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Alteration of rocks and localization of uranium mineralization in the northwestern Strel’tsovka caldera are exemplified in the Dal’nee deposit. In the main parameters of hydrothermal mineralization (temperature, pH, pressure, and composition of solution), the Dal’nee deposit differs from the deposits of the Strel’tsovka ore field located in the central part of the caldera. The localization of high-grade stratiform orebodies are interpreted in light of kinematic relations between steeply and gently dipping faults that formed in the tectonic setting of the NE-SW-trending, long-living, right-lateral, strike-slip faulting. The wide halos of argillic alteration and the structural control of uranium mineralization are caused by the fact that the deposit is located at the margin of the geological block, which has developed since the Late Triassic in a regime of extension (pull-apart) to form a depression, which is arranged en echelon relative to the main caldera and comparable to it in area. Currently, this depression is overlapped by sediments of the Sukhoi Urulyungui Basin. Such a structure markedly increases the probability of finding hidden uranium ores associated with low-temperature argillic alteration in the volcanosedimantary rocks and granitoid basement of the northwestern Strel’tsovka caldera.  相似文献   

An isotopic geochronological study of dispersed uranium mineralization was performed in the granitic rocks of the Urtui pluton in the framework of the Strel’tsovka uranium ore field and in the Yamsky site of the Urov-Uryumkan granite-gneiss arch. Two stages of such mineralization—783 ± 26 Ma in the Urtui granitic pluton and 138.6 ± 2.3 Ma in the Yamsky site—have been established. The emplacement of granite pertaining to the Unda Complex disturbed the U-Pb isotopic system in uraninite from the Urtui granitic pluton and resulted in redeposition of uranium phase dated at 262 ± 34 Ma. The young, probably, recent process gave rise to the redistribution of radiogenic lead in the U-bearing phases developing after uraninite.  相似文献   

The scheme of recent fault tectonics and neotectonic stresses of the area adjacent to the Strel’tsovka Caldera in the southeastern Transbaikal region has been compiled for the first time on the basis of structural and geomorphic study. The faults were ranked by criteria of slip direction stability along separate segments and their expression in topography. Neotectonic stresses of corresponding ranks were ascertained as well. The heterogeneity of neotectonic stress field is related to the mosaic development of compression, extension, and the three-axial stress state. Comparison of morphogenetic features of recent and older faults shows the different character of the deformation mechanism and orientation of tectonic displacements. It has been established that the Strel’tsovka Caldera and its northwestern segment, in particular, developed as an echeloned system of pull-apart grabens, but the caldera itself is situated in a recent rise, whereas the northwestern segment is located in a neotectonic depression corresponding to the Dry Urulyungui Basin filled with volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Such a structure markedly expands the outlook for discovery of hidden uranium mineralization in the studied area. The elaborated scheme of neotectonic faults and stresses reflects the postore geodynamic setting and completes the reconstruction of geodynamic conditions pertaining to the periods of preore preparation and ore-forming tectonomagmatic reactivation.  相似文献   

The Strel’tsovka and Antei uranium deposits located in the Strel’tsovka caldera are unique in ore resources. According to the considered mathematical model, the uranium source of these deposits was related to the middle-lower crustal silicic magma chambers or had mantle origin. Boundary conditions of the model are based on modern views of physicochemical conditions of hydrothermal process in the Strel’tsovka ore field and factors governing ore deposition therein. Modeling results are consistent with morphology of orebodies and ultimate uranium resources of the deposits and thus confirm indirectly that the physicochemical parameters of the ore-forming system are coherent. The maximal duration of uranium ore deposition is estimated at 500 ka.  相似文献   

The possibility of using hydrothermal fluorite as an Sm–Nd geochronometer is based on the results of an REE pattern study of this mineral (Chernyshev et al., 1986). As a result of REE fractionation, in many cases, the Sm/Nd ratio achieves a multifold increase compared with its level in terrestrial rocks, and the radiogenic shift of the 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio reaches 10–20 εNd units over a short time interval (as soon as tens of Ma). This is a necessary prerequisite for Sm–Nd isochron dating of fluorite. Zonal polychrome fluorite from a vein referred to the final stage of large-scale uranium mineralization at the Sterl’tsovka deposit in the ore field of the same name located in the eastern Transbaikal region has been dated using the 143Nd/144Nd method. To optimize isochron construction, local probes with high and contrasting Sm/Nd ratios have been sampled from the polished surfaces of two samples, taking into account the REE pattern of zonal fluorite. Sm–Nd isochron dating has been carried out separately for each sample. The 147Sm/144Nd и 143Nd/144Nd ratios vary within the intervals 0.5359–2.037 and 0.512799–0.514105, respectively. Two isochrons, each based on six fluorite probes, have been obtained with the following parameters, which coincide within 2σ uncertainty limits: (1) t = 134.8 ± 1.3 Ma, (143Nd/144Nd)0 = 0.512310 ± 13, MWSD = 0.43 and (2) t = 135.8 ± 1.6 Ma, (143Nd/144Nd)0 = 0.512318 ± 10, MWSD = 1.5. The mean age of fluorite based on two isochron datings is 135.3 ± 1 Ma. Comparison of this value with the most precise dating of pitchblende related to the ore stage in the Strel’tsovka ore field (135.5 ± 1 Ma) shows that four mineralization stages, distinguished by geological and mineralogical data, that were completed with the formation of polychrome fluorite veins 135.3 ± 1 Ma ago, represent a single and indivisible hydrothermal process whose duration does not exceed 1 Ma.  相似文献   

Geology, tectonomagmatic reactivation of the Noril??sk district, as well as stratigraphy and geochemistry of the volcanic sequence are considered. Sources and formation mechanism of ore-bearing magma and the scope of ore formation are discussed. The Permian-Triassic flood-basalt magmatism of the Noril??sk district developed in part of the Siberian Platform with Archean-Paleoproterozoic basement broken into blocks and overlapped by a sedimentary cover up to 13 km thick and a volcanic sequence reaching 3.7 km in thickness. The geophysical data show that remnants of the subducted ancient oceanic crust exist in the mantle and fragments of transitional magma chambers and conduits are retained at different levels of the Earth??s crust. The cyclic tectonomagmatic evolution of the territory was characterized by alternation of extension with intense volcanic activity and compression accompanied by waning of volcanic eruptions. The early rifting, transitional stage, and late dispersed spreading are distinguished. The associations of volcanic (lavas and tuffs) and intrusive rocks were formed during each stage. The volcanic sequence is subdivided into 11 formations. The intrusions of the Talnakh and Noril??sk ore fields are distinguished by two-level structure with the Upper Noril??sk ore-bearing intrusions above and the Lower Noril??sk barren intrusions below. Two types of primary magmas differ in geochemistry of lavas and intrusions: (1) OIB-type high-Ti magma (iv, sv, gd formations of the first stage from bottom to top) and (2) low-Ti magma (hk, tk, nd formations of the second stage and mr-mk formations of the third stage). The nd formation depleted in ore elements and the ore-bearing cumulus composed of silicate and sulfide melts in combination with early silicate minerals and chromite are products of the fractionation of the primary low-Ti magma. As follows from geochemical parameters, intrusions of the Lower Noril??sk type are comagmatic to the evolved lavas of the nd3 subformation, whereas intrusions of the Upper Noril??sk type are comagmatic to the lavas of the mr-mk formations. Geochemical similarity with volcanic rocks provides evidence for the composition of the initial magma and the time of intrusion emplacement. The ore-bearing intrusions of the Upper Noril??sk type were formed at the onset of the third stage, when the primitive low-Ti magma similar to the lavas of mr-mk formations in composition was emplaced. When intruding, this melt captured and transported ore-bearing cumulus (drops of sulfide melt, early olivine and chromite grains) into the magma chamber. Separate portions of sulfide liquid were involved into movement as a self-dependent intrusive subphase during formation of the Talnakh and Kharaelakh intrusions. An extremal effect of pressure on sulfur concentration in fluid-bearing and sulfide-saturated mafic magmas has been established in experiments to be P = 1?2 GPa. In this interval of pressure, the S concentration in sulfide-saturated magmas increases in the following sequence: dry magma ??(H2O + CO2)-bearing magma <H2O-bearing magma. In the regions of low (<0.3 GPa) and high (>2.5 GPa) pressures, the S contents (0.1?C0.2 wt %) are commensurable. The extremal baric relationship of S concentration in fluid-bearing and sulfide-saturated mafic magmas may be important for the formation of ore-bearing magmas. The calculation results show that the amount of sulfides in the known deposits does not exceed 2% of geological resources of the sulfides separated from the flood basalts. Therefore, the chance of discovery of new deposits remains rather high. Proceeding from the conditions of ore-bearing magma formation and geological setting of the known deposits, criteria for recognition of potentially ore-bearing areas are proposed and such areas are outlined.  相似文献   

The development of vertical zoning of wall-rock metasomatic alteration is considered with the Mesozoic Strel’tsovka caldera as an example. This caldera hosts Russia’s largest uranium ore field. Metasomatic rocks with the participation of various phyllosilicates, carbonates, albite, and zeolites are widespread in the ore field. In the eastern block of the caldera, where the main uranium reserves are accommodated, hydromica metasomatic alteration gives way to beresitization with depth. Argillic alteration, which is typical of the western block, is replaced with hydromica and beresite alteration only at a significant depth. Postore argillic alteration is superposed on beresitized rocks in the lower part of the section. Two styles of vertical metasomatic zoning are caused by different modes of deformation in the western and eastern parts of the caldera. Variations of the most important petrophysical properties of host rocks—density, apparent porosity, velocities of P- and S-waves, dynamic Young’s modulus, and Poisson coefficient—have been determined by sonic testing of samples taken from different depths. It is suggested that downward migration of the brittle-ductile transition zone could have been a factor controlling facies diversity of metasomatic rocks. Such a migration was caused by a new phase of tectonothermal impact accompanied by an increase in the strain rate or by emplacement of a new portion of heated fluid. Transient subsidence of the brittle-ductile boundary increases the depth of the hydrodynamically open zone related to the Earth’s surface and accelerates percolation of cold meteoric water to a greater depth. As a result, the temperature of the hydrothermal solution falls down, increasing the vertical extent of argillic alteration. High-grade uranium mineralization is also localized more deeply than elsewhere.  相似文献   

As a result of structural–geological and metallogenic studies and taking into account earlier works, it is established that the Oka ore district formed mainly in the Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic under conditions of tectonomagmatic reworking of cratonic terranes and allochtonous oceanic (ophiolitic) terranes over them. The reworking was initiated by island-arc, accretionary–collisional, and plume-related igneous complexes, which arose due to opening and subsequent closure of marginal structures pertaining to the Paleoasian Ocean. Active Middle and Late Paleozoic volcanic and plutonic processes gave rise to the redistribution of ore matter and formation of new mineral deposits.  相似文献   

This paper models the physico-chemical conditions of a Neoarchæan to Palæoproterozoic marine basin in which the sedimentary sequence of BIF, Fe and Mn ores of the Lake Superior-type formed. The model is based on Eh-pH diagram stability fields for Fe, silica and Mn solubilities (taken from the literature) and on field observations of the lithological sequences. BIF formation took place in epicontinental marine basins with free access to the ocean. The main Fe source for BIF formation was ocean enriched with about 6–10 ppm ferrous Fe of hydrothermal geochemical affinity. Land-derived Fe influxes into the BIF-forming basins certainly contributed, but the lack of clastic sedimentation precludes estimation of element budgets. The main silica source for formation of chert layers is sea water. If silica was precipitated by evaporation, the silica concentration of the BIF-forming sea must have been close to saturation (15–20 ppm). Biogenic silica concentration from a possible silica undersaturated sea may not be excluded. These inferred BIF-forming conditions fit the global occurrence of Lake Superior-type BIF in general, whereas special sedimentary environments were probably responsible for the formation of highly enriched laminated Fe ore at the Maremane Dome and in the Sishen-Kathu mining district in Griqualand West, and for the FeMn ores in the Kalahari field. Formation of laminated Fe ore in the Maremane Dome and in the Sishen-Kathu areas were restricted to local deeps within the BIF basins, caused by karst collapse in the underlying Campbellrand dolomites. In such deeps, increased pH values relative to the normal BIF-forming sea caused sufficiently increased silica solubility, resulting in the almost exclusive sedimentation of colloidal Fe precipitates.In the Kalahari field, the BIF sedimentation pile became silica-depleted when approaching the Mn layers. This was genetically controlled by the increased pH of sea water and increased silica solubility. Under such increased pH conditions, Mn oxides become stable for precipitation if minimum Mn activity is achieved in the sedimentary basin. The sedimentation sequence of low silica BIF - kutnahoritic BIF - jacobsitic BIF - braunitic Mn ore can be explained, using combined Eh-pH diagrams, as reflecting a precipitation path of increasing redox potential in a pH environment slightly above 9. These conditions were achieved by closing the access of the basin to the open ocean, resulting in the reduction of water level by evaporation and thereby increasing salinity and pH. Precipitation of low silica BIF followed and, in the presence of sufficient Mn activity with increasing Eh in the precipitating water stratum, deposition of the Mn mineral associations occurred.  相似文献   

The carbonatites of the Ilmeny-Vishnevogorsky Alkaline Complex (IVAC) are specific in geological and geochemical aspects and differ by some characteristics from classic carbonatites of the zoned alkaline-ultramafic complexes. Geological, geochemical and isotopic data and comparison with relevant experimental systems show that the IVAC carbonatites are genetically related to miaskites, and seem to be formed as a result of separation of carbonatite liquid from a miaskitic magma. Appreciable role of a carbonate fluid is established at the later stages of carbonatite formation. The trace element contents in the IVAC carbonatites are similar to carbonatites of the ultramafic-alkaline complexes. The characteristic signatures of the IVAC carbonatites are a high Sr content, a slight depletion in Ba, Nb, Та, Ti, Zr, and Hf, and enrichment in HREE in comparison with carbonatites of ultramafic-alkaline complexes. This testifies a specific nature of the IVAC carbonatites related to the fractionation of a miaskitic magma and to further Late Paleozoic metamorphism. Isotope data suggest a mantle source for IVAC carbonatites and indicate that moderately depleted mantle and enriched EMI-type components participated in magma generation. The lower crust could have been involved in the generation of the IVAC magma.  相似文献   

At the Center of Isotope Studies of the A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, the structure and isotope composition of zircons from two granitoid complexes, the age of their sequential growth zones, and the hosted inclusions have been studied using a SHRIMP-II ion mass spectrometer. The zircons consist of deformed cores with crystalline melt inclusions and of shells: inner, with glassy, partly devitrified inclusions, and outer metamorphogene, with fluid inclusions. Judging from the zircon zoning, crystallization of melts of both complexes proceeded in several stages: (1) The generation of melts and the beginning of zircon core growth (505 and 493 Ma) were synchronous with the overthrusting in the Ol’khon region; (2) The rapid ascent of melts (the inner shell, 479 and 475 Ma) together with the host rocks was caused by upthrust faulting and shear dislocations; (3) The metamorphogene shell (456 Ma) reflects the second stage of metamorphism. At the same time, the Shara-Nur migmatite–granite complex corresponds in composition, structures, and textures to syncollisional K-granites, whereas the differentiated Khaidai gabbro-diorite–diorite–granodiorite–granite complex is close in geochemical features (similar to those of the Anga sequence metavolcanics) and the mantle (juvenile) source of substance to the recent island-arc magmatism. It is suggested that the Caledonian island-arc magmatism was close in time to the accretion of the sediments of back-arc basin (Ol’khon Group) to the continental margin, on the one hand, and to the island-arc block, on the other.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts from host felsic volcanics, as well as fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks were studied at the Cu-Zn massive sulfide deposits in the Verkhneural’sk ore district, the South Urals. The high-temperature (850–1210°C) magmatic melts of volcanic rocks are normal in alkalinity and correspond to rhyolites of the tholeiitic series. The groups of predominant K-Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.3–1.0), less abundant Na-type (K2O/Na2O = 0.15–0.3), and K-type (K2O/Na2O = 1.9–9.3) rhyolites are distinguished. The average concentrations (wt %) of volatile components in the melts are as follows: 2.9 H2O (up to 6.5), 0.13 Cl (up to 0.28), and 0.09 F (up to 0.42). When quartz was crystallizing, the melt was heterogeneous, contained magnetite crystals and sulfide globules (pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, bornite). High-density aqueous fluid inclusions, which were identified for the first time in quartz phenocrysts from felsic volcanics of the South Urals, provide evidence for real participation of magmatic water in hydrothermal ore formation. The fluids were homogenized at 124–245°C in the liquid phase; the salinity of the aqueous solution is 1.2–6.2 wt % NaCl equiv. The calculated fluid pressure is very high: 7.0–8.7 kbar at 850°C and 5.1–6.8 kbar at 700°C. The LA-ICP-MS analysis of melt and aqueous fluid inclusions in quartz phenocrysts shows a high saturation of primary magmatic fluid and melt with metals. This indicates ore potential of island-arc volcanic complexes spatially associated with massive sulfide deposits. The systematic study of fluid inclusions in minerals of ores and wall rocks at five massive sulfide deposits of the Verkhneural’sk district furnished evidence that ore-forming fluids had temperature of 375–115°C, pressure up to 1.0–0.5 kbar, chloride composition, and salinity of 0.8–11.2 (occasionally up to 22.8) wt % NaCl equiv. The H and O isotopic compositions of sericite from host metasomatic rocks suggest a substantial contribution of seawater to the composition of mineral-forming fluids. The role of magmatic water increases in the central zones of the feeding conduit and with depth. The dual nature of fluids with the prevalence of their magmatic source is supported by S, C, O, and Sr isotopic compositions. The TC parameters of the formation of massive sulfide deposits are consistent with the data on fluid inclusions from contemporary sulfide mounds on the oceanic bottom.  相似文献   

The estimation of the time of Earth??s core formation on the basis of isotopic systems with short-lived and long-lived parent nuclides gives significantly different results. Isotopic data for the 182Hf-182W system with a 182Hf half-life of approximately 9 Myr can be interpreted in such a way that the core was formed 34 Myr after the origin of the solar system assuming complete core-mantle equilibrium. Similar estimates on the basis of the U-Pb isotopic system suggest a significantly longer mean time of core formation of approximately 120 Myr. If the Earth??s core were formed instantaneously, both isotopic systems would have shown identical values corresponding to the true age. The discrepancy between the U-Pb and Hf-W systems can be resolved assuming prolonged differentiation of prototerrestrial material into silicate and metallic phases, which occurred not simultaneously and uniformly in different parts of the mantle. This resulted in the isotopic heterogeneity of the mantle, and its subsequent isotopic homogenization occurred slowly. Under such conditions, the mean isotopic compositions of W and Pb in the mantle do not correspond to the mean time of the separation of silicate and metallic phases. This is related to the fact that the exponential function of radioactive decay is strongly nonlinear at high values of the argument, and its mean value does not correspond to the mean value of the function. There are compelling reasons to believe that the early mantle was heterogeneous with respect to W isotopic composition and was subsequently homogenized by convective mixing. This follows from the fact that the lifetime of isotopic heterogeneities in the mantle is close to 1.8 Gyr for various long-lived isotopic systems. There is also no equilibrium between the mantle and the core with respect to the contents of siderophile elements. Because of this, the mean isotopic ratios of W and Pb cannot be used for the direct computation of the time of metal-silicate differentiation in the Earth. Such estimation requires more sophisticated models accounting for the duration of the differentiation process using several isotope pairs. Given the prolonged core formation, which has probably continued up to now, the question about its age becomes ambiguous, and only the most probable growth rate of the core can be estimated. The combined use of the U-Pb and Hf-W systems constrains the time of formation of 90% of the core mass between 0.12 and 2.7 billion years. These model estimates could have been realistic under the condition of complete disequilibrium between the silicate and metallic phases, which is as improbable as the suggestion of complete equilibrium between them on the whole Earth scale.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal Mo-U deposits of the Strel’tsovka ore field, unique in reserves, are localized in the Late Mesozoic caldera of the same name. The consideration of geochemical processes that controlled uranium transfer by ore-bearing fluids and its precipitation in orebodies has shown that a nonstationary temperature distribution could have exerted a substantial effect on ore formation. The temperature field in the Strel’tsovka caldera, which was caused by a shallow-seated magma chamber that existed beneath the caldera by the onset of the ore stage, was simulated by mathematical modeling. A one-dimensional nonstationary model of conductive heat transfer taking into account the latent heat of magmatic melt crystallization was used. The problem was solved with the finite difference method. It has been established that, at optimal parameters of the model, the magma chamber would have completely crystallized in 56 ka; the maximum estimate is 133 ka. Three million years after emplacement of the granitic intrusion, the related thermal anomaly in the upper crust should have disappeared. The results obtained indicate that granitic melt of this chamber could not have been a source of uranium-bearing solutions that formed deposits 5 Ma after the cessation of magmatic activity.  相似文献   

The role of siderite in Phanerozoic and Precambrian iron formations is discussed. Various types of iron formations are characterized, and their place in the evolution of sedimentary iron ore deposition is outlined. In Precambrian iron ore deposition, siderite is a primary mineral, whereas in Phanerozoic iron formations it becomes a secondary mineral and is commonly related to diagenetic and catagenetic processes.  相似文献   

Accumulation of manganiferous rocks in the history of the Earth’s lithosphere evolution began not later than the end of the Middle Archean. Primary manganese sediments were accumulated at that time in shallow-water sedimentation basins with the active participation of organic matter. The concentration of Mn in the primary sediments usually did not reach economic values. The formation of genuine manganese ores is related to later processes of the transformation of primary ores—diagenesis, catagenesis, metamorphism, and retrograde diagenesis. Types of basins of manganese ore sedimentation and character of processes of the formation of manganese sediments during the Earth’s shell evolution changed appreciably and correlated with the general evolution of paleocontinents. Major periods, epochs, and phases of manganese ore genesis are defined. At the early stages of lithosphere formation (Archean-Proterozoic), manganese was deposited in basins commonly confined to the central part of Western Gondwana and western part of Eastern Gondwana, as well as the western part of the Ur paleocontinent. Basins of manganese ore sedimentation were characterized by the ferruginous-siliceous, carbonaceous-clayey, and carbonaceous-carbonate-clayey composition. The Early-Middle Paleozoic epoch of manganiferous sediment accumulation was characterized by the presence of several small sedimentation basins with active manifestation of volcanic and hydrothermal activity. Since the formation of Pangea in the Late Paleozoic until its breakup, accumulation of Mn was closely associated with processes of diagenesis and active participation of the oxidized organic matter.  相似文献   

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