic style along the margin. The changes reflect the size and abundance of seamounts on the subducting plateau, the presence and thickness of trench-fill turbidites, and the change to increasing obliquity and intracontinental transpression towards the south. In this paper, we provide evidence that faulting with a significant strike-slip component is widespread along the entire 1000 km margin. Subduction of the northeastern scrap of the Hikurangi Plateau is marked by an offset in the Kermadec Trench and adjacent margin, and by a major NW-trending tear fault in the scarp. To the south, the southern Kermadec Trench is devoid of turbidite fill and the adjacent margin is characterized by an up to 1200 m high scarp that locally separates apparent clockwise rotated blocks on the upper slope from strike-slip faults and mass wasting on the lower slope. The northern Hikurangi Trough has at least 1 km of trench-fill but its adjacent margin is characterized by tectonic erosion. The toe of the margin is indented by 10–25 km for more than 200 km, and this is inferred to be the result of repeated impacts of the large seamounts that are abundant on the northern Hikurangi Plateau. The two most recent impacts have left major indentations in the margin. The central Hikurangi margin is characterized by development of a wide accretionary wedge on the lower slope, and by transpression of presubduction passive margin sediments on the upper slope. Shortening across the wedge together with a component of strike-slip motion on the upper slope supports an interpretation of some strain partitioning. The southern Hikurangi margin is a narrow, mainly compressive belt along a very oblique, apparently locked subduction zone. 相似文献
根据Huang和Qiu 1995年的潜沉率计算公式,采用同化的海洋模式资料和海洋-大气界面的通量观测资料,计算了北太平洋副热带海域3个模态水形成区逐年的潜沉率,研究了潜沉率产生年际变化的机制.研究结果表明:西部、中部和东部3个模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化主要周期分别为6,2~5和2 a;北太平洋副热带模态水的3个形成区的潜沉率都发现年代际的变化特征:在1985年以前,西部模态水形成区的潜沉率年际变化最为显著,但1985后年际变化振幅明显减小;在中部模态水形成区,1975~1992年间潜沉率随时间的变化的振幅较大,潜沉率在这段时间内的平均值也达到33.99 m/a,而在1970~1975年间和1993~1998年间潜沉率都小于20 m/a;西部副热带模态水形成区的潜沉率的年际变化与这里海面的净热通量的年际变化有很好的相关性,中部副热带模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化则取决于局地Ekman流的年际变化,而在东部模态水形成区局地风应力旋度的变化直接影响潜沉率的大小. 相似文献
This paper addresses some fundamental methodological issues concerning the sensitivity analysis of chaotic geophysical systems. We show, using the Lorenz system as an example, that a naïve approach to variational (adjoint) sensitivity analysis is of limited utility. Applied to trajectories which are long relative to the predictability time scales of the system, cumulative error growth means that adjoint results diverge exponentially from the macroscopic climate sensitivity(that is, the sensitivity of time‐averaged properties of the system to finite‐amplitude perturbations). This problem occurs even for time‐averaged quantities and given infinite computing resources. Alternatively, applied to very short trajectories, the adjoint provides an incorrect estimate of the sensitivity, even if averaged over large numbers of initial conditions, because a finite time scale is required for the model climate to respond fully to certain perturbations. In the Lorenz (1963) system, an intermediate time scale is found on which an ensemble of adjoint gradients can give a reasonably accurate (O(10%)) estimate of the macroscopic climate sensitivity. While this ensemble‐adjoint approach is unlikely to be reliable for more complex systems, it may provide useful guidance in identifying important parameter‐combinations to be explored further through direct finite‐amplitude perturbations. 相似文献
Che-Chuan Lin Andrew Tien-Shun Lin Char-Shine Liu Chorng-Shern Horng Guan-Yu Chen Yunshuen Wang 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2014,35(1):21-35
We utilized reflection seismic and bathymetric data to infer the canyon-infilling, fold uplift, and gas hydrate occurrences beneath the frontal fold at the toe of the accretionary wedge, offshore SW Taiwan. The lateral migrating paleo-Penghu canyons has cut across the frontal fold with six distinct canyon/channel incisions marked by channel infills. The longitudinal bathymetric profile along the modern canyon course shows a knickpoint of ~300 m relief at this frontal fold, indicating that the rate of fold uplift is greater than that of canyon incision. The age for the initial thrusting of this fontal fold is around 240 kyr ago, as estimated by using the maximum thickness of growth strata of this fold divided by the sedimentation rate obtained from a nearby giant piston core. Bottom simulating reflector (BSR) on seismic sections indicates the base of gas hydrate stability zone. Beneath the frontal fold, there is a widespread occurrence of BSRs, suggesting the highly probable existence of substantial quantities of gas hydrates. A seismic flat spot and a few push-down reflectors below BSR are found lying beneath the anticlinal axis with bathymetric four-way dip closure. The flat spot, cutting across a series of dipping reflections beneath BSR, may indicate the contact between free gas and its underlying formation water. The push-down reflectors beneath BSRs are interpreted to result from abundant free gas hosted beneath the gas hydrate stability zone. The multiple paleo-canyon infills seen along and beneath the frontal fold and above BSRs may provide thick porous sands to host gas hydrates in the frontal fold. 相似文献
Ocean Science Journal - The high load of protozoan parasites in marine bivalves often leads to mass mortalities of the hosts. On the west coast of Korea in the Yellow Sea, the protozoan parasite... 相似文献
Precisely predicting the fatigue life of taut-wire mooring systems has become an interesting and important problem for scientists and engineers since there are still difficulties in the inspection and maintenance of mooring lines in a rough sea environment especially in deep waters. In this paper, a comprehensive fatigue analysis is performed for a polyester taut-wire mooring system of an FPSO based on the time domain dynamic theory, rainflow cycle counting method and linear damage accumulation rule of Palmgren-Miner. Three influential factors in the fatigue analysis including the pre-tension, dynamic stiffness and T-N curve are investigated in detail. Two polyester T-N curves, one is from the DNV- OS-E301 and the other is from the API-RP-2SM, are adopted in the calculation. The fatigue analysis of the mooring system after one-line failure is also carried out. The calculation results indicate that the fatigue life is significantly affected by the T-N curve. The fatigue life decreases with increasing pre-tension, and is largely reduced if taking into account the dynamic stiffness caused by cyclic loading. The analysis also proves that one-line failure has remarkable effects on the fatigue lives of other mooring lines. The present parametric and comparative study is believed to be meaningful to further understanding of the taut-wire mooring system for deepwater applications. 相似文献
D.J. Hydes 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1985,21(1):121-125
Details are given of a microcomputer-controlled continuous flow analysis system, which has been successfully used for the determination of micronutrients in seawater on board ship. The important steps in constructing the computer program to deal with the reduction of the data are discussed. 相似文献
台湾岛地处亚欧大陆和太平洋交界处,台风、东北季风等所引起的海洋灾害频繁,所以建立完备的海洋水文观测体系显得尤为重要。中国台湾自主建置完成的近海水文观测体系由资料浮标站、观测桩、潮位站、岸边气象站、雷达测波站等多种近海水文观测系统构建组成;同时,为确保观测体系的准确性和规范性,还建立了数据品质管理系统和标准化作业模式。在近海水文观测数据的分析方面,尝试应用新的数学分析方法,如通过EMD(empirical mode decomposition)方法探讨风暴潮水位变化,利用小波转换从雷达观测影像中分析近岸波浪信息,以及发展数据同化技术将观测数据应用于作业化波浪现报、预报模式。此外,近海水文观测体系在社会应用方面有着很大的发展潜质。 相似文献
HY-2卫星近海面风场资料融合及在海上天气系统分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用LAPS数据融合分析系统,探讨将HY-2卫星海面风场(SSW)资料进行融合处理,提供规范化的区域再分析资料。经过多步资料预处理后将数据输入LAPS系统,并分析验证融合效果,获得HY-2卫星融合数据。结果表明,HY-2卫星的SSW数据的LAPS融合,需采用LAPS地面分析模块,才能有效地将数据输入LAPS系统。对HY-2卫星海面风场反演数据经过异常值剔除、卫星扫描网格处理、卫星数据平滑滤波等几项预处理,可以修订卫星数据固有偏差和滤除卫星精细化扫描携带的噪音,更恰当地显示卫星对近海面风场的精细化描述。交叉验证显示,预处理后的资料能有效保留原始资料中的重要的精细化数据信息。卫星SSW数据的区域LAPS融合产品改善了卫星扫描区的空间覆盖率在时空上的多变性,提供了可进行物理量诊断计算的经纬度网格区域场,满足了专业分析和研究对资料的要求。融合后的卫星SSW数据场在用于对海上台风、海上副高、近海面辐合中心等系统的分析和诊断中,对各系统中的中尺度结构时空特征给出了更为具体和定量化的描述。 相似文献
Cloning and sequence analysis of the partial sequence of the rbcL from Bryopsis hypnoides 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

TIAN Chao WANG Guangce YE Naihao ZHANG Baoyu FAN Xiaolei ZENG Chengkui 《海洋学报(英文版)》2005,24(5):150-161
1 IntroductionRibulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase(EC;Rubisco) plays an important role in photo-synthetic carbon fixation by controlling the initial stageof the Calvin cycle and possessing the functions of bothCO2 fixation and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP)oxygenation. Rubisco is composed of eight large andeight small subunits in higher plants and green algae,and the large subunit is encoded by chloroplast genomeand the small subunit by nuclear genome. The gene en-cod… 相似文献
A statistical analysis of the variations of the brightness coefficient in the ocean-atmosphere system in the visible band was carried out using the results of remote measurements from the INTERKOSMOS-21 satellite. The variability of the seawater optical parameters and the Rayleigh component of light scattering were eliminated by computing the variations of the signals from the local average values along the route of measurements. The derived spectral dependence of the aerosol scattering component is characterized by a slight increase when the wavelength increases.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov. 相似文献
Stress Joint(SJ) plays a key role in the Top Tensioned Riser(TTR) system for deep water engineering.A preliminary design method of tapered SJ is proposed in the paper,which could help designers obtain accurate design data.After a further sensitive analysis is carried out,the related parameters choice and control methods are recommended in the engineering practice.By taking the extreme environment conditions into consideration,the effects of bending stress reduction and curve control are analyzed,and the 3-D FE models are established by ABQOUS for numerical evaluation to verify the correctness of design results.At last,dynamic analysis and fatigue analysis,based on actual project,are carried out with designed stress joint.The analysis results prove the feasibility and guidance of this method in the practical engineering applications. 相似文献